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  #21   Report Post  
Old August 24th 03, 07:06 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , Dwight Stewart

"Len Over 21" wrote:

The special election in regards to recalling the
Governor of the state of California has nothing
whatsoever to do with amateur radio. (snip)

Since when is that a major concern?

There are plenty of OTHER newsgroups for political arguments, Dwight.

Neither morse code nor amateur radio is on the special election
concerning recall of the elected Governor of California.

This newsgroup is about AMATEUR RADIO POLICY.

Read back over this newsgroup. During
the last presidential election, several thousand messages were posted on
that subject alone.

Oh, my, that makes it "right," does it? I don't think so...

In fact, just about every major event happening in the
world recently has been discussed in this newsgroup at some point (and more
than a few minor events). The California recall vote is certainly not going
to be an exception to that.

"Dissed," not discussed, Dwight.

There's been a whole lot of spleen-venting by a lot of ignorant keyboard
rattlers concerning "world geopolitics," all done by those who don't have
a good clue as to what they are about.

If you are not a registered voter in California,
then you have no cause to carry on as if you were
nor have you any authority whatsoever on
California politics.

Nonsense. What happens in this country, anywhere in this country, is of
interest to any American. What happens in California, or any other state,
has an impact on the rest of the nation. the easterners who never considered California as ever
belonging to the union. :-)

There's NO amateur radio in the special recall election in California.

So, while it is true those outside
the state don't vote in California, that clearly doesn't prevent them from
commenting on the subject.

I'm aware. :-)

I'm also aware of the provincial bigotry of easterners and enviousness
of the most populous state in the USA (about 1 in 8 Americans live
here) and the fact that California's budget ranks 5th through 7th
(depending on standards) of world NATIONS.

Just the same, there is NOTHING about amateur radio in the special
recall election in California. Nothing.

Go bitch about something non-amateur elsewhere...

  #22   Report Post  
Old August 24th 03, 03:35 PM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article , Dwight Stewart

"Len Over 21" wrote:

The special election in regards to recalling the
Governor of the state of California has nothing
whatsoever to do with amateur radio. (snip)

Since when is that a major concern?

There are plenty of OTHER newsgroups for political arguments, Dwight.

But we like THIS one ya Putz. So we'll continue to post whatever we
want to post. Right here. Any time. No matter what. Particularly no
matter what you post.

Neither morse code nor amateur radio is on the special election
concerning recall of the elected Governor of California.

This newsgroup is about AMATEUR RADIO POLICY.

Ya mean like your endless megabytes of snoozer posts about your '50s
Army RTTY crap have been about HAM RADIO POLICY Putz? Or how 'bout we
get into how your complete lack of credentials in ham radio
"qualifies" you to spout off about ham radio policy?

Read back over this newsgroup. During
the last presidential election, several thousand messages were posted on
that subject alone.

Oh, my, that makes it "right," does it? I don't think so...

The cold hard nut of the matter is that nobody gives a rat's ass what
you think is "right" or "wrong". In fact that's an oxymoron in itself.
You're just an outsider around here Putz.

In fact, just about every major event happening in the
world recently has been discussed in this newsgroup at some point (and more
than a few minor events). The California recall vote is certainly not going
to be an exception to that.

"Dissed," not discussed, Dwight.

It's neither Putz, it's just entertaining as hell. As in one more
unlimited source of La-la Land guffaws n' giggles. It's kinda grim
elsewhere, we all need a bit of comic relief so La-la Land comes up
with another one. Quite timely actually.

There's been a whole lot of spleen-venting by a lot of ignorant keyboard
rattlers concerning "world geopolitics," all done by those who don't have
a good clue as to what they are about.

And of course you do know, you're the Henry KIssingeer & Colin Powell
of RRAP. More humor from La-la Land.

If you are not a registered voter in California,
then you have no cause to carry on as if you were
nor have you any authority whatsoever on
California politics.

Nonsense. What happens in this country, anywhere in this country, is of
interest to any American. What happens in California, or any other state,
has an impact on the rest of the nation. the easterners who never considered California as ever
belonging to the union. :-)

For damned good reasons too, and you're a good illustration.

