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  #21   Report Post  
Old September 20th 04, 03:48 AM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote in message ...
William wrote:

Dave Heil wrote in message ...
William wrote:

I just read a David Heil post where he thinks you shouldn't suggest

Then you misread it.

But I can recall post after post after post scolding me for
spending my spare time on RRAP rather than with a code practice

Post after post, huh? I think your memory is a bit dim.

These guys are PCTA, and exhibit the PCTA double-standard at every

You've tried to sell this sway-backed horse of a tale for quite some

Selling it?

Yep. You keep looking for a buyer and no one is buying this one any
more than they're buying your laments of post after post of scolding.

I'm not selling it, I'm showing it.

I own it and I'll trot it out whenever I want.

It is still sway-backed. You're forced to feed and water it until it
dies or until you persuade someone to buy it.

Even sway-backed horses need their exercise, so I trot it out every
once in a while. Don't want the SPCA to come calling.

Don't like it? Make it go away! Behave differently. Condemn Steve's outrages.

Steve's "outrages"? Surely, you of all people can see that nothing
Steve has written here is any worse than the insults you and
Leonard-the-non-ham have tossed his way.

I guess you think that Len deserves to have his tires slashed and his
wife terrorized?
  #23   Report Post  
Old September 21st 04, 12:23 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(William) writes:

Dave Heil wrote in message
William wrote:

Dave Heil wrote in message

William wrote:

I just read a David Heil post where he thinks you shouldn't suggest

Then you misread it.

But I can recall post after post after post scolding me for
spending my spare time on RRAP rather than with a code practice

Post after post, huh? I think your memory is a bit dim.

These guys are PCTA, and exhibit the PCTA double-standard at every

You've tried to sell this sway-backed horse of a tale for quite some

Selling it?

Yep. You keep looking for a buyer and no one is buying this one any
more than they're buying your laments of post after post of scolding.

I'm not selling it, I'm showing it.

I own it and I'll trot it out whenever I want.

It is still sway-backed. You're forced to feed and water it until it
dies or until you persuade someone to buy it.

Even sway-backed horses need their exercise, so I trot it out every
once in a while. Don't want the SPCA to come calling.

Watch out, Brian. Nursie has the "professional qualifications" to make
just a simple phone call to have anyone "picked up!"

Hi hi.

Don't like it? Make it go away! Behave differently. Condemn Steve's


Steve's "outrages"? Surely, you of all people can see that nothing
Steve has written here is any worse than the insults you and
Leonard-the-non-ham have tossed his way.

I guess you think that Len deserves to have his tires slashed and his
wife terrorized?

Tsk. Nursie thinks so. All she can think of is Fight, Fight, Fight with
physical violence anyone who opposes her Sacred Knowledge of
amateur radio.

Hi hi.

  #24   Report Post  
Old September 21st 04, 12:23 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

(N2EY) wrote in message

Just for starters. Actually I've lost track of how many different

made up for me. Seems he just can't bring himself to call me "Jim" or

even though I call him "Len" or "Mr. Anderson".

I can call you Jim. Doesn't matter because you don't like my message.

But Len and Biran get you to call them "Putz", "Loser", "Brain" and
"PuppetBoy", just for starters. Which is probably their entire game,

It wasn't. But Quitefine is thoroughly convinced of that. :-)

Ahem, that's "Brian." And we don't "get him to call us" anything.
Steve does so on the free volition of any number of his various

The other is because last month Brain stated others "can't help
yourself, you have to respond...".

Prove him wrong.

Please do. It'll be a first.

Guess they have a hard time with objectivity, not that we had any

Of course. So why play their game?

I can be Quiteobjective. Try me with some rational discourse.

The PCTA's only "game" is that they've lost at validity of keeping
a morse code test and try to "get back" at NCTA using all manner
of personal insults and denigrations.

I've seen it.

"Rational discourse" to the PCTA means having to like morse
code...anyplace, anytime.

Speak the least thing negative about morse code and the PCTA
immediately go ballistic, holler and shout that NCTA are
"insulting their honor" (or whatever they bitch about du jour).

