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From: on Mon, Jan 22 2007 10:00 pm
On 22 Jan 2007 21:49:05 -0800, " From: on Mon, Jan 22 2007 4:50 pm On 22 Jan 2007 16:42:18 -0800, wrote: wrote: Chris wrote: On 21 Jan 2007 14:13:47 -0800, wrote: Nobody believes your claim of "just wanting to END the code test" wrong again I beleive meaning your claim nobody bleives is well a lie Mark, Jimmie's comments about me are neither "lie" nor "truth." sorry there I will say you are wrong he is lying: he is making a statement that is provable flase and that he knows or should know is false Welp, we differ. :-) I was trying to be kind. Doing that about Jimmie gave me a bad taste in the mouth... The poor guy gets a hard one every time his browser shows my name on the day's messages. He's just "not with it." :-) that too When he sees my name (or anyone who has "wronged" him, he gets a correction orgasm going and his hand trembles, wanting to ruler-spank the knuckles of what she thinks are "children." yep he does do that He gets a tad irrational at times, as witnessed by his trading his Nun of the Above character for Judge Judy. [still trans- gendering but if he likes it, fine...all kinds of folks like that here in LA...:-) ] a tad irational I must presume you are being kind I be that... ptui...blech... no wait he is occasionaly merely a tad irational sometime he is out there with Charley Manson Ahem...Manson had girl groupies that he slept with... long, long pause while that sinks in with others... Now, I have to admit that actually DOING amateur radio, all nice, legal, and proper like MIGHT be a fun thing in retirement but the "Judges" (besides Jimmie-Judy) insist I must fall into ranks, march right along to their commands, salute them and call them SIR and other bull****. Sorry, been there, done that, got three-up and one-down of an E-5 to do that nice, legal, and proper. :-) If anyone wants to "question" that, they can "get in front of the tube" (in LAPD parlance). :-) just blow him off and do it it will be fun if nothing else to watch his reaction if you did it (not to mention Heil's or MadDog of the thousand callsigns NOT for those reasons, Mark. Thank you all the same but there must be SOME respect for the amateur radio service of the United States...even if some of its members are total, blind-follower assholes cranking themselves up on pedestals of self-defined glory and grandeur. :-) These Faithfull Followers of the Church of St. Hiram can have their morsemanship, marry it, have sex with it, live with it forever for all I care. Ain't on my desire list to RE-CREATE the radio world of the 1930s. I just don't believe that ANY newcomers have to test for morse code cognition...just because a bunch of mentally-old codgers with morse on their brains try to force them into that. NOBODY made them "officials" or Moses Part II, the keeper of the radio tablets...but they've gone into some burning bush and been consumed by the CONTROL fire! They are control-freaks mightily engaged in showing the unbelievers the "glory of their cause" as the self-appointed, self-anointed Guardians of the Olde Wayes. Reminds me of what an acolyte of Moses said when he came down from the mountain, "Our headaches are gone...here comes Moses with the tablets!" so please don't do morse no need anymore indeed it get hard to do if you want to unless you are chasing contact with countries that have no people The USA *must* have code-proficient amateurs! They are our only salvation in case of Alien Invasion from Outer Space! :-) now yes along the way Len has made comments on the other ARS matter so wht Jimmie NOserve NO like dat. He wants to Control others, "make" them respect His Works. He refuses to acknowledge that He is NOT a god and won't admit he has faults (some of his faults might rival San Andreas)...but he LOVES to nit-pick and find fault with those who disagree with him. WOW does he LOVE to that! He loves to pull things out of context, make them APPEAR as if they were the Most Immoral Things Done By Man! indeeed he does He's still trying. [he was very trying for years...] Judge Judy und der Uber Oberst are obsessed with eliminating the rights of US citizens to speak to the US government on ANY matter that They decide is "proper." The poor dears ought to understand that US amateur radio does NOT "belong" to Them nor does talking about it be EXCLUSIVELY limited ONLY to already-licensed amateurs. Tsk, they never "owned" it and neither had one single solitary "official" standing in anything but their own doo-doo. why do you have a problem with that (not realy expecting an answer Mark, you will NEVER get a coherent, valid answer on that. I knowI know you I know I know I know we are a very knowledgeable group (you reconize what I am lifting?) Yes...heh heh heh heh heh. Too bad we don't have binaries in here! :-) He will turn that on its ear and wind up blaming you for having the temerity to even ask such a thing! Jimmie have deciduous delusions (if not dementia with his mental leaves already fallen) of grandeur since He "is always right" and any opposing him are "always wrong." and I can just tell him FU Tsk, he will get SO upset! [he won't know what it means] He never found ByteBrothers either and never learned what that really means. Poor innocent babe in da woods. He got flipped the bird. Poor guy doesn't understand WHY. LA |
