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  #1   Report Post  
Old August 8th 04, 12:03 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a
Default Amateur Radio NewslineT Report 1407 * Jul

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Amateur_Radio_NewslineT_Report_1407_=AD_Jul?=
Date: 8/5/2004 7:10 AM Central Standard Time

There's no "winners" here, Brain...

Len, I think there are winners here. It's pretty clear that Steve has
been suckered into behaving foolishly over and over and over again.
He cannot NOT respond, and always in such a way that he looks like the
idiot he is. And he goes into it with his eyes wide open. Jim keeps
trying to warn him away. But he's too stupid to take Jim's advice.
Makes all the PCTA look bad. Hi, hi.

Oh, I think the PCTA all make themselves look bad with 70+ year
old excuses to keep the code test alive and well forever...


As opposed to Lennie's Lemming approach to why it should be

Of course Lennie doesn't have to worry about Amateur Radio since
he's NOT a member of it...

Len, there are those who out and out lie. It is a typical liberal
strategy to lie, and lying is OK so long as it has the desired
outcome. Yell Yell so obviously belongs in that category.


Of course you would. The two of you can go for 8 or 10 exchanges
patting each other on the back...Of course you ae the ONLY two patting
either one on the back....

Then there are others who are deceitful by omission. They critize one
set of actions by those that they don't like, and give a pass to the
same kind of actions from people they do like. They define the PCTA
double-standard. I would place Jim, Mike, David, and Kelly in that

Agreed again!

Coming from a documented pathological liar, what does it REALLY
matter WHAT you think, Lennie? Whatever possible contributions you
COULD have made to Amateur Radio wilol forever be tarnished by your
conduct here.

People like you and Lennie.

People DO like me and Len. We're very likable guys.

...except to sociopaths and the PCTA.

I think you meant "ESPECIALLY" sociopaths, especially since the
two of you manifest the behaviour of such. (And yes, I DO have the
training to recognize it...unlike yourselves.)

Neither of you are very likeable. At least not to people who
prefer honest, trustworthy companions. Perhaps that's why the
back-patting is between the two of you.

People can have differing opinions and not have to resort to the kinds

deceit and lies the two of you seem to think are inherently natural.

Len, I think Yell Yell is crying, "Liar, liar, pants on fiar" again.
Of course, he lies.

Very much agreed.

Of course you can't provide a reference to where I have lied.

Now in YOUR respective cases...we have REAMS of stuff. No use
rehashing all that, though. Neither one of you possess a redeemable

Sucks to be you.

Oy vey. Whatta potty mouth. Where's that bar of Lie Soap?

It's "lieing" on the laundry room shelf...where the schmuck last
left it yesterday.

You must be thinking of your OTHER lying friend, Mark Morgan, the
liberated gay pagan Chemical Corps officer who was drafted at age 8
and wasn't allowed to resign his commission despite being illiterate
(refering to mistruthfulness as "lieing" too often to count) and
openly deviant...

He agreed with you too, Lennie. I know he'd be the first one I'd
want on MY "side"...(uuuuuhhhhhhh...yeeeeeeeeah....RIGHT! )

Great company you keep.

So let's take a closer look at Lennie and Company since Lennie
has been so anxious lately to belittle, as a group, those he considers
unwashed masses...

Openly contemptful of Amateur Radio in all forms despite
professing "admiration" for it. Accuses others of trying to abridge
his "freedom of speech", yet filed no fewer than 14 "reply comments"
to various NPRM's directly attacking each respondent.

Has insisted that there are radio services specifically
established for "recreational" communicaitons but won't provide the

Promised to get his "Extra Lite out of the box" but hasn't done

Insisted he was going to build a Part 15 legal transmitter on
Amateur alocations yet hasn't done that.

Belittles others for using "diminutive" names addressing him,
insists he doesn't do that and insists he is a
"professional"...however the NG is rife with his own use of diminutive
names for people who go out of thier way to be nice, even respectful,
of him.

Liberally analogizes others with the Nazi party.

Harrangues others he perceives as insulting his profesional
"accomplishments", but also goes out of HIS way to insult others who
do not similarly "insult" him.

Frequently calls others "potty mouth" while using blatant

Has attempted, unsuccessfully, to link his rear-area radio
station clerk duties with those of Soldiers who died in combat three
years before he was even in the Armed Forces. That in itself makes
him a contemptable pig in my not-so-humble opinion.

