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Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:
Subject: Who peed in the pool From: Mike Coslo Date: 9/16/2004 11:38 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: Len Over 21 wrote: If you want to see where your faulty reasoning on "relationships" is, just look back over the last two weeks or so of newsgroup messages. You three are in a co-dependent relationship. Denial is okay at this stage. No denial needed here, Mike. Lennie and Brain have both asserted that I "can't help myself" from responding to their trash, but some quick math will show that they are up on me at least 4-to-one...Both of them frequently "divide" one of my responses into several for responding purposes, making several "responses" to one post. I do nicely without them. I wish they'd both go away...Not because of thier differing opinions, but rather because neither of them can work on getting thier "point" across without being mistruthful, abrasive or out-and-out deceitful. When I read your post comparing yourself to the "guy that runs in the room and takes swats at the Piñata, I figured you out, as well as had a good laugh - the visualization is priceless. But that told me a lot. I've noted that you will be just as civil as you are treated. I don't always agree with what you say, but that hasn't been a problem between us, has it. I've not had any particular trouble with Brian, but the other half of the duo obviously has trouble with me, despite my refusal to get down in the mud with him. just in his last couple posts to me, I'm accused of: being mentally deranged from head trauma smoking an apparently controlled substance Having some undefined "problem possibly called a schmuck hmmmm, civil discourse indeed! I'm firmly convinced that if they were to go away, or to start posting in a civil manner, it would be just fine with you. But I don't think the reverse is true. - Mike KB3EIA - |
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In article , Mike Coslo writes:
Len Over 21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: Len Over 21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: Len Over 21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: So WHAT, Brian? Steve is Pro code test, so you decide everyone who is pro code test is like Steve? If Steve has a problem with anonymous posters, so what? Nursie only has "problems" with those who think differently than her. Hypocrisy with hysteresis. I think you and Brian should take it up with Steve. We have. In public. That's what has you up a tree and yelling. :-) I'm certainly not going to condemn every anonymous poster no matter if they disagree with me or not. I won't condemn Blackguard or Quitefine or Leo or any of them. But...you WILL side with them, even cheer them on, if they are PCTA. And you say I have a thing about stating the obvious! Once again, *so what*? You'll side with an anonymous NCTA or interested No code test person. If an anonymousie shows up, then they are unidentified. No one can really know what their opinions on the code test are... Hi hi. To expect me to bust someone's chops because they are anonymous and express an opinion that I agree with is unrealistic and a bit odd. Fight your own fights. Tsk. Nobody's "chops were busted." :-) If you have a beef with chops, then get ham. Or fish around for another tasty subject. Or vegetate. The only "fighting" or "chop busting" going on is the self-perceived activity going on in the mind of individual readers. It ain't my fight, and you'll not be able to make it my fight. I may occasionally have something to say if one of them makes a particularly offensive post, but none of them have. You ARE making it a fight! :-) Absolutely not! :^) Brian wants me to condemn them because Steve does. Ain't my fight at all. If it isn't "your fight," then why are you spending so much time talking about other "fights?" :-) You are taking two different things here, notably the fact that some of us don't condemn anonymous posters, and furthermore, we also don't condemn anonymous posters that may agree with us, and expecting something that just isn't human nature. Now when the anonymous poster disagrees with us, its more likely that a person will say something negative about the anonymous poster, but that doesn't mean we all have to. Nobody is forcing you to support the anonymousie PCTA-ers. :-) But you do. Hi hi. LIB! I've been here for years now and it's official now. I'm a PCTA! "LIB?" :-) Coslo, you support the anonymousie PCTA types. You must. You don't "bust their chops." I'd say you secretly support them by not saying nasty about Their saying nasty. You can post as Billybeeper all day as far as I am concerned. Leo is civil, and I have no problem with that. But you DO have a problem here, don't you? Hi hi. Nope. To (again) state the obvious, you've already devoted much of your time to talking about "chop busting" and "fights." You DO have a problem. hmmm..... Steve thinks elsewise. Argue the point with him. There is NO argument with the gunnery nurse. She never does or says anything wrong. :-) Frankly my dear Lenover21, I don't give a damn about Steve and his mode of expression. Right. Another example of the PCTA extra Double Standard. Hi hi. Hmm, explain? I don't care about