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"Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote in
oups.com: Lisping cocksucker Davey wanting to suck Roger's Woger wrote: wrote in message ups.com... an_old_fraud wrote: cease and desist Go suck your daddy's cock, Markie. Or is that what your shemale wife is doing while you are online? + Wow, Not Roger. You certainly are without peers when it comes to responses. Wow, Dave, it sure beat your limpdicked one. Mark, Just ignore them. They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up. Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look more stupid. Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your moon bounce some more. SC |
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"Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote in
ups.com: an_old_fraud wrote: indeed it is amazing the way he comes up with them However it's not surprizing you can't come up with anything good, Marqueer. Mark, Just ignore them. They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up. Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look more stupid. Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your moon bounce some more. SC |
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On 15 Aug 2006 17:08:18 -0700, Secwet Woger wrote:
: : As usual, Saggytits cut and pastes from another website and adds a few : of his own words so it appears he knows what the **** he is talking : aboiut. If you know what you are talking "aboiut," you should be able to prove what you just said. But, of course, you can't. : This calculation ignores line losses and final amplifier inefficiencies, : but there's no way in Glendale you can convince me that you can take a : 100 watt transmitter and manage to lose so much power that you have : seven milliwatts or less being radiated. : : BWHAHAHAHA Says the know-nothing moron who claimed an Alabama ARES : website was the one for Wiseman's West Virginia local ARES. Grasp onto that desperately, Woger, as you try to change the subject yet another time. Say: While we're on the subject of ARES, did you go to the last meeting as Dave Heil requested? I'll bet you didn't, even though you would have been invited to give another talk on negative SWR. There's always the next time, Woger. You can give a talk on r.m.s. voltage instead. ==================== In message XLSKB3LR38448.4326273148@anonymous, Secwet Woger dazzled his readers with his logic skills by saying: "The fact is you still can't disprove I've never been to your workplace." ==================== In message , Secwet Woger bragged about his Extra Class examination fame with the claim: "If poor chronic alcoholic and drug abuser Gopher face wouldn't drink so much because he is womanless, he could spell 'retested', 'dumb' and 'Rogie' and could actually pass an Extra license exam." ==================== In message .com, Secwet Woger incorrectly corrected someone else with "Too bad you can't even spell non sequitor correctly, though." ==================== "Yes, one can always tell a cowardly CHICKEN**** when he hides behind anonymity." -- KC8JBO in message ==================== "Roger's background does have International affairs in it. Too bad." -- International man of mystery, Secwet Woger, in message .com "aboiut". Well, it's about "tiome". "equivilent" Equi.what? "Jealoius". Jelly? What? "Sodmy". "C'mon over and you can sodmy yard". Dave Heil. "Somebosy". Tech school talk? "proive" The proife is in the pudding? "moutgh" Rog has a moutgh full. "spens". Do you spend it or spin it? "Certailny: Woger is certailny stupid. "Iliterate" What's an L here and there? "entiorely" West Virginia phonics again. "apoloigize" Only in Woger's warped mind. "wiuth" Wiuth what?? "exaggerarte" Good one. "eteranl" As in forever? "ionly" Ions? Lonely? Who knows? "expossed" Still no spell check. "workibg" As in working? "assulted" Darned typos! "Georgaphy." Georgia on his mind? "remibndded" It is hard to talk with your mouth full. "corrpuption" Is that a dog? "molsetred" Only 2Test knows. "Whinyng". What? "Plagairizing". Geesh "emnpty" The inside of Roger's head. |
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Stagger Lee wrote:
[snip] 2. The power density is related to the electric field and the impedance of free space (120*Pi) by the formula Pd = e^2 / (120*Pi). [snip] Thanks for the reminder on the calculations. Funny but a couple of my younger colleagues who think themselves quite the electronics men still do not think 'space' has an impedance. There is nothing there, after all.. That is what too much PCB layout/CAD work wioll do to one. hehe PJ |
