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Old February 6th 05, 10:31 PM
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Default Lardass' Suicide attempts from before has left him more brain damaged!

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"Lardassed 31 year old VIRGIN Lloyd" Nospam@nospam whined:

Roger Wiseman said (bwhahaha..Lardass sees his owner everywhere!)

You see Roger everywhere, don't you, his little fat bitch?
Oh, and my little high school dropout and had to get a G.E.D., you
should focus on your own spelling:

breaddead" - LLoyd hasn't got anything upstairs in the oven

"defenseive" - Lardass is "defensive" of his ignorance

"counter-offenseive" - When LARDASS LLoyds attack

"nights" - Athens ASSHOLE was referring to last "night's" masturbation

"I forget to set the playlist in Winamp to repeat!" - Mongolloyd also
"forgets" the use of past tense, maybe he forgot!

"Techincal" - Lloyd just hates those "technical" things

"Dalkes" - Lloyd's granddad remembers when movies became "talkies" too
bad LARDASS learned to Dalk sic

"That it!" - When Mongolloyds get real mad, they talk like Tor Johnson

"Woger" - LARDASS closely identifies with Elmer Fudd with his lack of
hair and all

"decide on weather or not" - It's always "stormy weather" with Lloyd
deciding "whether" or not to use correct English

"can not" - Mongolloyd is wondering how he "cannot" seem to get ahead
in life

"is'nt" - "Isn't" LARDASS cute when he is mad?

"PAINFULL" - How LARDASS' bathroom scale feels when he steps on it in
the morning, real "painful"

"I wish for Roger Wisemand" - Lloyd liked thosed thingd ford Rogerd

"alot" - Davies dreams he can communicate in English a lot

"thier" - Lavender Lloyd sure does lisp after a night behind the

"dont" - Lloyd says "dont", the rest of the world says "don't"

"Isreal" - Is FATASS Lloyd's retardation for real, or can he blame

"juist jelous" "extermenate" - A three for one post Athens Asshole

"footting" - What LARDASS doesn't have, an equal "footing" anywhere

"Cant" - Emmanuel?

"th" - When Lloyd gets nervous, he stutte, er stutters

"enfighting" - Lloyd's two brain cells are infighting for control of
his stupidity

"YOU STUPID JEW!" - Wasn't Jesus Jewish, so called Christian LLoyd?

"Tonite" - There's nothing in Lloyd's brain "tonight" or any night

"segmant" - What Lloyd's communications are, only sentence "segments"

"I just listening" - Too bad he doesn't listen to his poor English

"buffon" - The Athens, Alabama "buffoon" strikes again!

"museium" - Where LARDASS LLoyd keeps his "muse"

"nastey" - How everybody describes LARDASS' body stench, especially in
the ghetto

"loose" - Lloyd's description of his spinchter muscles...

"wont" - Lloyd refuses to learn English, it's Lloyd's "wont"

"awhile" - It will be "a while" before Davies gets a clue

"freinds" - Lloyd's conglomeration of "friends" and "fiends"

"thier" - "There" just isn't any hope for LARDASS Lloyd "ill-educated"

"backstabers" - Lloyd's version of the OJays' hit

"becuase" - Home of the "Deliverance Extras" spelling by LARDASS Lloyd

"obselete" - What LARDASS thinking is to him, others see it as

"belive" - What fools like LARDASS Lloyd "believes"

"thier" - Ill-educated Xtian LARDASS Lloyd shows off his language

"marshalls" - Mongolloyd spell "marshals" real good!

Wisemand - LARDASSd ****sd upd againd

"compay" - Mongolloyd never gets any female "compay," while others do
get "company"

" But when we are winning," DUMB****, YOU have NEVER WON anything in
your miserable life!

"and do the nasty!" You don't really know what that means, do you, 30
year old VIRGIN?

"It's does" - Mongolloyd use good English

"momnet" - LARDASS Lloyd Davies misses his dead "momnet" for a "moment"

"seriuosly" - Lavender Lad President Mongolloyd wants to be taken
"seriously" instead of "seriuosly"

"annouced" - Mongolloyd "announces" his stupidity again

"tonite" - Davies never lets his lack of education stop him from
announcing to the world he's a ****ing imbecile!

"nite" - When LARDASS Lloyd molests those kids he makes them say "nite,
nite" at "night"

"weldare" - Calling Dr. Weldare, LARDASS needs his head out of his
FATASS....put it on his welfare bill

"so **** of" - When Mongolloyds who have man tits talk tough......

"fukcing funney" - Alabama deliverance extra Davies speak

"pictrue" - "Picture" yourself as a Davies Mongolloyd

"isseus" - Davies has "issues" too many to list here

"resortjng" - Is Lloyd from Finland?

