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Amateur Radio Newsline" Report 1593 - February 22, 2008
Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1593 with a release date of Friday, February 22nd, 2008 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. The SouthEastern Repeater Association announces the beginning of digital voice repeater coordination, hams answer the call as floods hit Hawaii and the next Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference will take place this spring in Germany. Find out the details on Amateur Radio Newsline" report number 1593 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** REPEATER COORDINATION: SERA ANNOUNCES DIGITAL VOICE BANDPLANS Someone had to take the lead in coordinating digital voice repeaters and the SouthEastern Repeater Association has. While not the first digital voice repeater plan, it represents the largest geographic area and likely will have an impact on neighboring states and those states neighbors. Amateur Radio Newsline's Don Carlson, KQ6FM has the details: -- Acting on a motion presented by Mississippi Director Steve Grantham, AA5SG, the giant SouthEastern Repeater Association has adopted provisions to allow for the introduction of digital voice technology systems. This includes such entities as P 25 and D-Star repeaters. To make this happen association President Roger Gregory, W4RWG, appointed a working committee to implement the needed changes on the groups web site. While the web presentation is described as a work-in-progress there are already links to the newly posted 144 to 148 MHz and 420 to 450 MHz Frequency Utilization Plans. And it appears as if the SouthEastern Repeater Association has taken the positron that the introduction of digital voice technology must have minimal impact on all existing analog operations in both the repeater and non repeater portions of any band. A quick glance shows that on both bands the coordinating body has chosen to keep most, though not all, digital voice operation within current repeater subbands. It uses interleaving between existing F-M repeaters to accomplish this. But the committee has a lot more work ahead of it to make this all happen smoothly. This includes modifying any association documents or forms requiring change. Its also tasked with assisting district coordinators in matters pertaining to the introduction of such digital repeaters. The committee will also continue to study and bring forth new information as needed to facilitate ongoing effective digital repeater coordination efforts. Whether or not the SouthEastern Repeater Association plan will be adopted nationally is not known, but it opens the door to a coordinated effort to introduce digital voice repeaters while protecting all other spectrum users. And that's definitely a step in the right direction. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Don Carlson, KQ6FM -- For those not aware, the SouthEastern Repeater Association is the nations largest repeater band-planning body. It provides voluntary frequency coordination for Amateur Radio repeaters in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi. The action on digital voice repeaters came at the organization's winter board meeting on January 5th. You can see its new 2 meter and 70 centimeter bandplans on line at: OVERVIEW OF SERA PLAN: http://www.sera.org/D-Star%20Positio...nt%20-%203.htm SERA 144-148 MHz Frequency Utilization Plan: http://www.sera.org/2.html SERA 420-450 MHz Frequency Utilization Plan: http://www.sera.org/440.html (From SERA release) ** REPEATER COORDINATION: UTAH VHFS ON DIGITAL REPEATER CHANNEL SPACING Still with digital voice repeaters, word that the Utah VHF Society has produced what observers are calling a very useful article on channel spacing for D-Star digital relay devices. Titled "Analysis and recommendations of channel spacing for D-Star operations on the VHF and UHF amateur bands" the article addresses the issues of co-channel D-Star interference. It also covers adjacent channel interference issues between D-Star and existing analog FM systems. The article is well worth the time to read. You will find it on line at www. utahvhfs.org/dstar_channel_spacing/html (From Utah VHFS release) ** RESCUE RADIO: HAMS RESPOND TO THE FLOODS IN HAWAII Hams in Hawaii were quick to respond in early February when heavy rain caused flooding in many parts of the state. According to ARRL Pacific Section Manager Bob Schneider, AH6J, Skywarn and several nets were activated. Information came in from several areas including Hawaii County Civil Defense. IRLP and Echolink were used in conjunction with VHF and HF radio to keep the information flowing. Harvey Motomura, AH6JA, also sent several test messages from Hawaii County C-D by Winlink. This, to prove that e-mail is still possible even if wire and cable connections are lost. Even though hurricane season in Hawaii officially ended last November 30th, continued weather problems remind hams in the Island State that they are never completely out of danger. (From Hawaii SM Report) ** RESCUE RADIO: GAREC-08 AT FREDRICHSHAFEN HAM SHOW The fourth Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference, GAREC- 2008, will take place on June 26th and 27th. This, in conjunction with the 2008 Ham Radio convention in Friedrichshafen, Germany. The event will be organized by the IARU Region 1 Emergency Coordinator, Seppo Sisatto, OH1VR with the team that already put together the previous conferences in Tampere, Finland, in 2005 and 2006. Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference 08 will focus on the cooperation among IARU member societies with specialized groups working on emergency communications in the Amateur Radio Service. General information on subjects such as travel and accommodation is available at http://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen....l/en/index.php and details of program. The URL for on-line registration will be announced on the IARU pages at http://www.iaru.org/emergency/ in a few weeks. (HB9AQS) ** RESCUE RADIO: THE UN AND INDUSTRY COMBINE IN RESPONSE EMCOMMS But hams are not the only ones looking at the future of first response emergency communications. A new United Nations program to train communications experts to respond faster in dangerous and hostile environments got a boost at the recent World Mobile Congress in Spain. This with word that the Vodafone Group Foundation has pledged $6.3 million for the effort. Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, has mo -- According to the news release, training and deployment in time of crisis will be handled through Vodafone's technology partnership with the private United Nations Foundation. The U.N.'s World Food Program is designated as the lead communications agency in international crises. This, by nature of its longtime first-responder role. By way of example of what these and other fly-away operations can do, when a suicide bomber struck a U.N. office in Algeria last December it not only killed 17 U.N. employees. The bomb also took out the agency communications infrastructure necessary for it to respond to the tragedy. Two communications experts were dispatched from Dubai with satellite telephones and a radio transmitting gear. They were up and running less than 24 hours after the attacks providing emergency communications support needed in the aftermath of this terrorist attack. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles. -- Obviously there is a lot of interest growing in split second emergency communications response, world wide. (Vodafone) ** WORLDBEAT - RWANDA: EA5RM VS DJ9ZB OVER RWANDA A big rift in D-X circles over a team of German operators beating out a Spanish operator to be the first to activate Rwanda. Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM, who now also holds the call sign 9X0R says in a statement posted to his website that DJ6SI, DK2WV and DJ9ZB used political lines of communications that he developed to slip in and operate from that rare one before his DXpedition could arrive. EA5RM claims that he was the one who traveled to Rwanda and secured permission for hams to once again take to the airwaves. He says that as a courtesy that he informed the German DX Foundation of his plans. He also requested that the Federation supply a member to his team Gonzalez says that instead German DX'ers DJ6SI, DK2WV and DJ9ZB got their own Rwandan licenses and quickly mounted the 9-X-Zero operation that was on the air through February 21st. EA5RM says that because of this that he is returning the German DX Foundation funds donated to his upcoming 9X0R operation because he and his operators believe that the actions of its President, Franz Langner, DJ9ZB, are not the proper ones to promote amateur radio and DX. Gonzalez also asks everyone who took part in the German lead operation to and remember which kind of hams you were trying to contact. No response to EA5RM's charges from DJ9ZB or his team They have been to busy running the pileups that they have been crating on the air from Rwanda. (EA5RM from various DX news sources) ** BREAK 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club net serving Thousand Oaks, California (5 sec pause here) ** PUBLIC SERVICE: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOW WINTER OLYMPICS IN 2010 The 2010 Winter Olympics is seeking amateur radio volunteers. This with the announcement that the Vancouver Olympics Committee has given Radio Amateurs of Canada details of their search for ham radio volunteers to assist during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games. Of the 25,000 volunteers required, Amateur Radio operators are especially needed to help in technical roles during the events, and perhaps earlier. Volunteers must have their own local accommodation in Greater Vancouver or Whistler areas. The on-line volunteer application form at www dot vancouver2010 dot com includes space to list skills and experience. If the applicant wishes a communications or technical role, the or she should add a key phrase on their application form to make it easy for planners to identify them. And on the fifth application page, add the words "Amateur Radio Operator" in a box called "Additional Information." Again, if you want to volunteer to provide communications support for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games go to www dot vancouver2010 dot com and fill out the form. (Radio Amateurs of Canada) ** ENFORCEMENT: FCC TELLS TEXAS HAM TO STAY OFF TWO REPEATERS The FCC has told a Texas ham that he must obey the orders of repeater trustees who want him to keep off of their repeaters. In a January 29th