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Old April 23rd 10, 05:57 AM posted to,,,
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Default Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1706 - April 23 2010

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1706 - April 23 2010

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1706 with a release date of
Friday, April 23rd, 2010 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a Q-S-T. Hams are true first responders at a
landslide in Rio de Janeiro, the volcanic eruption in Iceland delays an
IARU meeting, two new ham radio organizations are announced at the
International DX Convention in California and 800 attend a ham radio
reception at NAB in Las Vegas. All this and more on Amateur Radio
Newsline(tm) report number 1706 coming your way right now.

(Billboard Cart Here)



Ham radio operators in Brazil responded to the recent emergency caused
by severe rainstorms in the region near Rio de Janeiro. Bill
Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in the newsroom with the details:


According to Marcio Ribeiro, PY1RJ, director of Teaching for the Brazilian
Amateur Radio League, beginning on Tuesday, April 6th a group of ham radio
volunteers went on duty. This, to assist in communication between the
people of Rio and the citys public agencies.

Ribeiro says that days of rain caused a landslide for which radio amateurs
became what amounts to true communications first responders. He says
that some 10 hams immediately set up a network with each having a specific
duty. One was assigned the fire department, another for the Civil Defense,
yet another for the Military Police, and so on.

The major ham response was to the landslide where at least one home was
completely destroyed. On his way to that location PY1RJ warned two police
cars about the slide and the overall danger in the area. Ribeiro remained
at the disaster site as both a communicator and rescue volunteer.

Márcio Chehab, PY1MNC was also the landslide site. Chehab, who maintains
electronic equipment, helped by calling ambulances from hospitals in the
region. He also kept in contact with radio amateurs in other cities who in
turn were in communications with relief agencies.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, in Los Angeles.


In all, there were about 30 hams involved in this rescue radio
response. Those outside the area helped by maintaining a ham radio
communications infrastructure that included radio, the internet and
(G1, Southgate)



The volcanic eruption in Iceland has disrupted an International Amateur
Radio Union Region 1 Executive Committee meeting slated for April 17th and
18th in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The IARU Region 1 website reports that many participants at the yearly
meeting were unable to reach Sofia from various parts of the world. This,
due to flight restrictions and cancellations caused by the volcanic ash at
the altitudes commercial passenger jets fly.

In the end only five delegates were able to reach the meeting site. The
rest are either stranded at a transit airport or were on the way back home
by any possible means possible.

The gathering did finally take place, but by on-line web conference on
Sunday April 18th. (IARU Region 1)



There is a new player on the ham radio political and educational scene with
the goal of improving the skills of amateur radio operators around the
world,. This, by utilizing education, competition, advancement of
technology and scientific research to promote international friendship and
goodwill. It also wants to help prepare hams to better serve society in
times of communication need. These are the lofty goals of the World Wide
Radio Operator's Foundation, Inc. and it has the backing of some of the
heaviest of the true heavyweights in the hobby. Amateur Radio Newsline's
Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has the whose' who in this new game in town:


Although it was founded quietly back in 2009, the World Wide Radio
Operator's Foundation, Inc. or WWROF was officially launched on Friday,
April 16th at the 61st International DX Convention held in Visalia,
California. And the groups Board of Directors reads like a whose-who in
the world of amateur radio.

According to its leadership, the World Wide Radio Operator's Foundation
created with the goal of advancing the skill and art of radio
operating. The group's mission statement states that it is dedicated to
improving the skills of amateur radio operators around the world, utilizing
education, competition, advancement of technology and scientific research,
promoting international friendship and goodwill, and preparing them to
better serve society in times of communication need. The World Wide Radio
Operator's Foundation further believes that on-the-air contests provide a
good test of operating skills and are of immeasurable value to amateur
radio overall.

The groups is made up of a group of well-known and very highly respected
DX'ers, contesters and public service operators. This includes Chairman
Doug Grant, K1DG; Vice Chairman John Dorr, K1AR; Treasurer Ralph Bowen,
N5RZ and Secretary Tom Lee, K8AZ. Other board members are Bob Cox, K3EST;
Tim Duffy, K3LR and Mark Beckwith, N5OT.

