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Default Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1699 - March 5, 2010

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1699 - March 5, 2010

Now, Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1699 with a release date of
Friday, March 5th, 2010 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a Q-S-T. Ham radio responds to an earthquake in Chile
and a tsunami it causes across the Pacific Ocean. Find out the details
on Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) report number 1699 coming your way right

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Radio Club de Chile President Dr Galdino Besomi, CE3PG says that hams in
Chile took to the air shortly after a magnitude 8.8 earthquake that
rattled his nation in the early morning hours of February 27th. Norm
Seeley, KI7UP, has the latest:


In a March 1st telephone conversation with IARU Region 2 President
Reinaldo Leandro, YV5AMH, Dr. Bensomi said that soon after the
earthquake hit, an Emergency Net was activated across the entire
country. Initial activation was on VHF followed by nets on the HF

CE3PG says that all Radio Club de Chile members are actively working in
close coordination with civil and military authorities. Also that
requests health and welfare news about people in the affected areas is
one of the main activities occupying the Chilean radio amateurs these

As we reported in last weeks breaking news bulletin, the massive 8.8
magnitude shaker caused widespread devastation across Chile. It also
triggered a tsunami alert from the West coast of North and South America
to as far away as New Zealand, Australia and the nations of the Pacific

Ham radio will likely be involved in post quake disaster communications
for some time. The IARU Region 2 and the Chilean national ham radio
society have requested that monitor a number of emergency communications
frequencies for traffic pertaining to the earthquake and its aftermath.
These are 3.738, 3.750, 7.050, 7.100, 14.200, 14.350, 21.200, 21.350,
28.300 and 28.500 MHz.

In addition to these frequencies, hams may also want to listen to the
worldwide emergency communication Center of Activity frequencies. These
are 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz. Other suggested monitoring
frequencies are 3.720, 7.045 and 7.060 MHz.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, in Scottsdale,


As we go to air, the Chilean government confirmed 799 people had been
killed by the quake, and at least 2 million made homeless. But that
number could rise because others including tourists camping on the coast
may have been dragged out to sea by the 40ft-high tsunami that
followed. (Various Sources)



The shaker that caused massive devastation across Chile also triggered a
tsunami alert from the West coast of North and South America to as far
away as New Zealand, Australia and the nations of the Pacific Rim. One
of the first places to go on tsunami watch was Hawaii. Bill Pasternak,
WA6ITF, has been following that part of the story from our newsroom in
Los Angeles:


"Did I hear any more stations trying to check in, KH6IB with the
emergency response communications net for the impending tsunami headed
into Honolulu as well as the Hawaiian Islands and actually California."


That's the voice of Ralph Young, KH6IB, who was part of a Hawaii state
wide tsunami alert on Saturday, February 27th. This as some 60 Hawaiian
hams participated in a tsunami radio net that operated throughout the
island state. Over two dozen real-time reports from observers around
the state were relayed simultaneously to the State Emergency Operating
Center and the four county EOC's. Reports like this one provided up to
the minute information on sea level changes to emergency management


"Just an update from the Big Island of Hawaii. Its been reported the
water is receding in Hilo too on the breakwaters as well as on a couple
of the beaches. I'm on the Southern end and that's the report from
Hilo, Hawaii. Back to net, KH6RFB."


Ron Hashiro, AH6RH, is the Hawaii State Civil Defense ARES and RACES
Coordinator. He says that emergency managers in his state have long
been preparing for a tsunami from Chile. Planning began in 1960 shortly
after an earthquake in Chile created a tsunami that all but destroyed
the city of Hilo on the Big Island.

According to AH6RH, the 14 hour travel time for the tsunami to reach
Hawaii provided ample time for radio amateurs to put in place their
response plan.

Hashiro said that activity started on Friday, February 26 when key
Amateur Radio operators were alerted to the 8.8 magnitude earthquake in
Chile. Then he and Kevin Bogan, AH6QO began receiving messages from the
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center that lead to the activation of RACES and
ARES. Coordination was handled on radio via the AH6CP UHF repeater.
Also utilized were text messages, phone calls as well as postings to
Facebook and tweets on the Twitter social networking websites. But it
was mobile operations over the state wide repeater network that Hashiro
said would prove to be of the greatest value as the tsunami approached:


"We were very fortunate with the tsunami net during this event because
both islands have exempted amateur radio from their mobile cellular
telephone bills. As a result hams can still operate with their radios
in their vehicles and it was that element that provided real time
reporting to the state EOC"


Radio operations began with the sounding of the warning sirens across
the state at 6 AM. The 6:01 AM net was a bulletin-only with
instructions for starting operations at 7 AM. Meantime, amateur radio
operators reported to the State and County EOCs. Hashiro, Robin Liu,
AH6CP, and Mitch Pinkerton, KH6MP, were stationed at the State Civil
Defense EOC in Diamond Head crater From there they operated nets on the
State RACES VHF Repeater network and 7.088 MHz on 40 meters.