Warning Notice to Travis L. Maltese, AD5CT, of Edna the FCC states that he trustees of the W5DSC and K5SOI repeaters have requested in writing that Maltese refrain from use of the repeaters. The FCC say that the letters were issued as a result of Maltese alleged failure to follow operational rules set forth by the licensee/control operators of the repeater systems for their users. As such, the regulatory agency says that Maltese will be expected to abide by the requests to stay off the W5DSC and K5SOI systems and any other such requests by repeater licensees, control operators or trustees. The FCC notice also warns Maltese that should he use these repeaters again after receipt of its letter, that the agency will initiate enforcement action against his license. This could include revocation, monetary forfeiture of his license or a modification proceeding to restrict the frequencies on which AD5CT may operate. Fines normally range from $7,500 to $10,000. (FCC) ** ENFORCEMENT: FLORIDA MAN TOLD TO STAY OFF HAM BANDS And the FCC has warned a Florida non-amateur to stay off the ham bands. In its January 29th letter to Joseph Goldberg of Tavernier, the regulatory agency warns him that he could face a fine of up to $10,000 if he's again caught operating without a license. The FCC gave no other details but did add that this is the last warning that Goldberg will receive. (FCC) ** RADIO LAW: COMCAST UNDER FCC SCRUTINY OVER INTERNET DELAYS The FCC is looking into complaints that a telecommunications giant is tinkering with communications over the Internet. Jim Davis, W2JKD, is here with the details: -- FCC Chairman Kevin Martin says that the FCC will investigate complaints that Comcast Corporation actively interferes with Internet traffic as its subscribers try to share files online. January 8th release says that a coalition of consumer groups and legal scholars asked the agency in November 2007 to stop Comcast from discriminating against certain types of data. The two groups also asked the FCC to fine the nation's No. 2 Internet provider $195,000 for every affected subscriber. Comcast denies that it blocks file sharing, but acknowledged that it was "delaying" some of the traffic between computers that share files. The company said intervention was necessary to improve the surfing experience for the majority of its subscribers. The FCC's policy statement makes an exception for "reasonable traffic management." Comcast has said its practices fall under that exception. I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD. -- The government will be looking to see if Comcasts actions fit the permitted exception. (FCC) ** RADIO REGULATIONS: THE FCC CHANGES BANKS U.S. Bank has replaced the Mellon Bank as the incoming lockbox for all FCC programs except auction related payments. A lockbox bank serves as the filing and processing agent for a corporation or government entity. Fees and payments along with associated identifying information, are sent directly to the lockbox account. The address of U.S. Bank is 1005 Convention Plaza; SL-MO-C2-GL; St. Louis, MO 63101. (RW) ** RADIO BUSINESS: MOTOROLA MAY OPT OUT OF THE CELLPHONE BUSINESS Motorola says that it is considering separating its loss-making mobile phone unit. The world's third-largest mobile phone maker has been losing market share to market leader Nokia Corp and Samsung Electronics. It now says that is looking at a structural and strategic realignment to help it recapture market share and enhance shareholder value. Options include spinning off or selling the phone division, which accounts for about half of revenue. Motorola is best known for its commercial two-way land mobile radio equipment. The company recently completed a deal to acquire control of Vertex Standard Corporation which manufactures its own line of two-way land mobile equipment and Yaesu brand Amateur Radio gear. It also manufacturers television set-top box and network equipment. As already noted, potential suitors for it mobile telephone division are believed to include rivals such as Samsung Electronics, which took the number two ales position from Motorola in 2007, or number five ranked LG Electronics. Contrary to the rumors being circulated by uninformed Internet bloggers and web rumor mongers, any sale of Motorola's mobile phone business is not expected to in any way impact on the manufacture and sales of Yaesu brand ham radio gear. (Published reports, ARNewsline") ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: ARRL SECTION MANAGERS ELECTED Some names in the news. The ARRL reports that in the only contested Section Manager race this winter, Steve Early, AD6VI, has been elected ARRL San Diego Section Manager. Early has been active in several Amateur Radio clubs and ARES, as well as providing public service support to agencies such as the American Red Cross and the Community Emergency Response Team. Louisiana will also be getting a new Section Manager. Gary Stratton, K5GLS, of Shreveport, the Louisiana Section Emergency Coordinator for the last three years, will be taking the reins from Mickey Cox, K5MC. Cox, who has served as Section Manager for the past eight years, decided not to run for another term of office. Carl Clements, W4CAC, of Portsmouth, Virginia, returns to the Virginia Section Manager's post. He had previously served in this