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Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1737 - November 26 2010
Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1737 with a release date of Friday, November 26th 2010 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. Five new ham radio satellites are now in space. We have their story. Also, Internet connected ham radio is found to be legal in New Zealand, Skywarn Recognition Day is December 4th and a new form of diode could revolutionize the future of electronic design. Find out the details on this Thanksgiving week 2010 Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) report number 1737 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: NEW HAMSATS ARE ON ORBIT A cluster of new ham radio satellites are now on-orbit. Amateur Radio Newslines Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has the latest on these new birds: -- Five new satellites are on-orbit. Four are of interest to ham radio and one has already been heard. Take a listen: -- RAX Audio Here -- That was RAX-1 as it was heard on 437.505 MHz as it flew over Hawaii on Saturday, November 20th at about 06:00 local time. The bursts of static you hear between the band noise is the 9600 baud RAX-1 transmitter. But RAX was not alone when it was launched into space at 01:24 UT on Nov 20th. The other for birds are FASTRAC-1 "Sara Lily" transmitting on 437.345 MHz FM using the AX.25 packet protocol at 1200 bits per second. Then there is FASTRAC-2 "Emma" is its 2 meter counterpart downlinking on 145.825 MHz with the same mode and protocol as FASTRAC-1. Next up is O/OREOS is 437.305 MHz. Last but by no means least is Nanosail D2 that transmits a half second beacon beacon every 5 sec on 437.275 MHz. All of these new birds were sent to orbit on-board a Minotaur-4 launch vehicle from the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska. All of the the satellites are in a 400 mile high circular orbit. And less we forget, some of these new ham radio satellites has its own web page. You will find links to each on in this weeks printed Amateur Radio Newsline report. With thanks to Ron Hashiro, AH6RH, for providing the audio of RAX, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, reporting on these new satellites from Scottsdale Arizona. -- The web sites for the satellites are as follows: RAX Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/RAXRa...68658456492859 RAX Twitter: http://twitter.com/RAX_2010 FASTRAC Facebook http://www.facebook.com/fastracsats FASTRAC Twitter http://www.twitter.com/fastracsats/ O/OREOS http://www.crestnrp.org NanoSail-D2 http://nanosaild.engr.scu.edu/dashboard.htm More on the new satellites in future Amateur Radio Newsline reports. (AMSAT, AH6RH) ** RADIO RULES: INTERNET CONNECTED HAM RADIO LEGAL IN ZL Some good news for hams in New Zealand. The government regulatory agency has completed is review of Internet connect ham radio systems and has concluded that no changes are required to the current Amateur General User Radio License conditions to accommodate amateur radio modes such as APRS, IRLP, D-Link, and the like. According to a government release, normal New Zealand repeater licensing procedures will continue to apply to those circumstances where frequency coordination is required and/or the internet-connected device is located at a site belonging to a non-amateur third party. Also, in operating Internet connected systems, New Zealand amateurs need to be aware of the provisions of the Amateur General User License as well as Regulation 25.2 of the International Radio Regulations The latter says that transmission between amateur stations of different countries shall be limited to communications incidental to the purposes of the amateur service. (NZART) ** RESCUE RADIO: NEW WORKING AGREEMENT SIGNED BETWEEN RSGB AND RAEN A new agreement between the Radio Society of Great Britain and the Radio Amateurs Emergency Network will improve emergency response in the U-K. Jeremy Boot, G4NJH, is here with the details: -- The Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network, the UK's principal organization of volunteers providing radio communications in time of need, and the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), the UK's national society for Amateur Radio, are pleased to announce the signing of a formal agreement between the two organizations providing a framework to progress the closer working relationship between them. The Network Chairman, Cathy Clark, said "I am delighted to sign this agreement, which promises to bring the two organizations closer together for the benefit of our members and the service they provide to our many User Services." RSGB President Dave Wilson, said "I would like to