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" wrote in
oups.com: Rick Frazier wrote: You've insisted on posting this crap so many times just about anyone with more than two or three brain cells would be sick of it by now. Why don't you just crawl back under the rock you crawled out from under? At this point, even a relative moron should get the point that there are a bunch of people that really don't give a damn about CW. That you do is not the point, but your continual posts about it are the point. Therefore, your continual posts lead me to believe you should be seeking mental help. If you don't think you need therapy, how about you get a life and if you are so Pro-CW, why aren't you on the bands right now? Though I'm an Extra and passed the CW requirements shouldn't make a difference if I choose to operate phone. If the requirements change and new Hams aren't required to take the code test, am I going to be ****ed? Hell no, because I took the tests when I did because I wanted to be a productive part of this hobby, not wait for an easier ticket in. I learned it, just as a huge number of others have, but none of us wish to push it like you seem to want to. Even the most die-hard CW fanatic is spending his time on the bands, not on the internet trolling for arguments. Now, to provide a response to your query: It is extremely unlikely that with all the means we have for contact in the case of an emergency, that CW would be the only way to make contact, particularly if you live in anything near an urban evironment in mainland US. First and foremost, there has to be someone else that will respond to you, and given the things going on with the hobby lately, I doubt that CW will be the safety net you'd like to believe it is. For myself, I have HF and VHF in both the house and vehicle, and have the VHF radios all programmed with all of the local police and fire frequencies. In a true emergency, I wouldn't lose a moment's time worrying about whether it was legal or not before I keyed up on a public service/fire/police frequency if it meant saving somebody. Would CW help? Not very damn likely, as first I'd have to key up the HF rig, get to someone that could relay, pass a message, hope like hell that they actually did call the proper authority, (and were believed), and so on. You can bet I'll get attention right away if I key up on any of the public service frequencies, and they damn well will respond, if for no other reason than to find me. If that's what it takes, so be it, they can fight it out in court later, and I'd get so much media attention they wouldn't dare push it very far. On the other hand, the likelihood of actually being believed using standard, HF and CW procedures, or getting help in a timely manner to actually save a life is an extremely remote chance... I rarely filter anyone, but you've definitely earned the "plonk" of being filtered. Say Bye-Bye ! ! ! --Rick AH7H Slow Code wrote: You'll probably never have to use CW to save a life, but you should learn it anyway just in case. Ham radio is like a spare tire, when you need it you hope it's not flat. CW is like the air in the tire. I know I don't ever want to hear someone say: "Why couldn't you get help, I though hams were supposed to know morse code." Sc Thank you, Rick! You spoke volumes of reality in this new millennium. And you're still just as stupid as you were before you read it. Now go bull**** with Dr Death on 11 meters, and don't come back until you pull your head out of your ass. Sc |
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![]() Slow Code wrote: " wrote in oups.com: Thank you, Rick! You spoke volumes of reality in this new millennium. And you're still just as stupid as you were before you read it. trolling right along |
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From: Slow Code on Fri, Sep 1 2006 5:36 pm
" wrote in Rick Frazier wrote: You've insisted on posting this crap so many times just about anyone with more than two or three brain cells would be sick of it by now. Why don't you just crawl back under the rock you crawled out from under? At this point, even a relative moron should get the point that there are a bunch of people that really don't give a damn about CW. That you do is not the point, but your continual posts about it are the point. Therefore, your continual posts lead me to believe you should be seeking mental help. If you don't think you need therapy, how about you get a life and if you are so Pro-CW, why aren't you on the bands right now? Excellent question, "Slow." Why didn't you answer it? Though I'm an Extra and passed the CW requirements shouldn't make a difference if I choose to operate phone. If the requirements change and new Hams aren't required to take the code test, am I going to be ****ed? Hell no, because I took the tests when I did because I wanted to be a productive part of this hobby, not wait for an easier ticket in. I learned it, just as a huge number of others have, but none of us wish to push it like you seem to want to. Even the most die-hard CW fanatic is spending his time on the bands, not on the internet trolling for arguments. Nobody responding to your CQs, "Slow?" Is that why you are so up-tight and angry in