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  #52   Report Post  
Old June 9th 04, 02:58 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: Call Area Etiquette
From: (William)
Date: 6/8/2004 4:45 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

yet you
"lost" your logs from a once-in-a-lifetime locale.

Where did you get THAT piece of misinformation?

From you, Brain.

Couldn't have. I've never said that.

Uh huh.

On more than one occassion you've insisted that you "can't find" your

THAT says "lost".

You've got 24 hours to Google that up, or you will forever be branded

I could wade through Google for days through one manifestation of "lost"
or another of yours, Brain.

How inept.

What a stupid assertion. I think you've already used up this month's
quota. Better go easy.

Hey Brainy...YOU made the "stupid assertion".

No, you did. You've asserted that I "lost" my /T5 logs, or that I
"can't find" them. That is false. Completely false.

Then why can't you provide us with any information from them?

You said you couldn't find them.

Now you say that's not true.

Are you a pathological liar or are you inept?

Now Google up where I said that.

And if I do...?!?! I've "Googled up" other assertions by you and the Lame
One before and you just tried to spin out of those too. What's the use?

So NOW you're insinuating that you HAVE the logs that you have

told us you either don't have, can't find or were otherwise lost or


I have logs. I've always said that I have the logas, and know that
you're not in them. I know exactly where the logs are. I've never
said that my logs were "lost" or that I "can't find" or that I
"misplaced" them.

You have made a false assertion.

You have been challenged to Google up the post where I've said the
things that you say I've said.

You've said you "can't find them".

THEN when pressed on that, no one is IN your logs.

Then you won't tell us ANYONE who was in your logs.

I think YOU are the one who had better "go easy". You are getting

tied up
in your own mistruths.

Absolutely not. I know exactly what I've said. So Google it up, you
peddler of mistruths.

Nice try on the reversal, Brain...but you've had two years to make good on
your claims.

You've not done it.

Brian Burke is either a liar or grossly inept.

It really is THAT simple.

Steve, K4YZ

  #54   Report Post  
Old June 9th 04, 03:17 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: Call Area Etiquette
From: (William)
Date: 6/8/2004 6:51 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

There's no "authority" here to "produce proof" for, Brain.

Your first correct statement in about four years.

I am sure you wish it were true.

Only your own reputation. YOU made the claims.

I stand by my claims. I know they're true. It's enough for me.

Then I guess looking like a fool for assinine assertions fits you, Brain.

But when I think of it....It does!

That you fight so hard to keep from validating them only further

"Fight so hard???"


Hi, hi, hi.

I am sure you hear LOTS of laughter, Brain.

It's easy, really. You're no authority.

You're right. I'm not.

But if you THOUGHT about it, Brain, you've had over TWO YEARS of
opportunity to squarely splat the raw egg on my face by coming up with just ONE
valid contact you made from Somalia.

Soooooooo....egg's on you, PuppetBoy.

substantiates my suspicisions that you made the whole thing up

Your daily posts substantiate that you're nuts.

in order to be
able to say "ME TOO...ME TOO! ! !"

I was one of the first. No need to say, "ME TOO..." Everyone after
Jan 1993 is "me too."

Others had some valid documentation of thier operation.

Others proudly point to some recognized memento of thier operation. You
BRAG of it, but so far, nothing to back it up.

It's your bed, Brain. Comfy?

I'm quite comfortable. Thanks for asking.

I guess it's all what you're used to.

Come back human.

Already there.

Now what can we do to get you to acknowledge the lack of truth in your
assertions about your alleged Somalia operation....?!?! Or what can we do to
get you to back up your assertion about unlicensed devices playing a "major
role" in "emergency comms", etc etc etc....?!?!

Steve, K4YZ

  #55   Report Post  
Old June 9th 04, 03:19 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: Call Area Etiquette
Date: 6/7/2004 8:08 PM Central Standard Time

(Brian Kelly) wrote in message

The last thing I'd do is keep logs and send cards if I went


Same here. But I don't accept some blowhard(s) on r.r.a.p. as a
competent authority for me to have to produce proof for.

There's no "authority" here to "produce proof" for, Brain.

Your first correct statement in about four years.

Just from the randomness of nature he has to produce ONE
correct thing. :-)

Only your own reputation. YOU made the claims.

I stand by my claims. I know they're true. It's enough for me.

No matter what the subject or who says it, if the gunnery nurse
don't like it, it be a "lie." :-)

He ought to take up golf. Golf has a lot of "lie" on the ball.

That you fight so hard to keep from validating them only further

"Fight so hard???"

Hi, hi, hi.

It's easy, really. You're no authority.

