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Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:
Subject: The Game's Afoot! From: Mike Coslo Date: 6/17/2004 1:39 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: Len Over 21 wrote: Amateur radio in general seems to be one of the most conservative of all radio services...plus the fact that most of the hobbyists are quite unaware of what goes on in other radio services. Amateur radio publications seldom mention other radio services in the USA. As a result there is a great deal of insularity (a sort of "dielectric materialism") which, in turns, breeds even more conservatism. I'm so glad I re-read this one - I missed that pun the first read-through. Simply excellent. It wasn't meant as a pun, Mike. He's being insulting. Again. It's the "dielectric materialism" that's the pun, Steve. Whatever the other content of the post is, that was a great play on words, and was pretty hilarious. - Mike KB3EIA - |
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In article ,
(Putzcussionist of the Rock-head group Grateful Dood) writes: Subject: The Game's Afoot! From: (Len Over 21) Date: 6/17/2004 5:24 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: In article , (Steve the Grate Meaningful Communicator) writes: "I am only here to civilly debate the Morse Code test issue"...Leonard H. Anderson Was the SINCGARS family of radios ever mentioned? ...(SNIPPED) There are a LOT of military radio systems and equipment NOT mentioned in Amateur media...and byt eh same token most of those systems are NOT mentions in a great many professional journals, either...! ! ! ! ! Hmmm...General Dynamics as well as ITT make a quarter million radio sets over a period of 15 years and it is "not" mentioned in any professional journals?!?!? Tsk, tsk, tsk. SINCGARS has been in the news since Defense Electronics monthly was published, is in SIGNAL, the monthly of AFCEA, gets mentioned periodically in EDN, Electronics Design, EE Times, RF Design, RF & Microwaves magazines, plus articles in both Proceedings and some Transactions of the IEEE. It's in the UK too since Harris is making SINCGARS-compatible radio systems for them. Those are all "professional journals" since they are non- subscription "controlled" periodicals requiring identification of the reader to the magazines as being in/part/associated with the electronics industry. Decidedly professional. Not only that, there are many subscription services which have newsletters and periodicals and surveys, etc., of the defense electronics contracts, awards, amounts, add-ons, etc. for those who can't handle the free information from the government on such things. Example of the latter is Central Electronics Command at Fort Monmouth, NJ, which concerns itself with procurement and overseeing of Army electronics contracts. Your point? There's quite a bit of FREE information out there for anyone to find out about military or government radio systems and communications. Been there for a long time, even before the Internet went public such as the SINCGARS. A QUARTER MILLION radio sets of one kind makes for some future surplus market, doesn't it? [that's the most of any one kind of radio system in government history...] If poor nursie is annoyed at not being spoon-fed enough info through hum radio magazines, then he should not try to mean- mouth those who know about such things. Tsk, tsk. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nursie getting all red in the face with rage again and can't pull out any information from all those "secret" military radios "he can't talk about." Only you've tried to make it "secret". No, nursie did, way back when I first mentioned the SINCGARS in here plus the public availability of FM 24-24 of December 1994 (a compendium of signal equipment of all kinds, including HF radio sets, then in military inventory). Nursie claimed then - in broad generalities - he had "worked in military communications" but could not name ONE SET by either nomenclature or familiar name ANY of them. Claimed he could not talk about them due to not revealing military secrets or some rationalistic reason. Which was all BS, of course, since the general information had long been publicly available through many government sources. Secondly, there are several "radio hobbyist" magazines available in the US, espcially "Popular Communications" and "Monitoring Times" that cover the "SWL" and scanning disciplines. If someone is interested in "other radio services", then they can go to those other sources. Won't be much there, either. Then you've not been reading any of THOSE publications either. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I keep mentioning all those periodicals and controlled- subscription magazines and other information, write them in here, sometimes giving detailed information, and nursie keeps saying "I don't read them! :-) I'm NOT a regular subscriber to PopComm or Monitoring Times, never did get every annual WRTH, don't buy every issue of CQ or QST, nor of the old 73. Got a free subscription to HR after becoming an Associate Editor there. Neither did I buy every issue of PopElectronics or Radio Communication (the RSGB monthly) nor of the old Radio Craft or Radio and Television News or many of the old newsstand monthlies of ancient history. Don't have to...I'm not interested in ham DX contest scoresheets or nostalgia articles of old hum radio from the 1930s or building two-transistor transmitters in discarded tuna tine cans nor of building super-duper state-of-the- art one-tube regenerative receivers (all-band!). Been IN the electronics industry, seen lots of stuff up close and personal, designed a little bit of it, used it in the field. Radios. Modern radios. Got into the guts of them behind the front panel, know how they work...followed the contract awards, know who did what on some of it, know the modern history of it instead of concentrating on old history of one small part of radio related to hobby activities. There's much more on the Internet, especially the military collector sites...but those are about as behind the times as the boatanchor and surplus sites. Then carry your rants THERE, Lennie. I am sure your spiteful wit and willingness to be antagonistic will be as well received there as it is here. Naw. I like the "meaningful discourse" of mighty gunnery nurse and his liberal viewpoints of my-way-or-the-highway-you-putz!" :-) Perhaps the Amateur Radio magazines limit the scope of thier content for the same reasons you don't find a whole lot of fly fishing technique articles in "Cosmo"...?!?! Nursie get amateur radio info from Cosmopolitan or Field & Steam? :-) Where does this idiot (and I am being a bit liberal with praise there...) get the idea that an AMATEUR RADIO publication should discuss issues pertaining to Public Service, Common Carrier or military services when the topic does not correspondingly and directly affect Amateur Radio...?!?! Must be more of this "meaningful discourse" again. The "A" in APCO does NOT refer to Amateur. The "A" in SHARES does NOT refer to Amateur. The "A" in MARS does NOT refer to Amateur. Sure it does...to what other radio service is MARS "affiliated" with...?!?! FEMA, SHARES, several government agencies. :-) See the Army Communicator write-up on Grecian Firebolt 2002 for a good example. :-) Too bad there weren't some human relations courses in that 14 years of night school, Lennie. There were under California rules for the early 1960s. :-) Some of those courses were done during the day. All for college accreditation. And I don't resent your efforts to be an engineer. One day you may be one. Tsk, tsk, tsk. :-) Poor nursie resents the existance of anyone who has opinions contrary to his own. The spirit of the "new amateur radio" of this millenium. :-( Get mental help. Meanwhile, temper fry... LHA / WMD |
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In article , (Steve
da CAP Ace with too much carburetor heat) sputters and foams: Subject: The Game's Afoot! From: (Len Over 21) Date: 6/17/2004 4:45 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: In article , (Steve Robeson K4CAP) writes: In order for PRESENT DAY MARS to continue to fulfil it's federal mission, it is DEPENDANT upon volunteer civilian licensees of the Amatuer Radio Service. No...MARS can and does function by itself. It is controlled by the military and therefore run by the military using government radio equipment. Getting civilians involved is only part of the task. MARS is dependent upon Amateurs to do the bulk of it's traffic. Military police direct military traffic. Military communications uses wide-environment government radio equipment and military personnel to do communications. It was true during Viet Nam, it's true today. The Vietnam War ended in 1975. That was 29 years ago, senior. The Internet went public in 1991. That was 13 years ago, senior. Every government and military agency and most military units now have websites. The modern U.S. military encourages military personnel to use computer e-mail to message family and friends. The DSN (Digital Switched Network) tying U.S. installations and government locations around the world allow easy dial-up from the DSN to the outside telephone infrastructure. Try to get with the modern times. Reality is all around you. MARS has never involved "amatuer radio," only amateur radio. Again your only defensible argument is that I transposed two letters. That transposition is a common thing with nursie. Usually done when very angry and outraged that anyone dare talk back to the gunnery nurse! :-) For information on Army MARS, see the Fort Huachuca website and follow the links there. While Huachuca is the Military Intelligence School Hq, Army MARS is headquartered there off to one side. I know you'll find this hard to believe, but life exists beyond websites. I am well acquainted with life. :-) Been to Fort Huachuca, seen the Army MARS headquarters. Been to several modern military communications locations, seen what they have, talked to individuals there. Reality