N0IMD and LennieThe Licenseless...Peas In A Rotting Pod
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Lot's of snippage from the original commets which were
stretched several threads deep, but no comments of the original authors
was misquoted or misattributed.
If you're paraphrasing either of these Einstein's, you've got to put a
squiggle in front and after the word, sentence, or other utterance then
might have made. Most of what they say isn't worth repeating, but if
you must....
Two "Einstein's" slapping each other's backs for nonsensical
How cute.
Way, way back in RRAP time...(SNIP TO...) The time frame
for this 'experience' of his was approximately in the 1980s.
That's about the time all Morse Code testing should have ended. Maybe
a decade too late.
What would you know of it, Brain?
Better yet, what does LENNIE know of it?
He can't even get past the most basic of Amateur WRITTEN exams,
passed by gradeshcoolers EVERY day!
Note that I put "saved the day" in quotation marks. That does
NOT mean (according to Miccolis) that it is an EXACT quote, but
rather an all-purpose marker; Google doesn't use italics which
could have done the marking and not all browsers support italics.
Heil (and Miccolis) want to argue the bejesus out of EXACT words,
AS IF they never ever said that, implied that, or even came
close to it. :-)
Jim and Dave purposely misunderstand. Like when they trip and stagger
around and eventually fall down and skin their knees over a mere type.
It's all an act; a very, very bad act. Maybe they make some side money
doing that at grocery stores where there might be spilled milk on aisle
I'd ask you to provide some examples, but you're so wound up in
your own tale that I won't ask you to further confuse yourself, Brain.
Honesty and truth generally trip YOU and your Feeble Five brotehr
up rather nicely.
The 1980s isn't exactly...(SNIP)
More college education gone to waste.
I could use a DXpedition to Coca Cabana.
I imagine that you're a regular coca user, Brain, in or out of the
More snippage.
As do I...but the whole point of their "cleverness" seems to
be directed at ARGUING their precious points and attempting to
"win" some on-line back-and-forth by any means possible.
On-line points aren't worth having.
Obviously you're wrong, Brain.
Looking back over the progress tree of this thread I see a whole
bunch of tit-for-tat back slapping by you and Lennie.
Must be some points you were stretching for there somewhere.
Take Heil as an example:
Do I have to?
Heaven forbid "N0IMD" wound up being discussed as favorably in the
Amateur press as K8MN (or any of his DX calls...) has been in the last
20 years.
Dave learned to keep quiet about himself fairly early on. The
out-of-band Frenchmen fiasco is probably just the tip of the iceberg.
His "contributions" of late are not contributions at all.
As you should have, Brian.
Now we have a newsgroup littered with your silliness about ARES,
RACES, MARS, etc etc etc...
"Major Dud" Robeson tried snow-jobbing the RRAP with his
grandiose claims of "USMC" active duty service for years.
Same-O-Same-O kind of snow job. Robeson got shot down by
a REAL USMC veteran, one who DID supply document scans and
personal photographs. Robeson NEVER did that during the many
years he tried his bluffing snow jobbery in here.
Frank completely buried that clown.
Uh...No, he didn't.
And Hans, who has no love lost for me, proved it.
However we HAVE blown some holes in stories of you and Lennie.
That and the USN. The USAF and USN weren't considered
as direct combat military branches by draftees worried
silly about harm to their precious bodies. Back in the
Vietnam War era 33 to 50 years ago, that is.
Ahhhhh, yes...Lennie the rear area radio mechanic, braggard of over
2.2 millions passed, "arguing" about what constitutes a "direct combat
military branch".
Along with his tales of his own "bravery" as an ADA "radio
operator"...Dodging the Russian Bear and duck-and-covering from
incomming artillery.
It MUST to deploy effectively and achieve its mission. There
is NO time to hay-wire some kind of comms gear.
Any ole ham can plop down in a war zone and run the comms....
Hi, hi.
I can't help but wonder where the morbid self-depreciating
behaviour came from, Brain.
Probably from mommie-dearest making humiliating comments when she
was changing your diapers. Maybe if she'd stop doing it before you
turned 12 it wouldn't have made such a negative impact on you...?!?!
Since L.A. is a "saturated" TV broadcast area, there's lots of
"weathermen" on the tube. My wife and I take an average of the
weather predictions and hope for the best on the next day...they
are all off one way or another on their predictions. Can't get
the NOAA VHF weather broadcasts well in these hills.
So...In a part of the United States where the weather doesn't vary
by more than 10% change in any 96 hour period for 300 days of the year
you have to "worry" about WEATHER...?!?!
There's not a lot of changeability to deal with, maybe predicting the
hight of the haze layer?
In as much as Lennie never completed his flight training, it's
hardly of any consequence.
An IFR ticket from the FAA isn't necessary for SoCal driving,
Lennie's Walter Mittyisms notwithstanding.
Interesting. Never paid it much mind before, but that seems
One of my Sgt's came from Ft Drum, and and Airman came from Ft Carson.
Neither had been to an AF base, lost both of them at re-enlistment
"...and and Airman..."...?!?!
Guess that's why some putz at HQAF abolished the "buck sergeant"
You gotta believe me when I say that all us USAF guys were thrilled
with USA assignments...
Understood...except by the Noserves in here who are the
severest critics...
Ignore them.
What's a "severest" critic, and why ignore them?
Other than being in country, Heil has made no claims of direct action
or heroism.
As far as I'm concerned, he was just another REMF who, years
later, is playing everyone as if he were the big hero in "a
country at war!" [those REMFs are spotted miles away...]
He may have been a REMF, but I don't know.
I put him down as a REMF.
Sometimes I wasn't even that close, other times I thought I was too
OTHERS AS "REMF"... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think all of Marks out-assholing Robesin has finally paid off.
You might be right.
I tried doing it for a little while, but couldn't stand myself.
Robesin is more despicable than I could ever approach, let alone
Oh NO, Brain....Once again you self depreciate yourself ! ! ! ! !
You've out ###holed a LOT of people here, me included!
Don't let yourself down! You're right up there, big boy!
More than you might think. "Oil burner routes" were
marked on the small-format NOTAMs (NOtices To AirMen) for
civilians as advisories to stay clear of certain areas above
a specified altitude. Curiosities for me as a not-very-long
student pilot never straying far from the local area.
I used to tear the NOTAMs off the WX TTY and pas over to Base
Operations. They would post them in the flight planning room
Actually, "oil burner routes" were for the attention of general
aviation pilots BELOW certain altitudes...They are routes where you
might suddenly find yourself eye-to-eye with a Lancer at treetops.
Think about it...hams have been saving lives for years using
morse code...Science fiction...It ties together... :-)
It's a worthwhile endeavor, but all the chest thumping is just chest
thumping. Probably just people with nothing else on the ball.
More self-depreciating (and dishonest) drivvel from the keyboard of
Brian P Burke, N0IMD.
Lives DO continue to be saved by Radio Amateurs even in the 21st
century. Unless someone managed to get "blatant lies and mistruths"
published in the Federal Register...?!?!