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This is WIANEWS for week commencing JUNE 3 2007 New National Standard Built Around Amateur Radio The Commonwealth Department of Education Science and Technology has endorsed a new competency standard, called:- "Operate and maintain an amateur radio communication station". The standard approximates the syllabus for a Standard amateur operators certificate of proficiency. This means the there is now a nationally recognised standard built around amateur radio. This is a link between amateur radio and education and industry. Competency to this standard can be an element in an electro-technology qualification. It certainly should make amateur radio as an activity much more attractive to schools. However, it is important to note that holding the competency will not qualify the holder for an amateur licence which still requires WIA certification to ACMA of competency in the theory, regulatory and practical elements of the syllabus. WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI welcomed the Departments endorsement, saying that he hoped that schools would be encouraged to support amateur radio activities and also acknowledged the work of the WIA's Nominated RTO, Fred Swainston VK3DAC in achieving this recognition of amateur radio. Previous Editor of Westlakes Amateur Radio Magazine, Frank, VK2FJL in his May edition told how, on May 16 Barry VK2BZI was awakened by a telephone call from the Australian Search and Rescue in Canberra requesting he locate an EPIRP that the Westpac helicopter said was near the 16 ft. Sailing Club at Belmont NSW. With RDF receiver, a Potomac FIM 71 Field Strength meter, x Government Auctions he left home and as he neared Belmont Bay the familiar signal of an EPIRB was starting to be heard. At Belmont 16 footer Sailing Club the signal was very strong, bearing parallel to the shore. The transmitter was either in the club or west of the club and west of the club is not easy access. VK2BZI called in the water police to help check west of the club and proceeded to check out the club premises. The club is built over water and it was necessary to send a volunteer under the club in case a floating device had washed underneath. However with some sleuthing on Barry's part he found the EPIRP laying behind some flowers in the front garden of one of the houses west of the club where it had been left running, actually he located its position not by the RDF but by the switching noise it made whilst it transmitted. His well used and slightly deaf human ear found the device. Finally disabling he advised ASAR and thanked all who assisted and was back hom e by morning cuppa time. BPL INTERFERENCE - THE BATTLE CONTINUES WIA Director Delivers BPL Presentation to 2007 IIR FleetMobile Conference in Sydney. WIA Director Phil Wait (VK2DKN) delivered a presentation on BPL to the IIR 2007 FleetMobile conference held at Star City in Sydney, over the 28-30th of May. The conference was attended by about 100 executives and business managers responsible for communications and IT in Government Radio Networks including State, Federal and New Zealand Police, Fire Departments, Defence, Emergency Services, and representatives from ACMA and commercial organizations such as Telstra, Motorola and Cisco. The theme of the conference was the converged future of communications- realizing significant operational benefit by achieving intelligent mobile communications strategies. Discussion cantered around new communications technologies which bring together disparate communications systems and technologies into a single operational platform, and where ad-hoc communications links can be easily and quickly formed between different agencies or different parts of an agency to suit the immediate communications needs. Shortly all forms of information such as, voice, data, location and mapping, video, SMS GPRS and GSM, Email and Internet, will be able to be shared seamlessly between different operators using quite different communications systems. This is especially valuable in disaster response situations where emergency services have at times had difficulty establishing robust communications links with each other. In short, the traditional divide between voice and data transmission is no more. This was a very valuable opportunity for the WIA to highlight its concerns about the potential for BPL interference to HF radio communications. As Phil stated, "the unique thing about HF radio is that, unlike other newer technologies, it does not require infrastructure which can easily be destroyed in times of disaster or conflict. There will always be a place for HF radio and its utility must be protected". The WIA's presentation was extremely well received. