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  #171   Report Post  
Old November 6th 04, 06:16 AM
Posts: n/a

(Steve Robeson K4YZ) wrote in message ...
Subject: Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS....
Date: 11/5/2004 6:02 AM Central Standard Time

In article ,

(Len Over 21) writes:

For that matter, I've also seen part of
the GC Electronics operations when their wire-stripper line was still a
part of it...and known two who worked there (in 1956). [GC is now a
merge with Walsco and most of their 'products' are produced by others
on an OEM basis]


Don't discourage him, Jim!

He's moved from 1953 to 1956!

I have a small collection of Greenlee punches which have been
gathering rust and dust. About every 5 years or so I may take them
out, oil them and rub them with some steel wool. Haven't used them
for about 9 years or so.

I'll give ya $5 each for them.

Maybe if he knew what Greenlee punches were for they might not gather so
much rust.

I suppose next you will demand I show up at Dayton with the
"citations" to prove I do things? Harrrr!!!!

None of us have seen anything you've built at home. None of your articles in
'ham radio' were construction articles. You've lots of criticism for others'
construction projects, but when asked to show what HF radio projects *you*
built at home, with your own resources and on your own time, the result is a
big fat zero.

Len, you're all talk and no action. All show and no go. All sizzle and no

There aren't any...Not HF...Not VHF...Not in ANY electronics discipline.

Use all the old holes for the
"new design?" Make everything "fit" those existing holes?


You really have no imagination when it comes to practical radio, Len.

The key word there was, of course, "practical".

That means BUYING chassis somewhere...or
snaffling ("swipe") them.

You mean steal? I don't do that.

Heavens, no!

That's right.

Did you ever "snaffle" parts, Len?

Must be a 1950's era term.

Right now its wondering why I'm wasting
all this time writing a reply to an unrepentant PCTA-er who is bound
and determined to rationalize (one way or the other) that he is perfect
ham in every way.

I've never claimed to be perfect or god-like in anything, Len. I'm just a
amateur who has homebrewed some amateur radio stations over the past 37
You haven't done any of that, yet you set yourself up in judgement.

The only one I've ever seen in this forum even remotely suggest they are
perfect was some potty-mouthed ex-radio technician who suggested, at one time,
that he and any two of his engineering buddies were worth just about everyone
else in the Amateur Radio service.

Prove that. Show your work.


Lennie's always demanding engineer-level performance from evryone else,
but is incapable of taking a simple Amateur Radio exam or getting a 2N2222

U.S. Army radio station ADA sent 220 thousand TTY messages a
month in 1955 in 24/7 operations, radio circuits all over the Pacific
on HF.

And there were how many personnel stationed there?

Good thing you didn't ask him " many COMPETENT personnel",
Jim...Wudda had to subtract at least one!

Wouldn't matter anyway...Lennie was not an authorized operator then,
either...Just a radio mechanic, according to the MOS's he's supplied.

that item in it ('Stripes' was and is still available to the military
and to dependents). Each and every team supervisor at transmitters
was immediately responsible to keep those radio transmitters
operating when scheduled.

It was their *job* and sole responsibility, right? For which they were
fed, housed, clothed and otherwise cared for, right? Who paid for all that
radio equipment and supporting stuff, Len?

Why JIM..! How DARE you ask! We all KNOW that Lennie waived all his
paychecks, paid his own keep out of pocket, and designed, built and operated
ALL his OWN gear!

Jimmie, I can get even MORE specific about all of that old stuff
because: (1). I was there; (2). I have documents to prove it;
(3). I have personal photographs as well as Signal Corps photos
(with mimeoed ID on the backs, as military standard then) from
those days; (4). I have other documents obtained as gifts from
a now-retired civilian engineer who was there at the time and stayed
with the station complex after the USAF took over in 1963 (he now
lives in California); (5). I have been in correspondence, both
written and telephone, with another who was there at the same time
as I, has been a amateur radio licensee for years; (6). The
Pacific Stars & Stripes did check out some of my material and
published it (article by staffer Rick Chernitzer who did the interview)
on 10 November 2002 (it's in the middle of that Sunday edition, a
"double truck" or two-page spread as the publishing folks sometimes
call it).

Nobody doubts that you were there, Len. Yet you get all defensive about it.

