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![]() 1 GB2RS NEWS Sunday 17 June The news headlines * Data and Repeater committees merged * Chesterfield & District Scouts get lottery grant * Amateurs in Household Cavalry pageant A study of the work of the Data Communications Committee and the Repeater Management Committee has revealed increasingly common ground, especially where internet gateways and internet linking to repeaters are concerned. Advances are also being made towards the introduction of digital modes such as D-Star and APCO25 that amongst other newer technologies can carry both voice and data streams. With this in mind it has been agreed that a new committee based on the Repeater Management Committee structure and to be known as the Emerging Technology Co-ordination Committee will replace the DCC and RMC with immediate affect. The new committee will be chaired by John McCullagh, GI4BWM, with Iain Philipps, G0RDI as Vice-Chairman. Other committee members will include current Regional Repeater Managers and Steve Morton, G8SFR, who will continue to co-ordinate Internet Gateway applications. Applications for Notices of Variation should continue to be submitted via the current Data Communications and Repeater Management Committee websites until further notice. Chesterfield & District Scouts Amateur Radio Club has recently received a National Lottery Grant from the Awards for All Fund for #9959.00. New radio equipment, computers, a portable generator and a mini marquee will be bought. The grant will be used to build upon the clubs aims and objectives in developing amateur radio within scouting and guiding in the Chesterfield and surrounding areas. The club intend to support scouting members in gaining their amateur radio licence, through training and development of their skills. They also want to develop Amateur Radio Direction Finding, ARDF, by purchasing equipment which will allow the club to demonstrate amateur radio within the scouting and guiding community in Derbyshire. The Scout Radio Club usually meets once a month at varying locations in the Chesterfield area. Two members of the Worcester Radio Amateurs Association took part in the Household Cavalry pageant on 12 June. John Griffiths, M3XER and Jem Carvil, M3JEM, are both owners of military vehicles once used by the Cavalry. John and his wife Anne are owners of an Alvis Saracen Armoured Command Post dating from 1956. Jem is the owner of a very rare Daimler Ferret Scout Car. The event marked the official opening of the Household Cavalry Museum on Horse Guards Parade by Her Majesty the Queen. The Pageant brought to life the Household Cavalry's rich history through reenactments and ceremonial displays, from its formation in 1661 to the present day. A commentary was provided by Michael Portillo. Stephen Fry recorded seven different voices including that of Samuel Pepys and King George III, and Dame Judi Dench provided the voice of Queen Victoria. 2 EU governments have agreed that the troubled Galileo satellite navigation network needs to be built with public funds if it is to get off the ground. Its 30 satellites will beam radio signals to receivers on the ground, helping users pinpoint their locations. The contract for the first four satellites proper in the final constellation was awarded at the end of 2004. Under the new arrangement, the public sector would now order the remaining 26. During the course of the next six years, this will require Europe's ministers to release an extra one billion euros over and above the funds they were probably going to have to make available under the publicprivate partnership (PPP) originally envisaged. Concerns have been voiced by the amateur community because Galileo uses frequencies within the 23cm band. Trowbridge and DARC G2BQY for the second time in three years entered the May RSGB 144MHz contest, operating portable from a former RAF airfield near Bath. The event, which was held on 19 to 20 May was planned by David, M0GHZ and Chris, G0HFX, who supplied this equipment. David has been keen to encourage greater participation by club members in VHF events, which has also generated activity in the RSGB Club Championships. This recent contest activity proved to be a huge success for the club with 19 members taking part. A handful operated the station while others provided assistance in station assembly, aerial and tent erection, logging and catering. The club amassed 305 QSO and some 93 multipliers. And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week [Note to newsreaders: please exercise your judgement on which of the 17 June events to read, based on your service area and time of transmission]. On Sunday 17 June the Newbury and District ARS rally and boot sale takes place from 9.30 at the Newbury Showground, near M4 Junction 13. Email for more information. On Sunday 17 June the East Suffolk Wireless Revival takes place