In addition, the organization has an Advisory Committee that includes Ken
Wolff, K1EA; George Fremin, K5TR; Randy Thompson, K5ZD; Trey Garlough,
N5KO; and Larry "Tree" Tyree, N6TR.

Among other things, the group says that it intends to support high impact
operating-oriented projects. These include training activities and
content, contest administration improvements, recruitment programs for new
contesters and deployment of state-of-the-art technologies for enhanced log
checking or simply improved awards programs. They also plan on
establishing an equipment donation program for young contesters and those
radiosports oriented hams residing in third world nations.

In looking at the overall structure the World Wide Radio Operator's
Foundation appears to have adopted some of the finer points of
organizations like that of the Radio Club of America, the Quarter Century
Wirerless Association, major DX and contest groups and even the ARRL and
put them all under one roof. Its then added an emphasis on High Frequency
radiosports as an operational training ground. The only questions are will
this approach succeed and if it does, what will its long term affect be on
the overall hobby.

The World Wide Radio Operator's Foundation is incorporated as a non-profit
organization in the state of Ohio, and is pursuing tax-exempt status under
Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code so that donations made to it
will be tax-deductible.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, in Scottsdale


More information about the World Wide Radio Operator's Foundation can be
found at (WWROF release)



Radio amateurs involved in the struggle to secure reasonable accommodation
for amateur radio antennas have formed a new California public-benefit
corporation. This, to receive tax-deductible donations from those wishing
help support litigation against local jurisdictions that ignore federal and
state preemption statutes.

Chief Financial Officer Marty Woll, N6VI, announced at the recent
International DX Convention that the Amateur Radio Antenna Defense
Foundation, or ARADF, has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service as
a public charity under Section 501(c)(3). This means donations to it are
tax deductible.

According to Woll, turning to the courts can be prohibitively expensive for
the radio amateurs while cities have taxpayer-funded attorneys on staff,
giving them the upper hand. The goal of ARADF is to help level the playing
field with financial assistance that will allow deserving antenna lawsuits
to go forward.

It should be noted that the ARRL has a committee that has helped fund
antenna litigation around the country, but it focuses primarily on cases
that have reached the appellate level. The new organization will
concentrate on lower-court cases. Its web site is currently under
construction. (ARADF)



From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline,
heard on bulletin stations around the world including the AA6DP repeater of
the Catalina Amateur Repeater Association serving the Southern California
coastline from 26 miles across the sea.

(5 sec pause here)



Jamming of Central Scotland's repeaters has brought enforcement action from
UK telecommunications regulator Ofcom. Jeramy Boot, G4NJH, is in
Nottingham with mo


Following the ongoing jamming and abuse problems on a number of Central
Scotland FM Group repeaters, a meeting has taken place between Ofcom, the
repeater group and the RSGB to discuss options to address the problem.

Ofcom has indicated that the problem is under active investigation and as a
result enforcement action has been taken against one individual resulting
in the forfeiture of equipment and a number of others being warned of their

The investigations are still ongoing and Ofcom has asked that any evidence
of abuse is in the first instance forwarded to GM8HBY to co-ordinate
information rather than create duplicate reports.

Ofcom have also reminded repeater users not to respond to any abuse or
jamming heard on the repeaters.

I'm Jeramy Boot, G4NJH


It appears that bringing repeater jammers to justice in the British Empire
may be a lot swifter than over here in the USA. (GB2RS)



The ARRL at the request of the FCC has issued an advisory to all of its
Official Observers regarding the situation on and near a specific frequency
in the 20 meter band. In his note to the OO's, Chuck Skolaut, KØBOG, who
is the Leagues Field & Regulatory Correspondent wrote and we quote:

"Laura Smith at the FCC has asked me to relay the following information
regarding 14.275 and what you may be hearing. She wanted all OO's to be
aware of what is happening.

"There is quite an interesting situation developing at 14.275 and the
surrounding frequencies. For some reason, a Canadian operator has elected
to play a recording of a conversation that took place back in 2006 between
him and another licensee -- N1FM. Brian Crow (K3VR) was not involved in
that conversation -- although the Canadian licensee is currently trying to
ascribe the comments of N1FM to Brian. Again let me reiterate, Brian Crow,
K3VR, was not involved in that conversation back in 2006." -- End quote.

