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In article , Philthy Phil
writes: WHO CARES, HAM RADIO IS NOTHING MORE THAN A GLOIRIFIED CB SERVICE ANYMORE. Oh stop whining. Move forward into the 21st century or drop dead, whichever you prefer. Now, THERE is what I call a persuasive argument -- NOT!!! Of course, as no-coder arguments usually go, it is one of the more logical. Kind of reminds me of the "Democratic" Party, who have, as their principle motive for winning the 2004 Presidential Election, the visceral hatred of President Bush just because he is conducting himself as a true patriot in his efforts to secure our country from the threat of terrorism. Not a single one of the '04 Democratic Presidential candidates (with the possible exception of Sen. Joe Lieberman, who is now out of the race) has or had any vision for his administration more original than raising Federal taxes, expanding Federal government social programs, and subordinating our national sovreignty to the United Nations in matters of International security policy. All of which confirms my long-held opinion that no-coders are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America and want to weaken us by reducing all standards in our society, thus making us just another Third World nation. How charming. 73 de Larry, K3LT |
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In article , Philthy Phil
writes: So...what? Is there some point here? The USA will do so as well, all in good time. The incline of the slippery slope of our country's descent into intellectual and ultimately economic poverty is increasing, and we're picking up speed on our drop into the abyss. Hong Kong, Denmark, and all the rest of the dumbed-down "No-Code" countries just got there before us, that's all. 73 de Larry, K3LT Oh give it a rest, roll. Everyone has heard your moaning and groaning for years. Do something constructive. Stop whining. Get a life. Filth: Get a life? Thanks anyway, but I've already got one. A very good life, indeed. And one of the little things that makes it better is the ability to fully enjoy my hobby as a radio amateur, complete with the ability to use the Morse/CW mode. Sorry about your bad luck, OM. The Patriot America, Love it or leave it! If you're not with us, You're against us. Sooo, my desire not to have our society plummet down the slippery slope of non-existant standards, be they educational, moral, social, or even those related to amateur radio licensing. Apparently, all that is perfectly OK with you, and you call yourself a "patriot?" Remove the "pat" and you're a lot closer to the truth! 73 de Larry, K3LT |
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![]() "Larry Roll K3LT" schrieb im Newsbeitrag ... snip | All of which confirms my long-held opinion that [INSERT HERE] no-coders | are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America | and want to weaken us by reducing all standards in our society, thus | making us just another Third World nation. How charming. | | 73 de Larry, K3LT | Hi, Larry, please insert [US-American] in the space indicated above. Your post reads like a Clown - sketch at Barnum & Baylies Circus, or one of the numbers they show on the Faschingsitzung /Carneval show in European TV. Can you please explain, what is your understanding of a Liberal? Can you please explain, what is your understanding of a Socialist? What is bad of fraternizing with the Communists, when even the tops of your current administration do so? Whom would you call a Communist? Namely! For me it is kind of rediculous expressing this sort of opinion throughout the world, and then signing with a HAM-call. If your callsign is true and no FAKE, as a HAM you never should discriminate any minority. You are not ANONYMOUS. Thinking after all you have written above, Larry, your callsign must be faked. A real HAM never could do this kind of beating down on other humans around the world. God bless, take care, we all reading this newsgroup throughout the world would not love to loose you. Its a lough-number every time. 73 de OE8SOQ Helmut |
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![]() Can you please explain, what is your understanding of a Liberal? Someone who is too generous with taxpayer money to the poor? Can you please explain, what is your understanding of a Socialist? We're not sure here in the USA, but we suspect that it might be bad.... We were told all about evil Godless communism back in the Cold War days though. :-) "Better dead than red" "Kill a commie for your mommy".... Whom would you call a Communist? Namely! Chairman Mao of Red China, Kuschiev(sp), Stalin. AFAIK, every comunist country was a dictatorship, no exceptions. I don't know why, but it seemed to always work out that way. But there were also anti-communist dictatorships as well. Not that those were any better. For me it is kind of rediculous expressing this sort of opinion throughout the world, and then signing with a HAM-call. Don't you guys have a 1st Ammendment over there?..... |
