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  #11   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 04:58 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a


It wasn't the lack of a back-up generator that brought the police tower
down - it was *ICE*. Ice destroyed the antenna.

Immediately after the attack on the WTC, everyone in Rochester that was on
AT&T worldnet lost our internet. Funny how that happened. We had
telephone, but no dial-up internet. I suspect there were major switching
operations where the attack occurred.

As far as the ice storm, I was lucky. It did not get this far west. It was
the Eastern half of NYS.

BTW, I am beginning to understand how you manage to have so many detractors
in this newsgroup ...

73 from Rochester, NY

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  #12   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 05:07 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Jim Hampton wrote:

BTW, I am beginning to understand how you manage to have so many detractors
in this newsgroup ...

Were you ever at a party and trying to talk to the adults while some 5
year old was running around pestering people just to get attention?

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #13   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 07:33 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , Mike Coslo

Jim Hampton wrote:

BTW, I am beginning to understand how you manage to have so many detractors
in this newsgroup ...

Were you ever at a party and trying to talk to the adults while some 5
year old was running around pestering people just to get attention?

That was the 5-year-old General, wasn't it? Kid had lots of QSL
cards, yammering that "Australia came in so LOUD last night!"

You should have taken kid aside and Elmered the 5-year-old into
an Extra upgrade.

  #14   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 07:33 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , "Jim Hampton"


It wasn't the lack of a back-up generator that brought the police tower
down - it was *ICE*. Ice destroyed the antenna.

Thank you for the clarification.

Immediately after the attack on the WTC, everyone in Rochester that was on
AT&T worldnet lost our internet. Funny how that happened. We had
telephone, but no dial-up internet. I suspect there were major switching
operations where the attack occurred.

No loss of AOL here. Nor of broadcast TV feeds from NYC on
the major networks.

As far as the ice storm, I was lucky. It did not get this far west. It was
the Eastern half of NYS.

I'm sorry you had problems. Others in here have not been sorry
that the southwestern USA has experienced several spectacular
emergencies with losses of life. Some were actually overjoyed
that we had problems...such as the 1994 Northridge Earthquake
that killed over 50 people and got us an in-person Presidential
visit. Some easterners are very parochial and consider our "west"
to be not of the Union. [search Google for examples]

In such an environment of truly rude and obnoxious newsgroupies,
it is difficult to be Their kind of "civil" and support their bigoted
opinions. My apologies for slighting anyone in the NY state
area suffering winter ice storms and prolonged power outages.
I have friends in NY state too. They don't work in communications.

BTW, I am beginning to understand how you manage to have so many detractors
in this newsgroup ...

I am sure you do. :-)

Independent thought is a terrible thing to some. They can't stand
it and fight with might against it. "Ein volk, ein Reich!" (sound
familiar?) :-)

See the title of this particular thread. One individual seeks to
harass and intimidate another amateur...on baseless "charges"
that the individual manufactured out of spite and/or illness.

Do you approve of such behavior?

  #15   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 07:33 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , JJ

Len Over 21 knocked the little old lady resthome resident from in front
of the computer, grabbed the keybord and blathered:

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Tuff Tawk already in "reply?" :-)

My home is quite restful, thank you. My wife likes it, too. But,
it is not a "resthome"...2000 square feet, 1/3 acre, worth at
least $350K on the market. My wife and I have three PCs at
our disposal, all working, and that's not counting two older,
smaller ones in the workshop (the indoor one, not the garage).

No, ham radio does not "save the day" in every emergency, although it
has at times, nor does every ham claim to be a hero, although some have
gone above and beyond just like a lot of other good folks.

Good sign. You are beginning to see reality.

Not often
does ham radio become *the* major means of communications in a disaster
situation, but it has in the past and likely will again in the future.

When in the past?

When in the future? You mean when aliens from outer space
attack us and you morsemen save the planet? (Hollywood
already did that)

Not in every disaster is ham radio called upon to help and supplement
other official comms, but it has in the past and likely will in the future.

I'm sure.

Poor old senile lennieboy, he just can't bring himself to admit that ham
radio has and will play a vital part in emergency communications, and he
can't be a part of it because he can't pass the test.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. You've been on the same stuff that the gunnery nurse

Try not to sprinkle in so many insults. They don't work and all it
does is make you look puerile (as in wise-ass adolescent).

The military, Homeland Defense, and other civil officials recgonize the
value that ham radio can be in times of emergencies, they intergrate it
in their disaster planning, but they wouldn't give you the time of day

The time of day arrives accurately from WWVB over our two radio
clocks. I can depend on it. If they fail to work there is always
WWV on HF. No problem.

The military, "Homeland Defense" (isn't that "Homeland Security?")
is not the place to get "time of day." Neither is my civil official
government high-sounding title administration. But the city of Los
Angeles has an excellent, tried and proven Emergency Command
Center...I'm very familiar with that.

