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(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: Who are the FISTS members on RRAP? From: (William) Date: 5/7/2004 5:53 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... Subject: Who are the FISTS members on RRAP? From: (William) Date: 5/6/2004 6:04 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: Why is that, Steve? It's a wonderfully stupid statement. I enjoy attaching it to your name. But YOU keep stating that I am allegedly repeating it. I am not. But you should; it's so wonderfully stupid. And it is the statement (of fact) that got this ball rolling. You back-pedalled and are now soft pedalling a different statement, which was also shown to be wrong. When it comes to "so wonderfully stupid" you DO seem to have a propensity to get in knee deep. Yet you're up to your eyeballs. You've done it again. The deepness is of your making. Please don't attribute it to me. I am not "back-peddling" on anything. Yes you are. Where is your original, "Sorry Hans..." statement? Huh? No Amateur Radio = No MARS. You have yet to disprove this. You said, with the exception of a few "AD" personnel, ALL MARS members are hams. You were wrong there, too. So easy to prove you wrong. Otherwise, you just keep trying to dazzle us with your brilliance only to realize it the glare off the baldness of your ignorance. Ther you go with the persoanal attacks again. Your problem, not mine. Nope, your the one making absurdly false statements. So, if you want vindicated for making such a wonderfully stupid statement, you can look in the Army, Air Force, and Navy regulations, as well as Part 97, Title 47, and give me -any- citation whatsoever where your statement, " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio", " is substantially true. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. That is sufficient. No, it is not sufficient. Quote A Military Regulation or Title 47 document. Yes, it IS sufficient. Each MARS program is wholly dependent on the Amateur Radio Service to exist. It seems that everyone except you is aware of this. No, it isn't. Again, ANOTHER one of your problems. I didn't break you. You're not my problem, but I do wish you'd go get fixed. Maybe I ought to copy all this stuff and send it to Mrs. Beeper. Perhaps she can explain it to you. Perhaps she can also explain to US why you have a history of pathological lying and an inate ability to get yourself into corners with your mouth that your bravado can't bull you out of... But you're the one dragging out the false bravado. I think its all you've got left at this point. You have no honor, you have no dignity. You just keep piling one erroneous statement on top of another, then call me names. I take no joy in pointing this out to you. I sure wish someone else would tell you to go get some help - maybe your pea-pod brother TAFKA could break the news to you. No, I don't expect Hans to be named in any regulation. That's not what I'm after. Forcus on the part where you said, "MARS IS "Amateur Radio." No Amateur Radio = No MARS. Nope, not sufficient. Why do you keep running away from your statement, " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". It's still correct. Nope. That is your original statment. Do you now reject it? Do you now recognize it as stupid and false? No Amateur Radio = No MARS. More backpedalling. I knew you were qualified to research the DoD and Title 47 regs to back up your statement, " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". " The only question now is when you'll post the applicable citation. No need, Brain. Again, it seems everyone knows about teh relationship between the MARS programs and Amateur Radio EXCEPT you. You can lie to me, and you can lie to the others on RRAP. But when you lie to yourself and believe your own lies? You're broken. Must be kinda lonely on the outside looking in, huh...?!?! Got lots of company. They just don't want to be attacked by a rabid dog. Best of luck in making me eat crow. Hope you enjoy yours. I don't have to "make" you do anything, Brain. YOU continually make assertions you can't/won't substantiate, make assertions of derring-do that are not documented ANYwhere, and you generally keep walking all over your own tail over and over while claiming others to be "nuts". Document this: " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". No Amateur Radio = No MARS. "Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". I have no crow to eat here or anywhere, Brain. That's what they all say before they shake that bottle of hot sauce. Stop lying in public. Stop making assertions you can't/won't substantiate. Be a man. I am a man. No, you're not. You're a broken man. Now you be a man and post any DoD or Title 47 citation whatsoever that substantially says, " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio", " without the "Sorry Hans" part, of course. "Caw, caw!" Now who's nuts? Just having a little fun. Killjoy. Steve, I hear your crow calling. You might want to locate some Tobasco sauce. Sorry Brain...That's only your over-active imagination and wishful thinking. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. You can prove differently, of course? Steve, K4YZ Prove your original statement, " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". " |
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Subject: MARS IS "Amateur Radio".
