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  #132   Report Post  
Old September 3rd 04, 06:06 PM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Len Over 21 wrote:

This newsgroup essentially ceased to become any sort of discussion
forum quite some while ago. Certain individuals asserted (and
inserted) themselves as "leaders" and "knew what was good for
everything" (defining that whatever They did was "good" and what
They didn't like was "bad").

One of those individuals, a Leonard H. Anderson of California has no
stake whatever in amateur radio. Somehow, this total non-participant
has appointed himself "advocate" for change within amateur radio. He
purports to know how amateur radio should best be regulated. Whatever
he says is "good" and whatever those who disagree with him say is "bad".

This newsgroup was created some years back to catch the
"discussions" on the Morse Code Test Issue, transferring it from

You have as much to do with one as the other.

Personal denigrations of those
against retaining the code test were numerous and rather ripe with
invective and insulting inuendo from those that championed the
mighty morse modes.

It is funny that your own personal denigrations of those for retention
of a morse test go unmentioned. What of your invective and insulting
inuendo directed at them?

That was long ago when the mighty morse
ruled the rank, status, privelege "qualifications" of amateurs in
that incredible multi-tiered license structure of pre-restructuring
circa 1997.

What do you know of it? You haven't an amateur radio license of any
class. That'd include license classes requiring 20 wpm, 13 wpm, 5 wpm
and even no morse exams.

No less than six classes of license for a hobby
activity...greater than the number of classes for commercial radio
operator licenses.

How are you involved and why does the number of license classes bother

Those that had Made It Through all the tests and "qualifications"
entrenched themselves behind the "safety" of their mental
barricades and mighty accomplishments (greater than anyone
could possibly be in non-amateur radio). They claimed "turf" and
bragging rights and "ownership" of What All Good Hams Must Do.

You aren't a ham. Why get all upset?

Those "masters" were aided by the self-promoting prose of the
ARRL (which had yet to get as many as a quarter of all U.S.
hams in membership).

Why worry about the ARRL. You aren't a member.

ARRL stressed morse as the epitome of
ham-ness as it had ever since Hiram had been elected president-

Your statement cannot be backed up with evidence.

The no-code-test Technician license class never really stopped
growing since 1991.

Why would it? It appears that the Amateur Extra never stopped growing

That class has become the Majority of all U.S.
amateur licensees...regardless of the rationalizations of the pro-
coders trying to play numbers games after the Restructuring.

It only makes sense. It is the easiest to obtain.

Pro-coders just couldn't believe the reality.

I believe the reality. A no-code Tech is the path of least resistance.

"No-code" went against
their religious concepts, personified by the equation ham=morseman!

My religion and amateur radio are two very distinct things.

All "real" hams knew, loved, had tested for "code" so that was a
universal, divine thing they seemed to think.

Is that why you have a problem? You aren't a ham.

An amazing aberration
of theirs, clinging to past standards and practices as if to life itself.

Tell you what, Len. I'll cling to standards. You cling to life itself.

Meanwhile, the rest of the radio world, every other radio service,
either never adopted any morse modes or just quit using morse for
communications. The Maritime radio community itself voted in the
new GMDSS to replace the old, dramatic, fabled-in-story 500 KHz
morse distress frequency.

So what?

When that was done there was no real
need for morsemanship anywhere...except in the religious beliefs
of the mighty macho morsemen, themselves angry and distressed
that their Nobel-grade accomplishments were not revered.

You needn't worry about it. You're fertile imagination has manufactured
a world of angry and distressed, code-tested hams. You've even added
"Nobel-graded" accomplishments. It just seems that way to you as one
on the outside looking in.

became outraged and vented on all "no-coders" in barrages of

While you are a "no-coder", you aren't a radio amateur.

Pro-coders relieved themselves in public in disregard of
all, blessed by Those Of Their Kind.

They did what?

The tombstone of morse code testing was put in place at WRC-03
when most of S25 was revised. Internationally. R.I.P. code testing.

Well. It would. Appear that. Your facts are as. Dubious as your.
Sentence structure.

Except, like some undead ghoul of the air, the pro-coder zombies
continue to haunt, to try to keep alive that equally-dead equation

Come now, Leonard. That isn't quite as scary as Len Anderson=radio

They vow revenge and retribution for themselves
not understanding that their anger is about their own False Beliefs.

