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  #31   Report Post  
Old October 26th 04, 12:01 PM
Posts: n/a

"Dee D. Flint" wrote in message ...
"William" wrote in message
"KØHB" wrote in message
"Willy Weeper" wrote

You know Hans, I was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe,
I was alone in the world being interested in knowing what the
frequency allocations for various DX entities were.

Since there are something over 230 "DX entities", you have a daunting
research and collation task on your hands.

Newbie Dee didn't shrink away from the task.

Why do you consider me a newbie?? I've been licensed for over 14 years with
over 13 years as an extra. That certainly takes me out of the newbie class.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Dee, ham years are like dog years, only inverted. Sorry, but that's
just the way it is.
  #32   Report Post  
Old October 26th 04, 01:31 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

(William) wrote in message . com...
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: foreign amateur radio policy
Date: 10/24/2004 7:26 AM Central Standard Time

Steve, I detect a note of green envy whenever I mention my DX
operations. Get over it.

Get over WHAT, Brain?

The jealosy.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

"Jealous" over things you have no proof of...?!?!

You have brought up before how I've operated from
locations that most hams would die for.

No...I've brought up how you've CLAIMED to operated from places
most hams would die for!

I might add that there
actually was an element of danger in some of the locations.

Uh huh.

Not a single bit of it is documented as having happened (that I am aware

No DXCC. No announcements in any of the journals. Nothing. Just your
"word" and THAT has already been PROVEN to be dubious, at best.

Doesn't have to be. You just don't like it that I operated from those
rare locations.

I don't care WHERE you CLAIM you operated from, Brain!

With the exception of Somalia, I have QSL cards from all of them.
In many cases from YEARS before you claimed to have been there!

And I presented the number of countries
that I worked because you asked.

I didn't ask you how many countries you worked, Brain. (Anyone remember a
post from this scumbag in the last 24 hours "chastising" others for "twisting

You'll need to show where you didn't reference the number of countries

I asked you where you stood on the DXCC, Brain...Not how many
countries you claimed to have worked.

But since you seem to have a need for getting your nose rubbed in
your own misquotes, I am glad to accomodate. PLEASE FOLLOW THE

Here was my question to you:

Message 9 in thread
From: Steve Robeson K4CAP )
Subject: foreign amateur radio policy

View this article only
Date: 2004-10-23 01:25:27 PST

Subject: foreign amateur radio policy
Date: 10/22/2004 7:03 PM Central Standard Time
Hans, please note that I said various, and not "all." Anyone can
bumble about and get 180 or 190 so called countries.

So what's YOUR problem...?!?!

AHAHAHA ! ! ! ! ! !

That last 40 or
so probably require a slightly different strategy.

Of course YOU know this from your lofty postion of number...WHAT,
on the
DXCC roll...?!?!

Would you choose
to remain ignorant of the operating priveleges of those last forty
countries, or would you work smarter, not harder?

Please, Brain, P L E A S E give us all those juicy operating
tips that
you've leared over the years that got YOU onto the DXCC Honor


Steve, K4YZ


To which you replied:


Message 10 in thread
From: William )
Subject: foreign amateur radio policy

View this article only
Date: 2004-10-23 16:55:45 PST

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: foreign amateur radio policy
Date: 10/22/2004 7:03 PM Central Standard Time
Hans, please note that I said various, and not "all." Anyone can
bumble about and get 180 or 190 so called countries.

So what's YOUR problem...?!?!

AHAHAHA ! ! ! ! ! !

No problem. I have worked over 180 countries while stationed on Guam.

That last 40 or
so probably require a slightly different strategy.

Of course YOU know this from your lofty postion of number...WHAT, on the
DXCC roll...?!?!

Would you choose
to remain ignorant of the operating priveleges of those last forty
countries, or would you work smarter, not harder?

Please, Brain, P L E A S E give us all those juicy operating tips that
you've leared over the years that got YOU onto the DXCC Honor Roll...?!?!


Steve, K4YZ


Two things are noteworthy. Your rearranging of attributes and the
previously discussed misquote.

The question was ""Of course YOU know this from your lofty position of
number...WHAT, on the DXCC roll...?!?!"

You are not ON the DXCC roll, Brain...Not under ANY of the calls you have

Papers, I demand your papers! OK, Sgt Shultz.

