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  #1   Report Post  
Old December 27th 04, 07:36 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article .com, "K4YZ"

N2EY wrote:

Jim, is there some underlying reason why you feel it necessary to
insult me like this?

Ought to be obvious considering some of the replies from the
Avenging Angle. Little Yiddish words such as "Putz" for one
example. :-)

I am waist deep, on a daily basis, with people who are products of
entitlement programs gone wild, all of it at the expense of "Social

Have you considered wearing waders? Fishermen like those...

In the past 72 hours at my ER alone FIVE people generated 12
"emergency room" visits for complaints ranging from "headaches", to
"chronic back pain", to "weakness" induced by alcohol.

One of those five people has FORTY TWO visits to the ED since
January 1st. I've got $10 riding on her making it to 50 before 2359 on
31 December. The pot is up to a couple hundred bucks already.

Ah, yes, all those are TENNESSEEANS who were busy "kicking
out Albert Gore, Jr. :-)

One of the five has 28 visits since Janaury 1st. Wanna bet he
makes it to 30?

Mr 28 and one of the others made their arrivals via EMS. Both of
Mr 28's visits were chauffered per the county. Again paid for by
SSI/Medicare. Mr. 28 is under 40 and "disabled" due an injury that,
oddly, prevents him from "working", but not from riding motorcycles,
drinking, and otherwise dissapating that check in a hurry.

Tsk, tsk. All those nasty Tenneesseans such as those "laid off"
by military medical discharges and unable to continue the rigors
of military life "serving the president." Must be a rough life.

Think I am exaggerating or making this up? You are most cordially
invited to join me any weekend that I work and spend the evening.
You've got my e mail address...drop me a line. I'll set it up.

"Exaggerating?" You've told us a MILLION TIMES not to do that!


Social Security and it's ancilliary programs such as SSI and AFDC
actually promote single parent households and perpetuate drug seeking
behaviour. Since any healthcare facility that accepts
Medicare/Medicaid must also accept their rules, these "patients" are
allowed to continue these abuses almost unabated.

Would it be any different if everyone had to learn morse code?

Why "work" when all they have to do is get pregnant, get "the
check" coming, and then their "insurance card" follows...Nice deal. Or
find an MD who will certify them as "disabled"...There's a whole
Cottage Industry of trial lawyers who jump a the chance to help these
poor souls get thier checks rolling in. The recipients will get "back
pay" checks going back to the first day they filed an applcation for
"benefits". The backpay can be as much as $12K to $20K once the
lawyers play with it for a while since these negotiations can go on for
a couple of years. (Which begs to ask how is it they managed to get
along without the monies!)

Tsk. Federal government (through the Department of Defense) not
paying the Avenging Angle enough on that disability check?

By the way, YOU are paying for it.

Tsk. Don't bite the hands that feed you...

Furthermore, any healthcare facility that accepts federal
entitlement payees (and 95% of all facilites must, if they want to "do
business") must also accept federal regulations...Not a bad idea you
say? Federal rules are the reason most hospitals must charge $2.00 for
a Tylenol and $20 for a simple gauze dressing from people with "real"
insurance. Medicare says "we will pay you "this much" and you WILL
accept it, sorry if it's not enough to cover your real expenses...

So, Jim, please do NOT presume to ask me "where" we are in
reference to the current state of Social Security... I see it every
day. You're welcome to join me for a shift if you're really, REALLY
prepared to leave mad...

Tsk. The Avenging Angle leaves work very angry? Ah, that may
explain his taking out his frustrations on everyone else in here.


Hmmm...I've looked and looked, stretched imagination to the breaking
point and can't find a single mention of "boaters," "APRS" or even
amateur radio! Certainly not about amateur radio policy... :-)

  #2   Report Post  
Old December 28th 04, 02:30 AM
Posts: n/a

Steve, one of my sons had a bad accident and his leg was broken in two
places. After spending a night in the e-room and a day in the
hospital, he went to work finding a new job. He had been cheffing, but
its hard to chef from a wheelchair, and he had bills to pay. So I kept
bringing him newspapers and he started calling around to jobs that
sounded like "sit-down" jobs. He sold magazines by telephone for a
week, then he got on at a window/siding place. He started making OK
money - more than cheffing paid even though he loved cheffing. He met
another salesman on the job, and they talked a little. The guy lived
for free with his "girlfriend" and her two children in sec 8 housing.
You see, she has asthma and can't work. But she can have wild,
passionate sex and get pregnant, then go through childbirth at least
twice. Not bad for a person who can't work. Well, my son in a
wheelchair and pins in his leg read this guy the riot act. He almost
got fired for being "prejudiced."