Is that what drives your anger, Len? Your own False Beliefs?

They continue to take out that anger, relieving themselves by
denigrations of all who are "no-code."

Is that why you believe you are the object of denigration by others?

We are awash in their "relief"
to this day. No relief tube in sight.

"We"? How are you involved?

Amateur radio is essentially a hobby, a pleasureable activity involving
radio communications arts done for personal enjoyment.

....or so you've been told.

and regulations thereof are a result of the physics of all radio, to keep
order in what would (and was) an EM chaos.

The physics of radio are certainly a part of the regulations. They, by
themselves, are not the sum total of material making up amateur radio

Licensing regulations,
like all laws, were never fixed, immuteable, imposed by a divinity.
Regulations must remain open to change just like all laws must
remain open for change.

The regs have changed for as long as I've been a ham.

Pro-coders are resistant to change.

....and you are for change for the sake of change. You have no stake in
amateur radio.

They want to fight to the death
for their "principles" (false religious beliefs) of having all desiring to
be involved in a radio hobby to be licensed like the pro-coders were
licensed. No less. They were "champions" of their day and want to
keep their self-perceived crowns. They are mighty...hear them roar!

Do you want to fight to the death championing your ideas of amateur
radio regulation? Be my guest. Follow the false religious beliefs of a
non-participant. I hear you roar. I don't perceive you as mighty.

Dave K8MN
  #133   Report Post  
Old September 4th 04, 02:09 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , Dave Heil

Len Over 21 wrote:

This newsgroup essentially ceased to become any sort of discussion
forum quite some while ago. Certain individuals asserted (and
inserted) themselves as "leaders" and "knew what was good for
everything" (defining that whatever They did was "good" and what
They didn't like was "bad").

One of those individuals, a Leonard H. Anderson of California has no
stake whatever in amateur radio.

Hmmm...poor PCTA extra has gotten more than one stake...should
not go out at night in that vampire suit...

Somehow, this total non-participant
has appointed himself "advocate" for change within amateur radio.

Just joining a whole heaping mob of others wanting to get rid of
the morse code test. :-)

He purports to know how amateur radio should best be regulated.

I say amateur radio is best regulated by the FCC.

What does Herr Robust say? :-)

he says is "good" and whatever those who disagree with him say is "bad".

Tsk, tsk. I merely state some opinions.

Herr Robust doesn't want anyone's opinions that disagree with him.

This newsgroup was created some years back to catch the
"discussions" on the Morse Code Test Issue, transferring it from

You have as much to do with one as the other.

Tsk. I'm here. Herr Robust is very upset over that. Poor Robust.

Personal denigrations of those
against retaining the code test were numerous and rather ripe with
invective and insulting inuendo from those that championed the
mighty morse modes.

It is funny that your own personal denigrations of those for retention
of a morse test go unmentioned. What of your invective and insulting
inuendo directed at them? the PCTA extras, anything said against morse code
testing is "invective and insulting inuendo."

On the other hand, PCTA extras can say anything to anyone else,
including Real invective and insulting inuendo!

PCTA extra Double Standard alive in this newsgroup!

That was long ago when the mighty morse
ruled the rank, status, privelege "qualifications" of amateurs in
that incredible multi-tiered license structure of pre-restructuring
circa 1997.

What do you know of it? You haven't an amateur radio license of any
class. That'd include license classes requiring 20 wpm, 13 wpm, 5 wpm
and even no morse exams.

Tsk. Herr Robust is still all a-twitter over a manufactured "cause,"
aka "lack of amateur license."

Herr Robust ought to get working and MAKE those FCC people
all licensed in ham radio so they can regulate it!


No less than six classes of license for a hobby
activity...greater than the number of classes for commercial radio
operator licenses.

How are you involved and why does the number of license classes bother

Who you who say who dat? :-)

Ach zo! Somebody holding a weapon on you, making you read all?

Tsk. This be free country, mein herr. Newsgroup has free access.

You want to check papers at the door? Ja?

Those that had Made It Through all the tests and "qualifications"
entrenched themselves behind the "safety" of their mental
barricades and mighty accomplishments (greater than anyone
could possibly be in non-amateur radio). They claimed "turf" and
bragging rights and "ownership" of What All Good Hams Must Do.

