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(William) writes: Betcha da gunnery nurse didn't know that, too busy "shopping with friends" there...like back at a time when that HRO store wasn't there! Amazing. Like Quantum Leap wasn't a TV show, it really existed! :-) Hmmm? How can you shop at a store before it was there, but then say that you did it anyway? All PCTA Extras possess that mystical quality. It's like deja vu all over again... LHA / WMD |
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In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes: Subject: So Much For THAT Rant.... From: (William) Date: 6/12/2004 5:59 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: (Len Over 21) wrote in message ... Nursie did NOT "explain his intent" in the beginning. Certainly took a lot of explanation and I'm still not satisfied with any of his answers. That's OK, Brain. At least there ARE answers. Wrong ones. But, in this newsgroup, whatever nursie defines as right is "right." Anything else is a "lie." :-) Still have many, many questions for YOU out there. NONE answered, satisfactorly or othrwise. Poor baby. Not the answers you wanted? Tsk, tsk, tsk. But something else is not satisfactory. He started this thread from scratch, and claimed there was a "Rant." I didn't see the rant. I asked where the rant was. Apparently, there was no rant. Sure there was...still is...You refuse to acknowledge it since it would acknowledge the true nature of your "mentor, and subsequently YOUR relationship with said "mentor". Ah...here we go with the nursie-style "meaningful discussion" thing. As I explained in another message, nursie's concept of a "rant" is whatever is in its personal fantasyland. Nursie must have taken out a long lease and had the rant all paid up until next year or later... I'm searching for a word used to describe a person wha says there was something when there was not. It's there. Now you look even MORE ignorant that you already do for so aggressively trying to disclaim it. Nursie backpedalled AFTER the proper documents were identified and locations given to him after three weeks of stating "MARS is amateur radio." Nursie's "intent explanation" was ALSO poorly worded. Nursie will never ever admit he do wrong. It's enough that we know. It's also enough that we know everyone else here has given him a pass on it. Not "everyone else". You and Lennie. Only one of you who as any "experience" in MARS at all, and neither of you who knows how MARS operates. Tsk, tsk, tsk. MARS is a military radio service. Army MARS Hq is in Fort Huachuca, AZ. [a bit too hot and dry for me, having been there] That's also home for the Army's Military Intelligence school. [it's obvious who wouldn't be allowed to enter that school...:-) ] "MARS is amateur radio" statement is not a faux pas? Not only is it wrong, it's not true. When quoted out of context, it is. You ignore the rest hoping it won't be fed back to you. "Quoted out of context?!?" Nursie write "Sorry Hans, MARS IS amateur radio!" If MARS were amateur radio, then Part 97 would define and regulate it. Part 97 does not. If MARS were amateur radio, then there would be no need for DoD Directive 4650.2. But there IS that Directive. Ergo, MARS is a military radio service. Too bad for you. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. Untrue. Read DoD Directive 4650.2 if at all possible. It defines what MARS is. MARS can and does exist without amateur radio as is witness to the reporting of exercise Grecian Firebolt 2002. Nursie's second statement (trying to backpedal from the first one) is as invalid as the first. Nursie never once in three weeks of arguments identified or located the documents which define and detail the Military Affiliate Radio System. It took two others only a short search to find them on the Internet and post that here. Deliberate stupidity (playing dumb). Nope. Those "documents" were not needed. They were for the sake of reality of the rest of us. In nursie's case, an alternate reality exists. No Amateur Radio = No MARS. This second statement, not identical to the first, is as incorrect as the first. Nursie has never once acknowledged that MARS is a MILITARY radio system...(SNIP) Untrue...Again.... True. Google has it in all the glaring inaccuracies of the original. :-) (UNSNIP)...not even when the predecessor, AARS, was shown to be the Army Amateur Radio System. [he must not think the U.S. Army is a military branch...a bad case of murine brainwashing] Earned. Never Given. Keep trying, Brain. You MIGHT get SOMETHING right one day. Not likely, but you might... Poor nursie, still harboring rage and resentment at not being believed. Goodbye, meaningful discourse. Hello, alternate nursie reality. LHA / WMD |
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In article ,
