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Default Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2010, May 6, 2016

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2010, May 6, 2016

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 2010 with a release date of
Friday, May 6, 2016 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a QST. The North Korea DXPedition is dead. National
Parks on the Air gets a station operating from the world's largest
single span arch bridge. A team of kids makes the most of the Florida
QSO Party. And our lead story: the FCC cracks down on a New York-area
jammer. All this and more in Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2008 coming
your way right now.

(Billboard Cart Here and Intro)


In our top story this week, the FCC has issued a warning to an
unlicensed operator, charging him with jamming the bands in the New
York metropolitan area.

The agency's Enforcement Bureau sent the warning to Daniel Delise of
Astoria, Queens, New York, on April 20. Acting on a barrage of
complaints, the FCC sent the warning after its Special Counsel had
several telephone conversations with Delise and given him a number of
verbal warnings.

It then sent the document which says in part: QUOTE "In spite of these
warnings, the New York Office continued to receive information that you
were operating radio transmitting equipment on frequencies in the
Amateur Radio Services, Land Mobile Radio Services, and Personal Radio
Services without authorization." ENDQUOTE

FCC direction-finding had confirmed unauthorized 2 meter transmissions
from Delise's home on April 7, when it was also discovered he had a
handheld radio and seven mobile radios programmed to operate on those
bands, along with rooftop antennas. The document also recounted that
Delise admitted to the agents that he had operated on 147.96 MHz that
same evening.

Delise has been given 10 days to respond to the notice before the FCC
decides on sanctions.



SKEETER: The SnoCoHams are a friendly group of radio amateurs who
gather regularly, help one another out, and get on the air. Just don't
call them a club. Amateur Radio Newsline's Paul Braun, WD9GCO, tells

PAUL: When is a club NOT a club? When it's like the SnoCoHams in the
Pacific Northwest. I spoke with member Eric Nordin, AD7BF, about the
group, o riginally formed by the late Bob Huson WA7HYD.

ERIC: SnoCo Hams is not a club, per se, it's just a group, there are a
few of us, take care of the website, get breakfast, get together second
Saturday of every month, It was actually born from some frustration
with oh, I think, some political posturing and stuff in the club and
Bob decided, "hey, you know, let's start a website and an email
reflector that anybody can join and I'll get that going and just stand
out of the way. And you know those will be tools for people to use and
it wasn't long at all after that hey, let's just get a monthly
breakfast together going. No politics, no club meeting, no business,
just a bunch of hams who get together around the table and circulate
and talk and toss ideas around. And it's grown. We had around a dozen
people the first couple of meetings. It's grown and typically we have
anywhere between 20 and lcose to 40 people who show up now. It's a neat

PAUL: Nordin said that Huson originally formed the group to complement
local clubs, not to compete with them. In fact, he said, many local
clubs have benefitted from the intermingling of members at the
brakfasts. He also mentioned that a major part of the original email
list was lost when HOuston passed away so if you are interested in the
group please visit their website at

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Paul Braun, WD9GCO.


SKEETER/ANCHOR: Who says all hams are couch potatoes? Some of them
have no trouble running a 6-kilometer course through the forest and
finding five radio transmitters while they're doing it. With more,
here's Newsline's Joe Moell (MELL) K-zero-O-V, who is also ARRL's ARDF

JOE'S REPORT: The annual ARDF Championships are now complete. ARDF
stands for Amateur Radio Direction Finding, also called foxhunting,
foxtailing and radio-orienteering, all on foot under international
rules. This year's National Championships took place in early
April near Killeen, Texas, under the sponsorship of the Texas ARDF
Group and the Austin Orienteering Club.

Anyone at any transmitter hunting skill level was welcome to compete,
so there was a wide age range of participants from all over the
country, plus visitors from Ukraine and a high school exchange student
from China. Some were past medal winners, while a few had never
completed a full course before. In accordance with standard rules of
the International Amateur Radio Union, the participants were divided
into eleven age and gender categories, so the ones in their 70's didn't
have to compete against prime-agers for the gold.

Lead organizers for this year's championships were Kenneth Harker WM5R
and Jennifer Harker W5JEN. They obtained the sites and set five
challenging courses. The classic courses on two meters and 80 meters
were over six kilometers from start to each of the five transmitters
and then to the finish. In addition, there was a sprint event to see
who could find ten lower-powered transmitters fastest. There was also a
foxoring event. That's a new sport that combines orienteering and
direction-finding. Competitors were given a map marked with ten
circles. When they got inside the area represented by each circle,
they could hear a QRP 80-meter transmitter and track it down with RDF.

When it was all over, 16 OMs and 9 YLs had received gold, silver and
bronze medals to take home. Some of them are also getting invitations
to travel and compete on Team USA in the ARDF World Championships,
which will get under way in mid-September near Albena, Bulgaria.

For the complete results and lots of photos of these championships,
point your Web browser to That's homingin -- as one word
-- That's also a good place to learn more about the fun
of on-foot transmitter hunting and about bringing it to your locality.

