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  #61   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 10:27 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
From: Radio Amateur KC2HMZ
Date: 6/21/2004 4:53 PM Central Standard Time

On 21 Jun 2004 13:33:29 GMT,
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote:

Yep - Puerto Rico CAP is their correct State Wing callsign. Like
Florida CAP where you are, or WHITE PEAK where I am.

I'm not in Florida.

Hmmm...okay, I stand corrected. I don't know why, but for some reason,
I thought you lived in Florida. shrug

Nope....Other than working situations, have always been in Tennessee
(since joining the forum)

Certain other posters have "insisted" that
those radio services are "major" contributors to "emergency comms".

They have yet to establish any validity for those claims.

I didn't see the original posts on that, but if you've accurately
summarized what was said, then I would also be interested in learning
of the specifics.

Refer to Brain Burke, N0MIND...I mean Brian Burke, N0IMD...He's the
progentiator of that bit of silliness.

I'm personally aware of some areas where there are Neighborhood Watch
groups using FRS radios, and at least one where an ARES group uses
GMRS to communicate with the local NW group on FRS (the first seven
channels are the same freqs).

Yes, those services ARE used...The point here is "major role". Those are
great ancilliary tools for end-users. They do not play a "major role" in
"emergency comms".

I'm also personally aware of instances where FRS radios are used by
ARES/RACES personnel or by government or emergency services personnel.

The only instance I know of FRS/GMRS bveing used by them is as a liasion
with non-Amateur services...quite practical, actually.

I am not personally aware of any instances where the regular users of
FRS, GMRS, MURS, and the other Part 15 services are written into the
disaster plans for a given locality, except in the case of REACT
groups using equipment for those services. In the sense of having
families who use FRS radios at the mall to help keep track of the kids
being written into emergency communications contingency planning, or
folks who use GMRS or MUR for similar purposes, no, I've never seen or
heard of that being done. That of course doesn't mean it hasn't been
done somewhere, just that if it has, I haven't heard of it - I'd like
to hear about it if someone's got specifics on one or more cases where
this has been done, though.

Colorado Wing, Civil Air Patrol logged a rescue of several stranded hikers
last summer who were in a deep, tree covered ravine. One of the hikers made it
to a road, but couldn't retrace his course. The FRS radios were used to
contact them and locate them...Worked like a champ.


Steve, K4YZ

  #62   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 12:06 PM
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,

(Len Over 21) writes:

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

Best of luck - you're going to have to google everything up to provide
the Security Detail with "proof."

See "Cinderella Liberty."

I didn't. Jack Nicholson is in that one as an SP. Jack also played
Colonel Jessup in "A Few Good Men." [famous line in that pic...
"You can't handle the truth!!!"]

"You can't tell the truth!!!" would be more appropriate. And that
crazy glint in his eye, as in "The Shining."

I'm going to watch Amazon and Hollywood Video (the chain) for
low-cost CDs of that movie. Darn good acting by all involved,
even Tom Cruise.

[I hope that Amazon has it on sale soon...before they go "bank-
rupt." :-) ]

Bankrupt? Hopefully they will actually deliver on all of the pre-sold
Clinton's, "My Life."

Hmmmm. Maybe that's how it got on the best seller list already. They
never intended to deliver, and all of the orders thru Amazon just go

Anyway, saying it is a best seller (without any actual delivieries)
just might make it sell better.

tsk, tsk, tsk...all that "hostile action" stuff and never did any
Recon Marine intel patrolling?

Maybe he was a "box kicker."


"How I Kicked Seven Hostile Boxes," coming to a theater near you.

Oh, heck and darn, Brian, now you have me curious and
I have to start cadging copies of Daily Variety and Hollywood
Reporter to find out the expected release date! :-(

Action-filled scenes at night, no befits keeping the
when and where a Secret!

I wonder if someone will market little scowling action figures?

One action figure, numerous interchangeable scowling faces.

[oops...didn't complete that message!]

