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Mike Coslo wrote in message ...
KØHB wrote: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) writes: Why do I make mention of this? Probably because it's Lennie who insists that no one here posts "on subject" and only post to "do battle". Interesting, considering his flagrant, frequent attacks on "Jimmy", "der Oberst" ,"Dill Sergeant", "Mama Dee" andothers. You miss the point, Steve. The purpose of r.r.a.p. is no longer discussion of policy, or learning something, or study of communications theory. The purpose is to FIGHT and to denegrate the dignity of all who do not agree with you! Any other post is off topic and is not welcome here. But who will be the first to stop? Steve will post as he is posted to, and the other two in this sad saga will post that way until they are ignored. It's our very own "Middle-east" problem. If only he could blow himself up just once instead of every day. Get with the program. No one is "mistaken" or "partially correct" on r.r.a.p. They either 100% totally agree with you, or they are "a lying, scum sucking, bottom feeding no-code beeper." There is no in between, and there must be at least one of each in every conversation here. Anything which resembles a rational exchange of ideas and useful information will either be ignored, or some enterprising induhvidual will hijack the thread and turn it into an argument about Morse. No other "Policy" conversation is allowed to survive unmolested. Whoa there! That was Andersonesque! But you are right. Their bar room brawl floods into every thread on rrap. A pity that. I think it's just awful. Something should be done about it. |
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![]() Len Over 21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: KØHB wrote: You miss the point, Steve. The purpose of r.r.a.p. is no longer discussion of policy, or learning something, or study of communications theory. The purpose is to FIGHT and to denegrate the dignity of all who do not agree with you! Any other post is off topic and is not welcome here. Get with the program. No one is "mistaken" or "partially correct" on r.r.a.p. They either 100% totally agree with you, or they are "a lying, scum sucking, bottom feeding no-code beeper." There is no in between, and there must be at least one of each in every conversation here. Anything which resembles a rational exchange of ideas and useful information will either be ignored, or some enterprising induhvidual will hijack the thread and turn it into an argument about Morse. No other "Policy" conversation is allowed to survive unmolested. Whoa there! That was Andersonesque! Wrong. It is not "Andersonesque." It isn't "Brakobesque" or any other "...esque." Respectfully I disagree. It was very much like one of your posts. Hans Brakob is just telling it like it is...in that posting...though there is doubt of validity in a subsequent posting. . A small clique of morse inchworms have crawled in here attempting to be rulers. As have a small group of Nocoder people. They champion one way, their way...in whatever they talk about. Respecfully I disagree. There are *very* few that fit that description Anyone who disagrees with them are treated to personal insults, invective, denigrations, and pejorations which go far beyond the subject of any thread. They do not like opposition so they seek to intimidate others. Indeed, their opinion skins are very thin and peel away easily. Such skin cannot take transport into the world of reality, remaining whole only if kept in their single-minded mental world of imagination. Wow! PCTA's eh? - Mike KB3EIA - |
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In article , Mike Coslo
writes: Wrong. It is not "Andersonesque." It isn't "Brakobesque" or any other "...esque." Respectfully I disagree. It was very much like one of your posts. Oh, poor thing you are! Someone else describes a situation that thousands can see, and you want to pretend it doesn't exist?!?!? Tsk. A small clique of morse inchworms have crawled in here attempting to be rulers. As have a small group of Nocoder people. Tsk. A few individuals objecting to the morse myths propagated for all these many decades? Who is "ruling?" [answer rhetorical] The "rulers" are those who are here on a regular basis, loudly proclaiming the virtues and nobility of mighty morse and how they are so "good and proper" because they use morse. Look at the invective they hurl at the few NCTA in here. Poor babies, those PCTA. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. They champion one way, their way...in whatever they talk about. Respecfully I disagree. There are *very* few that fit that description Disrespectfully, I wrote my opinion...and the "few" who fit that description are here on a regular basis...by clear observation that anyone can make. Anyone who disagrees with them are treated to personal insults, invective, denigrations, and pejorations which go far beyond the subject of any thread. They do not like opposition so they seek to intimidate others. Indeed, their opinion skins are very thin and peel away easily. Such skin cannot take transport into the world of reality, remaining whole only if kept in their single-minded mental world of imagination. Wow! PCTA's eh? Absolutely. If you feel so outraged, then, by all means, petition the FCC to change the name of the ARS to the Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society. That new name would FIT very well seeing as that's what it takes to get a U.S. amateur radio license having below-30-MHz privileges. |
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(William) wrote in message . com...