from 9.30 at Suffolk Showground, Felixstowe Road, Ipswich. More details from John, G3XDY, on 01473 717830 or Steve, M1ACB, on 07720 412648. On Sunday 17 June Bangor and District Amateur Radio Club is holding its 40th Anniversary Radio and Computer Rally at Crawfordsburn Country Club, Crawfordsburn Village. Doors open at 11:30. For more details, contact Mike, GI4XSF, on 028 4277 2 383. From Friday 22 to Sunday 24 June the Hamtronic rally takes place in Friedrichshafen, Germany. On Sunday 24 June the West of England Radio Rally takes place at from 10am at the 'Cheese & Grain', Bridge Street, Frome, Somerset. Details from Shaun, G8VPG on 01225 873 098, or email . More details of these and future events can be found on pages 88 and 89 of the June edition of RadCom. Now for the news of special events Nine Alpha Zero Seven Papa, 9A07P, special event station will be active on all bands and modes until 31 December to celebrate the city of Djurdjevac. Full story on a special QSL card. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. 3 GB1EPC will be active until 28 June to celebrate the European PSK Club 1st birthday. EPC number is 2000. The station will be setup at Bridge Street in Glasgow. Anyone is welcome to operate at the station, PSK modes only of course. QSL cards via MM0DFV. A veterans weekend using call sign GB2VET will be held on 3 to 5 August at the East Park Holderness Road Hull East Yorkshire. All veterans from the Navy, Army and Air force along with members of the public are invited to the event. The show will include outdoor displays by all the three services, military equipment and a veteran Spitfire from WW2 will be on display. Working on VHF and HF depending on the conditions at the time. Any person willing to help with this event, or for more information contact G0SWO RAFARS 2912, or telephone 01482 351907. The Bolsover Amateur Radio Society will be operating as GB2PF on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 August to commemorate the birthday of local man Peter Fidler, who was a famous surveyor in Canada in the 1790s. The club intends to operate as many bands as possible, HF, VHF and UHF, from the new club shack located at the Coalite Sports and Social Club, Moor Lane, Bolsover. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News, the Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin and other sources. Roland, 9A3MR, Tibor, HA3HP and Tom, 9A2AA, will be active from various islands in the IOTA EU-170 group until 20 June. They also plan to go and operate on 6 metres, from JN73 from as many (Islands Of Croatia Award) www.inet.hr/9a6aa/ new ones as possible. QSL via home calls. Giacomo, I4FGG, will operate CW and SSB as I4FGG/IF9 from Marettimo Island (EU-054, IIA TP-010) until 21 June. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. Dave, NA6DF, will be active holiday style from Punta Cana, Dominican Republic until 23 June. He will be operating QRP as NA6DF/HI7, mostly on 10 to 20 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call. Look for Jan-Ole, DB8JO, SSB, Juergen, DJ5HD, CW and Wolfgang, DJ5ZWS, RTTY and PSK31, to be active on 10 to 80 metres as OX/homecall from Nuuk, Greenland (NA-018) until 25 June. QSL via home calls. Pietro, IT9OPR, reports he will be active holiday style from Puerto Rico (NA-099) until 28 June. He will operate from the QTH of Flavio, KP4AWX as well as mobile with Pedro, WP4CCQ. Jan, PA4JJ, will be active as 9A/PA4JJ/p from Porec, Croatia until 7 July. He plans to spend most of his time on the WARC bands using RTTY and PSK. QSL via home call direct or bureau a QSL request form for bureau cards can be found at www.pa4jj.nl. Look for RV3ATS, RV3ATT and RU3AVF to operate on 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 and 2 metres as RV3ATS/p from 16 mountains located in various different Russian Districts between 19 June and 21 July. They also plan to participate in a number of contests on the VHF and HF bands. QSL via RV3ATS, direct or bureau. Six operators from the Flying Dutch DX Group will be active as HB0/PA0ABM from Triesenberg, Liechtenstein until 22 June. They will operate on 160 to 10 metres CW, SSB and some digital modes with two stations. Logs will be available at www.logsearch.de/ and will be uploaded to Log of The World. QSL via PA0ABM, direct or bureau. The White Tower DX Team's operation from Skyros Island (EU-060) is expected to take place until 22 June. 4 Nine operators SV0XAW, SV2FPU, SV2HNZ, SV2HOB, SV2HPP, SV2HPY, SV2HRT, SV2HSV and SV2GNQ will be active as SY8WT with six stations, five amplifiers and a wide range of beams, verticals and dipoles. QSL via SV2HPP, direct or bureau. Special event station TM2RHC, which stands for 2nd Regiment Helicoptere Combat, will be active until 24 June before and during an air show at Le Luc le Cannet, France. QSL via F4EUN. Francois, ON4LO, will be active as CT/ON4LO/p from Portuguese lighthouses