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  #32   Report Post  
Old September 22nd 04, 06:05 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article . net, "KØHB"

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Why do I make mention of this?

Probably because it's Lennie who insists that no one here posts "on
subject" and only post to "do battle". Interesting, considering his
flagrant, frequent attacks on "Jimmy", "der Oberst" ,"Dill Sergeant",
"Mama Dee" andothers.

You miss the point, Steve. The purpose of r.r.a.p. is no longer
discussion of policy, or learning something, or study of communications

The purpose is to FIGHT and to denegrate the dignity of all who do not
agree with you! Any other post is off topic and is not welcome here.

Get with the program. No one is "mistaken" or "partially correct" on
r.r.a.p. They either 100% totally agree with you, or they are "a lying,
scum sucking, bottom feeding no-code beeper." There is no in between,
and there must be at least one of each in every conversation here.
Anything which resembles a rational exchange of ideas and useful
information will either be ignored, or some enterprising induhvidual
will hijack the thread and turn it into an argument about Morse. No
other "Policy" conversation is allowed to survive unmolested.

Well said, Hans! tip of the hat and electronic high-five

  #33   Report Post  
Old September 22nd 04, 06:05 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , Mike Coslo writes:

Jimmie chastise nursie? Har!

The castisement is a very gentle slap on the wrist with a wet noodle.

"Naughty boy, Steve, mustn't say such bad words!" will sum it up.

It is hard to control what Jim posts. It would be a lot easier if you
were the moderator.

I'm not the "moderator" in here. This is an open forum.

Problem is, a few do NOT want that...they want a cozy little chat
room filled only with their own kine. They are the ones polluting.

Not quite. Like Moose, Elk, Eagles, Lions type of clubs, all full
of brave macho types bragging it up at the club bar.

Now that tells us much.

If you had been to one of those, then you do not need to be "told"
about it. It is self-evident. Merely observe. That's all that's

If you haven't been to a fraternal order hall with bar, then think of a
conclave of PCTA self-described wire-pullers and add some alky.
Same thing.

OBEY them. The PCTA extras RULE! Hi hi.

Since when? And what do they rule anyhow?

Since the PCTA first had their hobby-orgasm over a code key.
They think that all radio communications revolves around morse
code and morsemanship. It hasn't been so for decades, but
they are Believers and will not listen to reason.

Governments (and all newsgroupies) should obey Them (the
PCTA that is) simply because the PCTA are.

If the PCTA feel it so necessary to make all ham radio newcomers
learn morse to get a license, they should petition the FCC to rename
the ARS to what suits them - Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society.

That should end any "dispute." The PCTA get what they want.
The name is readjusted to what it had become in testing.

Amateur radio is just another hobby involving electronics. There are
dozens-plus hobbies involving electronics and that is where the
electronics-interested hobbyists have gone. Most of those non-ham
hobbyists don't give a damn about morse code or recreating some
"pioneer days" re-enactments through constantly re-living olden
days that were around before most hams of today were born.

There's only a few PCTA extras in here. But, they are resolute
and quite uncivil in condemnation of all those who do not love,
honor and obey morsemanship. All readers have seen that.
There's lots of folks who MIGHT have come in here and made their
opinions known on issues...but are hesitant to not wanting to be
called nasty names by those same PCTA extras. That's the
"rule" part...rule by intimidation, intimidation by any manner.

For most folks, that rule-by-intimidation isn't comfortable, isn't
open, certainly isn't conducive (in any way) to discussion...the
intimidation consists mostly of diss and cuss at non-morse folks,
zero discussion.

  #37   Report Post  
Old September 22nd 04, 02:42 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Len Over 21 wrote:
In article , Mike Coslo writes:

Jimmie chastise nursie? Har!

The castisement is a very gentle slap on the wrist with a wet noodle.

"Naughty boy, Steve, mustn't say such bad words!" will sum it up.

It is hard to control what Jim posts. It would be a lot easier if you
were the moderator.

I'm not the "moderator" in here. This is an open forum.

Problem is, a few do NOT want that...they want a cozy little chat
room filled only with their own kine. They are the ones polluting.

I couldn't agree more!

Not quite. Like Moose, Elk, Eagles, Lions type of clubs, all full
of brave macho types bragging it up at the club bar.

Now that tells us much.

If you had been to one of those, then you do not need to be "told"
about it. It is self-evident. Merely observe. That's all that's

A buncha guys, and sometimes gals. People put back a few. Some are
great folk, some are obnoxious. A microcosm of life. I have no interest
in that sort of thing, but it's harmless enough as long as they don't
drive off half-tanked.

If you haven't been to a fraternal order hall with bar, then think of a
conclave of PCTA self-described wire-pullers and add some alky.
Same thing.