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ... Subject: Doing Battle? Can't Resist Posting? From: (William) Date: 9/22/2004 5:00 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: Hans, it warms the heart to see someone other than Len saying those things. I don't know why. Because it validates what Len has said for years. That's why. It doesn't "validate" anything, Brian. It's Hans' opinion, and nothing more. More than one person (meaning: other than me) has called Hans "Len with a License". I've never seen that. Not once. Then you've not beenb paying attention, but that seems to be an on-going problem with you. And Lennie is still a liar Pants on fiar... No doubt. And no doubt the never endings there long since lost thier ability to sense danger. and you still publically admire him For all to see. Yep. Fool that you are. and condone his conduct. I've never witnessed Len threatening to throw bricks through windows, slash tires, or terrorize anyone's wife. I've never done it either, Brian. So what's your point. Or threaten to "Dial" a person into custody. You'd deserve it, Brian. You certainly need the help and observation. Or accuse or insinuate that another was a pedophile. Is it true? Are you? Can you prove you're not? Peas in the pod. Green Giant I am sure you think so. Steve, K4YZ |
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(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message . com...
(Len Over 21) wrote in message ... In article , Mike Coslo writes: The problem here, Mike, is that on more than one occassion Lennie HAS demanded certain actions (or cessation of actions) from various persons. Oh yes! Interesting that he is the one to prove his own point. I probably should have put a smiley after that. Tsk. Hypocrites seem to forget that others see their hypocrisy, don't need the "smiley" emoticon since they are laughing at the absurdity of it all. There's nothing funny about anything you post, Lennie. You are mistruthful. You are deceitful. You are arrogant. You are misguided. "You miss the point, Steve. The purpose of r.r.a.p. is no longer discussion of policy, or learning something, or study of communications theory. The purpose is to FIGHT and to denegrate the dignity of all who do not agree with you! Any other post is off topic and is not welcome here. Get with the program. No one is "mistaken" or "partially correct" on r.r.a.p. They either 100% totally agree with you, or they are "a lying, scum sucking, bottom feeding no-code beeper." There is no in between, and there must be at least one of each in every conversation here. Anything which resembles a rational exchange of ideas and useful information will either be ignored, or some enterprising induhvidual will hijack the thread and turn it into an argument about Morse. No other "Policy" conversation is allowed to survive unmolested. 72, de Hans, K0HB" |
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Subject: Doing Battle? Can't Resist Posting?
From: "KØHB" Date: 9/22/2004 10:21 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: . net "Steve Robeson K4CAP" wrote All of your "replies" vis-a-vis anything I have posted in ANY thread has been of this angry, stick-it-in-your-ear kinda stuff. Actually, I think you should "stick-it-in-" a somewhat lower posterior orfice. And a prime example of "Do As I Say, Not Do As I Do" kind of response, Hans. I find it quite ironic that you chastise others for confrontational or acidic posts, yet you seem quite happy to jump right in and do it yourself. It goes a long way towards unravelling your credibility as evenhanded. Sure they are. We all are at one time or another. Even you. I've only been wrong once on rrap. That's the time I thought I was wrong, but I wasn't. And this time. Again. If you're so frustrated, why spend one more day here? I'm not frustrated, Steve, just simply entertained by your predictable knee-jerk reactions of angst and lack of tolerance for opposing opinion. (In other words, it's great fun to watch you spin up your rotors when someone tweaks your nose.) Sure you're frustrated, Hans. You've got the same case of "I Can't Have It My Way So I'll Make Everyone Else Miserables" that Lennie has. Feel free to disagree, but it won't change a thing. Feel free to exercise the option of not participating if it so offends you. We'll miss you, but we'll manage... Is that kinda like "My way, or the highway" or "Don't let the door...."? Nope. Just a friendly reminder that your opinion is no more or less valued than anyone elses, but if you don't like the way things are going, there ARE alternatives. More than one person (meaning: other than me) has called Hans... (gratuitous name calling deleted)... "When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." -- Jonathan Swift Sunuvagun! 72, de Hans, K0HB Still one short as always, I see. I imagine its always been that way for you. Sunnuvagun! Steve, K4YZ |
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Subject: Doing Battle? Can't Resist Posting?
