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  #102   Report Post  
Old October 27th 04, 04:33 AM
Posts: n/a

(Brian Kelly) wrote in message . com...
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS....
From: "KØHB"

Date: 10/24/2004 9:58 AM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . net

"Brian Kelly" wrote

A big airliner is a big airliner, they all tote/toted tons of JP4/5
then and now, doesn't matter if it's being flown by an AAL 767 piloted
by a 15,000 hr. column jock or a hijacked 767 piloted by a sand roach.
They all burn equally well inside hi-rise buildings. If the building
comes down because it's core structure wasn't sufficiently
heat-resistant then in fairness who really did screw the moose?

"Over to you Hans".

You're right, Brian. It wasn't the fault of the religious freedom
fighters that the WTC towers are rubble. It's the fault of the

What the hell was I thinking!

Brian, we gotta go with Hans on this!

One has to assume that a professional pilot would have, realising his
error, made every effort to avoid the Towers. The camel fornicators jammed on
the power and aimed straight for the buildings...That's a heck of a lot more
kinetic energy than a glancing blow or just clipping it with a wing (a loss of
the aircraft, to be sure, but a lot less likely to have caused the Towers to

There are three major airports within a few miles from lower
Manhattan, Newark, JFK and Laguardia. Most aircraft accidents occur
during landings and takeoffs and include both pilot error and
equipment failures and sometimes both. With the balls to the wall
looking for altitude.

Damn! Landing and looking for altitude. Whatta concept???

The guy who hit the Empire State Building was
executing extreme evasive maneuvers with a high-performance military
A/C which was far more agile than any jet airliner but he hit it
anyway and almost dead center at that.

The Empire State Building sure move around a lot.

As you well know there have
been situations in which airliners have become completely
uncontrollable, e.g., 737 rudder lockups. You're a pilot too, connect
the dots.

He ate the Dots. Right after he ate the jujubees and buttered popcorn.

The issue "under discussion" here is whether one of the towers might
not have come down if it's designers had used their heads when they
picked a wayward 707 as the model for a A/C collision with a tower and
factored in the fact that 707's carry huge amounts of JP. Which they
apparently didn't do. That's *all* there is to my "agenda". But as
usual around here the "technical experts" . . yadda, yadda . . .


Steve, K4YZ


Yeh. Hmmm? Nothing like siding with the terrs.
  #104   Report Post  
Old October 27th 04, 11:11 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS....
From: (William)
Date: 10/26/2004 3:37 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS....
Date: 10/26/2004 5:04 AM Central Standard Time

Mike Coslo wrote in message

Not by me! AFAIC Lenover21 can post on anything he wishes to.

Glad to hear it. The same cannot be said for Kelly, Jim, Dave, or
dare I say Steve?

Yes, you DARE say it, Sir Putzy Jr!.

I have never chastised Sir Scumbag about being "off topic" except when

is chastizing others for doing exactly the same thing HE does.


Hi, hi!

Then you always say "EXCEPT WHEN I DID."

More Hi, hi's!

An educated person (meaning other than yourslef) could read the sentence I
wrote and understand it, Brain.

My bust for assuming you MIGHT.

By Golly, I guess you really DiDit!

Really, there isn't a need for any of us to be sensitive about this
stuff. It is after all, USENET.

It's not being sensitive about being told. It's just that those doing
the telling are some of the worst offenders, i.e., PCTA double

Oh...You mean the SAME "double standard" that YOU just exercised here?

Steve, K4YZ

No double standard. I did not chastise. I pointed out a fact. A
fact that you don't like. Too bad.

Yes, you HAVE been chastising others, myself included.

I have made other apologies in this forum before, Brain. (Care to ask
Cecil, among others?)

So far you've not been able to delineate ANY facts, Brain.

Nor have you kept pace with your own rhetoric.

Steve, K4YZ

  #105   Report Post  
Old October 27th 04, 04:26 PM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a

(William) wrote in message . com...
(Brian Kelly) wrote in message . com...
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS....
From: "KØHB"

Date: 10/24/2004 9:58 AM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . net

"Brian Kelly" wrote

A big airliner is a big airliner, they all tote/toted tons of JP4/5
then and now, doesn't matter if it's being flown by an AAL 767 piloted
by a 15,000 hr. column jock or a hijacked 767 piloted by a sand roach.
They all burn equally well inside hi-rise buildings. If the building
comes down because it's core structure wasn't sufficiently
heat-resistant then in fairness who really did screw the moose?

"Over to you Hans".

You're right, Brian. It wasn't the fault of the religious freedom
fighters that the WTC towers are rubble. It's the fault of the

What the hell was I thinking!