You aren't a ham. Why get all upset?

I'm not a ham. I've got a beef. Your SS act sounds fishy.

Go vegetarian.

Those "masters" were aided by the self-promoting prose of the
ARRL (which had yet to get as many as a quarter of all U.S.
hams in membership).

Why worry about the ARRL. You aren't a member.

Worry? What, me worry? :-)

ARRL stressed morse as the epitome of
ham-ness as it had ever since Hiram had been elected president-

Your statement cannot be backed up with evidence.

Ach zo, Herr Judge Roy Bean presiding out of the east... :-)

Many pounds of "evidence" exists in the periodicals called QST.

Much "evidence" exists in the history of the league, including
the public BoD transcripts.

You are in contempt in your own court, Judge. Case dismissed.

The no-code-test Technician license class never really stopped
growing since 1991.

Why would it? It appears that the Amateur Extra never stopped growing

Tsk. Lack of understanding of simple arithmetic. :-)

License class totals show the no-code-test Technician class growing
far faster than any other. Now they are the majority class.

Herr Robust has no class. Not much in the way of social graces,
either. :-)

That class has become the Majority of all U.S.
amateur licensees...regardless of the rationalizations of the pro-
coders trying to play numbers games after the Restructuring.

It only makes sense. It is the easiest to obtain.

There ya have it, Herr Einstein!

Pro-coders just couldn't believe the reality.

I believe the reality. A no-code Tech is the path of least resistance.

You have been short-circuited!

"No-code" went against
their religious concepts, personified by the equation ham=morseman!

My religion and amateur radio are two very distinct things.

Your statement is unsupported by evidence.

All "real" hams knew, loved, had tested for "code" so that was a
universal, divine thing they seemed to think.

Is that why you have a problem? You aren't a ham.

I'm not a ham. I've got a beef. You act fishy.

Are you going to call the FDA or what?

An amazing aberration
of theirs, clinging to past standards and practices as if to life


Tell you what, Len. I'll cling to standards. You cling to life itself.

You are too much into cling-ons.

Use better toilet tissue.

You needn't worry about it. You're fertile imagination has manufactured
a world of angry and distressed, code-tested hams. You've even added
"Nobel-graded" accomplishments. It just seems that way to you as one
on the outside looking in.

Tsk. A god of radio is upset? A mere mortal causing god heil a

"No matter what job, educational level, employer, or
government/military service that anyone has, if said anyone
opposes Heil's views, he/she will be the target of Heil's insults,
ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic slurs, total lack of
emoticons and social-interaction graces, acting in an arrogant,
elitist manner...for years" :-)

became outraged and vented on all "no-coders" in barrages of

While you are a "no-coder", you aren't a radio amateur.

Not a licensed one. :-)

I've been a professional in radio for 52 years...also a hobbyist in
electronics and radio. Because of my interest in it all.

Tsk. Not good enough for Herr Robust! Haven't shown him
sufficient "interest!"

Herr Robust should try to understand why there's so little
"interest"...his mental bank account is near zero!

Pro-coders relieved themselves in public in disregard of
all, blessed by Those Of Their Kind.

They did what?

You figure out. There's only so much we can teach you...

The tombstone of morse code testing was put in place at WRC-03
when most of S25 was revised. Internationally. R.I.P. code testing.

Well. It would. Appear that. Your facts are as. Dubious as your.
Sentence structure.

Tsk. Herr Headmaster needs to study written English better.

Not everything is by-the-book in perfect Strunk & White format.

You KNOW Strunk & White, don't you? :-)

Except, like some undead ghoul of the air, the pro-coder zombies
continue to haunt, to try to keep alive that equally-dead equation

Come now, Leonard. That isn't quite as scary as Len Anderson=radio

Tsk, tsk, and a tut, tut to boot.

"No matter what job, educational level, employer, or
government/military service that anyone has, if said anyone
opposes Heil's views, he/she will be the target of Heil's insults,
ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic slurs, total lack of
emoticons and social-interaction graces, acting in an arrogant,
elitist manner...for years" :-)

They vow revenge and retribution for themselves
not understanding that their anger is about their own False Beliefs.

Is that what drives your anger, Len? Your own False Beliefs?