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation and the video can be downloaded from the WIA's BPL page. This is a large file and will require a broadband connection and a copy of Microsoft PowerPoint. Clubs and others are welcome to use this presentation without modification. WIA Awards Website Our Awards website is very functional but does not display all our new awards. The WIA is currently designing and building a new National website that will include our new awards section. Until this is completed you are invited to place all requests via to the awards manager. Malcolm K. Johnson. VK6LC And speaking of our website, the results of the John Moyle competition have been posted to the website. www.wia.org.au/contests/john_moyle/ Sadly, Bill Rice VK3ABP an old stalwart of the Federal WIA, at age 80 years old a week ago, passed away quietly sitting in his favourite chair at about 5.00 pm Tuesday. Bill will be remembered by many as the longest ever serving editor of Amateur Radio magazine. Bill joined the AR Publications Committee in 1972, became editor in July 1984 and continued in the position until December 1999. Older amateurs will remember Bill as a keen 2 m operator and constructor. The VK3ABP 2 m valve converter, described in Amateur Radio around 1970, is arguably the most replicated radio equipment ever described in the magazine. Next week we will bring you a special tribute to this new octogenarian, now sadly silent key. VK3ABP AROUND VK in 80 Seconds. (4vks) VK2 School radio club calling CQ IRLP The Bishop Druit College Radio Club at Coffs Harbour on the mid-north coast of New South Wales is looking VK, ZL or Asia-Pacific contacts on IRLP. The students who have been experimenting with building simple FM radio receivers are also keen to have some on air operating experiences. IRLP contacts with interested parties or similar school electronic/radio groups would be great - but the club only has limited time during the local lunchtime period. The station equipment has been provided by Peter McAdam VK2EVB - and the club is QRV Fridays 0315 - 0345 UTC, on the IRLP node 6625 which is via its local repeater VK2RDO. (VK3PC) The Hunter Radio Group Contesters will be operating in the Trans Tasman 160 meter phone event on July 7th this year at Luskintyre Tiger Moth Airport. There will be some fun type foxhunt also held round the airport. The group extends a cordial welcome to all operators. This will be an ideal training event for the up coming RD contest at the same location. Food, drinks and accommodation will be available. Accommodation will be on a first to book basis As in all Hunter Radio Group functions, having fun will be the main objective For further information, or to confirm your attendance please contact Grahame VK2FA on 02 49-548-688 before June 24th 2007 Whilst in the Hunter, they'll hold their next licence assessments on 23rd & 24th of June at 9.00 am at the Print Makers Workshop, 27 Popran St Adamstown. For further information, again contact the Examination Group Leader, Grahame O'Brien VK2FA on 02- 49548688. It is important that Foundation candidates have a copy of the foundation manual and have studied it before attempting an assessment. Manuals are available from the Hunter Radio Group. Some places will be available for candidates wanting to upgrade from foundation licences to standard or advanced licences and the Hunter Radio Group will be having a sausage sizzle on both days for lunch. VK4 Invitation to a Seminar about Tesla The IEEE North Queensland Section and the Communication Society Chapter, invite you to attend a technical seminar on: Tuesday 12th June 2007 from 4 pm to 5 pm in the Electrical Engineering Building, James Cook University's Douglas Campus. The seminar is titled - NIKOLA TESLA ? THE MAN WHO LIT UP THE WORLD The Seminar marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla whose theoretical work at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century created the conditions for the electrification of the world via a multiphase ac electricity supply. For further information contact Dr. Graham Woods, Chairman IEEE North Queensland Section, Ph 07-47814219 VK5 Good morning listeners This is John VK5DJ for the South East Radio Group. The Australian Fox Hunting Championship is coming up very soon on the Queen's Birthday long weekend in Mount Gambier. Action starts on Saturday 9th June starting from the Scout Hall in Margaret Street, Mount Gambier. Events begin at midday on the Saturday with the 2 metre sniffer hunt and finish on Sunday with