Brian, we gotta go with Hans on this!

One has to assume that a professional pilot would have, realising his
error, made every effort to avoid the Towers. The camel fornicators jammed on
the power and aimed straight for the buildings...That's a heck of a lot more
kinetic energy than a glancing blow or just clipping it with a wing (a loss of
the aircraft, to be sure, but a lot less likely to have caused the Towers to

There are three major airports within a few miles from lower
Manhattan, Newark, JFK and Laguardia. Most aircraft accidents occur
during landings and takeoffs and include both pilot error and
equipment failures and sometimes both. With the balls to the wall
looking for altitude.

Damn! Landing and looking for altitude. Whatta concept???

The guy who hit the Empire State Building was
executing extreme evasive maneuvers with a high-performance military
A/C which was far more agile than any jet airliner but he hit it
anyway and almost dead center at that.

The Empire State Building sure move around a lot.

As you well know there have
been situations in which airliners have become completely
uncontrollable, e.g., 737 rudder lockups. You're a pilot too, connect
the dots.

He ate the Dots. Right after he ate the jujubees and buttered popcorn.

The issue "under discussion" here is whether one of the towers might
not have come down if it's designers had used their heads when they
picked a wayward 707 as the model for a A/C collision with a tower and
factored in the fact that 707's carry huge amounts of JP. Which they
apparently didn't do. That's *all* there is to my "agenda". But as
usual around here the "technical experts" . . yadda, yadda . . .


Steve, K4YZ


Yeh. Hmmm? Nothing like siding with the terrs.

Children should be seen but not heard. Now go to your room.

  #106   Report Post  
Old October 27th 04, 04:58 PM
Posts: n/a

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS....
Date: 10/26/2004 3:37 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS....
Date: 10/26/2004 5:04 AM Central Standard Time

Mike Coslo wrote in message

Not by me! AFAIC Lenover21 can post on anything he wishes to.

Glad to hear it. The same cannot be said for Kelly, Jim, Dave, or
dare I say Steve?

Yes, you DARE say it, Sir Putzy Jr!.

I have never chastised Sir Scumbag about being "off topic" except when

is chastizing others for doing exactly the same thing HE does.


Hi, hi!

Then you always say "EXCEPT WHEN I DID."

More Hi, hi's!

An educated person (meaning other than yourslef) could read the sentence I
wrote and understand it, Brain.

My bust for assuming you MIGHT.

I understand it. You use "always" and "never" with abandon, except...

Hi, hi!

By Golly, I guess you really DiDit!

Really, there isn't a need for any of us to be sensitive about this
stuff. It is after all, USENET.

It's not being sensitive about being told. It's just that those doing
the telling are some of the worst offenders, i.e., PCTA double

Oh...You mean the SAME "double standard" that YOU just exercised here?

Steve, K4YZ

No double standard. I did not chastise. I pointed out a fact. A
fact that you don't like. Too bad.

Yes, you HAVE been chastising others, myself included.

I have made other apologies in this forum before, Brain. (Care to ask
Cecil, among others?)

There's a blast from the past. Cecil departed here years ago, but you
have made mountains of false accusations since Cecil's departure.

So far you've not been able to delineate ANY facts, Brain.

Nor have you kept pace with your own rhetoric.

Steve, K4YZ

No one can keep pace with your unfounded accusations.
  #110   Report Post  
Old October 28th 04, 01:30 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,

(N2EY) writes:

In article , Mike Coslo

N2EY wrote:

In article ,

(Len Over 21) writes:

In article , Robert Casey

One could sumise that if all the other ships in the area were
taking it slow, Titanic should have taken heed and go slow
as well. One doesn't have to have knowledge of a field to
realize that. I'm sure that the ship's owners would have preferred
and understood a late but intact Titanic at the destination.
Maybe the ship was "unsinkable" but I wouldn't want to test
that with paying passangers aboard.

Robert, I will agree with you, but what happened to the Titanic
NINETY-TWO YEARS AGO isn't really a subject of this
newsgroup and doesn't come close (maybe a couple of light-
years) to amateur radio policy. :-)

So what, Len? Much of what you talk about doesn't come close to amateur
radio policy either.

That anyone should chide another on OT posting here in rrap is mildly

Agreed! Len does more OT posting than anybody, yet complains the loudest

others do it. Just another example of his double standard, do as Len says

as Len does mentality.


I say enjoy the hobby. I say don't try to force archaic, imaginary
needs in testing for an amateur radio license just because some
olde-tymers had to do it. I say enjoy freedom. I say try to keep
up with the technology. I say the technology isn't restricted solely
to what the ARRL publishes.