this forum? Now, to provide a response to your query: It is extremely unlikely that with all the means we have for contact in the case of an emergency, that CW would be the only way to make contact, particularly if you live in anything near an urban evironment in mainland US. First and foremost, there has to be someone else that will respond to you, and given the things going on with the hobby lately, I doubt that CW will be the safety net you'd like to believe it is. For myself, I have HF and VHF in both the house and vehicle, and have the VHF radios all programmed with all of the local police and fire frequencies. In a true emergency, I wouldn't lose a moment's time worrying about whether it was legal or not before I keyed up on a public service/fire/police frequency if it meant saving somebody. Would CW help? Not very damn likely, as first I'd have to key up the HF rig, get to someone that could relay, pass a message, hope like hell that they actually did call the proper authority, (and were believed), and so on. You can bet I'll get attention right away if I key up on any of the public service frequencies, and they damn well will respond, if for no other reason than to find me. If that's what it takes, so be it, they can fight it out in court later, and I'd get so much media attention they wouldn't dare push it very far. On the other hand, the likelihood of actually being believed using standard, HF and CW procedures, or getting help in a timely manner to actually save a life is an extremely remote chance... You haven't answered that from a licensed amateur Extra, "Slow." Why haven't you? Is it possible you don't know of anything in radio except what the ARRL has spoon-fed you? I rarely filter anyone, but you've definitely earned the "plonk" of being filtered. Say Bye-Bye ! ! ! "Slow," you've earned that "plonk" many times over. --Rick AH7H Thank you, Rick! You spoke volumes of reality in this new millennium. And you're still just as stupid as you were before you read it. Now, now, "Slow," you are starting to sound like one of those inbred bigoted morsemen in here. You can't discuss anything reasonable-like, only cuss at those who disagree with you. :-) Now go bull**** with Dr Death on 11 meters, and don't come back until you pull your head out of your ass. I don't know any "Dr Death," "Slow," nor do I operate on "11 meters." Further, you are ten kinds of short on ability to threaten. Your threats and "orders" become recycled electrons doing nothing but dissipating a tiny bit of heat. yawn Take YOUR beloved morse code test and shove it up YOUR ass. Push real hard...there seems to be an obstruction there. Must be your own four neurons in the way. Beep, beep |
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![]() wrote: From: Slow Code on Fri, Sep 1 2006 5:36 pm " wrote in Rick Frazier wrote: seeking mental help. If you don't think you need therapy, how about you get a life and if you are so Pro-CW, why aren't you on the bands right now? Excellent question, "Slow." Why didn't you answer it? becuase the answer is that there is nobody on we wants to "talk' to Though I'm an Extra and passed the CW requirements shouldn't make a difference if I choose to operate phone. If the requirements change and new Hams aren't required to take the code test, am I going to be ****ed? Hell no, because I took the tests when I did because I wanted to be a productive part of this hobby, not wait for an easier ticket in. I learned it, just as a huge number of others have, but none of us wish to push it like you seem to want to. Even the most die-hard CW fanatic is spending his time on the bands, not on the internet trolling for arguments. Nobody responding to your CQs, "Slow?" Is that why you are so up-tight and angry in this forum? and still holding forlorn hope the FCC will somehow make people see the light and use CW the CW has seen the light that being they betrayed the ARS by listening to the ARRL what 50 years ago they wouldn't dare push it very far. On the other hand, the likelihood of actually being believed using standard, HF and CW procedures, or getting help in a timely manner to actually save a life is an extremely remote chance... You haven't answered that from a licensed amateur Extra, "Slow." Why haven't you? Is it possible you don't know of anything in radio except what the ARRL has spoon-fed you? perhaps not even that I rarely filter anyone, but you've definitely earned the "plonk" of being filtered. Say Bye-Bye ! ! ! "Slow," you've earned that "plonk" many times over. --Rick AH7H Thank you, Rick! You spoke volumes of reality in this new millennium. And you're still just as stupid as you were before you read it. Now, now, "Slow," you are starting to sound like one of those inbred bigoted morsemen in here. You can't discuss anything reasonable-like, only cuss at those who disagree with you. :-) yet I do wonder if he isn't Robeson somedays but I am pretty sure he is just another bitter old that bought into "incetive Licesning) the brain child of the ARRL Now go bull**** with Dr Death on 11 meters, and don't come back until you pull your head out of your ass. I don't know any "Dr Death," "Slow," nor do I operate on "11 meters." Further, you are ten kinds of short on ability to threaten. Your threats and "orders" become recycled electrons doing nothing but dissipating a tiny bit of heat. yawn amasing how they keep resorting to threats and orders Take YOUR beloved morse code test and shove it up YOUR ass. Push real hard...there seems to be an obstruction there. Must be your own four neurons in the way. Beep, beep |