Cabo de Sao Vincente (ARLHS POR-012) and Ponta Sagres (ARLHS POR-043) until 29 June. He plans to operate SSB and digital modes on 10 to 40 metres. Celebrating the 750th anniversary of Krakow's city rights is HF750C, which will be active until 30 June. QSL via SP9BRP. Expect also a large number of local operators to use special prefix SN0 during the year. Now the contest news The RSGB 80m Club Championships takes place between 1900 to 2030 on 21 June on the 3.5MHz band, SSB mode. The exchange takes the form of RST and serial number. His Majesty the King of Spain Contest takes place between 1200 on 23 June to 1200 on 24 June on 1.8MHz to 28MHz bands, SSB mode. The exchange takes the form of RS and serial number. The RSGB 50MHz Backpackers Contest takes place between 1100 to 1500 on 17 June on 6m band and all modes. The exchange takes the form of RST, serial number and locator. The RSGB 1.3GHz to 2.3GHz activity takes place between 2000 to 2230 local on all modes. The exchange takes the form of RST, serial number and locator. Now the solar factual data for the period from the 4 to 10 of June, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS. Solar activity was high on the 4th and moderate on the 9th when a M class solar flare took place on each day. The remaining days activity was low with a number of C class solar flares taking place. Solar activity was dominated by a single large sunspot group. However, a gradual decay in size, number of spots and magnetic complexity took place everyday. The largest solar flare was a M8/3B on the 4th. Solar flux levels declined from 86 units to 76 by the 10th. The average was 82. The 90 day solar flux average on the 10th was 74 units, that's one unit up on last week. X-ray flux levels declined from B1 units to A2.5 by the 10th, the average was A6.8 units. Geomagnetic activity was quiet throughout. An Ap of only 2 units was recorded on the 6th. The average was Ap 6 units. The ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds decline from 580 kilometres per second to 310 by the 7th. Particle densities were low except for a brief rise to 23 particles per cubic centimetre during the morning of the 8th. Bz varied little day to day and varied between minus 7 and plus 8 nanoTeslas. These reports frequently note the variability of propagation during the summer sporadic-E season. That was amply demonstrated during the past week. On the 6th, there were excellent sporadic-E openings, with 6- metre contacts between the UK and the Arabian Gulf, the Caribbean and the United States. On 144MHz, openings with Spain and Greece took place. 4-metres was also open for direct and crossband contacts. These openings lasted several hours. But most of those who hoped for more of the same the next day found contacts few and far between. 5 And finally the solar forecast. This week the quiet side of the Sun is expected to be looking our way. Solar activity should be very low everyday. Solar flux levels should decline and be around the 70 mark or even slightly lower than that later in the week. Geomagnetic activity should be quiet today but tomorrow or the day after activity is expected to increase due to a recurring coronal hole. This disturbance should last till almost next weekend. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be about 18MHz for the south and 15MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows should be around 8MHz. Paths this week to India should have a maximum usable frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of around 22MHz. The optimum working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be about 17MHz. The best time to try this path will be between 0800 and 1300 hours UTC. Expect sporadic-E to take place on some days with possibly openings up to 144MHz. However, prolonged elevated geomagnetic conditions are not favourable for sporadic-E. And that's all from the propagation team for another week. 6 Next, the Local News: Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website links where known. [Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.] NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-EAST and EAST ANGLIA On Sunday 17 June Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is visiting Wimpole Church Fete. Contact David, G8JKV. On Sunday 17 June Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society is going to the ESWR rally. Contact Paul, G4YQC, by email to . On Sunday 17 June Newbury and District Amateur Radio Society is running its rally and car boot sale at Newbury Showground. Contact Richard, G3ZGC, on 01635 46241, . On Monday 18 June Bishops Stortford Amateur Radio Society is having an HF and VHF operating evening at The Hop Poles, Great Hallingbury. Contact Tony, G0PQF, on 07770 475 283. On Monday 18 June Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society is having its club BBQ. Contact John, M5AJB, on 01787 460 947. On Monday 18 June Surrey Radio Contact Club is having a fix it evening. Contact Ray, G4FFY, on 020 8644 7589. On Tuesday 19 June Solent Club For Amateur Radio and Television is having a talk, video show and practical demo by Peter, G3PYB and Frank, G0LFI of high performance microwave equipment for portable use in the middle microwave bands 3.4, 5.7 and 10GHz. Contact Tony, G7OGT, on 01794 500 589. On Tuesday 19 June Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society is having its junk sale. Contact Neil, M0ARH, on 01438 217 077. On Wednesday 20 June Dover Radio Club is having an operating and natter night. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to . On Wednesday 20 June Fareham and District Amateur Radio Club is going portable on Portsdown Hill. Contact Jim, M1JJN. On Wednesday 20 June Hastings Electronics and Radio Club is having its summer BBQ. Contact Gordon, 01424 431 909, or by email to . On Wednesday 20 June Havering and District Amateur Radio Club is looking at pictures of Windmills on the Air 2007. Contact Dave, 2E0EBV, on 07956 594 514. On Wednesday 20 June Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is preparing for Barford Radio Rally. Contact Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on 01362 691099, or by email to . On Wednesday 20 June Southdown Amateur Radio Society is operating at Halisham. Contact John, G3DQY, on 0124424319, or by email to . 7 On Wednesday 20 June Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is having a DF hunt. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893. On Thursday 21 June Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is operating HF from the bunker. Contact Steve, M0SSR, on 01424 720 815. On Thursday 21 June Cray Valley Radio Society is taking part in the 80m SSB club championship. Contact Bob, BRS32525, on 020 8265 7735 after 8pm. On Thursday 21 June Sutton and Cheam Radio Society is having a talk on home brew radio by Hans Summers, G0UPL. Contact John, G0BWV, on 020 8644 9945, or by email to . On Friday 22 June Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk entitled Practically Vertical by Peter M0DCV. Contact David, G8JKV. On Friday 22 June Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is having its club BBQ. Contact Marc, G0TOC, on 020 8502 1645, or by email to . On Friday 22 June Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a fox hunt. Contact Sue, G6YPY, on 01273 845 103, or by email to . On Friday 22 June Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having an illustrated talk. Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to . On Sunday 24 June Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club is having a foxhunt. Contact Frank, M0AEU, by email to . On Sunday 24 June Colchester Radio Amateurs is having a foundation licence assessment day. Contact Kevan, 2E0WMG, by email to or on 07766543784. On Sunday 24 June Horndean and District Amateur Radio Club is having a coach trip to the London museums. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 023 9247 2846, or on the web at www.hdarc.co.uk. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Monday 18 June Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club is having a visit by Pam RSGB SW Manager visit to club. Contact Beryl, G1SVP. On Tuesday 19 June Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society is running its intermediate training course. Contact Tony, G3PFM, on 01202 622 262. On Wednesday 20 June Exmouth Amateur Radio Club is having an open evening up on the common. Contact . On Wednesday 20 June South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having its club BBQ. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282. On Wednesday 20 June Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club is having a video night. Contact Tony, G0WMB, by email to . On Thursday 21 June Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on some guidelines to structural antenna installations by Jan, G0BBL. Contact Mike, M5CBS, on 01793 826 465. On Thursday 21 June Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a fox hunt. Contact Derek, 01935 414 452, or by email to . 8 On Friday 22 June Guernsey Amateur Radio Society is meeting in Friedrichshafen. Contact Phil, GU0SUP. On Friday 22 June Jersey Amateur Radio Society is working outside on the antennas, towers and building. Contact Phil, MJ0JER, by email to . On Saturday 23 June Trowbridge and District Amateur Radio Club is attending Southwick and North Bradley Scout Fete GX2BQY. Contact Ian, G0GRI, on 01225 864 698, E/W. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Monday 18 June Stourbridge and District Amateur Radio Society is having an open discussion on future Society activities. Contact John, M1EJG, on 01562 700 513. On Tuesday 19 June Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on flying Tiger Moths commercially in the 21st century by Mark, G3URU. Contact Martin, G3SZJ, on 01332 556 875. On Tuesday 19 June Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is having its 3rd DF of 2007. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. On Tuesday 19 June Wythall Radio Club is having a talk by Chris, G1VDP on DXing. Contact Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819, or by email to , or on the web at www.wythallradioclub.co.uk. On Wednesday 20 June Lincoln Short-Wave Club is having a hand held treasure hunt. Contact John, G1TSL, on 01526 323 153. On Wednesday 20 June Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is having a BBQ at G3ZPB's. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677, or by email to . On Thursday 21 June Stafford and District Amateur Radio Society is having a shack night. Contact Graeme, G4NVH, on 01785 604 534, or by email to . On Friday 22 June Hucknall Rolls-Royce Amateur Radio Club is having a members BBQ Evening. Contact Carl, M0XBE, on 07979 092 447, or on the web at www.hrrarc.com. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND On Monday 18 June Macclesfield and District Radio Society is having a fox hunt. Contact Tom, M1EYP, on 01625 612 916, , or on the web at www.gx4mws.com. On Monday 18 June South Tyneside Amateur Radio Society will be closed for 4 weeks from Monday 18 June. Details on the web at www.starsradio.co.uk. On Monday 18 June Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is having videos by Ted Avery on TVI. Contact Jack, G4BFH, by email to . On Tuesday 19 June Chester and District Radio Society is having a surplus sale. Details on the web at www.chesterdars.org.uk, . On Tuesday 19 June Halifax and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on Trans Siberian railway by Alan Thomas at The Royal Oak, Halifax. Contact Brenda, 2E0YKS, by email to . On Tuesday 19 June Northwest Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on the work of the Radio Amateur's Emergency Network by local RAYNET group. Contact Ian Cooper, or on the web at www.northwestARC.org.uk. 9 On Tuesday 19 June Stockport Radio Society is having outdoor activity from Woodford Recreation Ground. Contact David, M1ANT, on 0161 456 7832. On Tuesday 19 June Wakefield and District Amateur Radio Society is on the air and making contest preparations. Contact Dave, G4CLI, on 07748 221 855, or by email to . On Wednesday 20 June Great Lumley Amateur Radio and Electronics Society is having a construction night. Contact Nancy, 0191 477 0036, 07990 760 920, or by email to . On Thursday 21 June Grimsby Amateur Radio Society is taking part in the 80m SSB club contest. Contact Brian, G4DXB, on 01472 231 383. On Friday 22 June Hull and District Amateur Radio Society is operating special event station GB200WW William Wilberforce, marking 200 year of the abolition of slavery. Contact Penny, 01482 504 618, . On Friday 22 June South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is having its Summer Solstice BBQ. Contact Ron, on 0161 969 3999. On Friday 22 June Tynemouth Radio Club is having an operating and Morse night. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to . On Saturday 23 June Wakefield and District Amateur Radio Society is taking part in the HM King of Spain contest at the portable site at Woolley Edge. Contact Dave, G4CLI, on 07748 221 855, or by email to . On Sunday 24 June Great Lumley Amateur Radio and Electronics Society is having a fox hunt. Contact Nancy, 0191 477 0036, 07990 760 920, or by email to . NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Sunday 17 June Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club Museums on the air weekend "Museum of Flight - East Fortune" GB2MOF. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. On Tuesday 19 June Clan Maclean Amateur Radio Society is celebrating the International Gathering of the Clan MacLean by operating special event stations GB2IMG and GB2CMA. Contact Ian, G0BMH/N3XSA, on . On Wednesday 20 June Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club are taking part in the 20 metre contest from 1900 to 2200. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. On Thursday 21 June Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on ZL by Norman, GM3WIJ. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663, or on the web at www.aars.freeserve.co.uk. On Saturday 23 June Moray Firth Amateur Radio Society is taking part in VHF Field Day. Contact Jim, MM0SMD, on 01340 820 134. NEWS FOR WALES On Thursday 21 June Swansea Amateur Radio Society is having its annual treasure hunt. Contact Nick, MW0JGE, on 01792 402 035. 10 NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND On Sunday 17 June Bangor And District Amateur Radio Club is having its Radio and Computer Rally. Contact Mike, GI4XSF, on 028 4277 2 383. And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. |
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