Still no proof. Still just a boast until proven otherwise.

As far as DXCC goes, I don't need the ARRL involved.

I am sure Dave Sumner is laying awake at night distraught that you won't
send all those juicy "DX" QSL's in for verification.

Let me reference Part 97 where it says that I must participate in DXCC
if I want to work DX or be DX.

It's got nothing to do with Part 97, Brain.

It has to do with your complete lack of credibility and
documented mistruthfulness.

Hi, hi! I hope you're holding your breath because it will be a long,
long time before I'm able to post something like that.

No problem.

It will be an even LONGER time till you're able to post any
LEGITIMATE DX operating claimns, in as much as none of it seems to be

I neither ask for "thier" approval nor
endorsements. The DX is in my logs, and if the other station wants a
card, all they have to do is QSL me through the buro. By the way,
you're not in my /KH2 logs, so don't bother. And Jim's no longer the
KH2 Buro manager, so don't try to wrangle one out of him either.

No problem, Brain.

Apparently so. You demand to see my papers, my DXCC number, my shoe

I could care less about your shoe size, Brain. Your foot seems
to fit in your mouth just fine without it.

And as long as there's nothing to back up your claims of operating
from these DX locales, there's no proof you were there except for
military orders, and that STILL does not substantiate any validity of
AMATEUR RADIO operation.

I have KH2 worked, confirmed AND annotated for DXCC.

All bands, all modes?

Just needed it once, Brain.

However I have confirmed it in three modes...CW, SSB and RTTY. I
worked it on PSK31, but no card yet.

And the ONLY person who can't see what a FOOL you are is YOU!


Nope, the quote is correct enough. Quitecorrect! You don't get to
slither out of it on a technicality.

No slithering.

No "technicality".

You are a fool, and you are, seemingly, unaware of it.

Maybe you'll explain to Rev. Jim the MMF part. I've notice that he's
been letting some stuff slide on through uncensored.

Perhaps you'll apologize for having at once claimed you didn't
misquote me and then had it spoon fed back to you.

Best of Luck potty mouth.

Coming from you, Brain, this means something?

Steve, K4YZ
  #34   Report Post  
Old October 26th 04, 10:44 PM
Posts: n/a

(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message om...
(William) wrote in message . com...
Dave Heil wrote in message ...
William wrote:

I believe I've pointed that out each time you or Len has used the
"World's Greatest DXer" tag as a reference to me. Yet both of you
continue to make the same mistake over and over. Is it because neither
of you is capable of learning or because it is an attempt to take a
cheap shot at me?

Oh, gee. You sure don't mind dealing in cheap shots until one comes
your way.

Toughen up a little, whydoncha?

"Toughen up"...?!?!

You mean "Get used to our lying because we haven't even started

No lies.

I don't believe either of you is very well known in DXing.

Sorry, but it was not a "career goal" of mine.

Whew! Sure glad to hear that. Because based upon what we HAVE
seen of your "DXing" skills, you, the Little Woman and the kids would
be homeless and hungry.

You've seen nothing of my DX skills. I've received neither a QSL card
nor SWL card from you in any callsign.

I'm sorry. That is incorrect. "William", "Brian" or "liar" would have
been an acceptable response. Thanks for playing.

Oh, my! I think you just called me a liar.

Why not? You've lied repeatedly. You ARE a liar.

No lies.

Get in line, I don't think Steve's done yet. And bring your lunch.

Stop lying, I'll stop calling you a liar.

It really is THAT simple.

You call me a liar for having an opinion. You're nuts.

My accusations? The accusation where I corrected your use of the term
"World's Greatest DXer"? The accusation where I've told you that I'm
not responsible for where foreign hams operate, only for where I
operate? Maybe it was the accusation that because you continue to tell
deliberate untruths, that you're a liar.

I educated you with respect to operating amateur radio in a location
without a government.

YOU have not educated ANYone, Brain.

I have.

YOU have yet to show where YOU know what the laws are. Indeed,
there's not one shred of evidence that you've ever done the things you
claim you have.

Poor Steve. Gotta have papers. "Yes Sgt. Shults, here are my

Later you say I didn't.

Because you haven't.

I have.

Isn't your position
that I should be concerned enough to check these things?