your mode of expression either. Sometimes I enjoy it. Tsk, tsk. You want a meeting with charts and graphs and an experienced presenter to show you examples of the infamous Double Standard?!?!? hmm, maybe. *Your answer* is what needs explaining. If I don't care about your mode, nor Steve's mode of expression, and you two are on opposite sides of the discussion, I need an explanation of why that means that I have a double standard. Tsk. Still need an "explanation?" Not a good reply, Coslo. You don't have that kind of time. There are many, many examples. They are all in Google, safely archived. :-) I don't particularly care for it, but he and you and Brian have carved out a relationship that seems to give all of you what you seek in here. I don't have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. We "have a relationship?" I have no "relationship" with any uncouth left-over marine who thinks that a purchasing agent job equals "engineering." Hi hi. Oh yes you do. Don't get so excited now! Coslo, you must have been sticked in the helmet in recent past hockey games. Nope, I took the summer off to rest a torn meniscus. Takes longer to heal as time marches on. Who filled in under your name in here "all summer?" :-) Or you may be smoking some "good stuff" that Bob Casey said I was... :-) nahh. nothing stronger than the occasional beer for me. 3.2 stuff? :-) You smoke beer? How is that done? :-) If you want to see where your faulty reasoning on "relationships" is, just look back over the last two weeks or so of newsgroup messages. You three are in a co-dependent relationship. Denial is okay at this stage. Tsk. You should get a subscription to Psychology Today and fill yourself in on what "relationships" are. :-) I don't have any "relationship" with some SOB (the B stands for Beeper) who wants to insult my wife and imply harm is coming to me and my family. Oh yes you do. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now you are condoning threatening behavior...and thereby showing the PCTA extra Double Standard! Now this ia a bizarre conclusion. I do not condone violence against anyone. But you made no comment on his implied threats. If he does or does not threaten violence against you, or you do the same with him, does not affect the co-dependent relationship you have all developed. It only shows the true nature of the co-dependance. What is that "true nature," Dr. Freud? You have a very strange comment and have driven way out of the limits of definitions of the word "relationship." Without them, you have less people to join in your posting tirades. I doubt I'm much fun to post to, certainly nowhere near as much fun as your battles with Steve. What "battle?" Do you perceive "battles?" Tsk. You perceive yourself in battles all the time, if Dave's quotations are correct! 8^) Who is "Dave?" Tsk. If you want to think someone who works Frenchmen out of band on 6m is "correct," then feel free... :-) But, you've never been in the military, don't know what "live fire" is about (from weaponry, that is). I've served my country for a lot longer than you ever did. You are being very irrelevant now. Tsk. Another "hostile action" hero claiming what? :-) Sounds very rank to me... "Steve" who? :-) You get what you want out of those battles, all three of you. Unless you take all of this seriously. Tell me you *don't* take any of this seriously. Do you think that you will change Steve's, or Jim's, or Dave's or even my own mind? I don't take these things seriously. :-) That's really good. It's really true. It's fun to poke holes in some of the cherished, beloved mythology found so abundant in olde-tyme hamme lore. Most of that lore is passed from generation to generation, preserved and cherished even though much of it is false...or appears false because alternatives aren't presented for modern-day radio. But those last two paragraphs make me wonder I'm sure it does...but then deep philosophical thought is passe' in here. :-) Unless you do take it seriously you are just here for the fun of it, to call Steve and the rest of us names, do whatever arguing you want to do, and get whatever response we give back to you. "We?" Do you have several alternate personalities also? Or are you just wanting to shake your "we-we?" Now that's not mice. It appears you've joined what you think is a "battle." Go for it. Is this the one time it "isn't" a battle? Unlike all the other battle quotes you've made? I'm not claiming "hostile action" experience in the military. :-) You seem to be confused as to who is posting what. All you will waste is your own time...which could be spent playing with your radios (when not posting from workplace). And that, my dear Lenover21, is a relationship that is carved out mostly between You, Brian, and Steve. Dysfunctional to be sure, but hey, I'm not going to judge. 