event 10 the 1.2GHz foxhunt at 4.00pm. Catering will be by Phil VK5HAM and his team. Once again there will be a home brewer's competition and as always there are really good prizes to be won. Amateurs are encouraged to bring their latest projects for display. They need not be fancy or complicated. We look for a range of construction projects from the simplest antenna, antenna coupler or crystal set to the most complex of equipment. Ham radio has an interest for all but at the heart of our hobby is the home brewer. Support out home brew competition. Entries are judged on creativity, interest to others, workmanship and documentation. But even if your project doesn't fit these criteria it could well win a prize because the judges just thought it was a great little project. Sunday afternoon we have arranged for a cruise up the Glenelg River for the partners. The cost at $25 is very reasonable and the voyage aboard the Nelson Endeavour is really worth every cent. So put it in your diary now - the South East Radio Group Convention and Australian Fox hunting competition on the Queen's Birthday long weekend in June. It's worth coming just to see some of the technology some of the fox hunters have in their cars and atop them. On our part we enjoy making it hard to find the foxes in the forests and beautiful country side of Mt Gambier. Check the SERG website for details. See you there, June 9 and 10. John VK5DJ -------- The next meeting of BARC will be a combined Club meeting with North East Radio Club at their clubrooms, Ardtornish Primary School Hall, Saarinen Avenue, St Agnes on Friday June 8 at 7.30pm. If you require further details contact Ian VK5AIC on 85245029 or Norm VK5NR on 85642522. (Brian VK5BC) DISCUSSION POINT This in from the NZART InfoLine Plasma TVs "I wonder what we can do about the proliferation of Plasma TVs? They seem to be producing horrendous interference on HF - up to half a kilometre or more radius. I'm certainly affected, since about five weeks ago, by, I believe, one of these 'unintentional radiators'. 160, 80, 40 and 20m unworkable due to S9+ noise. Plasma TVs *generally* *FAIL* US FCC Class A (commercial) requirements, which are looser than FCC Class B (residential) requirements. Yet these appliances are introduced into the residential environment without concern to the requirements of non-interference to other services. What can be done to manage the interference caused to the amateur service by these devices? De Glenn, ZL2TLD INTERNATIONAL NEWS READ BY Rob VK5MM "Sometimes we could hear them, but they couldn't hear us. But we knew they were out there." They were the words of John Hackney of Orono, who joined the crew of a Trans-Atlantic sailing expedition in the British Virgin Islands. A father and son crew from Bangor, along with an assortment of additional mates, completed the last leg of a journey that took them from Bangor to ports throughout Europe and back again over the course of two seasons of sailing. Dan Cassidy, 58, and his son David, 23, left Bangor in May 2006 to start the voyage that would cover nearly 18,000 miles and take them to 10 different countries. And Amateur Radio went along for the ride. In a smaller boat, rotating watches have to keep an eye out for other, larger vessels and an ear out for the weather forecasts. For those communications, they relied on a Ham radio contact with an inland operator who monitors weather conditions for mariners. The Ham radio also allowed Fleana's crew to send e-mails, which sometimes were more reliable than voice communications. Those e-mails were a godsend for family members. "We were getting some information," said Deena Cassidy, Dan's wife. "We knew things were going well, so I didn't really worry." Thanks to Amateur Radio. Special Authorizations for Canadian Amateur Radio Experiments at 135 kHz and 5 MHz to Cease 30 June 2007. Since 2001, at the request of RAC, Industry Canada has granted a number of special authorizations to some Canadian radio amateurs to conduct experiments in the band 135.7 - 137.8 kHz and at 5 MHz. These experiments have had, as one objective, the provision of data that would support the objectives of RAC and the IARU for possible new allocations to the Amateur Service at these frequencies. In accordance with the agreement between RAC and Industry Canada, all the special authorizations to Canadian radio amateurs will be terminated and transmissions must cease as of 30 June, 2007. Further special authorizations will depend on the outcomes of WRC-2007, scheduled for October - November, at which, on the initiative of Canada, a new, worldwide, secondary allocation to the Amateur Service