(William) writes: (Len Over 21) wrote in message ... In article , (William) writes: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... Subject: So Much For THAT Rant.... From: (William) Date: 6/9/2004 12:50 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: Steve, if you don't like me giving you crap, stop posting such stupid things as, "Sorry Hans, MARS IS Amateur Radio." I haven't stated that in weeks, Brain. You have, however...Dozens of times. You've repeated it over and over despite the fact that I acknowledged it was poorly worded, and have explained my intent. Flat out wrong, not poorly worded. Nursie did NOT "explain his intent" in the beginning. Certainly took a lot of explanation and I'm still not satisfied with any of his answers. But something else is not satisfactory. He started this thread from scratch, and claimed there was a "Rant." I didn't see the rant. I asked where the rant was. Apparently, there was no rant. In nursie's personal reality, "the rant" is on-going and is done by anyone disagreeing with nursie. He thinks that every subject thread is involved in "a rant" against him and therefore is compelled to yell, cuss, swear, and say cute little Yiddish nasties (he not speak or understand Yiddish, the goy) against his pet enemies. I'm searching for a word used to describe a person wha says there was something when there was not. In any other venue, that is a four-letter word spelled L-I-A-R. In here, a "liar" is simply anyone who disagrees with nursie. It's that simple. :-) Nursie backpedalled AFTER the proper documents were identified and locations given to him after three weeks of stating "MARS is amateur radio." Nursie's "intent explanation" was ALSO poorly worded. Nursie will never ever admit he do wrong. It's enough that we know. It's also enough that we know everyone else here has given him a pass on it. Ah, but his "rant" is on-going, sort of an obsessional perpetual motion thing... :-) That you won't acknowledge that and move on is evidence that this is ALL you have to try and deflect attention from your every expanding list of NG faux pax. "MARS is amateur radio" statement is not a faux pas? Not only is it wrong, it's not true. Irrelevant in here. Definitions of reality don't apply in this newsgroup. If any PCTA says we "lie," then we "lie" even if we have the evidence. Ol' George Orwell had it right... :-) Nursie never once in three weeks of arguments identified or located the documents which define and detail the Military Affiliate Radio System. It took two others only a short search to find them on the Internet and post that here. Deliberate stupidity (playing dumb). ...or just stupidity on his part. Nursie has never once acknowledged that MARS is a MILITARY radio system, not even when the predecessor, AARS, was shown to be the Army Amateur Radio System. [he must not think the U.S. Army is a military branch...a bad case of murine brainwashing] Earned. Never Given. It's apparent that this is ALL you have to "argue" about, Brain. Sucks to be you, Brain. You're stupid words being shown to you again and again must finally be getting to you. "Sorry Hans...." Hi, hi. Brian, one might as well give up trying to make a chunk of igneous rock understand anything, much less agree to have made a wrong statement any time in his alleged life. [rock as a sentient life form has only been portrayed as "life" on science-fiction shows...] Remember, his assertion was too stupid to be science related. It was more like fantasy or pulp. Nursie must have pulped all the DoD Directives then... :-) If nursie say MARS is amateur radio, then that is all he (or she) understands as "correct." It is nothing else. That's why there isn't any definition or regulations on MARS in Part 97. It's gotta be in there somewhere or else Dee would certainly provide a correction. She might have ordered a new spanking paddle to use on her "children" in here and it hasn't arrived yet? shrug Decomposed granite cannot be argued with... :-) True Grit. Har! :-) LHA / WMD |
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In article , (Steamy
Steve Nursie of the TN State CAP storms again) writes: Subject: So Much For THAT Rant.... From: (William) Date: 6/10/2004 9:16 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: You're stupid words being shown to you again and again must finally be getting to you. People who are trying to berate others over thier choice of words should take a couple of seconds to proof read what they write BEFORE they send it, Brain. What a PUTZ! Brian, you're an idiot. It really is THAT simple. But hey, THANKS for making my job that much easier! Oh, my, all that "meaningful discourse" going on. Rev. Jim approves, of course. :-) LHA / WMD |
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In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes: Subject: So Much For THAT Rant.... From: (William) Date: 6/10/2004 9:13 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: I could "claim" operation from TA, 9K, HZ, DU, HR, VP2, VE, SU and several other places What other places? Noe of your business. You aren't in any of THOSE logs, Brain. "Noe?" :-) Secret military logs? TN STATE Guard logs? TN paramilitary militia logs? :-) if the criteria was just having set foot on thier territorial grounds at least once. Setting foot on "thier" territorial grounds doesn't make for hostile actions either. Did I say it did? I just said I was there. Okay, so Where and When of your fabled "hostile actions?" :-) No Proof = Didn't happen. Liar Steve, you could even show us some of those medals that you have, but didn't earn. Walter Mittyism at its very finest. Get help. Ahhhhhh...I see....In Brain's book, it's "Walter Mittyism" to collect anything. Uh huh. No, it's Fantasy Island stuff with nursie. Nursie just say he do and it was done. Proof is irrelevant. In our reality. In his personal reality it really happened. At least the medals I didn't earn ARE in a box and were clearly reported as such. SOME people in this forum have a habit of reporting that they did things and went places that they have no proof for. Does Western Costume know you have those movie props? Or did you get them from some southeastern US scab movie company that went bankrupt? THOSE people are the liars. Everyone who disagree with nursie are the liars. :-) LHA / WMD |