The state-wide tsunami net commenced operation at 10:45 AM with
check-ins and position reports. Everything was ready for the tidal
surge. When it began, so did the reports from the hams in the field:


"The water is still receding on the Big Island of Hawaii in Hilo. Its
going back out again and going out more this time than it did the first
time and we've heard that the Marquises Islands have been hit with a 6
foot wave."


As the event continued, hams traced the ocean changes around the Big
Island, then to the harbors and rivers on Maui, Oahu and Kauai.
Receding water levels on the order of 2 to 6 feet were reported as the
various waves moved through the island chain. And as the hours passed
the hams also passed along other information including one dealing with
the water supply on one of the islands:


"They have turned off all the water to Hilo as well as Kona, I think as
a precautionary measure so that they don't get contamination. So they
have shut down all the water to both of those cities. Back to net, Ill
be monitoring. KH6RC."


According to AH6RH check-in nets were run at the top of each hour to
monitor the availability of operators and their locations. Thankfully
the tidal surge was minimal. As a result, real-time reporting ended at
1:08 PM and the tsunami warning for Hawaii was canceled at 1:38 PM.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, in Los Angeles


Ron Hashiro AH6RH, says that Hawaii State Civil Defense Vice Director Ed
Teixeira was extremely pleased and grateful for these reports and
extended his thanks to the Hawaiian amateur radio community for another
outstanding job well done. (ARNewsline(tm), AH6RH)



Coming to you this week from Los Angeles, California and Auckland, New
Zealand we are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations
around the world including the WB0QXW repeater serving Saint Louis,

(5 sec pause here)



While public officials in Hawaii were in full alert for the Chilean
earthquake generated tsunami, the same cannot be said for the political
leadership in Southern California. This according to Gordon West,
WB6NOA, who says that after all the hours of training volunteers in the
various cities that comprise the Southern California region, not one
politician nor their staff members had the courtesy to let them know
what was going on:


West: "We had ham radio operators in Dana Point, Newport Beach,
Huntington Harbor, Catalina Island, Long Beach Harbor, L.A. Harbor.
Hams were all over the place but no one to make a report to. The hams
were not mobilized in Southern California, and that seems strange
because here in Southern California we've offered a lot of free classes
to municipalities wanting to get their CERT groups going in disaster


West speculates that the uncertainty over the use of volunteers caused
by the FCC's strict interpretation of rule 97.113 might be one of the
reasons that the political leaders shied away from calling out or using
the services of ham radio volunteers:


West: "Well, maybe it was 97.113 and the worry by cities that this would
be an exercise that the FCC might not approve. This was not an
exercise. This was an actual tsunami with the waves coming into the Los
Angeles area."


Even though there was no official callout some Southern California's
rescue radio hams took the initiative to use the event as a training
exercise. Some nets did put themselves into operation and properly
equipped operators like Jason Gant,W6AUX, on Catalina Island were able
to provide accurate tidal surge reports. Reports that sadly went


"This is W6AUX reporting from Avalon. We had an approximate one foot
surge come in at 12:18 P.M. Pacific Standard Time. The tidal situation
is that we are two hours from an extreme low tide of minus 1.2 feet so
this helped us in managing this very low surge. This is W6AUX, out."


According to West, its beginning to appear as if the political
leadership of the region really has no idea of the free expert
communications talent at their fingertips:


West: "They don't realize the resources that the ham operators could
bring, such as we had one ham, Richard, K6RBS, that was monitoring the
DART Buoys and was giving an up to date count as to how high or not high
the tsunami would reach here in Southern California."


As we go to air its unclear if any other California, Oregon, Washington,
Alaskan or Canadian coastal communities put their ham radio response
groups on alert. What we do know is that in Southern California that
was not the case.