Insists on making "diagnosis" of alleged mental health issues in
others, yet refuses to present his credentials in ANY health care

And let's not forget his critiques of various volunteer
organizations, yet Lennie has absolutely ZERO experience in ANY such
organizations. Some criticisms going back to his childhood
accusations of the ineptness of the Civil Defense programs...(OF
course Lennie ALSO takes great liberties with criticism of ANY person
who dares to comment on any thing that occured before THEY reached
puberty...but it's OK for LENNIE to do! ! !)

There's lot's more for Lennie, but let's move on...

There's Brian P. Burke. Lennie's padawan learner. Insists that
he himself has operated from several exotic DX locations, but when
asked to provide some validation of his claims insists his logs are
stored...He's not really sure since on several different occassions
he's insisted the logs were in one location or another.

What IS certain is that he's never operated Amateur Radio from

Brian has also gone out on a limb by expressing "admiration" for
Lennie Anderson. Forget that Lennie has already been thoroughly
documented as untruthful, and pathologically so. One would have to
wonder about Brian's character from that one faux pas alone.

Then he goes on to insist that "unlicensed devices play a major
role in emergency comms". Of course when pressed to provide some
example of his assertion, he redirects to the use of diminutives and
profanities. Wonder where he got THAT from. Probably his one short
stint with an AFMARS Base Support Team 10 years ago...Guess they used
a pair of old LaFayette CB channel 14 walkie-talkies for "support..."

There's more, but before I forget to add him in, let's not forget
another alleged "elecrtrical engineer", Vipul Shah. Ahhhhh,
yes...Vippy. Posted for several months anonymously, himself making
absurd suggestions of improprieties without any validation. That's
when I "outted" him. Of course when I suggested that we contact some
of the local Amateur Radio clubs to get THIER version of Vipul's
allegations, Vippy then insists that they were clubs "not near my

It got even more absurd when Vippy announced he was "leaving
engineering" since his family thought he was in a dishonorable
profession...Granted that thgere are those like Leonard Anderson who
BRING some dishonor to the good name of professional engineering, but
the assertion itself was, on the face of it, pretty stupid.

Vippy them moved on to a new job that he was not allowed to
discuss, however he did volunteer that his new "employer" told him it
would probably put him in a "compromising" position with fellow

Yeah, Lennie...That's some great company YOU keep...Mark Morgan,
Brian Burke, Vipul Shah...And Let's not forget Grumwich, MegHz and
other "anonymous" posters that seem to pop up when YOU "take a

Steve, K4YZ
  #3   Report Post  
Old August 10th 04, 05:49 PM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Amateur_Radio_NewslineT_Report_1407_=AD_Jul?=
Date: 8/8/2004 11:24 AM Central Standard Time

Dave Heil wrote in message

Now Len wrote that about me. I don't RULE or even rule over ham radio
and the portion about showing interest in radio by getting a ham license
is an oft-repeated fabrication. It comes back again and again, even
after Len has been corrected. Len declared an interest in amateur radio
which stretches back several decades. Not "radio" but "amateur radio".
He has failed to act upon that interest ever. Tell your pal that it is
Foreign Service, not "foreign service".

Dave, oh humorless one, it is satire. Len is making a comedy of your

What siutation?

You inability to concentrate on message SUBJECTS and inability
to cease with personal insults.

So, he is to do as you say and not as you do?

I dare say Dave Heil is in far better "sitaution" than Lennie. He's well
known, respected, and he does what he says he's going to do.

What has DavidoftheForeignService DONE?

You know everything. Why not research it and get back to us with a full

Other than get a
retirement check from the U.S. government? [aka "the fleecing
of America" as NBC news puts it]

Is your pension part of the fleecing of America (as NBC News puts it)?

DavidoftheForeignService doesn't design or make microphones.
That's another Heil.

What do you know of him? What do you know of my relationship with him?

Nursie hasn't spent a working career in engineering. I have since
1960...nearly all of that time in design engineering.

And that is supposed to impress us how?

What has nursie DONE in radio that is even close? Shout, holler,
rant, rave, and do the Yell-Yell at anyone disagreeing with his
self-righteous, biased viewpoints? Nursie be mighty loud in THAT.

All Steve has to do is get on the air and make one contact using his
station. In that one action, he'll have done more in amateur radio than
you've ever achieved.

Dave K8MN
  #4   Report Post  
Old August 11th 04, 05:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote in message ...

All Steve has to do is get on the air and make one contact using his
station. In that one action, he'll have done more in amateur radio than
you've ever achieved.

Dave K8MN

And if that contact is an out-of-band Frenchman, Steve will be your equal!

So much to be proud of.

Hi, hi.
  #5   Report Post  
Old August 11th 04, 01:34 PM
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Len Over 21) writes:

Poor baby. Unable to understand that your behavior in here is NOT

Acceptable to whom?

