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As a football star sed when asked about all the restrictions placed on the
players Well you get on with what you have to get on with and win football games Same applies to all facets of life I suppose. Just get on with the Morse code and win HF privileges Doesn't make any difference whether the code is outdated or whatever -- it is the requirement -- Caveat Lector Someone wrote: NONE of your itmes in this artificial "comparison" can justify the continuation of the morse code test for U.S. amateur radio licenses. |
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In article .com, "bb"
writes: Lenof21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: Len Over 21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: So...now you've got this "instant gratification" thing going again? Yes sir! Just like you have your thing going again. My "thing" has been "going" all the while...no problems. :-) Okay, good enough. "Good enough?" :-) Good enough, indeed! I wonder what Mikes "war" contributions were? A few cents pocket change into a Salvation ARMY bucket? :-) There were no "streets" on Tsukishima Island in Tokyo in the 1950s. Those were eventually put in when both the USA and USAF vacated the island by the 1960s. Damned USAF. Always trying to find a civilized way to do sumptin. Well, the 16th Communications Squadron on the other half of Tsukishima Island lived there full time. Eventually even those hardy souls went looking for better places to exist. We didn't "walk in" either since the billet was a half hour shuttle bus trip from the transmitter station prior to assignment. Shush! We'll have none of this no point A, point B nonsense. Sorry. Scotty hadn't installed the Transporter yet. :-) Transmitting sites are always wherever you happen to be. Heh. When tossing out about 450 KW of assorted HF RF, ain't too many others wanting to live in that vicinity. Len, dammit, none of this pulse crappola. It was either CW or it was RTTY. Doan confuse us widda facts. Well, that's how it goes. Radar be a pulse thingy. [somehow I'm sure that Jeffie from the Islands will try to claim that Hawaii pioneered radar to spot invading Japanese aircraft...and that every fire and police station has a radar set just for that... :-) ] Police departments in the USA helped pioneer mobile VHF FM prior to WW2, enough so that land armor forces had "channelized" push-button select VHF FM radios in Yurp and foot soldiers had the old walkie- talkie backpack VHF transceiver. FM. Voice. Like 1943 and out of the Chicago Motorola works. SSB, the commercial variety of 12 KHz BW carrying 4 voice-grade channels, was already linking WW2 troops via HF to the mainland...the old clankety 60 WPM Teletypes riding about 8 at a time on 6 KHz worth of that SSB. Kind of "double frequency multiplexing" which had been going on since the beginning of the 1930s. [hams pioneered all that by writing it up in QST, didn't they?] Wouldn't have missed it for the world, even with the threat of WW3 hanging around for everyone to get nervous about. Stoppit, dammit, stoppit!!! I'm just sick and tired of you tellin' it like it was. The truth doan count for sh*t aroun here anyways! Seems to be the truth, doesn't it? :-) Now if you have a magazine like QST to relate real radio stories, well then there might be sum dat lissen. Well, we can always vacation in Hawaii and drop in any police and fire station...they all have ham stations according to Jeffie and MUST have old copies of QST lying around. Guys like Jimmy Who dat doan know sh*t about real commitment, real sacrifice. Only know about ENG101 and if the government loans are going through. Forget about Fuchu and DaNang. They gots more important tings to do so dey can tell us about how it really was. They are Very Important People. They say so themselves, are without error. They know "Real truth." But, in 2004, U.S. radio amateurs MUST still pass a morse test to "qualify" for operating an amateur radio transmitter on HF. Sadly true. Gotta makesure you not Taliban. Screening. Profiling. Those who no code test have "no interest" in radio according to one such "profiler." :-) Taliban welcome to FAA license. Who else but FAA approved, certified, qualified, sanctified USA flight schools taught the 9-11 hijackers how to fly? Hey, Mister!!! If the Taliban can master the Morris Code, so can you. I suppose so. But, not wanting to bother shows that I am "un-interested" in radio (one profiler) or am "too dumb" to pass one (many others), and generally morally incompetent to exist in the shining presence of mighty macho morsemen. Wonder if our Twin-Trade Tower Terrs were accomplished codesters? Doubt it. Several U.S. government agencies allowed them in and to attend flight schools here. Didn't hear about any secret terrorist plans to wipe out any CW radio museums. If that morse test is so absolutely "needed," then the definition of the ARS should be changed in Part 97 to "Archaic Radiotelegraphy Service" for the USA. Thot it was the Ars? Ars longa. On this last day of the 4th year of the new millenium, I can only add, "didit!" All of the rest of amateur radio should be embarassed. |
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Although his gross errors vis-a-vis radio regulations have been