And less we forget, to hear more of what Gordon West has to say
regarding this issue just tune into this weeks RAIN Report, Its on line
all this week at (ARNewsline(tm))



The FCC has turned down a request filed in 2005 by the American Radio
Relay League for a declaratory ruling. One that would have indemnified
ham radio operators from prosecution under anti pirate radio laws in two

In a letter dated February 25th, the FCC responded to a Request for
Declaratory Ruling Request filed by attorney Christopher D. Imlay, W3KD,
on February 25, 2005 on behalf of ARRL. In it the ARRL asked the FCC
for a declaratory ruling that Section 877.27 of the Florida Criminal
Statutes and Section C.2C:33-23.1 of the New Jersey Statutes be
preempted by federal law. Both of these statutes make it a felony to
make a radio transmission without Commission authorization or to
interfere with a licensed public or commercial radio station.

In its filing, the ARRL acknowledged that the statutes were enacted to
address unlicensed pirate broadcasting facilities. But the League was
concerned that these laws could be applied to Commission-licensed
amateur radio stations.

In declining the ARRL request the FCC noted that the Florida legislation
has now been in effect for over five years and the New Jersey law has
been in effect for over four years. It says that in that time the
agency has not received any reports of any amateur operators being
prosecuted or threatened with prosecution under either statute.

The FCC decision did leave the door open in case a ham somewhere winds
up under the gun of one of these two state laws. It said that the ARRL
may file a new petition for declaratory ruling in the event of changed
circumstances. Read that to mean its going to take a test case in New
Jersey or Florida before the FCC gives any consideration to preempting
either state law. (FCC)



A Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, man who was electrocuted on February 28th.
This, while trying to install an antenna that authorities said would
have been used to communicate with Haiti.

Police spokesman Sgt. Frank Sousa said Mackenson Mareus died when he
touched a live power line at a home in the 1100 block of Northwest 18th
Court. Police said the antenna Mareus was helping install was intended
to set up communication with Haiti.

According to experts in South Florida that is something ham radio
operators would be able to do with relative ease. But Mareus was not a
radio amateur and according to his cousin Louikenson Arne he did not
know what the antenna was for.

Arne said that the 27 year old Mareus, was from Haiti and had lived in
South Florida for less than three years. He ran an Internet-based radio
station called Radio Tendresse, and the Web site boasted the frequency
of 97.7 FM but was not on the air anywhere in the United States.

According to the police report on the accident ham radio operators are
supposed to be licensed with the Federal Communications Commission.
However it was unclear who, if anyone, held a license to use the antenna
and any radio gear connected to it at the time of the accident that took
Mackenson Mareus life. (Published news reports)



GRE, Inc, best known as an original electronics manufacturer and Alinco,
Inc. have announced an new marketing agreement. One under which G-R-E
America, Inc. will distribute, offer customer support, and provide
warranty and non-warranty repair for radios and amplification equipment
under the Alinco brand for all of North America.

Under the agreement, GRE, Inc. will be the exclusive distributor of
Alinco products in Canada, USA, and Mexico and will handle all warranty
service and parts orders. GRE will also provide out-of warranty service
as will other currently authorized Alinco service centers. (GRE)



A new way to learn the Morse code if you fly. Wear it. And no we are
not kidding as we hear from Frank Lusa, VK2FJL of the WIA National News
has the story from down-under:


Aviators have Morse code all tied up. How, Well you might ask? Well
it's a neck tie that has the code printed on it.

Presumably pilots can check their tie if they're a bit rusty on the code
and want to verify what beacon they're receiving. These beacons transmit
a two to five letter callsigns at 5-words per minute. Lets hope that
coffee stains do not obliterate too many dits and dahs.

Im VK2FJL reporting for the WIA National News.


Now all someone has to make these new aviators Morse code ties, self
cleaning. (WIA News)



Turning to the international social scene, the Dutch National Radio
Fleamarket takes place on March 13th at the Autotron at
's-Hertogenbosch, just off A59 motorway in Holland. The event opens at
9.00 A.M. local time and runs until 15.30. Details can be found on the
website at (GB2RS)



This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. We are the Amateur
Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website
at and being relayed around the globe by the
volunteer services of the following radio amateur:

(5 sec pause here)



Some sad news to report. This with word of the February 26th passing of
former Tucson Amateur Packet Radio President David Toth, VE3GYQ at his
home in London, Ontario, Canada. Toth who was only age 55 served as
Tucson Amateur Packet Radio President from 2005 to 2009 and was twice as
a member of its Board of Directors. At the time of his passing he held
the title of President Emeritus of the organization.