8^) You have ALREADY "judged." And ruled, sentenced, etc. :-) I don't have a "relationship" with olde-tyme hamme raddio...or its lifestyling fans. I think that has been disproven. I'm just showing what a ridiculous thing the morse code test is for a civilian hobby...to a bunch of twits who still think ARS stands for Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society. So you really DO take this seriously. The FCC is on public record saying they don't think the code test serves as an indicator to them for an applicant's licensing. That's nice. I like the little side trips we take. 8^) Oh, my, isn't that a "sunnuvagun?" Perhaps a Huzzanga? No. It's a Brakobian "sunnuvagun." It's all in the Handbook. Look in the index. :-) If you still believe the morse code test is a valid requirement for a civilian hobby of amateur radio, then YOU are the "dysfunctional" one, not I. If you wish to believe that, go right ahead. No "belief" necessary. The FCC doesn't believe it...every other radio service doesn't believe it. Those who believe it are just olde-tyme hamme raddio jocks who managed to pass high-rate morse and Demand Respect as "radio ops" for having done so. They've managed to create the Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society (ARS) that keeps trying to recapture the "pioneering days" of a past that existed before they were born. [they get very angry if one doesn't respect their meeting 1934 standards and practices in the year 2004] Have fun peeing in your own pool, Coslo. I don't swim there. This group is the pool I speak of, and you are the majority poster, so I'd have to say that you are swimming in the deep end. 8^) No problem. Sooner or later some agency will install cleaning and filtrating equipment to sanitize whatever area you PCTA have polluted...by yourselves. Like all agencies, that sanitizing installation may take time. But, it will eventually happen. I'm not worried about time...but such sanitizing is long, long overdue. I've had a full career in radio-electronics and am happy for the experience. [not to mention monetarily independent] Never once in a half century have I been required to learn or use morse code for any communications purpose...nor even have to obtain an amateur license in order to show "interest in radio." Hi hi. The regulatory end of the amateur radio "pool" needs some sanitizing. If nothing else, it is clogged with outdated debris from long ago that makes it sluggish, slow-moving. All that seems to keep it moving is a lot of fraternal-hall emotional rah-rah of everyone saying how "good" they are for performing the same job tasks outlined long ago. Amateur radio is a hobby. It isn't a job, isn't a guild, isn't a union, isn't some sort of para-military "service" that is essential for national security. It is regulated by a federal agency which does not require a single agency staffer to have any amateur radio license. Hobbies are supposed to be fun. I don't see much "fun" in this particular wading pool...just a bunch of very angry PCTA calling names and demanding strict adherence to their particular brand of "fun." Tsk. |
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In article , Mike Coslo writes:
I'm firmly convinced that if they were to go away, or to start posting in a civil manner, it would be just fine with you. But I don't think the reverse is true. Tsk, tsk. Hypocrisy is the watchword of the PCTA extra Double Standard. Here's some quotes of the "civilized discourse" of another PCTA: ================================================== = Ya flaming nitwit, you had no clue what an inverted L is until myself and others patiently and labororiously explained it to you over many early posts in this thread before you finally got the drift. That ain't gonna happen agn on my part. At which point you finally decided an L wouldn't be a solution for you. If you had half a brain you would have posted a request for advice on antennas at the outset and provided the specific installation limitations you have which you eventually revealed late in this idiotic game. Ed asked you what your installation conditions were but you ignored his offer and went back to mindlessly hammering yer keyboard here instead. But of course as we all know you don't have half a brain so predictably your history has repeated itself. Somebody gotta be the dunce around here so I guess you'll hafta do until Kim "un-retires" from RRAP agn. You can wriggle and you can squirm Burke but you can't help hanging yourself by your own petard, you were born to shoot both of your feet as often as you can in public. That's just the way you are. ================================================== = From someone named "W3RV" in this latest group of "pool" mail. I don't find going back through Google to endlessly rehash old, old newsgroup "battles" where the long-ago wounded are still suffering suppurating ego damage. Since this was in the current newsgroup mail, the hypocrisy of "civil discourse" was funny... :-) In here, the discourse of the PCTA should really be spelled "Diss-curse." Hi hi. |
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Subject: Who peed in the pool