If one had an obvious Novice callsign, such as "WNx...," you might
have to wonder. Often people volunteer what their amateur "status"
is, such as "I'm a Novice." That is another decent clue. Or, you
might be told that they are operating out of band.

The real problem occurs when you know they are out of band, but just
keep right on collecting those greenstamps.

The FCC has not issued "Novice" callsigns since 1976. There are
quite a few folks with Extra Class and Advenced Class licenses with WN

So you are saying that all Novices who once held WN prefixes now hold
some other kind of prefix?

There are also several 1x2's with General and Advanced Class
licenses on the books as of this date.

And plenty of Tech's with 2x2's.

Stop while you are ahead, Brain.

Steve, K4YZ

Stop while you're down. Cut your losses instead of going for broke.
  #35   Report Post  
Old October 27th 04, 11:23 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: foreign amateur radio policy
From: (William)
Date: 10/26/2004 3:44 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message
. com...

You mean "Get used to our lying because we haven't even started

No lies.

"I operated legally from Somalia"

"Unlicensed devices play a major role in emergency comms"

To name a few....

I don't believe either of you is very well known in DXing.

Sorry, but it was not a "career goal" of mine.

Whew! Sure glad to hear that. Because based upon what we HAVE
seen of your "DXing" skills, you, the Little Woman and the kids would
be homeless and hungry.

You've seen nothing of my DX skills. I've received neither a QSL card
nor SWL card from you in any callsign.

Unlikely that you would.

You would have had to actually been ON THE AIR in order for me to ahve
worked you or copied you for an SWL card.

I'm sorry. That is incorrect. "William", "Brian" or "liar" would have
been an acceptable response. Thanks for playing.

Oh, my! I think you just called me a liar.

Why not? You've lied repeatedly. You ARE a liar.

No lies.

"I operated legally from Somalia"

Get in line, I don't think Steve's done yet. And bring your lunch.

Stop lying, I'll stop calling you a liar.

It really is THAT simple.

You call me a liar for having an opinion. You're nuts.

"I operqated legally from Somalia"

"Unlicensed devices play a major roll in emergency comms".

My accusations? The accusation where I corrected your use of the term
"World's Greatest DXer"? The accusation where I've told you that I'm
not responsible for where foreign hams operate, only for where I
operate? Maybe it was the accusation that because you continue to tell
deliberate untruths, that you're a liar.

I educated you with respect to operating amateur radio in a location
without a government.

YOU have not educated ANYone, Brain.

I have.

No, you've not.


I take that back...

You HAVE educated us as to waht an unrepentent liar you are.

YOU have yet to show where YOU know what the laws are. Indeed,
there's not one shred of evidence that you've ever done the things you
claim you have.

Poor Steve. Gotta have papers. "Yes Sgt. Shults, here are my

It's not about what I "gotta have"...Brain.

It's about what you NEED to have...You NEED to prove some of these
outlandish statements you keep making.

So far you've got several YEARS worth of "stupid" on file, and not one bit
of valid support of anything you've stated otehrwise.

Later you say I didn't.

Because you haven't.

I have.

Then you've lies AGAIN, Brain! Sheeeeesh. Give you EVERY opportunity to
back yourself out of your numerous corners gracefully, and you STILL run
headlong into more idiotic assertions.

Isn't your position
that I should be concerned enough to check these things?

If one had an obvious Novice callsign, such as "WNx...," you might
have to wonder. Often people volunteer what their amateur "status"
is, such as "I'm a Novice." That is another decent clue. Or, you
might be told that they are operating out of band.

The real problem occurs when you know they are out of band, but just
keep right on collecting those greenstamps.

The FCC has not issued "Novice" callsigns since 1976. There are
quite a few folks with Extra Class and Advenced Class licenses with WN

So you are saying that all Novices who once held WN prefixes now hold
some other kind of prefix?

WHERE did you get THAT?

There are also several 1x2's with General and Advanced Class
licenses on the books as of this date.

And plenty of Tech's with 2x2's.


Brain got one right!

Stop while you are ahead, Brain.

Steve, K4YZ

Stop while you're down. Cut your losses instead of going for broke.

I'm not "down" any, Brain.

You need to be reading the comments of others over the last couple
days...Not just your's and Lennie's stuff.

Steve, K4YZ

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