Every country has pulled one monumental blooper of another. Swiping
La-la Land from the Mexicans was one of ours. I vote we give it back.
I think there are others who will agree.

There's NO amateur radio in the special recall election in California.

Jim Weir gave up his ham license did he ya PUTZ?

So, while it is true those outside
the state don't vote in California, that clearly doesn't prevent them from
commenting on the subject.

I'm aware. :-)

I'm also aware of the provincial bigotry of easterners and enviousness

Bwaaahaha! No further comment req'd!

of the most populous state in the USA (about 1 in 8 Americans live
here) and the fact that California's budget ranks 5th through 7th
(depending on standards) of world NATIONS.

It's also been established that around one out of eight in any
generalized population is a kook. Lotta ramifications in that with
respect to La-la Land and YOU, ya PUTZ.

Just the same, there is NOTHING about amateur radio in the special
recall election in California. Nothing.

Go bitch about something non-amateur elsewhere...

Since you're not a ham why don't you follow you own "instructions" and
take your bitching about HAM RADIO POLICY somewhere else?

Hey Putz, you're missing a golden opportunity to exercise your
all-encompassing skills, experience and expertise on EVERYTHING. You
need to climb aboard one of the candidate's campaign organizations and
do your do. I'm thinking you'd be the perfect public relations
spinmeister for the Midget & Bimbo slate. You'd fit.


  #23   Report Post  
Old August 24th 03, 03:35 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
(Brian) writes:

Brian, go easy on Steamy. He doesn't know about all the hundreds
of communication carrier companies that were doing point-to-point
radio communications before he was born. He doesn't know that
militaries around the world were using radio for primary long-distance
communications before he was born. He just doesn't know.

Sure he does. Someone here has a hard time "accepting" things,
Lennie, and it isn't me.

Steamy never did any communications while in the military...other than
talking on the telephone.

Sorry. Incorrect.

It's painfully obvious, Brian. Steamy hates me. I served in the US Army
so, naturally to him, anything Army is subject to hatred, villification, and

I ahte liars and people who try to use somoen else's military
service to make themselves look good. That would include you and Mark

Steamy never did any primary communications while in the USMC. Naturally
he resents that anyone else did.

Sorry. Incorrect.

Steamy can only think of the hymnal about Montezuma and Tripoli.

Steamy is a mighty macho marine morseman, far superior to ordinary
folk. He is a regular Atilla the Ham.

Thanks for once again re-proving that "Do As I Say Not Do As I
Do" is a persnal credo of yours, Lennie.

Steamy can't handle real truth.

Sure I can. You are liar, an antagonist, and a creep.

See...I took that pretty well, I think.

Many of my fellow Marines have fallen in combat. That is true.

honor them and wish they never had to be called upon to make that
sacrifice, but they did.

And I would assume that some have fallen since your departure as well.

Some of them probably fell while staggering back from the NCO club.

Ahhhh yes...Lennie once again shows that "honoring" Veteans is a
one way street for him. I bet Lennie's REAL "nicname" is "Diode".

Steamy is hell bent on doing anything he can to say bad things about
his "enemies." He tries to turn around statements I say so that they
are pejoratives.

If you were truly an "enemy", Lennie, wwe'd not be having this

I don't have to say bad things about you. You do enough to prove

Steamy's concept of "honor" only applies to whatever and whomever He
"honors." He cannot comprehend anyone else honoring their old
military unit or even knowing details of that unit. Such seems to be an
abomination with him.

You have no "honor", Anderscum, save for yourself and your ego.

Steamy, and some others, are resentful and some probably envious that
anyone else had any primary communications tasks over HF a half
century ago.

Envious...Of something you did 50 years ago..?!?!

! ! ! !

And YOUR "operative word" there was "HAD" tasks dealing with HF
radio...I HAVE dealings with HF radio...And NOT on someone elses'
dime, either.

I will be glad and honored to link my name with my old Signal Battalion
anytime, anywhere. That Battalion still exists in spirit today as the 78th
Signal Service Battalion, Camp Zama, Japan, under the command of the
516th Signal Brigade headquartered at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, and attached
to the US Army Pacific as its main communications provider.

