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  #11   Report Post  
Old August 24th 04, 01:33 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: Back At Ya, Brian.....
From: (Len Over 21)
Date: 8/23/2004 3:51 PM Central Standard Time

In article ,

Please remind us of your healthcare certifications, licensure,

or training, Lennie...?!?!?

NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR electronics qualifications?

Over 30 years in Amateur Radio. Eighteen and an half in USMC Avionics.

NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR military radio qualifications?

More than you. By a mile. You were nothing more than a radio mechanic.
That's ALL the evidence you have ever provided this forum. YOU were NEVER a
"military radio operator".

NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR civilian commercial radio

None. Not pertinent in an AMATUER RADIO forum.

NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR "hostile action" qualifications?

Not pertinent in an AMATEUR RADIO forum.

NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR electronics engineering
department expertise (after spending less than half a year as a
purchasing agent in a set-top box maker) qualifications?

I didn't work for a "set top box maker", Lennie. The "company" I worked
for was a subsidiary. I was not an employee of ANTEC. You were told this
before, but still try to use it as a diminuitive.

It doesn't work.

NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR long career in commercial
industry in any other field of work?

Not pertinent in an AMATEUR RADIO forum, Lennie.

NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR qualifications to read
federal agency documents and directives and then bluffingly
blurt "MARS IS amateur radio"?

Sorry Lennie, it is.

No Amateur Radio, No MARS. They can re-name it, repackage it, do whatever
they want to it, but in it's current embodiment, take away Amateur Radio and
there is NO MARS.

That's a fact that even YOU can't spin out of.

Not bad for a fella nearing 50.

Tsk. 51 years ago I began working REAL HF communications.
Big time.

Where was nursie then?

I can guarantee you I wasn't making up stories about my army "career" a
the expense of my character, Lennie.

NURSIE, I've NOT had to "make up anything" about my military service.

Sure you have. You have repeatedly tried to bluff your way into a more
"robust" military career by trying to link your "service" at a rear area relay
station in Japan with the deaths of Army KIA's in Korea.

That in and of itself makes you a creep of unfathomable depth.

It's all on documents at NARA in St. Louis.

Not the parts you tried to push off on us here.

I am sure you are sorry you got caught doing it, but you did.

Sucks to be you.

It's in the experiences of other hams such as Gene, N2JTV, who served
WITH me at the same time.

Too bad Gene didn't get a chance to read some of the cowardly crap you
pulled in here.

It's even in the Pacific edition of the military newspaper Stars and
Stripes, in their 10 November 2002 edition...including six photos
that I took.

Whoopie doo.

Two pictures I took wound up in Naval Air News and that has a far wider
distribution that PacS&S. So give me a Pulitzer.

Neither my release from military service (as an E-5 sergeant) nor my
Honorable Discharge papers have anything about any "medical
release" conditions prompting any early exit.

And that has WHAT to do with your rantings in an AMATEUR RADIO forum,

I served, did my job, got promoted regularly, had an interesting
experience that sold me on REAL radio communications...which
led to a major career goal change that I followed.

And that has WHAT to do with your rantings in an AMATEUR RADIO forum,

NURSIE, you keep claiming I was a "radio clerk" and "dishonor
the men of my unit." I told you my MOS in a description (that's also
on the NARA documents) as a supervisory rank in microwave radio
relay operations and maintenance and I told you I HONOR the men
of my military unit who died while on duty.

Your MOS has nothing to do with ANYthing, Lennie, this forum especially.

As for your "dishonor", it comes from your rantings in this forum wherein
you tried to embellish your own "career" by somehow trying to link it with Army
KIA's that occured three years and 300 miles away.

If you wish to say that the National Archives and Records
Administration "LIE" then that's your crazy distortion of reality.

I don't dispute your alleged MOS or that you were in Japan, Lennie...Not
by a mile.

What I "dispute" is your cowardly attempts to link that service with the
guys in Korea.

I still have a list of ALL the names of members of my Signal
Battalion who died on duty, before and after I served that unit.
I HONOR their memory. They were signalmen, serving their
country. I am PROUD to have served in that unit.

