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Or why Mikee 'Kalamazoo Cuckoo' ND8V was "in like Flynn" and continues to lead a charmed existence with Riley 'Rot' Hollingsworth K4ZDH Once upon a time in America there came to be a giant of an organization called the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). Much later, there appeared a shy and lonely radio amateur with the 'self-effacing' call sign K1MAN [HI, HI]. Sometime, somewhere, somehow yet later K1MAN came to the rather obvious conclusion that large organizations/associations, such as the ARRL or the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in time lose touch with the constituents they are supposed to serve. This was not news, in that it has always been so. Unlike others, who only 'bitched' about it, however, K1MAN decided to start a Bulletin service on 14.275 MHz a la the ARRL's W1AW in part to poke sticks into the respective eyes of both one-eyed Cyclops. Surprise, surprise, the ARRL/FCC did not put K1MAN on their respective Christmas card lists.... Rather, they attempted to shut K1MAN down. Years and much effort later, they appear to have failed, at least to the extent that K1MAN remains on the air. Concurrently and arguably partly as a result of K1MAN's so-called "bad example", a group of rogue Citizens Band (CB) operators with an amateur licence [and others without], decided to congregate on 14.313 MHz which frequency in time became a veritable 'zoo'. This was during the time when the amateur spectrum was supposedly 'self-governing/policing'.... Then, some four years ago the ARRL reportedly proposed and the FCC agreed to hire one Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH as a 'radio cop', to clean up the 'amateur beat' generally. In reality, there were arguably only two items on Riley's immediate agenda: K1MAN on 14.275 MHz and the mess on 14.313 MHz but for the obvious and not so obvious reasons, very much in that order. Unfortunately K1MAN had in the meantime contracted to teach full-time and as a consequence had to take a sabbatical from producing the time-consuming Bulletins. Then, at a series of 'hamventions', Riley the radio cop apparently loudly took credit for driving K1MAN off the air.... This played well at the FCC and among the 'great unwashed' and uninformed in the amateur community and earned Riley the moniker 'The Rotweiler'. Predictably, this had the same effect on K1MAN as a scarlet handkerchief has on a bull. K1MAN consequently let it widely be known that he would be back with a vengeance and as they say in show business, the stage was set.... In the meantime, Riley continued to ineffectively try to come to grips with the zoo on 14.313 MHz. ND8V a.k.a. 'Kalamazoo Cuckoo' to friends and detractors alike, was one of the chief rabble-rousers there. He had attacked Hispanic-speaking stations "for years" calling them cockroaches, interfered with a maritime mobile net and threatened--on and off the air--any number of amateurs who stood up to his bullying. Throughout this, Riley did virtually nothing. Then, when even the US military reportedly had enough of ND8V's behaviour and caused a search to be made of his station, Riley 'The Rotweiler' was finally forced to act. He severely beat ND8V up--with a 'wet noodle'--by supposedly suspending his High Frequency (HF) privileges for a curiously 'pregnant' nine months! This again played well at the FCC and even in the amateur community, to whom 14.313 MHz in general and to some ND8V in particular, had become such an acute embarrassment. Unfortunately, Riley had for some strange reason also made a 'Faustian bargain' with ND8V in part to the effect that if he behaved himself for the duration of the suspension, he would [surprise, surprise] be rewarded! All of his past sins were to be forgiven and forgotten--and what is most perverse--could not be used against him in subsequent disciplinary proceedings.... [Obviously, someone had turned their mind to the possibility--some say inevitability--of subsequent disciplinary problems. Who? Why?] Interestingly, as part of this Faustian bargain, Riley apparently forbade ND8V to operate on 14.313 MHz--something he may not have had authority in law to do. But what is truly odd, when ND8V returned to HF--surprise, surprise ~a month before K1MAN's published intension to resume his Bulletins--he relocated to 14.275 MHz! With virtually the entire 20 m Band for ND8V to choose from, this was not entirely serendipitous.... ND8V returned to HF in September 2001 after 'serving' only eight of the nine month suspension [Riley can't count] and virtually immediately was [surprise, surprise] back in trouble again. Riley was again forced to use the wet noodle, i.e. to issue another Warning Letter that, for reasons still unclear, but likely related to the Faustian bargain, appears to have again 'gone away' without