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![]() Stagger Lee wrote: On 15 Aug 2006 19:40:07 -0700, N9OGL wrote: The power in wattage and the electrical field are not related because a power output in wattage can produce different fields depending on lengh of coax, antenna, antenna height...and your friends in the Office of You can't get around physics, Todd. The power density is directly related to the electric field through an Ohm's law type of relationship, expressed as the square of the r.m.s value of e, divided by the impedance of free space. Once you know the power density, it is a matter of summing that power density over the radiation pattern of the antenna to figure out the total radiated power. Therefore, there *is* a relationship between radiated power and field strength. In the case of an isotropic radiator, the relationship between radiated power and field strength is easy to calculate, and it provides one with a limiting case which can act as a guideline. engineering and technology at the FCC will tell you that. The antenna I'm using is a very imefficient antenna, in fact the signal is acually I'm not interested in your rationalizations, Todd, because I'm not the one who is at risk. In this real world, your power output is about five orders of magnitude larger than the power theoretically needed to produce the maximum allowed electric field. To me, that would be a cause for great concern. If you want to risk an FCC enforcement action against you, be my guest. ==================== God said, "div D = rho, div B = 0, curl E = -@B/@t, curl H = J + @D/@t," and then there was light. I would really suggest you read the FCC Office of Engineering and technology bulletin on PART 15, it OET Bulletin 63 http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineeri...3/oet63rev.pdf expecially page 29 which states: What is the relationship between "microvolts per meter" and Watts? Watts are the units used to describe the amount of power generated by a transmitter. Microvolts per meter (µV/m) are the units used to describe the strength of an electric field created by the operation of a transmitter. A particular transmitter that generates a constant level of power (Watts) can produce electric fields of different strengths (µV/m) depending on, among other things, the type of transmission line and antenna connected to it. Because it is the electric field that causes interference to authorized radio communications, and since a particular electric field strength does not directly correspond to a particular level of transmitter power, most of the Part 15 emission limits are specified in field strength. So logically if you use a ineffecient antenna and ****ty coax then you can create a low enough field....I'm tell you right now, I Have a field strength meter that reads microvolts, and I check the field ever morning, at it's not at no 30 meters either, it's around 17.5 meters and the electrical field is 1,0000 uV ...So believe what the hell you want I check it every morning and it's 1,000 uV @17.5 meters and at 30 meters it's 0. I would also point out I come from a long line of electricians (my father, my grandfather and my great grandfather) and THEY will back me up. |
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![]() K4YZ wrote: N9OGL wrote: K4YZ wrote: N9OGL wrote: K4YZ wrote: N9OGL wrote: K4YZ wrote: In the past you've stated that I'm violating federal law and again and I emphasis how. Yes, you DO emphasis how you break it...By pasting your bogus broadcast station notes all over USENET. No one (excpet Morkie and he's already an admitted liar) beleives you...least of all me. Their not bogus station steve, I have recieved a number of request via regular mail for QSL Cards, the station IS on the air 24/7 and I have had people from as far away as Canada hear it running a power output of 50 to 100 watts "They're" Sure they are. Do you have a broadcast license? You dont' need a broadcast license under Part 15 But you're not Part 15 legal, Toiddie. You have yet to prove it Steve....When it comes to Part 15 the FCC is lookinf for field strength, not wattage...again steve you don't know what the hell your talking about. I don't have to, Toiddie...YOU proved it by your OWN admission. To wit: (SNIP) How are they going to hear it if it's running Part 15 limits unless they live within a mile of you, Toiddie? Steve the Electrical Field emission for 13 Mhz is 15,484 uV/m @ 30 Meters. Omega One Radio is running a power output 100 watts...