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In article , "Helmut"
writes: Yes, we have constitutions in our countries and in the European Union. I don't know if there are any ammendments. What you reffering to is freedom of speech? No, there are no restrictions in that. But one has to stay for that what one is saying. And if that is bad, one has to "pay" for that bad behavior. Like Larry. It is not to supress his opinion or the disagreement, it is the words and the soul and the bad spirit coming out of his lines. The way he acts here on Usenet against other HAMS shows how he is acting on the bands. Helmut: Very interesting. I find it quite extraordinary that you are able to gauge my behavior on the bands by what you read from me on Usenet. In reality, my on-the-air behavior is probably very much like your own, assuming that you are friendly, courteous, and helpful to your fellow hams. This makes not the best image of an american ham, on a newsgroup which is read throughout the world. It damages the reputation of Amateur Radio. Period. I think that far worse damage is done by making rash, totally blind judgments which, in any other forum, would be legally actionable as libelous. Nobody will be able to stop your FCC from doing, what they want to do. Even when your first amendum gives you the right to argue or disput. They dont have to follow any of the proposals. I think, they just want to find out, if the way they are trying to lead the boat is not too far out of the compass. And their decission is already in their drawer. All of the above may be true, but at least, here in America, we have an abiding respect for other people's opinions which is codified into our law. Whether or not the FCC creates a code-free HF license remains to be seen, and it is not necessarily a pre-ordained decision, although I expect that a no-code HF license will be the ultimate result of the FCC's rulemaking process. If it is, then I must live with the decision, knowing that it was made with the consent of the majority, even though that majority may not represent my own opinions. As for you, my friend, I am pleased to advise you that I do not use your behavior on Usenet as a means of judging your on-the-air behavior as a radio amateur, because I have not personally experienced the latter. However, as a Usenet participant, I must say that you seem to have the typical shoot-from-the-hip attitude down pat. Nothing new here. 73 de Larry, K3LT |
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![]() "Larry Roll K3LT" schrieb im Newsbeitrag ... | In article , "Helmut" | writes: | | | Yes, we have constitutions in our countries and in the European Union. I | don't know if there are any ammendments. What you reffering to is freedom of | speech? No, there are no restrictions in that. But one has to stay for that | what one is saying. And if that is bad, one has to "pay" for that bad | behavior. Like Larry. It is not to supress his opinion or the disagreement, | it is the words and the soul and the bad spirit coming out of his lines. The | way he acts here on Usenet against other HAMS shows how he is acting on the | bands. | | Helmut: | | Very interesting. I find it quite extraordinary that you are able to gauge my | behavior on the bands by what you read from me on Usenet. In reality, my | on-the-air behavior is probably very much like your own, assuming that you | are friendly, courteous, and helpful to your fellow hams. so why do you spit out thinks like: [quote] All of which confirms my long-held opinion that no-coders are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America and want to weaken us by reducing all standards in our society, thus making us just another Third World nation. How charming. [quote ends] against other fellow hams. | This makes not the best image of an american ham, on a newsgroup | which is read throughout the world. It damages the reputation of Amateur | Radio. Period. | | I think that far worse damage is done by making rash, totally blind judgments | which, in any other forum, would be legally actionable as libelous. Larry, it was you, who posted: [quote] All of which confirms my long-held opinion that no-coders are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America and want to weaken us by reducing all standards in our society, thus making us just another Third World nation. How charming. [quote ends] | As for you, my friend, I am pleased to advise you that I do not use your | behavior on Usenet as a means of judging your on-the-air behavior as a | radio amateur, because I have not personally experienced the latter. | However, as a Usenet participant, I must say that you seem to have the | typical shoot-from-the-hip attitude down pat. Nothing new here. Again, Larry, the initial qoute I've refered to, was your bucket full of blind agression, you spilled over all no-coders in the world. You