Your "link", Lennie, will be forever remembered in THIS forum as
a shameful and scurrilous attempt to USE those men and thier sacrifice
to make some silly attempt at improving your image in here.

It's not possible. Every time you enter this forum and start
that same old spiele again, you reprove the point that you are nothing
but an NG troll.

Heh heh...Steamy still hasn't given any details of his own claims to
honor and glory of "seven hostile actions." He never will.

Not here and certainly not for you, Your Putziness.

THERE'S where the "envy" lays.

According to Steamy, all those statements are "lies." Despite their real
world existance, Steamy doesn't want to admit their truth. He calls
anything I say a "lie."

Nope...just the things that aren't true, Lennie...Which in YOUR
case is almost anything that exceeds the discussion of THEORETICAL

It's just not worth it to attempt discussion with a psychotic.

Then stop muttering to yourself and maybe the voices will go away.

Some else in here who used to quote an old baseball player is fond of
repeating "It ain't braggin' if ya done it." I did it. I don't have to

Sure you do. It's the ONLY way you can own up to ANYTHING in
this NG...INCLUDING your assertion that you were getting licensed,
among others.

Leonard H. Anderson
retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

Who, other than Mrs Lennie, cares?


steve, K4YZ
  #25   Report Post  
Old August 24th 03, 04:49 PM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a

In article , Dwight Stewart

What I do have a problem with are people like
you who obviously can't handle any kind of
disagreement (snip)

First, there isn't any real disagreement - only your endless rhetoric
about a subject (code testing) that is quickly dying. Second, I have no
problems with a simple disagreement, just a problem with those who don't
know how to disagree in a civilized manner. You, Larry, either never knew
how to disagree in a civilized manner or have lost sight of that ability.


I don't behave in an "uncivilized" manner, either in person or in this
newsgroup. However, my participation in the code testing debate
began as a response to uncivilized statements made by NCTA's, and
I continue to respond to their incivility whenever I find it -- which is
all too often.

73 de Larry, K3LT

  #26   Report Post  
Old August 24th 03, 04:49 PM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a

In article , Dwight Stewart

If you are not a registered voter in California,
then you have no cause to carry on as if you were
nor have you any authority whatsoever on
California politics.

Nonsense. What happens in this country, anywhere in this country, is of
interest to any American. What happens in California, or any other state,
has an impact on the rest of the nation. So, while it is true those outside
the state don't vote in California, that clearly doesn't prevent them from
commenting on the subject.


You've finally said something that makes sense. California politics are
very important to people in every part of the United States, and the world.
If all the 50 states were ranked economically along with every other
nation in the world, California's economy would be the fourth largest!
Over half of the jobs lost in the U.S. in recent years have been lost
within the state of California! California politics are of vital interest to
every American.

73 de Larry, K3LT

  #27   Report Post  
Old August 24th 03, 09:32 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message

This newsgroup is about AMATEUR RADIO POLICY.

Dwight, Lennie makes this assertion when it becomes obvious that
he's been bested, especially by someone he considers below his social

The special recall election in California is NOT about amateur radio.

Lennie will rant on and on about Japan, his days as an "enginer",
and his stellar career as a "contributing editor" of a magazine that
wwent belly-up.

Please use a spellchecker when you become so enraged.

I was an Associate Editor at HAM RADIO magazine, so listed on
the "masthead" (listing of staff) every month for two years. HAM
RADIO magazine was an independent technically-oriented monthly
that was published for TWENTY-TWO YEARS. It got started and
survived in competition with QST, CQ, and 73 for over two decades.

There can be no "blame" attributed to the content of HAM RADIO
magazine. It was always superior technically to all the others. The
fault may lie in the dwindling readership of radio amateurs no longer
caring about technical matters or home workshop projects sufficient
to attract advertisers and advertising revenue.

HR, CQ, 73 never had the financial backup of a membership
organization to keep them afloat when advertising revenue was hard
to get. QST survives only because it is basically a membership
magazine with the (~12 million) resources of ARRL behind it. The
three independents succeeded and stayed in business despite not
having such guarantees of demographics to attract advertisers.

