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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 249
Default GB2RS NEWS Sunday 29 July 2007

1 GB2RS NEWS Sunday 29 July

The news headlines

* RAYNET groups on standby

* Flood minister gets RAYNET briefing

* Amateur Radio club wins cash grant from BT

The main news of the week is the extensive flooding across many parts
of the country. We are aware of many RAYNET groups being put on standby
due to the flooding and continued flood warnings. As this is an ongoing
scenario we are unable to bring you news of the RAYNET groups who have
been involved but we will broadcast full details when known.

RAYNET groups actively involved are requested to inform RSGB HQ of
their activities and to what level they have been able to assist the
emergency services.

The South Yorkshire Repeater Group attended the Dearne Community
Carnival held at Goldthorpe South Yorkshire on 14 July.

The Carnival was supported by the South Yorkshire Community Foundation
which funds charities in the region and is administrators of the Local
Network Fund.

Through the Foundation the SYRG were successful in obtaining a grant of
#7,000 for upgrading the groups 3 repeaters and for foundation licence

John Healey, MP for Wentworth in South Yorkshire and a Minister of
State at the Department for Communities and Local Government visited
the groups stand. He was met by Ian, G3ZHI, and told about the work of
RAYNET and how amateur radio can be used, on behalf of user services in
times of disaster.

Ian also briefed him on the work of the Sheffield and Rotherham RAYNET
groups in the recent South Yorkshire floods.

Anyone who would like more information on how to apply for a grant for
their radio club or repeater group should contact Ian, G3ZHI, on 01709
799911 or e mail him on .

Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society, MSARS, has been awarded a grant of
#225 under the BT Community Champions Award Scheme. This scheme is
designed to reward those clubs and societies who offer assistance to
their community. MSARS earned the award for the significant number of
people who have received training to qualify for the grant of an
Amateur Radio Operators Licence over the past few years. MSARS will use
the cash to part fund the purchase of a computer projector which will
enable the society to upgrade their training courses for future amateur

Further information about the MSARS and the BT Community Champions
Award Scheme may be obtained by contacting Gavin Keegan on 01825

The Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society, CARS, is pleased to announce that
their candidates achieved a 100 per cent pass rate in the recent
Intermediate exam.

This was the first Intermediate exam to be held under the new syllabus
that was introduced following last years licence changes. It meant
candidates had to unlearn some of the regulations they had learnt when
doing the Foundation course. As well as the theory there were several
practical aspects to the Intermediate

2 exam such as learning to solder and construct a radio. Having been
introduced to home construction by the course the new 2E0's will
hopefully be making some of their own radio equipment in the future.

The club had to rewrite many of their Power Point presentation slides
to cater for the licence changes and the slides can be freely
downloaded from the club website.

The Chelmsford Echolink node MB7ICM is now on the air. Built and run by
Anthony, M1FDE, this node provides Echolink coverage of Mid-Essex on 6

Anthony also managed to get the node operational in time for the World
Scout Jamboree at Hylands Park Chelmsford attended by over 40,000

MB7ICM operates on a frequency of 50.530 MHz FM and uses a 110.9 Hz
CTCSS tone. The node number is 276252.

The Greater Norwalk Amateur Radio Club, GNARC, will be sponsoring a
DXpedition to activate Sheffield Island Lighthouse for International
Lighthouse Weekend, ILLW, 18 to 19 August. Operation of N1EV will begin
1600z on 18 August and end around 1800z on 19 August. Activity will be
on 80 to 10 meters SSB/CW/FSK. Operations will take place in or around
the IOTA calling frequencies. Plans are to run at least 2 stations for
the entire event. QSL direct to N1EV. SASE for domestic QSLs; DX send
green stamp or IRC.

Last week GB2RS carried an item informing you that the Irish Radio
Transmitters Society had been notified by the national coordinator for
the IARU Intruder Watch for the German National Society DARC, that
transmissions of church services, which seem to be coming from Ireland,
have been taking place in the 28 MHz amateur band.

WAV files have been provided of such transmissions on 28.105 MHz FM. It
has now been established that a Church broadcast is being transmitted
on 28.105 MHz FM in the Dublin area. Some further work is required to
identify the Church concerned. Mass is transmitted at 0900, 1000 and
1100 local on Sundays and at 1000 on weekdays.

The IRTS asks stations in the greater Dublin area to listen on this
frequency at these times to see if the location can be positively
identified. Stations located outside Dublin should listen on the lower
end of the 28 MHz band generally to see if any unauthorised activity is
taking place in the band in their areas.