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From: on Tues, Jan 23 2007 9:35 am
On 22 Jan 2007 23:11:32 -0800, " From: on Mon, Jan 22 2007 10:00 pm On 22 Jan 2007 21:49:05 -0800, " From: on Mon, Jan 22 2007 4:50 pm On 22 Jan 2007 16:42:18 -0800, wrote: wrote: Chris wrote: On 21 Jan 2007 14:13:47 -0800, wrote: Nobody believes your claim of "just wanting to END the code test" wrong again I beleive meaning your claim nobody bleives is well a lie Mark, Jimmie's comments about me are neither "lie" nor "truth." sorry there I will say you are wrong he is lying: he is making a statement that is provable flase and that he knows or should know is false Welp, we differ. :-) I was trying to be kind. Doing that about Jimmie gave me a bad taste in the mouth... ah I see did not think you had it inyu to be kind to jim I just "turn the other cheek"...after dropping my pants. :-) The poor guy gets a hard one every time his browser shows my name on the day's messages. He's just "not with it." :-) that too When he sees my name (or anyone who has "wronged" him, he gets a correction orgasm going and his hand trembles, wanting to ruler-spank the knuckles of what she thinks are "children." yep he does do that He gets a tad irrational at times, as witnessed by his trading his Nun of the Above character for Judge Judy. [still trans- gendering but if he likes it, fine...all kinds of folks like that here in LA...:-) ] a tad irational I must presume you are being kind I be that... ptui...blech... of course no wait he is occasionaly merely a tad irational sometime he is out there with Charley Manson Ahem...Manson had girl groupies that he slept with... yea Jim sleeps with code keys, and people say I am strange Hmmm...there's a thought...I'll call up Kevin Costner and suggest a sequel set in the 1930s...it could have the title of "Sleeping With Code Keys!" :-) just blow him off and do it it will be fun if nothing else to watch his reaction if you did it (not to mention Heil's or MadDog of the thousand callsigns NOT for those reasons, Mark. Thank you all the same but there must be SOME respect for the amateur radio service of the United States...even if some of its members are total, blind-follower assholes cranking themselves up on pedestals of self-defined glory and grandeur. :-) but many of us are not like Jim (or the ARSwould be truly doomed Many in the whole electronics industry are NOT like him, either! :-) The USA *must* have code-proficient amateurs! They are our only salvation in case of Alien Invasion from Outer Space! :-) my pc and your can truly save in that event Heh heh heh...I'm not losing any sleep over "alien invaders from outer space." Not losing any sleep about mighty morse hitting the dust, either, but all those whose self-defined bragging rights are inexorably tied to that are experiencing a miniature version of The End Of The World! [as they know it] now yes along the way Len has made comments on the other ARS matter so wht Jimmie NOserve NO like dat. He wants to Control others, "make" them respect His Works. He refuses to acknowledge that He is NOT a god and won't admit he has faults (some of his faults might rival San Andreas)...but he LOVES to nit-pick and find fault with those who disagree with him. WOW does he LOVE to that! He loves to pull things out of context, make them APPEAR as if they were the Most Immoral Things Done By Man! indeeed he does He's still trying. [he was very trying for years...] extremely trying Him und der Uber Oberst. Yapping about "interested all your life in ham radio and NEVER GOT AN AMATEUR LICENSE!" Oh the SHAME on me! Oh the IMMORALITY of that! :-) :-) Tsk, some self-appointed Gods of Radio are abysmally ignorant, dysfunctional, and petty. They were busy, busy, busy doing heavy lifting of EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE hoping it got delivered. It didn't, wasn't addressed to me. But, (at least for Jimmie), they don't understand that I live in reality, not in their little fantasy world where the only radio that exists is amateur radio and radiotelegraphy. Have you seen the postings by "the man of a thousand callsigns?" He was busy, busy, busy too, trying to handle the same misaddressed emotional baggage. He "never did anything wrong," either...according to his claims. Instead he tries to use "age" as a factor. Poor braggart, he couldn't handle exposure before and he can't handle it now. Small men with smaller accomplishments trying to be "big." He will turn that on its ear and wind up blaming you for having the temerity to even ask such a thing! Jimmie have deciduous delusions (if not dementia with his mental leaves already fallen) of grandeur since He "is always right" and any opposing him are "always wrong." and I can just tell him FU Tsk, he will get SO upset! [he won't know what it means] He never found