at 135.7 - 137.8 kHz is on the agenda. A secondary allocation near 5 MHz may also arise at WRC-2007 as a consideration in the review of radio services in the band 4 - 10 MHz. Per the agreement for special authorizations, each experimenter is required to prepare a summary report of his experiments, which may be in the form of an article for TCA. (RAC) ================================================== ===================== NEWS FROM ARNEWSLINE DAYTON HAMVENTION: NEW PRODUCTS What about this years hot new products. Over the next several weeks Newsline's Fred Vobbe, W8HDU, will be highlighting a number of them. One of the first to catch his eye was at the Vertex Standard booth. The folks who make Yaesu brand products: Fred Vobbe, W8HDU: Were here at the Yaesu booth with Dennis. Tell us, what is the new hot product that Yaesu has come out with this year?, Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV: "We have two very interesting products and both are very unique. Its been quite a while since we had a good HF radio for entry level and we have developed our FT-450 which a radio with a goal being to be in (priced) at under $1000, weigh under 10 pounds with 100 watts. It came out to be a really good radio because we had the learning curve from the FT-2000 and we were able to drop that IF DSP into that radio. O, in a very small package that only weighs 8 pounds, it's a heck of a (good) receiver and its going to be a good radio for the desktop as well as being able to go mobile." CQ ANNOUNCES HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES CQ Amateur Radio magazine has announced this year's inductees into its CQ Amateur Radio, CQ Contest and CQ DX Halls of Fame. This year there are 15 inductees into the Amateur Radio Hall of Fame. We do not have time to list all of them, but there are several that will be easily recognizable. These include such well known hams as NASA Administrator Michael Griffin, NR3A, Swan Electronics founder Herb Johnson W6QKI, along with S-S-T-V pioneers Copthorne MacDonald, VY2CM, Don Miller W9NTP and Farrell Winder, W8ZCF. Also being honoured this year is ARRL Senior News Editor Rick Lindquist, N1RL. Maybe best known as the voice of the ARRL Audio News, Lindquist has also been responsible the past decade for keeping the amateur community updated on new developments, via the ARRL Letter and the ARRL Web news pages. The honour comes at a very special time since Rick will retire from the Headquarters staff on Friday, June 1. We at Amateur Radio Newsline wish him well along with a lot of good D-X in the days, months and years ahead. There are three new inductees this year into the CQ DX Hall of Fame. Roger Western, G3SXW, and Nigel Cawthorne, G3TXF, were nominated together. Both are avid DXpeditioners and have activated many rare locations with their two-man, CW-only, expeditions. Also inducted was Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ, the co-editor of Europe's 425 DX News. The CQ Contest Hall of Fame inducts three new members this year as well. They are Fred Capossela, K6SSS, Tom Taormina, K5RC, and the late Phil Goetz, N6ZZ. The announcement of this years lists of inductees was made public at the Dayton Hamvention on Saturday, May 19th. Check www.cq-amateur-radio.com for more In DX, word that the West Lancashire Scouts' Expedition to Renland, East Greenland will be taking place from the 23rd July to 20th August. A party of 50 Scouts and Leaders from West Lancashire in the U-K will be exploring the ice cap and mountains of Renland. As well as mountain exploration a number of scientific and wildlife studies and experiments are being carried for various academic bodies. The Expedition will also be operating an amateur radio station for a considerable period of time. Operation will be on the 40, 30 and 20 meter bands using SSB, data and some CW, under the call sign G3WGU portable OX. QSL as directed on the air. Special station LZ07KM will be active on 1st to 31st May to celebrate Ss Kiril and Methodius' Day. QSL via LZ1PJ direct, or bureau requests can be sent to mailto:lz1pj%40qsl.net. Lastly, HF750C, which will be active through the 30th of June. This, to celebrate the 750th anniversary of Krakow Poland's city rights. QSL via SP9BRP. Also, you can expect also a large number of local operators to use special prefix SN0 during the year. ================================================== ===================== NEWS SOURCED TO THE RSGB NEWS SERVICE AND READ BY G4NJH FROM GB2RS NEWS Two British amateurs were inducted to the prestigious CQ Magazine DX Hall Of Fame at the Dayton Hamvention. Roger Western, G3SXW, and Nigel Cawthorne, G3TXF, were