(SNIP) My point made due to your Freudian slip, ToiddieBoy. WHY DID YOU NO ADDRESS THIS, TOIDDIEBOY...?!?! What part of this don't you understand?? are you some come of ****ing moron?? THE FCC MEASURES ELECTRICAL FIELD, POWER IN WATTS CAN PRODUCT DIFFERENT ELECTRICAL FIELDS DEPENDING ON ANTENNA, FEED LINE AND OTHER FACTORS...I put in big letters so you can ****ing understand it. (UNSNIP)...and the electrical field emission a 17.5 meters is 2,000 uV. At 30 Meters the field emissions is 0 uV You Also have to remeber that 13 MHz is the 22 meter Shortwave Band, which does skip. It it possible to hear part 15 stations on that frequency. You can put out a higher power and produce the required electrical field. With 100 watts output and single sideband, it would be embarrassing to NOT be heard, ToiddieBoy! their's no law against that. As a matter of fact those people that had mail me for QSL request heard about the station on here or the Free Radio Network. The only foolishness on here is your stupidity No...YOUR stupidity. You know what steve your right, I am stupid and a moron, beacuse I have to sit here and waste a small part of my pathenic life to respond to your moronic responds Speaking of moronic, how come you told us almost 2 years ago you were "graduating" but now you tell us you haven't? Why hasn't the FCC come to my door?? Perhaps the thought of what they might touch or be touched by is more appaling than allowing your to think you're a DJ. no Steve it's bacuse your a ****ing liar.....plain and simple. You believe what you want to believe and unless it comes form month it not true. And even more moronic is your frequent posts that expose your even MORE moronic and pathetic life wherein you set up make believe broadcast stations and play disc jockey to a non-existant audience. I doubt anyone heard anything you put on the air, Toiddie. Not true on the Free radio Network, a number of people have heard me. Running 100 watts, I am sure SOMEone did! Ahhhh Steve, that's what it really is...You mad because you can hear the station..... BTW...Got a legit "N" Number on that illegally modified ultralight of yours yet? Finsih that "Sport Pilot" license, or just hoping the feds don't card you one Sunday afternoon? There nothing illegal about it steve, I own a high max ultralight. Hi Max can be made into ultralight. Despite what YOU might think, And No, I've moved that aside for my education I'm hoping to get back ito it next year steve, thanks for your concern. There's no convern, Toiddie, except you you illegally modifying an ultralight as per Part 103. And yes, Toiddie...A 10 gallon fuel tank on an ultralight IS illegal. Whatever steve, you seem to me that your think ever thing I do is illegal... No. The FAA says a 10 gallon fuel tank on an ultralight violated Part 103. Period. Not if it's only filled to 5 gallons it not. Yes, it is...The aircraft cannot be CONFIGURED to carry more than 5 gallons of fuel, Toiddieboy. It says nothing about configured, it says that an ultralight can not carry no more then 5 gallons of gas. therefor steve, as long as I'm carrying 5 gallons of gas it is legal. Reading on... That ruse has been tried by many others. The FAA says that haivng a fuel tank in excess of 5 gallons is prima facie evidence of non-compliance. That's the same standard that the FCC uses to declare that simly HAVING a linear amplifier for 11 meters, even if it's not presently connected, is evidence of non-compliance. As long as your not using it, there is no violation. Yes, there is. Ask the THOUSANDS of people who have had a knock a the door over the years and had thier equipemtn confiscated. Sure they do in your tiny little mine... Don't beleive me? Ask the Department of Justice. I guess you're at a loss for words here, ToiddieBoy. I'm Still Waiting for the FCC...but again hey your a liar.... Part 103 of the FAR's refers. Steve let be the first one to say, you have the right to opinion and I repect that right. But for you to come on here and to quote a violations of the law and not being able to back it up and are confronted with it, then you should say it is your opinion, and not the law. I've cited chapter and paragraph on NUMEROUS of your violations, Toiddie. In Part 97 of the FCC's rules and regulations AND Part 103 of the FAA's rules and regulations. Citing it and understanding it is too different things steve. "...is twe different things..." Just like your use of English words and the CORRECT use of English words, Toiddie. and apparently steve you don't know how to spell. I understand them perfectly well. sure you do steve I do. That's why in over 33 years as a licensed Amateur and 31 years as a licensed Aviator I've never had so much as a warning, let alone a citation...I stay legal. If you feel that way steve maybe you should go back into you box. Quite harassing us that want to live outside the box. People like you who live "outsoide the box" in the manner you describe in yur antics are called "lawbreakers". YOU become MY problem as a law ABIDING person. No steve people like you who live in the box has no ****ing life, and it's ashame people like you can't really enjoy life..but hey you go back it your little box where you belong, leave us REAL people alone.. There is NO exception to the use of your HiMax as an ultralight under Part 103 as you have modified it. Again Not