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![]() N9OGL wrote: K4YZ wrote: N9OGL wrote: K4YZ wrote: SNIP Steve the Electrical Field emission for 13 Mhz is 15,484 uV/m @ 30 Meters. Omega One Radio is running a power output 100 watts...(SNIP) My point made due to your Freudian slip, ToiddieBoy. WHY DID YOU NO ADDRESS THIS, TOIDDIEBOY...?!?! What part of this don't you understand?? I understand it all. I understand you're an idiot. I understand that you're a basement dwelling parasite that your poor, aging parents won't be able to rid themselves of save for death. I understand that in a fit of rage you made a Freudian slip that disclosed your TRUE power for your pirate radio station whish is a quantum leap over the Part 15 limits you CLAIM you're observing. are you some come of ####ing moron?? No, my last name is NOT "Daugherty" THE FCC MEASURES ELECTRICAL FIELD, POWER IN WATTS CAN PRODUCT DIFFERENT ELECTRICAL FIELDS DEPENDING ON ANTENNA, FEED LINE AND OTHER FACTORS...I put in big letters so you can ####ing understand it. AND LET ME PUT THIS IN BIG LETTERS SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT...NO ONE HERE (EXCEPT FOR MORKIE, AND HE THINKS PEOPLE BELEIVE HIS LIES) BELIEVES YOU'RE GENERATING 100 WATTS OF RF IN ORDER TO RADIATE PART 15 LEVELS OF HF SIGNAL. AND IF YOU ARE, IT CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES WHO THE "MORON" REALLY IS! SNIP Why hasn't the FCC come to my door?? Perhaps the thought of what they might touch or be touched by is more appaling than allowing your to think you're a DJ. no Steve it's bacuse your a ####ing liar.....plain and simple. You believe what you want to believe and unless it comes form month it not true. I believe you're an idiotic moron. See...THAT was easy! And even more moronic is your frequent posts that expose your even MORE moronic and pathetic life wherein you set up make believe broadcast stations and play disc jockey to a non-existant audience. I doubt anyone heard anything you put on the air, Toiddie. Not true on the Free radio Network, a number of people have heard me. Running 100 watts, I am sure SOMEone did! Ahhhh Steve, that's what it really is...You mad because you can hear the station..... Nope. I don't listen. What coul YOU possibly have to say on the air that I can't see here? And if I am hearing you here, it would be proof that you are violating Part 15, as I already know you are from your posts here. BTW...Got a legit "N" Number on that illegally modified ultralight of yours yet? Finsih that "Sport Pilot" license, or just hoping the feds don't card you one Sunday afternoon? There nothing illegal about it steve, I own a high max ultralight. Hi Max can be made into ultralight. Despite what YOU might think, And No, I've moved that aside for my education I'm hoping to get back ito it next year steve, thanks for your concern. There's no convern, Toiddie, except you you illegally modifying an ultralight as per Part 103. And yes, Toiddie...A 10 gallon fuel tank on an ultralight IS illegal. Whatever steve, you seem to me that your think ever thing I do is illegal... No. The FAA says a 10 gallon fuel tank on an ultralight violated Part 103. Period. Good...You quit while you were behind...Now go refit that ultralight to make it legal, TrashMouth. Not if it's only filled to 5 gallons it not. Yes, it is...The aircraft cannot be CONFIGURED to carry more than 5 gallons of fuel, Toiddieboy. It says nothing about configured, it says that an ultralight can not carry no more then 5 gallons of gas. therefor steve, as long as I'm carrying 5 gallons of gas it is legal. Reading on... That ruse has been tried by many others. The FAA says that haivng a fuel tank in excess of 5 gallons is prima facie evidence of non-compliance. That's the same standard that the FCC uses to declare that simly HAVING a linear amplifier for 11 meters, even if it's not presently connected, is evidence of non-compliance. As long as your not using it, there is no violation. Yes, there is. Ask the THOUSANDS of people who have had a knock a the door over the years and had thier equipemtn confiscated. Sure they do in your tiny little mine... I don't own a mine, Toiddie, although I took a tour of one in Inyokern, CA, once. And the FAA and the FCC STILL state that the presence of illegal modifications, even when not "caught in the act" of being used, is evidence of failure to comly with thier respective rules and regulations. No amount of your pontification about your "freedoms" will change the FACT that you are implicitly violating several federal laws... Don't beleive me? Ask the Department of Justice. I guess you're at a loss for words here, ToiddieBoy. I'm Still Waiting for the FCC...but again hey your a liar.... Nope. Not today...not yesterday...not tomorrow... BTW, College(Not)Boy...it's "you're" a liar... (BIG SNIP) People like you who live "outside the box" in the manner you describe in yur antics are called "lawbreakers". YOU become MY problem as a law ABIDING person. No steve people like you who live in the box has no ####ing life, and it's ashame people like you can't really enjoy life..but hey you go back it your little box where you belong, leave us REAL people alone.. I have plenty of life, Toiddie... And I use a lot of it in order to improve myself with...Such as using the education I was provided with to properly apply English grammar to my thoughts. You should try it too. And I DO enjoy life, Toiddie...And I enjoy it WITHIN the boundries of the laws as we as Americans are prescribed to do. There is NO exception to the use of your HiMax as an ultralight under Part 103 as you have modified it. Again Not true, it's only illegal if you fill it up to 10 gallons, Filling it up to 5 gallons makes it legal. No, it doesn't. Haivng a 10 gallon fuel tank on an ultralight is illegal. Period. Whatever Steve Very immature. Of course spoiled basement dwelling brats like you usuallly are. nice...closet dweller.. Nope... And you're STILL in violation of Part 103. (HUGE SNIP) Now that I know you've got 100 watts output, I'd have to be crazy to think no one could hear you, Toiddie, unless you were running that into a buried dummyload. Again steve when it comes to Part 15 the FCC is looking for Electrical field stength not wattage. You'd have to be a complete idiot to only