out there for a week now, Lennie can't seem time to retract his error and apologize for it, like a MAN would. However he DOES have time to gin-up yet another diversion AROUND it. Leonard H. Anderson is a liar. Leonard H. Anderson is not trustworthy. Steve, K4YZ Len of 21 wrote: In article , (Jeffrey Herman) writes: It's paid for with federal funds, thus it's part of the federal interstate highway system. It's no different from Interstate 405 in California: It begins in LA and ends in San Diego -- it never leaves the state yet it's yet it's still an "interstate." Ooooo...going to lecture me about my local geography? He might as well. You've made errors on geography, topography, aerography, and a handful of OTHER -phy's before. Try Interstate FIVE as an illustration...begins at the Canadian border goes all the way south through Washington, Oregon, California, ends at the Mexican border. Over a kilomile long, takes two days to drive at lawful speeds. Been there, done that, many times. Moving those bales of grass to supplement that income, Lennie? Don't get caught! Gee, if I wanted a LECTURE on highways, I'd go to the AAA website of my local auto club office...they give out free maps to us members. I get FREE maps without ANY "membership" from MapQuest. Step-by-step instructions, if I wanted them. The semester begin tomorrow -- I'll be teaching a calculus class at the university campus (which is not a "junior college"), 8:30-9:20 MWF, Keller Hall room 403. The class is full but I'll let you register, if you think you can handle the class. Oh, wow.... (a big Ben Stein "wowwww....") I am sure YOU make Ben Stein look like a hula dancer. So awfully nice of you, Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer. Ahhhhhhhhh! There's MORE of that "I respect veterans" stuff Lennie's always bragging on hisself about!~ He BRAGS about it...doesn't do it... I'll just go on down to the nearest ATM, withdraw a few thousand, cross the I-5 over to Bob Hope Airport and fly over to the Islands...JUST...for the "pleasure" of hearing you "lecture" on The Calculus! Oh frabjous joy... A few thousand...?!?! Sheesh, Lennie...even I can get to and back from Hawaii for less than ONE thousand, and still have a couple bucks for a decent night's lodgings and local cuisine. What's YOUR problem? Go back and read my complete post, paying attention to the phrase "...technical best seller." Go for it! "TECHNICAL" best seller! What year? And who was the compiler of that gem of information? [was it a bookstore in Newington?] You might try the ABA or some other book industry associations first to verify some nonsense claim. Or take off your blinders. Whichever is easiest. I can gaurantee you the name on the book is NOT "Leonard H. Anderson!" An unknown. Not even recognized in his own peer-group, let alone the shelves of B.Dalton Bookseller or Barnes & Noble! Forced to "write" some dubiously original items for an Amateur Radio journal (since defunct) to get his name in print. Some "professional". I've only been USING technical books since 1960... WHOA THERE YOUR SCUMMINESS ! ! ! What happened to all those magnificent years as the World's Greatest Military Communicator! from 1953 to 1956...?!?! You just memorized all those manuals and never again opened one up...?!?! ....and my first job assignment as an electronics engineer responsible for new design. Lessee...YOU stated that you went to night school for 14 years to earn a degree. NO ONE is titled an "electronics engineer" without at LEAST an Bachelor's Degree. So...we have you in the Armed Forces from 1953 to 1956 (Active Duty). You've enthralled us with a litany of other petty jobs in that four year span from 56 to 60 before, NONE of which included enough college to get you a Bachelor's in ANY discipline, let alone electrical engineering. NOW you're insinuating that you were an "electrical engineer" in 1960...?!?! And one allegedly responsible for "new design"...?!?! The math and your previous rants don't add up, Putzman! The Green Bible, the Blue Bible, Millman & Taub, Henney, Petersen and Weldon, Floyd Gardner, lots of names which are very familiar in my small 30+ foot total length personal bookshelf right above the immediate computer desk here. Since I already write for money and know several authors (who work at that full time) plus book store owners-managers, I have some acquaintenceship with the professional book associations. I am sure you have many, many pretty books...You MIGHT even take them down once in a while to look a the pictures. Dust them off occassionally with Mrs Putzman's correspondence courses, no doubt? Now, if you wish to LECTURE me on "best sellers" of anything, I will invite you to pass gas on a shuttle flight ("go take a flying fart") between islands. More of that "professional respect" stuff that Lennie brags about. He doesn't DO it, mind you, but he DOES BRAG about it! I think you ought to get back to verifying the claim that the Islands have ham stations at every police and fire station...or whatever you wrote. [if you also "lecture" in English, somebody rated you wrong] "...or whatever you wrote". Uh huh. Trying to shoot from the hip again, Lennie...?!?! That only works in John Wayne movies, and YOU ain't John Wayne! You might remind the state government to update their web pages to show those gems of information...or is that "sensitive" info for certain people's eyes only? :-) Riiiight...I can just see a Billion-dollar tourist industry "relying" on ham radio in Times of Troubles to keep their many lines of communications going during all those natural disasters that beset the Islands all the time. Riiiight...and there's no military on the Islands other than