From: Mike Coslo Date: 9/22/2004 10:18 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: KØHB wrote: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) writes: Why do I make mention of this? Probably because it's Lennie who insists that no one here posts "on subject" and only post to "do battle". Interesting, considering his flagrant, frequent attacks on "Jimmy", "der Oberst" ,"Dill Sergeant", "Mama Dee" andothers. You miss the point, Steve. The purpose of r.r.a.p. is no longer discussion of policy, or learning something, or study of communications theory. The purpose is to FIGHT and to denegrate the dignity of all who do not agree with you! Any other post is off topic and is not welcome here. But who will be the first to stop? Steve will post as he is posted to, and the other two in this sad saga will post that way until they are ignored. And then there's Hans...who expresses his utter disdain for people who pariticpate in flame wars, all the while tossing fuel on the fire from the sidelines. Some would call that two-faced. 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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Len Over 21 wrote:
In article , Mike Coslo writes: The problem here, Mike, is that on more than one occassion Lennie HAS demanded certain actions (or cessation of actions) from various persons. Oh yes! Interesting that he is the one to prove his own point. I probably should have put a smiley after that. Tsk. Hypocrites seem to forget that others see their hypocrisy, don't need the "smiley" emoticon since they are laughing at the absurdity of it all. You are 100 percent correct. The hypocrites just don't see it. He didn't get his way, of course, but he does take liberties with the very same "rules" he would impose on others... I have noticed that. There is a certain type that accuses others of what they are trying to do themselves. He used to accuse me of trying to be the moderator, and yet becomes very agitated when someone posts something he disagrees with. Eventually it becomes a tip-off to the person's motives. My "motive" in here is to advocate the removal of the code test for any radio operator license. I'd be more inclined to call it your rationale. Respectfully submitted that you may have other motives. If you must question "motives," then question all those who demand to keep the code test long after it has served any purpose. I observe motives, not question them. Have whatever motive you might like. I wish he'd slack off on the Morse code and give us more of the stories with the historical aspect. "You can't handle the truth!" - Col. Jessup (before being arrested) The U.S. government hasn't "slacked off" on morse code testing since WRC-03. Test Element 1 is still a test requirement. yes My last "operating involvement" with HF radio came earlier this year. I used a small (some say "tiny") 20 W SSB HF transceiver that many radio amateurs have purchased for themselves. I was not operating in any amateur bands. Was that one of the MFJ units? Did it work well? I've looked at them, and thought they might be nice for traveling with. Small, and inexpensive enough that I wouldn't have to worry about damage to it, as I might my main transceiver. Radio amateurs whose only exposure to "radio" is in amateurdom will want to ridicule and denigrate non-amateur radio operation. That's a psychological survival trait to overcome their own ignorance and lack of experience. I always try not to ridicule people. My folks taught me better. Or tried to! ;^) Like MOST of his stuff, it's tired, dated and for the most part, not true. But it makes him happy to wave it. Tsk. An illustration of my point by another... I wouldn't mind actually hearing more details of that time, without the to me strange comparisons to Morse code users of today. I've read parts of his experience, but I imagine there are interesting details. In this environment such is wasted effort. Not really. I am an insatiable collector of such stories. And most people are happy to share. some seem surprised because many new Hams don't care about hearing about past exploits of others. There is a considerable body of knowledge and history compiled about all of radio. Very little of it concerns amateur radio, which makes some of the amateur radio lifestylers very angry. Those lifestylers were never in that part of the radio world and want to shut their eyes and ears to it. I enjoy "non ARS" stories too. We have an Old timer in the local club that had a career as an Engineer at a television station. Lots of good stories about the stuff that went on there. He was happy to talk, and I was happy to listen. Kinda makes you think that is about all they have to offer. PCTA extras can only offer braggadoccio about their "operating skills" and their disgust at those who don't venerate them. Well, I'm not too bad of a contester, but my CW skills frankly suck. Mostly I hang out on PSK31, where I'm a fair typist. Seriously, has Lenover21 or William ever called anyone in here names, or made derogatory "baby talk" or whatever kind of talk it is; or otherwise denigrated others? Oh..... yes.......I guess they have... Only after prolonged exposure to those who yell and yell against all those who don't agree with them. When I came here there was name calling. There still is name calling. Maybe its a chicken and egg sort of thing. I don't know when it started, or who started it. I'm not all that concerned about who started it either. There's always time to start over. If the participants want to. Unfortunately, the PCTA extras in here are so thin-skinned they cannot abide opposition of the slightest kind. Their problem. It is a broad brush you paint with. The question (in my opinion) that should be surfacing is: Why is there such a prolonged talk about "how good and noble" are the PCTA extras and "how band and wrong" are the NCTA? That question might be honed to include the personalities involved. Time marches on, but few march to the beat of the CQ in morse these days. Agreed. Most of them are Hams. The morse code test has long since outlived its usefulness. There is NO validity in keeping it around just because some middle-aged wannabes had to do it over 30 years ago. None at all. If it goes away, I won't lose a moments sleep over it. Hold on a second!! what's wrong with middle aged wallabies? I think they are kinda cute! - Mike KB3EIA - |
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