I listened to a guy who called in on 700/WLW one night. He was a
workman's comp investigator. Funniest two minute call I've ever heard.
He called in while actually having someone under surveillance, and
said that he wished they were listening to the program so they would
start acting injured again. He'll probably get fired for that, and the
faker will get a lifetime of freebies.


  #3   Report Post  
Old December 28th 04, 02:53 AM
Posts: n/a

"bb" wrote

You see, she has asthma and can't work. But she can have wild,
passionate sex and get pregnant, then go through childbirth at least

Are you saying that asthma sufferers should not be allowed to have wild,
passionate sex or become parents? How about cancer patients or blind people or

You are indeed one strange man, Brian!

3's, de Hans "I invented Billy Beeper", K0HB

  #5   Report Post  
Old December 28th 04, 07:21 PM
Posts: n/a

I'm saying that asthma sufferers can have any kind of sex they want,
but don't tell me that there aren't capable of leading productive,
-working- lives.

You're on your own with the cancer patients, blind people, and amputees
as they were not in my post.

2.5, de bb "I kidnapped Billy Beeper"

  #6   Report Post  
Old December 28th 04, 03:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Steve, one of my sons had a bad accident and his leg was broken in two
places. After spending a night in the e-room and a day in the
hospital, he went to work finding a new job. He had been cheffing, but
its hard to chef from a wheelchair, and he had bills to pay. So I kept
bringing him newspapers and he started calling around to jobs that
sounded like "sit-down" jobs. He sold magazines by telephone for a
week, then he got on at a window/siding place. He started making OK
money - more than cheffing paid even though he loved cheffing. He met
another salesman on the job, and they talked a little. The guy lived
for free with his "girlfriend" and her two children in sec 8 housing.
You see, she has asthma and can't work. But she can have wild,
passionate sex and get pregnant, then go through childbirth at least
twice. Not bad for a person who can't work. Well, my son in a
wheelchair and pins in his leg read this guy the riot act. He almost
got fired for being "prejudiced."

I listened to a guy who called in on 700/WLW one night. He was a
workman's comp investigator. Funniest two minute call I've ever heard.
He called in while actually having someone under surveillance, and
said that he wished they were listening to the program so they would
start acting injured again. He'll probably get fired for that, and the
faker will get a lifetime of freebies.


  #7   Report Post  
Old December 29th 04, 09:54 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , PAMNO
(N2EY) writes:

a lot of guru-type expostulation and exhortation on economics
and socio-political behavior omitted...

This all relates to amateur radio in a very basic way:

Unfortunately, it does NOT. All it points out is that you are using
this newsgroup as a general chat room to talk about ANY subject
instead of focussing on amateur radio policy.

The abuses mentioned by Steve and I are all the result of a mindset that
focuses on "rights" to the exclusion of *responsibilites*. Many of us see
proposed reductions in the standards of the ARS as a form of that mindset.

Many of "you" want to enforce your personal desires on everyone
else and think "you" are some kind of Keepers of a Covenant (of
some imagined god-inspired "service"). All because you met some
test requirements long ago, established by other Keepers of an even
older Covenant and are firm Believers in the Church of St. Hiram.

As usual, you olde-tymers are caught in the territorial imperative
emotionalism of a personal activity and want to enforce your
personal mindsets on all others. Not a good thing since the FCC
is not chartered by law to be a reflection on "your" personal desires
nor in the maintenance of a living museum of amateur radio antiquity.

Insofar as radio regulations go, the "ARS" does not stand for
Archaic Radiotelegrphy Service. Removal of the morse test does
NOT "dumb anything down" but rather makes the amateur hobby
more open, freeing it from all the tight confines of an imagined
"amateur profession" with all the rigid, inflexible standards and
practices that date back to seven decades ago.

"You" don't own anything but your own radio equipment in amateur
radio. "You" do not have any "power" to prevent non-amateurs from
communicating with their government on federal laws and regulations.
"You" olde-tymers have no claim over others on "rights" or anything
else. Try to conduct yourself appropriately when faced with reality.

  #8   Report Post  
Old December 30th 04, 02:20 AM
Steve Robeson K4YZ
Posts: n/a

Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS?
From: PAMNO (N2EY)
Date: 12/29/2004 6:04 AM Central Standard Time

In article ,

Robeson K4YZ) writes:

Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS?