From southern California, where we are planning several training events

to get Team USA ready for the World Championships, this is Joe Moell,
K0OV, for Amateur Radio Newsline.



SKEETER/ANCHOR: In one Florida park, it seems, that state's QSO Party
was also a kids' party. And while Norway, Switzerland, Scotland and
South America were among some of their biggest DX contacts, some of the
most important contacts made by the four young operators with call sign
K1D weren't even made on the air: They were the parents and kids
strolling by in a DeLand, Florida park, watching the youthful quartet
using a Go Box, mobile antenna and a solar battery -- and later, a
Honda generator.

Said their dad: QUOTE "We just want to show more kids and their parents
that these kids have a spark." ENDQUOTE

That spark burned brightly too. On Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May
1, with father James Lea, WX4TV, lending support, his son and three
daughters spoke to the world - and then showed the immediate world what
ham radio was all about.

It was, said their father, a test run for Field Day. And also quite a
party. In all, 13-year-old Zechariah, WX4TVJ, 11-year-old Faith Hannah,
AE4FH, 9-year-old Hope, KM4IPF, and 8-year-old Grace, who is testing
for her Tech license soon, worked 448 stations, mostly on 20 meters.
All of which proves that the best party favor is a full log book.




SKEETER: DXers can no longer hope to work the much-anticipated P5
DXpedition in North Korea: It won't be happening. Amateur Radio
Newsline's John Williams, VK4JJW, gives us the details.

JOHN: The P5DXpedition to North Korea is dead - and it wasn't bad
propagation but a lack of funds and the need for secrecy that killed
it. So says Paul Ewing, N6PSE, spokesman for the Intrepid DX Group that
had been planning the historic event since 2013. Ewing has said, in a
number of news reports, that despite long discussions with the
Democratic Peoples republic of North Korea, a breach in the required
security surrounding those talks ended with permission being denied to
work from North Korea. The North Korean officials had also requested a
fee in connection with the DXPedition, Ewing says, and there was no
funding to be had.

The 10-day mission to activate the world's most wanted DXCC entity has
now been scrapped.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm John Williams, VK4JJW.



SKEETER: If you're scouting for Scouts to contact on the air with the
call sign K2BSA, you'll want to hear this week's report on Radio
Scouting. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Stearns, NE4RD.

BILL'S REPORT: This week in Radio Scouting we have 3 activations of the
K2BSA callsign in Georgia, Iowa, and New Hampshire.

Thomas Moore, WX4TM, will be the control operator for the portable 4
station in Columbus, GA, at the Chattahoochee Council 2016 Scout Expo
on May 7th from 9am - 2pm Eastern. Thomas and Bill Watt, K4BLL, of the
Columbus Amateur Radio Club, will be building on their Radio Merit
Badge program by demonstrating HF, VHF/UHF, APRS, satellite
communications (if the birds are in alignment), and fox hunting.

Mike Miller, AC0BD, will be the control operator for the portable 0
station in Granger, IA at the Pack 89 Cub Scout Overnighter Camp on
May 7th during the morning hours. Mike will be demonstrating 20 meter
phone to groups of Cub Scouts on a home-brew 20m dipole and generator

Michael Fecteau, N1MAY, will be the control operator for the portable 1
station in Gilmanton Ironworks, NH, at the Wannalancit District
Camporee on May 7th 9am to 4pm. Michael will be demonstrating HF with
4 GOTA stations on 20 and 10 m phone.

Next week we have an activation in Montana! Please help support this
activity, and others involving youth in amateur radio, by working and
spotting them on the air and online. For more information on K2BSA and
radio scouting, please visit

For Amateur Radio Newsline and the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association,
this is Bill Stearns NE4RD.


Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around such as the Mingus Mountain
Repeater Group, K7MRG, in Arizona, on Tuesday evenings.



SKEETER/ANCOHR: A group of West Virginia DXers plans to work the bands
for National Parks on the Air by going out on a bridge. Here's the
story from Amateur Radio Newsline's Jim Damron, N8TMW.

JIM's REPORT: As part of the ARRL's National Parks on the Air-which
celebrates the centennial of the National Park Service this
year-members of the West Virginia DX Association and other hams will be
operating special event stations from the New River Gorge Bridge in
Fayetteville, West Virginia on Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 10 AM to 4
PM. Operations will be on 20 and 40 meters on both CW and SSB. There
will also be a two meter FM simplex station operating on 146.55 mhz,
which the public may visit. HF stations will have to be set up in an
area inaccessible to the public, but visiting Boy Scouts will be able
to access the HF stations and get on the air. Club callsign W8AH will
be used. The callsign originally belonged to famed DX-er Al Hix, now a
silent key.