jointly honoured for their many years of activating rare RX locations. To date, Nigel has operated from 44 DX locations, and Roger has activated 37. Nigel has what may be the world's largest collection of QSL cards. In fact, he recently completed a house extension solely to house his QSL collection! In addition to his trips with Nigel, Roger is a founding member of the "Voodoo" contest DXpedition group, a member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame, and an international adviser to the CQ World Wide DX Contest Committee. He has also written two books, on DXpeditioning and Contesting. Finningley Amateur Radio Society is delighted to announce the success of a very exceptional lady. Vera Tomlinson, an octogenarian, passed her M3 Foundation examination at the second attempt. What makes this an outstanding achievement is that Vera is registered blind. Vera was subjected to the same stringent rules as any other candidate with the exception that Club President, John Swift M0UTX, was allowed to act as a reader for her. Lead instructor, Peter Myers G3UWT, was full of praise for Vera and stated she was a delight to teach and is now looking forward to a QSO on air. OPERATIONAL NEWS CONTEST COLUMN - D A T E L I N E VK/TRANSTASMAN CONTEST 160M Phone 7 July 2007 160M CW 21 July 2007 Boat Anchor Sprints: June (9), August (11), October (13). Local ZL time: 2000 to 2100 hrs Section 1: Old radios - all valves - i.e. ZC1, 19 set, Heathkits, any home brew set, but must have all valves. Section 2: Any Hybrid transceiver (must have valve finals i.e. FT200, FTDX400/401, Drake, FT 101s, etc.. Amplitude Modulated signals only. The overall winner shall be the entrant having the highest points score which will be published in the following New Zealand "Break-in". (Jamie Pye ZL2NN, Editor NZART's InfoLine) NZART MEMORIAL CONTEST - 80M - SSB AND CW. 7 & 8 July 2007. Times :- 2000 NZST - 2300 NZST, divided into 3 operating periods each evening. Band :- 80M SSB and CW. Contest Rules NZART Website. http://www.nzart.org.nz (John Powell. ZL1BHQ, NZART Contest Manager) AUGUST 11/12 Remembrance Day Contest (The RD) wia.org.au 7th World HST Championship will be held in Belgrade Serbia September 19-23rd. www.hst2007.org NOVEMBER 17/18 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - November 2007 For everyone who likes to plan ahead - please note the dates for this year's Spring VHF-UHF Field Day. It will be held on November 17/18, a week later than usual. This will prevent a clash with club activities in two states. SPECIAL EVENTS, BEACON AND NET ADVICE VK's longest continual net; The Southern Cross DX Net has been running for 43 years, operates 7 days a week - propagation permitting - on a frequency of 14.238.5MHz at 1215 zulu. 2nd DANUBE RIVER DAY ACTIVITY (New rules for 2007) The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River has declared June 29, each year to be the INTERNATIONAL DANUBE DAY. On the occasion of the event in 2007 the group of Hungarian ham radio amateurs being resided the Danube River Bend, HUNGARY call for the secondly organized special event activity. All hams worldwide are kindly invited to take part! Official name: Danube River Activity Participation: any licensed ham Period: 0000 UT June 01 - 2359 UT June 30, 2007 Frequency: all Mode: all Repeater operation: accepted VoIP (EchoLink, etc.) operation: allowed if both sides are on radio (Radio - VoIP System - Radio). Special Event Station: HG7DANUBE Report: all participants are to send signal report, operator's name, QTH. Stations alongside the river shall send "nr Danube" in addition. Points: Stations alongside Danube River from all 10 countries worth 1 point, 2 points can be claimed for them on the day of June 29. QSO with HG7DANUBE worth 5 points all over the activity period. A station sending "nr Danube" counts once for scoring independently from band and mode over the activity period. Multiplier: None The highest score will be awarded with a special Cup. Any station reaching 100 points will be awarded with a special Danube Day Certification. Logs are to be sent to: Mr. Jozsef Szekely HA7VY, H-2011 Budakalasz, Kinizsi u. 5. Hungary or via email as text attachment till July 30. 