In addition to amateur radio, Dr. Toth's other passions were flying his
Piper Twin Comanche and astronomy. He established the London, Ontario,
Astronomy Club and served as its president. He was also a member of the
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and belonged to the Lima, Dayton
and Columbus Astronomy Clubs.

During his career VE3GYQ traveled to Chile and Australia for NASA to fix
telescope problems. He also worked closely with Software Bisque to
develop computer programs to operate telescopes.

Dr. Toth graduated from the University of Western Ontario Medical School
in 1978. He practiced family medicine in London, Ontario but moved to
the U.S. in 1993 to began a career in emergency medicine. He was a
partner of Premier Health Care Services, in Dayton, Ohio, and worked at
Lima Memorial Health System and St. Rita's Medical Center until the time
of his illness. (WB9QZB)



Call it a true sign of the times. This with word that Sony Corporation
plans to close its tape-manufacturing plant in Dothan, Alabama. This as
the need for magnetic tape products dwindles to a trickle world-wide.

As recently as five years ago most recording of video and audio was done
to tape. But as magnetic disc drives, flash memory and electro-optical
recording technology made rapid advances, the need for magnetic tape
products quickly declined.

Now it has finally reached a low where the demand for magnetic tape
products like those produced at the Sony Dolthan, Alabama, plant has
reached the point where keeping it open is no longer economical.
According to Sony, operations at the plant will be phased out starting
in April with the closure planned to be completed by September.

The facility was opened in 1977. Termination of its operation will lead
to the loss of 300 jobs. (Birmingham News, RW, others)



Some names in the news. Handiham World reports that Matthew Arthur,
KA0PQW, of Ellendale, Minnesota, has been selected to receive a
President's Volunteer Service Award. Arthur is being recognized for his
work with the Community Emergency Response Team in Steele County,
Minnesota. That's where he volunteered and handled communications
during a flood in 2007.

According to Handiham World, this was a nine hour non-stop stint that
lasted until the National Guard could relieve him. During that time he
handled traffic into and out of the flood zone, passing messages to
authorities in the city of Winona.

Handiham World says that a story on Matthew Arthur's selection to
receive the award appeared in the February 18, 2010 edition of the
Star-Eagle newspaper that also featured a photo of his well equipped
amateur station. KA0PQW is also a Handiham leader and volunteer.
(WA0TDA, Handiham World)



Diana Eng KC2UHB, well known for her amateur radio articles and videos
for MAKE magazine, will be joining the ARRL Public Relations Committee.
Eng who is a fashion designer who is known to integrate electronics into
the attire she designs says that she is very excited to join the
committee because she wants to help connect the maker and hacker
community to the ham radio community.

Phil Torrone is the senior Editor of MAKE magazine. He describes Diana
Eng as a fashion nerd, hacker, maker and ham radio ambassador. He says
that KC2UHB is one of those people who inspire us all to hack, mod, and
learn new skills.

Eng herself notes that it is an exciting time because there is a huge
growth in the maker and hacker community. She says that it is hip to
tinker and that ham radio operators were the original makers and

Diana Eng maintains her own website. It's a fun place in cyberspace to
visit at (Southgate)



Scientists at NASA say that the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that struck
Chile on Saturday, February 27th may have shifted Earth's axis and
created shorter days. If their preliminary calculations are correct
each day should be 1.26 microseconds shorter/

According to Science OnLine, large earthquakes cause massive amounts of
rock to shift and alters the distribution of mass on the planet. That
distribution change causes the rate at which the planet rotates to alter
and it is the rate of rotation rate determines the length of a day.

Richard Gross is a geophysicist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Pasadena, California. He used computer modeling to determine how the
magnitude 8.8 quake that struck Chile may have affected Earth. He found
that the quake should have moved Earth's figure axis about 8
centimeters. That shift in axis is what may have lead to the minutely
shortened days. (Science Daily)



ROS is changing channel. José Alberto Nieto Ros, the originator of the
new amateur radio data mode ROS, has agreed to move the suggested 20
meter frequencies for this mode to 14.0972MHz and 14.102MHz. This
following a mounting number of complaints that the mode was accidentally
causing massive world-wide interference to the international beacon
frequency of 14.100 MHz.

The original frequencies recommended for the mode had been 14.098MHz and
14.1011MHz. This sandwiched the decades old propagation advisory system
between the original frequencies for ROS and making it impossible to
hear the beacon propagation broadcasts.