did not specify any nationality. Even then, it would have been unacceptable behavior, which allows the conclusion, your behavior against nocoders on the air is conducted alike. A Liberal is a person who uses other people's money to assuage his own guilt. A Socialist is a person who views government as the ultimate alternative to his own ingenuity and initiative. Whom would you call a Communist? Namely! Anyone who seeks to place the government in the position of being the ultimate power over the people. Larry, your definition describes any dictatorship, democracy and kingdom as well Marx, Though he inspired communism, he was a true sozialist himself Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, Ho Chi Ming, they are all outdated, sk. Kim Sung Il, yes, he is leading North Corea the old fashioned communistic way. You were writing of things you dont now about. Assumably, while your time in Germany, you did not have much time to watch the "normal life" in the country you were living in for a certain periode of time. Otherwise you've had learned what the Liberal, the Sozialist, the Christian and the Communist Parties are standing for and what they are pledging for. According to your initial post: [shortquote]are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America and want to weaken us by reducing all standards [shortquote ends] all CW-tested-Hams must be supporting Democrats ,Republicans, and Cristian Parties. But this is not a political forum, and what anyone is thinking politically, has nothing to do with HAM Radio. In all the respect for the american freedom of speech, and your right to express it here, Larry, the whole initial statment of you is not to be made of a ham. You know the Ham Rules? As you are a member of different HAM organizations, I am sure you do. Instead of writing such rubbish about other fellow hams, even when they are underpreveleged in comparishion to you, why aren't you reaching out, give them a supporting "hand" and haul them over to your side of the street? Because they don't want to practice your favourite kind of game? Larry, dont be jealous! If someone gets a gift, like on Valentines Day, and you dont, do you cry out loud: "Dont give it to him, I did not get one ever!"? To be jealous about things other get, is worth a child. Larry, it is not worth to argue about things you cannot refrain from beeing ruled from the authorities. It is weakening your heart, and your mind. Stay strong, and take the things as they will come. Stay calm, it is not worth to be angry about anything which is out of our reach to lead it in any direction. There were so many paragraphs in your previous postings, I hope I answered all of them in good courtesy. If I forgot some, you will remind me. Bis Bald, Servus, Tschuess 73 de OE8SOQ Helmut | | 73 de Larry, K3LT | |
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Helmut, now that you and Larry have made nice, perhaps he could now
answer your question of why he shows his ass to the world. 73, Billy "Helmut" wrote in message ... "Larry Roll K3LT" schrieb im Newsbeitrag ... | In article , "Helmut" | writes: | | | Yes, we have constitutions in our countries and in the European Union. I | don't know if there are any ammendments. What you reffering to is freedom of | speech? No, there are no restrictions in that. But one has to stay for that | what one is saying. And if that is bad, one has to "pay" for that bad | behavior. Like Larry. It is not to supress his opinion or the disagreement, | it is the words and the soul and the bad spirit coming out of his lines. The | way he acts here on Usenet against other HAMS shows how he is acting on the | bands. | | Helmut: | | Very interesting. I find it quite extraordinary that you are able to gauge my | behavior on the bands by what you read from me on Usenet. In reality, my | on-the-air behavior is probably very much like your own, assuming that you | are friendly, courteous, and helpful to your fellow hams. so why do you spit out thinks like: [quote] All of which confirms my long-held opinion that no-coders are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America and want to weaken us by reducing all standards in our society, thus making us just another Third World nation. How charming. [quote ends] against other fellow hams. | This makes not the best image of an american ham, on a newsgroup | which is read throughout the world. It damages the reputation of Amateur | Radio. Period. | | I think that far worse damage is done by making rash, totally blind judgments | which, in any other forum, would be legally actionable as libelous. Larry, it was you, who posted: [quote] All of which confirms my long-held opinion that no-coders are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America and want to weaken us by reducing all standards in our society, thus making us just another Third World nation. How charming. [quote ends] | As for you, my friend, I am pleased to advise