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Old September 29th 07, 09:19 PM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 249
Default GB2RS NEWS Sunday 30 September 2007

1 GB2RS NEWS Sunday 30 September

The news headlines

* 3B7C operation extended

* HF Convention draws closer

* Bell Hill 10GHz beacon transmits new mode

The successful 3B7C DXpedition was extended for a day beyond its
initial target. Operations were finally closed down at 0331z on Tuesday
25 September. The group managed a grand total of 135,718 QSOs, making
it the third most-worked DXpedition of all time. Like 3B7C, the two
most worked DXpeditions, D68C and 3B9C, were all operated by the Five
Star DXers Association. Congratulations to all those involved.

The RSGB HF Convention is drawing closer. This premier event, sponsored
by Icom and Martin Lynch and Sons, takes place from 12 to 14 October.
This year the Convention is at its new home, the Wyboston Lakes
conference centre in Bedfordshire. Highlights of this year's convention
will include a major talk on 3B7C by members of the team plus trophy
presentations, lectures, learning experiences and demonstrations. Full
details of the RSGB HF Convention can be found online at and more information can also be obtained from the
booking line on 0870 904 7379.

The 10GHz beacon GB3SCX at Bell Hill, Dorset, has started transmitting
a new mode. In addition to its normal CW ident, it is now sending Dual
Frequency CW with ident, DFCWi. Dots and dashes are made the same
length, but transmitted on different frequencies. A third tone is used
to indicate the gaps between the dots and dashes. The new mode is
intended to be easily seen on waterfall displays like Spectrum Lab, but
can be decoded by ear. For more details log onto

Icom has launched a new website to support and provide information on
D-STAR. The site contains sections about the history, features and
technical matters regarding D-STAR. There is also a UK forum. For more
information log onto

The European Commission has guaranteed funding for the European
satellite radio navigation programmes, EGNOS and Galileo. The move
means that the deployment phase of Galileo will be funded entirely from
the Community budget. Galileo transmit frequencies include 1260 to
1300MHz and concerns have been expressed about mutual interference with
the 23cm band and CAA radars.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week [Note
to newsreaders: Please use your judgement on whether to read the 30
September event, based on your time slot and distance from the event.]
On 30 September the Telford Hamfest takes place at the Enginuity
Museum, Coalbrookdale, Telford. Doors open at 10 am. For more
information contact Martyn, G3UKV, on 01952 255416, or email

2 On 7 October Nantwich Bunker Trust are having a surplus electronic
and electrical sale. The sale starts at 1000 at French Lane, Nantwich,
Cheshire. For more information log onto More
details of these and future events can be found on pages 88 and 89 of
the October edition of RadCom. Now for the news of special events The
Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society, SARTS, will be operating
special event station S61FD on their Field Day on 6 and 7 October. They
will be operating from Changi, Singapore. Operation will be on the HF
bands 80 to 10m running 500 Watts to vertical antennas. John Howard,
G0BUV, will be operating special event call sign GB8CMC from Birmingham
until 9 October. The event is celebrating the 800th anniversary of the
Coleshill Market Charter. The Charter was awarded by King John in 1207.
Warrington Amateur Radio Club will be celebrating its 60th anniversary
year by operating the special call sign GB6WRS throughout the month of
October. The station will be active on all bands each day of the month.
The Border Amateur Radio Society is planning a special event using call
signs GS0BRS and GX0BRS until 29 December. Club activity will be on HF
and VHF. For club members both north and south of the border a special
QSL will be available. For more details contact Ray Evans, GM0CDV, on
01573 228 730. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News, the
Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin and other sources.