I was, and continue to be an electronics design engineer both as
professional (paid) and amateur (unpaid).

The fact of the matter is that I've DONE IT, have the documentation
and enough witnesses to convince any court except the vigilantee
groups who only want to destroy others while spewing forth hate and
vomit on those who've done things.

And what give YOU the right, Mr. Anderscum, to demand that Dwight
make the content conform to YOUR specifications?

You, you lying sack of buffalo excrement, are the one who is
constantly calling Dave Heil and Larry Roll all sorts of names for
allegedly doing the same thing, yet here YOU are VERY obviously NOT
living up to your own rhetoric...

"Buffalo excrement?!?" :-)

As they say in Silicon Valley, let the "chips" fall where they may...

  #28   Report Post  
Old August 24th 03, 09:32 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(Brian) writes:

Brian, go easy on Steamy. He doesn't know about all the hundreds
of communication carrier companies that were doing point-to-point
radio communications before he was born. He doesn't know that
militaries around the world were using radio for primary long-distance
communications before he was born. He just doesn't know.

Sure he does. Someone here has a hard time "accepting" things,
Lennie, and it isn't me.

Steamy never did any communications while in the military...other than
talking on the telephone.

Sorry. Incorrect.

Show PROOF of your mighty military "communications," big mouth.

You TALK a big story without mentioning ANY details.

You haven't named a single one of the "hostile actions" you claim you
were in.

It's painfully obvious, Brian. Steamy hates me. I served in the US Army
so, naturally to him, anything Army is subject to hatred, villification,


I ahte liars and people who try to use somoen else's military
service to make themselves look good.

You just HATE.

My military service is archived at NARA. Not only that, I have witnesses
still alive who were at the same Army radio station I served when I was
there. No lies.

You HATE someone else being successful in anything so much that it
makes you almost violent. That's a bad mental symptom which needs

Steamy never did any primary communications while in the USMC. Naturally
he resents that anyone else did.

Sorry. Incorrect.

It may be "incorrect" but it is more likely quite CORRECT.

You've NEVER stated in any detail what you actually DID in the USMC
insofar as radio communications. You conveniently gloss over any
details. Anyone who really liked their past work will remember details of
it and "talk shop" about it. You never do.

All you talk about is some general phrases (copyable from any little PR
booklet) about "warrior skills" and honor and glory...NO DETAILS.

All those generalities and NO DETAILS...sure marks of a bluffer, a con
man, trying a selling job on those with no experience in some area.

In short, YOU LIE.

Then you try to say others "lie" when they give details, provide references
and have documentation to prove what they say.

Steamy can't handle real truth.

Sure I can. You are liar, an antagonist, and a creep.

Antagonist, yes. Liar no.

I've provided details, references, even names of still-living witnesses as
proof of what I've done.

You've never tried to confirm anything, have you?

You've rejected a scan of my first First Class Radiotelephone (Commercial)
license, not once but four times in e-mail.

You just can't tolerate TRUTH. It upsets the little fabric of LIES you've
created about yourself.

Ahhhh yes...Lennie once again shows that "honoring" Veteans is a
one way street for him.

I HONOR all who actually served their country honorably.

I don't honor posers or posturers who can only claim generalities and
spout gratuitous phrases or are only interested in fantasies of heroic
"hostile actions" they were never involved with in reality.

If you were truly an "enemy", Lennie, wwe'd not be having this

True. I'd be standing, watching a graves registration detail picking
up your remains.

I don't have to say bad things about you. You do enough to prove


Steamy's concept of "honor" only applies to whatever and whomever He
"honors." He cannot comprehend anyone else honoring their old
military unit or even knowing details of that unit. Such seems to be an
abomination with him.

You have no "honor", Anderscum, save for yourself and your ego.

Vomiting more bile and hatred, ey?

Not nice. Not even close to any "Amateur's Code," I'd say. :-)

Steamy, and some others, are resentful and some probably envious that
anyone else had any primary communications tasks over HF a half
century ago.