position from May 2001 to March 2006. Glen Sage, W4GHS, the outgoing Virginia Section Manager, did not seek a new term of office. All other incumbent ARRL Section Managers facing re-election faced no opposition and were declared winners. Ballots were counted at ARRL Headquarters on February 19th. All begin their new terms of office on April 1st. (ARRL) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: MT BEACON HAMFEST IN NY IN APRIL Turning to the ham radio social scene, word that the 2008 Mt. Beacon Amateur Radio Club Hamfest takes place on Sunday April 1. The venue is Tymor Park in LaGrangeville, New York. More is on-line at www.wr2abb.org. (WA2BSS) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: IOTA DINNER IN CALIFORNIA IN APRIL The 13th annual Islands On The Air or I-Oh-T-A Dinner will be held on Friday, April 25th, in the Birch Room of the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center in Visalia, California. This, in conjunction with the 58th annual Visalia International DX Convention. In addition to dinner, G3ZAY will present a talk on the Islands On The Air program and how it functions. For additional information regarding this event, please contact: Jim Zimmerman N6KZ, by e-mail to: jimzim1 at mindspring dot com ( OPDX) ** THE SOCIAL: SCENE: TAPR IN CHICAGO IN SEPTEMBER The Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Corporation has announced that the 2008 joint Digital Communications Conference with the ARRL will take place September 26th to the 28th. This, at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, near O'Hare airport. The conference is an international forum for radio amateurs to meet, publish their work and present new ideas and techniques. Presenters and attendees will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about recent hardware and software advances, theories, experimental results and practical applications. Forums will feature the latest developments in Amateur Radio digital communications, as well as demonstrations of emerging digital technology. More information is available on line at www.tapr.org/dcc.html (TAPR) ** RADIO ENTERTAINMENT: THE BANK JOB AND HAM RADIO And a new British movie titled The Bank Job features Amateur Radio. Due for release before months end, the film is a fictionalization of a daring, unsolved robbery, which took place in London more than 35 years ago. In the film, handhelds used by the criminals are intercepted by a ham radio operator who becomes involved in the attempt to catch them. An official website at www.bankjobmovie.co.uk gives 5 movie clips to view. But be aware. This film does carry an R rating. (Southgate) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** CHANGING OF THE GUARD: ROD DINKINS, AC6V, S.K. Some truly sad news out of California's Palomar Amateur Radio Club. Word that Rod Dinkins, AC6V, the man behind the famed www dot ac6v dot com ham radio information website, has become a silent key. Called the Google of ham radio by some, www dot ac6v dot com quickly became the place to go for information on anything amateur radio related. Its 132 pages contain 700 topics and 6000 links. If its not found on or linked to www dot ac6v dot com its safe to say it does not exist in ham radios world. Rod was also the author of a number of ham radio related books including the Amateur Radio DX Reference Guide and DX 101 for HF and 6 Meters. . Rod Dinkins started in radio in the late 1940's as an SWL, AM, and ham band listener with a Knight Kit Ocean Hopper receiver but it was not until 1977 that he became a radio amateur with the call WA6WTO. But his career was all radio and electronics. He spent four years in the US Navy during the Korean War as an Aviation Electronics Technician. Re entering civilian life, Dinkins spent four years at Convair in Pomona, California as an instructor of electronics and guided missiles. This was followed by 2 years as a vocational electronics teacher at a Junior college level in Walnut California and over 30 years as an Electronics Technical Writer within the aerospace industry. Rod Dinkins, AC6V, passed away on Saturday, February 16th at the Tri-City Hospital in the city of Oceanside. He is survived by his wife Karla. At airtime funeral arrangements were pending. (W6VR, others) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE SOUTH AFRICA'S SUMBANDILA SAT DELAYED South Africa's Sumbandila Sat launch has been delayed indefinitely. The satellite, which includes an amateur radio payload, was to have been launched from a Russian submarine last year but arrangements went sour when the two defense authorities could not agree on a reciprocal satellite arrangement. Word is that the South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs was recently in Russia this week as part of a technical and scientific cooperation mission. Its likely that an alternative launch was to have been discussed. Meantime there is no official comment on what may have transpired and Sumbandila Sat is still sitting in the clean room at the nations Sunspace launch assembly facility. (SA AMSAT) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: HOUSTON SATELLIE NET CHANGES BIRDS The Houston AMSAT Net has moved to the K-band the SkyScanner Satellite Radio Network on the Galaxy-25 geostationary satellite. The net was formerly retransmitted on the