Boils down to that in here.

Seems to me that the PCTA code lovers should be on their radios
happily beeping away...instead of sitting at keyboards snarling
nastygrams at any NCTA within sight or hearing. :-)

Hi hi.

I just read a David Heil post where he thinks you shouldn't suggest
anything. But I can recall post after post after post scolding me for
spending my spare time on RRAP rather than with a code practice

Heil is claiming "turf" in here, trying to close off the newsgroup to
all but those He allows in.

It's beginning to feel like the kitchen in hell over here.

Nah. It's the PCTA extra "hood" they are defending.

Anyone invading their "turf" has to swear a blood oath of "Do Code
or Die!" Hi hi.

Problem is that this is an open forum whether He likes it or not.

Better open the windows more. Don't know how much more heat I can

He doesn't like it, ergo the usual spew of denigrations to all that
don't think like He. shrug

Tell me about it. And have you seen Jim trying to talk some sense
into the loud guy? It isn't working, but it is kind of funny.

Jimmie chastise nursie? Har!

The castisement is a very gentle slap on the wrist with a wet noodle.

"Naughty boy, Steve, mustn't say such bad words!" will sum it up.

Following Heilian Rules in amateur radio policy newsgroup posting,
this would turn into a cozy little conclave of PCTA elitists, all
talking about the wonder and magic of morse, giving Newington
boys high-fives for anything, indeed giving each other high-fives
for existing. They would Rule. :-)

Sychophants all?

That's about the size of it. :-)

Common enough syndrome in pseudo-fraternal orders among
humans. Happens elsewhere.


Not quite. Like Moose, Elk, Eagles, Lions type of clubs, all full
of brave macho types bragging it up at the club bar.

These guys are PCTA, and exhibit the PCTA double-standard at every

They do NOT see it that way. :-)

Their Way is THE Way. No dissension allowed.

If They had to take a code test for an amateur license, then
everyone has to do it! No dissension allowed.

Thank goodness that they didn't have to pick up an ice cube with
"thier" buttocks.

You would think They had to do worse! :-)

Dissent from The Way and They wish to lock out all who do so.

Thank you sir, may I have another?

...cruel gruel for those without expectations of greatness.

[a convoluted Dickensian bit of word play but I picked a pocket of
my mind and couldn't find a better one...]

They are "fagin" it. [better, but few
get it]

These PCTA elitists take their Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society
very, very seriously.

So did Dean Wermer. And the whacko had a live round in his shirt
pocket. He tried to use it in the end.

Tsk. So much for what could be a fun hobby.

"Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

It is their Lifestyle?

It's "thier" style.

OBEY them. The PCTA extras RULE! Hi hi.


  #26   Report Post  
Old September 21st 04, 02:39 AM
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

(N2EY) wrote in message

Just for starters. Actually I've lost track of how many different names

made up for me. Seems he just can't bring himself to call me "Jim" or

even though I call him "Len" or "Mr. Anderson".

I can call you Jim. Doesn't matter because you don't like my message.

But Len and Biran get you to call them "Putz", "Loser", "Brain" and
"PuppetBoy", just for starters. Which is probably their entire game,

Ahem, that's "Brian." And we don't "get him to call us" anything.
Steve does so on the free volition of any number of his various

The other is because last month Brain stated others "can't help
yourself, you have to respond...".

Prove him wrong.

Please do. It'll be a first.

Guess they have a hard time with objectivity, not that we had any

Of course. So why play their game?

I can be Quiteobjective. Try me with some rational discourse.

The PCTA's only "game" is that they've lost at validity of keeping
a morse code test and try to "get back" at NCTA using all manner
of personal insults and denigrations.

I've seen it.

"Rational discourse" to the PCTA means having to like morse
code...anyplace, anytime.

Speak the least thing negative about morse code and the PCTA
immediately go ballistic, holler and shout that NCTA are
"insulting their honor" (or whatever they bitch about du jour).

Boils down to that in here.