thank all those who've been working behind the scenes on what was undoubtedly not an easy task to get us to the position we are today." The signing of this agreement cements on-going co-operation between the two organizations. Joint working will continue to ensure the smooth implementation of the Principles of Co operation described in the agreement. I'm Jeremy Boot, G4NJH. -- The agreement, which had unanimous acceptance by both the RSGB Board and the Network's Committee of Management, was signed on Saturday 20th November 2010 during the RSGB Spectrum Forum meeting in which all parties consider frequency planning and usage issues. (GB2RS) ** RADIO RULES: IC SUGGESTS CANADIAN HAMS CAN HELP ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY LOCATE INTERFERENCE Canadian hams could be called upon by that nations power industry to help find sources of interference emanating from power lines and associated devices. At a November 2nd meeting between the Canadian Electricity Association and telecommunications regulator Industry Canada, the subject of the power industry properly controlling interference from its generators, power transmission line or annularly gear was discussed. Such interference is governed under an Industry Canada document titled Interference Causing Equipment Standards number 004. Canadian Electricity Association representatives indicated that front line electrical utility workers may not be familiar with the requirements of the document. They also noted that many utilities may not always have the expertise available to locate sources of electrical interference In response, Industry Canada pointed out to Canadian Electricity Association that radio amateurs can be an invaluable resource in these cases. This is because hams may have skills that could be used to help identify interference sources. The interference discussion with the Canadian Electricity Association was the result of a meeting last October 28th of the Canadian Amateur Radio Advisory Board. This is a joint Radio Amateur of Canada and Industry Canada consultation body which meets to discuss matters of mutual concern. (RAC) ** BREAK 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the W2SNM repeater serving the Big Apple from the heart of New York City. (5 sec pause here) ** RESCUE RADIO: NC HAM ASKS HELP IN LOCATING MISSING 14 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER The 14 year old daughter of David Westphalen, KJ4ENS has gone and he is asking hams nationwide to be on the lookout for her. Tabatha Marie Self was last seen in the Delway area of Sampson County, North Carolina on Thursday November 11th. She stands about 5 foot 5 inches tall, weighs about 140 lbs, has blue green eyes and multi colored red, blonde and brown hair that she usually wears up most of the time. If you spot Tabatha Marie Self, please call Sergeant Sanchez at the Sampson County, North Carolina Sheriff's Department at area code 910-592-4141. Photos of Tabatha are on- line at tinyurl.com/22or3gp (QRZ.com) ** ENFORCEMENT: MOVIE-MOVIE - NOT Lots of enforcement action in the past few weeks, but none of it directly involving ham radio. In fact, a lot to do with the motion picture industry and all of it in California and a unit called the Modulus UHF wireless video assist device. Able Cine Tech of Burbank, South Bay Film and Video Services of Redondo Beach and Wolf Seeberg Video of Marina del Rey, have all been issued a Citation for the alleged illegal marketing of the Modulus un-certificated radio frequency device. The Modulus is a wireless unit designed to transmit composite video-in and retransmit it to a wireless video monitor and eliminating the need for hard wire coax cable between the two. (FCC) ** ENFORCEMENT: FCC ISSUES OFFICIAL CITATION TO HOBBY LOBBY INC. The FCC has issued an Official Citation to Hobby Lobby International, Inc.. This, for marketing unauthorized radio frequency devices in the United States. In a November 22nd release, the FCC said that it found that Hobby Lobby had been selling a product known as the JETI Duplex 2.4 GHz System for radiocontrolled models. These units, built in the Czech Republic had not been approved by the FCC for sale in the United States. The FCC warned Hobby Lobby that future violations of its rules in this regard may subject the company to substantial monetary penalties, seizure of equipment, and criminal sanctions. It also gave the company the usual 30 days to file a reply to the citation. (FCC) ** RESCUE RADIO: SKYWARN RECOGNITION DAY DECEMBER 4th The 2010 SKYWARN Recognition Day event will take place Saturday, December 4th. Cosponsored by the National Weather Service and the ARRL, SKYWARN Recognition Day is the National Weather Service's way of expressing its appreciation to