What "false beliefs?" :-)

Tsk. I was doing years of HF communications before Herr Robust
got either his little ham ticket or that government job with State.

Never used morse code then nor did I have to use it then, or any
time afterwards.

Tsk and tut, tut. Herr Robust demands ALL to "show interest" in
radio by getting a ham license first!

Pity that so many engineers and technicians ignored your demands
and went to work in radio anyway...sans ham ticket.


They continue to take out that anger, relieving themselves by
denigrations of all who are "no-code."

Is that why you believe you are the object of denigration by others?

"No matter what job, educational level, employer, or
government/military service that anyone has, if said anyone
opposes Heil's views, he/she will be the target of Heil's insults,
ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic slurs, total lack of
emoticons and social-interaction graces, acting in an arrogant,
elitist manner...for years" :-)

We are awash in their "relief"
to this day. No relief tube in sight.

"We"? How are you involved?

Ah! The faintest glimmer of understanding from Herr Robust's
mighty intellect! :-)

Amateur radio is essentially a hobby, a pleasureable activity involving
radio communications arts done for personal enjoyment.

...or so you've been told.

Oh, my, cancel the previous comment. No real understanding by
Herr Robust.

"No matter what job, educational level, employer, or
government/military service that anyone has, if said anyone
opposes Heil's views, he/she will be the target of Heil's insults,
ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic slurs, total lack of
emoticons and social-interaction graces, acting in an arrogant,
elitist manner...for years" :-)

and regulations thereof are a result of the physics of all radio, to

order in what would (and was) an EM chaos.

The physics of radio are certainly a part of the regulations. They, by
themselves, are not the sum total of material making up amateur radio

Tsk. Without all those laws of physics, applied, ain't no ham radio.

Licensing regulations,
like all laws, were never fixed, immuteable, imposed by a divinity.
Regulations must remain open to change just like all laws must
remain open for change.

The regs have changed for as long as I've been a ham.

Have you been age-stamped by the FDA?

Pro-coders are resistant to change.

...and you are for change for the sake of change. You have no stake in
amateur radio.

Tsk. Appears Herr Vampire has gotten more than one stake in
him while in this newsgroup!

Do you want to fight to the death championing your ideas of amateur
radio regulation? Be my guest.

Nah. I don't think your "guest" accomodations will ever make a
Michellin Guide rating. Zero stars.

Pity that you want to abridge the First Amendment so much. Makes
you very Un-American!

Is it due to all those years in the "foreign service?"

"No matter what job, educational level, employer, or
government/military service that anyone has, if said anyone
opposes Heil's views, he/she will be the target of Heil's insults,
ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic slurs, total lack of
emoticons and social-interaction graces, acting in an arrogant,
elitist manner...for years" :-)

  #134   Report Post  
Old September 4th 04, 02:09 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,


Regardless of the "minority within a minority", it will always be a
MAJORITY compared to the Leonard H. Anderson's licensed AND experienced in
the Amateur Radio Service.

Tell that to the FCC. No Commissioner or staffer is required to have
any amateur radio license to regulate U.S. amateur radio!


It's terrible when nursie's rants get ruined...

No "ruined rant" here, Lennie.

Tsk. Nursie is the ruin.

This is about you.

Really? I thought the subject was "ARRL to propose subband-by-
bandwidth regulation." [look up at the title's there]

Not the FCC commissioners...

Sorry, but the FCC has to act on the ARRL petition. FCC is

Not your "real extra" buddy in "Joy-zee"

You mean N2JTV? Gene lives in Long Island, NY.

Maybe it's Jim Hall, KD6JG, in middle California's Gold Country?

Or Allan Walston, W6MJN, in Northridge, CA?

Maybe you need an atlas to help you navigate?

Not your correspondence course shrink wife...

Don't have one of those.

Not the CAP, OES, ADA, ARRL or IEEE.

How about the CIA, the FDA, the FBI?


I'm not the ARRL.

You are not licensed. That's a fact.

WRONG. Got all sorts of licenses. That's a fact.

No license = No participation.


No participation = No experience.

Tsk, tsk.

No experience = Stupid Newsgroup errors.

Tsk, tsk, tsk! :-)

"Sned" me some corrections on "amatuer radio," then...

Stupid Newsgroup Errors = Lennie Anderson.