Envious...Of something you did 50 years ago..?!?!


! ! ! !

You are envious. Terribly so. There's no other explanation for the hyena
laugh writing...other than another symptom of your growing psychosis.

And YOUR "operative word" there was "HAD" tasks dealing with HF
radio...I HAVE dealings with HF radio...And NOT on someone elses'
dime, either.

Past tense is fine. HF radio is no longer any primary medium for
either national or international radio has become
secondary to very high speed fiber optic digitally-encoded comm and
geosychronous communications satellites.

That I was actually involved in HF radio communications before your
birth, for three straight years, makes you very tense. It should, you
have NO comparative claims verifiable through documentation or
witnesses to prove your "matching" experience later.

I will be glad and honored to link my name with my old Signal Battalion
anytime, anywhere. That Battalion still exists in spirit today as the

Signal Service Battalion, Camp Zama, Japan, under the command of the
516th Signal Brigade headquartered at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, and attached
to the US Army Pacific as its main communications provider.

Your "link", Lennie, will be forever remembered in THIS forum as
a shameful and scurrilous attempt to USE those men and thier sacrifice
to make some silly attempt at improving your image in here.

I don't "use" anyone in the military. I was IN the military, doing HF radio
communications, have the documentation and the living witnesses who
were at the same radio station at the same time I served.

I've researched US military records to trace the history of my military unit
from its first organization in 1946 to the present day. The Army callsign
of ADA has been preserved as the callsign of the Headquarters, US Army
Pacific, as important now as it was 50 years ago as the primary
communications facitlity of the US Far East Command in Tokyo.

It's not possible. Every time you enter this forum and start
that same old spiele again, you reprove the point that you are nothing
but an NG troll.

Perhaps...certainly so to some who think of US amateur radio as some
kind of substitute for a failed military career and must always act as if
the HOBBY of amateur radio is some kind of "military" SERVICE
requiring an espirit de corps worthy of the USMC. Or BSA.

I'm just trying to advocate the abolishment of morse code testing for any
US radio operator license. Instead, I get all this spewing of HATE and
VOMIT from certain parties exhibiting classic symptoms of psychoses.

Get some mental help, Steamy.

It may improve your life and will certainly improve the lives of all around

  #29   Report Post  
Old August 24th 03, 09:32 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Brian Kelly) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article , Dwight Stewart

"Len Over 21" wrote:

The special election in regards to recalling the
Governor of the state of California has nothing
whatsoever to do with amateur radio. (snip)

Since when is that a major concern?

There are plenty of OTHER newsgroups for political arguments, Dwight.

But we like THIS one ya Putz. So we'll continue to post whatever we
want to post. Right here. Any time. No matter what. Particularly no
matter what you post. think you OWN this newsgroup just by being here, ey? :-)

That's right in line with some of the old, old timers who park on some
ham band frequency forever and chase anyone else away by general

Sort of like squatter's rights. And so you squat. And squat.

Neither morse code nor amateur radio is on the special election
concerning recall of the elected Governor of California.

This newsgroup is about AMATEUR RADIO POLICY.

Ya mean like your endless megabytes of snoozer posts about your '50s
Army RTTY crap have been about HAM RADIO POLICY Putz? Or how 'bout we
get into how your complete lack of credentials in ham radio
"qualifies" you to spout off about ham radio policy?

The special recall election in California is NOT about ham radio.

Radio is radio. The physics of it doesn't change despite what some old
timers squat and poop about "credentials."

Read back over this newsgroup. During
the last presidential election, several thousand messages were posted on
that subject alone.

Oh, my, that makes it "right," does it? I don't think so...

The cold hard nut of the matter is that nobody gives a rat's ass what
you think is "right" or "wrong". In fact that's an oxymoron in itself.
You're just an outsider around here Putz.

Outside of your elite little core group of Brass Pounder Leaguers,
you don't care anything at all about anyone else's viewpoints and are
determined to subjugate all to your royal views.

Everyone who doesn't agree with or worship your "achievements" are
in what you call "outsiders."

Your own "cold hard nut" seems to be giving you problems. Consult
a real MD to seek a cure.