I like to live dangerously! :-)

Is that "bad mentality?" Or would you rather everyone be subject
to rule by the raddio kopps carrying dazzling bright kopp badges?
[that way you could get to push around others who don't agree
with you and your opinions - which you call "facts"]

Steve's opinions are facts. Others opinions are lies.

Standing Orders of the Day posted behind glass at the recon
company Hq., personally signed by Genl. Chesty Puller hisself.


There are three kinds of lies. Lies, Damned Lies, and NCTA Opinions.

That's what gets written in here... :-)

Do I do "OT posting more than anybody?" No.

If I DO talk about old time (OT) subjects it is for a reason of
explanation since I've DONE those things and have first-hand
experience. I don't need "confirmation" from any "league"
organization to "document" it. :-)

Ah oh! Mistake #1. Can't say nuttin bad about the league.

I know, I know...we can't call it what it is...we MUST enoble it
to sainthood and worship at the Church of St. Hiram.

When that someone is part of the Lennie/Steve/Brian-William
troika in *their* ongoing whizzing contest is much more amusing.


The denials are almost funny.

No. Tragic. The damp hankie slap on nursie's wrist isn't very
good therapy, "doctor" Jimmie.

DJ (Doc Jimmie) run Yell DMC health records. Clean Bill.

Is Jimmie Who a "qualified health professional?" :-)

Being a "qualified health professional" is an absolute MUST in
here when anyone mentions the CAPman.

Well, except to some who wish to turn this newsgroup into
a quasi-private Chat Room involving their own desires and
preferences..and to have them damn all others for not thinking
and feeling as they do. [yourself excluded]

That's a pretty good summation of what *you* want from this newsgroup,

After all, you're the one telling other people to "shut the hell up"..

I've thought that Lenover21 wanted to be the moderator in here. He
claims otherwise.

It's how he acts that makes the claims ring hollow. Perhaps it's time to
repost the "feldwebel" classic...

Poor baby. Losing your "group leader" self-imposed title?


Not: MARS is like Amateur Radio.

Not: MARS has lots of Amateur Radio Volunteers.

But: "MARS IS Amateur Radio!"

Hi hi!

False religion. "True lies." :-)

The connection to the UNIFORMED military is obvious to me and
you but others don't quite see it.

For the bleeding-heart imaginary sailors aboard, I won't cry
great crocodile tears of a thousand-plus humans who perished
on the Titanic in 1912. Nope.

"Bleeding-heart imaginary sailors"? Who would that be?

Yeah, what's with that?

Len's trying to cover up his gaffe of laughing at them.

Tsk, tsk. I don't, have never "laughed" at innocent victims of

What you've just said above is a damned LIE, sweetums.

Not unexpected from the Wrong Reverend Jimmie Who. It was
bound to happen that - as "led" by that other shining example of
modern U.S. hamdom, the gunnery nurse.

What next? Little eptithets in some language your aren't familiar
with? [nursie has the lock on cute Yiddish pejoratives, doesn't
know squat about Yiddishers or Judaism] Maybe something
choice in Italian? [you could use my neighbor, the Scicilian, in
that regard...:-) ]

I think the next runaway insult language will be Palistinian.

Who knows? I'm not into any form of Arabic although my former
opthalmologist taught me a couple of Farsi words (he was born
in Persia...what is now Iran).

As long as a nastyword isn't in a native language, some yo-yo
in here will use it as a euphemism.

I'll just reflect that the subject
made a LOT of money for Linda Hamilton's ex-husband

You mean James Cameron? If so, why not just use his name?

You seem to have a serious problem calling people by their names.

you don't have the guts to do it.

Have you ever noticed, Mike, that Len practically *never* addresses

disagrees with him by the name they use on their posts? He almost always

make up an insulting nickname for them.

Beggin' yer highbrow pardon, m'lord hamme-on-wry.

Who is K4CAP? Isn't that a defunct callsign?

Totally DEFUNCT.

employed many Mexican laborers on the set of "Titanic"...
many many years later with a little gilt statuette awarded for
Best Motion Picture to the producer-director. No crying great
tears on-stage on that Oscar Night.

What possible significance does that have?

And is that on topic for rrap? ;^)

;-) ;-)

M'lord Hamme, what is the "significance" of discussing the Titanic

at all in an amateur radio policy newsgroup?

Shouldn't you be taking that up before the House of Lords?

Put a Trace on that Lords.

I'll call "Mr. Trace, keener than most persons" if someone in here
remembers Bob and Ray... :-)

Linda is quite quirky in a cute sort of way... or is that quite cute in
a quirky sort of way?

Very attractive, really. Not at the Jan Smithers level, of course.

