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![]() 2E0SQL /////////////////////////////////////////// ISS celebrates the 80th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin by sending SSTV (Saturday 20th) Posted: 22 Dec 2014 06:43 AM PST http://www.2e0sql.co.uk/2014/12/22/i...saturday-20th/ They say good things come in threes but in this case twos, the ISS again was transmitting SSTV images Saturday afternoonÂ*celebrating the 80th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin, the first human to orbit Earth. Decoding images was a little tricky unlike ThursdayÂ*as a lotÂ*of the time images appeared to be starting before AOS or just at LOS although again some impressive signal strengths were seen good example is the image below. 14:24z on 20/12/2014 However I did manage to receive one good image at 17:30z which is shown below, sadly Saturday was the latest scheduled day for images and Im not sure when it will return but Id love to see a full time SSTV beacon from the station, can we ship them a Raspberry Pi and Camera module to point out the window? 17:30z 20/12/2014 ISS SSTV Image The post ISS celebrates the 80th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin by sending SSTV (Saturday 20th) appeared first on 2E0SQL. /////////////////////////////////////////// Russian ARISS team members activated SSTV from the International Space Station (ISS) Posted: 18 Dec 2014 02:23 PM PST http://www.2e0sql.co.uk/2014/12/18/a...sstv-from-iss/ Today theÂ*Russian ARISS team members activatedÂ*SSTV from the International Space Station, using the replacementÂ*Kenwood D710 transceiver located in the Russian Service Module, which has an output of around 5w which was more than enough for receiving stunning images from the station. 15:59z on the 18/12/2014 SSTV image from the ISS Transmissions started at 14:00z but due to other commitments I missed that pass however picked up the next one at 16:00z using the ICOM IC-910, Wimo X-Quad (2m) with a G-5500 rotator at 16ft and MMSSTV for decoding I was decoding stunning PD180 images at times the signal was S9+20db without preamps. The next pass at 17:34z again produced nice images although with some fading however received two images the latter being received down to 1 degree elevation and the signal was still S3-5 with some fading till I completely lost it. 17:34z on the 18/12/2014 SSTV image from the ISS 17:41z on the 18/12/2014 SSTV image from the ISS The next pass at 19:16z produced the nicest image I had received all afternoon with little fading and improved slant control within MMSSTV. 19:16z on the 18/12/2014 SSTV image from the ISS The final image of the day was received at 20:49z which concluded the the days worth of SSTV pictures from space, it was great to see something different from the ISS and I certainly enjoyed chasing each pass. 20:49z on the 18/12/2014 SSTV image from the ISS The ISS should be repeating this again on Saturday based on the information from Amsat-UK, The post Russian ARISS team members activated SSTV from the International Space Station (ISS) appeared first on 2E0SQL. /////////////////////////////////////////// HG-7028 Transverter Posted: 02 Dec 2014 06:19 AM PST http://www.2e0sql.co.uk/2014/12/02/h...sverter-added/ HG-7028 Four Metre Transverter Ive been waiting to get on 4m for someÂ*time but for various reasons never got around to it, however in early September Iain (M0PCB) said that heÂ*had a HG-7028 transverter and a 4el LFA for sale at a good price so I jumped at the chance, not only that Iain offered to deliver it and help me set it all up. 4m LFA at the bottom and a 6m HB9CV above. Sadly it would appear I missed the SpE season for the band but I have made quite a few QSOs during the RSGB UKACs and got good reports so it would appear to be working well. The post HG-7028 Transverter appeared first on 2E0SQL. /////////////////////////////////////////// RSGB Convention Posted: 30 Nov 2014 12:11 PM PST http://www.2e0sql.co.uk/2014/11/30/r...nvention-2014/ Ive been meaning to write a quick post about the RSGB Convention for weeks but other things got in the way, this year it moved into central Milton Keynes at the Kent Park Conference Centre, however instead of staying at the venue a few of us opted to stay at the Hilton down the road as it was cheaper. Thankfully the move seems a good choice, the lecture rooms were bigger, the internet worked and there was at least Three UK mobile coverage so I could keep an eye on business stuff while away, unlike previous years I was free from giving any official talks so managed to attend a larger number of the DXpedition and technical talks which was nice. I did however do a demo of Cloudlog in the Software Developers forum which was interesting and also streamed online via Youtube which is a first for this event I believe. M0PCB, M0SPF, M0MJHÂ*& 2E0SQLÂ*being presented the RSGB IOTA Multi-Op LP Expedition Trophy Sunday saw the presentation of awards and for a change this year we had one to collect being the 2013Â*RSGB IOTA Multi-Op Expedition Trophy our thoughts that we made major improvements in our operating style & setup and looks like we put in a good effort for 2014 as well. RSGB IOTA Multi-Op LP Expedition Trophy The post RSGB Convention appeared first on 2E0SQL. /////////////////////////////////////////// SSB Field Day 2014 - G8PX/P Posted: 12 Sep 2014 07:27 AM PDT http://www.2e0sql.co.uk/2014/09/12/s...day-2014-g8px/ Antennas at G8PX/P While SSB Field Day is clear in my mind still I thought I’d write down some after thoughts, its been two years since I last took part seriously, my contesting is normally the big events like CQ & IOTA events so the first thing to do is to clear up the fact