"Dissed," not discussed, Dwight.

It's neither Putz, it's just entertaining as hell. As in one more
unlimited source of La-la Land guffaws n' giggles. It's kinda grim
elsewhere, we all need a bit of comic relief so La-la Land comes up
with another one. Quite timely actually.

Poor baby. Living there in hoagieland with NOTHING happening
and you want to diss the biggest state in the USA. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Typical easterner "we are the center of the universe" thinking. The
sun and the rest of the world revolves around you. [that may be what
causes your dizzyness?]

And of course you do know, you're the Henry KIssingeer & Colin Powell
of RRAP. More humor from La-la Land.

Oh, my, more name-calling vomit spewed, now trying for dissing some
notable government movers and shakers.

What has mighty morseman Kellie done that is so worthy of being
"superior" away from mouthing off in newsgroups? the easterners who never considered California as ever
belonging to the union. :-)

For damned good reasons too, and you're a good illustration.

Every country has pulled one monumental blooper of another. Swiping
La-la Land from the Mexicans was one of ours. I vote we give it back.
I think there are others who will agree.

Feel free to secede from California any time you want. California can
survive without hoagielanders. :-)

As usual, you mouth off without bothering to check history...but that's
such a common thing you do that it isn't worth trying to correct you.

There's NO amateur radio in the special recall election in California.

Jim Weir gave up his ham license did he ya PUTZ?

You would NEVER have known about Jim Weir's registered candidacy
without my mentioning it. :-)

Jim Weir is one of 130 other candidates and he has some "credentials"
in government politics: Eight years with the Nevada County (CA) Board
of Supervisors, according to his public biography.

Does the HOBBY of amateur radio give "credentials" for public office?

I don't think so.

I'm also aware of the provincial bigotry of easterners and enviousness

Bwaaahaha! No further comment req'd!

True enough...YOU have gone into vomitus uninterruptus on provincial
bigotry long enough.

of the most populous state in the USA (about 1 in 8 Americans live
here) and the fact that California's budget ranks 5th through 7th
(depending on standards) of world NATIONS.

It's also been established that around one out of eight in any
generalized population is a kook. Lotta ramifications in that with
respect to La-la Land and YOU, ya PUTZ.

More provincial bigotry vomit.

Check with your may have a serious medical condition.

Or see a veterinarian...more fitting the beast within you.

Just the same, there is NOTHING about amateur radio in the special
recall election in California. Nothing.

Go bitch about something non-amateur elsewhere...

Since you're not a ham why don't you follow you own "instructions" and
take your bitching about HAM RADIO POLICY somewhere else?

I have. This newsgroup turned into a squatter's rights poopy CHAT
ROOM long ago. No debate or discussion really happens in here.

All that seems to go on in here is a bunch of (mentally) old farts
pooping about the joy and majesty of morsemanship and how they
are all so damn superior to professionals due to long tenure in a hobby.

Hey Putz, you're missing a golden opportunity to exercise your
all-encompassing skills, experience and expertise on EVERYTHING. You
need to climb aboard one of the candidate's campaign organizations and
do your do. I'm thinking you'd be the perfect public relations
spinmeister for the Midget & Bimbo slate. You'd fit.

Done that, too, but much reduced in effort since the Camelot days of
John F. Kennedy. You've never heard of Peter Ueberroth, have you?
I don't think you do. All you know about is "midgets and bimbos."
That fits. :-)

Now go back to your squatting and pooping in this chat room. Rent a
BobCat to shovel up all that you've left in here just from this message.

  #30   Report Post  
Old August 24th 03, 10:31 PM
Hans K0HB
Posts: n/a

"Len Over 21" wrote

If you are not a registered voter in California, then you have no cause to
carry on as if you were nor have you any authority whatsoever on
California politics.

That sword cuts in both directions, sir.

If you are not a registered voter in California (licensed operator
in the Amateur Radio Service), then you have no cause to carry on
as if you were nor have you any authority whatsoever on California
politics (Amateur Radio Service policy).

With all kind wishes,

de Hans, K0HB

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