Tsk. Letting all your sexual fantasies hang out in public again?

What possible significance has YOUR sexual fantasies to do with
amateur radio policy matters?

Oh, yes, you like to present them to show your "manliness?"


It's all merely a frustration with "thier" station in life.

Passing that 20 WPM morse code test was VERY meaningful to
them...gave them something to brag about, to feel oh, so superior
to other amateur radio hobbyists.

Boeing doesn't test fly
new aircraft with commercial paying passengers.


Commercial air carriers don't concern themselves with amateur
radios...requiring ANY RF radiation source to be turned off when

Again, that and mention of Boeing Aircraft Company is NOT an
amateur radio policy subject.

Mebbe we should check with the CAPman on that. He's practically a
Boeing insider when he jumps into that jumpsuit.

Don't forget that he is "Pilot in Command" when he do dat!

Got the silver wings with little laurel wreath around the star above
the center shield! Maybe he had it gold plated to match USN
wings? USAF wings are physically larger than USN wings. :-)

Not many aircraft companies were busy working out Test
Proceedures for test-flying new aircraft in 1912... :-)

Very OT

So is claims that vacuum tube kluges you've "designed" in
the 1990s as "state of the art." :-)

But, but, but, it is immune to BPL...

Absolutely! Immune to RFI, EMI, and EMP effects, too, I'll bet.
Immune to everything except negative criticism (however slight).

Boeing innovated the pre-flight checklist around 1940 or
thereabouts after they lost a prototype Flying Fortress (and
their chief test pilot) on takeoff.

Yawningly OT

So is Rev. Jimmie's regular "subject" of the Titanic disaster in

Jimmie have fantasies of being a "hero" saving lives through
moursemanship in that disaster scenario?

And here I thought that SAC invented the checklist. Thank goodness I
read RRAP.

SAC no doubt improved on the checklist...but Boeing made so many
of the SAC aircraft that there must have been some transfer of
methods and procedures. :-)

Nephew-in-law works for Boeing in the production complex near
Marysville, WA. But, I was somewhat familiar with Boeing aircraft
long before the family got extended.

Of course there was the PROFESSIONAL pilot who tried to roll a B-52 at


Did you see the case study of that one, Jim? Spooky! Too bad so many of
the folk flying with him knew they were probably going to die some day
with him at the yoke.

Did you see the film clip? It's on the 'net at a few sites. Not the best
quality, but scary enough.

Has Jimmie actually RIDDEN in a B-52?

Saw him in a movie. Sittin atop an A-Bomb. Oooop! He jarred it

"Dr. Strangelove." :-)

Yeah, like a (mximum) 200 pound male can "jar loose" 4000
pounds of bomb (approximate weight of a special weapons of the
time) from its shackles designed to take many g of force. :-)

Tsk. These guys go to the movies and think that all the FICTION
they see is the TRVTH and nothing but... :-)

Who cares? Jimmie never served his country in a military capacity,
wouldn't have any need to ride a B-52 for any reason.

But he likes to write about it.

Sure does...and really, really bristles with antagonism on the slightest
negative comment on what he say...

B-52s are older than Jimmie...he MUST love them for that reason.

Is this the part where he is called a non-participant? A mere

Or was that Kelly?

Both. :-) Except Kellie DID have dinner with the Captain! :-)

Jimmie has some fundamental seamanship flaws. It's easy to
drive (excuse me, sail) a Sabot directly into an iceberg to "save
the passengers (at most two)." Brian Kelly knows better than
that so I give him credit for some common sense, sailor-wise.

Not to worry. U.S. amateur radio regulations are Up To Date.

Yes, they are.

Seems like it to me!

"Yawningly OT." Hi hi. :-)


For THEM it is "up to date." They ARE amateur radio!

The Elite of the Elite. An Army of One. All that they can be.

The morsemanship test REMAINS and that suits Mr. "I serve my
country in OTHER ways" Miccolis, the artist of the state, just
dandy. That will secure U.S. amateur radio for morse-tested hams
and assure Jimmie someone to play with...

Gotta protect the laurels that ye rest upon.

They need whoopee cusions...

They still require all amateurs to test for beloved morse code
cognition capability in order to have priveleges of operating
below 30 the ham bands.

Why does that bother you so much?

Notice how Len avoids the relevant questions...

What is the "relevant question?" :-)

Oh, I see. You be da Lord Hamme-on-wry, de Lawgiver of what
be relevant for all to follow! Beggin' me humble pardon, m'lord.

The relevant question is "Steel chassis or Aluminum chassis?"

"Greenlee punch or Nibbler?"

Such relevant questions.

