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  #1   Report Post  
Old September 7th 04, 08:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Default K1MAN

Will the alleged radio criminal, K1MAN, lose his license? I
read the ARRL Enforcement Log recently, which contained a
letter to the fat one from RH, which basically stated that
fatty would lose his ticket unless he stopped qrming, and
trying to pedal his useless **** over his stupid
qrm-cast.... well he's still here!

Anyone got the scoop on when the fat boy will go away
  #2   Report Post  
Old September 7th 04, 02:16 PM
Robert Circumfrence
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 23:49:53 -0700, WA1HOD wrote:

Will the alleged radio criminal, K1MAN, lose his license? I
read the ARRL Enforcement Log recently, which contained a
letter to the fat one from RH, which basically stated that
fatty would lose his ticket unless he stopped qrming, and
trying to pedal his useless **** over his stupid
qrm-cast.... well he's still here!

Anyone got the scoop on when the fat boy will go away

Hopefully soon, the dope is takeing out the Saturday and Tuesday UFO nets.

  #3   Report Post  
Old September 7th 04, 06:38 PM
Posts: n/a

"Robert Circumfrence" wrote in message
On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 23:49:53 -0700, WA1HOD wrote:

Will the alleged radio criminal, K1MAN, lose his license? I
read the ARRL Enforcement Log recently, which contained a
letter to the fat one from RH, which basically stated that
fatty would lose his ticket unless he stopped qrming, and
trying to pedal his useless **** over his stupid
qrm-cast.... well he's still here!

Anyone got the scoop on when the fat boy will go away

Hopefully soon, the dope is takeing out the Saturday and Tuesday UFO nets.

i like Harpoon's UFO beer, can i join your net?

  #4   Report Post  
Old September 7th 04, 07:07 PM
King Zulu
Posts: n/a

"Robert Circumfrence" wrote in message
On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 23:49:53 -0700, WA1HOD wrote:

Will the alleged radio criminal, K1MAN, lose his license? I
read the ARRL Enforcement Log recently, which contained a
letter to the fat one from RH, which basically stated that
fatty would lose his ticket unless he stopped qrming, and
trying to pedal his useless **** over his stupid
qrm-cast.... well he's still here!

Anyone got the scoop on when the fat boy will go away

Hopefully soon, the dope is takeing out the Saturday and Tuesday UFO nets.

Bob - do you really think the FCC will do something THIS TIME? !



Field Operations Bureau
Washington D.C. 20554

Honorable Howard Metzenbaum
10411 Federal Building
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Dear Senator Metzenbaum:

Thank you for your letter of November 30, 1992 on behalf of [ak] of West
Chester, Ohio.

Mr. Glen Baxter, licensee of amateur radio station K1MAN, was cited on at
least two occasions for observed rule violations including illegal
broadcasting and deliberate interference. Substantial forfeiture amounts
were levied.

The amateur rules prohibit stations from engaging in any form of
"broadcasting" which is defined as the transmission of signals intended for
reception by the general public, either direct or relayed. On the other
hand, "information bulletins" are not considered a form of broadcasting and
are authorized under the rules. An information bulletin is defined as "[a]
message directed only to amateur operators consisting solely of subject
matter of direct interest to the amateur service."

The FCC monitoring network is continuing to observe the transmissions of
K1MAN. If observed transmissions are "broadcasting" versus "information
bulletins" then appropriate enforcement action will be undertaken. If Mr.
[K] believes a particular segment constitutes broadcasting, he should
immediately communicate with a staff member of the Commission's Belfast,
Maine monitoring station at 207-338-4088.

We are committed to continued enforcement of the amateur radio rules. The
transmissions of K1MAN will continue to be observed from time-to-time. As
priorities permit, the channels are monitored and notices issued where

Richard M. Smith
Chief, Field Operations Bureau


Federal Communications Commission
Field Operations Bureau
1 Batterymarch Park
Quincy, Massachusetts 02169-7495
December 23, 1992

West Chester, Ohio

Dear Mr. [K]: Refer to File: 93-BS 0027

This is to acknowledge your various correspondence to this office concerning
Glenn Baxter of Belgrade Lakes, Maine, licensee of Amateur Radio Station
K1MAN, activities in the Amateur Radio bands.

The Commission is well aware of Mr. Baxter's activities, and has taken
action against him. Hopefully, when this action is completed, Mr Baxter will
cease these activities.

Your concern about Mr Baxter's activities is appreciated.

Yours truly,
Vincent F. Kajunski
Engineer in Charge

  #5   Report Post  
Old September 7th 04, 07:48 PM
King Zulu
Posts: n/a

Of course, I was not the first to ever complain to the FCC about K1MAN's
operation. Glenn actually declared a national emergency for Bermuda when
their own government had determined there was no national emergency (the
hurricane missed). That sort of thing really doesn't make for good
international relations.



