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This is WIANEWS for week commencing SEPTEMBER 30 2007
NATIONAL NEWS What is the best future direction of the WIA Grant scheme? That is the question that the WIA Board asks members advice. VK4ERM Ewan McLeod VP WIA joins us. The 2007 Grant Committee has now reported and the WIA Board decisions on allocations of grants has been publicised on the WIA web site and in this News item. The committee made a number of comments about the 2007 scheme and the Board believes that WIA members should have the opportunity to provide input into any changes to future schemes of this kind.... The WIA Board believes the grant schemes can be an important element of supporting the development of amateur radio. Affiliated Clubs in particular should consider what could be done to make the scheme more appropriate given the comments and observations of the Grant Committee. The full text of the Grant Committee comments are on the WIA web site but in essence what they said was this: Firstly, the committee considers that the scheme is not working as well as it could They believe that Innovation is not being stimulated. For instance they noted that no 2007 applications were received for digital communications, APRS or any other newer technology or innovative projects. They suggest that future grant schemes should redesigned to promote innovation in special interest areas. This, they argue, should promote clubs to look outward into newer areas of technology applicable to amateur radio. The committee was disappointed that many clubs have an overwhelming focus on operating and maintaining repeater communications systems, where most of the technology involved is well established. They felt that few grant applications focused on the promotion of amateur radio or the WIA. Most promotion was incidental to the project being applied for. The Grant Committee also commented on the need for a different approach to promoting training opportunities, which they felt were best dealt with by some other approach than competitive grants. I should note here that members will be aware of the very excellent brochures on amateur radio and on the WIA we have produced and distributed widely. These make a big impact on our marketing and promotion tasks... Finally in their comments, the committee noted that the grants scheme requires a reporting mechanism and this is a matter we will follow up in our correspondence with clubs and in future schemes. I would ask all members to consider these issues and give us advice by the closing date of 1st December this year. In particular the WIA Board would like to hear how you think your club would see the grants scheme evolving. Comments should be forwarded to the WIA Secretary no later than 1 December 2007. Comments may be emailed to or by post to the Secretary WIA at PO Box 2175 Caulfield Junction Vic 3161. Subject head emails or mark envelopes "Future Direction of WIA Grant Scheme. VK4ERM Ewan McLeod VP WIA Brett VK2CBD reports that a very successful open weekend was held at the CSIRO Parkes radio telescope last week with about 3500 people in attendance. About 2000 people took the opportunity to have a close look around the facility on one of the many 30 minute guided tours that were conducted. The WIA, Orana Region ARC and the Orange and Districts ARC were all in attendance handing out lots of information and advice for those interested in amateur radio. Most of the promotional material and give always which included caps and stubby holders from Icom Australia, CD's full of AR related programs and information, copies of AR, and the now well known "Calling CQ" pamphlets were given away during the weekend. All in all a fantastic result for amateur generally and for the Orana and Orange Clubs. Brett would like to acknowledge the splendid job done by all those involved, including Brian VK2KML, James VK2FQZL , John and Jean VK3???, Jamie VK2???, Bob VK2???, Phil VK2FIL, and Greg VK2???. HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA. (3vim) VK1 vk1 local news email and ask for subscription. BREAK IN An attempted break in has taken place at the club rooms in Farrer. Entry was gained to the compound by cutting the chain on the side gate. Despite some heavy duty attempts on the shack door they were unable to gain entry. The existing lock was damaged in the attempt however it still prevented entry to the shack. Security has been further enhanced thanks to Alan VK1WX. VK2 web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm OCTOBER 27-28 The Wagga Amateur Radio Club is this year's host for the Riverina Field Day. The Field Day is being held on the 27th and 28th of October. So please pencil the date into your calendar. The venue is again the clubhouse in