Tsk. No such person here.

There IS nursie having some more "hostile actions" action.

There IS nursie trying to correct the Department of Defense.


Lennie Anderson = Putz.

Tsk. Still haven't gotten the right meds, yet?

Pity that, surrounded by real MDs and not availing himself of their

And there you are.

I'm right here. Correct.

  #135   Report Post  
Old September 4th 04, 02:09 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Headmaster of Farouk University and gunnery nurse to the mentally ill) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,

Perhaps that was due to a determined effort by a certain unlicensed
individual to berate, antagonize, humiliate and otherwise manipulate the
newsgroup in a further effort to position himself a Lord, King and God or

Radio Knowledge.

Tsk, tsk. Nursie can't stand corrections. Worse yet, nursie can't
stand anyone with more radio experience than she the

Tsk, tsk. I've spent nearly all of my working career in

retired from regular hours at it, and kept radio-electronics as a hobby
for all that time. I've had the assigned responsibility of radio design
and fulfilled that completely. Suffice to say that I actually KNOW
something about the subject.

Poor nursie can't stand that. She keeps whining and carrying on,
cussing snit rants because she is given correct information on radio
regulations and radio theory. Tsk.

And despite all of your ALLEGED experience, you continue to make
glaring errors about AMATEUR RADIO, and YOU can't stand THAT!


Nursie off on another hate-bender.

Shouting at the top of his squeaky voice...

It's a simple fix, though...

You get a license then you participate.

You participate, you learn.

You learn, you don't make stupid mistakes...

All the readers here are waiting for nursie to show she has learned...

over and over and over and......

True. We readers have been waiting and waiting and waiting...

You're such a putz, Anderson...and you make it sooooooooo easy to
make a fool out of you! Thanks!

Oy gevalt! Nursie schmuck went over the edge again.

After all Jimmy Who tried to teach him, too... tsk.

  #136   Report Post  
Old September 4th 04, 08:01 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , Dave Heil

Len Over 21 wrote:

This newsgroup essentially ceased to become any sort of discussion
forum quite some while ago. Certain individuals asserted (and
inserted) themselves as "leaders" and "knew what was good for
everything" (defining that whatever They did was "good" and what
They didn't like was "bad").

Somehow, this total non-participant
has appointed himself "advocate" for change within amateur radio.

Just joining a whole heaping mob of others wanting to get rid of
the morse code test. :-)

Isn't that a coincidence! I just happened to join a throng of radio
amateurs who want to retain morse testing :-) :-)

he says is "good" and whatever those who disagree with him say is "bad".

Tsk, tsk. I merely state some opinions.

When others do that, your response is (allow me to quote): "Certain
individuals asserted (and inserted) themselves as "leaders" and "knew
what was good for everything" (defining that whatever They did was
"good" and what They didn't like was "bad").

Herr Robust doesn't want anyone's opinions that disagree with him.

I've not noted you encouraging or welcoming any opinions which differ
from yours. Yet you are not involved in amateur radio. Can you explain
how it works one way for you but not for others?

This newsgroup was created some years back to catch the
"discussions" on the Morse Code Test Issue, transferring it from

You have as much to do with one as the other.

Tsk. I'm here. Herr Robust is very upset over that. Poor Robust.

Yes, you're here, Foghorn. You don't mind if I call you Foghorn, do
you, Leonid?

Personal denigrations of those
against retaining the code test were numerous and rather ripe with
invective and insulting inuendo from those that championed the
mighty morse modes.

It is funny that your own personal denigrations of those for retention
of a morse test go unmentioned. What of your invective and insulting
inuendo directed at them? the PCTA extras, anything said against morse code
testing is "invective and insulting inuendo."

On the other hand, PCTA extras can say anything to anyone else,
including Real invective and insulting inuendo!

PCTA extra Double Standard alive in this newsgroup!

Forgive me but I was addressing your own double standard. What can you
tell us about that one?

That was long ago when the mighty morse
ruled the rank, status, privelege "qualifications" of amateurs in
that incredible multi-tiered license structure of pre-restructuring
circa 1997.

What do you know of it? You haven't an amateur radio license of any
class. That'd include license classes requiring 20 wpm, 13 wpm, 5 wpm
and even no morse exams.