2007 More details and information may be available on http://ha2mn.dsgnet.hu The Organizers would highly appreciate VK hams' participation, especially foundation licensees. There are EchoLink repeaters to contact Hungarian hams alongside Danube River: HG2RUB-R in Esztergom, HG5RUG-R in Budapest and HG7RUC-R in Dobogoko (ASL 700 mtrs). Otherwise, all 10 countries has EchoLink repeaters covering Danube River areas. Thanks in advance and see you in activity. (73 de Tibi, HA2MN) D X A C T I V I T Y A N D D A T E S Prefixes for Montenegro and Serbia When Montenegro first became an independent country, the prefix YU6 was tentatively allocated to it. However, it now has a call sign block of its own. The ITU now lists 4O (that's "four Oscar") as Montenegro's prefix. This means Montenegro stations may use 4O0 through 4O9, while Serbian stations will continue to use YT and YU prefixes for all call districts, 0 through 9. The ITU reportedly wants the two nations to complete the transition to new call sign blocks as soon as possible. The ITU has taken back the former 4N and YZ prefixes for future reassignment. Members that use computer logging software should update their software to reflect these new prefix allocations (IRTS) NOW ROBERT BROOMHEAD - VK3KRB. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) QRP ATV Past Editor of Westlakes News Bulletin Frank VK2FJL in his May edition tells of yet another ATV record attempt. Ho Hum, how boring, Do you say? But wait a minute, what about an Australian ATV record using stock standard A/V sender/ receivers sold by Jaycar, utilizing 15mW over 175km? Remember, these units are designed to show Video from Foxtel set-top boxes from room to room, say up to 100m. This is really a story about how you, the amateur can get on 5.7Ghz ATV with minimal equipment. The authors' 5.7G units, are in our Amateur 6cm band. In the last John Moyle field day contest Dan VK2GG and Graham VK2DWL found a spot whilst Jack VK2TRF travelled some 175km away. Jack ended up at Mt Gibraltar, a very busy site, having all kinds of nasty RF installation which could hamper any record attempt, or swamp the puny 15mW from the transmitter. On the other hand, the other pair were on Mt Warrawalong, a Forestry Fire tower site, with mainly forestry UHF yagi's on it. It turns out 5.7Ghz is a remarkable band. For this attempt, Dan made a "tuppeny" feed out of WR137 waveguide, which he attached to his 1.2m dish. Jack used a "Golden Dish" for improved gain. P5 pictures were received at each end of the link. How's that for minimizing spurious RF emissions, using QRP for a record attempt? Further successful ATV transmissions on 10Ghz and 2.4Ghz were made along the link for the purpose of the John Moyle event. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- FEMALES IN RADIO ALARA - AUSTRALIAN LADIES AR ASSOCIATION http://alara.org.au Net is held each Mondays on 3.580 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC. (1000utc during daylight saving) Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV says those who will be travelling via the Spirit of Tasmania, this will be the "Shoulder Season". ALARA will be having dinner on Friday 12th September and there will be a tour offered for Monday 15th September also. (sourced to alara newsletter) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR OLD-TIMERS http://www.raotc.org.au OLD TIMERS Members and friends of the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club Australia are reminded that the next news and information broadcast will take place on the first Monday of the Month. using the RAOTC callsign of VK3OTN. 10.00 am Victorian time on 7.060 and 3.650 MHz plus 1.843 MHz AM, and 145.700. On 14.150 MHz at 01.00 UTC beaming north and 02:00 UTC west from Melbourne For those not yet retired, 8.30 PM Victorian time tune 80 mtrs 3.650 MHz -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK Oh... and to contact us with your news? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================== ======================= ================================================== ======================= WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. HOP TO SPECIFIC WIANews TOPICS __________________________________________________ ________________ WIA WEB ZONE, www.wia.org.au __________________________________________________ ________________ WIANews THANKS OUR REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS , OUR RELAY OPERATORS ACROSS THE WORLD FOR FORWARDING INFORMATION AND COMMENTS THEIR LISTENERS HAVE PASSED ON TO MAKE WIANews VK'S LEADING WEEKLY AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM. E-mail WIANews WITH VK STORIES. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of QNEWS for the National WIA. Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... "one useless man is disgrace 2 become a law firm 3 or more become a congress" adams woger you are a Congress all in your own head http://kb9rqz.bravejournal.com/ G -- Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com |
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