From: Mike Coslo Date: 9/16/2004 12:23 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote: Subject: Who peed in the pool From: Mike Coslo Date: 9/16/2004 11:38 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: Len Over 21 wrote: If you want to see where your faulty reasoning on "relationships" is, just look back over the last two weeks or so of newsgroup messages. You three are in a co-dependent relationship. Denial is okay at this stage. No denial needed here, Mike. Lennie and Brain have both asserted that I "can't help myself" from responding to their trash, but some quick math will show that they are up on me at least 4-to-one...Both of them frequently "divide" one of my responses into several for responding purposes, making several "responses" to one post. I do nicely without them. I wish they'd both go away...Not because of thier differing opinions, but rather because neither of them can work on getting thier "point" across without being mistruthful, abrasive or out-and-out deceitful. When I read your post comparing yourself to the "guy that runs in the room and takes swats at the Piñata, I figured you out, as well as had a good laugh - the visualization is priceless. But that told me a lot. I've noted that you will be just as civil as you are treated. Always. One of my most productive "people skills" at work is putting a foot forward to make people comfortable and allay thier fears. Not only the patients, but thier families, too. You'd be surprised how the offer of a simple cup of coffee or a soda can put people at ease. I don't always agree with what you say, but that hasn't been a problem between us, has it. Nope. And I seriously doubt it ever will, Mike, if for no other reason that you, like most of the folks here, can agree to disagree without having to delve into the antics of Lennie the Liar and his oblivious sidekick, PuppetBoy. I've not had any particular trouble with Brian, but the other half of the duo obviously has trouble with me, despite my refusal to get down in the mud with him. just in his last couple posts to me, I'm accused of: being mentally deranged from head trauma smoking an apparently controlled substance Having some undefined "problem possibly called a schmuck hmmmm, civil discourse indeed! Of course. And we've all been treated to the "one of the guys" routine byt Lennie until he's decided that you will not be his serf. He called me "Steve" and "Gunny" until it was clear that I thought that Amateur Radio had much more it could benefit from Morse Code use and testing. I still believe that Morse Code testing would benefit Amateur Radio, however the die has been cast and it's time to move on. I think Lennie hates that of me more than he hates the fact that I can go toe-to-toe with his assinine antics. I'm firmly convinced that if they were to go away, or to start posting in a civil manner, it would be just fine with you. Yes, it would. And in those times where either of them have been civil to me and weren't making outrageous, obviously flawed statements either about Amateur Radio in general or me in particilar, I have treated them accordingly. The problem is Lennie WANTS to fight, and Brain just doesn't know any better. But I don't think the reverse is true. About four months ago (give or take) Brian (since he was being civil at the time) and I had several exchanges wherein we discussed his autistic child and other such matters. It lasted about as long as it took for Lennie to rear his head again after a brief sabbatical, and then it was right back to "YellYell", "Murine", etc etc etc... Once in a while Lennie throws us for a loop too. Once I posted an "Off Topic" request looking for a particular aircraft model. "Len" offered a couple of suggestions where it might be found. I relplied to "Len" with a heartfelt thanks for his suggestions. His very NEXT post, however, was a scalding chastising for being "off topic", etc. "Off topic" now that he'd had a chance to have HIS say, of course, and now it was time to put the gloves back on. The same thing happened when I was looking for a radio handset. "Len" offered a suggestion as to where to look, but then "Lennie" went off on a tirade about militias, the CAP, and being a "sojer in da woods". Lennie can't stand being nice for very long. It's not in his character. It's probably why his average job was about 24 months (according to one of the many "CV's" he's listed here). It's unlikely to change, Mike. Myself and others have tripped Lennie up with his own errors and rhetoric so often that now I am sure it's a matter of "pride" for him to continue to be "the victim". As long as he can portray himself as "odd man out" rather than just the "odd man", he thinks he's got a leg up. The leg up is just so he can get a clear shot at whizzing on the bushes. Don't be fooled. 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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Len Over 21 wrote:
In article , Mike Coslo writes: Len Over 21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: Len Over 21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: Len Over 21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: So WHAT, Brian? Steve is Pro code test, so you decide everyone who is pro code test is like Steve? If Steve has a problem with anonymous posters, so what? Nursie only has "problems" with those who think differently than her. Hypocrisy with hysteresis. I think you and Brian should take it up with Steve. We have. In public. That's what has you up a tree and yelling. :-) I'm certainly not going to condemn every anonymous poster no matter if they disagree with me or not. I won't condemn Blackguard or Quitefine or Leo or any of them. But...you WILL side with them, even cheer them on, if they are PCTA. And you say I have a thing about stating the obvious! Once again, *so what*? You'll side with an anonymous NCTA or interested No code test person. If an