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Old September 22nd 07, 09:00 PM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 249
Default GB2RS NEWS Sunday 23 September 2007

1 GB2RS NEWS Sunday 23 September

The news headlines

* RAYNET on hand to help plane crash

* Nominations sought for G5RP Trophy

* 50th JOTA draws closer

South Sussex RAYNET group were on hand to help when a plane crashed at
the Shoreham Airshow. Each year an emergency plan is rehearsed and
refined, in the hope that it will never be needed. However on the
weekend 15 and 16 September that practice paid off. On the Saturday a
Hurricane nose dived into the ground, killing its pilot instantly. The
incident happened off-field, and no one else was involved.

Two members of the team who witnessed the incident informed Control,
who put everyone on high alert. The emergency channel sprang into use.
The pre-prepared messages and procedure for Incident Off Field was
broadcast, and acknowledgments sought from all on that net. This
resulted in all access and departure gates being closed, all senior
safety and administrative personnel being briefed, the PA Caravan being
informed, and members of the public kept aware of the situation.
Shortly after the accident, Spitfires flew a 'man missing' flypast in
tribute to the downed pilot.

Time is running out to nominate for the G5RP Trophy. The trophy is an
annual award to encourage newcomers to HF DXing. The award is not
limited to youngsters or the newly-licensed; the HF DX bug can bite at
any age or after many years of experience on other bands. If you are an
established HF DXer and want to recommend someone to be awarded the
G5RP Trophy for 2007, now is the time to send in your nomination. Your
nominee should be an up and coming HF DXer who has made rapid progress
in the last year and has some real achievements to show. Examples
include a good total of new countries worked or some serious HF
DXpedition activity.

This prestigious award will be presented this year at the RSGB's HFC
2007 Convention on 12 to 14 October. Send your nomination to John
Gould, G3WKL, QTHR or by e-mail to , to arrive no
later than Friday 28 September.

The 50th anniversary of Scouting's Jamboree on the Air is scheduled for
20 and 21 October. JOTA is the largest official scouting event in the
world, with an expected 500,000 participants. Open to both boy and girl
Scouts, it is one of the few joint events between the two
organisations, and one which attracts international sponsorship.

An example of a station activated for JOTA is GB50TYN. This will be
operated by the Tynemouth Amateur Radio Club at the 3rd Tynemouth Scout
Headquarters. The station will be operational on HF and 2m using CW,
SSB and PSK. For more information on your nearest station log onto

The RSGB's Train the Trainers scheme is to run again. The course
continues to help tutors enhance the standard of their Foundation,
Intermediate and Advanced licence courses. Alan Betts, G0HIQ and Brian
Reay, G8OSN, will be presenting the course, which is free of charge to
Instructors. The all day event takes place on Sunday 21 October in

2 For more information, and to register, contact RSGB Region 1 Manager
Gordon Hunter, GM3ULP, on or 01698 253394. Demand is
expected to be high, so it is important to register as soon as

The RSGB is offering those wishing to obtain a UK Amateur Radio Licence
the opportunity to complete one, or more, of the required examinations
over the weekend of the HF Convention, 12 to 14 October. Candidates
must book their examinations prior to the event and must provide
evidence they have completed the required practical assessments. There
will be limited facilities to complete assessments at the HFC subject
to arrangement. For further information and for booking examinations
contact Susan Lloyd on
, or via the RSGB HQ
switchboard on 0870 904 7373.

Candidates for the Foundation and Intermediate exams must contact Brian
Reay, G8OSN, at
. In order for their progress
on practical assessments to be verified. If required, Brian can also
advise on finding a local tutor to complete practical assessments in
advance of the HFC or the provision of assessment facilities at the

GB75PW will be on the air on 7MHz from the Practical Wireless offices
in Broadstone, Dorset. The station will be active from 1300 to 1600 on
Monday 24 September. The team will be marking the 75th anniversary of
Practical Wireless magazine.