"attsxks" - When LARDASS Davies "attacks" he uses illiteracy

"basturds"- What mental illness patient LARDASS Lloyd calls his nurses

"shkt" - Mongolloyd Davies' "Skittles", he likes that "Hershey rainbow"

"law suit" - LARDASS never leaves his HUD apartment with out his law

"opinionn" - When LARDASSn postsn whiln drunkn

"intrenet harrasssmint" - Tries to make LARDASS Lloyd's rotting teeth
feel fresh

"sneeky" - The teachers always "sneaked" Lloyd through the next grade

"that' wasnet" - LLoyd was out that year of school that they went over
English grammar

idiout! - "Lloyid" sic strikes out again!

"speling" - Mongolloyd Davies the "spelling" bee champ of the retards!

"reas isseus instaed" - Davies talking out of that cheap beer again

"atttacking" - LARDASS Lloyd stutters when he gets upset.....ttttt.....

"challegne" - When Mongolloyds drink and post

"metnal" - Mongolloyd just doesn't have the "mental" ability to

"debste" - What Lloyd's mommy did to him in the bathtub

"cahllenge" - Mongolloyd speak for "call" and "challenge"

"basturds" - LLoyd ,Amanda's illegitimate "*******" sure does have a
scat fetish

"morsd" - Whend Daviesd drinkd andd postd

"wont" - It is Mongolloyd's "wont" to be stupid, "won't " you let him?

"youd" - Oops, LARDASS did it again!

"poinion" - Must be an Athens Alabama "Deliverance" thing

"Woger Wiseman"- LARDASS Lloyd's got that cocksucker's lisp

"isnt" - "Isn't" LARDASS cute when he slobbers?

"worfh" - Davies' cocksucking lisp has returned

"waset of spaceda" - When Lloyd's only friend Colt 45 malt liquor kicks

"Oppulant" - The only thing "opulent" in LARDASS is that he is rich in

"obly" - LARDASS lisp from cocksucking shows when he tries to say his
favorite fag artist "Moby"

"wood" - LARDASS LLOYD'S head "would" be made of "wood"

"dserve" - LARDASS lives in that ghetto where they say he sure does
"dserve" those pizzas

"frum" - LARDASS LLOYD DAVIES wonders where his real father is "from"

"DISCUST" - Mongolloyd Davies' command of the English language is

"You worthless coward are scared of debating me." - Mongolloyd make
good sentence

"jellous" - Most of LARDASS Lloyd's cellulite body is "jealous" of
skinny, in shape people

"It just didn't wok out"
"wok out" - When LARDASS tried to stir fry those nutsacks for pizza
topping, Pappa John's terminated him saying he didn't "work out".

"entact" - LARDASS' single brain cell isn't "intact" either.

"empahis" - Notice how LARDASS Lloyd's "emphasis" is always on his
****ing stupidity.

"**** all fo you" - Christian LARDASS Lloyd showing that Jesus

"bllod" - How LARDASS Lloyd spells "blood"

"did'nt" - LARDASS "didn't" do very well in school

"PLEASE by a clue" - LARDASS Lloyd's parents couldn't even "buy" him an

"extrodinare!" - LARDASS is a moron "Extraordinaire"

"unsubsribe" - Mongolloyd Davies "subscribes" to the theory that
ignorance is bliss...he must be in heaven

"Must've struck a cord" - LARDASS confuses his favorite sex fetish of
tying his penis with a
light cord and masturbating to the word "chord".

"dumass" - Dumbass Davies trips and falls in **** again.

"Them two bigtime losers!" - Mongolloyd mentally ill Davies makes good

"straming" - Lardass usually has to wash his sheets from the "stream"
of ****
when he wets the bed or not given his filthy HUD apartment

"surpassinf" - LARDASS is always "surpassing" his previous levels of

"pleanty" - guffaw! "Plenty" of stupidity coming from LARDASS Lloyd.

"Cause i'll have law lock you up and throw away the key!" - Mongolloyd
talk tough!

"pome" - When LARDASS WADSWORTHLESS Stubbyfellow writes a "poem"

"Once she here's my show" - Most people hears a show, LARDASS "here's"

"forgotton" - LARDASS has "forgotten" what he was taught in special Ed

"I want your seriousness" - LARDASS does his take on "I want your sex"

"I did'nt ask for your ****ing grammer checking!" - LARDASS Lloyd
revels in his ignorance!

"agrument" - When the voices in LARDASS Lloyd's mentally ill head
collide they have an

"craetive" - Mongolloyd Davies isn't very "creative" with his
stupidity, however.

"You could have posted it, for we know!" - LARDASS make good sentence!

"bottem" - Mongolloyd likes those little boys' "bottoms" from hanging
with Steve Holsten

"James Wickstrom talked about tonite that out threre, thier Sherriff's
department" - Mongolloyd
shows off those Pulitzer prize writing skills.