Tsk. Herr Robust is still all a-twitter over a manufactured "cause,"
aka "lack of amateur license."

That isn't a cause at all, Leona. It is simply fact. You don't have,
nor have you attempted to attain an amateur radio license. None. Zip.
Zilch. Nada.

Herr Robust ought to get working and MAKE those FCC people
all licensed in ham radio so they can regulate it!

They're paid to regulate it. You aren't any more involved with working
at the FCC than you are a participant in amateur radio.

No less than six classes of license for a hobby
activity...greater than the number of classes for commercial radio
operator licenses.

How are you involved and why does the number of license classes bother

Those that had Made It Through all the tests and "qualifications"
entrenched themselves behind the "safety" of their mental
barricades and mighty accomplishments (greater than anyone
could possibly be in non-amateur radio). They claimed "turf" and
bragging rights and "ownership" of What All Good Hams Must Do.

You aren't a ham. Why get all upset?

Those "masters" were aided by the self-promoting prose of the
ARRL (which had yet to get as many as a quarter of all U.S.
hams in membership).

Why worry about the ARRL? You aren't a member.

ARRL stressed morse as the epitome of
ham-ness as it had ever since Hiram had been elected president-

Your statement cannot be backed up with evidence.

Many pounds of "evidence" exists in the periodicals called QST.

Much "evidence" exists in the history of the league, including
the public BoD transcripts.

No, it does not. Your statement cannot be backed up with fact.

The no-code-test Technician license class never really stopped
growing since 1991.

Why would it? It appears that the Amateur Extra never stopped growing

Tsk. Lack of understanding of simple arithmetic. :-)

License class totals show the no-code-test Technician class growing
far faster than any other. Now they are the majority class.

That isn't what you wrote. Your words we "The no-code-test
Technician license class never really stopped growing since 1991."

Of course the no-code tech is the largest class of licensees. It is
absurdly easy to obtain.

That class has become the Majority of all U.S.
amateur licensees...regardless of the rationalizations of the pro-
coders trying to play numbers games after the Restructuring.

It only makes sense. It is the easiest to obtain.

Pro-coders just couldn't believe the reality.

I believe the reality. A no-code Tech is the path of least resistance.

All "real" hams knew, loved, had tested for "code" so that was a
universal, divine thing they seemed to think.

Is that why you have a problem? You aren't a ham.

An amazing aberration
of theirs, clinging to past standards and practices as if to life


Tell you what, Len. I'll cling to standards. You cling to life itself.

You are too much into cling-ons.

You wrote of "clinging".

Use better toilet tissue.

I do--All the better to clean up my Leonard.

You needn't worry about it. You're fertile imagination has manufactured
a world of angry and distressed, code-tested hams. You've even added
"Nobel-graded" accomplishments. It just seems that way to you as one
on the outside looking in.

Tsk. A god of radio is upset? A mere mortal causing god heil a

The several of you inhabiting the body of Leonard H. Anderson have yet
to come to an agreement on the issue of whether I'm a god. Let me know
when you reach a consensus on the "You're a god/You're no god" issue.

became outraged and vented on all "no-coders" in barrages of

While you are a "no-coder", you aren't a radio amateur.

Not a licensed one. :-)

That's right.

I've been a professional in radio for 52 years...also a hobbyist in
electronics and radio. Because of my interest in it all.

Bully for you. You aren't a radio amateur.

Tsk. Not good enough for Herr Robust! Haven't shown him
sufficient "interest!"

You haven't shown sufficient interest for anyone. Your several decades
of interest and your years of posting here have added up to a goose egg.

Pro-coders relieved themselves in public in disregard of
all, blessed by Those Of Their Kind.

They did what?

You figure out. There's only so much we can teach you...

"We?" Do you have a Vibroplex in your pocket?

The tombstone of morse code testing was put in place at WRC-03
when most of S25 was revised. Internationally. R.I.P. code testing.

Well. It would. Appear that. Your facts are as. Dubious as your.
Sentence structure.

Tsk. Herr Headmaster needs to study written English better.

I see. You make an error in sentence construction and I need to study
written English. Well, I studied and studied on your "Internationally."
effort. It is still short of a few items.

Not everything is by-the-book in perfect Strunk & White format.

No, not everything you, the professional writer *chortle* puts together
is in by-the-book, perfect Strunk & White form.