I am sure you are proud Lennie.

You just have a hard time seperating THEIR sacrifice from YOUR rantings.

Why not try Lennie's tact and come at me with "Dill Sergeant" and

Poor NURSIE. Complain, complain that others just don't like the
PCTA Double Standard in here. Tsk.

It wasn't a complaint, Lennie. You're quoting out of context again.

No, quoting myself. You are a NURSE. You ACT like a DILL
(not "drill") can see your pursed lips as you shout
emotion-filled orders, sour of mind, trying to chew out those who
don't agree with your opinions.

One can only "see" those things, Lennie, because in order for your rants
to work for you you HAVE to believe that's true.

It's not. It's a loss of continuity with reality on your part.

Sucks to be you.

Sorry, NURSIE, a hobby is NOT "for the corps, god, and country."

Not for YOU it isn't, Lennie.

Other than being obnoxious and antagonistic, you have no commitment to
ANYthing, and I think that's what twists your shorts most about Amateur
Radio...everyday people doing things that you somehow think only YOU are
qualified to do.

Oh, I don't mind a bit of personal embarassment, Brain. It's when

lose that ability to objectively look at yourself that you REALLY lose
yourself. Take Lennie for example...Poor fella lost sight of objectivity
decades ago and NOW look at him...Pandering in a newsgroup for an

that he's not a part of...and for what...???

Not "pandering."

Sure you are.

Pander: "1. a procurer, pinp; 2. one who helps others satisfy their
vices." [dictionary definition]

And that's exactly what you are doing.

Pimping yourself as the embodiment of radio gratification.

Problem is you ahven't figured out that we prefer to use radios.

Not I. I'm just trying to influence the elimination of the morse code
test for any U.S. radio license.

No, you're not.

You're doing your "best" to be antagonistic.

The FCC already set the tone for the elimination of the Code test over a
decade ago.

Ergo your actions here are meant to be nothing more than boil on Amateur

In that effort you are succeeding.

What I encounter is a rather fantastic antagonism from the PCTA
who insist that such things are "incorrect," "in error," etc. and
immediately try to misdirect the subject by making all kinds of
pejorative personal comments as alleged "replies."

The really great thing is that the "...kinds of pejorative personal
comments" are just icing on the cake. It hasn't taken much to let the air out
of most of your rantings, Lennie.

Just showing that the morse code test for a radio license is old, tired,
worn-out, and just something that a few can do to make themselves
artificial "big men" in amateur radio.

How can you show that, Lennie?

You have no experience in Amateur Radio by which to make a balanced,
objective, informed opinion on the subject.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Let NURSIE chew on the following:

NURSIE has NO EXPERIENCE in national politics to make any
balanced, objective informed opinion on national politics, yet
blithers on in here about that.

Sure I do.

I am a registered voter and have voted in every presidential and
congressional election since I turned 18. I missed some Ohio state elections
when overseas in 82 and 88. Oh well.

NURSIE has NO EXPERIENCE in national economics to make
any balanced, objective informed opinion on economics, yet
blithers on in here about that.

Sure I do.

I pay taxes and have been involved in several state and local tax

NURSIE has NO EXPERIENCE in electronics engineering to
make any balanced, objective informed opinion on national
politics, yet blithers on in here about that.

Whoa! I need to be an electronics engineer in order to discuss "national

Lennie, you're slathering all over the keyboard again! You've got your
short in such a twist you can't even keep your insults straight...! ! ! !

! ! !!

NURSIE has NO EXPERIENCE in military communications
to make any balanced, objective informed opinion on military
radio, yet blithers on in here about that.

Sorry. Wrong.

NURSIE has NO EXPERIENCE in commercial communications
to make any balanced, objective informed opinion on commercial
radio, yet blithers on in here about that.

I don't "blither on" in this forum about "commercial communications".

That's YOUR schtick. hasn't worked in the last 10 years, it doesn't work

NURSIE has NO EXPERIENCE in aerospace and spaceflight
to make any balanced, objective informed opinion on space
subjects, yet blithers on in here about that.

