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"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
... Kim W5TIT wrote: Dee, no doubt CW has its benefits. Contrary to a lot of the "pro-CW" folks, the "anti-CW" folks recognize its capabilities. (It's silly to even put the groups in such diverse categories.) However, that does not negate the argument that, even though it may be quite beneficial, there are those of us who simply choose not to learn it well enough for practicability (eh?). You don't have to use it, just learn it. I don't like the stupid satellite questions on the test, but I had to learn them. (sorry satellite folks) If we threw out all the parts that some people did not want to learn, there would soon be no test whatsoever. You are speaking of the written exam, and I think it should be made tougher and harder to pass. But, I don't think there is a necessity to "test" knowledge of a mode. Let's make the case: Satellite stations - this is a very mode-specific section Strike Well, OK, but replace it with lots more tought stuff. Band edges - most hams I know have a ARRL band page by their rigs. Strike DITTO Theory - Many hams never plan to homebrew and some even have other people wire their stations for them. Strike DITTO Packet questions? Mode specific and most hams aren't interested in packet Strike Questions about SSTV Mode specific, and many hams never plan to use SSTV Strike Baudot code questions? Give me a break! Strike Test equipment questions? In this day of appliance operations, who needs those sort of questions? Strike I'll stop now, but for every type of question on the test, there is a person who thinks it doesn't belong there. - Mike KB3EIA - Ditto, ditto, etc. I think the written part of the exam should have regulatory questions, and a lot of them. I also think the written part of the exam should include more than just Part 97 of the R&R...what about the 1934 Act? Lots more on that. The written exam should include a great deal of questions on the safety issues related the operating of amateur equipment and antennas, etc. Much tougher written and wish there was a way not to have it published. But, that's me. YMMV Kim W5TIT |
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"Kim W5TIT" wrote in
: "Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... Kim W5TIT wrote: Dee, no doubt CW has its benefits. Contrary to a lot of the "pro-CW" folks, the "anti-CW" folks recognize its capabilities. (It's silly to even put the groups in such diverse categories.) However, that does not negate the argument that, even though it may be quite beneficial, there are those of us who simply choose not to learn it well enough for practicability (eh?). You don't have to use it, just learn it. I don't like the stupid satellite questions on the test, but I had to learn them. (sorry satellite folks) If we threw out all the parts that some people did not want to learn, there would soon be no test whatsoever. I'd be happy to have as many _questions_ on the _written_exams_ about Morse as about each other mode. A ham should _know_about_ all the modes. What offends a lot of us is a _practical_ test in only _one_ mode. To take your example, if you had to track a satellite pass and work someone via satellite to get a licence, and that was the only practical test, that wouldn't be right either, as it would be an unbalanced requirement relative to all the other things you can do in the hobby. If you want to have a practical test, how about soldering? At least it's not mode- specific. You are speaking of the written exam, and I think it should be made tougher and harder to pass. But, I don't think there is a necessity to "test" knowledge of a mode. Let's make the case: Satellite stations - this is a very mode-specific section Strike Well, OK, but replace it with lots more tought stuff. Band edges - most hams I know have a ARRL band page by their rigs. Strike DITTO Theory - Many hams never plan to homebrew and some even have other people wire their stations for them. Strike DITTO Packet questions? Mode specific and most hams aren't interested in packet Strike Questions about SSTV Mode specific, and many hams never plan to use SSTV Strike Baudot code questions? Give me a break! Strike Test equipment questions? In this day of appliance operations, who needs those sort of questions? Strike I'll stop now, but for every type of question on the test, there is a person who thinks it doesn't belong there. - Mike KB3EIA - Ditto, ditto, etc. I think the written part of the exam should have regulatory questions, and a lot of them. I also think the written part of the exam should include more than just Part 97 of the R&R...what about the 1934 Act? Lots more on that. The written exam should include a great deal of questions on the safety issues related the operating of amateur equipment and antennas, etc. Much tougher written and wish there was a way not to have it published. But, that's me. YMMV Kim W5TIT |