Don't hate, man.

OBEY them. The PCTA extras RULE! Hi hi.

Since when? And what do they rule anyhow?

Since the PCTA first had their hobby-orgasm over a code key.
They think that all radio communications revolves around morse
code and morsemanship. It hasn't been so for decades, but
they are Believers and will not listen to reason.

But I'm PCTA and aren't anywhere close to that.

Governments (and all newsgroupies) should obey Them (the
PCTA that is) simply because the PCTA are.

that would be bad if these folk are oppressing you. But as the
(probably) most prolific poster here, how can that be?

If the PCTA feel it so necessary to make all ham radio newcomers
learn morse to get a license, they should petition the FCC to rename
the ARS to what suits them - Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society.

Does knowing Morse code eliminate other forms of communication,
including modern ones? Old technology and new technology can coexist
with each other.

That should end any "dispute." The PCTA get what they want.
The name is readjusted to what it had become in testing.

Amateur radio is just another hobby involving electronics. There are
dozens-plus hobbies involving electronics and that is where the
electronics-interested hobbyists have gone. Most of those non-ham
hobbyists don't give a damn about morse code or recreating some
"pioneer days" re-enactments through constantly re-living olden
days that were around before most hams of today were born.

I guess history must be bad, huh?

There's only a few PCTA extras in here. But, they are resolute
and quite uncivil in condemnation of all those who do not love,
honor and obey morsemanship. All readers have seen that.

I'm PCTA and an Extra. I respectfully disagree with that statement.

There's lots of folks who MIGHT have come in here and made their
opinions known on issues...but are hesitant to not wanting to be
called nasty names by those same PCTA extras. That's the
"rule" part...rule by intimidation, intimidation by any manner.

At least the NCTA and interested others don't call anyone names! ;^)

For most folks, that rule-by-intimidation isn't comfortable, isn't
open, certainly isn't conducive (in any way) to discussion...the
intimidation consists mostly of diss and cuss at non-morse folks,
zero discussion.

hmmm, I don't see it that way at all. Well, everyone is entitled to
their opinion.

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #38   Report Post  
Old September 22nd 04, 03:29 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: Doing Battle? Can't Resist Posting?
From: Mike Coslo
Date: 9/22/2004 7:42 AM Central Standard Time

Len Over 21 wrote:
In article , Mike Coslo


Jimmie chastise nursie? Har!

The castisement is a very gentle slap on the wrist with a wet noodle.

"Naughty boy, Steve, mustn't say such bad words!" will sum it up.

It is hard to control what Jim posts. It would be a lot easier if you
were the moderator.

I'm not the "moderator" in here. This is an open forum.

Problem is, a few do NOT want that...they want a cozy little chat
room filled only with their own kine. They are the ones polluting.

I couldn't agree more!

The problem here, Mike, is that on more than one occassion Lennie HAS
demanded certain actions (or cessation of actions) from various persons.

He didn't get his way, of course, but he does take liberties with the very
same "rules" he would impose on others...

Not quite. Like Moose, Elk, Eagles, Lions type of clubs, all full
of brave macho types bragging it up at the club bar.

Now that tells us much.

If you had been to one of those, then you do not need to be "told"
about it. It is self-evident. Merely observe. That's all that's

A buncha guys, and sometimes gals. People put back a few. Some are
great folk, some are obnoxious. A microcosm of life. I have no interest
in that sort of thing, but it's harmless enough as long as they don't
drive off half-tanked.

If you haven't been to a fraternal order hall with bar, then think of a
conclave of PCTA self-described wire-pullers and add some alky.
Same thing.

Don't hate, man.

C'mon Mike...Don't expect miracles.

OBEY them. The PCTA extras RULE! Hi hi.

Since when? And what do they rule anyhow?

Since the PCTA first had their hobby-orgasm over a code key.
They think that all radio communications revolves around morse
code and morsemanship. It hasn't been so for decades, but
they are Believers and will not listen to reason.

But I'm PCTA and aren't anywhere close to that.

Protestations to the contrary, Mike, just about all of us in the "pro
code" camp have expressed and discussed other modes, activities and interests.

Lennie keeps dragging that old, tired rhetoric of his around and tries to
wave it like a tattered old battle flag.

Like MOST of his stuff, it's tired, dated and for the most part, not true.
But it makes him happy to wave it.

Governments (and all newsgroupies) should obey Them (the
PCTA that is) simply because the PCTA are.

that would be bad if these folk are oppressing you. But as the
(probably) most prolific poster here, how can that be?

If the PCTA feel it so necessary to make all ham radio newcomers
learn morse to get a license, they should petition the FCC to rename
the ARS to what suits them - Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society.