Date: 12/28/2004 1:59 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: .com

Steve Robeson K4YZ wrote:
Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS?

Date: 12/27/2004 12:12 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . com

K4YZ wrote:
N2EY wrote:

Note that the income taxes a married couple pay when both work are
greater than the sum of the income taxes of two single working
making the same money and living together.

Which was partly fixed by Carter and then unfixed by Ronald "family
values" Reagan.

Yeah...fixed by Mr. 15% Inflation Carter. Uh huh...I remember. He
a 17.5% one time parity raise for the Armed Forces, then taxed the
bee-jeebers out of us.


Let's look at exactly what happened in that time period!

First off, the govt. started deficit spending in the '60s to pay for LBJ's
"Great Society", the Vietnam war, and the "space race". This deficit spending
and other fiscal changes resulted in rising inflation and interest rates.

Nixon and Ford tried to fight inflation with price and wage controls.
"WIN buttons"?). Didn't work - all that it did was delay the problem and make
it worse.

Ironic, then, that the last time the federal budget was balanced was
during the Nixon administration, isn't it...???

In 1973 we got the OPEC boycott, and when it ended gasoline prices were
doubled. Which affected *all* energy costs, and all businesses that use
and fed inflation like - throwing gasoline on a fire.

We see that now...Price a gallon of milk or a pound of a decent cut of
beef lately?

Exactly. Again, it's part of the tail that the healthcare hound dog
to chase. And MANY of the "maladies" that patients suffer is due to seeing
"Doc A" about one problem and "Doc B" for another.

I'm not in the health care field, but even I know about drug interactions.

Whenever I go to the doc, there's always a form allowing release of
medical info to other healthcare personnel and institutions "just in
case". I always agree and sign it, on the theory they should have the
info and I have nothing to hide.

That's because you're smarter than the average bear, BooBoo, and
probably have "real insurance" that requires your PMD to manage your care.

Naw, just common sense.

THERE'S your problem! (said with a wink and an acknowledging grin) YOU
actually USE it...These other folks are just looking to get what they can just
BECAUSE they can.

Of course it's usually narcotics...You can always tell the real
abusers...They eat the narcs like M&M's, then wind up stopping the

tract. Then they develop a bowel obstrcution for which they ahve to go to
surgery. And of course surgery means more meds...See where this goes...???

Round and round....

Getting dizzy yet?

I have always believed that if I am to be the kind of Nurse that I want to
be, I must advocate for the patient, but I must also educate the patient as to
what is in their best interests (realizing, of course, that you can't make that
horse drink...) even when I am telling them something they may not want to

I am absolutely amazed at the numbers of people (even many "educated"
people) who will look you in the eye as you're trying to give them the
information they need to make the best decision, yet will start if off with
somethig like "Yeah, well, My Aunt Jenny said...". Of course Aunt Jenny's NOT
a health care person, but since what Aunt Jenny said IS what they want to hear,
the effort was just wasted...Of course Mr Nephew or Ms Neice will be back in
the ER in short order wondering why they aren't feeling any better.

Inappropriate ER usage dropped by 53% and collections improved by a
quantum leap because we weren't wasting time on what were charity cases. No
one didn't get to see a doctor, either, since the local docs would work out
payments for the truly indigent.

Then the ACLU got involved. We were "inconvieniencing" the patients.


Much better! =)

Of course you were inconveniencing them! Being responsible for oneself is

I don't know why...! ! ! ! (In reality, I do, but I'd "offend" a lot of
those idiots who won't do it!)

Get Social Security back to what it was supposed to
be..."Security" for
people in thier latter years against retirement. Not a freeloaders
ticket to
the Pot-O-Gold.

What about people who really are disabled?

What about them?

Have I said "No Social Security for ANYone", Jim?

No, but your statement above limits it to retired/elderly people only. No
mention of the disabled.

What were you saying a few lines back about common sense, Jim...?!?!

I believe all my comments were about getting the UNDESERVING off the
dole...NOT those with a legitimate need.

Clean house, Jim. A total top-to-bottom survey of every
enrollee. And
legislation that allows us to cap their benefits or entitlement
periods. We
have to allow ourselves the freedom to say "NO", and to demand that
carry their own weight.

That's a start. But who gets to make the critical judgements, as in
Person A is really disabled but Person B isn't?

Medical Review Boards. Make these people show up at a prescribed time
with copies of their records in hand.