you that I do not use your | behavior on Usenet as a means of judging your on-the-air behavior as a | radio amateur, because I have not personally experienced the latter. | However, as a Usenet participant, I must say that you seem to have the | typical shoot-from-the-hip attitude down pat. Nothing new here. Again, Larry, the initial qoute I've refered to, was your bucket full of blind agression, you spilled over all no-coders in the world. You did not specify any nationality. Even then, it would have been unacceptable behavior, which allows the conclusion, your behavior against nocoders on the air is conducted alike. A Liberal is a person who uses other people's money to assuage his own guilt. A Socialist is a person who views government as the ultimate alternative to his own ingenuity and initiative. Whom would you call a Communist? Namely! Anyone who seeks to place the government in the position of being the ultimate power over the people. Larry, your definition describes any dictatorship, democracy and kingdom as well Marx, Though he inspired communism, he was a true sozialist himself Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, Ho Chi Ming, they are all outdated, sk. Kim Sung Il, yes, he is leading North Corea the old fashioned communistic way. You were writing of things you dont now about. Assumably, while your time in Germany, you did not have much time to watch the "normal life" in the country you were living in for a certain periode of time. Otherwise you've had learned what the Liberal, the Sozialist, the Christian and the Communist Parties are standing for and what they are pledging for. According to your initial post: [shortquote]are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America and want to weaken us by reducing all standards [shortquote ends] all CW-tested-Hams must be supporting Democrats ,Republicans, and Cristian Parties. But this is not a political forum, and what anyone is thinking politically, has nothing to do with HAM Radio. In all the respect for the american freedom of speech, and your right to express it here, Larry, the whole initial statment of you is not to be made of a ham. You know the Ham Rules? As you are a member of different HAM organizations, I am sure you do. Instead of writing such rubbish about other fellow hams, even when they are underpreveleged in comparishion to you, why aren't you reaching out, give them a supporting "hand" and haul them over to your side of the street? Because they don't want to practice your favourite kind of game? Larry, dont be jealous! If someone gets a gift, like on Valentines Day, and you dont, do you cry out loud: "Dont give it to him, I did not get one ever!"? To be jealous about things other get, is worth a child. Larry, it is not worth to argue about things you cannot refrain from beeing ruled from the authorities. It is weakening your heart, and your mind. Stay strong, and take the things as they will come. Stay calm, it is not worth to be angry about anything which is out of our reach to lead it in any direction. There were so many paragraphs in your previous postings, I hope I answered all of them in good courtesy. If I forgot some, you will remind me. Bis Bald, Servus, Tschuess 73 de OE8SOQ Helmut | | 73 de Larry, K3LT | |
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was he treated nicely before by "the world"? Maybe it's only a return favor. 73 de Helmut OE8SOQ "William" schrieb im Newsbeitrag om... | Helmut, now that you and Larry have made nice, perhaps he could now | answer your question of why he shows his ass to the world. | | 73, Billy | | "Helmut" wrote in message ... | "Larry Roll K3LT" schrieb im Newsbeitrag | ... | | In article , "Helmut" | | | writes: | | | | | | Yes, we have constitutions in our countries and in the European Union. I | | don't know if there are any ammendments. What you reffering to is freedom | of | | speech? No, there are no restrictions in that. But one has to stay for | that | | what one is saying. And if that is bad, one has to "pay" for that bad | | behavior. Like Larry. It is not to supress his opinion or the | disagreement, | | it is the words and the soul and the bad spirit coming out of his lines. | The | | way he acts here on Usenet against other HAMS shows how he is acting on | the | | bands. | | | | Helmut: | | | | Very interesting. I find it quite extraordinary that you are able to | gauge my | | behavior on the bands by what you read from me on Usenet. In reality, my | | on-the-air behavior is probably very much like your own, assuming that you | | are friendly, courteous, and helpful to your fellow hams. | | so why do you spit out thinks like: | | [quote] All of which confirms my long-held opinion that no-coders | are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America | and want to weaken us by reducing all standards in our society, thus | making us just another Third World nation. How charming. [quote ends] | | against other