significant or indeed any consequences. Immediately upon K1MAN's return, he was [surprise, surprise] subjected to organized and vicious interference (QRM) by ND8V and his toadies from the zoo on 14.313 MHz now increasingly congregating on 14.275 MHz. [Interestingly, most of these were/are from the 4th Call District.] Riley/the FCC reportedly sat back and listened, but pointedly took no action. Curiously, however, between this relentless QRM'ing and otherwise bad mouthing of K1MAN and inconvenient/neighbouring others, ND8V could be heard loudly praising Riley--in nauseating fashion--the just completed suspension and by now extensive 'rap sheet' at the FCC and elsewhere notwithstanding.... Things were getting curiouser and curiouser.... Within yet another month or two, ND8V organized another attack, this time on a Polish-speaking amateur from New York City (the New Yorker), on the neighbouring frequency of 14.273 MHz for in effect usually speaking in a foreign language and being too close to "his" newly chosen frequency. Now, 14.273 MHz had for only some fifty years unofficially been known/used as the worldwide 'Polish Calling Frequency'. For the obvious reasons, many consider such informal arrangements a very effective and efficient use of the radio spectrum. But, this was shortly after "9/11" and ND8V's apologists say that he should be forgiven for this misguided sense of 'American patriotism'.. Surprise, surprise, this attack on the sometime Polish-speakers generally and on the New Yorker in particular had a similar modus operandi (MO) to that used a year earlier on the Hispanics! ND8V also in quick succession organized his toadies from 14.275 MHz to write two transparently fictitious complaints to Riley against the New Yorker. Perversely, these involved allegations of 'perceived' overly-wide signals and interference no less, backed up by the 'thinnest' of malicious 'drivel' off the Internet. One concerned chiefly what were clearly fraudulent rebroadcasts of the New Yorker's CQs [they taped and retransmitted his signals on top of their own and then complained to Riley about it!]. To even casual observers, this was/is the well-known MO of CB'ers and together with voice imitations, was/is a recognized specialty of the zoo in general and ND8V in particular. As such, the complaints were an obviously 'put up job'. Nevertheless, without checking the bona fides of the complaints or their chief instigator/organizer, or apparently doing any independent investigation whatsoever, Riley obligingly quickly issued two Warning Letters in succession to the New Yorker. These were then published on the ARRL website. This was/is Riley's standard operating procedure. Several knowledgeable and legally trained observers have aptly called this approach to enforcement "Trial By Press Release". [The ARRL's by-and-large noble institutional memory should be ashamed to be party to this.] These Warning Letters emboldened ND8V who was then openly heard bragging to his toadies that he would drive the sometime Polish-speakers off the neighbouring frequency in general and the New Yorker off the air in particular. Then, two of the sometime Polish-speakers on 14.273 MHz [one American and one Canadian] stepped into the breach and attempted to defend their fellow amateur.. Initially, first the American and then the Canadian helped the New Yorker draft and send three lengthy and increasingly detailed double-registered letters of reply to Riley--not one of which to-date has even been acknowledged! The American then sent a double-registered letter covering an audiotape evidencing malicious QRM and a death threat to the New Yorker uttered by none other than--surprise, surprise--'Dumbo Bobbie' WD4AWO--one of the original complainants and ND8V's regular toady from the backwoods of Tennessee. For some curious reason, Riley has not to-date deigned to acknowledge this serious incident either.. Over the next several months the Canadian followed up with some 20 detailed e-mails, each one evidencing at least one instance of serious malicious QRM by ND8V. After several insistent prompts Riley finally laconically if inarticulately acknowledged some of these--not to be confused with answering them--but of course he did nothing substantive about them as usual.. Then, after about six months of this benign neglect--and worse--and the continuing vicious attacks by ND8V, Riley finally attempted to placate the increasingly irate Canadian by advising that he would hold a review of ND8V' s licence status at his upcoming renewal time. Inexplicably, however, a couple of months later, Riley/the FCC renewed ND8V's licence without any review whatsoever! When confronted about this by the Canadian, Riley professed utter surprise and blamed the supposed error on some administrative 'foul-up'. Others thought/think otherwise.. Then, after nearly a year of