If you hear anything worth reporting you should send a report to Thos
Caffrey EI2JD the IRTS Intruder Watch coordinator at QTHR or to
"thoscaffrey at hotmail dot com" with a copy to Sean Nolan, EI7CD, at
QTHR or to EI7CD at "gofree dot indigo dot ie".

Each year a report on UK activity during JOTA is compiled by the
National JOTA Organiser. The 2006 JOTA report is now available on the
radio scouting website along with reports for the previous 5 years. See

Whitton Amateur Radio Group in west London is a registered examination
centre for all levels of licence and at the present time is offering
courses for the Foundation and Intermediate levels. To apply for either
licence please email Chris at or telephone 0870
6705082. Whitton is not offering an Advanced examination course at
present, but plan to offer revision evenings before each exam.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week On
Sunday 29 July the Horncastle Summer Rally takes place from 1030 at
Horncastle Youth Centre, Horncastle, Lincolnshire. Details from Tony,
G3ZPU, on 01507 527835, or by email to

3 On Sunday 29 July the Colchester Radio and Computer Rally takes place
from 1000 at St Helena School, Sheepen Road, Colchester. Details from
James, M0ZZO, 01255 242 748, or by email to
. More
details of these and future events can be found on pages 88 and 89 of
the August edition of RadCom.

Now for the news of special events From 29 July to 4 August Hampshire
Scout Centenary will be putting on a special event station GB0HSC. It
will operate on HF and VHF close to the scout frequencies operated with
the assistance of Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club. Special event
station II1TS will be active on the HF bands SSB, CW and FSK from
Genova until 31 July for the Tall Ship Races 2007. QSL via IZ1GJK,
direct or bureau. Information on the event and the relevant award can
be found at To mark the 100th
anniversary of Scouting, special event station GB100J will be active
from 27 July until 7 August. Operating from Hylands Park, Chelmsford,
the station is expected to be on air 24 hours per day on 80m through to
6m. Depending on the availability of an Internet connection, the
station also hopes to be active on Echolink. More details at Special event station 8J1ESP will be operated
on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres by PY3DF, JA1FXZ and a group from the
International League of Esperantists Radio Amateurs between 31 July and
31 August. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News, the
Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin and other sources. Iain, M0PCB and Chloe, 2E1IDT,
will be active as MJ0PCB and 2J1IDT from Jersey (EU-013) until 31 July.
Operation will be QRP with small portable antennas. They will also be
active for parts of the IOTA contest. QSLs via the bureau to their home
calls, or direct to M0PCB. Jorge, EA8TL, will be active as EA8TL/EA6
from Ibiza and Formentera, Balearic Islands (EU-004) from 31 July to 24
August. He plans to operate on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 2 metres
SSB. Laci, HA6NL, Gyuszi, HA2VR, Zsolti, HA6PS, Sanyi, HA7JJS and Laci,
HA7PL, will be active as 9A6NL and 9A/homecall from Pasman Island
(EU-170) until 31 July. They will operate CW and SBB plus some digital
modes as well on the HF bands and 6 metres. All of them will
participate in the IOTA Contest with different calls, in different
categories. QSL 9A6NL via HA6NL, others via home call, direct or
bureau. The FM Ham Radio Association, FM.HAM.R.A, will be active on 80,
40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB, RTTY and PSK31, plus 6 and 2
metres as TO1YR from 29 July to 5 August for the annual Tour des Yoles
Rondes de la Martinique. QSL via FM1HN. Giovanni, IW7DOL, reports he
will be active as SV8/IW7DOL from Kerkyra Island (EU-052) from 28 July
to 2 August. Jim, MM0BQI, will be active as MM0BQI/p from Tanera Mor,
Summer Isles (EU-092) until 4 August. He plans to operate CW, SSB and
RTTY on 80 to 10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Caudio,
IN3DEI/ W1ADX, will operate holiday style as 9A/W1ADX from a few
Dalmatian islands, Dugi Otok, Molat, Pasman, Ugljan in the EU-170 IOTA
group from until 7 August. QSL via IN3DEI.