exists beyond the tattered, dog-eared pages of old QST issues and ARRL handbooks. Try to experience reality, not imaginations of long ago. Otherwise some nicely packaged editorializing by someone who is not active in the program and has no practical experience on the subject he's pontificating about. Now, now. I've been to Huachuca. I am sure you've been lot's of places. An active imagination allows for that. Fort Huachuca was okay in early spring but I've heard it is uncomfortable in mid-summer, being in Arizona. Glad I wasn't there in mid-summer. The Military Intelligence museum wasn't built or open to visitors when I was there and that interesting place (like the CIA museum) can only be visited on the Internet. Sandia Laboratories is different. But, I can't talk much about that except that visit concerned things like SID. I've controlled MARS transmissions. Uh huh. I'm glad you concede something factual. :-) 51 years ago I lucked out in my military service...(SNIP) Here we go again...."Back at ADA......" It could have been AGA (San Francisco) or AHA (Hawaii) or Seattle or Manila or Okinawa or even Anchorage. Uh huh. Good. Another concession instead of brainless battering against what happened before you existed. Unless one is flag rank, it is difficult to pick and choose where ordinary military folks get assigned. I was fortunate in being assigned to a big-time communications center. So was Eugene Rosenbaum. Part of the time. Gene (N2JTV) got reassigned to Funabashi, TDY with the small USAF radio communications station there which was not as nice an assignment as the Hardy Barracks billet or ADA duties. Nursie did not exist a half century ago. He isn't in any way, shape, or form able to conceptualize much of anything of that time unless spoon-fed the information from some ARRL publication. Regardless of my birthdate, your rhetoric and spamming of the NG exists TODAY, and it is rife with your tales of what you did five decades ago. No, not "rife." :-) If you are trying a larger vocabulary, try to get something somewhat close to correct...and in context. You are trying to "poison the well" by singling out only specific instances of what I've mentioned as to experiences and work over the last 51+ years. Common tactic in computer-modem comms but easily defeated in fact, made arduous only in the stubborn insistence of the argumentative to ignore everything else and try to beat on specifics. Oddly, it is usually easier to reference military things of the past due to easier access of reference information compared to civilian- only occupations. That includes references of a public nature such as the Pacific Stars & Stripes (see interview with staffer Rick Chernitzer of their 10 November 2002 edition). None of it has anything to do with Amateur Radio. Radio is radio, regardless of the differentiation that mere human regulation makers make of its differences. The Pacific Stars & Stripes did not include a nice photo I made of the MARS antenna newly installed at Hardy Barracks in 1955 (Stripes used only 6 of my photos for that Hardy retro- spective interview). One of the two GIs shown on the cover sheet is/was Stan Peschel who was a ham and the son of the founder of Hypotronics of New York. Nursie should stop trying to dictate what others said long ago or experienced long ago...or even what they say they thought long ago...when nursie didn't exist. "Dictating" what you said? Absolutely. You are outraged that anyone dare confront your ideas and fantasies with actual, real-life experiences. The same with several others in here. The dictatorial attitude is fairly common, done with heckling and name-calling and general denigration in an effort to make a poster stop writing. Weak intimidation. Works sometimes, but is not a guarantee of suppressing truth and reality. All I have to do is quote it. I couldn't invent some of the silly stuff you come up with! It's a losing battle to keep dredging up old, lost arguments in a newsgroup. Those can't be "won" by re-runs as if this were summer television. The military directives and regulations about MARS are not "silly stuff." Those are real. The information published by the various military branches on their MARS activities isn't "silly stuff." Those are real. "Silly stuff" is the exaggeration and over-emphasis on civilian amateur radio participation - done by part-time participants in MARS - and trying to make such "silly stuff" be the raison d'etre (French for "reason for being") of the existance of MARS. Nope. Only very specific amateurs. Principally those which hang out in here trying to make noises like they are special representatives from Newington. The ONLY people who have ever presented themselves as "representitives from Newington" were Ed Hare and Jon Bloom, and even then they were quite clear in stating that thier persoanlly held opinions did not represent the ARRL. You forgot Jim Haynie. :-) Not a long series of messages from Haynie but here nonetheless. [hint: Haynie is the elected president of the ARRL. :-) ] The