Small St. The usual flea markets, Trade and other displays will run continuously in the hall from 9am on Sunday. There will be a Field Day dinner to mark the opening and will be held at Clubrooms on the Saturday evening. It will take the form of a smorgasbord. Bookings are essential. More Field Day information can be obtained from the club's website http://wagga.radiocorner.net/ Wagga Wagga is the largest inland city in NSW and is well situated halfway between Sydney and Melbourne. These days it is a very leisurely 4 and a half hour drive from Sydney's outskirts with the majority of the trip on dual lane highway. So why not plan a getaway and join us for the weekend. For more information contact John VK2YW on 02 6926 5471 AH or Allan VK2JED informs us all that Westlakes Amateur Radio Club will be holding its First Field/Market Day on the 11th November, Lee Andrews Communications will be at this event. The gates will be open to the community at 8am and will close around 4pm. VK2JED has also asked that members and visitors please have a look through their gear to see if there is anything that they would like to donate to Westlakes club for this event. VK3 web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/ IRLP Nodes on the move. In line with the new simplex frequencies for IRLP nodes, several VK3 gateways have made the change. VK3DRB node 6340 has moved to 145.400 , new node VK3RVZ node 6506 is on 145.350 and VK3HFS Node 6167 soon to be an R call has moved to 145.325 VK4 web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm local news email subscribe in subject field. Central Highlands AGM winding up today As the News goes to air this morning those who have attended the Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club Annual General Meeting at Camp Fairbairn near Emerald are getting ready to bid farewell to each other and wend their ways back home. This mornings Recovery Breakfast put the icing on the cake for a terrific weekend. There will be more on the AGM Election in this and next weeks local QNEWS dispatch. (vk4zz) EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO PRESENTED BY KYLEA VK6FXYL Prasad VU2PTT, has given a talk to a Mass Communication & Journalism class at a leading college at Bangalore about the usefulness of Amateur Radio in general. This at the request of the Professor of the class. The more we are able to spread the "good word" about our hobby, the stronger it becomes, world wide! The final version of the talk is available, contact CONGRATULATIONS - RESULTS In Summerland, northern VK2, their YOUNGEST HAM HAS RECEIVED HIS CALL. Aaron Smith has received his Call, VK2FUNN. From Ocean Shores, he is 10 years old. Congratulations Aaron. Also VK2FUNN's entire family are all licensed. FUTURE EXAMS To find out when a club in YOUR area is hosting assessments and/or training in Amateur Radio go to wia.org.au and check out the club pages. Participating clubs keep this site up to date and post the latest information for all to see. NEW SOUTH WALES Summerland (Lismore), their next Foundation course/exam will be 10-11 November If you know of any prospects, advise them of this date and let John VK2JWA or Duncan VK2DLR of their details. Summerland Amateur Radio Club. VK2SRC Ph.: +61 02-66247247 Club: 414 Richmond Hill Rd. Email: GOONELLABAH, NSW. 2480. http://www.nor.com.au/community/sarc/ Post: PO Box 524 IRLP: 6220 VICTORIA EMDRC Foundation Licence Course Course: SATURDAY OCTOBER 6TH, 9AM-1PM Assessment: SUNDAY OCTOBER 6TH, 9AM-1PM "Your Entry Into Amateur Radio", the course handbook, is available from EMDRC meetings, in-store at Strictly Ham in Bayswater, or posted by WIA www.wia.org.au QUEENSLAND The Redcliffe Club will be conducting Foundation licence training at the Club rooms commencing on 8 October. Alan Jenner, VK4KZ, will hold classes every Sunday for 4 Sundays, commencing 10.30 am and finishing at 3 pm. If you wish to join these classes please contact Alan by phone, 5497 4634 or email him at . SOUTH AUSTRALIA Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society will run Foundation licence's at the Aviation Museum, 56 Lipson Street Port Adelaide, November 3rd and 4th. Contact the course convenor, Sasi Nayar on 0417 858 547 Examinations are hosted by South Coast Amateur Radio Club. Those interested in sitting for foundation or license upgrades, please contact by email WESTERN AUSTRALIA HAM COLLEGE WA RESULTS Congratulations to all those people who participated in the last Foundation Course and subsequently on passing your exam. I would like to personally congratulate Brian and Ann from Collie who I am sure we will hear on the air very soon. Don't forget next exam session for Ham College is the 27th October - If you want to upgrade that call then now is