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On Mar 11, 8:29?am, "KH6HZ" wrote:
wrote: Perhaps this was the same VE team that tested the 4 1/2 year old? I doubt it. Yes, I realize that. Unfortunately there is no emoticon for "tongue-in-cheek". How about this one: ;-^ His proposed "cure" for that "problem" was to propose that no one under the age of 14 years be allowed to earn a US amateur radio license. Why would one suggest a "cure" for a non-existant "problem"? I can think of a couple of reasons: 1) Doesn't like children, or doesn't want to deal with them. 2) Doesn't want amateur radio to be "G-rated". 3) Thinks radio should be an adults-only activity. (There's a quote to this effect). 4) Wants to cut off a source of new amateurs 5) Wants to spite those amateurs who were licensed at an early age. (I earned my Novice at age 13, Technician and Advanced at 14, and Extra at 16. The only reason I took me to 16 to get the Extra was the old 2 year experience rule.) 6) Is jealous of the accomplishments of young amateurs 7) Believes that young people learn Morse Code more easily, and are more likely to become skilled in its use and actually use it as radio amateurs. Cutting off the supply of young, Morse- Code-skilled amateurs at the source is one way to fight the *use* of the mode. How's that? As for "bitter old geezers", there's never been any sort of age requirement, maximum or minimum, for any class of US amateur radio license. However, should there be periodic retesting, such as with driver's licenses? Possibly. The problem is that such retesting would place a burden both on the licensees and the VE system. It would be a shame, for instance, if a geezer's amplifer malfunctioned, arc'd over to his oxygen bottle, and an explosion resulted. Yes, that would be a shame. Ex-KG6IRO, who lived less than 25 miles from AF6AY and was recently sentenced to seven years in prison for radio-related crimes, is well past retirement age. So is the unlicensed person in Florida (Flippo?) who is still behind bars IIRC. Seems to happen a lot, unfortunately. Actually it's quite rare. But it's certainly a lot more common than such violations by young amateurs. Just think how embittered you would be if you had to wait 80 years to get your ham ticket. Heck, I'd be embittered if I'd had to wait until I was 14 years old! AF6AY did not have to wait 80 years, however. When *he* was young, there was no age requirement. He wants to impose a requirement that *he* did not have to deal with. He has always been eligible to get an amateur radio license. He could have earned an amateur radio license whenever he wanted. He *chose* to wait all those years. 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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On Mar 11, 12:18 pm, "KH6HZ" wrote:
wrote: Is Michigan one of those states? You need to check your facts before running your mouth. Immaterial. Mark could easily travel to VT, MA, NJ, or any other state which offers same-sex marriages. It isn't legal in his state of residence. You just keep running that mouth, doncha? Mark *is* capable of travelling, isn't he? Moreso than you. You live vicariously through other people's PO Boxes. |
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On Mar 11, 12:03 pm, "Dee Flint" wrote:
"KH6HZ" wrote in message ... wrote: Dee was an unwitting accomplice in Robesin's plan. She could have snipped that part out if she had read it and understood what she was reading. More rubbish. Besides it's not my job to edit Steve's posts simply to make other's happy. That's easy to say when you are not the target of Robesin's attacks. I was replying sole to the error. Which one? Robesin made several. When I have the time to do some snipping, I'll do so on longer posts but don't bother on shorter ones as it's not worth the effort. Dee, N8UZE So if Robesin's attacks are short and sweet, you're good with it? |
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On Mar 11, 10:38 am, "Dean M" wrote:
wrote in message oups.com... On Mar 11, 9:35 am, "Dean M" wrote: wrote in message groups.com... On Mar 10, 8:32 pm, "Dean M" wrote: wrote in message roups.com... On Mar 10, 11:29 am, "Dean M" wrote: How's that report on me going. Should be at least 500 words double spaced The report was completed back when I said I made it. I so doubt that. You're all bluster like your trainer I so don't care. But here's an interesting little factoid so that you'll sleep better at night: You asked for my State's Attorney General and I gave his info to you, but I had merely reported you to your ISP. Oh my gosh gee whiz there Bry You stated previously that you reported this to the Ohio AG. No. You jumped to a conclusion because you're a paranoid little freak. I let you work under a false assumption all this time. I did HHmmmm Yep. You did. Are you now admitting to harassing behavio[u]r? This post from your stubby little fingered keyboard sez you're wrong Nope, it proves I'm right. Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.policy From: Date: 10 Feb 2007 18:52:28 -0800 Local: Sun, Feb 11 2007 2:52 am Subject: Schlecks' Schlock! Reply | Reply to author | Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Report this message | Find messages by this author On Feb 10, 11:38 am, "Dean M" wrote: why? don;t you like getting male "Getting male?" Are you a pervert? Suspicious US mail is opened by the postal inspector. Suspicious packages from other carriers get opened by the Sheriff. Harassing emails are both forwarded to the state attorney general, and printed and mailed to the attorney general. Your stalking is now documented. Proceed at your own risk. Best of Luck. Note the mention of attorney general at least twice I see what I wrote. Do you see what I wrote? Now you back pedal and state you reported to my ISP. Which one is the truth there Bry? Taking lessions from Marcus Stupideous I C. No backpedalling. I'm just not responsible for how your freaky little mind works. Backpedaliing. Classic example Now you'll refute No backpedalling. See what I wrote. Understand what I wrote. Then compare it to your actions. No problem, My ISP, if indeeed I am posting from them gave you comlaint the same weight and thoght as I imagine the Ohio AG did NONE!!!! ha ha he he I never contacted the AG's office. You made that assumption up all by yourself. See above Yep. I see above. Do you see above? Oh that's right You're Bluster Man. I am? I've never claimed to be him. Say one thing but don't do another. Huh? It's supposed to be, "Say one thing but DO another." Kinda like when monkeys bear their teeth in an attempt to bluster their way out of a situation. Monkey's "bare" "thier" teeth. Are you bearing your teeth right now Bluster Man?? Am I Mr. Riff-Ralph? You make me raff You make yourself riff and raff. You jump to conclusions then harass me when the AG office doesn't check on you. What an idiot. How can you be harrassed in a public forum there BRY? No one forces you to read anything, no one forces you you to reply. Taking lessons from thae ither trained monkey Marcus Idiotous I C You you make all kinds of assumptions. Too bad for you. You continue to operate under false assumptions. Too bad for you. Feel free to report me to the FCC as well there Bry. I am sure they'll give you the same consideration as the others Nah. I'll wait for you to really screw up, then... "Dialing..." You very funny man, you make me raff or on this case ralph So now you're claiming to be Riff-Ralph? How appropriate. That's you're claim Phineas T. Awww. You act stupid and now it's my fault? Ta ta Turtle man give my regards to the rest of the Bizzaro people Hey Bry could be a new Batman villian... Bluster Man a villian who attempts to defaet his enemies with lies, inneuendo and various blustery phrases Maybe you should go back to Michigan there Bry, I am sure Marcus Deviatous would puit you up It's been fun Have a week Sayonara Mr. Riff-Ralph. Sayonara Mr. Rfff-Ralph. |
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On Mar 11, 12:34 pm, wrote:
On Mar 11, 8:14?am, wrote: On Mar 10, 9:59 pm, wrote: Jim, N2EY- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Jim, get over yourself. What would you have me do, Mr. "Cheese"? (I'd use your name and/or callsign, but you don't include either in your postings.) (Shhhh. I'm working undercover for Riley.) It seems you want me to stop posting the facts here, particularly when you don't like the facts presented. Most thinking people know enough to smile and move on. Like some of the things Mark says. Is it really worth a mailing campaign to his neighbors and neighboring hams? Does that make you feel better? |
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On Mar 10, 5:37 pm, "KH6HZ" wrote:
wrote: A quick search of Chassel, MI shows 19 licensed amateurs, 1 of which you live with. so? You can't claim someone "lied" simply because their figures are different. You can't? Tell that to Jim. You could also claim that there are 600K+ licensed amateurs in your "area", depending on how large of an "area" you want to use. You could also claim they are all in Jeff Hermann's PO Box. And you'd almost be right. that is not the region from which the VE';s of the area are drawn It is safe to say that in areas with low population density, there will be an equally low number of licensed amateurs. In this group it's never safe to say anything. Just the facts, Ma'am. Of those licensed amateurs, only 1/6th of them are likely to be Extra-class operators. So there cannot be enclaves of Extra class hams who are mostly VE's? If so then there can't be two (2) four and a half year olds (4.5) passing amateur exams. They don't fit the normal distribution. What are their callsigns? why so you can harrass thme further Translation: I don't want to say 'cuz then they'd refute my claims I was discriminated against, and I can't be a victim any longer. Translation: Mike is out to get Mark. |
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On Mar 10, 8:36 pm, wrote:
On 10 Mar 2007 16:32:33 -0800, wrote: On Mar 10, 4:22 pm, "KH6HZ" wrote: wrote: whoe ever it was lied about the hams of in area i n number How, exactly? A quick search of Chassel, MI shows 19 licensed amateurs, 1 of which you live with. A quick search of one Jeff Hermann's PO Box used to show what? C'mon Mad Dog Mike, you of all people should know that you don't have to reside in Chassel, MI to be a VE there. I spuse I confused stave when I said Local as oposed to houghton/hancock area With Robesin it wouldn't have mattered. and mike just followed suit He smelled blood in the water. For the record I have never asked for session in chassell but one in Houghton in the same room that can be used by Husky ARS members and CCARS member almost anytime (if MTU is hosting some conference restrictions aplly)http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com/ For teh record, these guys just want to hang you. |
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On Mar 11, 9:29 am, wrote:
On 11 Mar 2007 06:27:11 -0700, wrote: On Mar 11, 4:55 am, "KH6HZ" wrote: "Dee Flint" wrote: I was thinking more along the lines of irate applicants posing a threat to the Volunteer Examiners. I stand corrected. Wouldn't that be a good reason for VEs to "pack heat"? The RF Commando's will deal with any such issues! amazing how fast he and steve get to tlaking about gunshttp://kb9rqz.blogspot.com/ Compensating... |