And YOU do...?!?!

AHAHA! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

NURSIE has NO EXPERIENCE in magazine publishing on a
national scale to make any balanced, objective informed
opinion on anything in publishiing, yet blithers on in here
about that.

YOUR "experience" in "publishiing" was in a magazine that went toes-up
with you as an "associate editor.

And by YOUR "rules of engagement", we can assume that your typo
demonstrates YOUR enraged state.

NURSIE can only hold up his beloved AMATEUR license and
make hisself into a god of radio far superior to others.


Just an example of how much fun you can have with a radio in public,

Please tell us of all the FUN things YOU have done with a radio lately!

Tsk, tsk. I've spent over a half century in a radio-electronics career,
as a working professional.

And not one minute of it practical experience in Amateur Radio.

Incorrect. I have NOT been licensed as any AMATEUR radio
operator...only as a COMMERCIAL, professional radio operator.

And you STILL do NOT have any practical experience in AMATEUR RADIO.

NURSIE wishes to dismiss any electronics hobbyist of any
electronic field other than amateur radio who does not have that
beloved AMATEUR license. Why?

Why indeed.

I've never said any such thing.

You're lying again, Lennie.

YOU do not happen to have an Amateur license. You are a monumental creep,
which means I don't like you.

There have been many "non-Amateur" posters in here for whom I have great

I HAD respect for you at one time, but then you launched into the Nazi

Continue to accuse boy scout leaders of being pederasts and
molesters of young boys.

And this isn't true?

NURSIE has directly insulted Brian Burke of that in here.

He lent himself to it. Sorry. He should pay attention to what he writes,
how he wrties it, and whom he writes it about.

Continue to label the University of Illinois as a "correspondence
school." And the same with Beloit College, University of Wisconsin
at Madison, and so forth.

I don't see any evidence that anything OTHER than a correspondence

may have been attended, Lennie.

Poor Diminutive Man, still on the INSULT trail.

Write the University of Illinois and ask them about "correspondence
courses." Use a website if you don't know how to put it civily on paper.

And I am certainly not opening any e mail from you.

Why? Are you AFRAID?


You've just demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not a
trustworthy person.

Continue with your "non-profane" comments about "having a head
up the ass of another newsgroup enemy."

I have never mad a comment about "having a head up the ass of another
newsgroup enemy."

Incorrect. You've insulted Brian Burke of doing just that.

And so far, with your "rush to his rescue" rantings in this thread in the
last 24 hours, you've proven me ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.

YOU can't decide what your "correct name" is, so why do you insist
anyone else should?

Manufacturing an "issue." Tsk.

Not of MY "manufacture", Lennie.

Yes it is. AOL allows up to 7 screen names for any subscriber.

This is not about "screen names", Lennie.

It's about having the gonads to sign your name to your opinions.

As an AOL subscriber yourself you SHOULD know that.

AOL's service is not germane here, Lennie.

My LEGAL NAME is fine, has never been changed.

When you use it.

And this was not about you. It was about Brian P Burke misrepresenting
his identity and not being man enough or having the conviction to stand behind
his opinions.

Of course you have a way of trying to make EVERY post ABOUT you.

NURSIE's legal name is NOT "K4CAP." It isn't "K4YZ" either.

Nope. It's not.

But anyone participating in this forum who has the least little knowledge
of Amateur Radio can put either callsign into "QRZ.COM" or most other callsign
servers and get my name, address and other information pertient to my licensure

Unfortunately for you, any person doing the same for "Leonard H. Anderson"
will only get the now-expired license information for a now-expired person.

My LEGAL NAME has appeared in publication bylines in
national and international printed publications.

Whoopie doo.

So has mine.

Your boy was the one whining about not being addressed by his "correct"
name, yet hides it behind an anonymous addresses and fake names.

Try to figure out what is "correct" and what is "wrong." In REALITY.


I sign my name to my posts which are attached to a screen name that
includes my Amateur Radio callsign.