true, it's only illegal if you fill it up to 10 gallons, Filling it up to 5 gallons makes it legal. No, it doesn't. Haivng a 10 gallon fuel tank on an ultralight is illegal. Period. Whatever Steve Very immature. Of course spoiled basement dwelling brats like you usuallly are. nice...closet dweller.. (HUGE SNIP) Now that I know you've got 100 watts output, I'd have to be crazy to think no one could hear you, Toiddie, unless you were running that into a buried dummyload. Again steve when it comes to Part 15 the FCC is looking for Electrical field stength not wattage. You'd have to be a complete idiot to only NOT be radiating more than Part 15 levels with 100 watts output at that frequency, Toiddie....Now if you were operating in the 1750 meter band, I could understand that kind of power loss. Sure it achieve Part 15 requirement I do have that loss....you seem to have a hard time understanding that... Are YOU going to tell me that YOU, a General Class Amateur licensee are INTENTIONALLY operting with those kinds of losses...?!?!? This is Part 15 not amateur, learn that... (MORE SNIPPAGE) Manufacture?? I didn't produce it, it was done by some guy in Canada. I have no way of producing Podcast some bullheaded moron had me kicked off the internet twice. Who's the moron? The guy who got you kicked off, or YOU for providing the evidence that you were NOT in compliance with your Terms of Service...?!?! No ISP is going to boot you unless the evidence is conclusive. They certainly don't want to get sued for such an act, and they only do such things when there's overwhelming proof. An internet service provider is ammune from being sue by what their user post on third party systems...Read the CDA of 1996...BTW the State of illinois is now somewhat involved with this: "immune"...collegeboy. I am sure that you've snivvelled to anyone who would listen... Too bad you didn't just clean up your language in the first place, which I see in the last couple of posts that you've done now...Too bad you didn't LEARN before you got shut down the FIRST time. And Toiddie...No law prevents ANYone from suing if there is adequate reason to do so. Any lawyer worth his/her salt could have not only gotten you back on with your original ISP, but probably gotten you free service for a long, long time. Ummm...Dumbass Under a federal Law Internet service providers are immune for what their users put on third party systems and it has been upheld by the US Supreme Court.....you sure have a hard time learning....must be from all that ****ing inbreding going on down there. Soooooooooo.....Seems the moron is YOU, ToiddieBoy., Yes Steve, I am beacuse I keep talking to a half ### moron Ooooops....There you go agaian with the profanity...Working on getting booted THREE times, Toiddie? Each subsequent boot makes it easier to justify to the next ISP that you're deserving of punitive action. Keep up steve and I'll get you for Cyberstalking, which is a federal crime... You've already claimed "pirate" status on other occassions, and I have no doubt that "Omega One" is ANYTHING but LEGAL! Sure it Steve, but a appliance user like you knows nothing of Part 15 rules and regulations. Speaking of appliances, ToiddieBoy, you were throwing that term around here over a year ago, and when tasked to describe the line-up at N9OGL, all you had was excuses. I have no doubt in my mind that other than PL-259's and the occassional battery connector or panel light, there's not one single scratch built radio in your house...At least not one built by YOU! Steve I've built a number of things, I pretty good with a soldering iron, the reason that I don't tell you what I've done is that I don't have to prove myself to you or anyone. Yes, you do. You have shot your mouth off about evryone else being an "appliance operator" in the same manner you'd make an "expletive" about thier maternal parent's intimacies with animals, Toiddie. I say there's nothing more "homebrew" about any aspect of N9OGL or any bootleg broadcast station you're running than the PL259's, or perhaps the occassional dipole. I don't use dipole only little closet dwellers like you do... Not true Steve, the station IS legal and you and the FCC is more then welcome to come check the field strength at 30 meter (98/99 feet) from the antenna and you will see I'm in compliance with part 15 OkiDokie. I'll jump right on that. sure you will you've claimed that you complained to FCC for a year know yet, I have not recieved anything from them...hmmm and you call me a liar....suire you will steve....as they say steve good luck in the contest. More inadequate use of the language there, ToiddieBoy, but now that we have your admission that your broadcast station on 22 meters is running 100 watts output, maybe we'll drop Mr H a note. Again the FCC looks for electrical field strength, not