That's one of the key syndromes of sociopathy. Not
acceptible in social communications.

We find your behaviour here to be unacceptable too.

So far, you managed to write direct insults to both myself and Brian.

So far, you have written direct insults to almost everyone
who posts in this newsgroup. You sometimes claim they
are "humour" but they are not funny.

You've charged Brian with pederasty and homosexuality.


Perhaps it was meant to be humourous.

insulted his wife and family. You've insulted myself and my wife,
alleged that I've had no education and that my wife got her two
Masters not from the University of Illinois but from some mythical
correspondence school.

You've done that to others - and much more.
What goes around comes around. You can
dish it out but cannot take it.

You've insulted my service record and pride
in military service (despite being given the proper title and MOS) and
made non-detailed allegations of work conduct from unspecified

You've done the same thing, to people with and without
military and government service.

In addition, you have insulted other people's education,
gender, ethnic background, geographic location,
amateur radio license class, age, religion, ARRL
membership, Morse Code skills, and various
other attributes. Even when they have not insulted
you at all.

In other words, you've not only insulted both Brian and
myself but you've gone off the deep end into LYING behavior.

It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of
flattery. You have led the way into those areas,
yet you are angered when someone flatters you
for setting the example.

We think you should examine your own behaviour.
It contains everything you find unacceptable in others.

The same goes for Mr. Burke.

This newsgroup isn't some amusement park shooting gallery where you
can plink off nasties to your heart's content.

That is a very good description of your behaviour here.
Why is such behaviour acceptable for you and Mr. Burke
but not for others?

It is filled with folks who
really want to discuss issues

You do not appear to be one of those people

and some of those folks CAN shoot back
when personally insulted!

Then why do you personally insult people who try to
discuss issues? Even when someone does not
insult you, your replies are full of insults.

Why is that?

Most of us have far more "ammunition" than
you've ever acquired.

Then why not discuss the issues? Without
the insults? People have tried to do that
with you, but after a few postings you
resort to various insults and untruths rather
than civil discussion. You attack the person
rather than the message.

We wonder at your real purpose here.

  #6   Report Post  
Old August 11th 04, 03:57 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Amateur_Radio_NewslineT_Report_1407_=AD_Jul?=
From: (Quitefine)
Date: 8/11/2004 6:34 AM Central Standard Time

In article ,

(Len Over 21) writes:

Poor baby. Unable to understand that your behavior in here is NOT

Acceptable to whom?

If Lennie didn't write it, it's not acceptable...And even then, it may not
be acceptable when the tone of the conversation changes. IE: "I am going to
get my Extra Lite out of the box". He's since insisted that wasn't REALLY what
he meant, and continues to make excuses for not being able to successfully do
what gradeschoolers have done.

So far, you managed to write direct insults to both myself and Brian.

So far, you have written direct insults to almost everyone
who posts in this newsgroup. You sometimes claim they
are "humour" but they are not funny.

They aren't insults if they are true.

You've charged Brian with pederasty and homosexuality.


Perhaps it was meant to be humourous.

Oh no...Only Lennie and Brain may write hurtful, demeaning or otherwise
untruthful or derogratory "jokes" and be expected to be written off as
"humour"...The rest of us are "sociopaths"...

insulted his wife and family. You've insulted myself and my wife,
alleged that I've had no education and that my wife got her two
Masters not from the University of Illinois but from some mythical
correspondence school.

You've done that to others - and much more.
What goes around comes around. You can
dish it out but cannot take it.



Lennie expects to be treated in a manner that he determines, but that when
the treatment HE doles out is fed back to him, then it's problematic.

As for his wife's alleged psych degrees, I can't beliee a woman with that
kind of (alleged) education could be married to someone who manifests all of
the abberant behaviour that Lennie does and allow him to go on the way he does.

You've insulted my service record and pride
in military service (despite being given the proper title and MOS) and
made non-detailed allegations of work conduct from unspecified

You've done the same thing, to people with and without
military and government service.

Of course he has.

IE: "Dill Sergeant" "Murine Corpse", etc etc etc.

And of course we have archives with Lennie's lame attempt to embellish his
own military service with the sacrifices made by Soldiers who were KIA three
years before Lennie was IN the Armed Forces.

Then there was the time Lennie said HE handled "1.2 million messages"
at his posting in Japan...

Of course we are STILL faced with the issue that his MOS, which he wails
about others allegedly misrepresenting, was as a maintenance person. Was he a
radio operator or a maintenance tech?