the USCG...not even the USARPAC with their Army callsign ADA. Somehow you KNOW he had to work in a refrence to "ADA". Accusing me of lying? Are you sure you want to commit libel? Accuse a MATHEMATICS LECTURER of lying? Heavens no! Let's just say you don' know no bettah, blalah. So far, the one who doesn't "know no bettah"...is the ALLEGED "radio professional" who doesn't seem to know some very basic things about radio regulations. I wouldn't do such terrible things to a kind soul who got a Rhode Island ham his own "FCC mailing address" in Hawaii. By the way, how is Mike Deignan? Still busy with all those "ham clubs" he had callsigns for? One things for certain... You STILL don't have the basic requirements to be the control operator of ANY club station. Don't take any wooden pineapples... We WOULD, however, like to suggest you increase your daily intake of Geritol. Steve, K4YZ |
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Len Over 21 wrote:
(Jeffrey Herman) writes: It's paid for with federal funds, thus it's part of the federal interstate highway system. It's no different from Interstate 405 in California: It begins in LA and ends in San Diego -- it never leaves the state yet it's yet it's still an "interstate." Ooooo...going to lecture me about my local geography? :-) You bet. You falsely claimed as fact that an interstate must connect two or more states, and I provided a counterexample proving you wrong. But instead of saying, "Thanks, Jeff, for correcting me", you try to run away from your error by taking us on a tour of I-5: Try Interstate FIVE as an illustration... One example is not enough to prove a proposition true, especially when a counterexample exists. I've noticed you do this a lot -- when a claim of your's has been proven false, instead of acknowledging your mistake, you attack the responder and go off on some unrelated tangent: begins at the Canadian border goes all the way south through Washington, Oregon, California, ends begins at the Canadian border goes all the way south through Washington, Oregon, California, ends at the Mexican border. Over a kilomile long, takes two days to drive at lawful speeds. Been there, done that, many times. And here comes the sarcastic remark: Gee, if I wanted a LECTURE on highways, I'd go to the AAA website of my local auto club office...they give out free maps to us members. You're too easy to predict. Also, it's not "your" local geography -- I grew up in San Clemente, fought wildland fires all over the Southland while on the SCFD and CDF, and currently own a home in Ventura County (VC property tax web site will verify that). Jeff KH6O -- Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Mathematics Lecturer, University of Hawaii System |
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Len Over 21 wrote:
(Jeffrey Herman) writes: The semester begin tomorrow -- I'll be teaching a calculus class at the university campus (which is not a "junior college"), 8:30-9:20 MWF, Keller Hall room 403. The class is full but I'll let you register, if you think you can handle the class. Oh, wow.... (a big Ben Stein "wowwww....") There you go again. You make a false claim, then you're proven wrong (go to http://myuhportal.hawaii.edu to view all the classes I'm teaching this semester), yet instead of acknowledging your mistake, you attack the responder: So awfully nice of you, Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer. I'll just go on down to the nearest ATM, withdraw a few thousand, cross the I-5 over to Bob Hope Airport and fly over to the Islands...JUST...for the "pleasure" of hearing you "lecture" on The Calculus! Oh frabjous joy... Heck, I'll even set up an online course just for you, for free. I'd be interested in seeing if you could pass such a class. How about it, Len? Do you think you could handle calculus? We could post your homework and exam scores here on the NG to show everyone how smart you are. Jeff KH6O -- Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Mathematics Lecturer, University of Hawaii System |
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Len Over 21 wrote:
me my Been there, done that, many times. I I'd my us I'll I've my I I I I I I You do appear to love yourself quite a bit. Jeff KH6O -- Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Mathematics Lecturer, University of Hawaii System |
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![]() Len Over 21 wrote: In article , (Jeffrey Herman) writes: It's paid for with federal funds, thus it's part of the federal interstate highway system. It's no different from Interstate 405 in California: It begins in LA and ends in San Diego -- it never leaves the state yet it's yet it's still an "interstate." Ooooo...going to lecture me about my local geography? :-) Because everyone wants to be a geographer! At first, I just thought everyone wanted to be a weatherman, but no. They want the prize. |
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"Jeffrey Herman" wrote in message
... : : Heck, I'll even set up an online course just for you, for free. I'd be : interested in seeing if you could pass such a class. How about it, Len? : Do you think you could handle calculus? We could post your homework and : exam scores here on the NG to show everyone how smart you are. : LenOver will spin-cycle awhile b4 answering. M.A.N. -- "I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it." - Voltaire |
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In article . net, "Mel A.