Ironic...10 November...the MARINE CORPS Birthday...Huh, Lennie....

Dat tree.

Don't disgrace the Marine Corps on their birthday.
  #172   Report Post  
Old November 6th 04, 09:46 AM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...

Not to worry. All the licensured constitutionalists have taken care of
that. Here's a synopsis of what they've come up with:

1. The ONLY way to show any interest in radio is to get a ham
license. Any other endeavor, interest, curiosity is meaningless
without that official authoritzation to operate (but only in the ham
bands). Industry employment doesn't count, ever.


Stated as such by numerous posters, including those that Lennie
refers to as "PCTA".

2. The ONLY way to show any capability of doing anything in radio
is to home-build an HF transceiver (for the ham bands) and then
display it on an AOL home page. All else is meaningless.

The only way to ahve any PRACTICAL experience is to actually DO
something. And "doing something" is not on Lennie's agenda. Neither
competent, capable or qualified.

3. Newsgroup gabble about non-amateur-radio subjects is absolutely
permitted, even encouraged...because it is done by authorized,
licensured, official amateurs who are regulars in this newsgroup
and self-designated as the saviors of the amateur radio future.

Anyone can discuss anything in an unmoderated newsgroup.

However people who take other people to task for doing it, but
who are themselves most guilty of generating reams of "off-topic" fare
will be humiliated and harrassed as being two-faced.

4. Anyone not a PCTA is forbidden to even mention radio policy
subjects and such should always be cat-called, heckled,
personally insulted for the slightest hint of negativism expressed
against the god-like words of the PCTA and their beloved morse
code ability.


Those who get "cat-called, heckled" are those who ACT like they
know about Amateur Radio policy (the subject of THIS NG.) but
obviously don't have a clue as to what it's all about.

IE: The persistent NG rantings of one Leonard H. Anderson.

5. No one, absolutely none, is permitted to say anything negative
(however slight) against the claims, brags, or statements of any
PCTA. All must shower such with accolades and respect worthy
of heroes, leaders, and statesmen lest they be offended and run
home from the schoolyard crying for their mamas.

As opposed to the shoring of accolades that non-licensed,
allegedly professional ex-technician/engineers are supposed to get,

6. There is NO other radio except amateur radio. The excellence of
all radio (no exceptions) lies in HF bands operations as done by
official, licensured amateurs working DX with CW. Implications
that there are other radio services (including evil CB) is an
aberration and is punishable by all manner of personal insult to
anyone bringing such subjects to the newsgroup.

Again...Proven wrong by a decade's worth of discussion on
non-Amateur radio-related topics.

Lennie's lying again...

7. Anyone who has met the old Amateur Extra federal examination
and passed is automatically elevated to expertise in:
A. Entertainment business production and ethics.
B. Architectural techniques, including engineering for same.
C. National and International politics and policies.
D. Aerospace business, industry, and technology.
E. Rail and other vehicle transportation.
F. Medical technology and application, regardless of
G. Parenting and family values, plus pediatrics.
H. Absolute insider knowledge on the decisions made by
the Federal Communications Commission.
I. Intimate knowledge and understanding of all amateur
radio technology and how it came to be through history.
J. The righteousness and correctness of the ARRL in all
matters on amateur radio (for they are blessed as the
saviors of U.S. amateur radio as sung in the hymnals
at the Church of St. Hiram - the Divine).
K. Anything else not covered in items A through J.

Obviously a few of the things that Lennie seems overwhelmed by,
but tries to redirect onto others.

It must be miserable to be so old and BE so miserable...

8. The Constitution of the United States of America has NO freedom
of speech allowed to any No-Code-Test Advocate.

Wondering where that is...??? It's not in any Constitutional
document I have ever read.

Guess Lennie's just lying AGAIN! When will it ever stop???

9. The Federal Communications Commission requires all staffers and
commissioners to hold valid amateur radio licenses in order to
regulate U.S. amateur radio. Such INVOLVEMENT is absolutely
necessary and may even be a legal requirement under the law.

It's not a bad idea, but it's NOT the law.

