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  #31   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 03:38 AM
Posts: n/a

"JJ" wrote in message
Kim W5TIT wrote:

I am in support of any person born here being a US Citizen. There are

many legal, ethical and social issues attached to having it otherwise.

How about the Mexican women about to give birth that cross the border
into the US just long enough for her child will be born here, thus
reaping the benefits of citizenship? Now this child, who's parents have
never lived in the US and have never contributed a single thing to the
US society, is now eligible for medical care, schooling, and any other
welfare out country has to offer. Your hard earned dollars, part of
which you pay in taxes, will now help to finance this child who himself
will probably never contribute to US society, only take from it.

The Texas Twit is a world class liberal. She ran around supporting the
hippies, after that was all over. In otherwords, she doesn't think things
thru very well.

FWIW...I agree with your comments JJ.


  #32   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 03:39 AM
Posts: n/a

Whoever Leland is, tell him he is right.

And your point is?


"N8WWM" wrote in message ...
Leland was right, you are an asshole.

In article . net,


You ask wh ??

At least I can complete a is another name for


"N8WWM" wrote in message

In article . net,


"N8WWM" wrote in message
In article . net,

You know how it is...ya
just cain't fix stupid.

"Cain't" ? You can't even spell, dumbass.

You ask wh

Your not very bright are you WWM? In fact your downright stupid.

I googled Dan/W4NTI and it's apparent that I'm not as good at calling

names as you are.


You ask wh

You ask wh

  #33   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 04:14 AM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:

I believe requirements for immigration and naturalization
should be extremely rigid, involving extensive background
checks and a requirement that the person immigrating have
the means in place to make his/her own living. Eligibility
for state or federal "welfare" benefits should also be
severely limited. I'd also do away with the law that states
that any person born in the U.S. is automatically a U.S.
citizen, if the parents, at the time, are *not* U.S. citizens
themselves. The children born to non-citizens would be
considered to be citizens of the parents' own country of
origin. Also, no person who is not a U.S. citizen, by birth
or legal naturalization, should be allowed to vote in any
local, state, or federal election. Liberal immigration and
naturalization policies amount to political corruption in it's
most dangerous form -- and the danger is to U.S.

In the end, the ONLY way to stop illegal immigration is to force employers
to exercise restraint over who they hire, with truly serious consequences
for those who knowingly hire, or should have known they were hiring, illegal
immigrants. As long as jobs better than what is available elsewhere are
available and we have a weak enforcement process, illegal immigrants are
going to come. Cut off the jobs and you clearly cut off the problem.
Employers claim it is not their responsibility to check out potential
employees. Nonsense. Employers routinely run checks on everybody else they
hire and it is every citizen's responsibility not to contribute to obvious

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

  #34   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 05:08 AM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Kim W5TIT" wrote:

And, I believe the immigration laws are
appropriate, (snip)

We allow more immigrants into this country each year than any other
country on Earth, including those countries where most of our immigrants
come from. This mass influx is driving wages down and prices up. Our schools
are overcrowded. Education costs are going up. Medical costs are going up.
Home prices are going up. Land prices are going up. Food prices are going
up. Crime continues to go up. Our overall standard of living is going down.
At the same time, I don't see a single benefit for the average American. Can
you describe one benefit for me or my family, Kim?

State and Federal welfare programs need to be
abolished. (snip)

Why would you want to cut off the parachute put in place to help
Americans? If you want to fix welfare, cut off the many thousands of illegal
immigrants who are taking benefits from others. Next, get rid of the obvious
bums abusing the welfare system. This two steps alone would cut the cost of
welfare programs dramatically, yet still provide help for those Americans
why really need it.

There is no danger to US sovereignty. It may not
be a US you like; but it is no danger of losing its
sovereignty. (snip)

Kim, we've allowed millions of immigrants into this country from areas of
the world openly hostile to the United States, with no method to establish
their views of this country and its people. After 9-11, this is clearly not
safe for Americans. Can you be so sure it is not a threat to our
sovereignty? This reminds me of an old joke that is perhaps not that far
from the truth; an enemy doesn't have to invade today - they can just fill
out immigration papers for their entire army.