DEC 8,1987

Mr. [F L]
Brookfleld, Connecticut 06804

Dear Mr. [L]:
This is in response to your letter of November 15 1987, complaining about
interference to your communications from amateur radio station K1MAN
licensed to Glenn Baxter. The following Information would be helpful to us
In evaluating your complaint:
(1), Did amateur station K1MAN transmit directly over ongoing
communications? If so, did the content of amateur station KIMAN's
communications (or any other Information) Indicate that the control
operator knew that he/she was causing amateur station K1MAN to transmit
over ongoing communications?
(2) Can you specify particular Instances when Interference occurred? If so,
can you furnish tape recordings of those Instances?

You may send the information to us at the following address: Personal Radio
Branch, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554,Attention:
File 7240-F.

John B. Johnston
Chief, Personal Radio Branch


P.O. Box KM 1060,

April 25th. 1988

K1MAN, Glenn Baxter
Long Point Lodge
Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918

Dear OM,

Yesterday morning at 12.30 UTC the Bermuda Net operated on 14275mHz, as it
does every Sunday morning and has done so for the past ten years. At the
time of the San Salvador disaster, we made way for you to operate emergency
traffic and very happily co-operated as we always do for any station with
such traffic. This evening at 21.58 UTC I was talking to G4WIS and at 22.00
UTC you again did a broadcast without ensuring that 14.275 mHz was clear.

You consistently come on this frequency at 13.00 UTC without checking
whether the frequency is in use. Fortunately, you do not cause a problem
insofar that we have QS0's with hams who have linears. They get through and
have the great luck in not being able to hear your station. On a number of
occasions we have telephoned you at home, but we do not get any reply, so
can only assume that you are operating an unattended station.

If you want to broadcast, may I suggest that you contact the FCC for a
license to operate on the Commercial bands, but please do not operate a
broadcast type transmission on the ham bands which are for two way

It is acknowledged procedure in Bermuda and most countries whose operators
are ladies and, gentlemen, to enquire whether the frequency is In use,
however if you do not fall into either category, then I understand the
situation perfectly and there is no answer to such crass ignorance.

I hope that I can appeal to your better half to co-operate with the hams of
the world, I do not say fellow hams because I do not think that you can be
classified as such, and I request that you move into the Commercial areas as
that happens to be your forte.

Best 73,
Antony [S] (IARU Region 2 Liaison Officer RSB)

  #6   Report Post  
Old September 7th 04, 10:18 PM
Posts: n/a

On 6 Sep 2004 23:49:53 -0700, wrote:

Will the alleged radio criminal, K1MAN, lose his license? I
read the ARRL Enforcement Log recently, which contained a
letter to the fat one from RH, which basically stated that
fatty would lose his ticket unless he stopped qrming, and
trying to pedal his useless **** over his stupid
qrm-cast.... well he's still here!

Anyone got the scoop on when the fat boy will go away

Well, personally, I think Hams should bombard Riely with
complaints, through the normal channels as well as a poliete
confrontations at hanfests he hits. I know he routinely hits the
Dayton Hamvention and I think that his travels take him to other
regional hamfests.
If enough people provide sufficient evidence of continued
interference (like several tapings made on the samr day and his
favorite frequency), then Riley will be spurred into action. Jusat
remember to mention the EB case number and the most recent warning
letters available on ARRL's enforcement logs pages.
As long as you're polite in explaining your frustration in
talking over the band when K1MAN is on and that the gentleman insists
on making illegal non-emergency related broadcasts and of an illegal
commercial nature (as long as he's conducting business that falls
under the Part 97 rules)
You can also make copies of the recordings and file a
complaint with the local branch office of the Department of Justice
or, if you are close enough, personally deliver tapes of the illegal
broadcasts to the nearest Federal Building/Courthouse and swear out a
complaint. When he has to start defending himself from multiple
complaints from around the United States, he'll realize that he's
going to spend more money defending himself than he would rake in.
Just as long as you're poliete with the Feds, you'll get some
action and that would also include the "in rem" siezure of his entire
shack as well as the antenna(s) he's using.
But, that's just a personal opinion, not meant to start any
flamewars (Flames will be totally ignored as a matter of business)

  #7   Report Post  
Old September 8th 04, 03:33 AM
Mr Ham Radio
Posts: n/a

"Splinter" wrote in message
On 6 Sep 2004 23:49:53 -0700, wrote:

Will the alleged radio criminal, K1MAN, lose his license? I
read the ARRL Enforcement Log recently, which contained a
letter to the fat one from RH, which basically stated that
fatty would lose his ticket unless he stopped qrming, and
trying to pedal his useless **** over his stupid
qrm-cast.... well he's still here!