Seems to me that the PCTA code lovers should be on their radios
happily beeping away...instead of sitting at keyboards snarling
nastygrams at any NCTA within sight or hearing. :-)

Hi hi.

I just read a David Heil post where he thinks you shouldn't suggest
anything. But I can recall post after post after post scolding me for
spending my spare time on RRAP rather than with a code practice

Heil is claiming "turf" in here, trying to close off the newsgroup to
all but those He allows in.

And how does Heil do this? Has he discovered something that keeps
people out? You post here, how is that?

You do not make any sense.

Problem is that this is an open forum whether He likes it or not.

Yes, and you answer your own statement.

He doesn't like it, ergo the usual spew of denigrations to all that
don't think like He. shrug

Ahh, a spew of denigrations is bad, yet your diohrhetoric of
denigrations is acceptable.

Student, prepare a report of no less than 500 words on the validity of
your statement including the differences between his statements and
yours, and why your denigrations are acceptable.

Following Heilian Rules in amateur radio policy newsgroup posting,
this would turn into a cozy little conclave of PCTA elitists, all
talking about the wonder and magic of morse, giving Newington
boys high-fives for anything, indeed giving each other high-fives
for existing. They would Rule. :-)

Rule what? Your statements indicate that you find this newsgroup to be
the centre of your universe.

Common enough syndrome in pseudo-fraternal orders among
humans. Happens elsewhere.

These guys are PCTA, and exhibit the PCTA double-standard at every

They do NOT see it that way. :-)

Their Way is THE Way. No dissension allowed.

If They had to take a code test for an amateur license, then
everyone has to do it! No dissension allowed.

Dissent from The Way and They wish to lock out all who do so.

These PCTA elitists take their Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society
very, very seriously.

Tsk. So much for what could be a fun hobby.

It is their Lifestyle?

Stop shrieking dear man, you are frightening the horses!

patiently yours,

now and forever,

Blackguard Vox Deus
  #27   Report Post  
Old September 21st 04, 08:10 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Len Over 21 wrote:
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message

In article ,
(William) writes:

(N2EY) wrote in message

Just for starters. Actually I've lost track of how many different



made up for me. Seems he just can't bring himself to call me "Jim" or


even though I call him "Len" or "Mr. Anderson".

I can call you Jim. Doesn't matter because you don't like my message.

But Len and Biran get you to call them "Putz", "Loser", "Brain" and
"PuppetBoy", just for starters. Which is probably their entire game,


It wasn't. But Quitefine is thoroughly convinced of that. :-)

Ahem, that's "Brian." And we don't "get him to call us" anything.
Steve does so on the free volition of any number of his various

The other is because last month Brain stated others "can't help
yourself, you have to respond...".

Prove him wrong.

Please do. It'll be a first.

Guess they have a hard time with objectivity, not that we had any

Of course. So why play their game?

I can be Quiteobjective. Try me with some rational discourse.

The PCTA's only "game" is that they've lost at validity of keeping
a morse code test and try to "get back" at NCTA using all manner
of personal insults and denigrations.

I've seen it.

"Rational discourse" to the PCTA means having to like morse
code...anyplace, anytime.

Speak the least thing negative about morse code and the PCTA
immediately go ballistic, holler and shout that NCTA are
"insulting their honor" (or whatever they bitch about du jour).

Boils down to that in here.

Seems to me that the PCTA code lovers should be on their radios
happily beeping away...instead of sitting at keyboards snarling
nastygrams at any NCTA within sight or hearing. :-)

Hi hi.

I just read a David Heil post where he thinks you shouldn't suggest
anything. But I can recall post after post after post scolding me for
spending my spare time on RRAP rather than with a code practice

Heil is claiming "turf" in here, trying to close off the newsgroup to
all but those He allows in.

It's beginning to feel like the kitchen in hell over here.

Nah. It's the PCTA extra "hood" they are defending.

Anyone invading their "turf" has to swear a blood oath of "Do Code
or Die!" Hi hi.

Problem is that this is an open forum whether He likes it or not.