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From: an old friend on Sun, Sep 3 2006 10:09 am
wrote: From: Slow Code on Fri, Sep 1 2006 5:36 pm " wrote in Rick Frazier wrote: seeking mental help. If you don't think you need therapy, how about you get a life and if you are so Pro-CW, why aren't you on the bands right now? Excellent question, "Slow." Why didn't you answer it? becuase the answer is that there is nobody on we wants to "talk' to Or maybe nobody wants to talk to him... :-) the CW has seen the light that being they betrayed the ARS by listening to the ARRL what 50 years ago I don't think the ARRL "betrayed the ARS". I believe that they sincerely thought that morsemanship was THEN a topmost skill of US radio amtaeurs. Fifty years ago would be 1956 and not long after the passing of ARRL co-founder (and president-for- life) Hiram Percy Maxim. "T.O.M." used his editorial pages to promote morsemanship in the 1920s and 1930s. The original core group of the ARRL were go-getters and smart enough to realize that, to make enough money as an organization that came out on top, PUBLICATIONS were the key to survival. ARRL was first a very small group of local New Englanders, formed 5 years after the first (and still surviving) national organization, the Radio Club of America. There were lots of "national club" competitors in the 1920s but those eventually dropped out. RCA still exists but is not much concerned with amateur radio. Prior to the Internet going public in 1991, the only major presence for US amateur radio in DC was the legal firm on retainer from the ARRL. ARRL kept promoting themselves as "representative" allegedly for the amateur to the FCC but suspiciously more like a "filter" of amateurs' opinions. That changed dramatically once the FCC got their website going and ramped up to take Comments electronically. The ARRL had to retain a second firm in DC for lobbying. The evidence is an observation of the number and kind of Comments on 98-143 "restructuring" versus Comments on all those Petitions and last year's NPRM concerning code testing elimination. The pro-code-test advocates' Comments were straight out of the League hymn book about morsemanship with a few adding in nebulous advantages for "homeland security" necessities! [those Petitions began after 11 Sep 01] What is more telling about the League's stubbornness on their pro-code-test stance is that the IARU took a firm stand on changing the ITU-R amateur radio regulations compulsory (by administrations) morse testing for any license having below-30-MHz privileges...the IARU wanted it OPTIONAL by all administrations (at their discretion) a good year BEFORE WRC-03. The ARRL wanted to keep the compulsory regulation. After WRC-03 the League took a neutral stance, neither for nor against code testing in the USA. It's still a "ARRL versus the World" situation. Thank you, Rick! You spoke volumes of reality in this new millennium. And you're still just as stupid as you were before you read it. Now, now, "Slow," you are starting to sound like one of those inbred bigoted morsemen in here. You can't discuss anything reasonable-like, only cuss at those who disagree with you. :-) yet I do wonder if he isn't Robeson somedays but I am pretty sure he is just another bitter old that bought into "incetive Licesning) the brain child of the ARRL It should be abundantly clear that "Incentive Licensing" was never about "advancing" in amateur radio beyond getting TITLE, RAND, and STATUS. That was VERY important to the controlling coterie of the League, folks who wanted to be "better" than others...in a hobby activity. What "incentive licensing" DID create was just the opposite of "good fellowship" among amateurs, that of CLASS DISTINCTION and a "pecking order" based largely on morsemanship. The morsemen won it. Never mind that radio technology was already far advanced from the 1930s' style of amateur radio and that morse code was falling by the wayside in every other radio service, the League still (stubbornly) held to the belief that all amateurs "should" be able to be morse skilled...even four decades after the 1930s. The League lobbied for and got the "vanity license" system so that olde-tymers could get their 1x2 and 2x1 super-special guru-status callsigns. Even more status symbolism. Combining "vanity" calls and "incentive licensing" there was a perfect setup for all who managed to get both to crow and holler they WERE BETTER than all others. Good fellowship went out the window...rank, status, title RULED. Now go bull**** with Dr Death on 11 meters, and don't come back until you pull your head out of your ass. I don't know any "Dr Death," "Slow," nor do I operate on "11 meters." Further, you are ten kinds of short on ability to threaten. Your threats and "orders" become recycled electrons doing nothing but dissipating a tiny bit of