inaction and 'flip flops', the Canadian finally read Riley the 'riot act'.. Riley's reply to this 'dressing down' was apoplectic, but informative for a change. He wrote that the Canadian should not bother him with "blow-by-blow" details--each one carefully crafted as a possible exhibit to any number of affidavits! Riley also stated that he had "just noticed" that the writer was a Canadian amateur!! This, recall, after more than 20 e-mails, all except one of which [a forward from the American] were very clearly identified with a Canadian call sign!!! The logical conclusion to be drawn from this is that Riley is either grossly inattentive to detail and/or that he doesn't recognize a Canadian call sign when he sees one some 20 times in succession and/or that he is disingenuous [for those not familiar with the last word, look it up under "L" in the dictionary]. Irrespective, Riley thereby very arguably proved himself to be unfit for the important position that he holds.. In his reply, Riley also unilaterally changed 'the rules of engagement' in mid-stream and suggested that the Canadian send him audiotapes instead of the blow-by-blow e-mails. It is interesting to note in passing that the form of complaint to the FCC is nowhere specified. In fact, an FCC Commissioner had shortly before this delivered a 'rocket' to the Enforcement Bureau [of which Riley is Special Counsel, you might recall] on this very point. Also, there are serious and possibly insurmountable evidentiary problems with tapes made by 'various and sundry'. Nevertheless, the Canadian subsequently sent Riley a detailed letter covering a tape recording of a typical example, among others, of ND8V's usual sociopathic QRM. This incident was even independently corroborated by a station from California--which was 2 kHz down and was contemporaneously also maliciously QRM'ed by ND8V--and luckily caught on the same tape! Despite this 'double whammy', from two independent sources that did not previously know each other, Riley never replied to the Californian [a retired Sergeant of police, incidentally] and only grudgingly acknowledged the 'pesky' Canadian. But, to-date, he has taken no substantive action on the incidents as usual.. All the while ND8V perversely continued to praise Riley on the air as if he were his 'long lost bud' and bragged about unprecedented access to and sometimes daily telephone contact with him [while practicing attorneys regularly could not get through].... To subjective and objective observers alike, things were not only getting curiouser and curiouser, but increasingly bizarre.... Then on 25 November 2002 Riley wrote ND8V an unprecedented strong Warning Letter noting that the FCC continues to receive complaints about him concerning the ".appropriation of certain frequencies." and ".interference to certain operators". Riley inter alia cautioned that: "Any future incidents.even a single incident, will result in a monetary forfeiture and revocation proceeding against your license" and requested that ND8V refrain from operation on the 20 m Band. This unprecedented '.last warning, to last warning, to last warning, etc....' was again based on multiple, independent and well-founded complaints from several amateurs operating tens of kHz apart. At least two of these complaints were from mature, highly credible and wholly independent sources who did not then even know of the other's existence [but Riley obviously knew--and gave both the "mushroom treatment"]. Interestingly, both of these sources were also legally trained.. Moreover, one of the complaints was in addition reduced to/backed up by a very persuasive/extensive Statutory Declaration/Affidavit.. Surprise, surprise, distressingly similar historical fact patterns and well-founded/drafted independent complaints notwithstanding, ND8V was able to dispose of them via only one "private" telephone call to his 'bud' Riley! Therein, in true sociopath style [aided by his "calm voice characteristics" no doubt--ND8V later bragged about this on-air], he simply described the multiple independent and unconnected complaints to Riley as "all lies". Now Mikee is an accomplished practitioner of 'The Big Lie' approach. But, what is nevertheless so inexplicable and bizarre in the circumstances is that Riley obviously 'bought' this preposterously 'thin' excuse! STOP PRESS! SPECIAL COUNSEL RILEY 'ROT' HOLLINGSWORTH K4ZDH AGAIN SNOOKERED BY 'CALM VOICE CHARACTERISTICS' OF MIKEE 'KALAMAZOO CUCKOO' ND8V.. After receiving such 'unimpeachable evidence to the contrary' from ND8V--Riley then shamelessly rescinded the Warning Letter--before it was even published!!! This again of course only emboldened ND8V who then sold his perfectly serviceable FT-1000D and bought an IC-756 PRO--so as to more effectively 'keep watch' on and 'splatter' the sometime Polish-speakers especially, in what he instructively