Andrew, G7COD, will be operating using 8Q7AK from the Island of Embudu,
Maldives from 30 September to October 12. He will be using SSB with a
little CW on 30 to 12 metre bands. For more information check 8Q7AK on
QRZ.COM. George, AA7JV (VK2NU) and Tomi, HA7RY, plan to be active as
VK9WWI from the Willis Islands (OC-007) until 4 October, depending on

P29VLR is the call sign issued to CT1AGF for the IOTA operations from
Papua New Guinea. This is the call SM6CVX, G3KHZ and G4EDG will be
using from Kilinalau Island on 8 October for three days. QSL via
SM6CVX. Now the contest news The RSGB Contest Committee has organised
two new sprint contests. The sprint format requires stations to QSY
often, and not maintain a run frequency. That means that different
skills and operating styles are needed compared with a traditional
contest. The contests will be held on Wednesday 3 October for the CW
event on 3.520 to 3.570MHz from 1900 to 2030 UTC. The second contest
will be held on Wednesday 10 October for the SSB event on 3.600 to
3.650MHz from 1900 to 2030 UTC. The exchange consists of callsigns,
serial number, and the operator's name or nickname. Full details,
including the important QSY element, can be found at
The PSK Rumble Contest takes place on 6 October from 0000 to 2359 on
the 1.8 to 50MHz bands on PSK mode. The exchange takes the form of name
and DX Prefix.

3 The Oceania DX Contest takes place from 0800 on 6 October to 0800 on
7 October on the 1.8 to 28MHz bands on SSB. The exchange takes the form
of RS and serial number. The EU Sprint Contest takes place on 6 October
from 1600 to 1959 on the 3.5, 7 and 14MHz bands on SSB. The exchange
takes the form of both callsigns, SN, name and nickname. The RSGB
144MHz activity and Club Championship takes place on 2 October from
2000 to 2230 local on all modes. The exchange takes the form of RST,
serial number and locator. The RSGB 432MHz to 248GHz Contest takes
place from 1400 on 6 October to 1400 on 7 October on all modes. The
exchange takes the form of RST, serial number and locator. The RSGB 1.3
and 2.3GHz trophies Contest takes place on 6 October from 1400 to 2200
on all modes. The exchange takes the form of RST, serial number and
locator. Now the solar factual data for the period from 17 September to
23 September, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS Once again solar activity
was very low with no solar flares of any description taking place.
Solar flux levels were steady at 67 units until the 23rd when 66 was
recorded. The average was 67. The 90 day solar flux average on the 23rd
was the same level as last week at 70 units. X-ray flux levels remained
below the minimum A1 level throughout. Geomagnetic activity was very
quiet at first, for example, on the 17th the Ap index was only 2 units.
Activity increased on the 20th due to a recurring coronal hole, this
disturbance was still on going on the 23rd. However, the Bz has been
mostly northwards resulting in very little geomagnetic activity taking
place. The most disturbed day was the 23rd with an Ap of 15 units. The
average was Ap 8 units. The ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds
increase from 310 kilometres per second to 730 by the 23rd. Particle
densities were low except for the 20th and the 21st which increased to
20 and 15 particles per cubic centimetre respectively. Bz varied little
at first during the quiet days and between minus 9 and plus 7
nanoTeslas during the disturbance. Propagation on the higher HF bands
remained poor, though the St Brandon expedition was again worked on all
bands except 6 metres. From the 20th onwards high-latitude paths were
adversely affected by geomagnetic activity. On 3.5 and 7MHz, though,
early risers with well-equipped stations could work into New Zealand.
Geomagnetic disturbance brought a handful of auroral reports on the
20th but all came from high latitudes. There were occasional reports of
sporadic-E up to 50MHz. And finally the solar forecast. This week solar
activity is expected to continue at very low levels. Solar flux levels
are expected to be in the high 60's for most of the week. Geomagnetic
activity should start at elevated levels due to recurring coronal hole.
However, by midweek activity should decline to very quiet levels. MUFs
during daylight hours at equal latitudes are expected to be about 19MHz
for the south and 16MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows should be
around 8MHz. Paths this week to India should have a maximum usable
frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of about 23MHz. The optimum
working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be around 17MHz.
The best time to try this path will be between 0800 and 1400 hours UTC.
And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

4 Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can
be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses

and website links where known.

[Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to
the service area of your



and EAST ANGLIA On Monday 1 October Burnham Beeches Radio Club is
screening the Secret War video. Contact G4XDU, on 01628625720.

On Monday 1 October Southdown Amateur Radio Society is having a visit
to Harvey's Brewery at Lewes. Contact John, G3DQY, on 01424,424,319, or
by email to .

On Monday 1 October Surrey Radio Contact Club is having its autumn
surplus equipment sale. Contact Ray, G4FFY, on 020 8644 7589.