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![]() Bill Sohl wrote: "Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... Kim W5TIT wrote: Dan, I can understand your exasperation with people who choose not to learn CW or decide that they don't like it. However, that is as far as the understanding goes. It seems impossible to me that you can't understand that people know what they do, or don't, like. We all have to learn things that we may not like all that much. I had to sit and learn classes in school that I found boring to distraction. The issue is that morse has lost the need for exclusive testing as a separate test element. Your analogy isn't equivalent to boring school classes because the goal of those classes is and was within the objectives of providing a complete education. I might beg to differ. I took many classes that were just about irrelevant to just about anything. They were mandated to be taken though. And that to me sounds just about like the arguments aginst Morse code testing. FCC licensing is not, however, the means to mandate a specific skill capability for one mode. For instance, I happen to absolutely know I would not enjoy jumping out of an airplane to parachute. I've never tried it, no. But I don't intend to because "it's just not me." But if you wanted to parachute out of planes, you would indeed have to jump out of a plane. I know that sounds redundant or maybe redumbdant, but it helps prove my point. You aren't that interested in that sort of hobby, so you don't do it. It is strange that so many people have a problem with my basic premise: that people who aren't willing to learn the requirements are not all that interested in the ARS. In this case, the requirement is the Morse test. Sorry, you are expanding a lack of interest in morse as a defining element as to one's overall interest in amateur radio. That is simply untrue. There are thousands of hams that have ZERO interest in morse, many have even passed the tests to advance, yet they are excellent hams. No I am not! I'm saying that if you don't learn the prescribed items, you are not all that interested. Let's take the hot button Morse code away from the topic for a second, and use the example posted by some other person here recently. In his post, he mentioned that some Service buddies who already know Morse code would take the ARS tests as a way of getting off base and for a change of pace for a day. They did well on the Morse part of the test, but with one apparent exception, failed the written exam. Learning the written portions of the exam was not all that important to them. After all, they were just doing this for a lark. They were not really all that interested in getting thier ticket. People who took the time to study and learn for the *written* portion of the test had more interest in being a ham than those who did notwant to take the time to study for the written portion of the test. It is exactly the same thing. I've been careful to point out that my argument is completely separate from whether Morse should be tested at all. Bottom line: Knowledge of morse is neither a positive or negative indication of any individual's interest(s) in ham radio. It is if you have to pass a test for it before access. - Mike KB3EIA - |
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"Kim" wrote in message ...
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... Kim wrote: Dan, I can understand your exasperation with people who choose not to learn CW or decide that they don't like it. However, that is as far as the understanding goes. It seems impossible to me that you can't understand that people know what they do, or don't, like. Kim, Have you *ever* had the experience of "having to" try something you thought you wouldn't like, and finding out you really enjoyed it? Do you know anyone who has had such an experience? We all have to learn things that we may not like all that much. I had to sit and learn classes in school that I found boring to distraction. I think there's a difference between what we "must" learn in school for a real degree vs. what we must know to operate as a licensed amateur. I don't need an amateur license to "get by" in life. I do need my High School Diploma, or better, to get by. That reasoning works to support Mike's argument. If a high school diploma is a practical necessity, why should it require ANY non-essentials? Those nonessentials could be considered arbitrary, capricious, irrelevant, discriminatory, hazing, etc. OTOH, since a ham license is not a necessity, it can require all sorts of stuff that some would say is nonessential. For instance, I happen to absolutely know I would not enjoy jumping out of an airplane to parachute. I've never tried it, no. But I don't intend to because "it's just not me." But if you wanted to parachute out of planes, you would indeed have to jump out of a plane. I know that sounds redundant or maybe redumbdant, but it helps prove my point. You aren't that interested in that sort of hobby, so you don't do it. It is strange that so many people have a problem with my basic premise: that people who aren't willing to learn the requirements are not all that interested in the ARS. In this case, the requirement is the Morse test. Not really a good analogy, because in order to parachute you have to jump out of, or off of, something. I don't have a problem with the CW requirement for an amateur ticket on its face. However, if its