Nomah" writes: "Jeffrey Herman" wrote in message ... : Heck, I'll even set up an online course just for you, for free. I'd be : interested in seeing if you could pass such a class. How about it, Len? : Do you think you could handle calculus? We could post your homework and : exam scores here on the NG to show everyone how smart you are. LenOver will spin-cycle awhile b4 answering. Anonymous Man of Cancer, I answered that with the following post on 11 January 2005 - ====== In article , (Jeffrey Herman) writes: It's paid for with federal funds, thus it's part of the federal interstate highway system. It's no different from Interstate 405 in California: It begins in LA and ends in San Diego -- it never leaves the state yet it's yet it's still an "interstate." Ooooo...going to lecture me about my local geography? :-) Try Interstate FIVE as an illustration...begins at the Canadian border goes all the way south through Washington, Oregon, California, ends at the Mexican border. Over a kilomile long, takes two days to drive at lawful speeds. Been there, done that, many times. Gee, if I wanted a LECTURE on highways, I'd go to the AAA website of my local auto club office...they give out free maps to us members. The semester begin tomorrow -- I'll be teaching a calculus class at the university campus (which is not a "junior college"), 8:30-9:20 MWF, Keller Hall room 403. The class is full but I'll let you register, if you think you can handle the class. Oh, wow.... (a big Ben Stein "wowwww....") So awfully nice of you, Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer. I'll just go on down to the nearest ATM, withdraw a few thousand, cross the I-5 over to Bob Hope Airport and fly over to the Islands...JUST...for the "pleasure" of hearing you "lecture" on The Calculus! Oh frabjous joy... Go back and read my complete post, paying attention to the phrase "...technical best seller." Go for it! "TECHNICAL" best seller! What year? And who was the compiler of that gem of information? [was it a bookstore in Newington?] You might try the ABA or some other book industry associations first to verify some nonsense claim. Or take off your blinders. Whichever is easiest. I've only been USING technical books since 1960 and my first job assignment as an electronics engineer responsible for new design. The Green Bible, the Blue Bible, Millman & Taub, Henney, Petersen and Weldon, Floyd Gardner, lots of names which are very familiar in my small 30+ foot total length personal bookshelf right above the immediate computer desk here. Since I already write for money and know several authors (who work at that full time) plus book store owners-managers, I have some acquaintenceship with the professional book associations. Now, if you wish to LECTURE me on "best sellers" of anything, I will invite you to pass gas on a shuttle flight ("go take a flying fart") between islands. === I think you ought to get back to verifying the claim that the Islands have ham stations at every police and fire station...or whatever you wrote. [if you also "lecture" in English, somebody rated you wrong] You might remind the state government to update their web pages to show those gems of information...or is that "sensitive" info for certain people's eyes only? :-) Riiiight...I can just see a Billion-dollar tourist industry "relying" on ham radio in Times of Troubles to keep their many lines of communications going during all those natural disasters that beset the Islands all the time. Riiiight...and there's no military on the Islands other than the USCG...not even the USARPAC with their Army callsign ADA. :-) Accusing me of lying? Are you sure you want to commit libel? Accuse a MATHEMATICS LECTURER of lying? Heavens no! Let's just say you don' know no bettah, blalah. :-) I wouldn't do such terrible things to a kind soul who got a Rhode Island ham his own "FCC mailing address" in Hawaii. By the way, how is Mike Deignan? Still busy with all those "ham clubs" he had callsigns for? Don't take any wooden pineapples... ====== You should hope Jeffie has a computer course you can take to learn to download postings. Most kindest regards, Cancer Man |
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Response to "21st Century" Part One (Code Test) | Policy | |||
The Morse Code Requirement - Is It Really The Reason People Turn Away? | Policy | |||
Some comments on the NCVEC petition | Policy | |||
NCVEC NPRM for elimination of horse and buggy morse code requirement. | Policy | |||
The Morse Code Requirement - Is It Really The Reason People TurnAway? | Policy |