Your Padawan Learner and lap-sitting puppet uses a bogus e mail address
which is alternately signed as "William" or "Billy Beeper", neither of which
are his given names. We can give him the benefit of the doubt when he just
signs it "bb", since it's as close to his real name as he will sign anything.

THAT is REALITY, Lennie.

Brian Burke never tried to hide his identity. He used a different
screen name to avoid spamming. That is a legitmate process.

Except the first three weeks when he used it wherein he tried to
misrepresent who he really was, having even blatantly denied to be a
"regular"...Until one day he let his mouth get ahead of his common sense and he
forgot which one he was using.

NURSIE never challenged the screen name of "Quitefine" yet that
pseudonym has been outed in here as another PCTA extra.

Would NURSIE rather have a jumble of numbers and letters as a
"real" screen name? Under NURSIE rules, that would be WRONG.
Yet thousands upon thousands of Internetters use those screen

There are no "NURSIE rules" about the screen name, Lennie.

It's what someone does with it and how they sign it at the bottom.

SPAMBOT's can't read "Steve, K4YZ" as any form of valid address with which
to send spam.

The ONLY reason for NOT signing one's name to a post is a lack of
conviction in it's content.

Nursie claims he can "call authorities to have anyone committed"
because of some idiot idea of professional qualifications.

I never said I can "have anyone committed".

Tsk, tsk, tsk. NURSIE THREATENED to do that.


NURSIE can't follow through...can't back up what he said...

Would you REALLY want me to have a conversation about you with persons in a
positon to involuntarilly restrain you for evaluation, Lennie...?!?!

Are you SO STUPID as to think that those resources wouldn't be able to
evaluate your behaviour herein?

I've never called you a "penis", Brain. I even doubt you have one,

that's just a guess based upon the character of your posts here...

"Putz" is a Yiddish pejorative standing for penis.

Which is NURSIE's "civil discourse" style in here.

I see...

And "Nazi", "thug", etc etc etc is somehow "OK"...?!?!


You haven't proved otherwise.

Nonsense wording, trying to manufacture another dispute.

Not "nonsense wording".

You have yet to prove me untruthful, Lennie.

It really is THAT simple.

NURSIE doesn't accept proof, will not communicate with any
references, cannot do anything that would upset his INSULTS.

Do you REALLY want your friends and neighbors to start reading this forum
and see how you act?

If you do, I am sure we could make your conduct in this forum well known
OUTside this forum.

NURSIE manufactures "statements" from "others" about
my personal character. Those are outright LIES, manufactured
out of thin air, cannot be referenced, are all FALSE.

No...They are not. The reputation you earned WAS earned by you.

I know that you think you were so universally loved and adored, but you
weren't..still aren't...again due to YOUR behaviour.

That is the sort of "civil discourse" all readers have come to expect.

As well as that wonderful sign-off (more "civil discourse"):



You still haven't disproven any of my assertions.

You ARE still a lying, antagonistic, disreputable putz.

Sucks to be you.

Steve, K4YZ

  #12   Report Post  
Old August 24th 04, 02:50 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: Back At Ya, Brian.....
(Len Over 21)
Date: 8/23/2004 3:51 PM Central Standard Time

In article ,

Your boy was the one whining about not being addressed by his "correct"
name, yet hides it behind an anonymous addresses and fake names.

Try to figure out what is "correct" and what is "wrong." In REALITY.


I sign my name to my posts which are attached to a screen name that
includes my Amateur Radio callsign.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Your AOL screen name is FALSE. :-)

Your Padawan Learner and lap-sitting puppet uses a bogus e mail address
which is alternately signed as "William" or "Billy Beeper", neither of which
are his given names. We can give him the benefit of the doubt when he just
signs it "bb", since it's as close to his real name as he will sign anything.

I have no "lap sitter" outside of any of the three cats here. :-)

In newsgroups there is NO real "signing." There's no provision for
actual SIGNING of anything. The closest one can come is a
digital coding...which you do NOT use. :-)

"K4CAP" is NOT your legal amateur callsign, is it? :-)

THAT is REALITY, Lennie.