Replies to nursie "just seem to write themselves!" :-)

substantiates my suspicisions that you made the whole thing up

Your daily posts substantiate that you're nuts.

Fairly classic behavior pattern it are, too. Jr. College Psych 101

in order to be
able to say "ME TOO...ME TOO! ! !"

I was one of the first. No need to say, "ME TOO..." Everyone after
Jan 1993 is "me too."

Problem is, nursie wasn't among the "first." That must hurt.

Well, he does have those "hostile actions" on his record.

Trouble is, the record is broken and it's archived on Fantasy
Island. [our tax dollars at work...]

It's your bed, Brain. Comfy?

I'm quite comfortable. Thanks for asking.

Your bed must be tormented.

Especially if J.Lo is at the door "begging him to pleasure her."

...and he doesn't open the door. :-)


  #57   Report Post  
Old June 9th 04, 05:23 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: Call Area Etiquette
Date: 6/8/2004 6:51 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

There's no "authority" here to "produce proof" for, Brain.

Your first correct statement in about four years.

I am sure you wish it were true.

Only your own reputation. YOU made the claims.

I stand by my claims. I know they're true. It's enough for me.

Then I guess looking like a fool for assinine assertions fits you,

But when I think of it....It does!

That you fight so hard to keep from validating them only further

"Fight so hard???"


Hi, hi, hi.

I am sure you hear LOTS of laughter, Brain.

It's all around the gunnery nurse...and at him. Tsk, tsk.

It's easy, really. You're no authority.

You're right. I'm not.

Wow! Another admission of real truth!

Eventually, randomness will come up with something true.

But if you THOUGHT about it, Brain, you've had over TWO YEARS of
opportunity to squarely splat the raw egg on my face by coming up with just
ONE valid contact you made from Somalia.

Poor nursie. No THINK.

"MARS is amateur radio?" DoD doesn't think so.

Gunnery nurse thinks she is Dill Insructor again advising "maggots."

Soooooooo....egg's on you, PuppetBoy.

More "meaningful discussion" from the gunnery nurse.

substantiates my suspicisions that you made the whole thing up

Your daily posts substantiate that you're nuts.

in order to be
able to say "ME TOO...ME TOO! ! !"

I was one of the first. No need to say, "ME TOO..." Everyone after
Jan 1993 is "me too."

Others had some valid documentation of thier operation.

Of course, especially those who claim "hostile actions." :-)

Others proudly point to some recognized memento of thier operation. You
BRAG of it, but so far, nothing to back it up.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Still exaggerating all the "meaningful discussion"

You never learn. Pity that. A Dill Inspector who can't tell one dill
from another. A fine pickle you got yourself into.

It's your bed, Brain. Comfy?

I'm quite comfortable. Thanks for asking.

I guess it's all what you're used to.

Is that all you can muster for a "comeback?" :-)

Come back human.

Already there.

That's only in surface appearance. Like the wax figures in Madam
Tussaud's was museum.

Now what can we do to get you to acknowledge the lack of truth in your
assertions about your alleged Somalia operation....?!?! Or what can we do to
get you to back up your assertion about unlicensed devices playing a "major
role" in "emergency comms", etc etc etc....?!?!

Oooooo...trotting out the old "lack of truth" again?

Where, when those "hostile actions" you claimed, big hero?

Where was the HRO store again when you visited it "with friends?"

What "emergency comms" has the gunnery nurse done in amateur
radio? When? [sorry, lots and lots of times doesn't count]

Gunnery nurse wasn't in Somalia. Not enough "hostile action"
there for the big hero?

Tsk, tsk, tsk, TSK!

  #58   Report Post  
Old June 9th 04, 05:23 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: Call Area Etiquette
Date: 6/8/2004 6:40 PM Central Standard Time

"William"'s definition of "blowhard": Anyone who questions the legality
or the very existence of his claimed operation from Somalia. Kinda
dangled your participle in the breeze there, "William".

Dave K8MN

Welp, Dave, The World's Greatest DXer, your initial comments were so
far off base that it took "little ole me" to educate you amateur
operations from places without a government.

And so far it's taken every OTHER person (except for Lennie, whose
practical knowledge of such things are ZERO) on RRAP to point out that you
were wrong, Brain.

Not so. The only one agreeing with the gunnery nurse is the Dill
Instructor. [two different personalities in same corpus]

You've been very resillient to accepting the truth, but in doing so you'd
have to admit you were wrong, and we know THAT would never happen.

Ah! It's Mirror Time again!

Let's see..."hostile actions"...invents radio services...won't accept
documentary proof in terms of e-mailed scans...doesn't know the
language he cusses others out in...wrong data entries on government
forms...all those blunders besides typos.

