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  #31   Report Post  
Old August 25th 03, 03:57 AM
Posts: n/a

"Hans K0HB" wrote in message news:6a3b9f5f99a0c4251172ab4c22749681.128005@myga
"Len Over 21" wrote

If you are not a registered voter in California, then you have no cause to
carry on as if you were nor have you any authority whatsoever on
California politics.

That sword cuts in both directions, sir.

de Hans, K0HB

Hansl, you almost got it. Len -was- using the back of the blade.
  #32   Report Post  
Old August 25th 03, 04:20 AM
Posts: n/a

"Grümwîtch thë Ünflãppåblê" wrote in message
"Hans K0HB" wrote in message
: "Len Over 21" wrote
: If you are not a registered voter in California, then you have no
cause to
: carry on as if you were nor have you any authority whatsoever on
: California politics.
: That sword cuts in both directions, sir.
: If you are not a registered voter in California (licensed operator
: in the Amateur Radio Service), then you have no cause to carry on
: as if you were nor have you any authority whatsoever on California
: politics (Amateur Radio Service policy).
: With all kind wishes,
: de Hans, K0HB


You doesn't has to call him "sir".

In fact there's a very strong case to be made that doing so is a gross
injustice to the real Sirs of the world!
  #33   Report Post  
Old August 25th 03, 07:02 AM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Len Over 21" wrote:

Go bitch about something non-amateur elsewhere...

After all the ranting you did in that message, you have the nerve to tell
others to go elsewhere? Don't hold your breath. Political discussions are
almost a tradition in this newsgroup, and your rants (about the "bigotry of
easterners" and so on) certainly isn't going to change that.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

  #34   Report Post  
Old August 26th 03, 06:08 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,

(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message

This newsgroup is about AMATEUR RADIO POLICY.

Dwight, Lennie makes this assertion when it becomes obvious that
he's been bested, especially by someone he considers below his social

The special recall election in California is NOT about amateur radio.

Who cares? YOU are the one who is always suggesting OTHERS are
trying to be "moderators", yet here YOU are demanding that someone
change the subject.

Go figure.

Lennie will rant on and on about Japan, his days as an "enginer",
and his stellar career as a "contributing editor" of a magazine that
wwent belly-up.

Please use a spellchecker when you become so enraged.

And demanding even more.

I was an Associate Editor at HAM RADIO magazine...(SNIP)

Yeahyeahyeah...Same old song.

I was, and continue to be an electronics design engineer both as
professional (paid) and amateur (unpaid).

But still not a licensed Amateur Radio Operator. The rest, since
by YOUR rules is NOT relevent to Amateur Radio, is moot and should be
taken to another forum.

The fact of the matter is that I've DONE IT, have the documentation
and enough witnesses to convince any court except the vigilantee
groups who only want to destroy others while spewing forth hate and
vomit on those who've done things.

For the purposes of THIS forum you have yet to do anything except
rant, antagonize and demean those who HAVE "DONE it"...

No FCC Form 660 = No Amateur Radio.


Steve, K4YZ
  #35   Report Post  
Old August 26th 03, 06:47 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...

Steamy never did any communications while in the military...other than
talking on the telephone.

Sorry. Incorrect.

Show PROOF of your mighty military "communications," big mouth.

This "big mouth" doesn't need to recite his previous service over
and over in a newsgroup forum in order to sate his ego, Lennie.

That's YOUR schtick.

You TALK a big story without mentioning ANY details.

Naaah....No big story, Lennie. I did it, it's in my SRB, and
that's all that counts.

The RRAP back channel folks can ask me if they care to, and I'll
tell them, but you're not invited. You won't play nice in e mail

You haven't named a single one of the "hostile actions" you claim you
were in.

Because it's irrelevent to this forum. I already invited sonme
to e mail me direct. Brian took me up on some of it.

It's painfully obvious, Brian. Steamy hates me. I served in the US Army
so, naturally to him, anything Army is subject to hatred, villification,


I ahte liars and people who try to use somoen else's military
service to make themselves look good.

You just HATE.

Nope...I hate LIARS. That would be you.

My military service is archived at NARA. Not only that, I have witnesses
still alive who were at the same Army radio station I served when I was
there. No lies.

Except for your attempts to embellish your "service record" in
this forum at the expense of Army KIA's and your assertion of "working
DX" as an Army radio clerk.

I am SO (un)impressed.

You HATE someone else being successful in anything so much that it
makes you almost violent. That's a bad mental symptom which needs

Nope. I just love making a fool out of your with your own words.
Actually, it's very sad to see someone who had something once spend
what ought to be his "mentoring years" being so childish and idiotic.

Steamy never did any primary communications while in the USMC. Naturally
he resents that anyone else did.

Sorry. Incorrect.