10. It is impossible to know ANYTHING in any subject without any
class of amateur radio license, foreign or domestic.


11. In order to discuss getting into amateur radio one MUST already
be licensed and have licensure IN amateur radio. have an INFORMED opinion one must some practical
experience...Whether in Amateur Radio, engineering, Nursing, or

12. All those already licensed (and with licensure) in amateur radio
know EXACTLY how every other radio amateur thinks, feels,
experiences, believes, perfect understanding.

Guess I missed out on that...

13. Anyone getting into amateur radio MUST also achieve
cognizance by ALL other radio amateurs for their dedication
and resolve and devotion to the ONLY radio - amateur radio.

Again, another Lennie rant...

Okay, that's just a baker's dozen items expressed or implied by
those PCTA gurus of radio who reside in this royal mounted olympus

There's a 14th item but that involves HUMOR and amateur radio is
a most SERIOUS subject. The PCTA will lose their amateur jobs
if they give in to humor. The P in PCTA also stands for
PROFESSIONAL. The PCTA are never ever amateurish.

In order for the concept of humor to be effective, there must be
some common frame of reference.

You have no common frame of reference with anyone in this forum
as it pertains TO the forum, Lennie...You hate Amateur Radio, you
slander the reputations of anyone/everyone remotely attached to it,
and basically are just a cruel, cold creep.

And what laughter you do hear is directed AT you, not WITH you.

Sucks to be you, Old Man...You cudda been a contender...

Steve, K4YZ
  #174   Report Post  
Old November 6th 04, 06:00 PM
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Len Over 21) writes:

In article ,
(N2EY) writes:

We've already seen how you react to others who have served our country in
both military and nonmilitary government service.

Right...for making lots of brags and claims and implied "combat
experience" as in "seven hostile actions." :-)

Mostly just for daring to disagree with you.

Or those who were "in Vietnam" yet can't be specific about what
they did or where.

I don't think that would make any difference to how you behaved towards them.

Or those who "served the country" by being a minor civilian sort for a
defense contractor on a USN aircraft carrier. [I tend to dismiss
the claims of "taking photographs for naval intelligence" as having
any importance]

Yet all these people should show respect for *your* service even though you
show absolutely none for *theirs*.

"Dave" wants his State experiences enobled as wonderful radio
acts for the nation or something. State Department just doesn't
have the size or scope to compete with the U.S. military commo
facilities. The DSN has taken over the day-to-day task for that
and the U.S. Army Signal Corps has long served State for the
vital sensitive communications means (which "Dave" will
immediately argue since he is most sensitive to any sort of
negativism to "Dave").

So you think it's OK to treat K8MN the way you did, and continue to do.

Ooooo...I've "insulted" a member of the USMC? Horrors!

Yes, I was unaware that the USMC is hero of the U.S. military and
the savior of all wars and is therefore ALLOWED (perhaps
encouraged) to insult and demean all other U.S. military service
branch veterans. See cute little Yiddish pejoratives such as "Putz"
(which means 'penis head').

It would be interesting to see when that pejorative was first used, and what
you did to encourage it.

Tsk. I am "guilty" of an inter-service faux pas according to your
veteranism (or veterinarianism or vegetarianism) as a military
veteran yourself. I was unaware that standing retreat (a military
ceremony at sundown) honoring 23 members of my military
battalion was somehow "dishonoring them" (according to the
medically-discharged USMC veteran). Mea culpa.

It's more like your constant badgering and insulting of anyone who disagrees
with you.

That USMC "veteran" (who never claimed any USMC commo
experience) thinks my MOS was as a "radio mechanic" despite
my giving the official U.S. Army Military Occupation Specialty
brief description.

So - "can't you take a little tweak"?

All that because the U.S. Army never used any morse code in
long-distance 24/7 operation HF communications 51 years ago.

You know this for a fact? How?

Tsk. Well, you've had all that "experience" at Washington Army
Radio because you read a rather dated (almost pre-WW2) article
by a very olde-tymer hamme and thus you "were there" and
"knew all about" ACAN (Army Command and Administrative
Network) in which I took part. No sweaty dah.

Was the article factual or not?

It seems to me that you're very opposed to Morse Code getting *any* credit for
*anything* useful.

You've neglected to "correct" me on many other things that
involved communications that I've experienced since 1956...