Poor NURSIE, still trying for a comeback and never was...

Brian Burke never tried to hide his identity. He used a different
screen name to avoid spamming. That is a legitmate process.

Except the first three weeks when he used it wherein he tried to
misrepresent who he really was, having even blatantly denied to be a
"regular"...Until one day he let his mouth get ahead of his common sense and
he forgot which one he was using.

"Regulars" in here are nearly all PCTA extras...and employing the
very super special PCTA Double Standard on their single entendres.

NURSIE never challenged the screen name of "Quitefine" yet that
pseudonym has been outed in here as another PCTA extra.

Would NURSIE rather have a jumble of numbers and letters as a
"real" screen name? Under NURSIE rules, that would be WRONG.
Yet thousands upon thousands of Internetters use those screen

There are no "NURSIE rules" about the screen name, Lennie.

Yes there are! NURSIE and QUITEFINE rules.

"Quitefine" made a big huhu a while back about "signatures." A
nice misdirection which went nowhere.

It's what someone does with it and how they sign it at the bottom.

"Spambots" do NOT read the "signature" at the end of a message.

Those can read the HEADER information. In your case, the callsign


The ONLY reason for NOT signing one's name to a post is a lack of
conviction in it's content.

Bovine excrement.

Nursie claims he can "call authorities to have anyone committed"
because of some idiot idea of professional qualifications.

I never said I can "have anyone committed".

Tsk, tsk, tsk. NURSIE THREATENED to do that.


NURSIE can't follow through...can't back up what he said...

Would you REALLY want me to have a conversation about you with persons in

positon to involuntarilly restrain you for evaluation, Lennie...?!?!

You cannot do so legally, posturing little ptui.


Are you SO STUPID as to think that those resources wouldn't be able to
evaluate your behaviour herein?

Non sequitur. You were SO STUPID as to make that claim in the
first place.

You do NOT have the authority to do so.

All you do is lay on some stupid little emotional yell-yell and think
others are even more stupid that yourself.


I've never called you a "penis", Brain. I even doubt you have one,

that's just a guess based upon the character of your posts here...

"Putz" is a Yiddish pejorative standing for penis.

Which is NURSIE's "civil discourse" style in here.

I see...

And "Nazi", "thug", etc etc etc is somehow "OK"...?!?!

Google is chock full of "Putz" sign-offs by NURSIE.

Nonsense wording, trying to manufacture another dispute.

Not "nonsense wording".

You have yet to prove me untruthful, Lennie.

It really is THAT simple.

NURSIE rejects facts, doesn't check references, manufactures LIES
about what she says are "facts" and generally misbehaves in an
uncivil manner using any manner of pejoratives to suit her purpose.

...and it really IS THAT SIMPLE.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

NURSIE doesn't accept proof, will not communicate with any
references, cannot do anything that would upset his INSULTS.

Do you REALLY want your friends and neighbors to start reading this
forum and see how you act?

No problem to me. They know me. :-)

If you do, I am sure we could make your conduct in this forum well known
OUTside this forum.

Neither "you" nor those others in that "we" can't do it and have
it truthful.

Now quit shaking your "we we" and trying to threaten. It doesn't work.

NURSIE manufactures "statements" from "others" about
my personal character. Those are outright LIES, manufactured
out of thin air, cannot be referenced, are all FALSE.

No...They are not. The reputation you earned WAS earned by you.

NURSIE manufactures "statements" from "others" about
my personal character. Those are outright LIES, manufactured
out of thin air, cannot be referenced, are all FALSE.

No matter how hard NURSIE tries to misdirect, my repeated paragraph
is TRUE.

NURSIE rejects facts, doesn't check references, manufactures LIES
about what she says are "facts" and generally misbehaves in an
uncivil manner using any manner of pejoratives to suit her purpose.

I know that you think you were so universally loved and adored, but you
weren't..still aren't...again due to YOUR behaviour.

You are WRONG.