ByteBrothers either and never learned what that really means. Poor innocent babe in da woods. He got flipped the bird. Poor guy doesn't understand WHY. that is sad part in jim's case I truly beleive he does not understand why That IS the tragedy. He wants to be the "newsbringer" as if there are no other sources open for all on radio news. He wants to be some kind of "director" of US amateur radio and dictate who should do what yet he isn't with the ARRL. He wants to be an "insider" to the FCC yet has never been IN the FCC. He wants to impress others that he is "in" the electronics industry yet cannot openly state exactly WHAT he works on even if he doesn't name his employer. He tries to bluff off that he is a "radio manufacturer" yet hasn't given ANY sort of description of those "radios." He wants to be a "military expert" yet has not one microsecond worth of experience with any military branch. Lots and lots of BLUFF and half-truths. He is a clone of braggart-bully Robesin but with much better English. Tsk, he gets upset when so few believe him, fewer still who fail to respect him. NOT a good role model for the US amateur radio community. Only one day more to read the 06-178 Report & Order and find out when the code test goes bye-bye. Not to worry, Paul Schleck, let the morsemen "moderators" relax a bit. :-) Your "moderated" kaffeklatsch of olde tymers can continue with Days of Yesteryear kvetching. LA |
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![]() On Jan 21, 5:37*pm, " wrote: From: *an_old_fiend on Sun, Jan 21 2007 11:43 am wrote: From: on Sun, Jan 21 2007 7:29 am Then he would be perfect as a new ham. * *Absolutely NOT! *I don't bow down and genuflect in front * *of some dumb**** extra control-freaks demanding Instant * *Obediance to Their Majesties. *Especially the ego- * *inflated ex-government employee types who spend all their * *time trying to beat on all others who don't agree with * *Them. but turly Len you should consider it althought as I read your thoughts of that date it is not yet time to take the test for you maybe the 24 of feb?* * Mark, what I do in the future is MY business. *I should have learned that the code-tested extra LOSERS of FCC 06-178 are * *unscrupulous fabricators of LIES a long time ago. * So far, Lennie, the "unscrupulous fabricators of LIES" has been PROVEN to be you, Morkie and Brain. Especially you and Morkie. Brain is content to try and make himself look like the insulted intelligencia he wishes he were. Truth is is just insulting. At least * *all those that have babbled on in here about my alleged * *"promises" and "boasts" of SEVEN YEARS AGO. * There's nothing "alleged" about it, Lennie. You stated you were going to do something taht you didn't do. There were kids who obtained their licenses in elementary school who have since graduated High School since you made that assertion. Especially that * *transgendered pedantic prissy pansy who tried to make a * *federal case out of a throwaway line in a newsgroup so many * *years ago. *She never got my knuckles with her spanking * *ruler. *Maybe that's why she was so mad? Seems you've got a real problem with getting spanked, Lennie. You subject yourself to it over and over. * *"Seven years ago" I would watch my mother die a little bit * *every day in a nursing home. *[she would pass on in early * *2001] *I had already converted her old bedroom into a home * *office and my wife and I were enjoying a newly-rebuilt * *kitchen make-over (total, including all new appliances) * *that was just completed. *Wife was beginning to assemble a * *"trip notebook" for a planned sight-seeing, visiting, and * *45th College class reunion in Wisconsin in early fall. * *Was I really slavering over the promise of a ham call? * *I don't think so. Excuses, excuses, excuses. YOU have alleged to be able to walk into ANY VE session with a minutes notice and be able to pass an Amateur exam. No doubt there was a "spare" 60 minutes you could have afforded on the way to the Nursing Home or going to the hardware store to stop by the club meeting and take the test in those seven years. You haven't. You can't. * *Now, according to the exaggerated FABRICATIONS of Jimmie * *NOserve, it sounds like I had made some sort of pact with * *my dying mother, as if promising I would "get an extra out * *of the box" (if it was the last thing I did). *Good grief, * *the wasy Miccolis went at it, he was so overboard that the * *USS Nautilus could never find him in a swimming pool! No doubt any "pact" you make with anyone isn't worth the air you utter it with, Lennie. * *Did I "boast" anything? *No, I think not because, given all * *the requirements, I COULD have done it, even with a code * *test. *I say "could" because that had a high probability of * *completion....(SNIP OF REST OF EXCUSES AND BOASTS) More lies...More boasting. More excuses. You're lame, incompetent, untrustworthy, deceitful and lazy. Period. And those are my LIBERAL opinions of you. A loser. Here's to (never) seeing you on the air, Creepy One. Steve, K4YZ |
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