Actually, it would be. Jimmie say he build with "recycled parts"
and his "rig" didn't cost him more than $100.

Now anyone considering any sort of metal work for radios had
better have $ome money since an average aluminum chassis
from Bud Industries, LMB-Heeger, or Hammond Manufacturing
(good folks in Canada) is going to cost about $30...and that isn't
including a bottom cover plate. Metal cabinets are Out Of Sight.
Check any catalog, paper or on-line, Allied, Newark, DigiKey,
Mouser, even Ocean State Electronics.

Some alloys of aluminum are sort of malleable. 2024 is somewhat
that way but don't bend it too much. 6061 is NOT. One can't take
a chunk of ordinary aluminum and hammer it flat to fill in the holes
(using "recycled" i.e., previously-used), then bend/brake it back to
some new shape. That means BUYING chassis somewhere...or
snaffling ("swipe") them. At early 1990 prices, that average
chassis alluded to before would cost about $25. So, for six chassis
in the photograph that would be a total of about $150.

The excuse to be given will be that he "bought it at a flea market"
or some hamvention for "a very low price." :-)

Whatever the story is, it will have the usual embellishments, the
brags of greatness, the usual suspects. :-)

It seems that some amateurs
bent on constantly re-living the past (in almost anything) think
that morse code skill is still the epitome of "radio operation" in
the year 2004.

Perhaps some do.

Many more think that a simple test of Morse code skill at a very basic
level is a worthwhile requirement for an amateur license.

Why does that bother you so much, Len?

Very "progressive." State of the Art.

Len, do you live in a "State Of The Art" house? Drive a "State Of The

car? Wear "State Of The Art" clothes?

Is your computer "State Of The Art", complete with broadband


If we owns PC's, we isn't state of the art.

Roger that!

Who had a "personal computer" in 1912? :-)

It's an egnima. Ooops! Prolly later.

Heck, the only HF radio equipment you've admitted to owning is over 20

old. Definitely not "State Of The Art", yet you lecture others about


"Lecture?" :-)

Tsk, tsk, TSK! I have an R-70. Leo has an R-70. Both still work to
specifications (which are quite good).

Oh, yes, a couple of NCTAs mentioned it, so, according to m'lord hamme
(on rye?) they are just snit. :-)

I've got a ratshack dx150. Wanna trade? Hi, hi!

I'll trade you my old RS "Color Computer" for it... :-)

Random though mode on:

I have a 1987 Transciever. IC-745. Suits me just fine. All digital
(excluding the necessary analog bits)

Mostly analog, really!

Wow, even digital radios are getting old hat.


How so? Can't get any digital parts to "recycle?" :-)

Wow! An IC-745. Time to swap out the lithium battery.

Or have some of the folks in here take their lithium regularly...

"Why", the Grinch said as a smile lit his face, "Maybe for everything,
everymode all has it's place."


Children's story characters? More fantasy portrayed as "fact?"

"...every Mode has it's place." Time to tune up the arc-welder and
draw a bead and a dit. Hi, hi!

Do a long seam for a spark transmitter "key down" equivalent?

The Petersen Auto Museum on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles
had a display of all the Grinchville vehicles used in the movie.
Cute. Fiberglass bodies all, some "recycled" auto parts in the
chassis. Made by movie industry PROFESSIONALS! :-)

I have a chunk of galena setting on the shelf in front of me - maybe
I'll make a cat's whisker detector and radio from it

Oatmeal boxes made of cardboard are still used. They have a plastic rim at

top but they still make good coil forms

Go for it, Mr. State of the Art! :-)

I prefer the "Hogan's Heroes" teapot radio.

heh heh heh Another PROP...but not about aviation...

Quaker Oats still does some packaging in round (thin) cardboard
cartons. In the 1920s that would have been a very low-cost "coil
form" for the 195-meter wavelength hammes of olde.

Reinvent the 1920s and claim your fame as the "innovator!"

Good grief.

Next thing you know, Rev. Jimmie will tout "Ralph 124C41+" as

science fiction!" :-)


Whatever he tout's is da troof!

Hugo Gernsback (of the publication fame) wrote "Ralph 124C41+"
way way back. TERRIBLE writing. Fiction wasn't his thing and
one can suspect he became a publisher to control the editors who
wouldn't buy copy from him as an author. :-)

I read it in one sitting in 1953. Small thin book. Dreck. It is so
"camp" that the Science Fiction Writers of America wanted to
name the annual SF writing award trophy as the "Hugo." :-)

Gernsback could have become a "leader" in ham radio way back
in the early 1920s. He had branched out too far into other radio,
trying to be a visionary. Gernsback Publications was much much
larger than what the league could get together.

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