it doesnt compare with those. This year I took part with the local radio club the Oxford & District Amateur Radio Society, from a farmers field in Worminghall just next to the M40 it was an ideal location for logistics as the clubs tower is stored in a near by facility along with other assorted bits. The team gathered on Friday to assemble the Force 12 C3 beam with 40m, plus a Hustler 6-BTV vertical to use for the Mults listening station plus two frame tents one for operating and the other for cooking and socialising it was then back home for a good sleep before reassembling Saturday morning to put up the 80m dipole which took some work due to the technique used to stick it on its storage drum, sadly it somehow got wrapped up with the 160m dipole which we wasnt going to need. However a small group sorted that out and it was soon in the air and some adjustments was made to make it resonant in the SSB part of the band. Inside the operating tent Ray (G4FON) had setup his Elecraft K3 and KPA500 as the RUN station and the clubs Yaesu FT-950 for Mult spotting all connected up to laptops and a small network for sharing information between the two positions.. before the contest I had a play in the AA Contest using one of the other club callsigns and managed a nice small run of Japanese & South Korean stations on 15m, however soon as it hit 13:00 UTC and I switched to G8PX/P it proved to be the wrong band to be on as much as I CQ’d no one came back soon having to move to 20m and later on to 40m which seemed a bit early for my liking! G7IVF Operating Sadly due to other commitments Ray had to leave, and typically within minutes we started to have issues with the logging software (which is made by Ray and used for FDs and IOTA) where the spotting station was unable to pass call signs and frequencies across for the RUN station, a few bug fixes later it worked but soon failed later and in the end nothing seemed to fix it so sadly the RUN station had no easy access to the cluster as I didnt know how to configure the software back into single station mode. so this cost us dearly for working mults in between CQing and in the end we had to manually pass mults between the two stations on post it notes which worked to some extent. Conditions continued to seem challenging throughout Saturday afternoon however seemed to pick up when I took over again and moved to 80m and we had our best rate for the whole of the weekend with a constant string of Germans, as always night-time proved slow but picked up around sunrise when we moved to 40m and worked a few North & South American stations and more European portables before shifting upwards to 20m as the morning progressed, we even managed to work a few South American and Europeans on 10m briefly before finishing up on 15m working some much needed multipliers. Despite the problems it was an enjoyable weekend and allowed some of the less experienced members a chance to operate in a contest style environment and hopefully will encourage others to have a go next year.Â*We ended up the weekend with 758 QSOs which is a bit low but overallÂ*not too bad considering conditions at our location seemed poor for theÂ*high bands, more impressively is that we only had 12 dupes as itÂ*certainly felt like more! The post SSB Field Day 2014 G8PX/P appeared first on 2E0SQL. /////////////////////////////////////////// UK Space Agency - UKube-1 Cubesat Posted: 11 Jul 2014 05:14 PM PDT http://www.2e0sql.co.uk/2014/07/12/u...ube-1-cubesat/ Tuesday the 8th July, saw the launch of the UK Space Agency 3u cubesat called UKube-1 built by Clydespace in Glasgow, what makes this satellite even more exciting is the fact it includes a set of Funcube-2 boards covering both STEM activities and a transponder for amateur use meaning there’s something new to demo to people and use at the same time! 19:16 UTC was the first UK Pass and it turned up on-time sending its CW Beacon and then BPSK telemetry both super strong signals. It then did another pass at 20:58 UTC which was much higher and again using the Funcube Dongle Pro Plus was able to see both the telemetry and CW beacon transmitting away. Spectrum Display of UKube-1 Pass It’s great to see the 3u cubesat now in orbit and look forward to having a QSO via it in the future once it’s been fully commissioned. The post UK Space Agency UKube-1 Cubesat appeared first on 2E0SQL. /////////////////////////////////////////// Ham Radio 2014 - Friedrichshafen, Germany Posted: 09 Jul 2014 09:35 AM PDT http://www.2e0sql.co.uk/2014/07/09/h...hafen-germany/ Last month I was able to visit the Ham Radio 2014Â*hamfest in Friedrichshafen, Germany along with some of the Camb-Hams, this HamFest is dubbed as being the largest amateur radio hamfest in Europe and compared to the UK it certainly is spanning 3 large halls packed every pretty much everything you need for the shack this year it there was also a Maker World taking place in a fourth hall on the Saturday/Sunday. Optibeams 40m 2el Moxon On display and for sale was pretty much everything you might need to purchase for your ham radio shack, but not only that its a great time to meet up with friends from across Europe for a chat and a beer or two. Although I didnt really need that much in the way of purchases I did get the few bits I did require in the way of large purchases but did pick up powerpole items, a bias-t as im too lazy to make one and also a impulse purchase in the form of a battery powered soldering iron. Trip Purchases You can see more photos from the trip atÂ*http://magicbug.smugmug.com/Amateur-...riedrichshafen The post Ham Radio 2014 Friedrichshafen, Germany appeared first on 2E0SQL. |
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