On Tuesday 2 October Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is having its AGM
followed by a talk on how to use Echolink. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on
01245 469 008.

On Tuesday 2 October Horndean and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a social evening. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 023 9247 2846, or on the
web at

On Tuesday 2 October Leiston Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by Sam
Jewell, G4DDK, on what the microwave bands have to offer. Contact Dave,
G4HUP, on 01473 737 717, .

On Tuesday 2 October Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a VHF operating night. Contact Neil, M0ARH, on 01438 217 077.

On Wednesday 3 October Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a general meeting. Contact Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 506 344, or by
email to

On Wednesday 3 October Dover Radio Club is having an operating night.
Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to

On Wednesday 3 October Fareham and District Amateur Radio Club is
operating the club station with G3VEF and G8KGI. Contact Ken, M0KLS, on
02392 797 240.

On Wednesday 3 October Havering and District Amateur Radio Club is
having its Q3 business review meeting. Contact Dave, 2E0EBV, on 07956
594 514.

On Wednesday 3 October Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
sunspots by Stuart, G7KBF. Contact Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on 01362 691099,
or by email to

On Wednesday 3 October Southdown Amateur Radio Society is operating at
the Halisham shack. Contact John, G3DQY, on 01424,424,319, or by email

On Wednesday 3 October Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is
going back to basics. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893.

On Thursday 4 October Colchester Radio Amateurs meet for the AGM at the
Colchester Institute. Contact Kevan, 2E0WMG, by email to
or on 07766543784.

5 On Thursday 4 October Cray Valley Radio Society is having a talk on
EMC in the shack by G3SPJ. Contact Bob, BRS32525, on 020 8265 7735
after 8pm.

On Thursday 4 October Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a junk sale.
Details on the web at

On Thursday 4 October Maidenhead and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk on radio astronomy by Geoff Cottrell, G3XGC. Contact
John, G8RYW, on 01628 628 463, or by email to .

On Thursday 4 October Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is
planning for CQWW. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757.

On Friday 5 October Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is
discussing members' shacks. Contact David, G8JKV.

On Friday 5 October Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club is having
its home construction competition. Contact Bob, G3OOU, on 01737 552

On Friday 5 October Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a talk.
Contact Sue, G6YPY, on 01273 845 103, or by email to

On Friday 5 October Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a talk by
Roger Western, G3SXW, entitled "More DXing adventures". Details on the
web at

NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Wednesday 3 October Cornish Radio Amateur
Club is having a talk by Bob, G4EIK, on the design and construction of
a QRP CW transceiver. Contact Ian, 01872 561 058.

On Wednesday 3 October Exmouth Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
computer interfacing by Dean, G0UIL. Contact .

On Wednesday 3 October South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a
technical matters meeting. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282.

On Wednesday 3 October Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is
having its AGM. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234, or by email

On Wednesday 3 October Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur
Radio Club is having a talk on alternative energy in the home. Contact
Tony, G0WMB, by email to

On Wednesday 3 October Trowbridge and District Amateur Radio Club is
having short talks by club members Mike Adams, M0ALW, on Geocaching,
followed by Jan Verduyn, G0BBL, with an introduction to DSP software.
Contact Ian, G0GRI, on 01225 864 698, E/W.

On Thursday 4 October Saltash and District Amateur Radio Club is having
its annual junk sale. Contact Brian, M0BHG, on 01752 844 321.

On Thursday 4 October Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a talk entitled "Morse etc" by Colin Potter, M0DDT. Contact Mike,
M5CBS, on 01793 826 465.

6 NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Sunday 30 September Wythall Radio Club is
taking part in Lord Pettitt's shooting competition. Contact Chris,
G0EYO, on 07710 412 819, or by email to
, or on
the web at

On Monday 1 October Gloucester Amateur Radio and Electronics Society is
having a talk on virtual radio by Cliff, G8CQZ. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY,
on 01452 548478, daytime.

On Tuesday 2 October Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is having
a junk sale. Contact Martin, G3SZJ, on 01332 556 875.

On Tuesday 2 October Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is
having an open forum on test and measurement. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on
01509 504 319.

On Tuesday 2 October Wythall Radio Club is taking part in the 2m club
championship from the shack. Contact Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819, or
by email to , or on the web at

On Wednesday 3 October Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is on
the air and having an open house. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299
677, or by email to .