It may be "incorrect" but it is more likely quite CORRECT.

If it makes you sleep better at night, Lennie, you go right on
thinking that.

You've NEVER stated in any detail what you actually DID in the USMC
insofar as radio communications. You conveniently gloss over any
details. Anyone who really liked their past work will remember details of
it and "talk shop" about it. You never do.

Because what I did in the USMC is, for the most part, irrelevent
in this forum, Lennie.

Unlike you, who MUST reassert his king-of-the-hill personna in
order to have any self respect, I don't need or enjoy such retellings
of my service career for sporting purposes.

If it makes YOU happy, Lennie...go right ahead...Not that any of
the 20 people who have told you that they are sick of hearing it over
and over has deterred you at all...

All you talk about is some general phrases (copyable from any little PR
booklet) about "warrior skills" and honor and glory...NO DETAILS.

All those generalities and NO DETAILS...sure marks of a bluffer, a con
man, trying a selling job on those with no experience in some area.

In short, YOU LIE.

Nope. Sorry.

Then you try to say others "lie" when they give details, provide references
and have documentation to prove what they say.

That's because many of the tales YOU tell usually wind up
refuteing whatever it was you were trying to make a point about.

Steamy can't handle real truth.

Sure I can. You are liar, an antagonist, and a creep.

Antagonist, yes. Liar no.

Antagonist yes, Liar yes. As much as I know you hate hearing it,
"It's in Google".

I've provided details, references, even names of still-living witnesses as
proof of what I've done.

You've never tried to confirm anything, have you?

Hmmmmm...yep....ya wanna go back over your sterling performances
in Pennsylvania?

You've rejected a scan of my first First Class Radiotelephone (Commercial)
license, not once but four times in e-mail.

And you sent me "erroneous" e mails. You admitted in this forum
you "erred". You USED an offer of the forwarding of the license, but
you used it as an opportunity for a practical joke.

You won't "use" me again, Lennie. The really SILLY thing is you
did it to several people, ergo creating a pool of folks able to
corroborate MY version of events.

Pretty danged stupid, Lennie.

You just can't tolerate TRUTH. It upsets the little fabric of LIES you've
created about yourself.

And those would be...?!?!

Ahhhh yes...Lennie once again shows that "honoring" Veteans is a
one way street for him.

I HONOR all who actually served their country honorably.

Obviously not.

I don't honor posers or posturers who can only claim generalities and
spout gratuitous phrases or are only interested in fantasies of heroic
"hostile actions" they were never involved with in reality.

Like I said...keep repeating that you yoursoelf over and over,

If you were truly an "enemy", Lennie, wwe'd not be having this

True. I'd be standing, watching a graves registration detail picking
up your remains.

Uh huh.

You have no "honor", Anderscum, save for yourself and your ego.

Vomiting more bile and hatred, ey?

Not nice. Not even close to any "Amateur's Code," I'd say. NOW we know why Lennie refuses to get an Amateur
License! It gives HIM carte blance to be a liar, antagonist, etc etc
etc ! !

You are envious. Terribly so. There's no other explanation for the hyena
laugh writing...other than another symptom of your growing psychosis.

"Envious" of you, Lennie? A bitter, shallow shadow of a man who
can't do ANYTHING to "endear" himself to the very community of radio
operators he proposes to lead...?!?!

And YOUR "operative word" there was "HAD" tasks dealing with HF
radio...I HAVE dealings with HF radio...And NOT on someone elses'
dime, either.

Past tense is fine. HF radio is no longer any primary medium for
either national or international radio has become
secondary to very high speed fiber optic digitally-encoded comm and
geosychronous communications satellites.

If HF was the ONLY part of the spectrum that Amatuer Radio
embraced, you might have an argument. However it is only about 3% of
it, however it seems to consume 100% of your arguments about Amateur

Too bad for you, but jsut one more example of how little real
understanding YOU have of Amatuer Radio.

Sucks to be you.

That I was actually involved in HF radio communications before your
birth, for three straight years, makes you very tense. It should, you
have NO comparative claims verifiable through documentation or
witnesses to prove your "matching" experience later.

Wether you were on discreet channels of HF, VHF or UHF...Army,
civilian or otherwise, and in 1950, 60, 70, or whenever, it has
absolutely NOTHING to do with Amateur Radio. You were essentially a
"wireless teletype" operator, nothing more, nothing less.

Your "link", Lennie, will be forever remembered in THIS forum as
a shameful and scurrilous attempt to USE those men and thier sacrifice
to make some silly attempt at improving your image in here.

I don't "use" anyone in the military.

Yes, you did. You perpetuate the lie again.

I'm just trying to advocate the abolishment of morse code testing for any
US radio operator license. Instead, I get all this spewing of HATE and
VOMIT from certain parties exhibiting classic symptoms of psychoses.