Blacks have almost the entire continent of Africa and Hispanics have
almost the entire continent of South America. Perhaps you can explain why
either group needs to expand to this continent, or why it is so wrong to
resist that expansion. Unless we're prepared to spend lots of tourist
dollars, they're certainly not rushing to open their doors to us.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

  #35   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 05:18 AM
Posts: n/a

On 25 Oct 2003 04:18:30 GMT, ospam (Larry Roll K3LT)

In article . net, Duane Allen

On a serious off-topic note, does anyone know what is being done to
protec the CSA graveyards. Thanks in advance.

I do. The graveyards full of traitorous racist Confederates are being
converted to HAZMAT landfill sites and leach fields. You Rebs wanted
"states rights" so you could do such lovely things as own slaves. Well,
now our society is trashed by the millions of descendants of those
"slaves" who want their assets kissed with government support from
cradle to grave. Well, I guess it is better than your blue-blood white
trash ancestors getting their hands dirty. Of course, now we'll probably
have to sit through all the tired old QRM about how the Civil War wasn't
about slavery. Right.

73 de Larry, K3LT

Don't be too hard on the Confederates. They didn't start the Civil War
by themselves. England was still harboring hostilities about the
Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. Getting the Southern States
agitated, and thus getting an ally, was a way to rip the country
apart. England had a lot of close ties with many Southern states, and
exploiting the animosity that the South held toward the abolitionist
North was their last-ditch effort to tear the young country apart.
Lincoln did what he had to do. Whether it was state's rights or
slavery, the South *wanted* a war, because England hadn't quit
fighting the war. General Daniel Sickles, a union general who lost a
leg at Gettysburg, even said that he'd support the South in their
state's rights efforts if they went about secession peacefully. Of
course, Fort Sumter changed all of that.

Just my two cents. I'm now going back into lurk mode.

Tom, N8ECW

  #36   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 05:43 AM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:

(snip) If the Civil War wasn't about racism and slavery,
then (snip)

If the Civil War was about slavery, then why was there a war at all? Prior
to the war, the slave states were the majority in both the House and Senate,
insuring no legislation could be passed to end slavery. Slavery was only
abolished after the war by not allowing the former Confederate States (which
included several, but not all, of the slave states) to participate in that

(snip) why, in it's aftermath, did one of the most famous
Confederate Generals, Nathan Bedford Forrest,
organize the Ku Klux Klan? (snip)

When you answer that, perhaps you can also answer why so many Northerners
join the KKK.

The South has a lot to answer for, IMHO. (snip)

Why would they have any more to answer for than the Northern states that
profited from the sale of slaves? Or more to answer for than those who used
indentured or bound black workers in the North, even into the early 1900's?
Or more to answer for than the many countries around the world which
practiced slavery in this last century (the 1900's), the previous century,
or in the many centuries before that?

(snip) Modern-day Rebels with the Confederate flags on
their pickup trucks don't do much to heal the wounds of
the past. (snip)

Perhaps because they have absolutely no responsibility for what happened
in a past long before they were born.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

  #37   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 06:15 AM
Hans K0HB
Posts: n/a

W5NET wrote:

Blacks have almost the entire continent of Africa and
Hispanics have almost the entire continent of South America.
Perhaps you can explain why either group needs to expand
to this continent, or why it is so wrong to resist that expansion.

What a sorry-assed load of blatant racist crap! Carried a little
farther, yellow people have the entire continent of Asia, white people
have almost the entire continent of Europe..... what Indian, Eskimo, or
Inuit tribe does Dwight Stewart belong to that gives him a right to be
in North America?

With kindest warm personal regards,

de Hans, K0HB
  #38   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 01:06 PM
Bert Craig
Posts: n/a

"Hans K0HB" wrote in message
W5NET wrote:

Blacks have almost the entire continent of Africa and
Hispanics have almost the entire continent of South America.
Perhaps you can explain why either group needs to expand
to this continent, or why it is so wrong to resist that expansion.

What a sorry-assed load of blatant racist crap! Carried a little
farther, yellow people have the entire continent of Asia, white people
have almost the entire continent of Europe..... what Indian, Eskimo, or
Inuit tribe does Dwight Stewart belong to that gives him a right to be
in North America?