heat. yawn amasing how they keep resorting to threats and orders That's all they have left in this new millennium, Mark. Some of them, such as Blow Code and Hambrecht still think they are "better than others" in all aspects, not just morsemanship. They LIKE that. So much so that they are in great personal fear of losing that very precious rank, status, title, and privilege that MIGHT happen if the code test is eliminated. They will LOSE their "better than you" rationalization. Internally the sky will have fallen on their self-perceptions. Personally, I think radio and electronics is totally fascinating. So much so that I made a career choice of it while studying for an entirely different sort of work. Professional work, not some amateur dabbling, yet I liked to make electronic things in my home workshop. Things other than work-related tasks. It is FUN, personally rewarding, not "work." I got into Big Time HF comms 53 1/2 years ago and have seen what modes DO work well and on a 24/7 basis on long-haul circuits that HAD to be kept working. Years later some KID is trying to "moralize" me into "working on morsemanship?" He (or she) can go shove it somewhere...until he (or she) can prove they've done more than I in radio communications...which they have NOT done yet in here. Once, a very long time ago, I thought that becoming a "ham" was a cool deal. That was before the commsats, before technology had fully gotten with the semi- conductor era, before the wonderful way we can get over most of the world via PCs and the Internet. Why IS it that some have to be a grand champion of the 1930s over seven decades later? What are THEY trying to prove? I could care less about 1930s technology and the "radio standards" of then. I live in the NOW. If some dumb**** wants to moralize about "working" and "investing" he (or she) can go get some flagellation and suffer themselves for their own "cause." I'm not about to join him (or her) in such moralistic self- abuse/mis-use. If these self-styled emperors want to flap their new clothes in my direction, I'll just keep on pointing out that they are NAKED (and ugly). |
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![]() wrote: From: an old friend on Sun, Sep 3 2006 10:09 am wrote: From: Slow Code on Fri, Sep 1 2006 5:36 pm " wrote in Rick Frazier wrote: seeking mental help. If you don't think you need therapy, how about you get a life and if you are so Pro-CW, why aren't you on the bands right now? Excellent question, "Slow." Why didn't you answer it? becuase the answer is that there is nobody on we wants to "talk' to Or maybe nobody wants to talk to him... :-) that too the CW has seen the light that being they betrayed the ARS by listening to the ARRL what 50 years ago I don't think the ARRL "betrayed the ARS". I believe that they sincerely thought that morsemanship was THEN a topmost skill of US radio amtaeurs. Fifty years ago would be 1956 and not long after the passing of ARRL co-founder (and president-for- life) Hiram Percy Maxim. "T.O.M." used his editorial pages to promote morsemanship in the 1920s and 1930s. I think they betrayed it wether they meant to or not by as you will sowing the seeds for the battles that were to follow indeed in looking only back at Maxim I submit they betaryed even him The original core group of the ARRL were go-getters and smart enough to realize that, to make enough money as an organization that came out on top, PUBLICATIONS were the key to survival. ARRL was first a very small group of local New Englanders, formed 5 years after the first (and still surviving) national organization, the Radio Club of America. There were lots of "national club" competitors in the 1920s but those eventually dropped out. RCA still exists but is not much concerned with amateur radio. Prior to the Internet going public in 1991, the only major presence for US amateur radio in DC was the legal firm on retainer from the ARRL. ARRL kept promoting themselves as "representative" allegedly for the amateur to the FCC but suspiciously more like a "filter" of amateurs' opinions. That changed dramatically once the FCC got their website going and ramped up to take Comments electronically. The ARRL had to retain a second firm in DC for lobbying. The evidence is an observation of the number and kind of Comments on 98-143 "restructuring" versus Comments on all those Petitions and last year's NPRM concerning code testing elimination. The pro-code-test advocates' Comments were straight out of the League hymn book about morsemanship with a few adding in nebulous advantages for "homeland security" necessities! [those Petitions began after 11 Sep 01] What is more telling about the League's stubbornness on their pro-code-test stance is that the IARU took a firm stand on changing the ITU-R amateur radio regulations compulsory (by administrations) morse testing for any license having below-30-MHz privileges...the IARU wanted it OPTIONAL by all administrations (at their discretion) a good year BEFORE WRC-03. The ARRL wanted to keep the compulsory regulation. After WRC-03 the League took a neutral stance, neither for nor against code testing in the USA. It's still a "ARRL versus the World" situation. Thank you, Rick! You spoke volumes