I hope they have cute little interchangeable UNIFORMS to go
with them. Scrubs, cammies, poopysuits, etc. That would make
them "authentic." :-)


And all the little incitations and, errr, I meant citations and
medals. You don't have to earn them, just have your mom and dad buy
them, or get them free out of specially marked boxes of Froot Loops.
  #65   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 03:30 PM
Radio Amateur KC2HMZ
Posts: n/a

On 22 Jun 2004 08:27:36 GMT, (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote:

Yep - Puerto Rico CAP is their correct State Wing callsign. Like
Florida CAP where you are, or WHITE PEAK where I am.

I'm not in Florida.

Hmmm...okay, I stand corrected. I don't know why, but for some reason,
I thought you lived in Florida. shrug

Nope....Other than working situations, have always been in Tennessee
(since joining the forum)

OK, modified statement to reflect your correct QTH would then read,
"Like Tennessee CAP where you are, or WHITE PEAK where I am."

I'm also personally aware of instances where FRS radios are used by
ARES/RACES personnel or by government or emergency services personnel.

The only instance I know of FRS/GMRS bveing used by them is as a liasion
with non-Amateur services...quite practical, actually.

With the ARES/RACES groups, that's the reason for having them, yes.
With government/emrgency services personnel there are of course other
reasons. Niagara County (NY) emergency management has GMRS portables
with the intent of using them for comms between the director and
assistant directors at the scene of an incident where they might be
called into action, or to hand to someone they themselves want to be
able to communicate with, as in the case of the one they handed to me
once last year (about five minutes after telling me not to come up on
their frequency with my own radio, hehe).

At the Thunder Over Niagara airshow a few years ago, members of one of
the local CAP groups (I believe it was a cadet wing) were using FRS
radios in the performance of their duties at the show (directing
traffic in parking lots, serving as gophers for the adults from the
composite wing at the info booth, and they also had a hamburger and
hotdog stand going). I asked one of them about it, and he told me they
used those little FRS radios a lot, even trained with them for SAR.

They were Motorola FRS radios fully loaded with all the bells and
whistles that were common on FRS radios circa 1999. At the time these
were going for about $150 each. There were about two dozen CAP members
around who had these clipped to the top shirt pockets on their BDUs.

Colorado Wing, Civil Air Patrol logged a rescue of several stranded hikers
last summer who were in a deep, tree covered ravine. One of the hikers made it
to a road, but couldn't retrace his course. The FRS radios were used to
contact them and locate them...Worked like a champ.

So the guys I met at NF aren't the only CAP personnel equipped with
and using FRS. Motorola (or someone) must appreciate the business,
because for SAR work they're probably NOT going out and buying the
cheapest radios they can find (or at least I hope they aren't).

The other EmComm group I'm with (other than Erie County ARES/RACES),
which is the public service and emcomm team sponsored by the ham radio
club I am a member of, is also starting to equip with the combined
FRS/GMRS portables that have been hitting the market recently. Our
thinking is quite simply, if it is capable of maintaining comms (with
hams and non-hams) it might come in handy, and at the inexpensive
prices these can be had for, it's worth the investment since you never
know when something like that will come in handy.

73 DE John D. Kasupski
Tonawanda, New York, USA
Amateur Radio (KC2HMZ), HF/VHF/UHF Monitoring (KNY2VS)

  #66   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 11:26 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
(Len Over 21)
Date: 6/21/2004 6:10 PM Central Standard Time

In article , Radio Amateur


I think maybe you're half right, Len. believe it or not, even my ham
rigs are Part 15 devices and come with the usual Part 15 warning
sticker on them.

Part 15 regulations apply to INCIDENTAL EMITTERS such as
receivers, data couplers (if you have software controlled anything
as a peripheral) and so forth.

They also pertain to INTENTIONAL EMMITERS, including those who operate
license free walkie talkies, "broadcast transmitters", etc.