Skolaut's statement was first published in the newsletter of the Official
Observer Coordinator Ohio Section edited by Rick Swain, KK8O. The Canadian
station in question was not identified in the message to the Official

The original statement is on-line at (ARRL OHIO Official Observer



The FCC has notified a United Kingdom-based firm known as notified of its Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of
$25,000. This, for marketing in the United States of radio frequency
devices designed to intentionally interfere with licensed cellular and
Personal Communications Services. was originally issued a Citation by the FCC after it
discovered instances where businesses in the United States were found using
the devices. In both cases the sale of the items was traced directly to
the website. In its reply to the citation,
through its attorney claimed that it does not market to the United States,
and has not shipped or distributed units to the United States. This
despite the fact that the FCC has receipts from Phonejammer showing that
such purchases were made.

In affirming the fine the FCC said that regardless of what Phonejammer may
claim, the evidence clearly demonstrates that on at least two occasions
within the past year, Phonejammer has sold and shipped phone jamming units
to individuals in the United States. One was bought by an individual in
Carrollton, Texas on April 21, 2009 and the other by an individual in Port
St. Lucie, Florida on September 24, 2009. Both purchases were made through
the website and that Phonejammer shipped both devices to
addresses in the United States. was given the customary 30 days to pay the fine or to file
an appeal. (FCC)



The Ham Radio Reception at this years National Association of Broadcasters
Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada is reported to have been an overwhelming
success. Over 800 hams turned out for the gathering held Wednesday
evening April 14th at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel.

About $14,000 in door prizes handed out this year. In addition to ham
radio suppliers several broadcast and industrial suppliers such as Harris
and Eimac came through with prizes as well. Perhaps the biggest in sheer
size was a tower from Universal tower valued at $3500.

This years ham radio reception was again hosted by Heil Sound Ltd. and
Broadcast Supply Worldwide. The latter is better known by its initials of
BSW. (ARNewsline(tm))

And for the tenth consecutive year, the callsign N6R will operate as a
Field Day station from the grounds of the Ronald Reagan Presidential
Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California. This, to commemorate the
lives of President Ronald and Mrs. Nancy Reagan.
Joining the Ventura County Amateur Radio Society which is the primary
organizer will be a number of other local groups. These include the Amgen
Amateur Radio Club. The Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club the Simi Settlers
Amateur Radio Club and the Ventura County Amateur Radio Club. And a late
addition is the Hollywood Hills QRP Contest Club with be joining this year
as well.
N6R will operate from 1800 UTC on June 25th to 1800 UTC on June 27th with
up to 16 stations on all of the High Frequency bands. Also look for the
N6R call on the VHF and UHF bands from 6 meters on-up using many modes
including fast-scan ATV and satellite operations.
If you are lucky enough to make contact with N6R this year, please QSL with
an Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to VCARS, in care of Peter Heins, N6ZE,
1559 Norwich Ave., Thousand Oaks, CA, 91360 ( N6ZE, W6AQ )


The Dayton Hamvention and the Midwest VHF/UHF Society have teamed up to
host the first ever Discover Homebrew demonstration area at Hamvention

Located in booths 179, 180, 191, 192, and booths 203, 204, 215, and 216 in
the North Hall, there will be 6 eight foot tables available to accommodate
many homebrewers and their gear simultaneously. The Hamvention will
provide AC power along with H-F and possibly VHF antenna access. All you
need to do is bring your favorite home built project, set it up and
demonstrate it to anyone who is interested.

This demonstration area will operate on an open schedule basis. This means
that you can be there when you want for as long as you want, space
permitting. A sign-in sheet will be provided where you can record your
project description, contact information and times you will be providing a

The only restriction is that no sales of these demonstration items will be
permitted as a courtesy to paying exhibitors. However, if you have
commercial plans for your project, it is fine to go ahead and talk about

More about this and other Hamvention happenings is on line at (Dayton Hamvention®)



Some names in the news. First up congratulations to Sarah Heil, the wife
of Heil Sound Ltd. Chief Executive Officer Bob Heil, K9EID, on her being
named company president.