primary purpose is that of "filtering" people from the hobby, as many attitudes seem to demonstrate, then I am all about getting the requirement outta here. I think what really bothers some folks about the code test is the fact that it acts as a "Great Equalizer". Very few prospective hams already know the code, which means that, when starting out to get a license, the Ph.D. in EE is placed on the same playing field as the elementary school kid. It can't be learned (by most people) by reading a book or watching a video, or picked up in bits and pieces here and there. Guessing doesn't help you pass it. Also, once you learn it, the code is extremely useful in amateur radio. Particularly HF/MF amateur radio. I do not believe that a knowledge of CW makes one any better a ham than any other. I think it does. Maybe not the test itself alone, but the USE of the mode. It's a useful skill for hams to have. That doesn't mean it MUST be tested, however. I also don't believe, as you mention later in this post, that one's interest level is important to this hobby. So, why is it so difficult for you to understand that people can and do make the decision that the CW part of this hobby is something they are not interested in? Are you saying that there is nothing you would not try to see if you liked it or not? You don't know yourself well enough? If a person does not want to take the Morse test, that is their right and privilege. They won't get the HF ticket however. At least not right now, eh? You got a date in The Pool yet? (see the thread by that name) If they are interested in the ARS, but do not learn Morse because they don't like it, they are not as interested as someone who does make the effort. But, who dictates that "interest" is a necessity for this hobby/avocation? The FCC, among others. If someone is interested in the ARS, but does not bother to get a license because they don't like taking (written) tests or studying for same, then they are not as interested as someone who does make the effort. I don't care about someone's interest level. There are, what Jim/N2EY(?), 650,000+ amateurs in this country alone. 686,802 as of yesterday. ;-) But how many of them are active? Of them, there are numbers of every kind of thinking and interest level, right? I don't care about someone's "interest." I care that once they are a licensed amateur they conduct themselves within the parameters of the FCC's R&R. OK, fine - now how do we assure that? Look at the enforcement actions by FCC - hams of all license classes being cited for doing dumb things. Each and every one of them had to pass a written test - in most cases, several written tests. Yet they break the rules, and in most cases the violations are not technical things like a misadjusted or broken rig. Instead, most of the violations I read about today are "operating" violations - jamming, cussing, failure to ID, operation outside of one's license privileges, etc. Really basic stuff that was covered at the Novice level. Yet almost all of that stuff happens using voice modes, rather than CW or data modes. There must be reasons for the enormous disparity in behavior. That is all that is required. So how do we get it? 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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On 03 Jul 2003 12:23:14 GMT, N2EY wrote:
4) Some of us don't quickly forget statements like: "no setasides for legacy modes!" and "those in the minority should learn to take 'no' for an answer and get on with life" (those are just a small sample) More reason not to ban Morse. Illigitimati non carburundum. 73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane Amateur Extra Class the old-fashioned way. If the code test isn't meaningful, why sign your post that way? It was meaningful "in those days". The meaning was "if you want the privileges, you gotta' pass the test." Do not confuse my attitude about the test with the use/allowance of the mode. -- 73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane |
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![]() "N2EY" wrote in message ... In article , "Phil Kane" writes: On Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:14:44 -0500, Dan/W4NTI wrote: No Phil its not meaningless. The next 'attack' by the 'cw deprived' will be to abolish CW on the air. Watch and see. If Morse wasn't prohibited in the maritime community after all the ocean-going large ships stopped carrying Morse-qualified radio officers and both the USCG and the public coast stations stopped offering Morse service, what makes you think that it would be abolished for the ham community when the requirement for Morse testing is deleted? Several things: 1) The number of ships is far less than the number of hams, and they're much more spread out. 2) For the most part, the systems that replaced Morse in the maritime services don't use the same frequencies as Morse did. 3) The driving force behind the maritime service changes is/was saving $$. Ham radio is different. 4) Some of us don't quickly forget statements like: "no setasides for legacy modes!" and "those in the minority should learn to take 'no' for an answer and get on with life" (those are just a small sample) The "CWDC" (CW Deprived Conspiracy) can try hard - it won't do any good. Rather than an outright ban, we may see a form of "crowding out". There will be pressure to widen the 'phone/image bands still more. If proponents of CW make full usage of the bands, then there won't be a valid argument to widen phone segments. Remember too that the non-phone segments also support data. It is interesting to note how many folks really think that the non-phone/image parts of the HF bands are "CW-only" and are completely ignorant of the fact that data modes are authorized on all of them. Exactly why I wrote the comment above. There are only two CW only segments and all hams have access to them now... they are 50.0-50.1 and 144.0 to 144.1. Cheers, Bill K2UNK |