the time to get studying and get your name in to me - call 0412 704226. Last Foundation course for 2007 will be November - book early to avoid disappointment. and finally some words of wisdom. An OM will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs. An XYL will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need. A YL worries about the future until she gets an OM. An OM never worries about the future until he gets an XYL! A successful OM is one who makes more money than his XYL can spend. A successful YL is one who can find such a man! BPL WITH VK2DKN PHIL WAITE In last week's broadcast I mentioned that the WIA was attending the international CISPR BPL working group meeting in Sydney. The aim of this Working Group is to set measuring methods and propose emission limits in order to protect established radio services in the frequency band 1.6 to 30 MHz from interference from BPL. The meeting was attended by about 40 people with several representatives from countries such as France, Germany, UK, USA and Australia. The WIA attended as an observer. At the last Working Group meeting in Geneva (which Australia did not attend) those present agreed to submit a draft proposal to change the test method for measuring conducted emission from BPL modems. The Australian group presented three papers to this latest meeting in Sydney which suggest that, without modification, the proposed change would relax the emission limits for BPL modems by at least 20dB. Following spirited technical discussion a sub-group of 10 technical experts was formed to investigate the issues and report back to the next CISPR BPL Working Group meeting in Washington, late January. CISPR is where the rubber meets the road as far as BPL is concerned, and as CISPR's charter is to protect radio communications services the outcome from the BPL working group will be very interesting. We believe it will be very difficult for CISPR to adopt methods and limits which both allow BPL to operate and also protect HF radio communications services. This is Phil Wait, VK2DKN, for the WIA. SILENT KEYS Jim VK5NB who died last week. He was a president of the SA division for some time and involved right up until the winding up of the SA Division. He was passionate about the WIA and the need for a strong membership. Jim also was proud of his radio museum. He loved restoring vintage broadcast sets and older ham radio equipment. Jim was the president of the Adelaide Hills Club until his passing and was very involved with his church and other volunteer work in the community. As Bob VK5NZ told me "He will be sorely missed Graham." INTERNATIONAL NEWS - VK5MM SOUTH AFRICA TAKE YOUR HAND-HELD TO WORK ON OCTOBER 5 Friday 5 October 2007 is the SARL National Take Your Hand-held to Work Day. The objective of the event is to create public awareness for amateur radio and the technology that it embraces. Many repeaters will be linked through IRLP, the Internet Radio Linking Project, to create activity across South Africa. If you are not at work on 5 October or are retired, come on the air and share your experiences with other radio amateurs talking from work. CANADA A joint Canada and USA Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Preparedness Event is being conducted this weekend, 29 and 30th. Simulated emergency traffic is being passed to and from a special event station at Signal Hill, St. John's, Newfoundland, with A.R.E.S. stations in Canada and the United States taking part. Special event call sign VO1ARES will be used by the Signal Hill station and any Radio Amateur wishing to make contact is encouraged to do so before or after the formal demonstration of emergency traffic handling is completed. Please see www.rac.ca ================================================== ===================== NEWS FROM ARNEWSLINE TEXAS CB'ER FINED $7000 BUT WILL ONLY PAY $225 A Texas CB operator originally fined $7000 for his refusal to permit a station inspection will now only have to pay a token $225. The operator was originally issued a $7000 Notice of Apparent Liability to Monetary Forfeiture. This after an inspector from the FCC's Houston office tracked interference to CB channel 19 to Winton's residence. When told to turn off the transmitter Winton obliged but he refused to let the inspector look over his gear. The FCC rules say that he must permit such an inspection or expect punitive action. In April the FCC did just that by issuing the $7000 fine. But he provided proof he could not pay and the FCC decided to adjust the amount down to the $225 level. Once he pays it will be. case closed. HAM RADIO IN SPACE: THE SAGA OF AO-7 CONTINUES Like a Timex watch, its still ticking. Of coarse we are referring to the AO-7 ham radio satellite which was one of the earliest