Sarah Heil holds two degrees from McKendree University in Lebanon,
Illinois. She began working at Heil Sound in Informatioin Technology in
1999 and has played in increasingly active role in the company's activities
ever since.

No stranger to the company's workload and business philosophies, she can
often be found in the shipping department helping to meet deadlines for
product delivery. She is also a very visible face of the company at trade
events. Because of this she has gained industry wide respect from dealers
and customers alike.

Heil Sound Ltd. was founded as a sound reinforcement specialty company by
Bob Heil back in 1966. It has since evolved into one of the worlds leading
manufacturers of cutting edge technology dynamic microphones for live
sound, recording and two-way communications. In her new role Sarah Heil
will oversee all aspects of Heil Sound's financial management as well as
the company's long-term strategies. (RW)



The Radio Society of Great Britain has awarded the Kenwood Trophy for
outstanding contribution to amateur radio training to the Bath Buildathon
event and the follow-up DVD that its sponsors have produced. All six of
the Bath Buildathon crew received certificates of merit for their part in
this special event. To date, over 60 copies of the DVD have been sent out
across the U-K and abroad. The award presentation took place at the RSGB's
recent Annual General Meeting. (GB2RS)



This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States
of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from
our only official website at and being relayed by the
volunteer services of the following radio amateur:

(5 sec pause here)



The ham who once walked Australia North to South is planning to do it
again. But this time Jeff Johnson VK4XJJ plans to go across that
nation. Trevor Tage, VK4BT, has more from down-under:


Well Jeff has another little walk planned but this time it is from east to
west! right across Australia!!

The Royal Flying Doctor Service has approached Jeff to complete this huge
fund-raising walk on their behalf. They will be providing support along the
way and the Gympie Communications & Electronics Group will be Jeff's
official East Coast Amateur Radio contact station.

The walk is being planned to commence early April 2011. With anticipated
radio and TV coverage, 'Jeff's Walk' will once again raise money and
awareness for a good cause and help to promote and demonstrate Amateur


One thing you can be sure of is that ham radio will once again be an
important part of VK4XJJ's long distance walking odyssey. (WIA News)



ARMAD an acronym for Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day is slated for
this coming May 29th. Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day is a chance
for hams to show their support for the United States men and women
stationed world wide in defense of our nation, its citizens and our
liberty. Information for sites near you planning to take part in Amateur
Radio Military Appreciation Day can be found at Questions and comments go to event planner
Emery McClendon, KB9IBW by email to armad07(at) yahoo dot com. (ARMAD)



A ham radio magazine in the United Kingdom wants to try to halt that
nations transition to all digital radio broadcasting. VK2LAW, has the


A UK National Campaign to maintain traditional analogue broadcast radio for
everyday listening and for use in times of national emergencies is trying
to spring up.

The pressure is on to replace traditional analogue radio broadcasting with
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) radio. Indeed, the UK Government has
provisionally set 2015 as the date when the world wide standard frequency
modulation services are to disappear from 87.5 to 108MHz in the v.h.f. f.m.
band), to be replaced with DAB radio transmissions. Eventually, the
analogue services on long waves at 198 kHz and medium waves from 500kHz to
1.6MHz will also be replaced by digital transmissions.

If you do want to know more you can contact Rob G3XFD, oh and Rob is
actually Dr. Rob B Mannion the Editor of Practical Wireless magazine.

I'm Jason, VK2LAW.


For those not aware, Practical Wireless is Great Britain's best selling
independently published amateur radio magazine. (WIA News)



India has a new Amateur Radio Museum, Knowledge and Awareness Center. Its
located at the National Institute of Amateur Radio headquarters in the city
of in Hyderabad. The new museum and center was officially opened on
Sunday, April 18th. More is on-line at
amateur-radio-museum-opens/166486.html (ExpressBuzz)



AMSAT North America says that AO-51 is now running two FM repeaters to
support contacts by the Boy Scouts celebrating their 100th anniversary this
week. The second repeater's uplink is 145.88 with a downlink on 435.150
MHz. Its available primarily for Scouting stations but when not in use by
the Boy Scouts, other low power stations are welcome. AMSAT defines low
power as 10 watts or less, and uplinking using omnidirectional or handheld
antennas only.