anonymousie shows up, then they are unidentified. No one can really know what their opinions on the code test are... Hi hi. To expect me to bust someone's chops because they are anonymous and express an opinion that I agree with is unrealistic and a bit odd. Fight your own fights. Tsk. Nobody's "chops were busted." :-) If you have a beef with chops, then get ham. Or fish around for another tasty subject. Or vegetate. The only "fighting" or "chop busting" going on is the self-perceived activity going on in the mind of individual readers. It ain't my fight, and you'll not be able to make it my fight. I may occasionally have something to say if one of them makes a particularly offensive post, but none of them have. You ARE making it a fight! :-) Absolutely not! :^) Brian wants me to condemn them because Steve does. Ain't my fight at all. If it isn't "your fight," then why are you spending so much time talking about other "fights?" :-) You are taking two different things here, notably the fact that some of us don't condemn anonymous posters, and furthermore, we also don't condemn anonymous posters that may agree with us, and expecting something that just isn't human nature. Now when the anonymous poster disagrees with us, its more likely that a person will say something negative about the anonymous poster, but that doesn't mean we all have to. Nobody is forcing you to support the anonymousie PCTA-ers. :-) But you do. Hi hi. LIB! I've been here for years now and it's official now. I'm a PCTA! "LIB?" :-) Coslo, you support the anonymousie PCTA types. You must. You don't "bust their chops." I'd say you secretly support them by not saying nasty about Their saying nasty. You can post as Billybeeper all day as far as I am concerned. Leo is civil, and I have no problem with that. But you DO have a problem here, don't you? Hi hi. Nope. To (again) state the obvious, you've already devoted much of your time to talking about "chop busting" and "fights." You DO have a problem. hmmm..... Steve thinks elsewise. Argue the point with him. There is NO argument with the gunnery nurse. She never does or says anything wrong. :-) Frankly my dear Lenover21, I don't give a damn about Steve and his mode of expression. Right. Another example of the PCTA extra Double Standard. Hi hi. Hmm, explain? I don't care about your mode of expression either. Sometimes I enjoy it. Tsk, tsk. You want a meeting with charts and graphs and an experienced presenter to show you examples of the infamous Double Standard?!?!? hmm, maybe. *Your answer* is what needs explaining. If I don't care about your mode, nor Steve's mode of expression, and you two are on opposite sides of the discussion, I need an explanation of why that means that I have a double standard. Tsk. Still need an "explanation?" Not a good reply, Coslo. Nor a good explanation. You don't have that kind of time. There are many, many examples. They are all in Google, safely archived. :-) I don't particularly care for it, but he and you and Brian have carved out a relationship that seems to give all of you what you seek in here. I don't have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. We "have a relationship?" I have no "relationship" with any uncouth left-over marine who thinks that a purchasing agent job equals "engineering." Hi hi. Oh yes you do. Don't get so excited now! Coslo, you must have been sticked in the helmet in recent past hockey games. Nope, I took the summer off to rest a torn meniscus. Takes longer to heal as time marches on. Who filled in under your name in here "all summer?" :-) What are yuo talking about? Or you may be smoking some "good stuff" that Bob Casey said I was... :-) nahh. nothing stronger than the occasional beer for me. 3.2 stuff? :-) You smoke beer? How is that done? :-) So. you deliberately misunderstand me to serve as the content of your replies? noted! 8^) If you want to see where your faulty reasoning on "relationships" is, just look back over the last two weeks or so of newsgroup messages. You three are in a co-dependent relationship. Denial is okay at this stage. Tsk. You should get a subscription to Psychology Today and fill yourself in on what "relationships" are. :-) It is okay. This happens all over Netnews. Don't let it bother you too much. I don't have any "relationship" with some SOB (the B stands for Beeper) who wants to insult my wife and imply harm is coming to me and my family. Oh yes you do. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now you are condoning threatening behavior...and thereby showing the PCTA extra Double Standard! Now this ia a bizarre conclusion. I do not condone violence against anyone. But you made no comment on his implied threats. Nor I to you on your's to Dan Jeswald. That's between you and Steve, and you and Dan. Making threats is bad and makes for bad karma. Why do you want to dictate the content of my postings? Want to be the moderator? If he does or does not threaten violence against you, or you do the same with him, does not affect the co-dependent relationship you have all developed. It only shows the true nature of the co-dependance. What is that "true nature," Dr. Freud? We're well beyond Freud. You have a very strange comment and have driven way out of the limits of definitions of the word "relationship." Without them, you have less people to join in your posting tirades. I doubt I'm much fun to post to, certainly nowhere near as much fun as your battles with Steve. What "battle?" Do you perceive "battles?" Tsk. You perceive yourself in battles all the time, if Dave's quotations are correct! 