I've never looked for "love" on any computer-modem communications.

You seem to be into "transference," that strange psychological twist
wherein the sufferer projects her own thoughts, ideas, emotions onto

All I'm doing in this post is giving you some well-deserved return fire.

You are inundated by it. You can't fight it. All you can do is rationalize
your insult technique by the PCTA extra Double Standard....which only
proves (once again) that you just cannot abide one single little opposite

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

You still haven't disproven any of my assertions.

Actually, your own postings did that long ago and continued to do so
for years. For example:

"Sorry Hans, MARS IS amateur radio!"

"Seven hostile actions" without any further details of Where or When.

NURSIE still can't understand she be so WRONG on so many things!

You ARE still a lying, antagonistic, disreputable putz.

Poor baby. Still so ANGRY. Still so OBSESSED with trying to
insult others instead of addressing subjects.

Sucks to be you.

Only when I run the vacuum cleaner... :-)

Now quit using your little Yiddish pejorative for "penis" to prove YOU
are capable of "civil discourse." :-) can't STOP. You are obsessed with the idea and cannot


  #14   Report Post  
Old August 24th 04, 04:25 AM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a

(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message om...
(William) wrote in message om...
(Brian Kelly) wrote in message . com...

Kelly, if it didn't work for you just go sell it on ebay and quit spamming us.

Hey Brian (W3RV)...Seems to me that you got him pretty riled
up...Guess it really hurts when that hammer hits that nail so squarely
on the head...

It's so easy, it fits like an old shoe fits.


Steve, K4YZ

  #16   Report Post  
Old August 24th 04, 06:09 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Len Over 21 wrote:

Hey, the canned meat called Spam should be a fine subject in here!

It's mostly HAM.

As an Extra told me long ago, "Ham is the butchered meat of swine."


You don't need to sweat it. You aren't the butchered meat of swine and
you certainly aren't a ham radio op.

Dave K8MN
  #17   Report Post  
Old August 24th 04, 10:11 AM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: Back At Ya, Brian.....
(Len Over 21)
Date: 8/23/2004 3:51 PM Central Standard Time

In article ,

Your boy was the one whining about not being addressed by his "correct"
name, yet hides it behind an anonymous addresses and fake names.

Try to figure out what is "correct" and what is "wrong." In REALITY.


I sign my name to my posts which are attached to a screen name that
includes my Amateur Radio callsign.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Your AOL screen name is FALSE.

No it's not.

The screen name I use is ". Quite valid.

Your Padawan Learner and lap-sitting puppet uses a bogus e mail address
which is alternately signed as "William" or "Billy Beeper", neither of which
are his given names. We can give him the benefit of the doubt when he just
signs it "bb", since it's as close to his real name as he will sign anything.

I have no "lap sitter" outside of any of the three cats here.

Better check again.

In newsgroups there is NO real "signing." There's no provision for
actual SIGNING of anything. The closest one can come is a
digital coding...which you do NOT use. :-)

"K4CAP" is NOT your legal amateur callsign, is it?

No, it's not.

But you go right ahead and plug it in to "QRZ" and see whose name
pops up, Lennie.

It's what someone does with it and how they sign it at the bottom.

"Spambots" do NOT read the "signature" at the end of a message.

I know. Lennie.

That's EXACTLY what I said.

I specifically stated I can understand using a secondary screen
name for spam diversion.

However NOT signing a post is cowardly.

Those can read the HEADER information. In your case, the callsign


"Sunnuvagun"....My Screen name is

My Amateur call IS K4YZ.

And until May of 2005, anyone entering "K4CAP" into QRZ will be
redirected to K4YZ.

As of right now, anyone entering "Leonard H. Anderson" to the QRZ
search engine will be directed to the now exprired callsign of a now
expired person...

The ONLY reason for NOT signing one's name to a post is a lack of
conviction in it's content.

Bovine excrement.


Lack of conviction. Cowardice.

Nothing else.

Rest of LennieRant snipped. Nothing factual or useful there.

Steve, K4YZ
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