Meantime, the main repeater on AO-51 is still open for general traffic and
the 67 Hz tone access testing continues. That uplink: 145.920 MHz and
downlink at 435.300 MHz for general contacts. Both orbital repeaters
operate narrowband FM. Please see for the latest AO-51 Control
Team News. (AMSAT)



On the air, listen out for the special callsigns AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU,
AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU and AO9EU between May 1st to the
20th. This, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Robert Schuman's
presentation of his proposal for the creation of what is now known as the
European Union.

The activity is organized this year by Spains EA Digital Federation under
the auspices of the European Radio Amateurs' Organization. All bands and
all modes will be used. A special QSL card will be available only via
EuroBureauQSL at (Southgate)



In DX, word that G5XW will be active from Malta as 9H3XW between June 12th
to the 19th. His operation will be on the H-F bands using SSB with no set
times or frequencies. QSL via his home callsign, direct only.

And listen out for VK6DXI to be active as 9M8DX/2 from Kuala Lumpur between
April 20th and the 23rd and the 26th to the 29th. In between he will
operate from Tioman Island between April 24th and the 26th. His activity
will be focused on 30, 17 and 12 meter CW. QSL via SP5UAF, either direct
or via the bureau.

RD3AF says that he will be on from the Canary Islands from May 29th to the
30th for this years CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest. QSL via UA3DX.

IW1PRT will be active from Liechtenstein portable HB0 between April
30th and May 1st. He usually operates on 160 through 10 meters including
the WARC bands. QSL via his Manager IZ1MKR
via EURAO Bureau.

Lastly, W2LPL will be active from Antigua as V26LPL between April 26th and
the 30th on 20 meters using 100 watts. QSL via W2LPL.

(Above from various DX news sources)



And finally this week, imagine being able to power your radio gear and
recharge your car's battery with power derived from your auto's shock
absorbers. Well its more than a pipe dream as we hear from Amateur Radio
Newsline's Frank Haas, KB4T:


In a recent study, mechanical engineers from the State University of New
York designed and tested a retrofit regenerative shock absorber that
recovers a vehicle's vibration as energy. The researchers built a small
scale prototype of the regenerative shock absorber, and demonstrated its
ability to harvest 2 to 8 watts of power during typical driving
conditions. This, at a speed of about 45 mph.

The researchers predict that a full-scale system on a four-wheel car should
be able to recover up to 256
watts under real world driving conditions. They also believe the ability
to harvest approximately 64 watts per wheel will increase considerably when
the system is used on irregular or poorly paved roadways.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline. I'm Frank Haas, KB4T, in Holly Hill,


In their research the scientists also discovered that the power regenerated
by this system is proportional to the square of the magnetic flux across
the coils in the shock absorber system. Consequently, increasing the flux
by a factor of two quadruples the peak power output. More on this
discovery is on line at (Elektor E-Magazine and
WIA News)



With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ
Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the
RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the
Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is
. More information is available at Amateur Radio
Newsline's(tm) only official website located at You can
also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), 28197 Robin
Avenue, Santa Clarita California, 91350

Before we go, a reminder that the nominating period for the 2010 Amateur
Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award is now open. Each year, we here
at the Amateur Radio Newsline in association with Vertex Standard
Corporation -- the makers of Yaesu brand ham radio gear -- and CQ Magazine
combine to honor a ham radio operator age 18 or younger for his or her
contributions to ham radio or to society itself through ham radio.

All nominations and materials required by the official rules must be
received by Amateur Radio Newsline no later than midnight on May
30th. Both "mail-in" and electronic submissions are being accepted this
year. Full rules and a downloadable nominating form are now on our website
at Just scroll down until you see "2010 Young Ham of
the Year Awards Now Being Accepted" and click on the word "here" to
download the directions and the form. You can also leave questions and
comments on the official Young Ham of the Year Award page on Facebook dot

For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm David
KB4KCH, saying 73 and we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

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