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DXNL 1522 - Jun 6, 2007 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) EA8 - CANARY ISLANDS, AF-004 The Teide National Park (Tenerife, Canary Islands) shall be added to the UNESCO World Patrimony List and this campaign is supported by a group of radio amateurs who will activate the special callsign AN8TID operating from the volcano La Rambleta (Pico del Teide, 3555m above sea level). They will work in CW/SSB/digital on HF/VHF/UHF on June 9/10. The QSL manager EA8NQ confirms direct and via the bureau. See also: http://www.ure.es/ea8arg/an8tid.htm FO/C - CLIPPERTON ISLAND, NA-011 The DXpedition announced in the last DXNL opened a website now at: http://clipperton2008.org/ There you can find many useful information like the 30th anniversary of the 1978 Clipperton DX Club's DXpedition. Approximately 24 OPs plan to make 100.000 QSOs. FY - FRENCH GUYANA FY/G3SXW and FY/G3TXF announced to be active from Jun 8-10. As usual the two fresh elected "DX Hall of Fame" members will work in CW only on 80-17m. QSL cards are confirmed reliably via their homecalls, also via the bureau. OD - LEBANON Jean-Marc,ON4JM, is working for the Belgian army and will be based at a field hospital in South Lebanon from Jun 6 until the mid of August. He will try to hit the airwaves in SSB/CW/digital modes on 10-160m signing OD5/ON4JM during his very rare leisure time. QSLs via homecall, via bureau preferred. TA - TURKEY TA1HZ and TA2RX are very active as TC800YOM mainly in SSB on 17/20/40m until Jun 30. This activity shall remember the poet and theologian Mevlanas who would celebrate his 800th birthday now. TI9 - COCOS ISLAND, NA-012 "After the big success of TI9M we start again! The next DXpedition to TI9 will depart in February 2008! Become part of an exciting adventure! Write to: " This is the text on the website and you can even fill out an application form to become a team member of this DXpedition at: http://www.qsl.net/ti2hmg/cocos.htm V2 - ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA, NA-100 V26HS will be the call of Howard,WB4WXE, on NA-100 from Jun 9-26. Howard prefers to work on 6m, with 350 watts and mainly on 50.125 MHz or 50.110 MHz. QSL via homecall. 3A - MONACO Luc,ON4LUC, and Paul,ON6DP, can be found on the air signing 3A/ON4LUC and 3A/OP0P since Jun 3. They are working with 100 watts and inverted V in RTTY/PSK/SSB on 20/40/80m until Jun 8 or 9. QSLs via ON6DP. 3D2 - ROTUMA ISLAND, OC-060 Tony,3D2AG, writes that his trip to Rotuma has been delayed. He plans to stay on Rotuma for several months now starting in Nov or Dec 2007. 