"bring yer cents" - Mongolloyd show how he flunked out of school
because he had no "sense"

"You peeks out" - LARDASS Lloyd and stupidity a symbiotic relationship.

"Be thier" - LARDASS Lloyd make good sentence!

"If you pussys have balls you confront me!!! Deep down you are scared
of me. You our jellous
because I am the great almighty Time Lord!!!!
The Time Lord always wins in the end." - Does it really need to be said
about Mongolloyd Davies?

"yerself", "hisself" - LARDASS picked up his language skills or lack
thereof from the
******s his mommy Amanda serviced.

"I lost TEN POUNDS on my diet simce first of the year!" - Too bad
LARDASS didn't gain any language skills

"The best Amatuer Radio talk show ever!" - Chosen 5 to 1 over literacy
by other ill-educated morons and Mongolloyd

"All of my Daleks have been dispached!" - Too bad some extra brain
neurons haven't, Mongolloyd.

"satillite" - When LARDASS met the space between his ears

"Tuseday" - LARDASS' usual day to wear his pink tutu

"I am 210 punds now!" - LARDASS lies and ****s up again!

"jelous" - LARDASS Lloyd is "jealous" of those who can spell, read, and

"peoples" - LARDASS Lloyd the "people's" choice of the Biggest

"curtians" - LARDASS LLOYD DAVIES uses those "curtains" in his filthy
apartment as a
masturbation rag

"depsised" - Mongolloyd Davies, who the entire real ham community has
"despised" for his lack of ability
to pass a simple 5 wpm code test or General theory

"sicker" - When Lloyd Davies has a mouth full of cum he can't say

"liceneses" - Mongolloyd Davies has one of those exclusive "licenses"
on stupidity

"isseus" - LARDASS has "issues" with people of intelligence.

"conquor" - Mentally ill LARDASS Lloyd has yet to "conquer" his obesity
and mental illness

"crakheads" - Retard Davies make good sentence!

"servent" - Roger Wiseman's willing "servant" makes another gaffe.

"lesibens" - When Benjamins take the wild side...the "lesbians" don't
care, though!

"Los Angles" - Mongolloyd has the wrong "angle" about "Los Angeles"

"busses" - Do they take the motored "buses" or do they take the

"thier" - You say "their," Lardass says "thier".... to-may-to,

"eductional" - LARDASS Lloyd's writing is "educational" on how severe
illiteracy is in his family.

"She sounded like she really whappy to here from me." - Mongolloyd get
rejected again!

"This is morning I weigh at 207 pounds. This should prove to you, that
I can succeed if I put my
mind to it. I know some your stupid critics can't see that, but I'm not
here to please you." -
- LARDASS makes the "huh?" factor rise.

"This looks much more like sexy Lloyd" - Porky Pig lookalike stubby
tubby Davies dreams
he looks like a skinny, tall Billy Zane

"I figured you the thought of me owning..." - Lardass dreams the
impossible dream of thought

"I took you a long hour and a several minutes..." - Too bad LARDASS
Lloyd didn't take and pass English

"I get a laugh over you!" - Mongolloyd make good sentence!

"did'nt" - "Didn't" Lardass ever pass any school subject?

"Proves to show" - Lavender Lloyd proves he is an imbecile

"It' paid off" - Alcoholic LARDASS Lloyd's bar and utility bills never
are though.

"I wear if with" - Davies wears his stupidity well

"You need to get al ife and a job." Mongolloyd retardo Davies needs to
get English lessons and
not dream of an "Al ife" with "Al Queda"

"I've never ****ing pretending attorneys!" - LARDASSclown Davies never
had to pretend to be stupid, either!

"...what your life must me like..." - Mongolloyd's life of pizza
delivery and trashcan robots is really something
to want, too, isn't it?

"manor" - Lardassclown Davies' "manners" are like those of a hog....

"Christien" - Poor LARDASS Davies, he's shows why ignorance is bliss in
the eyes of the Lord.

"reely" - Mongolloyd Davies is "really" stupid, isn't he?

"please don't imposter me more" - Mongolloyd make good sentence!

"distastful" - A description of LARDASSCLOWN DAVIES' eating habits.

"commnet" - Most people make "comments," ill-educated Lloyd Davies
makes "commnets".

"None of you refuse to tell me who you are." - Huh, Mongolloyd?

"Millinium" - Even after a "millennium" LARDASS couldn't be smart!

"afriad" - LARDASSclown Davies isn't too smart, I'm "afraid"

"powerfull" - Mongolloyd Davies sure has a "powerful" command of the
English language.

"conquor" - Lardass Lloyd has yet to "conquer" his idiocy.