PARROTING the Noble Goals as written/said by ARRL is the very same thing as acting like League representatives. Only YOU make that assertion, and it's still a lie. Jim Haynie wasn't elected president of the ARRL? :-( If anyone keeps harping on obeyance-adherence to the standards and practices of the 1930s in amateuism of the 2000s, then they automatically join the "traditionalist- fundamentalist" club. Then I guess we get to heap you into that pile, Your Scumminess, since YOU are the ONLY one making any such assertion. Tsk, tsk, tsk. More of that "meaningful discourse" again! :-) So, trying to dictate what opinions others may have again? Not nice. No one in this forum has made any such assertion. Even those who staunchly support Morse Code testing have advocated advancement in the service. ...by more and more manual telegraphy use, praising its supposed qualities, and generally getting into silly stuff about how it's so much "better" than any other mode. :-) Note use of the word "service" again. Military surrogate use. Desire to make amateur radio much more than it is by trying to identify a hobby with military service. Tsk, tsk. Lost focus. I encourge you to provide even ONE quote that supports your assertion to the contrary.... Heh heh heh. No, "encourage" is the wrong word. You CHALLENGE. You DEMAND. You all but hop up and down in spiteful hollering to try to divert the discussion. :-) Everyone MUST be Lennie, otherwise they are "traditionalist-fundamentalist, jack-booted Nazi thugs". Tsk, tsk, tsk. Obviously not a Jedi. Wrong connection of metaphors. :-) "Use the Metaphors, Luke, the Metaphors!" :-) Nursie is into Mirror Time again, reflecting on the total one-sided viewpoint all must have, the vista according to Newgington. Tsk, tsk. The regulars in this venue don't want to hear of that. It wasn't about "amateur radio" and it hasn't been publicized in QST. Well golly gee whiz, Your Putziness...Ya think it might be due to the fact that (a) it happened over FIVE decades ago, and (B) has NOTHING to do with AMATEUR RADIO...?!?! Nursie is an amateur. Nursie didn't exist 50 years ago. Ergo, nursie is irrelevant? :-) Poor nursie. Never did any big-time radio communications in his military days...resents anyone who did. This is a forum about AMATEUR RADIO. And yes, I did "big time radio communication" in the military. Yes...on par with those "hostile action" things...all conveniently UNdetailed, no specifics, nothing but a CLAIM. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Fish story. Poor nursie...never did any radio-electronics engineering and resents anyone who did. I don't resent your alleged engineering career, Lennie. I know several electronics engineers, and they are fine fellows who make meaningful contributions. I'm sure you have "Jewish best friends," too. :-) They must have made "meaningful contributions" to your knowledge of Yiddish. :-) You are NOT a fine fellow, and there's more than a few indicators that your "contribution" to radio communications were limited to your few articles sold to Ham Radio magazine. (No doubt a last resort in "getting published" since I am sure the professional journals cut you off at the knees.) Tsk, tsk, tsk. :-) You can check out McGraw-Hill's old biweekly Electronics and Designer's Casebook. You can check out Microcomputing, a former monthly for personal computerists. You can check out BYTE magazine as well as BYTE Books on articles concerning circuit simulation. All reviewed and accepted by others. You want to make a Big Thing about Ham Radio Magainze going "defunct" back in 1990...even though HR was considered a leader in U.S. ham periodicals for technical information...which it was. The "defunction" was due to a shrinking ham advertising market already begun by 1990. That shrinking is even affecting QST. It hit 73 Magazine big time. Unlike QST which can get support from the ARRL membership monies, HR and 73 were independent publications whose entire income was derived by advertising. CQ is the same way and is barely hanging on. Even then I can't find a single example where any of your "work" was original, nor can I find any example of where your "contributions" were complimentary to the advancement of ANY radio communications discipline. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Having nursie as a critic is like having a blind color coordinator for interior decoration. :-) Try to differentiate between "compliment" and "complement." Nursie struggles on understanding Ohm's Law of Resistance and tries to mean-mouth things like explanations of timing diagrams in phase-frequency detectors? :-) Poor nursie...never could take an opposite opinion to his in here and is bitterly resentful to anyone who had spoken out in opposition to him. I am only "bitterly resentful" of pathological liars and persons who proactively seek to cause What am I "seeking to cause?" Sentence unfinished. :-( What are "pathological liars," nursie? Nursie no gots da edumcation in sykology, sointanly ain't gots no certificates (suitable for framing, hanging on da wall) as a licensed shrink. Nursie like to mean-mouth anyone who ain't love his one- sided opinions. Tsk, tsk. ACAN (Army Command-Administration Network) of the late...