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 Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2004, March 25, 2016
Amateur Radio Newsline report number 2004 with a release date of Friday, March 25, 2016 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a QST. New York area hams take on malicious interference. American Indians are taking radio into tribal lands. A veteran broadcaster celebrates his roots on the amateur airwaves. And the Heard Island DXpedition is a go! All this and more in Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2004 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here and Intro) ** UNJAMMING THE AIRWAVES We begin this week's newscast with a report that hams in the New York metropolitan area are ramping up their fight against malicious interference plaguing the region's VHF and UHF bands. And they're hoping that hundreds of others will add some valuable input. In a recent email to ARRL Hudson Division members, division director Mike Lisenco, N2YBB, is urgently pressing hams and their clubs to help create a wide-ranging database documenting the problems throughout New York City, Long Island, Northern New Jersey, Westchester and Rockland counties. Lisenco is asking all hams who have already filed complaints with the FCC about the malicious interference to pass along the complaint number, as well as the date it was sent and any action that was taken. And he is asking repeater owners, trustees and other hams everywhere in the region to document their first-hand complaints with as much detail as possible - even if these complaints duplicate what others have heard. To bolster the effort, New York Congressman Peter King has written FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, pressing the agency to step in and act against the interference. In the meantime, the division is directing database contributors to an online report form that can be found on its website at hudson.arrl.org. There is a link that says "End Hudson Jamming" which allows access to the form. Lisenco wrote, in his email, the more reports the better: QUOTE "We need quantity. In other words, constant reports from everyone who is experiencing jamming on VHF and UHF as it's happening." ENDQUOTE In a followup email he further urged: QUOTE "One report is not enough. We need hundreds. Thousands." ENDQUOTE (ARRL HUDSON DIVISION) *** PUTTING INDIAN COUNTRY ON THE AIR DON: A national group of American Indians who are also licensed amateurs is harnessing ham radio's power to help those living on America's tribal lands. Amateur Radio Newsline's Kent Peterson, KC0DGY, spoke with the group's president. [KENT'S REPORT:] NATHAN NIXON: In Arizona we have 22 tribal nations here in our state, those 22 tribal nations make up 29 percent of the land base in Arizona, so more than a quarter of our state is all tribal lands. KENT PETERSON: A plan to increase amateur radio's presence in Tribal lands is the mission of the National Tribal Amateur Radio Association. Their president is Nathan Nixon N7NAN. NATHAN: Having been a licensed ham for 22 years and working in Indian country for the last six years I can tell you there are not a lot of amateur radio operators that I've met KENT: Nixon says amateur radio can be a valuable resource to interconnect smaller villages. NATHAN: For a long time a lot of the things your counterparts in the city or county had we didn't have, You've got these tiny villages here, and they're blocked by so many things and yet if you can find the highest point and you may be able to cover those tiny villages. and you put a ham radio repeater up there with 100 watts you may be able to cover those villages here's my cell phone and yet I can pull out this radio running 5 watts and they're 80 miles away from me. That to me is just amazing. They're going to have that backup communication system. KENT: The association has three main goals NATHAN: To further amateur radio in Indian country. Hey, we want equipment in our emergency operations center -- that's our second goal to assist with that. But the third goal is to bring STEM into those Indian schools. The example I use all the time: look at our astronauts. Most all are licensed amateur radio operators and those kids from our schools could pave the way to do that. KENT: And the group hopes to expand NATHAN: I would like to see NTARA have a footprint into all 567 tribal nations within five years. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Kent Peterson KC0DGY ** HAMVENTION ANNOUNCES 2016 AWARD WINNERS DON: Some of the brightest stars to shine at this year's Dayton Hamvention in May will be the honorees at the annual awards convocation. Amateur Radio Newsline's Amanda Alden-Carrier, K1DDN, has more about the proud, deserving recipients announced by chairman Frank Beafore, WS8B. [AMANDA'S REPORT] Frank Beafore, WS8B, chairman for the 2016 Hamvention� awards has announced the winners for the annual Hamvention awards ceremony. Amateur of the Year winner is Joe Taylor, K1JT. Joe was first licensed in 1954. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993 for discovery of the first orbiting pulsar, leading to observations that established the existence of gravitational waves. After retirement he has been busy developing and enhancing digital protocols for weak-signal communication by Amateur Radio, including JT65 and WSPR. (otherwise known as whisper Technical Achievement goes to ? John S. Burningham, W2XAB first licensed in 1970 John has been involved with amateur repeaters for over 40 years. He is a life member of the ARRL and QCWA and has belonged to AMSAT and TAPR in addition to a number of local clubs as he moved between ten different states. John is currently active in the DMR community, having published a beginner?s guide [http://guide.k4usd.org] and a DMR article in QST and a contributing author in the ARRL 2016 Handbook. He has also presented a number of forums at ham fests including at Hamvention promoting DMR. Special Achievement Award ? Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU Stan is recognized for being an advocate of cutting edge technologies that are now commonly used in amateur radio. Stan has also authored five books and wrote over 1,200 pieces for the ARRL and TAPR while evangelizing the use of home computers, packet radio, APRS, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) in amateur radio. Licensed in 1969, Stan also known as LOU has served in a variety of roles including Section Manager of Connecticut and is presently the director and secretary for TAPR and serves as editor of TAPR?s newsletter (PSR) Club of the Year winner goes to ? Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, N0SZ Rocky Mountain Ham Radio is not your typical Amateur Radio club. The organization is based in Denver, Colorado and offers its services to other Ham radio clubs as well as A.R.E.S. groups to help them be successful. Technical assistance, classroom training on a myriad of subjects, mentoring, equipment/system design and public service are among the services provided. Rocky Mountain Ham Radio is not in competition with anyone else, but exists to serve everyone! When asked how he felt about the award, RMHAM President Jeff Ryan had this to say. ?We are an organization in service to other Amateur Radio groups and it is wonderful to see that our efforts have been recognized by the Hamvention Committee.? Being a proud member of RMHAM myself, I?d like to give the club a big congratulations! For Amateur Radio Newsline, I?m Amanda Alden-Carrier, K1DDN ** BREAK HE Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the SPARC club repeater for the Sportsman's Paradise Amateur Radio Club, K4WAK, in Wakulla County, Florida in time for the Friday afternoon commute. ** ** DIGGING ART BELL'S AMATEUR ROOTS DON: Professional broadcaster Art Bell has had a lifelong affinity for the airwaves that have provided him with a lively career. But it all began, for the late night talk show host, in amateur radio. Bell, whose call sign is W6OBB, got his first license a young teenager. Speaking on the podcast, QSO Today with host Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, the broadcast veteran recently shared how ham radio's magic affected the course of his family life and professional life. Here is an excerpt: [EXCERPT:] "It has impacted my family life always .[ENDING WITH]... Itis not just a hobby, it is an absolute love." DON: The entire interview with Art Bell is available as Episode 85 on the QSO Today website. Hap Holly's RAIN Report will also present Eric Guth's interview in two segments: Part One will run Friday, March 27 and Part Two can be heard the following week. ** HEARD ISLAND DON: Heard Island, off the western coast of Australia, is a nature lover's delight. But for the next few weeks, this coveted DXCC entity is once again a DXers' paradise. We hear more from Amateur Radio Newsline's Graham Kemp, VK4BB. GRAHAM: The Braveheart has landed! On Tuesday, March 22, the DXpedition team, VK0EK, emerged from two days of travel through foggy conditions and sighted their ultimate home base: Heard Island. They were filled with as much wonder over the bird life and natural beauty that greeted them as the prospect of a successful DXpedition that is to run for about three weeks from the Indian Ocean island, southwest of Western Australia. The ship anchored in Atlas Cove, and the team got busy preparing to activate what is the fifth most wanted DXCC entity. The team plans to coordinate with the FT4JA DXpedition team from France, which will also be on the island at the end of March through mid-April. DXers are being encouraged to check back frequently to the website VK0EK.org for updates on band plan and operating modes. Already, however, they seemed to be off to a good start. As Bill Mitchell, AE0EE, wrote on the DXexpedition website on Tuesday, March 22: The team's maritime mobile operation enroute to Heard Island, operating as ZL/ZS9HI/MM, ended up with 7745 contacts, with 5011 unique stations, representing 101 DXCC entities. The best is yet to come. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB. (VKOEK.ORG) ** TWO ALASKAN AMATEURS BECOME SILENT KEYS The State of Alaska has lost two noted radio amateurs: Arlene "Buddy" Clay, KL7OT, and Gary Senesac, AL9A. Arlene Clay became a Silent Key on Feb. 11, and the amateur community lost Gary Senesac on March 15. Arlene Clay, who was 103 years old, became a licensed amateur in 1948 and for years called the Thursday night Snipers Net for the Matanuska Amateur Radio Association - even after she moved into a Wasilla, Alaska retirement community home in 2011. A native of Maine, she was a retired magistrate judge in the Alaska Court System and was inducted into the Alaska Women's Hall of Fame in 2015. Before her career in the courts, she had been an air traffic controller with her husband, Earl, KL7EM. Noted contester Gary Senesac, also of Wasilla, Alaska, was an Illinois native who moved to Alaska in 2003 after retiring from the Caterpillar Corp. His contest activities, which were especially strong in the modes of CW and RTTY, included working as W1AW/KL7 during the recent ARRL Centennial. He also made himself available to any amateurs needing an Alaskan contact for an operating award. Said fellow Alaskan ham, Corliss Kimmel, AL1G, QUOTE "Seems like he was in just about every contest. He was also very technically knowledgeable and helpful to anyone who needed advice." ENDQUOTE A veteran of the U.S. Air Force, Gary Senesac was 72. (ARRL, ALASKA WOMEN'S HALL OF FAME) ** INTRUDERS ON THE AIR The International Amateur Radio Union, Region 1, reports the latest instances of intruders on the amateur bands. They include a 50 kHz-wide Russian over-the-horizon radar on 80 meters, often found in the CW portion of the band. Another over-the-horizon signal, about 13 kHz wide, turns up in the range on 40 meters between 7000 and 7100 kHz. As high as 7200 kHz, there is also PSK, FSK and a Codar-like radar signal. That radar is also turning up on 20 met ers, along with some broadband over-the-horizon radar signals from China and some digital traffic. (IARU, Region 1) ** THE WORLD OF DX In addition to Heard Island, there's lot more DXing going on: Listen for John, K3JZ and Marjorie, N7SOF in a number of locations in the Society Islands of French Polynesia until April 21. Keep an ear out for them as FO/K3JZ and FO/N7SOF on CW, RTTY, and JT65. They will upload all logs to LoTW and Club Log after they return. QSL card requests via Club Log OQRS or Direct. Richard, BG9GXM is working from Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China as BG9GXM/3 until March 29. During the CQ WPX contest on March 26 and 27, his callsign will be BG3ITB. Be listening on 40-10 meters, possibly 80 and 6 meters too. He is working mainly SSB and JT65, but possibly CW. Elvira/IV3FSG and Angelo/IK2CKR are working the HF bands as E44YL from Bethlehem until April 7. Elvira will be on SSB and digital modees, and Angelo will work CW. Elvira and Lui/YT3PL will also be in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest on March 26 and 27 as a Multi-Single entry. QSL all SSB and Digital mode QSOs via IK3GES. QSL all CW QSOs via IK2CKR. (OHIO PENN DX BULLETIN, DX-WORLD.NET) ** KICKER: GRADUATING MAGNA CUM LICENSE DON: We close this week's newscast with an appreciation of some especially devoted students of amateur radio, young adults who are seeking a license to have fun. Literally. Here's that story from Amateur Radio Newsline's Neil Rapp, WB9VPG. NEIL: While you can't exactly get a degree in amateur radio, you can get the next best thing on the Berkeley campus of the University of California: a modest curriculum in ham radio science, in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, that has been a magnet for an ever-growing crop of new, young licensees. Professor Michael Lustig, KK6MRI, teaches two classes to the next generation of hopefuls: An entry level Hands-On Ham class at the sophomore level, and a Digital Signal Processing course for juniors and seniors. Lustig says that the classes fill quickly on registration day, with a strong showing among students majoring in nuclear, biological and mechanical engineering. In addition to text books, students also get plenty of air time. The courses set them up with inexpensive hand-helds that became their ticket to some 2 meter ragchews. The courses also have the full support of the EECS Department as well as W6BB, the ham club on the Berkeley campus. As for a formal graduation ceremony, well, the campus also hosts, as a followup, one final exam that can be considered a kind of graduation: A VE session. The most recent one, this past semester, was held March 16 and produced 50 new Technician Class licensees, 3 General Class licensees and 5 Extra Class licensees. They can now all go to the head of the class - and get on the air. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, in Bloomington, Indiana. (ARRL) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alan Labs; Alaskan Women's Hall of Fame; the ARRL; CQ Magazine; DX.NET; Hap Holly and the Rain Report; Irish Radio Transmitter Society; the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters; the Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin; QSL.NET; QRZ.COM., Southgate Amateur Radio News; TWiT TV; Wireless Institute of Australia; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Our email address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. A reminder that the nominating period for the Bill Basternak Young Ham Of The Year award is now open. Full details and the nominating form is available right now on our website, www.arnewsline.org. Click the YHOTY tab. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, in Picayune, Mississippi, saying 73 and as always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. |
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