Better open the windows more. Don't know how much more heat I can

He doesn't like it, ergo the usual spew of denigrations to all that
don't think like He. shrug

Tell me about it. And have you seen Jim trying to talk some sense
into the loud guy? It isn't working, but it is kind of funny.

Jimmie chastise nursie? Har!

The castisement is a very gentle slap on the wrist with a wet noodle.

"Naughty boy, Steve, mustn't say such bad words!" will sum it up.

It is hard to control what Jim posts. It would be a lot easier if you
were the moderator.

Following Heilian Rules in amateur radio policy newsgroup posting,
this would turn into a cozy little conclave of PCTA elitists, all
talking about the wonder and magic of morse, giving Newington
boys high-fives for anything, indeed giving each other high-fives
for existing. They would Rule. :-)

Sychophants all?

That's about the size of it. :-)

Common enough syndrome in pseudo-fraternal orders among
humans. Happens elsewhere.


Not quite. Like Moose, Elk, Eagles, Lions type of clubs, all full
of brave macho types bragging it up at the club bar.

Now that tells us much.

These guys are PCTA, and exhibit the PCTA double-standard at every

They do NOT see it that way. :-)

Their Way is THE Way. No dissension allowed.

If They had to take a code test for an amateur license, then
everyone has to do it! No dissension allowed.

Thank goodness that they didn't have to pick up an ice cube with
"thier" buttocks.

You would think They had to do worse! :-)

Dissent from The Way and They wish to lock out all who do so.

Thank you sir, may I have another?

...cruel gruel for those without expectations of greatness.

[a convoluted Dickensian bit of word play but I picked a pocket of
my mind and couldn't find a better one...]

They are "fagin" it. [better, but few
get it]

These PCTA elitists take their Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society
very, very seriously.

So did Dean Wermer. And the whacko had a live round in his shirt
pocket. He tried to use it in the end.

Tsk. So much for what could be a fun hobby.

"Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

It is their Lifestyle?

It's "thier" style.

OBEY them. The PCTA extras RULE! Hi hi.

Since when? And what do they rule anyhow?


I hear ya brother! 8^)

  #30   Report Post  
Old September 22nd 04, 05:45 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: Doing Battle? Can't Resist Posting?
From: "KØHB"
Date: 9/21/2004 2:45 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . net

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Why do I make mention of this?

Probably because it's Lennie who insists that no one here posts "on
subject" and only post to "do battle". Interesting, considering his
flagrant, frequent attacks on "Jimmy", "der Oberst" ,"Dill Sergeant",
"Mama Dee" andothers.

You miss the point, Steve. The purpose of r.r.a.p. is no longer
discussion of policy, or learning something, or study of communications

The purpose is to FIGHT and to denegrate the dignity of all who do not
agree with you! Any other post is off topic and is not welcome here.

Au contraire, Master Chief.

I have a great many other discussions that are nothing of the kind. But
then the "other" people involved tend to act civilly, refrain from the use of
diminutives and generally tend to be open minded sorts. Nor do they create
stories that are so easily disporven, make boasts of things done that can't be
verified, nor do they boldfaced misrepresent the truth.

And I must add...All of your "replies" vis-a-vis anything I have posted in
ANY thread has been of this angry, stick-it-in-your-ear kinda stuff.

I find it a bit hypocritical that you chastise me for that sort of thing,
all-the-while participating in it yourself.

Get with the program. No one is "mistaken" or "partially correct" on

Sure they are. We all are at one time or another. Even you.

They either 100% totally agree with you, or they are "a lying,
scum sucking, bottom feeding no-code beeper."

Another misrepresentation of the truth, Master Chief.

There is no in between,
and there must be at least one of each in every conversation here.
Anything which resembles a rational exchange of ideas and useful
information will either be ignored, or some enterprising induhvidual
will hijack the thread and turn it into an argument about Morse. No
other "Policy" conversation is allowed to survive unmolested.

If you're so frustrated, why spend one more day here? Feel free to
exercise the option of not participating if it so offends you. We'll miss you,
but we'll manage...


Steve, K4YZ

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