of reality in this new millennium. And you're still just as stupid as you were before you read it. Now, now, "Slow," you are starting to sound like one of those inbred bigoted morsemen in here. You can't discuss anything reasonable-like, only cuss at those who disagree with you. :-) yet I do wonder if he isn't Robeson somedays but I am pretty sure he is just another bitter old that bought into "incetive Licesning) the brain child of the ARRL It should be abundantly clear that "Incentive Licensing" was never about "advancing" in amateur radio beyond getting TITLE, RAND, and STATUS. That was VERY important to the controlling coterie of the League, folks who wanted to be "better" than others...in a hobby activity. What "incentive licensing" DID create was just the opposite of "good fellowship" among amateurs, that of CLASS DISTINCTION and a "pecking order" based largely on morsemanship. The morsemen won it. Never mind that radio technology was already far advanced from the 1930s' style of amateur radio and that morse code was falling by the wayside in every other radio service, the League still (stubbornly) held to the belief that all amateurs "should" be able to be morse skilled...even four decades after the 1930s. and therby betraying the fundental core of the service, a change that needs to removed altogether if possible hence my fovoring a oe 2 class license system with the prevedlges indentical to all the lclasses that exist (with modern radio I reconize it may be needed to have some sort of up or out license with 10 to do it becuase of the volume of material but the classes should be equal in preveledge and the class should not be a publicly accsable (except on an ARS wide) basis The League lobbied for and got the "vanity license" system so that olde-tymers could get their 1x2 and 2x1 super-special guru-status callsigns. Even more status symbolism. Combining "vanity" calls and "incentive licensing" there was a perfect setup for all who managed to get both to crow and holler they WERE BETTER than all others. Good fellowship went out the window...rank, status, title RULED. Now go bull**** with Dr Death on 11 meters, and don't come back until you pull your head out of your ass. I don't know any "Dr Death," "Slow," nor do I operate on "11 meters." Further, you are ten kinds of short on ability to threaten. Your threats and "orders" become recycled electrons doing nothing but dissipating a tiny bit of heat. yawn amasing how they keep resorting to threats and orders That's all they have left in this new millennium, Mark. Some of them, such as Blow Code and Hambrecht still think they are "better than others" in all aspects, not just morsemanship. They LIKE that. So much so that they are in great personal fear of losing that very precious rank, status, title, and privilege that MIGHT happen if the code test is eliminated. They will LOSE their "better than you" rationalization. Internally the sky will have fallen on their self-perceptions. Personally, I think radio and electronics is totally fascinating. So much so that I made a career choice of it while studying for an entirely different sort of work. Professional work, not some amateur dabbling, yet I liked to make electronic things in my home workshop. Things other than work-related tasks. It is FUN, personally rewarding, not "work." I got into Big Time HF comms 53 1/2 years ago and have seen what modes DO work well and on a 24/7 basis on long-haul circuits that HAD to be kept working. Years later some KID is trying to "moralize" me into "working on morsemanship?" He (or she) can go shove it somewhere...until he (or she) can prove they've done more than I in radio communications...which they have NOT done yet in here. Once, a very long time ago, I thought that becoming a "ham" was a cool deal. That was before the commsats, before technology had fully gotten with the semi- conductor era, before the wonderful way we can get over most of the world via PCs and the Internet. Why IS it that some have to be a grand champion of the 1930s over seven decades later? What are THEY trying to prove? I could care less about 1930s technology and the "radio standards" of then. I live in the NOW. If some dumb**** wants to moralize about "working" and "investing" he (or she) can go get some flagellation and suffer themselves for their own "cause." I'm not about to join him (or her) in such moralistic self- abuse/mis-use. If these self-styled emperors want to flap their new clothes in my direction, I'll just keep on pointing out that they are NAKED (and ugly). and inccreasingly cold and unfeeling and failing to fufill the debt they owe to those that came before them |
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You'll probably never have to use CW to save a life. | Antenna | |||
If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die? | General | |||
If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die? | Shortwave | |||
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Good morning or good evening depending upon your location. I want to ask you the most important question of your life. Your joy or sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved? It is not a question of how good | Antenna |