fellow hams. | | | This makes not the best image of an american ham, on a newsgroup | | which is read throughout the world. It damages the reputation of Amateur | | Radio. Period. | | | | I think that far worse damage is done by making rash, totally blind | judgments | | which, in any other forum, would be legally actionable as libelous. | | Larry, it was you, who posted: | | [quote] All of which confirms my long-held opinion that no-coders | are mainly liberal, socialist, Communist sympathizers who hate America | and want to weaken us by reducing all standards in our society, thus | making us just another Third World nation. How charming. [quote ends] | | | | As for you, my friend, I am pleased to advise you that I do not use your | | behavior on Usenet as a means of judging your on-the-air behavior as a | | radio amateur, because I have not personally experienced the latter. | | However, as a Usenet participant, I must say that you seem to have the | | typical shoot-from-the-hip attitude down pat. Nothing new here. | | Again, Larry, the initial qoute I've refered to, was your bucket full of | blind agression, you spilled over all no-coders in the world. You did not | specify any nationality. Even then, it would have been unacceptable | behavior, which allows the conclusion, your behavior against nocoders on the | air is conducted alike. | | | | A Liberal is a person who uses other people's money to assuage | his own guilt. | A Socialist is a person who views government as the ultimate alternative | to his own ingenuity and initiative. | | Whom would you call a Communist? Namely! | | Anyone who seeks to place the government in the position of being the | ultimate power over the people. | | Larry, your definition describes any dictatorship, democracy and kingdom as | well | | Marx, | Though he inspired communism, he was a true sozialist himself | | Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, Ho Chi Ming, | they are all outdated, sk. | | Kim Sung Il, | yes, he is leading North Corea the old fashioned communistic way. | | You were writing of things you dont now about. Assumably, while your time in | Germany, you did not have much time to watch the "normal life" in the | country you were living in for a certain periode of time. Otherwise you've | had learned what the Liberal, the Sozialist, the Christian and the Communist | Parties are standing for and what they are pledging for. | | According to your initial post: [shortquote]are mainly liberal, socialist, | Communist sympathizers who hate America | and want to weaken us by reducing all standards [shortquote ends] | all CW-tested-Hams must be supporting Democrats ,Republicans, and Cristian | Parties. | | But this is not a political forum, and what anyone is thinking politically, | has nothing to do with HAM Radio. | | In all the respect for the american freedom of speech, and your right to | express it here, Larry, the whole initial statment of you is not to be made | of a ham. You know the Ham Rules? As you are a member of different HAM | organizations, I am sure you do. Instead of writing such rubbish about other | fellow hams, even when they are underpreveleged in comparishion to you, why | aren't you reaching out, give them a supporting "hand" and haul them over to | your side of the street? Because they don't want to practice your favourite | kind of game? | | Larry, dont be jealous! If someone gets a gift, like on Valentines Day, and | you dont, do you cry out loud: "Dont give it to him, I did not get one | ever!"? To be jealous about things other get, is worth a child. | | Larry, it is not worth to argue about things you cannot refrain from beeing | ruled from the authorities. It is weakening your heart, and your mind. Stay | strong, and take the things as they will come. Stay calm, it is not worth to | be angry about anything which is out of our reach to lead it in any | direction. | | There were so many paragraphs in your previous postings, I hope I answered | all of them in good courtesy. If I forgot some, you will remind me. | | Bis Bald, Servus, Tschuess | | 73 de OE8SOQ | Helmut | | | | | | 73 de Larry, K3LT | | |
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"Helmut" wrote in message ...
Billy, was he treated nicely before by "the world"? Maybe it's only a return favor. 73 de Helmut OE8SOQ Helmut, only as nice as comments such as the below would bring: 1) ...welfare mothers of color with their hand out. 2) ...my favorite Black on the bus is the Driver. He's the only one with a job. 3) ...knuckle dragging trailer trash with a Southern accent. |
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"Helmut" wrote in message ...
Billy...(SNIP) His name is "Brian", Helmut, not Billy. Amateur call N0IMD. This is just another screen name of his to keep folks guessing which of his personalities is posting today! 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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