Now, don't tell us you actually downloaded Part 15?!?

You had somebody help you navigate there, didn't you?
Fess up. You are too ANGRY and emotional to navigate
the web by yourself.

Of course you know this...You've "threatened" to get on 20 meters with a
Part 15 legal "station" before.

No, not "threatened." DID it many times. All the HF ham bands
from 80m on up to 10m using an antenna impedance analyzer.
Radiating RF as all such analyzers do. Also at LEGAL RF power

You could have discerned this from a particular Ham Radio magazine
article that described programs for an HP-25 pocket scientific
calculator to measure antenna impedance, coaxial cable
characteristics, etc., using an RF Noise Bridge. Another Anderson
did translation of those HP-25 programs to Texas Instruments
(forward notation arithmetic, not RPN) and that was published.

But, in your usual warm, witty, nice-guy manner, you will diss and
cuss, call names, and generally come unglued all about a 22-year
independent ham publication being "defunct" and worthless and
then say I "cut-and-pasted from others' works." :-)

You never carried through, though...Just like a dozen other "promises"...

What are those "dozen other promises" nursie?

Did I sign any "promisory note?" A contract? In lots of years of
existance, I've changed my mind several times. Back in 1952 I
was working as a commercial illustrator and decided to voluntarily
enlist the U.S. Army. That exposure - to really BIG HF comms -
changed my mind. After studying commercial illustration out here
(Art Center School of Design, old campus on 3rd Street, not the
present one in Pasadena) I changed to engineering. Never looked
back. Worked in aerospace here since 1956, got experience,
got schooling, got responsibilty in design work, had to do the
field engineering thing from time to time that forced attendance
in night classes (all properly accredited) to make up for day
class absences. Difficult to do that when having to work at
regular day jobs.

After my first wife died (brief marriage) I promised myself I would
never get married again, be a bachelor. Was one a long time.
Then I got re-acquainted with my high school sweetheart after a
long total absence and "broke that promise!" ["broke" in the
nursieworld term, a near capital crime in that strange fantasyland]
Best man at my wedding was Al Walston...he's still around, still
has callsign W6MJN. Sunnuvagun! How about that?

Nursie, you've dissed, cussed, called vile names on everything
I've written about in here. Problem you have - besides the angry,
rampant demonstrated sociopathy - is that all I've written is
factual, can be referenced by documents held by others or by
others still living who were there, with me at the times I've told
about. That's the terrible mountain of truth you cannot climb.

Life isn't established at birth with some ironclad specification
that all must, forever hold to some "promises" made long ago
or even yesterday. Events and experiences happen that will
change conditions, change opinions, change minds, and lots
of those happenings aren't in our control. We have to ride them
out, survive. We CAN survive WITHOUT being always angry at
others or trying to tear down others for having opposite opinions
or more wide-ranging experiences.

Sadly, you've chosen to remain angry, to insult others who've
expressed opposite opinions, tried to tear down what they've
accomplished (and been able to validly reference). You've tried
to bully, demoralize, denigrate others by some strange game
of newsgroup "conquest" game, yourself telling outright lies
and distortions of truth without being able to reference such.

That hasn't worked. Your perceived "enemies" are still here.

This should not be a forum to express personal hatred of others,
but you do an observable job of turning it into one. You have
NO authority to force anyone to your wishes, yet you continue
to demand such while insulting everyone who does not "obey"
you. For that, you get no respect, no honor, nothing but
emptiness from readers who won't bother to come in as
participants in this forum.

This newsgroup could cover some important issues in amateur
radio. Access BPL is a spectre looming in the near future to
inhibit the HF communications world. Is there any discussion
of that? No, very little. Things segue to petty political
polarization involving presidential candidates, shouting and
hollering, each party calling the other an "evil" that must be
eradicated or mankind is doomed. Silly stuff.