8^) Who is "Dave?" Oh good, philosophy! Who are any of us? Tsk. If you want to think someone who works Frenchmen out of band on 6m is "correct," then feel free... :-) Thanks for the chuckle. I *really* didn't expect that! 8^) But, you've never been in the military, don't know what "live fire" is about (from weaponry, that is). I've served my country for a lot longer than you ever did. You are being very irrelevant now. Tsk. Another "hostile action" hero claiming what? :-) No hostile actions. Sounds very rank to me... and no rank. "Steve" who? :-) You get what you want out of those battles, all three of you. Unless you take all of this seriously. Tell me you *don't* take any of this seriously. Do you think that you will change Steve's, or Jim's, or Dave's or even my own mind? I don't take these things seriously. :-) That's really good. It's really true. Hmmm, I hear your words. It's fun to poke holes in some of the cherished, beloved mythology found so abundant in olde-tyme hamme lore. Most of that lore is passed from generation to generation, preserved and cherished even though much of it is false...or appears false because alternatives aren't presented for modern-day radio. But those last two paragraphs make me wonder I'm sure it does...but then deep philosophical thought is passe' in here. :-) Unless you do take it seriously you are just here for the fun of it, to call Steve and the rest of us names, do whatever arguing you want to do, and get whatever response we give back to you. "We?" Do you have several alternate personalities also? Or are you just wanting to shake your "we-we?" Now that's not mice. It appears you've joined what you think is a "battle." Go for it. Is this the one time it "isn't" a battle? Unlike all the other battle quotes you've made? I'm not claiming "hostile action" experience in the military. :-) Now this is really odd. You accuse Steve of that. Are you getting the two of us mixed up? You seem to be confused as to who is posting what. No confusion here! All you will waste is your own time...which could be spent playing with your radios (when not posting from workplace). And that, my dear Lenover21, is a relationship that is carved out mostly between You, Brian, and Steve. Dysfunctional to be sure, but hey, I'm not going to judge. 8^) You have ALREADY "judged." And ruled, sentenced, etc. :-) I don't have a "relationship" with olde-tyme hamme raddio...or its lifestyling fans. I think that has been disproven. I'm just showing what a ridiculous thing the morse code test is for a civilian hobby...to a bunch of twits who still think ARS stands for Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society. So you really DO take this seriously. The FCC is on public record saying they don't think the code test serves as an indicator to them for an applicant's licensing. That's nice. I like the little side trips we take. 8^) Oh, my, isn't that a "sunnuvagun?" Perhaps a Huzzanga? No. It's a Brakobian "sunnuvagun." Perhaps we should ask Hans himself? It's all in the Handbook. Look in the index. :-) If you still believe the morse code test is a valid requirement for a civilian hobby of amateur radio, then YOU are the "dysfunctional" one, not I. If you wish to believe that, go right ahead. No "belief" necessary. The FCC doesn't believe it...every other radio service doesn't believe it. Those who believe it are just olde-tyme hamme raddio jocks who managed to pass high-rate morse and Demand Respect as "radio ops" for having done so. I see. They've managed to create the Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society (ARS) that keeps trying to recapture the "pioneering days" of a past that existed before they were born. [they get very angry if one doesn't respect their meeting 1934 standards and practices in the year 2004] any more? Have fun peeing in your own pool, Coslo. I don't swim there. This group is the pool I speak of, and you are the majority poster, so I'd have to say that you are swimming in the deep end. 8^) No problem. Sooner or later some agency will install cleaning and filtrating equipment to sanitize whatever area you PCTA have polluted...by yourselves. Like all agencies, that sanitizing installation may take time. But, it will eventually happen. I'm not worried about time...but such sanitizing is long, long overdue. I've had a full career in radio-electronics and am happy for the experience. [not to mention monetarily independent] Never once in a half century have I been required to learn or use morse code for any communications purpose...nor even have to obtain an amateur license in order to show "interest in radio." Hi hi. Oh good, we're going on another side trip. It is good to hear a success story. Hopefully you give thanks for every day that you don't have to use Morse code... 8^) The regulatory end of the amateur radio "pool" needs some sanitizing. If nothing else, it is clogged with outdated debris from long ago that makes it sluggish, slow-moving. All that seems to keep it moving is a lot of fraternal-hall emotional rah-rah of everyone saying how "good" they are for performing the same job tasks outlined long ago. ahh, now *there* is a visualization! 8^) Amateur radio is a hobby. It isn't a job, isn't a guild, isn't a union, isn't some sort of para-military "service" that is essential for national security. It is regulated by a federal agency which does not require a single agency staffer to have any amateur radio license. Hobbies are supposed to be fun. I don't see much "fun" in this particular wading pool...just a bunch of very angry PCTA calling names and demanding strict adherence to their particular brand of "fun." Tsk. The anger is there, and it is real. Perhaps there is some confusion as to just *who* is feeling the anger. - Mike KB3EIA - |