Grinds your hemorrhoids dosen't it?

No. Why the concern over my medical condition? Do you have
a pile problem? See a medical doctor for treatment if so.

Now go back to pestering the little old ladies in the sitting room.

My wife is watching television right now. In the family room.
She's the only other human living in this house. She is of
average size, not "little."

We aren't needing to take in boarders, income is quite
comfortable, thank you.

Try at least to be civil if you won't identify yourself. You are
behaving like Broose and the gunnery nurse.


  #17   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 07:33 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(William) wrote in message

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

You and Dee simply cannot accept that an unlicensed service has

a major role in emergency comms.

What "unlicensed service"...?!?! CB? FRS? MURS? Part 15
compliant devices?

Sure. Why not?

OK, Brain...YOUR "scenario" was "that an unlicensed service has
played a major role in emergency comms".

Now...provide me with some example of one of those "unlicensed
services" playing a "major role".

To ME, at least, "major role" means that SOME sort of crucial
event was dependent upon one of those "services" being able to render
a meaningful, positive outcome.

So...YOU put it out there, let's see you come up with some
pertinent examples.

And remember, Brain, "major" was YOUR adjective...NOT mine.

I'm just so happy that you finally acknowledged that mere cell

play a major role in disaster communications. Or did you?

I said they played a role...just like Amateur Radio does.

Now...You made some silly assertions that I've asked you to

You got the cajones to come up with valid answers, or are we to
be treated to more of your lame sandlot excuses...???

You completely quoted all of that, Brain, but didn't answer a single

of it...even facetiously...

Ya did a GOOD JOB of validating my assumption of your lack of valid
argument and lack of cajones to do so...

Remember, Brain...we're using YOUR adjectives of "MAJOR ROLE" in

and/or emergency communications.

So far, the only "role" you've been able to cite is Joe Average

9-1-1 to report an emergency. That is NOT "emergency comms".

I WANT TO KNOW what ROLE those unlicensed services play in



Steve, you need to tone it down a bit. You're being rude and
obnoxious. I'll not respond to your insanity in-kind. Best of luck
to you.

"Tone it down a bit"...?!?!

Yes. You go off on an emotional tirade whenever someone has
a contrary opinion to your own.

YOU made the assertion that "unlicensed services play a "major"
role in emergency comms".

Brian did not use those words.

I've asked you three or four times now to substantiate your
claims. YOUR claims, Brain...cited word-for-word, repeated by you
several times.

You've demanded, taken things out of context, edited words
to suit your "charges."

You "respond" by telling me I am rude and obnoxious.

You are.

You call ME "bizarre", yet you make outlandish assertions in a
public forum, then dodge all requests to "prove", at any level, your

See? There you go again, coming unglued.

Get someone to help you find better glue. Have someone
tell you that your "commands" don't need to be followed in

Remember that you get all kinds of questions in return that
you never answer? You usually reply by a lot of insults and
other accusations without ever addressing the question.

I believe you to be a chronic liar. You have been "called" on
several occassions to back up your assertions, but then use this ruse
to try and avoid taking responsibility for your own actions.

You believe anyone is a "chronic liar" if they have opinions
contrary to your own.

Call me rude and obnoxious if you think it deflects attention from
you, but I can assure you that it does nothing of the sort. If
anything, childish dodges like this only highlight YOUR bizarre

In America it is spelled "behavior." Are you in peerage?

You are rude and obnoxious, almost constantly. Saying so
is not bizarre. It is evident to anyone who can read in here.

The FACTS are that the "unlicensed" services (11 meter CB, FRS,
MURS and Part 15) provide NOTHING more than an ancilliary function in
ANY "emergency comms" and you know this to be true.

Only among your circle of acquaintences.

I certainly do in as much as I am INVOLVED with "emergency comms"
on SEVERAL levels, not all of which involve the Amateur Radio or CAP.
Most everyone else in this forum knows these things to be true too.

Name them. The ones not specifically ham or CAP.

You and Lennie seem to be the only ones in this forum who think
that if you keep repeating the same lame, untrue "stuff" that it will
somehow manifest a thread of truth. Sorry...that doesn't work.

Tsk, tsk. You are looking into a mirror again.

You top this anamalous anonymous "JJ" in repeating myths and
cliches, waving self-patriotic bunting around like a suit of armor.

Now...PLEASE try and exceed my expectations with the next post
and pony-up some cajones to either admit you are either blatantly
lying, making wild guesses, or just trolling for the sake of making
arguments that you obviously can't support.

Oh, my, almost textbook psychosis complete with spicing of
macho sexual terms. "Cojones?" Quien sabe? :-)

Or REALLY try something new and discuss something you have some
EXPERIENCE in...THAT would be refreshing.

Go play with your ham radios. That way you could get some fun
out of life instead of coming in here and fighting with anyone who
has independent thought unlike your own. Make the newsgroup a
better place by your absence.