Amateur Radio operators for their commitment to keep communities safe. Over 100 National Weather Service regional offices will be participating in this year's event to recognize the community service of ham radio operators who volunteer to provide this vital severe weather watch service. (NWS, ARRL) ** BROADBAND NEWS: COX CABLE LAUNCHES CELLULAR NETWORK Cox Communications which is the nations thirdlargest cable company, is launching its new cellular telephone network in three scattered areas on Friday, November 26th. Initially, the Cox cellular service we only be available in Orange County, California., Omaha, Nebraska and Hampton Roads, Virginia. These are cities where Cox is the local cable company but Cox plans to expand the network sometime in the future. It is public record that Cox has spent $550 million to buy rights to use wireless spectrum in and around Atlanta, New Orleans, San Diego, and Las Vegas as well as much of Kansas and southern New Mexico. Those areas represent about 23 million potential wireless customers that the cable giant likely hopes to entice to join its service. (B&C) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: PRCARC HAMFEST DECEMBER 11 IN MISSISSIPPI The Pearl River County Amateur Radio Club in Poplarville, Mississippi, holds is annual hamfest on Saturday, December 11th starting at 8 a.m. local time. The venue is the National Guard Armory in Poplarville, and will feature commercial sales, VE testing, forums and much more. For information take your web browser to tinyurl.com/2592362 or e-mail Larry Wagoner to N5WLW (at) arrl dot net. (AE5DW) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: W1JNR TO SPEAK ON DECEMBER 6TH Some names in the news. The Hartford Current newspaper reports that area hams, broadcasters and the public are invited to a slide show and talk by John Ramsey, W1JNR, chief technical officer of WCCC Radio and general manager of FM station WWUH. In his presentation, Ramsey will play memorable air checks and give his own recollections of outstanding radio events interspersed with slides of studios, transmitter towers and related sites. By way of background, John Ramsey is chairman of the Society of Broadcast Engineers local chapter and webmaster of HartfordRadioHistory.com and Coldwar-ct.com. He is also president of Ramsey Communications Services a broadcast engineering consulting firm and also holds an Advanced Class Amateur Radio license as well as an FCC Radio Telephone First Class Commercial license. He started in broadcasting in1971 as a DJ and board operator at the former WEXT radio in West Hartford. This free event is presented by Newington Amateur Radio League. More information is available at 860-667-2864. (NARL) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: 2004 YHOTY RECIPIENT KG4UIM ELECTED ARRL SOUTHEASTERN VICE DIRECTOR And a word of congratulations to 2004 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM, of Grayson, Georgia. This, on her election as ARRL Vice Director Southeastern Division. Andrea was declared the winner after garnering 3573 votes and ousting incumbent Jeff Beals, WA4AW, who garnered only 1615 votes. Beals was appointed Vice Director in June 2009 upon the death of Vice Director Sandy Donahue, W4RU. At age 21, Hartlage is believed to be the youngest person ever elected to this high a position in the ARRL political structure. She is currently a student at Georgia Tech studying Aerospace Engineering with hopes of eventually joining the United States Astronaut Corps. In the same election Brian Mileshowsky, N5ZGT, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, who was the 1997 Young Ham of the Year recipient was re-elected as Director of the League's Rocky Mountain Division for his second term. A complete list of this falls ARRL election winners can be found at the Leagues website at www.arrl.org. (ARNewsline(tm), ARRL) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: NEW DIODES COULD REVOLUTIONIZE FUTURE ELECTRONICS Researchers at Oregon State University have solved a fundamental problem in material science that has eluded researchers since the 1960s. One that could form the basis of a new approach in electronic designs. The discovery, just reported online in the professional journal Advanced Materials, outlines the creation for the first time of a new high performance "metal-insulator-metal" diode. Creation of such a device could change modern electronics. This is because these so called next generation diodes previously made with other approaches always had poor yield and sub-standard performance. As one of the basics of electronics, diodes are an important part in all future circuit designs. You can read more about this fascinating discovery is on-line at tinyurl.com/28tqqzm (Science OnLine) ** ON THE AIR: XR33M CELEBRATES CHILEAN MINE RESCUE On the air, word that members of the Radio Club de Copiapo are active through the end of December as XR33M. This in celebration of the rescue of 33 trapped miners near San Jose in Chile. The XR33M call will also be used during the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest the 27th and 28th of November, and the ARRL 10 Meter Contest on December. 