On Thursday 4 October Salop Amateur Radio Society is having a
calibration night with G8DIR. Contact Glenda, G1YJB, on 01939 235 412.

On Friday 5 October Hucknall Rolls-Royce Amateur Radio Club is having
an HF on the air night. Details on the web at


A new amateur radio club is being formed for the Bolton area. The
inaugural meeting of the Bolton Wireless Club takes place at the
Technical and Innovation Centre, Minerva Road, Bolton on the evening of
Tuesday 2 October. For more information please contact Ernie, G4YYB, on
07882 158 730, or by email to .

On Monday 1 October Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having an open
table meeting and HF & satellite operating night. Contact Trevor,

On Monday 1 October Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society Club is on
the air. Contact Jack, G4BFH, by email to

On Tuesday 2 October Chester and District Radio Society is having a
surplus sale. Details on the web at, or my email
to .

On Tuesday 2 October Stockport Radio Society is having a video evening,
watching the 3YOX Peter Island DXpedition video. Contact David, M1ANT,
on 0161 456 7832.

On Tuesday 2 October Wakefield and District Amateur Radio Society is on
the air. Contact Dave, G4CLI, on 07748 221 855, or by email to

On Wednesday 3 October Denby Dale Amateur Radio Society is having a
surplus sale. Contact David, G6OCD, on 0700 5947317, or by email to

On Wednesday 3 October Great Lumley Amateur Radio and Electronics
Society is preparing for its rally. Contact Nancy, 0191 477 0036, 07990
760 920, or by email to

7 On Wednesday 3 October Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk on the design of linear amplifiers by Steve, G0DQQ. Contact
Richard, G0JIT, by email to

On Thursday 4 October Grimsby Amateur Radio Society is having its AGM.
Contact Brian, G4DXB, on 01472 231 383.

On Friday 5 October South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is having
a computer clinic with Dave, G4UGM. Contact Ron, on 0161 969 3999.

On Friday 5 October Tynemouth Radio Club is inviting its members to
'get knotted'. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to

On Friday 5 October the Border Amateur Radio Society is having its AGM
at the St John Ambulance Hall, 8 Tweed Street, Berwick on Tweed.
Contact Ray, GM0CDV, on 01573 228730.

On Saturday 6 October Wakefield and District Amateur Radio Society is
running its Foundation Licence course. Contact Dave, G4CLI, on 07748
221 855, or by email to


The RSGB's Train the Trainers scheme continues to help tutors enhance
the standard of their Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced licence
courses. On Sunday 21 October another in the series will take place in
Motherwell. Alan Betts, G0HIQ, and Brian Reay, G8OSN, will be
presenting the course, which takes a full day and is free of charge to
Instructors. For more information, and to register, contact RSGB Region
1 Manager Gordon Hunter, GM3ULP, on 01698 253394 or by email to
. Demand is expected to be high, so it is important to
register as soon as possible.

On Monday 1 October West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society Club is
entering the SSB NFD. Details on the web at

On Wednesday 3 October Paisley (YMCA) Amateur Radio Club is taking part
in the UHF National Field Day. Contact Jim, GM3UWX.

On Thursday 4 October Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a Junk
Sale. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663, or on the web at

On Thursday 4 October Moray Firth Amateur Radio Society is having a
construction evening for VHF antennas. Contact Jim, MM0SMD, on 01340
820 134.

On Friday 5 October the Border Amateur Radio Society is having its AGM
at the St John Ambulance Hall, 8 Tweed Street, Berwick on Tweed.
Contact Ray, GM0CDV, on 01573 228730.

On Friday 5 October Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is
having a club night. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.

On Friday 5 October West Of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk on software defined radio by GM6OQN. Details on the web at

On Sunday 7 October Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is
taking part in the RSGB 21/28MHz contest. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875
811 723.


NEWS FOR WALES On Tuesday 2 October Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society is
having a club meeting. Contact Les, GW8PSJ, on 01239 811 922.


On Thursday 4 October Bangor and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a talk on the IRTS Swaziland DXpedition by Pete, GI4VIV. Contact Mike,
GI4XSF, on 028 4277 2 383.

And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast,

prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.

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