And all without a single "thank you."

For what? Giving him bogus information? For trying to make your tall
tale SOUND valid?

Brian's remarks were FAR more plausible than the whiny, angry,
wants-to-fight-all-the-time gunnery nurse ever wrote.

Everyone that doesn't agree with the gunnery nurse is described
by her as a "liar" and gets cussed at in a language she doesn't
know. That's a mental case syndrome if there ever was one.

Brain Burke trying to tell Dave Heil about DXing skills is like The
Three Stooges trying to tell Fred Astaire how to dance.

Too bad there's NO "Brain Burke" here.

Sucking up to your SS commander, gunnery nurse?

How do you clean his monocle? [don't answer, none really wants
to know...]

You trying to tell the experienced in HF communications "how it is
done" for 24/7 ops is a very bad silent comedy when the projector
has its lamp burned out.

So, big fella, how was Somalia when you were there supervising
amateur radio and checking everyone's logs? Were the logs
properly placed in the latrines? See any "hostile action" there?
Or were you as openly hostile there are you are in here?

[I just love these "meaningful discussions" nursie does...]

  #59   Report Post  
Old June 9th 04, 05:23 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: Call Area Etiquette
Date: 6/8/2004 4:45 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

yet you
"lost" your logs from a once-in-a-lifetime locale.

Where did you get THAT piece of misinformation?

From you, Brain.

Couldn't have. I've never said that.

Uh huh.

On more than one occassion you've insisted that you "can't find" your

THAT says "lost".

You've got 24 hours to Google that up, or you will forever be branded

I could wade through Google for days through one manifestation of "lost"
or another of yours, Brain.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...still with the "meaningful discussion" thing, nursie?

No real problem. Everyone knows that any disagreement with your
holiness will result in personal attacks and charges of "lying."

Scanned documentation sent you in e-mail is ignored and you continue
to call those who send it for "liars."

Government documents, such as DoD Directive 4650.2 (effective 21
Nov 03) are disregarded so that you can make weird, wired statements
of "truth" which are quite wrong.

You get totally ****ed when someone has some REAL experience
and demand all kinds of "proof" which you then ignore and proceed
to attack the person very personally (and using cuss words from
languages you don't weird belief that "makes it okay").

How inept.

What a stupid assertion. I think you've already used up this month's
quota. Better go easy.

Hey Brainy...YOU made the "stupid assertion".

No, you did. You've asserted that I "lost" my /T5 logs, or that I
"can't find" them. That is false. Completely false.

Then why can't you provide us with any information from them?

Who the hell do you think you are, the Attorney General?

You aren't. You HAVE made an ash of yourself without much croft.

You said you couldn't find them.

Now you say that's not true.

Are you a pathological liar or are you inept?

Poor nursie. Mind gone in a rage of hatred of certain others.

Never used "pathology" in the correct sense, then calls those
he hates for "liars." Sad case.

Now Google up where I said that.

And if I do...?!?! I've "Googled up" other assertions by you and the

One before and you just tried to spin out of those too. What's the use?

More "meaningful discussion" which consists of calling others names
and trying to avenge past losing arguments in this newsgroup.

Poor baby.

So NOW you're insinuating that you HAVE the logs that you have

told us you either don't have, can't find or were otherwise lost or


I have logs. I've always said that I have the logas, and know that
you're not in them. I know exactly where the logs are. I've never
said that my logs were "lost" or that I "can't find" or that I
"misplaced" them.

You have made a false assertion.

You have been challenged to Google up the post where I've said the
things that you say I've said.

You've said you "can't find them".

THEN when pressed on that, no one is IN your logs.

Then you won't tell us ANYONE who was in your logs.

Gunnery nurse has laid lots of logs out in this newsgroup.

Problem is, those don't have any writing on them and don't
belong in here...yet they keep coming.

The sanitary detail ought to get to work in here.

I think YOU are the one who had better "go easy". You are getting

tied up
in your own mistruths.

Absolutely not. I know exactly what I've said. So Google it up, you
peddler of mistruths.

Nice try on the reversal, Brain...but you've had two years to make good
on your claims.

You've not done it.

Brian Burke is either a liar or grossly inept.

It really is THAT simple.

Gunnery nurse has totally flipped out.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nursie needs mental therapy for all that hatred and
desire for revenge burning deep. Straightjacket and rubber room
is a good start, followed by a real MD prescribing an appropriate
medication to calm the raving beastie within.

It's amazing how FAR from the original topic some of these threads
achieve once the gunnery nurses are let loose to roam and cuss
and call everyone "liars!"

Not quite what I'd call a good feeling for getting a ham license.


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