You make too many mistakes for me to keep up with, Len ;-) ;-)

except some brief mentions on SURPLUS equipment of WW2
era radio. You don't know SINCGARS or the IHFR families
which are the mainstay of small-unit operations in today's
military...IHFR involves HF spectrum communications and the
present-day PRC-104 is part of that IHFR effort since 1986.

So what? Why is SINCGARS of any relevance to amateur radio?

Can hams get the sets in surplus? Can hams use them legally? How much does a
new one cost?

Show us your heroism and wonderful deeds that makes YOU so
superior you can denigrate those of us who DID serve in the military.

Where have I "denigrated" anyone's military or other government service?

Myself and Brian Burke by implication if not directly.

You take *any* comment that is not butt-kissing suck-up praise as an insult.

Show us some examples of these so-called "denigrations". My posts are all in

you've supported or condoned other PCTAs for personally insulting
the both of us. All that has been in public view here.

"Supported or condoned"?

What would you suggest that I do?

Seems to me that you expect me to somehow stop others from saying anything you
perceive as an insult, but at the same time allow you to insult them freely.

Here's a clue, Len: That's not how it works. Each of us is responsible for our
own postings.

You've made considerable "fun" out of my having a professional
career in radio-electronics and try to denigrate professionals in
many areas besides radio.

Where? Show us, Len.

Yet you CLAIM to be a "pro" in your
day job and have never been specific in what you are supposed
to be doing "in electronics."

Where did I claim any of that? Show us, Len.

I've brought out the FACT in the U.S. military communications (on
HF) as of a half century ago NOT INVOLVING morse code for fixed-
point to fixed-point "traffic."

How do any of us know it's a FACT except because you say-so?

How do we know that the entire US military (not just the Army) did the same

Most of all: *WHY* is that supposed FACT of any importance to amateur radio

C'mon - explain it to us. Show us why it has any importance at all.

You kept diverting to USN shipboard
operations trying somehow to "prove" that morse was the Big
Thing in the military

Not true, Len.

I was simply showing that Morse Code use in the US military continued for
decades beyond 1952. You may denigrate the USN and USCG as not being
"big-time", but they are.

...which you didn't prove since TTY was the
major traffic carrier (by far) for all military branches a half century

How do we *know* that except for your say-so, Len?

Most of all: *WHY* is that supposed FACT of any importance to amateur radio

  #176   Report Post  
Old November 7th 04, 02:04 AM
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

(N2EY) wrote in message

Or the guy who claims to have operated from T5 but cannot recall what

modes, radios, or antennas were used?

He recalls, but the green envy and the accusations ****ed him off.

But...but...but...Jimmie's "been there, done all that" and "knows
exactly what it is like!" Hi hi.

In the grand scheme of things, N2EY has been very few places and has
done very few things of importance.

Tsk. He has an AOL Homepage! :-)

Awesome! Yawn.

He owes N2EY no explanation, and N2EY will receive none.

Right on!


He hopes N2EY will understand.

Hah! Fat chance!

No matter. Really.

True. Except "N2EY" is most disturbed about that. "N2EY"
has SET the rules and what he say goes...

Fine. There are other disturbed Extra's on RRAP. He should feel at home.

Jimmie thinks he is the "perfect ham" and can do NO wrong, always
"corrects" others who "make all those mistakes." That's been the
recurring underlayer in his postings here.

N2EY has been wallowing in the slop and slurry of late. But he thinks
he still smells sweetly.

Of course he does. He nose all. :-)

Skunk cabbage by any other name...

PCTAs never apologize...except in a blue moon (when their hair
mysteriously grows out...)

Blue Moon. A delicious micro-brew in the belgian-wheat tradition.

Haven't tried it. Not into any beers and don't bother to drink much.

I follow the mathematician's rule: "Never drink and derive." :-)

Makes cents.
  #179   Report Post  
Old November 7th 04, 10:03 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS....
Date: 10/31/2004 7:53 AM Central Standard Time

Dave Heil wrote in message
Len Over 21 wrote:

There's no reasoning with emotional belief systems...such as

PCTA's insistence that all who come after must jump through

same hoops they had to when younger.

You have a point. There is no reasoning with emotional belief

Take a guy who believes that those tested in amateur radio are

through hoops" or that the testing elements given today are the

those in years past. How would you deal with such a guy?

True enough. The Volunteer Examiners are giving Farnsworth exams
rather than the FCC/Part 97 specified Morse Code exams.