(SNIP) has NOTHING to do with Amateur Radio, then or now. Just the same, MARS was allowed to use some of ACAN's radio circuits on HF. How about that? By nursie logic, MARS is then NOT amateur radio! Must be hell when a rant is stomped on... :-) Tsk, tsk, tsk...poor nursie wants to concentrate solely on amateur RADIO as if it works by different physical principles than other radio of other radio services. It doesn't. The examples useful to amateur radio are neglected in the amateur press, therefore nursie doesn't want to know anything except what is spoon-fed him through hum radio magazines. Another lie. Nursie definition of "lie:" Anything against nursie's beliefs. :-) I have repeatedly stated it's not the physics. Radio works by magic, not laws of physics? Oh, my! It's the application. "Rub into affected area once daily, as prescribed by physician?" :-) And it's too bad YOU don't avail yourself of the "hum radio magazines". (Your true colors are showing, Scumbag.) A long-time radio amateur used to say "hum radio." :-) He is the same one that put tongue firmly in cheek and stated, "Ham is the butchered meat of swine." :-) Funny in context. Probably a cause for thermonuclear war to nursie. :-) Poor nursie...bitter and resentful to the last. I'll bet nursie loves to heckle entertainers from the audience while they are trying to entertain an audience. If I paid money to see someone who isn't, in my opionion, entertaining, I do one better...I get up, go the manager and get my money back on the way out the door. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nursie should read the entertainment reviews in QST before going. Saves everyone time and trouble. :-) Nursie can't lighten up. Always has to make fun of others. Not a good mental health sign. Untrue again. I find it QUITE "enlightening" to keep an eye on you. Nursie is OBSESSED. Is COMPELLED to mean-mouth others who go against his opinions. Sicko. And I am still waiting for you to post your credentials to tell us what qualified you to make determinations as to what is or isn't "good mental health". Leafing through wifey's correspondence courses doesn't qulify. Sicko words are sicko words to lay people, nursie. Putz.. Well, back to nursie's name-calling again. "Meaningful discourse" in the only way nursie can get along...dissing and cursing those who won't agree with him. It's not name calling if it's true. And you ARE a putz. Tsk, tsk, nursie should have his Jewish best friends tell him more about the Yiddish dialect-language. Needs more "meaningful discourses" on Yiddish snarlies. :-) Of course I could gobact through tons of YOUR "name calling" and recite it...Or is Lennie the Liar ABOVE lving up to his own rhetoric...?!?! First you need to explain what and how of "gobact." Not in any dictionary I have. That word published in QST? Must be the "new" 'inherent good will of radio amateurs'... You're not an Amatuer and this forum isn't regulated by Part 97 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Nursie ain't no "amatuer" either. :-) Newsgroup ain't regulated by nursie, either. [ain't that a bitch?] :-) Temper fry... LHA / WMD |
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![]() "Len Over 21" wrote Except for Heil, none of the regulars were involved in any big-time radio communications experience. Sunuvagun! 73, de Hans, K0HB |
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![]() "Len Over 21" wrote Except for Heil, none of the regulars were involved in any big-time radio communications experience. Sunuvagun! 73, de Hans, K0HB |
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In article et, "KØHB"
writes: "Len Over 21" wrote Except for Heil, none of the regulars were involved in any big-time radio communications experience. Sunuvagun! 73, de Hans, K0HB ...strange echo in here...must be very sporadic B layer again...:-) LHA / WMD |
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In article , Radio Amateur KC2HMZ
writes: On 18 Jun 2004 19:48:44 GMT, (Len Over 21) wrote: See the Army Communicator write-up on Grecian Firebolt 2002 for a good example. :-) For that matter, just turn on a shortwave receiver. Grecian Firebolt 2004 is being conducted as I type this, and will continue until some time in August. Interesting! :-) Frequencies? |
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In article et, "KØHB"
writes: "Len Over 21" wrote Except for Heil, none of the regulars were involved in any big-time radio communications experience. Sunuvagun! One of the Armenian judges, who had a sore throat (couldn't chant) and who broke all the strings on his balalaika told me that... :-) Better a Sunuvagun than a Son Of a Beeper... :-) Which one of super chief's ships had over 30 HF transmitters, and all of them 1 KW or higher? Beep beep. LHA / WMD |
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