NOT be radiating more than Part 15 levels with 100 watts output at that frequency, Toiddie....Now if you were operating in the 1750 meter band, I could understand that kind of power loss. Sure it achieve Part 15 requirement I do have that loss....you seem to have a hard time understanding that... No...I understand it perfectly well. YOU screwed up in a fit of rage and actually announced to the world how much power you really are using for your illegal broadcasting operation. You have FURTHER screwed up by announcing all these "QSL card requests" you are getting...Just more evidence that you're violating Part 15. YOU are the MORON if you think the FCC doesn't have engineers that understand the technical limitations of Part 15 as opposed to what you're claiming you're accomplishing. Are YOU going to tell me that YOU, a General Class Amateur licensee are INTENTIONALLY operting with those kinds of losses...?!?!? This is Part 15 not amateur, learn that... I know it, LiarBoy. And I know that just because you are CLAIMINIG to be a "legal" Part 15 operator, your "bragging" indicates that you're technically incompetent (MORE SNIPPAGE) And even more..... Too bad you didn't just clean up your language in the first place, which I see in the last couple of posts that you've done now...Too bad you didn't LEARN before you got shut down the FIRST time. And Toiddie...No law prevents ANYone from suing if there is adequate reason to do so. Any lawyer worth his/her salt could have not only gotten you back on with your original ISP, but probably gotten you free service for a long, long time. Ummm...Dumb### Under a federal Law Internet service providers are immune for what their users put on third party systems and it has been upheld by the US Supreme Court.....you sure have a hard time learning....must be from all that ####ing inbreding going on down there. No, Toiddie...the lack of learning is YOURS. You've gotten canned TWICE now for certain behaviour, yet here you are, doing it AGAIN! And College(Not)Boy....It's "inbreeding", not "inbreding"... And FYI, I am from father North than you... Soooooooooo.....Seems the moron is YOU, ToiddieBoy., Yes Steve, I am beacuse I keep talking to a half ### moron Ooooops....There you go again with the profanity...Working on getting booted THREE times, Toiddie? Each subsequent boot makes it easier to justify to the next ISP that you're deserving of punitive action. Keep up steve and I'll get you for Cyberstalking, which is a federal crime... There's no stalking on MY part, TrashMouth... YOU keep bringing YOUR mischeviousness HERE...I don't go looking for you. Idiot! I say there's nothing more "homebrew" about any aspect of N9OGL or any bootleg broadcast station you're running than the PL259's, or perhaps the occassional dipole. I don't use dipole only little closet dwellers like you do... No closet dwelling here, Toiddie... And if you care to, you can refer to ARRL DXCC award #37,136. Dipoles and 100 watts served me just fine. SNIP This has nothing to do with suppressing ANYone's "free speech", Toiddie. It has to do with technical compliance with federal law, which EVERY person must do in the United States. No dumb### there is...but hey I'm still waiting.....maybe if you kiss the FCC ### a little harder maybe they show up... After being only the SECOND RRAP'er to get booted off the Internet TWICE, you still haven't learned a thing, have you? Maybe the third time will be the charm? If you're generating 100 watts of RF at 13mHz to radiate a Part 15 level signal, I say you're an idiot...A WASTEFUL idiot at that. What TECHNICAL JUSTIFICATION do you offer for operating in this manner? To compile with Part 15.....Steve stick with Ham radio better yet I have some walkie talkies I send you...they seems to be more your speed What did you "compile" for Part 15? I know you're compiling violations, but that's nothing new. And you didn't answer my question, TrashMouth... WHY would you generate over 100 watts inorder to radiate less than Part 15 limitis...according to you, that is....... BTW you will have proven my point that YOU and the FCC are supressing not only the free speech of amateur radio operators, but the free speech of Part 15 radio stations. What Part 15 radio stations, ToiddieBoy? You've admitted right here that you're running 100 watts. You're illegal, ToiddieBoy...Just like I said you were... Steve I'm going only say this once Your a ####ing idiot..and I'm done, either put up or shut up And I'm going to say this until I decide to not say it any more...Your misuse of the English language proves that your only "campus time" has been as janitorial staff. Idiot. Steve, K4YZ |
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On 21 Aug 2006 14:13:14 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote: wrote: On 21 Aug 2006 14:06:15 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote: MorkMakesSo wrote: cease and desist cease and desist you are libeling Todd now No, I am not. yes you are Nope. yes you are cease and desist Nope. He's blatantly violating federal law. no evidence exiosts that he is doing so Sure there is. In every post wherein he continues this lie about being "Part 15 legal" for "Omega One". no such post exists legaly and I have have seen now such post that even suggests it Try that in English, Fatboy. you are just trying to proclaim you can measure rf power remotely the same way you claim to be able to detrime spectroscpy result withotu a line of sight on me I didn't claim I could measure anything I couldn't put my hands on, fatboy. TrashMouth is the one who stated that he's running 100watts in 13mHz...Not me. cease and desist No. Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() wrote: On 21 Aug 2006 14:47:31 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote: wrote: cease and desist. Cease and desist what? nope you claimed siting there in Tennesse you could do it Nope. yes you made that rediculous claim What's rediculous is you claiming I said it. cease and desist your harrment you sack of #### Now, now. 3-College-Degree Boy...SURELY you can express yourself better than with profanity...?!?! not to the likes of you Morkie, I am not the one who defers to profanity. YOU are. Idiot. yes you are Nope. Steve, K4YZ |
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