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(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article , (Steamy Steve Nursie of the TN State CAP storms again) writes: Subject: So Much For THAT Rant.... From: (William) Date: 6/10/2004 9:16 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: You're stupid words being shown to you again and again must finally be getting to you. People who are trying to berate others over thier choice of words should take a couple of seconds to proof read what they write BEFORE they send it, Brain. What a PUTZ! Brian, you're an idiot. It really is THAT simple. But hey, THANKS for making my job that much easier! Oh, my, all that "meaningful discourse" going on. Rev. Jim approves, of course. :-) LHA / WMD Len, it's kind of interesting what Steve thinks his job is. He is here to call people "PUTZ," and "idiot." Wonder how much it pays? Steve thinks he can brag about 7-Hostile Actions, but never substantiate it. He is as pure as the driven snow. Steve can make an assertion of fact that I lost my T5 logs, but never substantiate it. Everyone else is a LIAR. 'cept Steve. He's here for meaningful discourse. |
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(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article , (Steve Robeson K4CAP) writes: Subject: So Much For THAT Rant.... From: (William) Date: 6/12/2004 6:03 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: Betcha da gunnery nurse didn't know that, too busy "shopping with friends" there...like back at a time when that HRO store wasn't there! Amazing. Like Quantum Leap wasn't a TV show, it really existed! :-) Hmmm? How can you shop at a store before it was there, but then say that you did it anyway? Lennie would like you to think that, Brain. Of course it's apparent he's got you believing a LOT of untrue things, so I don't know why THIS would be any different. Tsk, tsk, tsk. It should be an easy recall for anyone with fabled Recon Marine training to describe the location, the general vicinity, background, etc. Yup. He ought to be able to call in the coordinates in MGRS. That HRO location isn't in a large mall at all. [it's off the intersection of Victory Blvd and Buena Vista, major streets] The old HRO in Van Nuys is, by comparison nondescript for locality. However, the new location has many noticeable features. But, WHICH location of HRO was nursie talking about? There's three, not two. :-) Just another LennieLie, now propagated by Son of Lennie. Putz and Putz Jr. Ah, more of the nursie "meaningful discourse." :-) I do hope Rev. Jim is looking in...much food for thought for another Sermon on the Antenna Mount! LHA / WMD Love all this meaningful discourse. |
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In article ,
(William) writes: (Len Over 21) wrote in message ... In article , (Steve Robeson K4CAP) writes: Subject: So Much For THAT Rant.... From: (William) Date: 6/12/2004 6:03 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: Betcha da gunnery nurse didn't know that, too busy "shopping with friends" there...like back at a time when that HRO store wasn't there! Amazing. Like Quantum Leap wasn't a TV show, it really existed! :-) Hmmm? How can you shop at a store before it was there, but then say that you did it anyway? Lennie would like you to think that, Brain. Of course it's apparent he's got you believing a LOT of untrue things, so I don't know why THIS would be any different. Tsk, tsk, tsk. It should be an easy recall for anyone with fabled Recon Marine training to describe the location, the general vicinity, background, etc. Yup. He ought to be able to call in the coordinates in MGRS. That HRO location isn't in a large mall at all. [it's off the intersection of Victory Blvd and Buena Vista, major streets] The old HRO in Van Nuys is, by comparison nondescript for locality. However, the new location has many noticeable features. But, WHICH location of HRO was nursie talking about? There's three, not two. :-) Just another LennieLie, now propagated by Son of Lennie. Putz and Putz Jr. Ah, more of the nursie "meaningful discourse." :-) I do hope Rev. Jim is looking in...much food for thought for another Sermon on the Antenna Mount! LHA / WMD Love all this meaningful discourse. Yes! "Mean," yes. "Full," yes. "Dis," yes. "Course?" Not set. We are both waiting for the identity of the "rant." It must be one of those things documented in "his jacket." Maybe I'll call the VA to ask them if they know what nursie's "rant" is about...? :-) LHA / WMD |
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