You can find out more about ROS at More
about the International Beacon Project at



In DX, we start with word from ARRL Awards Branch Manager Bill Moore,
NC1L, that the 3V3S operation from Tunisia and the D2CQ operation in
Angola have been approved for DXCC credit. The 3V3S operation took
place in 2009 while D2CQ is ongoing.

On the air now is G3LZQ active as 3B9WR from Rodrigues Island through
April 2nd. His operation is on all bands 160 to 10 meters, mainly CW,
but with a focus on the 160 through 40. Also look for him to be in the
RSGB's 73rd Commonwealth Contest (March 13-14th). QSL via his home

And lastly, DF7ZS, will be on the air from Madeira Island signing
portable CT9. This. between March 24th and the 31st. Activity will be
holiday style and will focus on the WARC bands. QSL via DF7ZS. To which
we can only add the line: "Have some Madiera my dear." OK. Bad joke
unless you know the music of the Limeliters.

(Above from various DX news sources)



And finally this week the story of a Santa Fe, New Mexico, man who is
suing his neighbor because he claims that her cellular telephone, her
WiFi and even her lamp dimmers are making him ill. Once again, here is
Amateur Radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, who takes a look at this
rather strange case:


The Santa Fe Reporter and Huffington Post newspapers says that a New
Mexico resident who alleges he suffers from electromagnetic allergies is
has filed a tort action against neighbor because she refuses to turn off
her home electronic equipment. According to the news stories, Arthur
Firstenberg of Santa Fe, has been sleeping at friends' homes or in his
car to avoid what he claims are the electromagnetic waves created by his
neighbor's cell phone, wireless network, computer, compact fluorescent
light bulbs and lamp dimmer switches.

Firstenberg claims that the low-level electromagnetic radiation emitted
by cell phones and other modern gadgets makes him, and others sensitive
to radio waves suffer terribly. He believes that the side-effects of
exposure, include nausea, vertigo, ringing in the ears, severe headaches
and body aches. He also credits crippling joint pains, insomnia,
impaired vision, impaired muscular control and other ailments to
electromagnetic sources.

The suit claims that when Raphaela Monribot moved in next door, she
refused to keep her phone, computer and wireless network turned off when
not in use. When asked if she could use a landline instead of her
iPhone, Firstenberg claims the neighbor flatly refused.

Firstenberg suit demands that a judge to stop his neighbor from using
her iPhone, her wireless internet and her laptop charger, saying the
radiation has forced him from his home. He also wants $530,000 in
damages, including $100,000 for pain and suffering.

The lawsuit was filed January 4th in First Judicial District Court in
Santa Fe. Firstenberg's attorney is Lindsay Lovejoy, Jr, who is a
graduate of Harvard and Yale, as well as a former Assistant New Mexico
Assistant Attorney General who has argued cases alongside now US Senator
Tom Udall. With such a high power attorney, its doubtful that this case
will disappear anytime soon.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, In Los


The battle against WiFi in Santa Fe isn't one Firstenberg is fighting
alone. He's part of a group of city residents who are pursuing legal
means to remove all WiFi hotspots from public locations because they
claim the wireless internet waves aggravate their electromagnetic
allergies. You can read more about this story
ist-sues-to-stop-neighbors-iphone-use/ and (Published reports)



With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ
Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain,
the RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from
the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is
. More information is available at Amateur Radio
Newsline's(tm) only official website located at You
can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), 28197
Robin Avenue, Santa Clarita California, 91350

Before we go, a reminder that the nominating period for the 2010 Amateur
Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award is now open. Each year, we
here at the Amateur Radio Newsline in association with Vertex Standard
Corporation -- the makers of Yaesu brand ham radio gear -- and CQ
Magazine combine to honor a ham radio operator age 18 or younger for his
or her contributions to ham radio or to society itself through ham

All nominations and materials required by the official rules must be
received by Amateur Radio Newsline no later than midnight on May 30th.
Both "mail-in" and electronic submissions are being accepted this
year. Full rules and a downloadable nominating form are now on our
website at www dot arnewsline dot org. Just scroll down until you see
"2010 Young Ham of the Year Awards Now Being Accepted" and click on the
word "here" to download the directions and the form. You can also leave
questions and comments on the official Young Ham of the Year Award page
on Facebook dot com.

For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk in Los
Angeles, I'm Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF, reporting from Auckland, New Zealand,
saying 73 and we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

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