called "War Mode". Subsequently, according to ND8V and his toadies, 14.275 MHz and vicinity was "always occupied", even when no one was using it! ND8V published a "schedule" to that effect on QRZ.com and anyone--but especially the sometime Polish-speakers--attempting to use any frequency between ~14.270 MHz and ~14.280 MHz would then immediately be 'stomped on' and/or [surprise, surprise] loudly and perversely be accused of interfering with him! If a few of the sometime Polish-speakers [eventually there were only two!] could not thus be chased off and stood their ground, ND8V would then threaten them with being reported to his "friend and lawyer", Riley. For effect, he would even occasionally pass out Riley's direct/private telephone numbers! He also repeatedly threatened the Canadian with a report to Industry Canada (IC), the Canadian equivalent of the FCC [and equally ineffective]. All the while ND8V's regular toadies [chief among them 'Rambo Dan' W4NTI, 'Dumbo Bobbie' WD4AWO, 'Rude Rube' K4RUB and 'Miami Boob' W4ASX to partially name only a few of the more unbalanced and guilty], were ready and more than willing in the background to uncritically back him up in whatever he said or did.. Soon, no one--'rednecks' from the 4th Call District and/or ND8V's usual sycophants excepted--was safe in the middle of the 20 m Phone Band! All the while Riley/the FCC and even IC, despite being repeatedly advised, did nothing.. The American subsequently sent Riley another handful of double-registered letters covering some dozen tapes/instances of serious malicious QRM by ND8V. But of course Riley did not acknowledge this considerable effort and expense either.. Then in February 2003 ND8V together with his toadies organized a series of vicious on-air attacks on the two sometime Polish-speaking holdouts. That these attacks were also premeditated, organized and racially/ethnically driven is beyond question. Several amateurs and even a short-wave listener independently reported ND8V and his toadies 'laying in wait' and preparing for them as such. The attacks were on an unprecedented scale and of ferocious intensity. Many of them literally lasted for hours! Some again involved repeated threats of death and/or bodily harm.. Fortuitously, all of these attacks were taped--including the all-important beginnings--both by the American and the Canadian. This should have 'put paid' to 'who was on first, first and who second', who attacking and who defending, who calling whom racial/ethnic slurs, who threatening, etc. Riley/the FCC [and sometimes IC] were contemporaneously informed and on occasion provided the tapes and/or access thereto. But again, nothing constructive materialized--actually, quite to the contrary.. Surprise, surprise, 'Kalamazoo Cuckoo' ND8V and 'Rambo Dan' W4NTI--those paragons of American radio amateur virtue--verbally reported the Canadian to IC and the American to the FCC! Because Mikee can't write, the manner in which they did this is again instructive. First, they repeatedly read out the respective and sometimes toll-free telephone numbers using a continuous loop feature and fraudulently exhorted anyone and everyone listening to call in a complaint. Then [surprise, surprise], they conveniently called the numbers themselves! This, perversely, after first viciously QRM'ing and threatening the American and Canadian--for more than three hours--using the usual full legal power +, a five element mono-bander [typically directed at the Canadian, because the American was too close], in splattering War Mode. All of which, including again as to who first properly occupied the frequency, etc., was/is unequivocally evidenced on tapes independently provided Riley by the American as well as the Canadian!! Surprise, surprise, the ephemeral nature of verbal complaints and the supposed requirement for tapes/hard evidence, etc., notwithstanding, both of these 'august' organizations were then perversely apparently speedily preparing to act--against the two 'recalcitrant' sometime Polish-speaking holdouts--who so "unreasonably" refused to be driven off any frequency they first lawfully/properly and demonstrably occupied!!! Almost in desperation, the American then put a $1,000 US 'bounty' for information leading to the arrest, prosecution and conviction of their tormentors/QRM'ers.. Not to be outdone, the Canadian subsequently raised the bounty to $2,000 CDN and for effect added "Dead or Alive", 'Texas/Dubya '-style.. In March 2003 the Canadian also drafted and whenever seriously QRM'ed read to his American colleague for comment, evolving versions of "The Life of Riley"--which ultimately called for Riley's removal from the FCC.. Surprise, surprise, within ~a week of the third weekly 'reading', Riley at long last decided to act--in a manner of speaking. He wrote a letter accusing ND8V of: causing deliberate interference, broadcasting and threatening [the life of the American, no less!]