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"Bert Craig" wrote
No, Alun. I really DO believe that Amateur Radio operators should define Amateur Radio. What a concept, eh? Let the participants alone write the rules? They have that concept live on 27MHz. Be careful what you wish for.... you might get it. 73, de Hans, K0HB |
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"KØHB" wrote in message hlink.net...
"N2EY" wrote However, no matter how interested someone is in politics, that person can *only* vote where he/she resides. IOW the price of voting is having to join a community by living there. Your analogy remains flaccid. Your description of my analogy remains inaccurate. Amateur radio exists in the community in which we all live. It has an effect on all of us, whether we are licensed or not, and the regulations concerning qualification to participate in it even more so. The regulations affect those who are hams the most. My friend, W4OYI, ex-President of ARRL, compares the ARS to a public park; a place in the spectrum set aside for citizens to pursue the avocation of radio. That's a passable analogy. In most of the public parks I know, what you can do is limited. And you need a permit/license to do certain things in the park. What you are proposing is that persons already in this 'park' by virtue of having paid some entry price be the only ones allowed to vote on the conditions under which other citizens can fully participate in every area of park activities. IOW, "I got mine, now you get yours, and then you can vote." No, that's not it at all. You misunderstand what Bert and I are saying. What we're saying is that on the single issue of continued Morse code testing, it would be interesting to know what the opinions of *all* licensed US hams, (not just a vocal minority) really are. That includes amateurs of *all* license classes, not just those who have passed a code test. To use your park analogy, it's like polling those who actually use a park whether a specific change should be made. Nowhere is it proposed that the ability of others to comment would be changed. Of course this is simply a discussion point because there's no one who would actually pay the expenses to conduct such a poll. Or consider the recent election of a movie actor with no experience as a government official to the governorship of California. Are you suggesting that "experience as a government official" should be a qualification for election to office in the USA? Nope. I'm saying that I find it incredible that the allegedly most qualified candidate for the highest office in the most populous and most in debt state in the Union is a movie actor with no real experience as a government official. The Constitution contains no such language. I know. And nowhere do I say it should be a requirement. But do you *really* think the new governor is going to better than the old one? My daughter was recently elected to public office, and she has no previous experience as a government official. Did she start out as Governor or as something with a little less responsibility? Should she and Arnold be denied their office? Nope. The electorate will get what they asked for. Should only existing or previous government officials be allowed to be elected? Not at all. Do you really think the new governor of California is the most qualified for the job? I don't. But because I don't live there, I can't vote there. Or should there be some sort of 'incentive licensing' of government officials in which you must first be elected to an entry level office, let's say Canine Capture Technician. Then after gaining the skill and experience to capture 5 dogs per minute, they be allowed to run for office at some more responsible level, all the way up to President, and only those already elected would be allowed to vote for them? What a concept! How about the electorate considering qualifications? The fact that you have an amateur license suggests that you will have an opinion about amateur radio regulation, but it gives no credence in and of itself whether your opinion is or is not worthy of consideration. Yes, it does. (N2EY) No, doesn't (K0HB) Yes, it does. (N2EY) No, doesn't (K0HB) Yes, it does. (N2EY) No, doesn't (K0HB) Yes, it does. (N2EY) No, doesn't (K0HB) Yes, it does. (N2EY) No, doesn't (K0HB) ...we could go on and on.... No we couldn't. In general, what happens to the amateur radio service has a greater effect on licensed amateurs and those who want to be licensed amateurs than on the general public. But we weren't talking about "in general". OK - then talk about the specific case of a specific poll, which was what WA2SI was proposing. Wahtoosey was proposing a poll to vote on the code test as a qualfication for entry (to HF). Since you "already have yours", such a poll (were it binding on FCC) would not effect your entry into amateur radio, but would have a far greater effect on those not yet licensed (the general public). Who said it would be binding on the FCC? And remember the other conditions of the poll: *Any* ham would have the same vote. Thus we could much more convincingly argue that you should *not* be eligible to vote in the poll, but the general (non-licensed) public *should* be eligible. By that same logic, you should not be allowed to propose your two-class learner permit system, because you've already "got yours". And you "got yours" under far less draconian rules than you propose for others. One word: motivation. Ah, yes, the old "motivation" card. We dealt with that back in 1996 at http://groups.google.com/groups?selm....mn.org&oe= U TF-8&output=gplain I wasn't online back then. Besides, would you want things to always remain as they were in 1996? Who are the people who would want to participate in a one-time survey on Morse code testing but who cannot even pass the Technician written test? Wahtoosey WHO? didn't suggest a 'survey'. He talks about a poll where people vote and democracy rules. Is that bad? Are you against direct democracy and polling of those most affected? And the discussion was not about those who 'cannot even pass'. It was about those who (for whatever reason of their own) have not become licensees. You're avoiding the central issue. I think you know that if such a poll were actually taken, you might not like the results. More of your "I've got mine, now you get yours" mindset showing. Not me. I EARNED mine. I encourage others to EARN theirs. Is that bad? Shall I apologize for my accomplishments and sit idly by while others try to trash a community I belong to? Not gonna happen, Hans. No matter how much you try to twist what I wrote. 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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"N2EY" wrote
Not me. I EARNED mine. I encourage others to EARN theirs. Is that bad? Shall I apologize for my accomplishments and sit idly by while others try to trash a community I belong to? Well, I knew it would all eventually get down to that simple statement. (To focus "on topic", the question was if there should be a vote on whether or not the FCC should retain Morse code as a test for HF licensing.) N2EY asserts he has EARNED his HF access, presumably because he passed a Morse test, and he encourages others to EARN it by the same means. I support his right to have that opinion, and he need not apologize for it. What I do not support is his assertion that 'others' (IOW, those who do not share his opinion on Morse testing) are trying to 'trash' amateur radio. 73, de Hans, K0HB PS: N2EY pleads ignorance about the 1966 statement on this topic since he was "not online", so I will take the liberty to repeat it here. ----- Hang around here long enough, and you will see someone write something like: " A really tough written test would surely separate those who really have an interest in the hobby.", or.. " Other, more relevant, methods can establish an applicant's dedication to the service.", or.. " ..... the key to maintaining the quality of hamming is making it something to work for." All of the above quotations, gathered from a recent thread, were made by serious and well-intentioned licensees who want the best for the Amateur Radio Service. All of the above quotations also completely miss the mark, in that they suggest that the examination process is the key to ensuring that "the right kind of people" (those who are "worthy") become licensed and, by extension, that "the wrong kind of people" get filtered out. First, the testing procedure is an "entrance" exam, not a "graduation" exam. Second, while "interest", "dedication", and "hard work" are certainly hallmarks of good amateurs, the FCC and ITU regulations do not specify levels of interest, dedication, hard work or other measures of "worthiness" as requisites for a license. Therefor it is not the function of the examination process to determine (even if it could) if an applicant is "worthy" but rather to determine if he/she is QUALIFIED to use the spectrum assigned. There should be no "dumbing down", but neither can there be a requirement that the examination process screens out lack of commitment. Don't get me wrong here folks. I believe that the examination process ought to be rigorous enough to determine proper knowledge and skills so that a new licensee does not inadvertently trash the bands, hurt themselves, or harm other users/uses of the spectrum, but I have no expectation that the examination can filter out "unworthy" applicants. Even if it could, who then would become the arbiter of "worthy"? : Not gonna happen, Hans. No matter how much you try to twist what I : wrote. : : 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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Alun wrote:
(N2EY) wrote in news:20031121082829.07578.00001764@mb- m25.aol.com: In article , Alun writes: However, my point is just that polling only licenced hams is just not appropriate, as hams are not the only interested parties. Who are the non-hams who are interested in the code test issue? 73 de Jim, N2EY Anyone who has been thinking of becoming a ham, I would imagine Maybe a fellow like Leonard H. Anderson! He's been mulling it over for decades. Dave K8MN |
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"KØHB" wrote:
"N2EY" wrote However, no matter how interested someone is in politics, that person can *only* vote where he/she resides. IOW the price of voting is having to join a community by living there. Your analogy remains flaccid. Amateur radio exists in the community in which we all live. It has an effect on all of us, whether we are licensed or not, and the regulations concerning qualification to participate in it even more so. I can't agree, Hans. My cousin lives down the road a few miles and runs the local pharmacy. Ham radio has no effect on his life at all. He has several employees. They too are completely uneffected by amateur radio. None of them know anything about amateur radio or care a whit about amateur radio. Dave K8MN |