And please note Lennie is verrrrrrrrry defensive about HIS "title(s)", yet
he continues to fabricate some thing about "rank, title and privilege" claims
allegedly made by Amateurs.

More of the "Do As I Say..." routine.

In addition, you have insulted other people's education,
gender, ethnic background, geographic location,
amateur radio license class, age, religion, ARRL
membership, Morse Code skills, and various
other attributes. Even when they have not insulted
you at all.

All too true.

One of Lennie's unsubstantiated claims is that the ARRL is "dishonest".
He's accused the organization in general and some members inparticular. We've
pressed him like cheap grapes to validate that claim, but it too languishes on
the pile of unanswered questions.

And Lennie has repeatedly claimed that he does not treat with disrepsect
or diminutive terms those who don't so the same to him, yet almost any post he
makes that references Jim Miccolis, N2EY, calls him "Jimmie", "Rev. Jim, and
others. However I have never seen Jim refer to him as anything by "Len"...

In other words, you've not only insulted both Brian and
myself but you've gone off the deep end into LYING behavior.

It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of
flattery. You have led the way into those areas,
yet you are angered when someone flatters you
for setting the example.

But it's not lying if it's true.

Leonard's track record in this forum more than substantiates most of the
claims I have made about him. I don't need to do "anything"...Lennie just
launches into another tirade and does it for me. He's more predictable than
Halley's Comet.

We think you should examine your own behaviour.
It contains everything you find unacceptable in others.

The same goes for Mr. Burke.

Too true.

This newsgroup isn't some amusement park shooting gallery where you
can plink off nasties to your heart's content.

That is a very good description of your behaviour here.
Why is such behaviour acceptable for you and Mr. Burke
but not for others?

"Do As I Say But Don't Do As I Do".

It is filled with folks who
really want to discuss issues

You do not appear to be one of those people

Lennie is well known for chastising people for deviating from "the
subject", yet one does not have to look far or hard to see he is "all about"
perpetuating threads that have nothing to do with the "Morse Code test issue".

and some of those folks CAN shoot back
when personally insulted!

Then why do you personally insult people who try to
discuss issues? Even when someone does not
insult you, your replies are full of insults.

Why is that?

I have already fielded my theory on this...Two, really...The first is that
Lennie is more impressed with his own "contributions" to radio than his
"professional" colleagues were, and lashing out is a normal thing for him.

Although I have no proof of it, I am willing to be his "patent" was the
work of many others, and it was only through some skillful paper shuffling that
his name and his name only appears on the patent. How much you want to bet if
we find some folks who worked with him THEN they would express some remorse at
having ever been in the same room with him?

Some personal discussions with former colleagues of Lennie's in Warminster,
PA, tend to support this theory. His performance there was lackluster, so say
the least.

The other is that, having failed to get the recognition he thought he was
due from his "professional" colleagues, Lennie entered the Amateur Radio arena,
certain that his "superior intellect" would be immediately recognized and
revered as the God of Radio Knowledge he perceives himself to be...

In as much as THAT didn't happen, Lennie lashes out at us for having not
given him his due...

Most of us have far more "ammunition" than
you've ever acquired.

Then why not discuss the issues? Without
the insults? People have tried to do that
with you, but after a few postings you
resort to various insults and untruths rather
than civil discussion. You attack the person
rather than the message.

Because his issues without the hype and harrassment are pretty thin.
Transparent, actually...

Lennie's one and only "justification" for his position is that "the
military doesn't use Morse Code any more so Amateur Radio shouldn't."

It's been an uphill march trying to get Lennie to realize that this forum
is about AMATEUR Radio...Not 1950's Army radio...Not PLMRS...Not commercial
broadcasting or software engineering.

We wonder at your real purpose here.

His EXACT words were "I am only here to civilly debate the Morse Code test

As you can see, there's a LOT he says but doesn't live up to.

It's been a lifelong trend.

Steve, K4YZ

  #7   Report Post  
Old August 11th 04, 04:00 PM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

William wrote:

Dave Heil wrote in message ...

All Steve has to do is get on the air and make one contact using his
station. In that one action, he'll have done more in amateur radio than
you've ever achieved.

And if that contact is an out-of-band Frenchman, Steve will be your equal!

So much to be proud of.

Hi, hi.

Have you yet contacted the French authorities yet regarding illegal
amateur radio activity by their nationals? You might want to take up
the issue with the IARU, the ITU and the UN. Better hurry; those QSOs
are growing whiskers.

You're a pathetic little welp whose destiny seems to be as assistant to
a shriveled up geezer who has no involvement in amateur radio.

You two may resume your "Charlie Chan/Number One Son" routine.

Dave K8MN
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