4 Now the contest news The RSGB 70MHz activity takes place on 31 July
from 2000 to 2230 local on the 70m band, all modes. The exchange takes
the form of RST, serial number and locator. The European HF
Championship takes place on 4 August at 1200 to 5 August at 2359 on the
1.8MHz to 28 MHz bands, on CW and SSB modes. The exchange takes the
form of RST and year first licenced. The RSGB Ropoco 2 Contest takes
place on 5 August between 0700 to 0900 on 3.5MHz band, CW mode. The
exchange takes the form of RST and serial number. The RSGB 144MHz Low
Power Contest takes place on 4 August between 1400 to 2000, all modes.
The exchange takes the form of RST, serial number, locator and postal.
The RSGB 432MHz Low Power Contest takes place on 5 August between 0800
to 1200 on all modes. The exchange takes the form of RST, serial
number, locator and postal. Now the solar factual data for the period
from 16 July to 22 July, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS The only
sunspot visible at the start of the period gradually decayed to a
single spot by the 19th, also on the 19th it rotated out of view. The
solar disc then remained spotless. Solar activity was very low with no
solar flares taking place. Solar flux levels declined from 73 units on
the 16th to 66 by the 21st. The average was 69. The 90 day solar flux
average remained unchanged at 74 units. X-ray flux levels remained
below the minimum A1 level everyday. Geomagnetic activity started at
quiet levels with an Ap index of only 3 units on the 18th and the 19th.
As forecast, a coronal hole disturbance arrived on the 20th and lasted
into the 21st. The Ap index was 12 units on both days. The average was
Ap 6 units. The ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds increase from 300
kilometres per second to 570 by the 21st. Particle densities were low
except for a sharp rise to 63 particles per cubic centimetre around
midday on the 20th. Bz varied between minus 2 and plus 1 nanoTeslas on
the quiet days and between minus 11 and plus 12 nanoTeslas on during
the disturbance. HF band conditions were what could be expected on some
days. However, particularly during the disturbances conditions were
poor. Sporadic E took place everyday and increased activity on 28 and
50MHz. Some auroral reports were received from stations in the far

And finally the solar forecast. This week the slightly more active side
of the Sun is expected to rotate into view. However, solar activity
should continue at predominately very low levels. Solar flux levels are
expected to remain in the 70's. Geomagnetic activity should be mostly
quiet except for a small recurring coronal hole disturbance which
should take place on Tuesday. MUFs during daylight hours at equal
latitudes are expected to be around 19MHz for the south and 16MHz for
the north. The darkness hour lows should be about 10MHz. Paths this
week to South America should have a maximum usable frequency with a 50
per cent success rate of around 23MHz. The optimum working frequency
with a 90 per cent success rate will be about 21MHz. The best time to
try this path will be between 1200 and 2100 hours UTC. Sporadic E
should take place most days, but now openings on 144MHz will become
less frequent. And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

5 Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can
be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses

and website links where known.

[Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to
the service area of your



and EAST ANGLIA On Sunday 29 July Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club is
having a foxhunt. Contact Frank, M0AEU, by email to .

On Sunday 29 July Hilderstone Radio and Electronics Club is having a
WOK event field day. Contact Mike, G4MIX, on 01304 813 175,

On Wednesday 1 August Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a general meeting. Contact Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 506 344, or by
email to

On Wednesday 1 August Dover Radio Club School is having a social
evening at the Marquis of Granby, Alkham. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by
email to

On Wednesday 1 August Fareham and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a natter night and is operating with G3VEF/G8KGI. Contact Jim, M1JJN.

On Wednesday 1 August Havering and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk on technical topics by Oliver, G3TPJ. Contact Dave,
2E0EBV, on 07956 594 514.

On Wednesday 1 August Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a fox hunt
all members welcome. Contact information at

On Wednesday 1 August Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by
Dave Wilkins, G5HY, from Kenwood UK Communications Division . Contact
Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on 01362 691099, or by email to .

On Wednesday 1 August Southdown Amateur Radio Society is operating at
Halisham. Contact John, G3DQY, on 0124424319, or by email to

On Wednesday 1 August Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a session on how to keep up to date with the advance exam
questions. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893.

On Thursday 2 August Cray Valley Radio Society is having its summer bbq
at the Bull in Shooter's Hill. Contact Bob, BRS32525, on 020 8265 7735
after 8pm.

On Thursday 2 August Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on The
Mechanics of Orbits by Ron Polly, G3PYC, or on the web at

On Friday 3 August Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a valve test evening. Contact David, G8JKV.

On Friday 3 August Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club is having
a talk on home construction techniques. Contact Bob, G3OOU, on 01737
552 170.