Does knowing Morse code eliminate other forms of communication,
including modern ones? Old technology and new technology can coexist
with each other.

Not in Lennie's world. Thank God it goes no farther than his own, sad and
beleagured mind.

That should end any "dispute." The PCTA get what they want.
The name is readjusted to what it had become in testing.

Amateur radio is just another hobby involving electronics. There are
dozens-plus hobbies involving electronics and that is where the
electronics-interested hobbyists have gone. Most of those non-ham
hobbyists don't give a damn about morse code or recreating some
"pioneer days" re-enactments through constantly re-living olden
days that were around before most hams of today were born.

I guess history must be bad, huh?

Of course it is.

UNLESS, of course, you are a one-tour-wonder Army radio mechanic from

Then the tale warrants retelling at every opportunity.

There's only a few PCTA extras in here. But, they are resolute
and quite uncivil in condemnation of all those who do not love,
honor and obey morsemanship. All readers have seen that.

I'm PCTA and an Extra. I respectfully disagree with that statement.

Not all readers have "seen that".

I, for one, have publically stated (and do so again here) that although I
support Morse code use AND testing, it's time is passing and it's time to move

Of course Lennie ignores this (and similar comments from other posters of
similar thought) and goes right on with his assertions about how allegedly
reluctant any one is to discuss anything else.

Even more ironic is that when we DO discuss anything else, Lennie or Brian
do thier best to pull the thread into yet another "PCTA Extras Destroying The
Radio World" rant.

There's lots of folks who MIGHT have come in here and made their
opinions known on issues...but are hesitant to not wanting to be
called nasty names by those same PCTA extras. That's the
"rule" part...rule by intimidation, intimidation by any manner.

At least the NCTA and interested others don't call anyone names! ;^)

Uh huh.

Betchya I could sell you a bride in New York, too, Mike...?!?!

For most folks, that rule-by-intimidation isn't comfortable, isn't
open, certainly isn't conducive (in any way) to discussion...the
intimidation consists mostly of diss and cuss at non-morse folks,
zero discussion.

hmmm, I don't see it that way at all. Well, everyone is entitled to
their opinion.

The "diss and cuss" comes from being "dissed" and "cussed" by certain
non-Amateur aggitators. One in particular.


Steve, K4YZ

  #39   Report Post  
Old September 22nd 04, 05:18 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

KØHB wrote:
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Why do I make mention of this?

Probably because it's Lennie who insists that no one here posts "on
subject" and only post to "do battle". Interesting, considering his
flagrant, frequent attacks on "Jimmy", "der Oberst" ,"Dill Sergeant",
"Mama Dee" andothers.

You miss the point, Steve. The purpose of r.r.a.p. is no longer
discussion of policy, or learning something, or study of communications

The purpose is to FIGHT and to denegrate the dignity of all who do not
agree with you! Any other post is off topic and is not welcome here.

But who will be the first to stop? Steve will post as he is posted to,
and the other two in this sad saga will post that way until they are

It's our very own "Middle-east" problem.

Get with the program. No one is "mistaken" or "partially correct" on
r.r.a.p. They either 100% totally agree with you, or they are "a lying,
scum sucking, bottom feeding no-code beeper." There is no in between,
and there must be at least one of each in every conversation here.
Anything which resembles a rational exchange of ideas and useful
information will either be ignored, or some enterprising induhvidual
will hijack the thread and turn it into an argument about Morse. No
other "Policy" conversation is allowed to survive unmolested.

Whoa there! That was Andersonesque!

But you are right. Their bar room brawl floods into every thread on
rrap. A pity that.

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #40   Report Post  
Old September 22nd 04, 05:21 PM
Posts: n/a

"Steve Robeson K4CAP" wrote

All of your "replies" vis-a-vis anything I have posted in
ANY thread has been of this angry, stick-it-in-your-ear kinda stuff.

Actually, I think you should "stick-it-in-" a somewhat lower posterior

Sure they are. We all are at one time or another. Even you.

I've only been wrong once on rrap. That's the time I thought I was
wrong, but I wasn't.

If you're so frustrated, why spend one more day here?

I'm not frustrated, Steve, just simply entertained by your predictable
knee-jerk reactions of angst and lack of tolerance for opposing opinion.
(In other words, it's great fun to watch you spin up your rotors when
someone tweaks your nose.)

Feel free to exercise the option of not participating if it so
offends you. We'll miss you, but we'll manage...

Is that kinda like "My way, or the highway" or "Don't let the door...."?

More than one person (meaning: other than me) has called Hans...
(gratuitous name calling deleted)...

"When a true genius appears in this world, you may know
him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy
against him." -- Jonathan Swift


72, de Hans, K0HB

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