You KNOW Strunk & White, don't you? :-)

The question seems to be: do you?

They vow revenge and retribution for themselves
not understanding that their anger is about their own False Beliefs.

Is that what drives your anger, Len? Your own False Beliefs?

What "false beliefs?" :-)

You know--the False Beliefs you hold in opposition to the views of
Tsk. I was doing years of HF communications before Herr Robust
got either his little ham ticket or that government job with State.

So? Odds are I'll be doing it after you are no longer drawing breath.
That's the way life works. I had no control of the date of my birth.

Never used morse code then nor did I have to use it then, or any
time afterwards.

....and you bray about it as if that were some sort of badge of honor.

Tsk and tut, tut. Herr Robust demands ALL to "show interest" in
radio by getting a ham license first!

Actually, that's another falsehood. I've written of interest in amateur

Pity that so many engineers and technicians ignored your demands
and went to work in radio anyway...sans ham ticket.

Sorry, Pops. This is not an engineering or technician newsgroup.

They continue to take out that anger, relieving themselves by
denigrations of all who are "no-code."

Is that why you believe you are the object of denigration by others?

"No matter what job, educational level, employer, or
government/military service that anyone has, if said anyone
opposes Heil's views, he/she will be the target of Heil's insults,
ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic slurs, total lack of
emoticons and social-interaction graces, acting in an arrogant,
elitist manner...for years" :-)

Seriously, Leonard. Could you not compose an answer or were you just
embarrassed by the question?

and regulations thereof are a result of the physics of all radio, to

order in what would (and was) an EM chaos.

The physics of radio are certainly a part of the regulations. They, by
themselves, are not the sum total of material making up amateur radio

Tsk. Without all those laws of physics, applied, ain't no ham radio.

The physics of radio are certainly a part of the regulations. They, by
themselves, are not the sum total of material making up amateur radio

Do you want to fight to the death championing your ideas of amateur
radio regulation? Be my guest.

Nah. I don't think your "guest" accomodations will ever make a
Michellin Guide rating. Zero stars.

You must have misunderstood. I'd rather have Al Gore, Hillary Clinton,
Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore as house guests.

Pity that you want to abridge the First Amendment so much. Makes
you very Un-American!

You've made your views known. That's are far as your First Amendment
rights go. They are no more important than mine.

Is it due to all those years in the "foreign service?"

N2EY: "Besides, here's a simple, plain fact:

No matter what job, educational level, employer, or
government/military service that a radio amateur has, if said radio
amateur opposes Mr. Anderson's views, he/she will be the target of Mr.
Anderson's insults, ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic
slurs, excessive emoticons and general infantile behavior."

Dave K8MN
  #137   Report Post  
Old September 6th 04, 06:13 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , (Mighty
Macho Morseman and Pilot In Command gunnery nurse) writes:

Subject: ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
(Len Over 21)
Date: 9/2/2004 1:29 PM Central Standard Time

In article ,
(William) writes:

Tsk. I have no need for titles, rank, status. I am secure in what I
can do...from practical experience doing it...successfully.

Izzat why you use the sig line, remind us periodically of your
membership and bring up your "name on the masthead" of 'Ham Radio'
magazine from time to time? How does your history as a PROFESSIONAL
appear so often?

Amateur radio is a HOBBY. It isn't a job. It isn't a union. It isn't a
guild. It isn't a craft. It is a hobby. in which you are not involved.

Tsk. Irrelevant what I "have" or "don't have."

Actually, in a newsgroup dealing with amateur radio, it would seem quite
relevant that you are not a licensed radio amateur.

If all nursie can argue is about pieces of paper (suitable for framing),
then she is very shallow indeed.

One of those pieces of paper would make you a radio amateur. You
haven't passed any exam which would provide one of those pieces of

There was NO "GROL" when I took and passed my one test for
a First Class Radiotelephone (Commercial) Operator's license in
1956. Poor nursie just can't stand that someone did something
better than she did long ago. :-)

Better? Naw, just different. Your First Class Radiotelephone ticket
does nothing for you on the ham bands. For a guy who has no need of
status, you certainly bring up your "better than" First Phone often

Nursie got in. That should say it all... :-)

You didn't get in. That says much more. :-)

League membership is around 170K.