And again you exercise your "licensed practitioner by association"
with your correspondence school shrink wife. You have yet to tell us
which school of psychiatry YOU graduated from, Lennie

Get some mental help, Steamy.

It may improve your life and will certainly improve the lives of all around

Hmmmmm...a documented pathological liar asserting another person
needs help...Very cute.

Perhaps if YOU were to take your NON-Amateur Radio related war
stories, NON-Amateur Radio related "CV", and NON-Amatuer Radio related
practice of unlicensed psychiatry to a NON-Amateur Radio related
forum, YOU would be happier.

At least you MIGHT be "relevent".

Steve, K4YZ

  #36   Report Post  
Old August 26th 03, 06:53 PM
Posts: n/a

Mike Coslo wrote in message ...
Hans K0HB wrote:
"Len Over 21" wrote

If you are not a registered voter in California, then you have no cause to
carry on as if you were nor have you any authority whatsoever on
California politics.

That sword cuts in both directions, sir.

If you are not a registered voter in California (licensed operator
in the Amateur Radio Service), then you have no cause to carry on
as if you were nor have you any authority whatsoever on California
politics (Amateur Radio Service policy).

Game, Set, Match!

Squelch of the week.

- Mike KB3EIA -

Mike, you almost got it. Len -was- using the back of the blade.
Maybe if he had used the flat side...
  #38   Report Post  
Old August 27th 03, 01:32 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , Dwight Stewart

After all the ranting you did in that message, you have the nerve to tell
others to go elsewhere?


The special election for recall in the state of California does NOT involve
amateur radio.

Never did. Won't.

Don't hold your breath. Political discussions are
almost a tradition in this newsgroup, and your rants (about the "bigotry of
easterners" and so on) certainly isn't going to change that.

Okay, you must be establishing that this is NOT an amateur radio
policy discussion venue, right?

YOU want it to be all about politics, anywhere and everywhere?

There are hundreds of Chat Rooms and other forums for discussion of
everything that is NOT about amateur radio. Go there.


  #39   Report Post  
Old August 27th 03, 04:34 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,

(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message

This newsgroup is about AMATEUR RADIO POLICY.

Dwight, Lennie makes this assertion when it becomes obvious that
he's been bested, especially by someone he considers below his social

The special recall election in California is NOT about amateur radio.

Who cares? YOU are the one who is always suggesting OTHERS are
trying to be "moderators", yet here YOU are demanding that someone
change the subject.

The special recall election in California is NOT about amateur radio.

Lennie will rant on and on about Japan, his days as an "enginer",
and his stellar career as a "contributing editor" of a magazine that
wwent belly-up.

Please use a spellchecker when you become so enraged.

And demanding even more.

I was an Associate Editor at HAM RADIO magazine...(SNIP)

Yeahyeahyeah...Same old song.

Like it or not (you definitely hate it), I DID do it and the proof is in
two years' worth of monthly editions on the masthead beside the table
of contents.

You have no comparative claim.

I was, and continue to be an electronics design engineer both as
professional (paid) and amateur (unpaid).

But still not a licensed Amateur Radio Operator. The rest, since
by YOUR rules is NOT relevent to Amateur Radio, is moot and should be
taken to another forum.

Not by "my" rules.

The special recall election in California is NOT about amateur radio.

Why do you keep insisting it is?

For the purposes of THIS forum you have yet to do anything except
rant, antagonize and demean those who HAVE "DONE it"...

Tsk, tsk, are still looking in a mirror when you say that.

When there are undocumented unproven claims made, they get
commented on for the undocumented unproven claims they are.
Fish stories. Imaginings. Boastful never-was stories. LIES.

No FCC Form 660 = No Amateur Radio.

This newsgroup is not restricted solely to those who have amateur
radio licenses. It is unmoderated.

If you feel so terribly wronged, you must go to AOL management and
demand that I be barred from accessing an open newsgroup.

Good luck on such demands.

Remember your short 3-day life of LIBEL about another.


  #40   Report Post  
Old August 27th 03, 04:34 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , Mike Coslo writes:

Hans K0HB wrote:
"Len Over 21" wrote

If you are not a registered voter in California, then you have no cause

carry on as if you were nor have you any authority whatsoever on
California politics.

That sword cuts in both directions, sir.

If you are not a registered voter in California (licensed operator
in the Amateur Radio Service), then you have no cause to carry on
as if you were nor have you any authority whatsoever on California
politics (Amateur Radio Service policy).

Game, Set, Match!

Squelch of the week.

- Mike KB3EIA -

Hardly. Hansl cut himself shaving...he was preoccupied with shouting
orders into the mirror?

He is welcome to complain to AOL management about my accessing an
unmoderated, open newsgroup.

"Good luck with this one now..."

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