SBS-6 bird over the W0KIE Satellite Radio Network. No reasons was given for the change which took place on February 5th. (ANS) ** WORLDBEAT - EUROPE: CZECH HAMS TO GET 4 METER BAND The Czech Telecommunication Office has announced that nations radio amateurs will soon have access to the 4 meter band. The telecommunications regulator plans to issue up to 20 special permits for 70.2 to 70.3 MHz with 10 Watts ERP. This is a band unique to parts of Europe but not available to radio amateurs in I-T-U Region 2. The Czech permits will be valid until 31 Dec 2008. (Southgate) ** RADIOSPORTS: CQ UPDATES THE WPX AWARD PROGRAM CQ magazine and W-P-X Awards Manager Steve Bolia, N8BJQ, have announced several changes to that program. Under the new rules, contacts on all bands between 160 and 6 meters will count for W-P-X award credit. In addition, new band endorsements will now be available for 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 18 MHz, 24 MHz and 50 MHz contacts. And a separate digital W-P-X award has also been added. It covers contacts made on RTTY, PSK and other keyboard modes. 300 confirmed prefixes required for the basic level of the award. digital-mode contacts will also count toward the existing Mixed award, as will those prefixes worked on the newly added bands. The changes are effective immediately. Details on these and other changes will be published in the March issue of CQ magazine. They are also posted along with the March issue highlights at www.cq-amateur-radio.com. (CQ) ** DX In D-X, the 3Y0E Bouvet Island Dxpedition went QRT at 19:15 U-T-C on February 9th. Any contacts made with any station claiming to be 3&0E after that time and date will be considered as fakes. All log issues will be double checked and all operators concerned will be informed of their log status at that time G3SWH and G3RTE will be active from Georgetown, Guyana, through February 29th. The callsign is 8R1PW. As there have been two operations from Guyana in 2007 which used mainly SSB, their activity is CW only on 160 to 10 meters. WSL via the bureau. And word that SM4XDJ is active as S21XJ from Dhaka, Bangladesh for a few weeks. He's reportedly operating SSB and digitalmodes during his evening hours and the weekends. QSL via SM4XIH. And G3TBK will once again be active from Saint Vincent signing J88DR for the March 1st and 2nd ARRL DX Phone Contest and the following week. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV. QSL via G3TBK, direct or by the RSGB Bureau. Look for 11 Lithuanian special event stations to be active with the prefix LY90 from February 16th through March 16th.. This, to celebrate the 90th anniversary of independence in the Lithuanian Republic. QSL as directed on the air. Lastly, keep an ear open for G3RWF who is active from Uganda as 5X1NH through March 22nd. His operation will be limited because he is on holiday but he expects to operate all bands except 160m and 6 meters. Modes will be CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK at 100 watts to wire antennas. QSL to G3RWF. From various DX news sources ** THAT FINAL ITEM: NASA SENDS "ACROSS THE UNIVERSE" ACROSS THE UNIVERSE And finally, using a highly directional antenna NASA has transmitted The Beatles' song "Across the Universe" toward the North Star. The transmission originated from the NASA Deep Space Network of antenna array. It marked the 40th anniversary of the song along with the 45th anniversary of the Deep Space Network and the 50th anniversary of NASA itself. The transmission is aimed at Polaris in the constellation Ursa Major some 431 light years away. The song is currently traveling toward it at a peed of 186,324 miles per second. The target audience, assuming something is one out there, won't hear the broadcast until the year 2439. According to a NASA press release the Beatles Paul McCartney responded to the planned broadcast by asking NASA to end his love to the aliens. Yoko Ono, the widow of Beatle John Lennon, was a pit more introspective. She said that she sees this as the beginning of the new age in which we will communicate with billions of planets across the universe. Meantime we have been sitting around the Newsline office trying to think of some other songs that NASA might want to beam into space. Two came immediately to mind. First is Metaphor from the off-Broadway show The Fantasticks. The other is a bit more obvious but shows our age. "I Told Every Liittle Star" by songsters Linda Scott recorded back in 1961. (RW) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline". Our e-mail address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's" only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline", P.O. Box 660937, Arcadia, California 91066. Before we go we want to remind you that the nominating period for the 2008 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year is now open. Any licensed radio amateur age 18 or younger residing in the United States or Canada is eligible for the award. Full details and both downloadable and on-line nominating forms are in cyberspace at www.YHOTY.org. For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Jim Damron, N8TMW, saying 73 and we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline" is Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. |
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