From: (William) Date: 5/11/2004 9:22 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... Uh huh...Guys in MARS do. You dodged again. Coward. They don't have MARS calls??? What an idiot. Is your wife looking over your shoulder right now? She should be. There you go again with the personal attacks. No...that was not a "personal attack" Here's one: "You're an idiot". Of course it's not an attack if it's true. And it is. It's not "personal attacks" if it's true. Its obviously not true, so they are personal attacks. Sure it is. You've been given countless opportunities to dig yourself out from under the blanket of stupidity that you've woven for yourself, but you just keep trying to pull it up over your head a bit higher by asserting that anyone (me in particular) is a "nutter", "broken", etc... Everyone except YOU seems to be responsible for making the stupid assertions you make. How is that...?!?! And I STILL doubt you have adequate authority to wipe with your non-dominant hand without written permission. I bestow upon you the honor of wiping for me. Thanks. I have JUST the thing for you...Just go RIGHT ahead and bend over...Just ignore that the "paper" I am opneing up is in a flat pack, not a roll.......... Subtract the participation of licensed Radio Amateurs and what do you have...??? Answer the question, if you can. I have. I continue to ask YOU what would be the result if all those licensed Amateurs quit the MARS programs tomorrow. You refuse to answer. For an authoritative answer, please put your question to Don Rumsfeld. No...I have asked you. YOU have made this a two-week long diatribe. YOU insist that MARS and Amateur Radio are not interwoven. I am sure SECDEF thinks MARS is between the orbit of Earth and Jupiter. No. It is not. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. "Sorry Hans..." Still stands, unless YOU can prove differently, Brain: No Amateur Radio = No MARS. Sure. And while he's listening, I think we'll ask HIM what major role non-licensed radio services play in emergency communication. You won't be asking Reilly anything because you won't be conducting a MARS net on amateur frequencies, or an amateur net on MARS frequencies. The reason I say that is because MARS IS NOT AMATEUR RADIO! Well, PuppetBoy, too bad you didn't pay closer attention to what I said. For some stupid reason, I paid exacting attention to your reply. Probably even more so than you paid. Obviously not. MARS members CAN conduct nets on Amatuer frequencies and can even discuss thier activities thereon... Welp, BrokenBoy, too bad you didn't pay closer attention to what I said. Do you know the difference between MARS members who also happen to be amateurs holding an amateur net on amateur frequencies, vice MARS members holding a MARS net on amateur frequencies??? Thus, "Sorry, Hans..." is a wonderfully stupid and false statement made by YOU. Not false. We've gone this route, and it's quite apparent that you can't/won't ever "get it". Judging by your complete lack of understanding of what makes MARS tick, you never will. A fool...Just as I had surmised. Again...GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR RECTUM, BURKE! Or at least wipe the brown stuff off your nose before you make a public appearance. There you go with the personal attacks again. And stay away from my rectum, nutter. Then quit baring it in public, Brain. I further suggest that before you further humiliate yourself about what MARS is or isn't that you take some time to actually LISTEN to MARS frequencies and then tell me exactly how much difference there is between the two. You need to talk to Riley and any of the Mars Directors. Any of them. Yep. No Amateur Rado = No MARS. But you won't because you'll know your on a fools mission. That's "fool's" mission, Brain, and I guess I am on one...I've been trying to get you see just exactly how silly you look. They wouldn't even give the nutter the time of day. Now, you can keep running off at the mouth if you care to, Mr. Burke, but the ONLY person you are making a fool of here is yourself. And I might add you're doing a spectacular job of it. Idiot. Personal attacks again, Broken Steve? It's not an attack if it's true, Brain. You are an idiot. Spectacularly. Steve, K4YZ |
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Subject: Who are the FISTS members on RRAP?