5N - NIGERIA Marek,5N2/SQ8JCA, is working in Cogi during the whole month of June and will be QRV in SSB on 6-80m especially from 1000-1600 UTC. QSL via SQ8JCA. GERMANY, SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS DH150HZ (with the special DOK HZ1857) is a special event callsign to celebrate the 150th birthday of Heinrich Hertz. The QSL manager DL5KUA writes that the decision how many QSLs have to be printed is not made before this autumn and the shipment is going to start not much earlier than in the beginning of 2008. However all QSO information is uploaded to the LotW regularly. Other special event calls active from Germany are DK150HZ (Karlsruhe, DOK HZ1885), DR150HZ (Bonn, DOK HZ1894) and DB150HZ (Berlin, DOK HZ1878). The licences are valid until Jan 1, 2008. PORTUGAL, SPECIAL EVENT STATION CQ4IPY will be the call of Marq,CT1BWW, during the 4th International Polar Year in SSB/CW/PSK31/RTTY/SSTV on 80-10m from Jun 9-15 and once again from Sep 8-14. QSLs via his homecall. HUNGARY, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The "Danube River Day" is held in Hungary every year. HG7DANUBE can be found on the air from Jun 1-30. QSLs direct via HA2MN or as a eQSL. Check also his homepage at: http://ha2mn.dsgnet.hu --- The 46th Firac Congress takes place in Hungary as well from Sep 13-17. For this reason Tibi,HA5BSW, will use the special call HG46FC between May 30 and Sep 30. QSL via HA5BSW, also via LotW. The Firac is the international radio club of HAMs related to railways. SPAIN, SPECIAL EVENT CALLS The URE and the Spanish commmunication authority DGTel have an agree- ment which allows the URE to apply for all special callsigns of its members at once. All Spanish HAMs interested in a special callsign from July 1 until Dec 31,2007, should send their request to the URE secre- tary until Jun 10. The prefixes ED, EE and EF are reserved for minor events completed with the suffix of the applicant's call. The prefixes AM and AN are reserved for major national events and the prefix AO for major international events. Three letters suffixes starting with UR, RC or RK may only applied for by radio clubs or amateur radio societies and suffixes with one letter are reserved for special contests but may be completed with any of these prefixes: ED, EE, EF, EG, EH, AM, AN,AO. These contests are considered: Jul 14/15: IARU HF Championship Aug 11/12: WAEDC CW Contest Sep 1/2: All Asian DX SSB Contest Sep 8/9: WAEDC SSB Contest Sep 29/30: CQ WW RTTY DX Oct 27/28: CQ WW DX SSB Contest Nov 24/25: CQ WW DX CW Contest Dec 8/9: ARRL 10m Contest DXCC: The approval of the 7O1YGF cards (activated in April 2000) is still refused by the DXCC. Rumours from the USA say that the "files" are not closed yet, so there is still some hope that this may change some time. LINKS: VA3RJ published a very comprehensive list of special event calls at: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/spevents_dx.html --- Current SOTA activities are announced at: http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/activations.php or http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/spots.php UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Jun 9, 0000-2400 UTC: Portugal Day Contest Jun 9, 1500 UTC till Jun 10, 1500 UTC: 2007 GACW WWSA CW DX Contest You can find the rules at: http://gacw.no-ip.org/contestgerman.html IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: EU-067, SV, Mykonos: The newly wed couple Manu,IZ8IYL, and Ant,IZ8CCW, and SV1EJD will spend their holidays here from Jun 13-18. Their callsign is J48MDC. See also: http://www.mdxc.org/j48mdc EU-071, TF7, Vestmannaeyjar: TF7/SM5ELV will be QRV from Heimaey Island from Jun 10-13. QSL via homecall. EU-096, OH, Turku province: OH1/DG5XJ is working from Houtskaer Island from Jun 7-13. EU-172, OZ, Jylland East and Fyn Group: Ulli,OZ/DO2ML, is active from Aeroe Island (FY-014) from Jun 4-7. NA-122, HI, Cabras: A group around HI3CCP plans to become QRV as HI0C in all modes on all bands from Isla Cabras from Jun 11-17. QSL via ON4IQ. OC-150, YB, Lombok: Hotang,YC0IEM/9, will be QRV from Jun 8-10. QSL via IZ8CCW, direct/bureau. IOTA Contest 2007 (July 28/29) Callsign Island IOTA -------------------------------------- MM0OVL/p Mull EU-008 M8C St.Mary's EU-011 TK/M0VPE Corsica EU-014 DF7FC/p Langeness EU-042 CU8T Flores EU-089 GM0B Bute EU-123 MM0NDX/p Cramond EU-123 DL0KWH Usedom EU-129 DR6IOTA Usedom EU-129 PA/OQ1C/p Schouwen Duiveland EU-146 J48IO Proti EU-158 VY2Z Prince Edward NA-029 HI3C Hispaniola NA-096 WP4I Puerto Rico NA-099 NP3CW Puerto Rico NA-099 C6APR Crooked NA-113 VE2FK Ile aux Coudres NA-128 N4AUG Talbot NA-138 W3RFA South Marsh NA-140 W6I Anacapa NA-144 W6WTG/p Anacapa NA-144 Lighthouse activities (ARLHS/WLOTA): ------------------------------------ OZ/DO2ML LH 0973 Jun 4- 7 EA8/OQ7R LH 0969 Jun 4-13 YC0IEM/9 LH 2637 Jun 8-10 JA1KJW/JR6 LH 0134 until Jun 14 7N4AGB/JR6 LH 0134 until Jun 14 JJ1JGI/JR6 LH 0134 until Jun 14 JK1EBA/JR6 LH 0134 until Jun 14 EA8/PA3BWK LH 0099 Jun 10-16 TF7/SM5ELV LH 0976 Jun 10-13 V26HS LH 1118 Jun 9-24 DS4DRE/4 LH 1528 until Jun 30 5B/G3RWF LH 0051 Jun 2-30 SG60RK LH 2969 until Dec 31 Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 80m GB100TT 3.781 2235Z via MW0JNI 40m VP5/WQ7X 7.004 0421Z via SP5DRH (B) 4W6AAV 7.006 1630Z via HL5FUA (B) 30m 3XY5M 10.102 1720Z via PA7FM (B) 20m A52AM 14.215 1545Z via JA0JHA (B) BG7JSQ 14.004 1821Z see QRZ.com KH6QR 14.252 0730Z OX3PG 14.191 0730Z see QRZ.com PA25UKSMG 14.187 1828Z via PA7FM (B) SV9/DL5MAE 14.344 1515Z via DL5MAE (B) VP2EKG 14.200 2125Z see QRZ.com VQ97JC 14.029 1606Z via ND9M (B) VQ97JC 14.205 1445Z via ND9M (B) 5Q0PI 14.012 0914Z via OZ6PI 6V1A 14.260 0829Z AF-045, via 6W6JX (B) 17m SV9/DL5MAE 18.071 1357Z via DL5MAE (B) VR2NN 18.069 1100Z 3XY5M 18.068 1834Z via PA7FM (B) 9M6XRO 18.077 1113Z via M5AAV (B) 12m HV0A 24.895 1035Z via IK0FVC (d, L) 10m HV0A 28.020 1012Z via IK0FVC (d, L) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 03Jun-09Jun 3A/ON4LUC 1522 * 02Jun-10Jun 3A7JO 1521 06Jun-17Jun 3B6SP 1521 07Sep-24Sep 3B7C 1511 Nov/Dec 3D2AG/Rotuma 1522 * 29Aug-2007 3XM6JR 1484 -Jun 3XY5M 1519 02Jun-30Jun 5B/G3RWF 1521 -Apr/08 5H0RS 1515 -Apr/08 6W/EA4ATI 1515 01Apr-09Sep 8N3IAAF 1513 2007 9N7JO 1501 NOW 9U0VB 1518 -Apr/09 A52VE 1512 -Nov A61TX 1496 09Jun-10Jun AN8TID 1522 * 23Mar-10Jun C6AGN 1511 09Jun-15Jun CQ4IPY 1522 * 09Sep-14Sep CQ4IPY 1522 * -Feb/08 DP0GVN 1496 04Jun-13Jun EA8/OQ7R 1521 2007/2008 EI100S(I) 1501 01Jul-15Jul FV5VDM 1520 08Jun-10Jun FY/G3SXW.. 1522 * Mar 2008 FO/Clipp. 