With kindest warm personal regards,

de Hans, K0HB

Firmly seconded! Well said Hans.

73 de Bert

  #39   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 07:06 PM
Posts: n/a

"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:

(snip) If the Civil War wasn't about racism and slavery,
then (snip)

If the Civil War was about slavery, then why was there a war at all?

Because the states with the most slaves could see that eventually they
would either have to face the complete abolition of slavery *or* leave
the Union.

to the war, the slave states were the majority in both the House and Senate,
insuring no legislation could be passed to end slavery.

When? Check a map of 1860. There were 19 slave states, of which 4
stayed in the Union. Delaware was a slave state but it did not secede.

Slavery was only
abolished after the war by not allowing the former Confederate States (which
included several, but not all, of the slave states) to participate in that

The Emancipation Proclamation was written in 1863. It legally freed
most (but not all) of the slaves.

The South has a lot to answer for, IMHO. (snip)

Why would they have any more to answer for than the Northern states that
profited from the sale of slaves?

Which states were they? Slavery was abolished in the North by 1804. In
many northern states it was abolished before the Constitution was

Or more to answer for than those who used
indentured or bound black workers in the North, even into the early 1900's?

Where was that done?

Indentured servitude is in no way comparable to slavery, btw.
Indentured servants *voluntarily* agree to work for a specified period
of time, usually as payment for training or a debt.

Or more to answer for than the many countries around the world which
practiced slavery in this last century (the 1900's), the previous century,
or in the many centuries before that?

(snip) Modern-day Rebels with the Confederate flags on
their pickup trucks don't do much to heal the wounds of
the past. (snip)

Perhaps because they have absolutely no responsibility for what happened
in a past long before they were born.

All depends on what that flag is meant to symbolize.


Here's what I learned about the War Between the States:

First off, it didn't start as a war to end slavery, but rather as a
war to keep the Union together. Lincoln's early (1861-1862) writings
make it clear his focus *at that time* was on preserving the Union at
almost any cost.

The Constitution, for all its wisdom, did not have any clear provision
for what should be done if one or more state(s) decided that they
simply wanted out of the Union at one point or another.

When the Constitution was written, there was a fairly even balance
between slave and free states. Compromises were reached in order to
get the new Union formed as a country rather than a confederation.
These were compromises with evil, and they could not last forever.

But over time the two parts of the US developed in such radically
different ways that the compromises and balance could no longer be
maintained. It was clear by 1855 or so that slavery's days were
numbered because eventually the abolitionists would reach enough of a
political majority to simply outlaw it everywhere. The trend was clear
- it was only a matter of time. Revolts like John Brown's and the
strengthening abolitionist movement made the moral issue unavoidable,
and the Supremes were starting to come around, too.

So, given the choice between leaving the Union or abolishing slavery,
15 states tried to leave. Some outside the 15 states said "Let them
go", but it was clear to Lincoln and others that if even one state was
allowed to secede, the Union would eventually fragment - and those
fragments would be ripe for takeover from other countries, many of
whom were patiently waiting for the "American experiment" to fail.

Once the war began, however, it slowly became clear to Lincoln and
many others that what had caused the split in the first place was the
idea that a country could proclaim itself "free" and yet allow
slavery. It became clear to him that the only way to preserve the
Union was to abolish slavery completely. Thus the Emancipation
Proclamation and the constitutional amendment.

Is any of the above incorrect?

What's interesting is that Great Britain, from whom the colonies split
on the issue of "all men [sic] are created equal", abolished slavery
years before the USA did.

73 de Jim, N2EY
  #40   Report Post  
Old October 27th 03, 07:47 PM
Posts: n/a

"N2EY" wrote in message
"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:

(snip) If the Civil War wasn't about racism and slavery,
then (snip)

If the Civil War was about slavery, then why was there a war at all?

Because the states with the most slaves could see that eventually they
would either have to face the complete abolition of slavery *or* leave
the Union.

to the war, the slave states were the majority in both the House and

insuring no legislation could be passed to end slavery.