Still? Tsk. Less than a quarter of all licensed U.S. amateurs!

Coincidentally, the membership of the Academy of Model
Aeronautics is also about 170 thousand members.

Isn't that wonderful!

Academy members mostly fly radio-controlled model aircraft.
They lobbied for and got a whole band of VHF frequencies for
such a fun hobby. AMA even has insurance for members and
clubs, sponsors all sorts of competitive meets of flyers.

Wow! Another coincidence! ARRL has insurance for members and sponsors
all sorts of competitive events.

You can hear them "roar" on the bottom ends of the more popular HF

NOT on the 6, 9, 11, and 15 MHz bands. :-)

Those are "shortwave broadcast" bands...and are the "most popular."

Good listening, kindly old SWL.

Dave K8MN
  #138   Report Post  
Old September 6th 04, 04:20 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
From: Dave Heil
Date: 9/5/2004 11:13 PM Central Standard Time

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article ,

Macho Morseman and Pilot In Command gunnery nurse) writes:

Subject: ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
(Len Over 21)
Date: 9/2/2004 1:29 PM Central Standard Time

In article ,
(William) writes:

Tsk. I have no need for titles, rank, status. I am secure in what I
can do...from practical experience doing it...successfully.

Izzat why you use the sig line, remind us periodically of your
membership and bring up your "name on the masthead" of 'Ham Radio'
magazine from time to time? How does your history as a PROFESSIONAL
appear so often?

And let us not forget Lennie's frequent appending of his former US Army
service number to the end of his posts...As if anyone care or if it mattered...

Amateur radio is a HOBBY. It isn't a job. It isn't a union. It isn't

guild. It isn't a craft. It is a hobby. in which you are not involved.

Thank God...Maybe we can keep the scum in one puddle.

Tsk. Irrelevant what I "have" or "don't have."

Actually, in a newsgroup dealing with amateur radio, it would seem quite
relevant that you are not a licensed radio amateur.

Now DAVE! Why should we assume he'd have any relevent experience or
participation? He's got a big mouth, a bad attitude, and the idea that the
Constitutions guarantees somehow mean it's OK to be an antagonistic twerp.

One day, someone will throw a brick through his windows or flatten his
tires, and "all of a sudden" he will realize that there ARE penalties for
running your mouth off.

If all nursie can argue is about pieces of paper (suitable for framing),
then she is very shallow indeed.

One of those pieces of paper would make you a radio amateur. You
haven't passed any exam which would provide one of those pieces of

The shallow one is the twit that suggested that framable certificates were
"all (I) can argue".

There was NO "GROL" when I took and passed my one test for
a First Class Radiotelephone (Commercial) Operator's license in
1956. Poor nursie just can't stand that someone did something
better than she did long ago. :-)

Better? Naw, just different. Your First Class Radiotelephone ticket
does nothing for you on the ham bands. For a guy who has no need of
status, you certainly bring up your "better than" First Phone often

It's not "better than" anything now.

One can have a complete and fulfilling career in radiocommunications
WITHOUT an FCC license anymore.

And Lennie's GROL (nee First Phone) is useless even to him unless he's
operating under the auspices of somone else's STATION license.

Nursie got in. That should say it all...

You didn't get in. That says much more.

League membership is around 170K.

Still? Tsk. Less than a quarter of all licensed U.S. amateurs!

Coincidentally, the membership of the Academy of Model
Aeronautics is also about 170 thousand members.

Isn't that wonderful!

With even MORE potential members to draw from, that places AMA's
membership at even LESS as a total percentage than ARRL's membership

Academy members mostly fly radio-controlled model aircraft.
They lobbied for and got a whole band of VHF frequencies for
such a fun hobby.



55 DISCREET CHANNELS at 72Mhz and 30 at 75Mhz.

Let's not forget the SIX channels in the 11 meter CB band.

That's 91 channels.



You can hear them "roar" on the bottom ends of the more popular HF

NOT on the 6, 9, 11, and 15 MHz bands. :-)

Those are "shortwave broadcast" bands...and are the "most popular."

They are the "most popular" where there is no cable or DISH-TV.

Good listening, kindly old SWL.

Listening, and nothing more...Except for Part 95 and Part 15 and his TV
and garage door remotes.


Steve, K4YZ

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