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![]() "Kim W5TIT" wrote in message ... "Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... Kim W5TIT wrote: Dan, I can understand your exasperation with people who choose not to learn CW or decide that they don't like it. However, that is as far as the understanding goes. It seems impossible to me that you can't understand that people know what they do, or don't, like. We all have to learn things that we may not like all that much. I had to sit and learn classes in school that I found boring to distraction. I think there's a difference between what we "must" learn in school for a real degree vs. what we must know to operate as a licensed amateur. I don't need an amateur license to "get by" in life. I do need my High School Diploma, or better, to get by. Yes you need the high school diploma to get by in life but you don't "need" a lot of the subjects that you are required to learn. How often do you use history in daily life unless you are a teacher or politician? Who needs to have knowledge of Shakespeare and other classic literature to get by in daily life? Yet to get that high school diploma (which you need), you have to take subjects that are "unneeded". However, they are considered part of a well rounded basic education so you have to take them and pass them to get that diploma. Dee D. Flint, N8UZE |
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![]() "Alun Palmer" wrote in message ... "Kim W5TIT" wrote in : "Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... Kim W5TIT wrote: Dee, no doubt CW has its benefits. Contrary to a lot of the "pro-CW" folks, the "anti-CW" folks recognize its capabilities. (It's silly to even put the groups in such diverse categories.) However, that does not negate the argument that, even though it may be quite beneficial, there are those of us who simply choose not to learn it well enough for practicability (eh?). You don't have to use it, just learn it. I don't like the stupid satellite questions on the test, but I had to learn them. (sorry satellite folks) If we threw out all the parts that some people did not want to learn, there would soon be no test whatsoever. I'd be happy to have as many _questions_ on the _written_exams_ about Morse as about each other mode. A ham should _know_about_ all the modes. What offends a lot of us is a _practical_ test in only _one_ mode. To take your example, if you had to track a satellite pass and work someone via satellite to get a licence, and that was the only practical test, that wouldn't be right either, as it would be an unbalanced requirement relative to all the other things you can do in the hobby. If you want to have a practical test, how about soldering? At least it's not mode- specific. Actually I agree with having a soldering test. I consider it a basic skill that all hams should have at least to the extent of soldering a PL259 connector to coax and demonstrating that they have achieved continuity and no shorts. The difference between CW and satellite is that CW is commonly used (about 50% of hams use CW some to all of the time) and it is cheap to use. Satellite is uncommon and expensive. In addition, it takes actually having a basic, minimal skill level at CW to judge whether one wishes to pursue it to a useful level thus the prospective ham should be required to learn a basic minimum. Dee D. Flint, N8UZE |
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"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
... Dan/W4NTI wrote: I could have stopped at 5 and got my 'Technician ticket' and stayed there for decades until the FCC dropped the HF CW to 5. But I chose NOT TO DO THAT. I completely skipped the Technician. I went from Novice straight to General, then up. I did so because I knew if I would have gotten on two meter AM as a Novice, I would have gotten the Tech then stayed a Tech. I forced myself to learn CW. And one day I passed that 12 wpm block. And I KEPT pushing myself to get better. Thats my story. Perhaps that will explain why I think as I do. Thank you Dan! You made just about perfect illustration of what I was saying. You were interested enough, and definitely MORE interested thatn those who chose not to do what you did. - Mike KB3EIA - You really think that just because someone learns CW, they have "more" interest in ham radio? You really do, Mike? Oh well... Kim W5TIT |
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