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Len Over 21 wrote:
In article , Mike Coslo writes: I'm firmly convinced that if they were to go away, or to start posting in a civil manner, it would be just fine with you. But I don't think the reverse is true. Tsk, tsk. Hypocrisy is the watchword of the PCTA extra Double Standard. Here's some quotes of the "civilized discourse" of another PCTA: ================================================== = Ya flaming nitwit, you had no clue what an inverted L is until myself and others patiently and labororiously explained it to you over many early posts in this thread before you finally got the drift. That ain't gonna happen agn on my part. At which point you finally decided an L wouldn't be a solution for you. If you had half a brain you would have posted a request for advice on antennas at the outset and provided the specific installation limitations you have which you eventually revealed late in this idiotic game. Ed asked you what your installation conditions were but you ignored his offer and went back to mindlessly hammering yer keyboard here instead. But of course as we all know you don't have half a brain so predictably your history has repeated itself. Somebody gotta be the dunce around here so I guess you'll hafta do until Kim "un-retires" from RRAP agn. You can wriggle and you can squirm Burke but you can't help hanging yourself by your own petard, you were born to shoot both of your feet as often as you can in public. That's just the way you are. ================================================== = From someone named "W3RV" in this latest group of "pool" mail. I don't find going back through Google to endlessly rehash old, old newsgroup "battles" where the long-ago wounded are still suffering suppurating ego damage. Since this was in the current newsgroup mail, the hypocrisy of "civil discourse" was funny... :-) In here, the discourse of the PCTA should really be spelled "Diss-curse." Hi hi. And that had what to do with my statement to Steve? W3RV is Brian Kelly. How can we have meaningful discussions when you keep bringing in new material of unknown relevance? - Mike KB3EIA - |
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Len Over 21 wrote:
I'm not claiming "hostile action" experience in the military. :-) "Jeff, you've never been under Incoming, have you? While trying to get return artillery support on a radio while your ears, your whole body is numbed by HE infall on your position? Most folks in that position don't wet their pants...every sphincter tightens up, ears go deaf, eyes close tight, and every breath may be the last." --Len Anderson, 2000 :-) Well, you aren't *exactly* claiming it. You described the terror of being under incoming artillery without explaining that you'd never actually been under any. Perhaps you should have ended that now famous paragraph with "...or so I've been told". Come to think of it, that spiffy illustration sort of parallels your amateur radio experience, doesn't it? How many minutes flying time were you from death by Soviet Bears were you? Dave K8MN and Google |
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In article , Dave Heil
writes: Len Over 21 wrote: I'm not claiming "hostile action" experience in the military. :-) "Jeff, you've never been under Incoming, have you? While trying to get return artillery support on a radio while your ears, your whole body is numbed by HE infall on your position? Most folks in that position don't wet their pants...every sphincter tightens up, ears go deaf, eyes close tight, and every breath may be the last." --Len Anderson, 2000 :-) Oh yes, the classic "sphincter post". You shoulda posted the whole thing, Dave - it was classic how Len tore into Jeff/KH6O's recollection of experiences in big-time radio. (If running 500 kHz at NPM, handling all sorts of traffic, weather and SOS operations wasn't big-time radio, nothing was). Well, you aren't *exactly* claiming it. You described the terror of being under incoming artillery without explaining that you'd never actually been under any. Perhaps you should have ended that now famous paragraph with "...or so I've been told". Come to think of it, that spiffy illustration sort of parallels your amateur radio experience, doesn't it? How many minutes flying time were you from death by Soviet Bears were you? You mean the plane which did not even enter service until Len was long gone from Japan? 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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