You may QSL direct to W8AH or via LOTW or QRZ.COM

The New River Gorge Bridge is part of the National Park Service New
River Gorge National River Area, which encompasses over 70,000 acres of
land along the New River. With an arch over 1700 feet long, it is the
world's third largest single span arch bridge, carrying over 16,000
vehicles daily. Opened in 1977, the bridge is over 3030 feet long and
nearly 900 feet high.

According to event organizer, Randy Damron N8XEA, the group has been
given permission to hang wire antennas from the bridge structure, which
is accessible from an enclosed catwalk underneath the bridge.

This may give a whole new meaning to the definition of beam antenna.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jim Damron N8TMW, reporting from
Charleston, West Virginia.



The Roseland Amateur Radio Club in Roseland, New Jersey is marking its
70th Anniversary with a QSO Party on May 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
local time. The club will be operating SSB on 20 and 40 meters and will
also be working 2 meters FM on its WA2JSB repeater.

For more information, visit the club website,


On that same day, May 14, a group of hams will be providing
communications support to the Westford Kiwanis Apple Blossom Parade.
The Minuteman Repeater Association is looking for about a dozen
volunteers in eastern and central Massachusetts to bring their 2 meter
radios and help out. Assignments will be given out at 8:30 a.m., about
90 minutes before the parade kicks off.

The Apple Blossom Festival and Parade has been held every spring since
1968 and is a major fundraiser, supporting scholarships, cookouts for
seniors and other neighborhood programs.

Please contact Terry Stader for details by emailing



Moving Day is over for the Burlington repeaters of the Minute Man
Repeater Association, which are now up and running in North Reading.
The club is looking for signal reports for both repeaters, which are at
146.715 kHz and 446.775 kHz. The input PL has not changed. The move is
expected to improve coverage in all directions, but most particularly
to the north.



Be listening until May 15 for three German operators working as E44QX
from Jericho in Palestine on 10 through 80m. They'll be working mainly
on CW but also some SSB and RTTY. QSLs will be handled by DF8DX.

Gerd DL7VOG is on the Island of Martinique working as FM/DL7VOG on the
island of Martinique until June 6. He will mainly use CW and RTTY on
all bands 80m to 6m. For QSLs, use ClubLog OQRS.

Uli DJ9XB will operate from Crete, holiday style, with the call sign as
SV9/DJ9XB from May 10 through May 20. Find him on all bands, 40m to 6m,
but mainly 6m. QSL to the home call.



SKEETER/ANCHOR: And finally, we hear about one student ham radio club
in Indiana that's found a way to beat the high cost and the hassle of
foreign DXpeditions. They're keeping it local. We hear more from
Amateur Radio Newsline's Stephen Kinford, N8WB.

STEPHEN KINFORD: Now here's a DXpedition that doesn't involve
passports, airplanes or complicated survival strategies. Yet the venue
is rare and the objective is ambitious. Students in the Bloomington
High School South Amateur Radio Club in Indiana are working one of the
most wanted counties in the state on Saturday, May 7, as part of the
Indiana QSO Party. That would be Brown County, where the teens will
work in a Field-Day-like setting in Brown County State Park, near
Nashville, Indiana.

The student club, K9SOU, enjoys a strong reputation in working DX and
in doing contesting, and even though some of its members have gone on
youth DXpeditions, it just wasn't going to be possible to travel to
far, remote parts of the world as a team. That's when chemistry teacher
and club sponsor Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, decided the state park would be a
perfect way to satisfy the taste for adventure and the desire to
activate a rare locale.

So be listening for the teens 20, 40, and 75m SSB from around 1500 to
1800Z. And if you want to monitor their activities, follow their
Twitter feed in real time at @K9SOU and visit their Facebook page.
Better still, just get on the air and work them.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Stephen Kinford, N8WB.



NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alan Labs; Amateur Radio Victoria; the
ARRL; Bill Stearns NE4RD; CQ Magazine; DX.NET; FCC.GOV; Hap Holly and
the Rain Report; Irish Radio Transmitter Society; James Lea, WX4TV; Joe
Moell, K0OV; Neil Rapp, WB9VPG; QSL.NET; QRZ.COM., SnoCoHams; Southgate
Amateur Radio News; TWiT TV; West Virginia DX Association; Westford
Kiwanis Club; Wireless Institute of Australia; and you our listeners,
that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Our email address is
. More information is available at Amateur Radio
Newsline's only official website located at

We also remind our listeners that there's still time to nominate
candidates for the 2016 Bill Pasternak Young Ham of the Year Award.
This honor recognizes licensed amateurs who are no older than 19 and
living in the U.S., Puerto Rico or Canada, and who have made
significant contributions to ham radio and their community. To download
an application form, visit our website,, and click
on the tab for "Y-H-O-T-Y." Completed applications should be sent to:
The Young Ham of the Year Award, in care of Amateur Radio Newsline
Inc., Editorial Office, P.O. Box 451, Huntington Station, New York

For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York,
and our news team worldwide, I'm Jim Damron, N8TMW, in Charleston, West
Virginia, saying 73 and as always we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.

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