The British Amateur Teledata Group, BARTG, has undergone some changes
recently. The group now has a new website which offers
extra facilities and a new look for BARTG's magazine, Datacom.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week [Note
to newsreaders: Please use your judgement on which of the 23 September
items to read out, based on your time slot and distance from the
event.] On 23 September the British Wireless for the Blind Fund will be
holding Transmission 2007. For more information contact Lesley on 01634
832 501 or e-mail . On 23 September the Hornsea
Amateur Radio Club Rally takes place at Floral Hall in East Yorkshire.
On 29 September the Rochdale and District Amateur Radio Society Rally
takes place at St Vincent's Church Hall, Cutgate in Rochdale from 1030.
For more details contact Dave, G0PUD, on 01706 632502 or email
. On 30 September Telford Hamfest is being run again
at Enginuity Museum, Coalbrookdale, Telford. Doors open at 1000. For
more information contact Martyn, G3UKV, on 01952 255416, or email
. The usual traders will be in attendance and there'll be
the usual bring & buy stall. Space will be available outside. More
details of this and future events can be found on pages 88 and 89 of
the September edition of RadCom.

3 Now for the news of special events John Howard, G0BUV, will be
operating special event call sign GB8CMC from Birmingham until 9
October. The event is celebrating the 800th anniversary of the
Coleshill Market Charter. The Charter was awarded by King John on the
26 August 1207 on Church Hill in Coleshill, Warwickshire. The Border
Amateur Radio Society is planning a special event using call signs
GS0BRS and GX0BRS until 29 December. Club activity will be on HF and
VHF. For club members both north and south of the border a special QSL
will be available. For more details contact Ray Evans, GM0CDV, on 01573
228 730. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News, the
Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin and other sources.

Chris, DL2MDU, will be active as 5Z4/DL2MDU from Kenya until 24
September. He plans to operate holiday style, mainly CW. QSL via bureau
to home call. The last Fouga Magister aircraft still in use by the
Belgian Air Force will perform its final flight on 27 September. To
mark the event, the Belgian Air Force Amateur Radio Association will be
active on all bands and modes as ON47FOUGA on 24 to 30 September. QSL
via ON6KN, direct or bureau. Heinz, DF6ZY, will be active as TK/DF6ZY
from Corsica (EU-014) until 28 September. He plans to operate on 10 to
80 metres mostly RTTY SSB and SSTV on request. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. Bernd, DL8AAV, will be active as OZ/DL8AAV/p from
Laeso Island (EU-088) until 29 September. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. Lutz, DL3ARK, and Peter, DL4AMK, will be active as OZ/homecall
from Hov Lighthouse on Langeland Island until 29 September. OZ/DL3ARK
will be QRV in the Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB. QSL via
homecalls, direct or bureau. Drew, GM3YOR, will operate holiday style
and CW only as SV5/GM3YOR from Symi, Dodecanese Islands (EU-001) until
29 September. A large group of Dutch amateurs will be going to Qawra,
Malta (EU-023) for their 20th holiday DXpedition. They will operate on
80 to 6 metres CW, SSB and digital modes until 30 September using
special callsign 9H20. QSL via PB9ZR. Now the contest news The CQ WW
RTTY Contest takes place from 0000 on 29 September to 2359 on 30
September on the 3.5 to 28MHz. The exchange takes the form of RS and CQ
Zone. The Ireland Calling CQ IR Contest takes place from 1200 on 29
September to 1200 on 30 September on the 3.5 to 28MHz bands, CW/SSB
mode. The RSGB 50MHz activity evening takes place on 25 September from
2000 to 2230 local on all modes. The exchange takes the form of RST,
serial number and locator. The Irish Radio Transmitters Society's 75th
Anniversary Contest CQIR will take place at 1200 UTC on 29 September.

4 Now the solar factual data for the period from 10 September to 16
September, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS This was the quietest week so
far for this minimum with no events happing at all. Solar activity was
very low. No solar flares or even sub flares took place. Solar flux
levels varied between 66 and 68 units. That's what to expect at sunspot
minimum. The average was 67 units. The 90 day solar flux average on the
16th was 70 units, that's the same level as last week. X-ray flux
levels remained well below the minimum level. Even geomagnetic activity
was very quiet. On the 10th to the 13th the Ap index was only 2 units.
Even though a coronal hole disturbance arrived on the 14th and last
through to the next day. The impact was very weak and the Ap index on
both days was only 4 units. The average was Ap 3 units. The ACE
spacecraft saw solar wind speeds decline to only 255 kilometres per
second. Wind speeds at that speed are very rare. However, speeds
increased to 440 by the 15th. Particle densities were low throughout.
Bz varied between minus 1 and plus 5 nanoTeslas on the quiet days and
between minus 8 and plus 9 nanoTeslas during the weak coronal hole
disturbance. And finally the solar forecast. This week the slightly
more active side of the Sun is expected to be looking our way. However,
solar activity should continue at very low levels. Solar flux levels
are expected to remain around the 70 mark. Geomagnetic activity should
start at quiet levels but on Thursday the effects from a recurring
coronal hole should arrive. This disturbance should last till the
weekend. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around
20MHz for the south and 17MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows
should be about 8MHz. Paths this week to India should have a maximum
usable frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of around 22MHz. The
optimum working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be about
17MHz. The best time to try this path will be between 0900 and 1500
hours UTC. And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