. All of this arising from just one relatively mild attack in the series--lasting only about an hour--on 26 March 2003 as patently incompletely reported by some third party [the identity of which is still unknown]. Nevertheless, Riley again categorically threatened ND8V's licence with: either a suspension and revocation hearing, or a loss of voice privileges for the remainder of the licensing term [i.e. for the next ~nine years]. But, despite the unequivocal nature of the underlying evidence [eventually Riley received three tapes of the same event from three independent sources!] and the relatively strong if curiously obtuse language used, Riley did not call it a Warning Letter.. Moreover, being the petty bureaucrat that he is, Riley did not like having his feet put to the fire, especially in so public a fashion. Thus, even while appearing to take some action against ND8V, he also decided to get even--with [surprise, surprise] the American, being the only one over whom he had some power. Riley disingenuously accused him of conduct ".as bad as or worse than." ND8V. Now, that is a standard indeed!!! Shame on you, Riley! Incidentally, this was the only substantive communication the American had ever had from Riley in his life--the ~dozen reports and costly double-registered tapes he had submitted on ND8V notwithstanding! But, no one should be/is fooled. As previously admitted and long suspected in any event, Riley has obviously been sitting near his energized antennas for much too long! To knowledgeable amateurs, Riley's recent self-serving and semi-articulate musings in general and about ND8V and the American and the 'Polish Calling Frequency' in particular, in the circumstances do not even pass 'the giggle test'.. This latest wet noodle lashing and the requirement to reply "within 20 days" notwithstanding, as of the time of writing of this piece, or some six months--but in reality two years--later, Riley is yet to do anything substantive to ND8V who continues to terrorize 14.275 MHz and vicinity with manifest impunity.. How come 'Kalamazoo Cuckoo' ND8V is still licensed and leads such a "Life of Riley", many thinking amateurs ask??? There are some cynics who answer generally that the ties that bind--and blind--to this extent are to be found only within 'secret societies'--such as the Masons, the Ku Klux Klan and groups which meet for trysts in 'bath houses'.. But, being cynics, they probably over-generalize, if not over-state. Others, who are less jaded, muse simply that Riley is ineffective because he is fundamentally incompetent. Some suggest that Riley's secretary is weak in basic fact investigation and reasoning ability and has too ready an access to his rubber-stamp signature.Those who are legally trained, laconically submit that Riley is simply 'wet' on the law. Still others suggest that Riley is legally, administratively and otherwise unethical. A few point out the obvious--that Riley is also from the 4th Call District--and as such is simply covering the 'butts' of his fellow southern rednecks [and/or Klan wannabes]. Some have even suggested that Riley is intellectually and otherwise dishonest. While K1MAN bluntly states--on-air and in writing--that Riley is a "cheap and corrupt politician". Some of these characterizations might be true, in whole or at least in part. But, after only two years of close monitoring and observation, the "relationship" between Riley and ND8V appears to be both much simpler and at the same time much more complex than that.... In a nutshell, 'Kalamazoo Cuckoo' ND8V arguably leads "The Life of Riley" because Riley continues to treat this 'useful ~400 lb. idiot' and his uncouth toadies on 14.275 MHz and vicinity as the radio equivalent of thugs and 'brown-shirts' in his battle to get K1MAN and his Bulletins off the air. Riley was/is playing the dangerous game of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' and provides this crude racist bully 'deep cover', convenient 'escape clauses', lenient sentences and 'get out of jail free' cards virtually on request.. But, why has this gone on for so long? Arguably, because now 'Kalamazoo Cuckoo' ND8V also knows 'where Riley's bodies are buried'.. Whatever the short and/or long-term tactical merits of Riley's ad hoc, unprincipled and ultimately Machiavellian approach, because of the collateral damage it causes to non-combatants and innocent others, it constitutes highly irresponsible and unethical administrative behaviour and brings great discredit not only to amateur radio and the FCC, but also to the United States of America as a whole. It is past time, therefore, not only for Mikee 'Kalamazoo Cuckoo' ND8V but also for Riley 'Rot' Hollingsworth K4ZDH to go.... 73 DE Karol VE7KFM © 2003 |
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