Anyone got the scoop on when the fat boy will go away

Well, personally, I think Hams should bombard Riely with
complaints, through the normal channels as well as a poliete
confrontations at hanfests he hits. I know he routinely hits the
Dayton Hamvention and I think that his travels take him to other
regional hamfests.
If enough people provide sufficient evidence of continued
interference (like several tapings made on the samr day and his
favorite frequency), then Riley will be spurred into action. Jusat
remember to mention the EB case number and the most recent warning
letters available on ARRL's enforcement logs pages.
As long as you're polite in explaining your frustration in
talking over the band when K1MAN is on and that the gentleman insists
on making illegal non-emergency related broadcasts and of an illegal
commercial nature (as long as he's conducting business that falls
under the Part 97 rules)
You can also make copies of the recordings and file a
complaint with the local branch office of the Department of Justice
or, if you are close enough, personally deliver tapes of the illegal
broadcasts to the nearest Federal Building/Courthouse and swear out a
complaint. When he has to start defending himself from multiple
complaints from around the United States, he'll realize that he's
going to spend more money defending himself than he would rake in.
Just as long as you're poliete with the Feds, you'll get some
action and that would also include the "in rem" siezure of his entire
shack as well as the antenna(s) he's using.
But, that's just a personal opinion, not meant to start any
flamewars (Flames will be totally ignored as a matter of business)


K1MAN's program is GOOD, and should be left alone. If he has to go, so does
W1AW. Enough said, I have spoken. This is the way it WILL be.

This E-Mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.754 / Virus Database: 504 - Release Date: 9/6/2004

  #8   Report Post  
Old September 9th 04, 01:30 AM
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 21:33:16 -0400, "Mr Ham Radio"

K1MAN's program is GOOD, and should be left alone. If he has to go, so does
W1AW. Enough said, I have spoken. This is the way it WILL be.

I beg to differ. ARRL is within the guidelines of Part 97 of
the Commission's rules and. last I checked, knows that the frequency
is clear before starting their programs. Also, it's widely known and
accepted that W!AW has scheduled "All Station" announcements as well
as Code practice. All within the bounds of the rules.
K1MAN, as I understand it, doesn't care about if the frequency
is is use and walks over everyone in an attempt to gain financially
from selling his equipment over the air.

Please remove ".nospam" to reply via email.
  #9   Report Post  
Old September 10th 04, 12:08 AM
Mr Ham Radio
Posts: n/a

"Splinter" wrote in message
On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 21:33:16 -0400, "Mr Ham Radio"

K1MAN's program is GOOD, and should be left alone. If he has to go, so

W1AW. Enough said, I have spoken. This is the way it WILL be.

I beg to differ. ARRL is within the guidelines of Part 97 of
the Commission's rules and. last I checked, knows that the frequency
is clear before starting their programs. Also, it's widely known and
accepted that W!AW has scheduled "All Station" announcements as well
as Code practice. All within the bounds of the rules.
K1MAN, as I understand it, doesn't care about if the frequency
is is use and walks over everyone in an attempt to gain financially
from selling his equipment over the air.

Please remove ".nospam" to reply via email.

K1MAN's schedule is also widely known, and is within the bounds of the

Your understanding is incorrect, as usual.

If W1AW can "broadcast", so can K1MAN. If you don't like the content of
K1MAN's broadcast, start your own. But for now, SHUT THE HELL UP.

This E-Mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.754 / Virus Database: 504 - Release Date: 9/6/2004

  #10   Report Post  
Old September 10th 04, 12:35 AM
Posts: n/a

"Mr Ham Radio" wrote in message

"Splinter" wrote in message
On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 21:33:16 -0400, "Mr Ham Radio"

K1MAN's program is GOOD, and should be left alone. If he has to go, so

W1AW. Enough said, I have spoken. This is the way it WILL be.

I beg to differ. ARRL is within the guidelines of Part 97 of
the Commission's rules and. last I checked, knows that the frequency
is clear before starting their programs. Also, it's widely known and
accepted that W!AW has scheduled "All Station" announcements as well
as Code practice. All within the bounds of the rules.
K1MAN, as I understand it, doesn't care about if the frequency
is is use and walks over everyone in an attempt to gain financially
from selling his equipment over the air.

Please remove ".nospam" to reply via email.

K1MAN's schedule is also widely known, and is within the bounds of the

Your understanding is incorrect, as usual.

If W1AW can "broadcast", so can K1MAN. If you don't like the content of
K1MAN's broadcast, start your own. But for now, SHUT THE HELL UP.

This E-Mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.754 / Virus Database: 504 - Release Date: 9/6/2004

all i have heard on his stuff recently is ar-newsline recordings. i used to
prefer when he would get on and rant about stuff better... does he do that
at some other times still or is he just trying to stay clean and play the
canned news?

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