From: (William) Date: 5/11/2004 9:44 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... When it comes to "so wonderfully stupid" you DO seem to have a propensity to get in knee deep. Yet you're up to your eyeballs. You've done it again. The deepness is of your making. Please don't attribute it to me. Sorry, Brain, if you don't like being held up to the light of day. I am not "back-peddling" on anything. Yes you are. Where is your original, "Sorry Hans..." statement? Huh? No Amateur Radio = No MARS. You have yet to disprove this. You said, with the exception of a few "AD" personnel, ALL MARS members are hams. You were wrong there, too. So easy to prove you wrong. So far YOU haven't disproven anything. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. So minus your ONE example of a civilian director (BTW..He's the Chief of MARS...NOT a MEMBER...You should learn the difference, Brain...) and the AD personnel that I had already cited, we still have over 98% of the participants in MARS as licensed Amateurs. Maybe I ought to copy all this stuff and send it to Mrs. Beeper. Perhaps she can explain it to you. Perhaps she can also explain to US why you have a history of pathological lying and an inate ability to get yourself into corners with your mouth that your bravado can't bull you out of... But you're the one dragging out the false bravado. I think its all you've got left at this point. You have no honor, you have no dignity. You just keep piling one erroneous statement on top of another, then call me names. No "erroneous statements", Brain. Without LICENSED RADIO AMATEURS to fill it's ranks, there would be no MARS program. As for "MARS IS Amateur Radio", I again refer to your lack of ability to think in the abstract. I also suggest you take a listen to almost ANY MARS net frequency during "informal" time and tell me what's different about many of the conversations that take place there as opposed to on "Amateur" frequencies, other than different callsigns. Lastly, as for "dignity" or "honor", I am not the one with an honesty deficit. That's you and Lennie. Sucks to be you...Or should I say "Sucks to be the two of you"...?!?! Deleted the rest. It's been beaten already. As have you, Brain. Steve, K4YZ |
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(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: Who are the FISTS members on RRAP? From: (William) Date: 5/11/2004 9:44 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... When it comes to "so wonderfully stupid" you DO seem to have a propensity to get in knee deep. Yet you're up to your eyeballs. You've done it again. The deepness is of your making. Please don't attribute it to me. Sorry, Brain, if you don't like being held up to the light of day. I enjoy sunshine. It feels good. So don't pretend or insinuate that you're "exposing" me. You're no magician, and no matter how hard you try, people aren't buying into your tricks. Meanwhile, why have you been hiding from the first silly statement that you made, " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". " What frequency authorizations does MARS have in the amateur service? What frequency authorizations does the amateur service have in MARS? I am not "back-peddling" on anything. Yes you are. Where is your original, "Sorry Hans..." statement? Huh? No Amateur Radio = No MARS. You have yet to disprove this. You said, with the exception of a few "AD" personnel, ALL MARS members are hams. You were wrong there, too. So easy to prove you wrong. So far YOU haven't disproven anything. I've disproved your statement. Isn't that what we're talking about? Or have you veered somewhere else now? No Amateur Radio = No MARS. So minus your ONE example of a civilian director And that's all it takes. ONE Example! (BTW..He's the Chief of MARS...NOT a MEMBER...You should learn the difference, Brain...) You're just fool of foolish statments, aren't you? That is like saying that the Joint -Chiefs- of Staff aren't military members. and the AD personnel that I had already cited, we still have over 98% of the participants in MARS as licensed Amateurs. First you said it was ALL of them. Then you said it was 99%. Then you said it was over 90%. Then you said it was over 80%. Now you're back up to over 98%. Do you have any idea at all what you're talking about? Moving targetsand attempts at sleight of hand just aren't working. You're no magician, and your tricks just aren't working. Maybe I ought to copy all this stuff and send it to Mrs. Beeper. Perhaps she can explain it to you. Perhaps she can also explain to US why you have a history of pathological lying and an inate ability to get yourself into corners with your mouth that your bravado can't bull you out of... But you're the one dragging out the false bravado. I think its all you've got left at this point. You have no honor, you have no dignity. You just keep piling one erroneous statement on top of another, then call me names. No "erroneous statements", Brain. Not even this one? " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". " You're