  #18   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 11:14 AM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

JJ wrote in message ...
Steve Robeson, K4CAP wrote:

As I stated in another thread, I had the chance to spend the day
in the TEMA/FEMA facility in Nashville.

The ONLY "unlicensed" devices in the facility were two cordless
phones, both of which were part of unsecure phone lines.

I am wondering, Brain, is THAT what YOU call a "MAJOR

Steve, are you trying to tell us that the facility did *not* have a
specially dedicated cell phone just for disaster emergency comms?

Not unless it was being carried by one of the T/FEMA personnel.

All phones I saw in the EOC, othr than the aforementioned
"cordless" phones were hardline.


Steve, K4YZ
  #19   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 11:22 AM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article , "Jim Hampton"

Hello, Steve

I think I have figured out the real problem behind most of the flames both
in this group and I might be wrong, but it appears everyone
is trying to defend that their particular turf is "important" and someone
else's is not.

...more likely just defending their own pesonna, but why spoil your
nice rant?

Now Lennie get's to tell us how Jim's comments, otehr than not
being approved by him, are a "rant"...

Fast-forward to today. Cell phones are likely the primary means of
reporting those accidents. Who needs the hams? Some hams will say "who
needs cb?"

A lot of folks state that amateur radio isn't a service; it's just a hobby.

Amateurs are all there to SERVE as "emergency minutemen!"


Lennie the Loser is trying to argue a point Jim's making that
actually echoes some of HIS sentiments...

How perculiar.

Few take into account how fragile that infrastructure of cell phones,
telephones, and internet can be when a large area is affected.

Riiight...on 11 Sep 01 the entire borough of Manhattan went down
after the Attack on the WTC towers...?

Ham radio was Johnny-on-the-spot immediately notifying all?

Lennie...Jim said "the infrastructure is ftagile".

It's already been proven as just that.

Can YOU "prove" otherwise, other than making snide or insinuating
personal swipes at the folks commementing here...!??!

That nasty
ice storm in the North East (was it 1997?) affected areas for hundreds of
miles. There were no cell phones as the cell phone towers went silent after
power had been out for days. No electricty, no heat, no telephones for
hundreds of miles. A relative of mine in Gouverneur, NY, had no heat,
power, or telephone for two *weeks*!!!

Upstate New York is YOUR "turf," right?

Was anyone knocking the state of New York? (or New Yourk?)

I don't think so.

You have. You've "knocked" everything west of the Owens Valley.

One amateur repeater was pressed into service for the police. I do not know
if the repeater was reprogrammed or they simply moved the police repeater to
the amateur site. The amateur site withstood the ice and they had generator
backup with a *lot* of fuel available.

Did the nasty police engineer get fired because he didn't specify
emergency power for the "police repeater?"

Does it matter?

Does it change the fact that the incident happened and that it as
documented in the media, Lennie?

I don't think it is as important "how" something is done as opposed to the
fact that it gets done. If someone is assisting at a shelter cooking meals,
that individual is *doing* something. That, to me, is more important than
all of the useless crying that goes on around these parts from time to time

Right...I'm going to need a ham license in order to volunteer serving
at homeless shelters? They do serve ham. Quite good, tastes like
chicken...wonder who it was?

Where did Jim make such a statement, Lennie?

BTW, during that ice storm, the calls were going out for batteries,
flashlights, generators, blankets, food, coffee, and mobile amateur
operators with HF capabilities. If you have nothing working for well over
100 miles in the N.E. U.S. and Canada, you will likely not get it done on
VHF/UHF or cb.

Did New York state close down all its National Guard units? Air
Guard? Political disagreement between NY Governor and the
White House? Was FEMA on vacation? No aid available for NY
state? Terrible situation!

Well, next time that happens, send me an aid request via NTS.
I'll put together a CARE package for you with an extra can of
Sterno so you won't be too cold. Ought to arrive in two months;
takes 7 weeks to get the NTS message through...allow for
sufficient time.

Anything to help.

You wouldn't help your wife by passing in a roll of toilet paper,


Steve, K4YZ
  #20   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 11:30 AM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message ...

BTW, I am beginning to understand how you manage to have so many detractors
in this newsgroup ...

I don't think anyone who posts anything about Lennie in what he'd
perceive as a "negative light" is "detract(ing)" anything from him,

Leonard H. Anderson is his own worst enemy...His foul mouth and
his arrogant, "I Know Better Than You" personality
more-than-adequately demonstrate the true nature of his "character".

Now...I wonder why Brian Burke can't/won't answer the core
question of this thread, that being where's his validation of his
assertion that "licenseless services" play a "major role" (his choice
of adjectives, not mine...) in "emergency comms".

Even his cellphone operates, ultimately, under a license whether
he realizes it or not.


Steve, K4YZ
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