11th and 12th. On a historical note, club members offered their support to the rescue effort by providing communications in the desert region where the copper mine is located. That support enabled links to various authorities with emergency equipment inside the San Jose site and also with family and authorities in the City Of Copiapo. (Various) ** DX In DX word that G3PJT will be active stroke J6 from the northeast corner of St. Lucia between March 8th and the 15th. His activity will be holiday style using an Elecraft K2 transceiver and vertical antennas. QSL direct to G3PTJ. Bill Moore NC1L, the Awards Branch Manager at the ARRL has announced that two DXpeditions from earlier this year have been approved for DXCC credit. These are the 2010 5-X-ZeroC-W operation from Uganda and the 2010 D-2-Q-V operation from Angola. RD3A will be active from Bonaire island as PJ4G during the ARRL DX CW Contest which runs from February 19th to the 20th. He will be a Single-Op All-Band HighPower entry. QSL via K4BAI. N3QQ says that NL8F will join him on the DXpedition to Marshall Islands only a few weeks from now. Both operators will arrive on Majuroon November 30th and they will stay in V73-land until December 17th. The operators will operate from Enewetak Atoll where some of the equipment is already pre-positioned. More on this one is on line at www dot oc278 dot ucoz dot com. OH1VR will be active from Chatham Island as ZL7VR through November 29th. His operation will be on all of the high frequency bands and will also include the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest on November 27th and 28th. QSL via OH1VR. W2GD will operate P40W from Aruba through December 1st. He plans to join the World Wide DX CW Contest in the single Operator all band category with his focus on 160 meters and the WARC bands before and after the contest. QSL via Logbook of the World or direct to N2MM. And lastly, the trio of VK3KH, VK4UH and VK3XPD are returning to Norfolk Island after their inaugural VHF/UHF and Microwave band DXpedition of last summer. The dates for the next outing are the 7th to the 21st of January. The prime focus this time is for those elusive microwave QSO's on 2.4 GHz thru 10 GHz to Australia and New Zealand. The team will also carry gear for 6 meters, 2 meters, 70 cm and 1296 MHz. QSL as directed on the air. (Above from various DX News Sources) ** RADIO FROM SPACE: MARS HOPPER COULD REPLACE MARS ROVER And finally this week, word that researchers at the University of Leicester are developing a conceptual motor design for a Mars 'hopping' vehicle which should lead to a greater understanding of the 'Red Planet'. The hopper can collect fuel between hops by compressing gas from the Martian atmosphere and can fly quickly between sites, powered by a longlife radioisotope power source. It could therefore study hundreds of locations over a lifetime of several years and continually radio its findings back to Earth. The Leicester research is focused on the rocket motor, looking at its size and materials. A video illustrating the concept is available on YouTube at tinyurl.com/22ujspj (SD) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's(tm) only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa Clarita California, 91350 Please do not forget that in association with the Newark Amateur Radio Society that we are currently conducting a survey to determine where these weekly Amateur Radio Newsline reports are replayed on the air. If you are a bulletin station that transmits these weekly newscasts or a listener who has the following information, we need you to supply to us the call sign of the repeater or bulletin station making the transmission, the frequency where it can be heard, the time and day and days of the week it is broadcast, the time zone and the estimated audience you think it has. Please e-mail that information along with your name and callsign to arnschedule (at) gmail (dot) com. Once again thats arnschedule (at) gmail (dot) com. As always we thank you for your assistance in this survey. For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Frank Haas, KB4T, in Holly Hill Florida saying we hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday, 73 and we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. |
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