Makes sense. Of course those Boards will be under constant attack and
by those denied benefits. A cottage industry will arise to specifically
challenge their rulings.

No doubt.

Step three might be "bounties" for persons accused of and subsequently
found guilty of fraud.

I think that was done, too.

I think a bounty of 10% on cheaters would be an adequate incentive.

Personally, I am all for "all of the above". I would add a whole
of the Sunday paper with a full color mug shots of those convicted of

assistance programs because that's stealing from you and I. Peer pressure
a bit of humiliation go a long way towards modifying undesired behaviour.

That's a bit hazardous. If someone was convicted of fraud but then later won
appeal, they'd go after the paper and the agencies in a big way for
and "defamation".

I am sure that we could establish adequate parameters to ensure that those
with reasonable doubt could be excluded.

And someone willing to play the game might not be that humiliated.

I know I would be. I feel bad enough getting pulled over for having a
heavy foot! (Thank God for "Emergency" tags and that Star-of-Life insignia!)

I recall that in some places there were anti-prostitution efforts that
on the *customers* rather than the *workers*, so to speak. Pictures and names
in the paper and all. I dunno how well those programs fared.


This all relates to amateur radio in a very basic way:

The abuses mentioned by Steve and I are all the result of a mindset that
focuses on "rights" to the exclusion of *responsibilites*. Many of us see
proposed reductions in the standards of the ARS as a form of that mindset.

Point and set.


Steve, K4YZ

  #9   Report Post  
Old December 30th 04, 07:12 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , PAMNO
(N2EY) writes:

all that learned talk of economics, socio-political whatsit out...

This all relates to amateur radio in a very basic way:

Unfortunately, it does NOT. All it points out is that you are using
this newsgroup as a general chat room to talk about ANY subject
instead of focussing on amateur radio policy.

The abuses mentioned by Steve and I are all the result of a mindset that
focuses on "rights" to the exclusion of *responsibilites*. Many of us see
proposed reductions in the standards of the ARS as a form of that mindset.

Many of "you" want to enforce your personal desires on everyone
else and think "you" are some kind of Keepers of a Covenant (of
some imagined god-inspired "service"). All because you met some
test requirements long ago, established by other Keepers of an even
older Covenant and are firm Believers in the Church of St. Hiram.

As usual, you olde-tymers are caught in the territorial imperative
emotionalism of a personal activity and want to enforce your
personal mindsets on all others. Not a good thing since the FCC
is not chartered by law to be a reflection on "your" personal desires
nor in the maintenance of a living museum of amateur radio antiquity.

Insofar as radio regulations go, the "ARS" does not stand for
Archaic Radiotelegrphy Service. Removal of the morse test does
NOT "dumb anything down" but rather makes the amateur hobby
more open, freeing it from all the tight confines of an imagined
"amateur profession" with all the rigid, inflexible standards and
practices that date back to seven decades ago.

"You" don't own anything but your own radio equipment in amateur
radio. "You" do not have any "power" to prevent non-amateurs from
communicating with their government on federal laws and regulations.
"You" olde-tymers have no claim over others on "rights" or anything
else. Try to conduct yourself appropriately when faced with reality.

  #10   Report Post  
Old January 1st 05, 05:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Hey, Len. Happy New Year.

I think it's been about a decade since I joined you on RRAP. I think
Jim/KH2D was exiting at that point, and I never did see his stuff on
RRAP. I guess time flies when your fighting bad guys. I thought
things were actually turing around lately, but the closet libs decided
it was time to exit the closets after the election. I guess MoveOn dot
Org gave them the strength to belittle their fellow man. Rich people
know more than everyone else. In your face and all that.

Anyway, I've responded to several of the Mike/Jim postings of late, and
I'm really saddened that we have such sorry-assed citizens. Jim sorely
wants to compare America to a falling Roman Empire, and with all of the
help that he can muster, it just might come true. I'd like to kick his
liberal behind, but I'd end up getting butt-f***ed by his constituents
at the county workhouse when it was all over with. I sure wish he'd
invite them over to his house for a New Year's Eve party so they could
get all of the hedonism out of their systems.

Oh, well. What can you expect from people who have absolutley
***nothing*** invested in America? Yellow magnet ribbons on their
trunks??? Yep, they support the troops. Hi, hi!!! Yellow magnets!!!

Support America when it really didn't matter. Oooh Ahh and all that.
Wonder how many gallons of desalinated IO water they've drank in their

Oh, never mind. Kelly is gonna jump in here with all his military
experince. Har de har, har.

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