so silly. Without LICENSED RADIO AMATEURS to fill it's ranks, there would be no MARS program. Yes there would be. As for "MARS IS Amateur Radio", I again refer to your lack of ability to think in the abstract. Equations are not abstract. Steve, quit you're silly charade. Just admit that you were wrong. All of this sand kicking just makes you look bad - like a cat trying to cover up something stinky. I also suggest you take a listen to almost ANY MARS net frequency during "informal" time and tell me what's different about many of the conversations that take place there as opposed to on "Amateur" frequencies, other than different callsigns. If they don't have information or traffic to pass, they should remain silent. Lastly, as for "dignity" or "honor", I am not the one with an honesty deficit. Huge, huge deficit. And you keep digging. That's you and Lennie. Nope, like your pea-pod brother TAFKA Jim/N2EY saying, and I'm paraphrasing, " ~Morse Code exams are a disincentive to CW use.~ " When I pointed out that Morse Code exams have always been a disincentive to amateur radio, he clammed up and won't respond. Or when he held up some OT amateurs who saved the day in WWII, but I pointed out that we had no operating priveleges in WWII. He clammed up and won't respond. His silence is truly golden Meanwhile, you just pollute R.R.A.P. with your constant "Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire," rhetoric and indefensible statements such as, " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". " Good Grief! Shouting all of the time, constantly repeating falsehoods, and making false accusations takes no honor, gives no dignity. Take a hint from Jim and when you get called on for making such foolish and stupid statements, just remain silent. You're broken. Best of luck getting yourself repaired. Sucks to be you...Or should I say "Sucks to be the two of you"...?!?! Deleted the rest. It's been beaten already. As have you, Brain. " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". " hi hi hi ;^) |
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(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: MARS IS "Amateur Radio". From: (William) Date: 5/11/2004 9:22 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... For an authoritative answer, please put your question to Don Rumsfeld. No...I have asked you. YOU have made this a two-week long diatribe. YOU insist that MARS and Amateur Radio are not interwoven. I have done no such thing. I simply proved that not ALL (as in 100%) of MARS members are amateur radio operators as you unsuccessfully tried to assert. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on you to prove that MARS=AMATEUR RADIO as you have falsely asserted. You keep kicking sand and making personal assaults. Your time would be better spent gathering facts. Just back up your statement with something from Part 97 or anything from a DoD regulation. That is all. Dismissed. |
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Subject: Who are the FISTS members on RRAP?
From: (William) Date: 5/13/2004 5:55 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message Sorry, Brain, if you don't like being held up to the light of day. I enjoy sunshine. It feels good. It should. It helps air out your problems. You ahve a LOT of airing out to do, Brain. So don't pretend or insinuate that you're "exposing" me. You're no magician, and no matter how hard you try, people aren't buying into your tricks. I'm not "exposing" anything of yours, Brain...You do that all on your own. Meanwhile, why have you been hiding from the first silly statement that you made, " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". " What frequency authorizations does MARS have in the amateur service? What frequency authorizations does the amateur service have in MARS? I am sure you consider it hiding. You would. You've been getting your nose rubbed in your OWN "silly statements" for the last several YEARS, now you think you've found something you can latch on to. You failed. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. As for the allocations, etc, it doesn't matter, Brain...No Amateur Radio = No MARS. So far YOU haven't disproven anything. I've disproved your statement. Isn't that what we're talking about? Or have you veered somewhere else now? No Amateur Radio = No MARS. So minus your ONE example of a civilian director And that's all it takes. ONE Example! So, YOUR assertion is tht since there is ONE person in ALL of the MARS program, that if the licensed Amateurs in the program all quit tomorrow it wouldn't matter........ Uh huh. Brain, if you think you've found the Holy grail, then far be it for me to let you down, but if you think holding on to that ONE example of ALL the members of MARS has found you a niche, then be happy in it. (BTW..He's the Chief of MARS...NOT a MEMBER...You should learn the difference, Brain...) You're just fool of foolish statments, aren't you? That is like saying that the Joint -Chiefs- of Staff aren't military members. and the AD personnel that I had already cited, we still have over 98% of the participants in MARS as licensed Amateurs. First you said it was ALL of them. Then you said it was 99%. Then you said it was over 90%. Then you said it was over 80%. Now you're back up to over 98%. Do you have any idea at all what you're talking about? Moving targetsand attempts at sleight of hand just aren't working. You're no magician, and your tricks just aren't working. No tricks, Brain. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. Are YOU saying otherwise? Is it YOUR assertion that the MARS program will function just fine without all those licensed Amateurs? No "erroneous statements", Brain. Not even this one? " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". " You're so silly. No, not even that one. It stands as it is. MARS exists as a direct decendant of an Amateur Radio program, and it exists today only because of the sacrifice and hard work of licensed Amatuers. It represents the very essence of what Amateur Radio is all about. Without LICENSED RADIO AMATEURS to fill it's ranks, there would be no MARS program. Yes there would be. You think MY statement is "silly", but then you make an utterly idiotic one. Excuse me...ANOTHER utterly idiotic one. As for "MARS IS Amateur Radio", I again refer to your lack of ability to think in the abstract. Equations are not abstract. Steve, quit you're silly charade. Just admit that you were wrong. All of this sand kicking just makes you look bad - like a cat trying to cover up something stinky. The "something stinky" is in Ohio...Shall I come bury it for you? I also suggest you take a listen to almost ANY MARS net frequency during "informal" time and tell me what's different about many of the conversations that take place there as opposed to on "Amateur" frequencies, other than different callsigns. If they don't have information or traffic to pass, they should remain silent. It's called "informal traffic", Brain. It's allowed. Lastly, as for "dignity" or "honor", I am not the one with an honesty deficit. Huge, huge deficit. And you keep digging. Nope. This one's ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL yours, Mr. Burke. You've proven yourself untrustworthy and dishonest. Live with it...Your family manages to......... Steve, K4YZ |
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Subject: MARS IS "Amateur Radio".
From: (William) Date: 5/13/2004 6:03 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... Subject: MARS IS "Amateur Radio". From: (William) Date: 5/11/2004 9:22 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... For an authoritative answer, please put your question to Don Rumsfeld. No...I have asked you. YOU have made this a two-week long diatribe. YOU insist that MARS and Amateur Radio are not interwoven. I have done no such thing. I simply proved that not ALL (as in 100%) of MARS members are amateur radio operators as you unsuccessfully tried to assert. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on you to prove that MARS=AMATEUR RADIO as you have falsely asserted. You keep kicking sand and making personal assaults. Your time would be better spent gathering facts. Just back up your statement with something from Part 97 or anything from a DoD regulation. That is all. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. It really is THAT simple. Dismissed. Never by a punk like you, Mr. Burke. You haven't got it in you. Steve, K4YZ |
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(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: MARS IS "Amateur Radio". From: (William) Date: 5/13/2004 6:03 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... Subject: MARS IS "Amateur Radio". From: (William) Date: 5/11/2004 9:22 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... For an authoritative answer, please put your question to Don Rumsfeld. No...I have asked you. YOU have made this a two-week long diatribe. YOU insist that MARS and Amateur Radio are not interwoven. I have done no such thing. I simply proved that not ALL (as in 100%) of MARS members are amateur radio operators as you unsuccessfully tried to assert. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on you to prove that MARS=AMATEUR RADIO as you have falsely asserted. You keep kicking sand and making personal assaults. Your time would be better spent gathering facts. Just back up your statement with something from Part 97 or anything from a DoD regulation. That is all. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. Can you give me the volume and paragraph number for that? It really is THAT simple. Seems really difficult for you to back up your, " Sorry Han's, MARS IS Amateur Radio". ," nonsense statement with anything substantive from either Part 97 or any DoD Regulation. Dismissed. Never by a punk like you, Mr. Burke. You haven't got it in you. Steve, K4YZ Always calling people names. There's something wrong with you. |
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