birds that radio amateurs had to work with. Amateur Radio Newsline's Fred Vobbe, W9HDU, takes a look at this aging but still operational ham radio miracle on orbit: The Amsat OSCAR 7 ham satellite was launched on November 15, 1974 on a Delta rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Lompoc, California. It initially stopped transmitting in 1981 after a battery failure. But it sprang back to life on June 21st 2002. Since its miraculous emergence from the long term battery problem, AO-7 has been an available to use. SSB in Mode A is the normal with several QSOs able to take place at a time. Mode A uses an uplink from 145.850 to 145.950 MHz and a 10 meter downlink of 29.400 to 29.500 MHz . This transponder is linear, non-inverting. Numerous reports of its switching between mode A and B have been verified. Mode B uses an uplink of 432.125 to 432.175 MHz and downlinks on 145.975 -through 145.925 MHz. But there is a bit of a problem in using Mode B. Due to changes in Amateur Service and Amateur Satellite Service there are questions as to legality of Amateurs transmitting to AO-7. The uplink frequency predates the WARC '79 allocation of 435 to 438 MHz by the International Telecommunications Union for the Amateur Satellite Service. This puts the uplink in 70cm weak signal segment. Potential users should realize that when they are uplinking Mode B to a satellite, they are no longer operating in the Amateur Service but instead operating in the Amateur Satellite Service. Thus they are subject to Amateur Satellite Service rules. Therefore uplinking to AO-7 is possibly illegal since the Amateur Satellite Service is not permitted at 432.1 MHz. But in Mode A, the AO-7 the satellite has a much larger footprint than AO-51 and is in view much longer. It also requires some of the simplest gear of any ham radio bird currently in flight. Equipment that you will find in almost every ham shack, world-wide. For the amateur radio Newsline. I'm Fred Vovve, W8HDU. So dust off those mode A high frequency receivers and 2 meter SB transmitters or transverters and try to make a contact on the AO-7 bird. It may take a little more effort to use, but it's fun and rewarding. ================================================== ===================== RSGB NEWS G4NJH RAYNET on hand to help plane crash South Sussex RAYNET group were on hand to help when a plane crashed at the Shoreham Air show. Each year an emergency plan is rehearsed and refined, in the hope that it will never be needed. However on the weekend 15th and 16th September that practice paid off. On the Saturday a Hurricane nose-dived into the ground, killing its pilot instantly. The incident happened off-field, and no one else was involved. Two members of the team who witnessed the incident informed Control, who put everyone on high alert. The emergency channel sprang into use. The pre-prepared messages and procedure for Incident Off Field was broadcast, and acknowledgements sought from all on that net. This resulted in all access and departure gates being closed, all senior safety and administrative personnel being briefed, the PA Caravan being informed, and members of the public kept aware of the situation. Shortly after the accident, Spitfires flew a 'man missing' flypast in tribute to the downed pilot. OPERATIONAL NEWS - VK4FUQ VK2BPL has supplied provisional results of the 2007 Westlakes Cup. VK2ATZ has declared itself Ineligible to qualify for a place in the results. This is in the Spirit of the Contest. 1st Place Full and Standard Calls VK2AEA 37 points 2nd Place Full and Standard Calls VK3ZPF 36 points Equal Second VK2VV 36 points 3rd Place Full and Standard Calls VK2OJ 33 points 1st Place Foundation Calls VK2FWAZ 39 points 2nd Place Foundation Calls VK2FBRK 35 points 3rd Place Foundation Calls VK3FIDX 33 points These results are based on the Claimed Scores recorded at the end of the Contest and will be ratified on receipt of Log Sheets An estimated 40 to 50 stations took part in the Contest and monitoring stations reported no departure from the rules and spirit of the contest. SARL CONTEST MANUAL The SARL Contest Manual is to be reviewed for use during 2008. The contest manager for the SARL takes comments and suggestions from members and clubs on the various contests as well as suggestions for any new contests to be included. This is for SARL as well as Club contests. A great idea... is the WIA contest Manager tuned in today? HiHi Peter Parker VK3YE on the QRP reflector has posted a great summary of his travels thru VK6 working QRP. His observations from GERALDTON are worth noting. Good local activity on 160m on 1840 SSB in the evenings, especially from stations around Bunbury. Contacts up to 550km were made with 4w from Geraldton despite the makeshift antenna. Good 80m results to the south west during the day (attribute this to the over-water path from Geraldton and the low sunspots). 