5 Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can
be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses

and website links where known.

[Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to
the service area of your



and EAST ANGLIA On Sunday 23 September Southdown Amateur Radio Society
is operating G1KAR at Beachy Head. Contact John, G3DQY, on
01424,424,319, or by email to

On Monday 24 September Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club Club Night.
Contact Frank, M0AEU, by email to

On Monday 24 September Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a Thai cookery evening with Paul G4YQC. Contact Paul, G4YQC, by
email to

On Tuesday 25 September Horndean and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk by Commander Bruce Nicolls, OBE, RN (retired) on the
history of flag signaling. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 023 9247 2846, or
on the web at

On Wednesday 26 September Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society is
on the air. Contact Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 506 344, or by email to

On Wednesday 26 September Dover Radio Club is having a presentation on
local broadcast radio by Matt, M1CMN. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to

On Wednesday 26 September Fareham and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk on a 160m QRP transmitter by Steve, G7HEP. Contact Jim,

On Wednesday 26 September Havering and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a data on the air evening. Contact Dave, 2E0EBV, on 07956 594

On Wednesday 26 September Newbury and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on QRP by Ray, G4FON. Contact Richard, G3ZGC, on 01635

On Wednesday 26 September Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having a Bright
Sparks evening, designing QSL cards. Contact Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on
01362 691099, or by email to

On Wednesday 26 September Verulam Radio Club is enrolling candidates
for the Foundation Course at Verulam School. Contact Norman, G8ATO, on
07773 628 912.

On Wednesday 26 September Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a technical discussion on PME earthing by M0KEL. Contact Roy,
G4GPX, on 01903 753 893.

On Thursday 27 September Echelford Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk on the history of maritime radio by Olof Lundberg, G0CKV. Contact
John Osborne, G4GSC, on 015784 451898.

On Thursday 27 September Reading and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk on direct digital synthesisers by Mike Naylor, G4CDF.
Contact Pete, G8FRC, on 01189 695 697, or on the web at

6 On Thursday 27 September Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society
is having a talk by Terry, G4JXD. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742

On Friday 28 September Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on Ham Radio Deluxe by John, G8IOK. Contact Liz, M0ACL, on 02380

On Friday 28 September Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society
is having a visit by Phillip Brooks, G4NZQ. Contact Marc, G0TOC, on 020
8502 1645, or by email to .

On Friday 28 September Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a
skittles evening at the Royal Oak, Barcombe. Contact Sue, G6YPY, on
01273 845 103, or by email to

On Friday 28 September Wimbledon and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a slide show on Canada by Jim, M0CON. Contact Jim, M0CON, on 020
8874 7456.

SE On Saturday 29 September Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club is having a
foxhunt weekend in the New Forest. Contact Frank, M0AEU, by email to

On Saturday 29 September Gorleston Amateur Radio Society is having a
club lunch at the Short Blue Public House. Contact David, G3OEP, on
QTHR, 01493 662 323.

NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Wednesday 26 September South Bristol Amateur
Radio Club is having an on the air evening. Contact Len, G4RZY, on
01275 834 282.

On Wednesday 26 September Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is
operating the club station. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234,
or by email to

On Wednesday 26 September Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur
Radio Club is on the air. Contact Tony, G0WMB, by email to

On Friday 28 September Guernsey Amateur Radio Society is having a talk
by GU6EFB entitled "What is WSJT?" Contact Phil, GU0SUP.

NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS A vacancy has arisen for a Deputy Regional
Manager covering South Derbyshire & South Nottinghamshire. If you live
in the area and would like to help the RSGB's Regional Team to
strengthen relationships between the Society and its membership, please
contact Regional Manager Jim Stevenson, G0EJQ, on 0789 172 1081 or by
email to

On Monday 24 September South Normanton, Alfreton and District Amateur
Radio Club will be enrolling candidates for their intermediate and
advanced licence courses. Enrolment will be at 7pm on 24 September at
the Village Hall Community Centre, Market Street, South Normanton, DE55
2EJ. The advanced licence course commences on Tuesday 2nd October and
the intermediate course commences on Wednesday 3rd October. For further
details contact Russell Bradley, G0OKD, on 01773 783658 or email
.. Contact Russell, G0OKD, on 01773
783 658,

On Monday 24 September Gloucester Amateur Radio and Electronics Society
is having a home construction bring and show evening. Contact Anne,
2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime.

7 On Monday 24 September Stratford Upon Avon District Radio Society is
having a talk on software defined receivers. Contact Jack, G3VYE, on
01926 641 988.

On Tuesday 25 September Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is on
the air. Contact Martin, G3SZJ, on 01332 556 875.

On Tuesday 25 September Loughborough and District Amateur Radio is
having a night on the air. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Wednesday 26 September Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on how to make decent omelettes. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on
01952 299 677, or by email to

On Thursday 27 September Coventry Amateur Radio Society is having a
quiz night. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 02476 273 190, or by email to

On Thursday 27 September Salop Amateur Radio Society is working on the
2007 SARS construction project. Contact Glenda, G1YJB, on 01939 235

On Friday 28 September Hucknall Rolls-Royce Amateur Radio Club is
having an internal quiz night. Details on the web at

On Sunday 30 September Wythall Radio Club is taking part in Lord
Pettitt's shooting competition. Contact Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819,
or by email to , or on the web at


On Monday 24 September Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a quiz
night. Contact Trevor, M0TWS. On Monday 24 September South Manchester
Radio and Computer Club is having its monthly technical forum. Contact
Ron, on 0161 969 3999.

On Monday 24 September Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is
having part two of Dr A G Llewellyn's talk on radar. Contact Jack,
G4BFH, by email to .

On Tuesday 25 September Chester and District Radio Society is having a
presentation on the International Short Wave League by Geoff Hoyles.
Details on the web at, .

On Tuesday 25 September Pontefract District Amateur Radio Society is
putting G3FYQ on the air from the club shack. Contact Colin, G0NQE, on
01977 677 006,

On Tuesday 25 September Wakefield and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on Morse with Dave, G4CLI. Contact Dave, G4CLI, on 07748
221 855, or by email to

On Wednesday 26 September Great Lumley Amateur Radio and Electronics
Society is on the air. Contact Nancy, 0191 477 0036, 07990 760 920, or
by email to

On Wednesday 26 September Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is holding
its AGM. Contact Richard, G0JIT, by email to

On Thursday 27 September York Radio Club is having a talk and DVD on
UFOs over Selby by M3UEO. Contact Peter, M1EHD, on 01904 769 509.

On Friday 28 September South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is
having a talk on "PIC chip projects" by Ken, G4TZT. Contact Ron, on
0161 969 3999.

8 On Friday 28 September Tynemouth Radio Club is having an operating
and Morse night. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to

On Saturday 29 September Wakefield and District Amateur Radio Society
is running its Foundation Licence course. Contact Dave, G4CLI, on 07748
221 855, or by email to


On Monday 24 September Lothians Radio Society is having a talk on
getting started on 9cm and 13cm by Peter Bates, GM4BYF. Contact Toby,
MM0TSS, on 07739 742 367, or by email to
, or on the web at

On Thursday 27 September Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is on the air
and having Morse practice. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663, or
on the web at

On Friday 28 September Banff and Buchan Amateur Radio Club is having an
on the air night. Contact .

On Friday 28 September Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is
having its second 144MHz DF hunt, meeting in "The Old Ship Inn" car
park. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.

On Friday 28 September West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is having
a radio testing evening, with Sam, GM4BGS, demonstrating how to test
PMR and amateur radio equipment. Details on the web at

NEWS FOR WALES No news items have been received for Wales this week.

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week. And
that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast,

prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.

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