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"Dave Heil" wrote
My cousin lives down the road a few miles and runs the local pharmacy. Ham radio has no effect on his life at all. ..... None of them know anything about amateur radio or care a whit about amateur radio. And you still allow him to remain your cousin! You should be ashamed! 73, de Hans, K0HB |
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N2EY wrote:
"KØHB" wrote in message hlink.net... "N2EY" wrote However, no matter how interested someone is in politics, that person can *only* vote where he/she resides. IOW the price of voting is having to join a community by living there. Your analogy remains flaccid. Your description of my analogy remains inaccurate. ahhh, flaccidity! Amateur radio exists in the community in which we all live. It has an effect on all of us, whether we are licensed or not, and the regulations concerning qualification to participate in it even more so. The regulations affect those who are hams the most. I always thought that self determination was a good thing. My friend, W4OYI, ex-President of ARRL, compares the ARS to a public park; a place in the spectrum set aside for citizens to pursue the avocation of radio. That's a passable analogy. In most of the public parks I know, what you can do is limited. And you need a permit/license to do certain things in the park. What you are proposing is that persons already in this 'park' by virtue of having paid some entry price be the only ones allowed to vote on the conditions under which other citizens can fully participate in every area of park activities. IOW, "I got mine, now you get yours, and then you can vote." No, that's not it at all. You misunderstand what Bert and I are saying. Not to mention, a drastic oversimplification of the whole subject. Comparison of a technical avocation such as the ARS to something like buying a pavilion permit so you can have a picnic in one, falls apart pretty quickly. What we're saying is that on the single issue of continued Morse code testing, it would be interesting to know what the opinions of *all* licensed US hams, (not just a vocal minority) really are. That includes amateurs of *all* license classes, not just those who have passed a code test. But they might not like what they hear. To use your park analogy, it's like polling those who actually use a park whether a specific change should be made. DOH! Nowhere is it proposed that the ability of others to comment would be changed. Of course this is simply a discussion point because there's no one who would actually pay the expenses to conduct such a poll. Or consider the recent election of a movie actor with no experience as a government official to the governorship of California. Are you suggesting that "experience as a government official" should be a qualification for election to office in the USA? Nope. I'm saying that I find it incredible that the allegedly most qualified candidate for the highest office in the most populous and most in debt state in the Union is a movie actor with no real experience as a government official. I think it fits like a glove! Loonyland is a unique place, and needs to be governed by unique people. The Constitution contains no such language. I know. And nowhere do I say it should be a requirement. But do you *really* think the new governor is going to better than the old one? He has more experience wit' the ladies! Am I the only one that sees the amazing hypocrisy in that little gem? a whole bunch of snippage You're avoiding the central issue. I think you know that if such a poll were actually taken, you might not like the results. Bingo! This issue seems to run along "party lines". I'm just about certain that the more non-amateurs included in any poll, the lower the support for Morse code, and vice versa. Let's have NASCAR fans determine ARS policy. And we can determine NASCAR's rules. 8^) More of your "I've got mine, now you get yours" mindset showing. Perhaps "I've got mine, here is yours, have fun!" would be more appropriate? Not me. I EARNED mine. I encourage others to EARN theirs. Is that bad? Shall I apologize for my accomplishments and sit idly by while others try to trash a community I belong to? Not gonna happen, Hans. No matter how much you try to twist what I wrote. - Mike KB3EIA - |
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Dave Heil wrote in
: Alun wrote: (N2EY) wrote in news:20031121082829.07578.00001764@mb- m25.aol.com: In article , Alun writes: However, my point is just that polling only licenced hams is just not appropriate, as hams are not the only interested parties. Who are the non-hams who are interested in the code test issue? 73 de Jim, N2EY Anyone who has been thinking of becoming a ham, I would imagine Maybe a fellow like Leonard H. Anderson! He's been mulling it over for decades. Dave K8MN Sure, why not? I think the FCC should even take his point of view into account. |
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"KØHB" wrote:
"Dave Heil" wrote My cousin lives down the road a few miles and runs the local pharmacy. Ham radio has no effect on his life at all. ..... None of them know anything about amateur radio or care a whit about amateur radio. And you still allow him to remain your cousin! You should be ashamed! The answer is quite simple. I get my prescriptions at cost. Dave K8MN |
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