Docket 04-140 is being commented on for some (relatively)
minor changes in Part 97. Any comments on that? No.
No less than 18 Petitions have been filed on much larger
changes in Amateur regulations...yet all the "discussion" is
one-sided insult fest of all the status-quoists desperately
trying to maintain regulations as they were, at all costs,
through personal insults against those advocating change.

Change WILL happen. All the vile name-calling, angry
shouts and veiled threats won't stop it. Change can't be
stopped, but it can be steered, directed into new vectors
that are more navigable, better suited for the majority and
those yet to enter the activity.

  #67   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 11:26 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,

Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Sucks to be you...again.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...not only dissing and cussing, but very bad
sentence structure. Try some remedial English classes.
During the day since you abhor night classes. It would
make a remarkable difference in improving your
written communications.

Temper fry...


It's all a part of his "tuff guy" self-image. The only problem is the
rest of us don't see a tough guy. He's just another Walter Mitty

"Sir, First General Order: I will beep my key in a military manner,
keeping always on the alert for the NCI, dissing and cussing those
within sight and hearing. Sir!"

Yes SIR! [geez, I forgot the "sir" part...been away too long from
the military (since 1989 and lovely Fort Irwin, heh heh)]

Gosh, Brian, we be "drudges" according to a high-society
civilian (king of the katapults) who dines with Captains and
then shoots bears for navel intelligence while on navel

Got an extra frag grenade? I think I need some practice there,
too. Need to prune down the wild growth on the chain of
command in here. :-)

No sweat on BASS...had that down just dandy a long time ago
when the sight picture steadied down and "a few ounces of
finger pressure" reached out and touched the bull. Lots of
"bull" in here. All paper tigers, too, just like paper targets.

Too bad you "were not in Somalia" and I was just a "rear
area radio clerk" but ol grizzled gunnery nurse did "seven
hostile actions!" [he "has it in his wallet"] {probably along
with that elastomeric thing that is ready for more "action"]

I wonder where "Mogandishu" is? I don't think it is in
Somalia. I've heard of Mogadishu" but nursie keeps
mumbling about "Mogandishu"...

Sorry, I meandered. Forgot this newsgroup is supposed to
concentrate on presidential politics and how evil, wicked, mean
and nasty them Dems are. Too bad this newsgroup couldn't
discuss amateur radio matters or serious issues like Broadband
over Power Lines or the upcoming rules changes in Part 97.

I think this newsgrope is only for licensed political amateur
operators, all of whom have credentials in economics, politics,
and statesmanship, plus much experience IN office! Yeah,
that's it:!

Beep, beep

  #68   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 11:26 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,

(Len Over 21) writes:

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

Best of luck - you're going to have to google everything up to

the Security Detail with "proof."

See "Cinderella Liberty."

I didn't. Jack Nicholson is in that one as an SP. Jack also

Colonel Jessup in "A Few Good Men." [famous line in that pic...
"You can't handle the truth!!!"]

"You can't tell the truth!!!" would be more appropriate. And that
crazy glint in his eye, as in "The Shining."

I'm going to watch Amazon and Hollywood Video (the chain) for
low-cost CDs of that movie. Darn good acting by all involved,
even Tom Cruise.

[I hope that Amazon has it on sale soon...before they go "bank-
rupt." :-) ]

Bankrupt? Hopefully they will actually deliver on all of the pre-sold
Clinton's, "My Life."

Hmmmm. Maybe that's how it got on the best seller list already. They
never intended to deliver, and all of the orders thru Amazon just go

Anyway, saying it is a best seller (without any actual delivieries)
just might make it sell better.

Dunno about "My Life," but Rev. Jimmie Who said a few years
back that Amazon was going bankrupt or something about
"no profit."

Amazon sure does a LOT of advertising for a "non-profit"

I'm glad my wife got her order delivered last week before
Amazon went under. [free shipping again...too bad the
League couldn't do that when commercial companies did]

tsk, tsk, tsk...all that "hostile action" stuff and never did

Recon Marine intel patrolling?

Maybe he was a "box kicker."