When? Check a map of 1860. There were 19 slave states, of which 4
stayed in the Union. Delaware was a slave state but it did not secede.

Slavery was only
abolished after the war by not allowing the former Confederate States

included several, but not all, of the slave states) to participate in


The Emancipation Proclamation was written in 1863. It legally freed
most (but not all) of the slaves.

The South has a lot to answer for, IMHO. (snip)

Why would they have any more to answer for than the Northern states

profited from the sale of slaves?

Which states were they? Slavery was abolished in the North by 1804. In
many northern states it was abolished before the Constitution was

Or more to answer for than those who used
indentured or bound black workers in the North, even into the early


Where was that done?

Indentured servitude is in no way comparable to slavery, btw.
Indentured servants *voluntarily* agree to work for a specified period
of time, usually as payment for training or a debt.

Or more to answer for than the many countries around the world which
practiced slavery in this last century (the 1900's), the previous

or in the many centuries before that?

(snip) Modern-day Rebels with the Confederate flags on
their pickup trucks don't do much to heal the wounds of
the past. (snip)

Perhaps because they have absolutely no responsibility for what

in a past long before they were born.

All depends on what that flag is meant to symbolize.


Here's what I learned about the War Between the States:

First off, it didn't start as a war to end slavery, but rather as a
war to keep the Union together. Lincoln's early (1861-1862) writings
make it clear his focus *at that time* was on preserving the Union at
almost any cost.

The Constitution, for all its wisdom, did not have any clear provision
for what should be done if one or more state(s) decided that they
simply wanted out of the Union at one point or another.

When the Constitution was written, there was a fairly even balance
between slave and free states. Compromises were reached in order to
get the new Union formed as a country rather than a confederation.
These were compromises with evil, and they could not last forever.

But over time the two parts of the US developed in such radically
different ways that the compromises and balance could no longer be
maintained. It was clear by 1855 or so that slavery's days were
numbered because eventually the abolitionists would reach enough of a
political majority to simply outlaw it everywhere. The trend was clear
- it was only a matter of time. Revolts like John Brown's and the
strengthening abolitionist movement made the moral issue unavoidable,
and the Supremes were starting to come around, too.

So, given the choice between leaving the Union or abolishing slavery,
15 states tried to leave. Some outside the 15 states said "Let them
go", but it was clear to Lincoln and others that if even one state was
allowed to secede, the Union would eventually fragment - and those
fragments would be ripe for takeover from other countries, many of
whom were patiently waiting for the "American experiment" to fail.

Once the war began, however, it slowly became clear to Lincoln and
many others that what had caused the split in the first place was the
idea that a country could proclaim itself "free" and yet allow
slavery. It became clear to him that the only way to preserve the
Union was to abolish slavery completely. Thus the Emancipation
Proclamation and the constitutional amendment.

Is any of the above incorrect?

What's interesting is that Great Britain, from whom the colonies split
on the issue of "all men [sic] are created equal", abolished slavery
years before the USA did.

73 de Jim, N2EY


Much of what you seem to believe is based on the falsehood that the
Emancipation Proclamation
actually freed slaves. The proclamation ONLY APPLIED to those states in
rebellion against the Union.

Unfortunately those same states were not a part of the union at the time the
proclamation was issued.

Thus the proclamation applied to no one under the authority and/or control
of the then fragemented Union.

The slavery issue was indeed a major part of the root cause of the war
between the states. BUT a major other cause was that of states rights. And
whether we would be a republic or a federalist government. The struggle
continues to this day.

We are called a constitutional government, or a republic, or a democracy.
The reality is we are none of , and all of that. The founding fathers NEVER
intended for the federal government to have so much authority and control
over the states. That was a major reason the Southern states left. Lincoln
had NO RIGHT, or authorization to FORCE the South to rejoin the union. The
whole war was a major mistake, and to the victors go the spoils, and the
ones that write the history.

You may ask how, or why, do I say these things? Because I was raised in the
North, a world class Yankee state of Ohio. I was educated by the
Northerners on this subject. And before I came to Alabama I too believed it
hook line and sinker. No longer.

The South was right. We all lost that war, look at the mess we have in DC
now. Think about it.


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