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![]() wrote in message ... On 11 Mar 2007 10:27:30 -0700, wrote: On Mar 11, 10:38 am, "Dean M" wrote: wrote in message oups.com... On Mar 11, 9:35 am, "Dean M" wrote: wrote in message groups.com... On Mar 10, 8:32 pm, "Dean M" wrote: wrote in message roups.com... On Mar 10, 11:29 am, "Dean M" wrote: How's that report on me going. Should be at least 500 words double spaced The report was completed back when I said I made it. I so doubt that. You're all bluster like your trainer I so don't care. But here's an interesting little factoid so that you'll sleep better at night: You asked for my State's Attorney General and I gave his info to you, but I had merely reported you to your ISP. Oh my gosh gee whiz there Bry You stated previously that you reported this to the Ohio AG. No. You jumped to a conclusion because you're a paranoid little freak. I let you work under a false assumption all this time. I did HHmmmm Yep. You did. Are you now admitting to harassing behavio[u]r? This post from your stubby little fingered keyboard sez you're wrong Nope, it proves I'm right. indeeed unless (after the quoted message Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.policy From: Date: 10 Feb 2007 18:52:28 -0800 Local: Sun, Feb 11 2007 2:52 am Subject: Schlecks' Schlock! Reply | Reply to author | Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Report this message | Find messages by this author On Feb 10, 11:38 am, "Dean M" wrote: why? don;t you like getting male "Getting male?" Are you a pervert? Suspicious US mail is opened by the postal inspector. Suspicious packages from other carriers get opened by the Sheriff. Harassing emails are both forwarded to the state attorney general, and printed and mailed to the attorney general. Your stalking is now documented. Proceed at your own risk. Best of Luck. Note the mention of attorney general at least twice I see what I wrote. Do you see what I wrote? .....did dean send you harrassing email? nope, wouldn't waste the time, besides, a private e-mail wuldn't allow everyone else the ability to see good ol Mr Bluster in action Whay have fun with invitations all around to join in watching the Circus side show. It's more fun to see "superior intellect" with a group than a one on one, even if that's your sort of thin if did then you did or did forward and report him or then maybe you could be lying definitely the former and complete true about the latter, or is it the other way around. Either case, Ol Phineas T was all bluster or as you'll say, he am a lier he's not the notorious Batman villian Mr Bluster for nothing Now you back pedal and state you reported to my ISP. Which one is the truth there Bry? Taking lessions from Marcus Stupideous I C. No backpedalling. I'm just not responsible for how your freaky little mind works. Backpedaliing. Classic example Now you'll refute No backpedalling. See what I wrote. Understand what I wrote. Then compare it to your actions. No problem, My ISP, if indeeed I am posting from them gave you comlaint the same weight and thoght as I imagine the Ohio AG did NONE!!!! ha ha he he I never contacted the AG's office. You made that assumption up all by yourself. See above Yep. I see above. Do you see above? Oh that's right You're Bluster Man. I am? I've never claimed to be him. Say one thing but don't do another. Huh? It's supposed to be, "Say one thing but DO another." Kinda like when monkeys bear their teeth in an attempt to bluster their way out of a situation. Monkey's "bare" "thier" teeth. Are you bearing your teeth right now Bluster Man?? Am I Mr. Riff-Ralph? You make me raff You make yourself riff and raff. You jump to conclusions then harass me when the AG office doesn't check on you. What an idiot. How can you be harrassed in a public forum there BRY? No one forces you to read anything, no one forces you you to reply. Taking lessons from thae ither trained monkey Marcus Idiotous I C You you make all kinds of assumptions. Too bad for you. You continue to operate under false assumptions. Too bad for you. and blame others for his mistakes Sorry Marcus Ridiculous , we can't all emulate you and be Professional Victims Feel free to report me to the FCC as well there Bry. I am sure they'll give you the same consideration as the others Nah. I'll wait for you to really screw up, then... "Dialing..." You very funny man, you make me raff or on this case ralph So now you're claiming to be Riff-Ralph? How appropriate. That's you're claim Phineas T. Awww. You act stupid and now it's my fault? of course it is juist like with Robeson Ta ta Turtle man give my regards to the rest of the Bizzaro people Hey Bry could be a new Batman villian... Bluster Man a villian who attempts to defaet his enemies with lies, inneuendo and various blustery phrases Maybe you should go back to Michigan there Bry, I am sure Marcus Deviatous would puit you up It's been fun Have a week Sayonara Mr. Riff-Ralph. Sayonara Mr. Rfff-Ralph. too bad we can't realy say goodbye to his ilk You could, trying putting your head in the oven, playing with a loaded gun, catching moving cars out on the freeway. There are loads of ways for you to say good bye Please feel to try several until you succeed http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com/ -- Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com |
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