1521 14May-30Jun HF750C 1521 30May-30Sep HG46FC 1522 * 01Jun-30Jun HG7DANUBE 1522 * 11Jun-17Jun HI0C 1522 * 03Jun-09Jun IW2NEF/HI7 1521 -Aug JA7QVK/DU7 1521 2006 -2008 J28JA 1484/85 13Jun-18Jun J48DMC 1522 * -Jun OD5/CT1EFS 1515 -Aug OD5/ON4JM 1522 * 07Jun-13Jun OH1/DG5XJ 1522 * -30Jul OX3PG 1501 04Jun-07Jun OZ/DO2ML 1522 * 07Jun-20Jun SV5/GM0DHZ 1521 May -06Jun SV9/DL5MAE 1519 -30Jun TC800YOM 1522 * 10Jun-13Jun TF7/SM5ELV 1522 * NOW -2008 TL8QC 1459 01Jun-15Jun TM5BBC 1521 03Jun-17Jun TM6ACO 1521 NOW -Sep TU2/F5LDY 1486 01Jun-15Jun TV2VDM 1520 Jan -Dec VI3SAA 1499 Feb/08 VP6DX/Ducie 1521 May -Aug VP6TD 1517 15May-05Jun VP9KF 1518 Apr -Jul VQ9JC 1512 15May-20Jun YB9/PA0HOP 1519 08Jun-10Jun YC0IEM/9 1522 * 07Jun-21Jun YM3CC 1521 -Sep ZD9BCB 1500 * = new ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- UP62BQ via UN8BQ VK7GK via DL8NU (d) VP2ERV via NF9V (B, L) VP5/KN6Y via KN6Y VP5/WQ7X via SP5DRH (B) YA/9A4ZD via 9A4ZD YB2TJV (d) YB9/OK2DW via OK2DW YL7A via YL2GM YM100FB via TA1EE (B) YP8A via YO8WW (B) YP0LB via YO5BFJ ZD8RH/p via G4DBW (B) 3XY5M via PA7FM (B) 3Z50KCR via SP5KCR 4W6AAV via HL5FUA (B) 5B4AHI via RX3RC (B) 5H0RS via IT9YVO 5K1X via HK1HHX 5P1AA via LX1NO (B) 5W0JT via JT1CO (B) 6H1MW via XE1MW (B) 6V1A via 6W6JX (B) 6W/IZ2DPX via IK2DUW (B) 6W2SC via HA3AUI (B) 6W7FZ via DK6ZZ 7S100ALA via SK7CN 7X5ST via 7X2LS (d) 8Q7QQ via HB9QQ (B) 9A/IZ4DYQ via IZ4DYQ (B) 9A/IZ4HWA via IZ4HWA (B) 9A/OO6N via ON6KN 9A60Z via 9A2DM (B) 9A8ABG via DB3GF 9H3EZ via DL3KWF (B) 9H3RT via DL9MWG (B) 9H3RZ via DL3KWR (B) 9M2CP via 9V1CP 9N7TE via JA2ATE 9U0VB via UA4WHX (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) QSL via bureau: A22/JA4ATV, DT8A (via DS4NMJ), FO/JJ8DEN, PJ2/WB9Z, FR5MV, S01MZ (EA1BT), V73KJ (JA1KJW),VP9/K1XM (KQ1F),4K9W (DL6KVA); VU4AN/VU3NZC (DL7UFN), VU4AN/VU3RYF (DL9MS), YF0ANA, YB0AJR/9 (OK1JR), 5R8GT/p (DK8ZD), 9G5FD (G3XTT), 9G5OO (DL4WK) and 9Y4NZ Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith(QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF2UG, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ1OJ, DJ5AV, DK7PE, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL2BQV, DL3IE, DL4EA, DL5AXX, DL7VOA, DL9RCF, F5NQL, F6AJA, HA5BSW, LU1DZ, SWL Norbert Maybaum and others. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*- Die deutsche PDF-Version finden Sie auf unserer Homepage: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...7/dxmb1522.pdf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*- __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm "one useless man is disgrace 2 become a law firm 3 or more become a congress" adams woger you are a Congress all in your own head http://kb9rqz.bravejournal.com/ G -- Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com |
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