"How I Kicked Seven Hostile Boxes," coming to a theater near you.

Oh, heck and darn, Brian, now you have me curious and
I have to start cadging copies of Daily Variety and Hollywood
Reporter to find out the expected release date! :-(

Action-filled scenes at night, no befits keeping the
when and where a Secret!

I wonder if someone will market little scowling action figures?

One action figure, numerous interchangeable scowling faces.

[oops...didn't complete that message!]

I hope they have cute little interchangeable UNIFORMS to go
with them. Scrubs, cammies, poopysuits, etc. That would make
them "authentic." :-)


And all the little incitations and, errr, I meant citations and
medals. You don't have to earn them, just have your mom and dad buy
them, or get them free out of specially marked boxes of Froot Loops.

"Supply Sergeant" has a website. Anyone can get those
geegaws. And uniforms. Even if they didn't, anyone can join
the good 'ol boys in the TN STATE guard, meet once a month
and act like sojers in da woods.

Gunnery nurse said "I couldn't possibly have one of my four
ribbons" because those weren't issued after WW2. Strange,
I just looked in the closet and there it was, still with the other
three just like it was in 1956.

Well, nursie say you weren't in Somalia, either. Not nice thing
to say. His fantasyland apparently doesn't have such a territory
but reality does. Fantasyland has lots and lots of "credentials"
all with lovely flowery borders on nice paper (suitable for framing)
but it don't got a First Phone (commercial) there in light blue.
Commercial licenses must not exist in nursieworld.

Wonder if nursie ever got that "military handset" to go with the
paramilitary pack special from SGC on an SG-2020 kit? Would
be real boss to have him do GOTA in cammies, helmet, with a
real (first time) military handset that can slide up inside the
helmet when pressed to the ear. He can do "military comms"
almost for real on FD!

Maybe Amazon will have a special DVD on that event...before
they go bankrupt (again)?

  #69   Report Post  
Old June 23rd 04, 03:30 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
From: Radio Amateur KC2HMZ
Date: 6/22/2004 8:30 AM Central Standard Time

At the Thunder Over Niagara airshow a few years ago, members of one of
the local CAP groups (I believe it was a cadet wing) were using FRS
radios in the performance of their duties at the show (directing
traffic in parking lots, serving as gophers for the adults from the
composite wing at the info booth, and they also had a hamburger and
hotdog stand going). I asked one of them about it, and he told me they
used those little FRS radios a lot, even trained with them for SAR.

CAP has had a lot of in-fighting about FRS. Since FRS is "civilian" and
we are under NTIA, there's been a lot of arguing about the legalities of it.

Part of the argument has been cooled off by CAP's acceptance of the use of
FRS for non-USAF missions and "public service" activites.

The other half has been cooled off by NTIA's authorization of our access
to ISR. Altho still pricy by FRS standards (About $80/piece) CAP units can buy
the ICOM ISR radio and use it without any restrictions for CAP purposes.

Some Wings are allowing individuals to buy thier own and even have a
buy-back program for those who decide to leave the program. It's illegal for
private use.

So the guys I met at NF aren't the only CAP personnel equipped with
and using FRS. Motorola (or someone) must appreciate the business,
because for SAR work they're probably NOT going out and buying the
cheapest radios they can find (or at least I hope they aren't).

I'm not sure if the CO event was with a CAP-owned device or if it was one
borrowed for the purpose. Communications with persons in distress is the only
time a CAP unit can communicate via FRS while on-mission.

The other EmComm group I'm with (other than Erie County ARES/RACES),
which is the public service and emcomm team sponsored by the ham radio
club I am a member of, is also starting to equip with the combined
FRS/GMRS portables that have been hitting the market recently. Our
thinking is quite simply, if it is capable of maintaining comms (with
hams and non-hams) it might come in handy, and at the inexpensive
prices these can be had for, it's worth the investment since you never
know when something like that will come in handy.



Steve, K4YZ

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