wattage....you can put out 100 watts and still have a electrical field strength that complies with part 15....but a dumb### like you don't seem to understand that. Go for why your at it, since your buddies with hollingworth tell him, I said you and him should eat #### and die! Free Speech Supressors!!! This has nothing to do with suppressing ANYone's "free speech", Toiddie. It has to do with technical compliance with federal law, which EVERY person must do in the United States. No dumbass there is...but hey I'm still waiting.....maybe if you kiss the FCC Ass a little harder maybe they show up... If you're generating 100 watts of RF at 13mHz to radiate a Part 15 level signal, I say you're an idiot...A WASTEFUL idiot at that. What TECHNICAL JUSTIFICATION do you offer for operating in this manner? To compile with Part 15.....Steve stick with Ham radio better yet I have some walkie talkies I send you...they seems to be more your speed BTW you will have proven my point that YOU and the FCC are supressing not only the free speech of amateur radio operators, but the free speech of Part 15 radio stations. What Part 15 radio stations, ToiddieBoy? You've admitted right here that you're running 100 watts. You're illegal, ToiddieBoy...Just like I said you were... Steve I'm going only say this once Your a ****ing idiot..and I'm done, either put up or shut up Sure I am...Moron Yes, Toiddie...You're a moron. Your Buddy, Not on THIS planet, ToiddieBoy. Steve, K4YZ (LOOSER) That's "loser", Collegeboy, and no, I don't think so. Steve, K4YZ |
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In article ,
patrick jankowiak wrote: Stagger Lee wrote: [snip] 2. The power density is related to the electric field and the impedance of free space (120*Pi) by the formula Pd = e^2 / (120*Pi). [snip] Thanks for the reminder on the calculations. Funny but a couple of my younger colleagues who think themselves quite the electronics men still do not think 'space' has an impedance. There is nothing there, after all.. That is what too much PCB layout/CAD work wioll do to one. hehe No this is what our educational system does to EE's. PCB layout and CAD work will bring them back to reality. -- Telamon Ventura, California |
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![]() Lisping Lloyd Davies who desperately wants to suck Roger's Woger wrote: IKYABWAI Yet you wrote: "breaddead" - LLoyd hasn't got anything upstairs in the oven "defenseive" - Lardass is "defensive" of his ignorance "counter-offenseive" - When LARDASS LLoyds attack "nights" - Athens ASSHOLE was referring to last "night's" masturbation session "I forget to set the playlist in Winamp to repeat!" - Mongolloyd also "forgets" the use of past tense, maybe he forgot! "Techincal" - Lloyd just hates those "technical" things "Dalkes" - Lloyd's granddad remembers when movies became "talkies" too bad LARDASS learned to Dalk sic "That it!" - When Mongolloyds get real mad, they talk like Tor Johnson "Woger" - LARDASS closely identifies with Elmer Fudd with his lack of hair and all "decide on weather or not" - It's always "stormy weather" with Lloyd deciding "whether" or not to use correct English "can not" - Mongolloyd is wondering how he "cannot" seem to get ahead in life "is'nt" - "Isn't" LARDASS cute when he is mad? "PAINFULL" - How LARDASS' bathroom scale feels when he steps on it in the morning, real "painful" "I wish for Roger Wisemand" - Lloyd liked thosed thingd ford Rogerd "alot" - Davies dreams he can communicate in English a lot "thier" - Lavender Lloyd sure does lisp after a night behind the dumpster "dont" - Lloyd says "dont", the rest of the world says "don't" "Isreal" - Is FATASS Lloyd's retardation for real, or can he blame Israel? "juist jelous" "extermenate" - A three for one post Athens Asshole axiom "footting" - What LARDASS doesn't have, an equal "footing" anywhere "Cant" - Emmanuel? "th" - When Lloyd gets nervous, he stutte, er stutters "enfighting" - Lloyd's two brain cells are infighting for control of his stupidity "YOU STUPID JEW!" - Wasn't Jesus Jewish, so called Christian LLoyd? "Tonite" - There's nothing in Lloyd's brain "tonight" or any night "segmant" - What Lloyd's communications are, only sentence "segments" "I just listening" - Too bad he doesn't listen to his poor English "buffon" - The Athens, Alabama "buffoon" strikes again! "museium" - Where LARDASS LLoyd keeps his "muse" "nastey" - How everybody describes LARDASS' body stench, especially in the ghetto "loose" - Lloyd's description of his spinchter muscles... "wont" - Lloyd refuses to learn English, it's Lloyd's "wont" "awhile" - It will be "a while" before Davies gets a clue "freinds" - Lloyd's conglomeration of "friends" and "fiends" "thier" - "There" just isn't any hope for LARDASS Lloyd "ill-educated" Davies "backstabers" - Lloyd's version of the