6 On Friday 3 August Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having its
Chairman's bbq. Contact Sue, G6YPY, on 01273 845 103, or by email to

On Friday 3 August Torbay Amateur Radio Society is operating GB60TR.
Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to

On Friday 3 August Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a club
night and a talk on mobile working with a difference by Olof Lundberg,
G0CKV. For more information log onto

On Friday 3 August Wimbledon and District Amateur Radio Society is
having its club bbq at summer camp. Contact Jim, M0CON, on 020 8874

On Saturday 4 August Gorleston Amateur Radio Society is having a lunch
meeting at the Short Blue public house, Gorleston High Street. Contact
David, G3OEP, on QTHR, 01493 662 323.

On Sunday 5 August Leiston Amateur Radio Club is having a LARC foxhunt
and bbq at Blaxhall Village Hall. Contact Dave, G4HUP, on 01473 737
717, .

On Sunday 5 August Surbiton Heritage Amateur Radio and Electronics
Society is having a combined on the air day and CADS broadcast (local
school venue). Contact Tony, G7DGW, on
, or on the
web at


On Wednesday 1 August Cornish Radio Amateur Club is having a meeting on
the live demo of BHI noise cancelling loudspeaker. Contact Ian, 01872
561 058.

On Wednesday 1 August South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a
workshop on Multimeters. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282.

On Wednesday 1 August Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio
Club is having a pedestrian amateur radio foxhunt in the Thornbury
area. Contact Tony, G0WMB, by email to .

On Thursday 2 August Saltash and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a bbq. Contact Brian, M0BHG, on 01752 844 321.

On Thursday 2 August Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
which HF bands to use. Contact Gary, 2E0BFJ,


On Monday 30 July Stourbridge and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a discussion on sheep walks and a bbq. They will also be on the
air. Contact John, M1EJG, on 01562 700 513.

On Tuesday 31 July Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is on the
air. Contact Martin, G3SZJ, on 01332 556 875.

On Tuesday 31 July Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is
having their 5th DF of 2007 - 160m. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504

On Tuesday 31 July Worcester Radio Amateurs Association is operating at
sunrise camp Scouts Centenary at Rhydd Covent. Request details by email

7 On Thursday 2 August Lincoln Short-Wave Club is operating as GB2CWP
at the BBC Antiques Roadshow at East Kirkby Aviation Centre. Contact
John, G1TSL, on 01526 323 153.

On Thursday 2 August Salop Amateur Radio Society is having a mini talk
by G3ZG Capacitors and ESR. Contact Glenda, G1YJB, on 01939 235 412.

On Friday 3 August Coventry Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on
the Coventry Watch Museum. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 02476 273 190, or by
email to

On Friday 3 August Hucknall Rolls-Royce Amateur Radio Club is on the
air. Details on the web at

On Saturday 4 August Lincoln Short-Wave Club is having a Hamfest setup.
Contact John, G1TSL, on 01526 323 153.

On Sunday 5 August Lincoln Short-Wave Club is having a Lincoln Hamfest
at Newark Showground. Contact John, G1TSL, on 01526 323 153.


On Monday 30 July Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
satellites. Contact Trevor, M0TWS. On Monday 30 July South Manchester
Radio and Computer Club is having its monthly technical forum. Contact
Ron, on 0161 969 3999.

On Tuesday 31 July Chester and District Radio Society is having a pie
and pint night at the Helsby Arms. Details on the web at, .

On Tuesday 31 July Halifax and District Amateur Radio Society is having
its technical evening at Rishworth School. Contact Brenda, 2E0YKS, by
email to

On Wednesday 1 August Great Lumley Amateur Radio and Electronics
Society is on the air. Contact Nancy, 0191 477 0036, 07990 760 920, or
by email to

On Friday 3 August South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is holding
the "Ged and Zed Show" with G8RSI and G4EDM. Contact Ron, on 0161 969

On Friday 3 August Tynemouth Radio Club is having an operating and
Morse night. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to


On Thursday 2 August Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a junk
sale. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663, or on the web at

On Thursday 2 August Border Amateur Radio Society is having a surplus
gear sale. Contact Ray, GM0CDV, on 01573 228730.

On Friday 3 August Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is
having a club night. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.

8 NEWS FOR WALES On Monday 30 July St Tybie Amateur Radio Society is on
the air operating on GC0VPR. Contact Eileen, 2W1BPS, on 01550 777 234,
, or on the web at

On Saturday 4 August St Tybie Amateur Radio Society is having an open
day. Contact Eileen, 2W1BPS, on 01550 777 234, , or
on the web at


No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week. And
that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast,

prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.

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