There is no such thing as a "Farnsworth exam".

Volunteer examiners will tell you otherwise.

"Steve" says he's a VE and he's OK. :-)

And supposedly being a VE, you should know that.

Whatever "Steve" does is OK. Under "Steve Rulez."

The FCC is required to ensure that all exams and exam materials

used in
the conduct of exams on their behalf are appropriate.

The FCC is required to ensure that what they enforce on Howard Stern
is also enforced on Oprah.

According to "Steve," the FCC pays a lot of attention to what a bunch
of radio hobbyists do in the service of their country...

In reality there is a difference story...but the fantasylanders don't
want to tarnish the patina of their embellishments.

I said before the restructuring and I'll say it again, "What I fear
most about restructuring is a lack of enforcement, and what I fear
most about maintaining the status quo is a lack of enforcement."

Amateur Radio is now in it's 30th year of a lack of enforcement.

Actually, longer. CB (on HF) became legal 46 years ago...NO
code test then to get on HF, not even a single test to take.

After a few years the "licensure" (token callsign on completion
of application) was removed.

To the best of my knowledge,

Well there you go. You're basing your opinion upon your own limited

True enough. But, "Steve" has LICENSURE and is "fully authorized"
to operate (radiating RF) within the boundaries of amateur radio
regulations. That's enough to make him imagine anything that he
wants is real, legal, and the Absolute Truth. [I still say it is all

to some post-traumatic stress problem, perhaps from those "seven
hostile actions"]

not a single exam in service today has been
identified by the FCC as being inappropriate or not in confomance

requirements, nor has the FCC ever directed the removal from service

Morse Code exam as unacceptable.

Nor would they. It is Morse Code that is specified in Part 97.
You're going to have to try a little harder to unseat my informed

The FCC still hasn't fully qualified its own definition of

Morse Code in Part 97, Title 47 C.F.R. Neither do they fully
and unambiguously define telegraphy "word rate."

However, "Steve" imagines he is still Boss NCO of the unit and
gives Orders as if everyone else were the recruits in the "corps."
As if...

Steve, K4YZ

Yeh, sure. Whatever.

Opus' Mayor Bill (the Cat) has the last word..."Pbthththth..." :-)

Steve has an incredibly uninformed knowledge bank wrt Volunteer
Examining. Luckily for the ARS, he is busy being a volunteer for
numerous other organizations.

His "bank" has no interest. Come to think of it, I'm not much
"interested" in that "knowledge." :-)

Good thing because you won't find much. His bank not even FDIC


Alan Greenspan can't regulate him. :-)

Careful, "Steve" is going to "show you his 'citations' at Dayton!"
[I think his singular citation is the saying goes]

Steve Puffy Flightsuit will not be able to verify the pedigree of his
medal collection at Dayton or any other American city.

Who knows...maybe he has a championship caliber collection?

That Spanish American War service medal looks nice.

Must have had lots of "hostile action" on San Juan Hill.

I'm still curious as to "Steve's" citations for those 'seven hostile
actions' he claimed he had.

Mere claims. Then there is reality, which has passed him by.

What? Just "claims?" Oh, my!

Tsk. The desert around Barstow, CA, is kinda "hostile."

Or the acknowledgement that DoD
really does run MARS and does so OUTSIDE the ham bands.

Oh, my. Now there is a diffy cult one to validate. Hi!

Not to worry. Some ARRL propagandist (maybe even Pres. Sumner
hisself) will exonerate him somehow. :-)

Or "Steve's" power (as a licensured health professional) to pick
up a phone and have just anyone "picked up" by the authorities.

Dat boy be well connected. He one powerful mamma jamma. Hoodo dat

"Voodoo?" I know he tries to "pin" lots of things on others.

I'm still waiting for the "authorities" to come pick me up after that
awesome, powerfull single phone-call by a "health professional."
So far its only been the USPS, FedEx, and United Parcel Service.

That's just up in the top 3 of dozens of his claims. Ho hum.

Claims. Mere claims. No validation.

"Validation?" He no need no steenking validation!

He say. That be all dat's necessary.

All that makes Steve Robeson a ....

Whoa! Don't say it!

That will start another special personal-insult thread by his high

Actually, it did...sad to say.

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