OJays' hit "becuase" - Home of the "Deliverance Extras" spelling by LARDASS Lloyd "obselete" - What LARDASS thinking is to him, others see it as 'obsolete'..... "belive" - What fools like LARDASS Lloyd "believes" "thier" - Ill-educated Xtian LARDASS Lloyd shows off his language skills! "marshalls" - Mongolloyd spell "marshals" real good! Wisemand - LARDASSd ****sd upd againd "compay" - Mongolloyd never gets any female "compay," while others do get "company" " But when we are winning," DUMB****, YOU have NEVER WON anything in your miserable life! "and do the nasty!" You don't really know what that means, do you, 30 year old VIRGIN? "It's does" - Mongolloyd use good English "momnet" - LARDASS Lloyd Davies misses his dead "momnet" for a "moment" "seriuosly" - Lavender Lad President Mongolloyd wants to be taken "seriously" instead of "seriuosly" "annouced" - Mongolloyd "announces" his stupidity again "tonite" - Davies never lets his lack of education stop him from announcing to the world he's a ****ing imbecile! "nite" - When LARDASS Lloyd molests those kids he makes them say "nite, nite" at "night" "weldare" - Calling Dr. Weldare, LARDASS needs his head out of his FATASS....put it on his welfare bill "so **** of" - When Mongolloyds who have man tits talk tough...... "fukcing funney" - Alabama deliverance extra Davies speak "pictrue" - "Picture" yourself as a Davies Mongolloyd "isseus" - Davies has "issues" too many to list here "resortjng" - Is Lloyd from Finland? "attsxks" - When LARDASS Davies "attacks" he uses illiteracy "basturds"- What mental illness patient LARDASS Lloyd calls his nurses "shkt" - Mongolloyd Davies' "Skittles", he likes that "Hershey rainbow" "law suit" - LARDASS never leaves his HUD apartment with out his law suit "opinionn" - When LARDASSn postsn whiln drunkn "intrenet harrasssmint" - Tries to make LARDASS Lloyd's rotting teeth feel fresh "sneeky" - The teachers always "sneaked" Lloyd through the next grade "that' wasnet" - LLoyd was out that year of school that they went over English grammar idiout! - "Lloyid" sic strikes out again! "speling" - Mongolloyd Davies the "spelling" bee champ of the retards! "reas isseus instaed" - Davies talking out of that cheap beer again "atttacking" - LARDASS Lloyd stutters when he gets upset.....ttttt..... "challegne" - When Mongolloyds drink and post "metnal" - Mongolloyd just doesn't have the "mental" ability to debate...... "debste" - What Lloyd's mommy did to him in the bathtub "cahllenge" - Mongolloyd speak for "call" and "challenge" "basturds" - LLoyd ,Amanda's illegitimate "*******" sure does have a scat fetish "morsd" - Whend Daviesd drinkd andd postd "wont" - It is Mongolloyd's "wont" to be stupid, "won't " you let him? "youd" - Oops, LARDASS did it again! "poinion" - Must be an Athens Alabama "Deliverance" thing "Woger Wiseman"- LARDASS Lloyd's got that cocksucker's lisp "isnt" - "Isn't" LARDASS cute when he slobbers? "worfh" - Davies' cocksucking lisp has returned "waset of spaceda" - When Lloyd's only friend Colt 45 malt liquor kicks in "Oppulant" - The only thing "opulent" in LARDASS is that he is rich in ignorance |
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![]() patrick jankowiak wrote: Stagger Lee wrote: [snip] 2. The power density is related to the electric field and the impedance of free space (120*Pi) by the formula Pd = e^2 / (120*Pi). [snip] Thanks for the reminder on the calculations. Funny but a couple of my younger colleagues who think themselves quite the electronics men still do not think 'space' has an impedance. There is nothing there, after all.. That is what too much PCB layout/CAD work wioll do to one. hehe Too Bad Saggytits had to cut and paste the "calculations", he didn't know them himself. The only space Saggytits knows about is the one between his dumbo ears. |
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![]() "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote in message ups.com... patrick jankowiak wrote: Stagger Lee wrote: [snip] 2. The power density is related to the electric field and the impedance of free space (120*Pi) by the formula Pd = e^2 / (120*Pi). [snip] Thanks for the reminder on the calculations. Funny but a couple of my younger colleagues who think themselves quite the electronics men still do not think 'space' has an impedance. There is nothing there, after all.. That is what too much PCB layout/CAD work wioll do to one. hehe Too Bad Saggytits had to cut and paste the "calculations", he didn't know them himself. The only space Saggytits knows about is the one between his dumbo ears. That is why we always register for Pwofessow Woger's classes on negative VSWR and especially his classes on RMS voltage. Pwofessow Woger has perfect attendance at ARES meetings in his area. Herb |
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