40m within VK6 is currently very poor (for distances up to 500km). At further distances it would be OK (see later). A highlight was working VK6KGQ. Lewis was running a 1w DSB kit transceiver. Signals up to 55 over the 700km path from Kalgoorlie. DX worked included W4GF on 30m & 8N0CLE on 40m. There is some YB CW activity on 160m but couldn't make contact. Eastern states contacts from Geraldton included VK3OM SSB on 20m, VK3IM CW on 40m, VK4VFX on 80m & VK3XU on 80m. Peter then moved on to the township of DOODLAKINE Did listening tests to experience the RF quiet location. People in towns and cities don't know what they're missing until they go to places like this with zero noise. VK6ADI CW beacon (3.686 MHz) at Beverley (?) was strong during the day. Apparently QRP but didn't know how low. 40m was amazing. During the middle of the day (noon - 2pm EAST) SSB stations from VK2, 3, 4, 5 & 7 were audible from over 2500km away, with some 'armchair copy'. This proves that DX propagation in sunspot minima years can be good but to take full advantage of it on the lower bands you need an RF quiet location as even s3 noise will smother many signals. 73, Peter. NOW ROBERT BROOMHEAD - VK3KRB. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- INTERNET --- THE HAMS DOMAIN North West Tasmanian Amateur Radio Interest Group's Packet BBS (VK7NW) has been enhanced with a new facility, enabling reading of bulletins by Web Access The last 500 Bulletins can be read by accessing a special Web Page running Java Script. Bulletins can be read by 4 sorting methods, by Date / Time, route designator, Topic or sender's call. Both EchoIRLP Nodes 6124 & 6616 can be monitored by remote Web Access. Their current status, most recent connected nodes incoming & outgoing both IRLP and EchoLink connected stations can be monitored using some new facilities associated with these nodes. The Local DTMF access codes have been completely updated and node users can now access on demand, local status, nightly broadcast news replays, Weather Reports, Voicemail, Random node Call, just to name a few. All these "U BEAUT" facilities and the links for access can be found at the web addresses on the email and internet editions of this broadcast. VK7AX's Home Page at http://www2.vk7ax.id.au/ or the Club's web Page at: http://www.vk7ax.id.au/nwtarig/ (Tony VK7AX, President NWTARIG) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP --- MILITARY Dayton ARA is looking to Honour Silent Keys, who have died in service during the conflicts in Afghanistan or Iraq. DARA is looking to publish a memorial page in the Hamvention 2008 program listing these SKs, with their name, call sign, branch of service, rank and unit. (arrl letter) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR OLD-TIMERS http://www.raotc.org.au Coming up is the Radio Amateur's Old Timers Club of South Australia's annual luncheon to be held on Thursday October 25th at the Marion Hotel, Marion Road, Mitchell Park. Meet at 12.00 for lunch at 12.30pm. Don't forget your senior's card. If using public transport use bus M44 to stop 24. RSVP before October 22nd to one of the following committee members. Secretary Ray Deane VK5RK at 82715401 or Assistant Secretary Ron Coat VK5RV at 82966681 Members and friends of the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club Australia are reminded that the next news and information broadcast will take place on the first Monday of the Month. using the RAOTC callsign of VK3OTN. 10.00 am Victorian time on 7.060 and 3.650 MHz plus 1.843 MHz AM, and 145.700. On 14.150 MHz at 01.00 UTC beaming north and 02:00 UTC west from Melbourne For those not yet retired, 8.30 PM Victorian time tune 80 mtrs 3.650 MHz WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RESCUE RADIO EMERGENCY FREQUENCIES REGION ONE 21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz. WICEN EVENTS IN VK1 Phil VK1ZPL is a busy man planning many weekends of activity. October 13/14th LCCC (Course of a Million Pines) 2 Day Car Rally October 21 Brindabella Classic (Mt Ginini Run) October 28 Fitz's Challenge Bike Ride with Stromlo Park as HQ. November 17 National Capital Rally (NatCap) The ARRL now has a new Emergency Communications tool in its toolbox -- MARS call sign AAN1ARL. According to W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, "The call sign was requested to reflect both the holder of the license (ARRL) and the various MARS services (Army, Air Force and Navy)." The MARS station will be housed at W1AW, the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station. ARRL Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager Dennis Dura, K2DCD, said, "The establishment of an ARMY MARS call sign for W1AW begins a relationship with the Military Affiliate Radio System and the ARRL. (arrl letter) SOCIAL SCENE OCTOBER 6 Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society Annual Hamfest at Albert Waterways Hall. October 14 Annual inter-club BBQ in central Victoria. Members of the Central Goldfields Amateur Radio Club of Maryborough, Midland Amateur Club from Bendigo, the Ballarat Amateur Radio Group and Amateur Radio Victoria will attend this event at Laanacoorie next month. Organiser Peter Rafferty VK3CC explains that it's a BYO meat and drinks affair, with bread, butter, tea, coffee provided. Apart from being a really great social occasion, last year's BBQ resulted in the cooperative venture - the Centre Victoria RadioFest at Kyneton. The BBQ will be at the Laanacoorie Hall, the date Sunday the 14th of October starting at 10am. Laanacoorie is on the Loddon River on the Eddington side of Bendigo about one third of the way between Maryborough and Bendigo. OCTOBER 27-28 The Wagga Amateur Radio Club is this year's host for the Riverina Field Day. The Field Day is being held on the 27th and 28th of October. So please pencil the date into your calendar. The venue is again the clubhouse in Small St. The usual flea markets, Trade and other displays will run continuously in the hall from 9am on Sunday. There will be a Field Day dinner to mark the opening and will be held at Clubrooms on the Saturday evening. It will take the form of a smorgasbord. Bookings are essential. More Field Day information can be obtained from the club's website http://wagga.radiocorner.net/ Wagga Wagga is the largest inland city in NSW and is well situated halfway between Sydney and Melbourne. These days it is a very leisurely 4 and a half hour drive from Sydney's outskirts with the majority of the trip on dual lane highway. So why not plan a getaway and join us for the weekend. For more information contact John VK2YW on 02 6926 5471 AH or NOVEMBER 4 The Ballarat Hamvention at the Great Southern Woolshed located on the Western Highway on the Melbourne Side of Ballarat. General entry for $6:00 is from 10am. details at the BARG website www.barg.org.au NOVEMBER 11 Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Field/Market Day. Gates open 8am, close 4pm. DECEMBER 2 Westlakes Amateur Radio Clubs Christmas Party will be held at the Eastern Tiger Restaurant, which is located in the Cardiff RSL building, interested? get in touch with VK2FDNE Diane. DECEMBER 9 Summerland Amateur Radio Club at Lismore are holding their Christmas Party Ph: 6624 7247 Club: 414 Richmond Hill Rd. Email: GOONELLABAH, NSW. 2480. http://www.nor.com.au/community/sarc/ Post: PO Box 524 IRLP: 6220 JANUARY 20 2008 The Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group invite all amateurs to attend the 2008 Mid North Coast Radio Expo to be held in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 20th January. The Expo is held at the St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street, Coffs Harbour. Gary VK2ZKT is the Radio Expo Coordinator on 02 66 55 2 990 or visit the Groups comprehensive web site at www.mncarg.org FEBRUARY 10 Announcing Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 2. Second-hand traders, club corner, short-talk lectures, displays and the popular dipole factory will all return, plus some new exciting activities to be announced later. All major commercial traders have already made commitments to be there again in 2008. For second hand table bookings that cost only $12.50 please contact Nick Angelo VK3UCK 0488 653 201, or check out the website radiofest.amateurradio.com.au Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details. 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October, 2009. ================================================== ======================= WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. HOP TO SPECIFIC WIANews TOPICS __________________________________________________ ________________ WIA WEB ZONE, www.wia.org.au __________________________________________________ ________________ WIANews THANKS OUR REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS , OUR RELAY OPERATORS ACROSS THE WORLD FOR FORWARDING INFORMATION AND COMMENTS THEIR LISTENERS HAVE PASSED ON TO MAKE WIANews VK'S LEADING WEEKLY AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM. E-mail WIANews WITH VK STORIES. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of QNEWS for the National WIA. Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... __________________________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________________ ________________ |
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