"I always new that your stupidity would trip you up, Mr. Wiseman."
- I just "knew" Llardass Lloyd couldn't pose as "Christy
Davies" without ****ing it up and outing himself.

"I have given it some though and decided to come back" - Mongolloyd
has never given anything any "thought." (from another "I'm
leaving" speech/lie)

"usaul" - As "usual" Lardass lloyd Davies ****s up!

"Secwet Woger " Llardass Llavender Llad Lloyd's been sucking so
many cocks he's got a lisp!

"douters" - Even though he has his "doubters", it's
"doubtful" Llardass Lloyd has an I.Q. over 70.

"bypolar" - Mongolloyd Davies is a "bipolar bisexual".

"desperite" - Lardass Lloyd is so "desperate" to win at something,

"situtation" - Most people get in "situations, " but not our total
****-up Lloyd.

"aholt" - Lardass Lloyd usually gets "a hold" of himself on a
Saturday night, since he has no date!

"mysteriuos" - Mongolloyd Davies, "mysterious" survivor of a coat
hanger abortion attempt.

"I've did" - Most people say " I did"

"Woger" - When cocksucking, lisping fags try to say " Roger."

"for sometime" - Lardass has been a mentally ill retard "for some time"

"mommie's" - When Mongolloyds say "Mommy's" as in "Mommy's house."

"drop out" - Lloyd was a High school and college " dropout."

"backpedalling" - "Backpedaling" is what Lardass does a lot of.

"Maybe two years back" - Mongolloyd speak.

"outted" - Lardass Lloyd's illteracy at work.

"I've riddled Woger for years as Arf! Arf!" - (Mongolloyd is Arf!Arf!)

"self esteme" - One thng is for sure, Lardass has it..."low self
esteem," that is.
"short comings" - Lardass has many, many "shortcomings."
"yahoo" - Lardass always goes into the "Yahoo!" gay chat rooms.
"The truth hurts you see" - So does reading your mangling of the
English language, Lardass.

"His stupidity can not be disguised for long." - Lardass' stupidity
"cannot" be disquised at all.

"entireity" - Lardass is the embodiment of stupidity in its'

"bothe" - Lardass is "both" stupid and retarded.

"got hime" - Lardass has got "him" a case of the dumbass!

"evelope" - Mongolloyd pushes the stupidity "envelope" to the max.

"chiicken" - Lardass Lloyd should eat more "chicken" instead of
leftover pizzas then he wouldn't be obese.

"dont" - "Don't" ever improve your English skills, Lardass!

"likign" - Huh? More Mongolloyd Ebonics.
"you ignorant spawn of satin" - Lardass ironically confesses his love
of wearing lace!

"powerfull" - Mongolloyd's brain cell isn't "powerful" enough to light
a christmas light.

"heresay" - Mongolloyd is a ****ing idot, and that's no "hearsay."

"glas" - Lardass Lloyd never uses a "glass" to drink his sticky

"freind" - Dicksucking Davies hasn't got a "friend" in the world.
"yu" - Lardass, "you" really should've gotten a better education!
"Got Brother Stair tuned in here to listen to while sleeping tonite!" -
Mongolloyd ****s up again!

"I am not a retrard" - Oh, yes, you are, Lardass!
"Got you in another lie!" - We've "caught you" in another ****up,
Dumbass Davies!
"I am not mentally challenged! I have some pontential." - Mongolloyd is
in denial about his imbecility and has the "potential" to become an
even bigger jackass!

"did'nt" - Mongolloyd "didn't ever pass Spelling.

"soon all your asses are belong to sherrif" - Mongolloyd fantazises
about having sex with his local "sheriff"...

"shure" - We are "sure" you are a ****ing moron, Llardass Lloyd!!

"proxie servers" "conecting" - Mongolloyd used "proxy servers" when he
"connected" to spam Josh's board.

"enfrocement" - Mongolloyd also ****ed up when he spoofed caller ID's
and spammed boards, and now law "enforcement" is watching him.

"apoligize" - Mongolloyd's parents should "apologize" for ever siring
such a mentally ill retard.

"meagre" - Mongolloyd's "meager" brain can't comprehend English.

"goten" - If only Mongolloyd would've "gotten" an education!

"Prepositioned" - Mongolloyd always gets "propositioned" by nouns and

"temting" - Mongolloyd is as "tempting" as a root canal.

"accept" - Mongolloyd use the wrong word in the wrong place again!

"normaly" - "Normally" Lardass would be passed out from Two bud lites
by now

"red head" - Little Red is shoving his big ole black dickhead in
Lardass' fat piehole.

"Aflack" - Mongolloyd ****s up yet
"Dickionary" - Mongolloyd is almost as bad as his queer lover Holsten
in obsessing about dicks.

Mongolloyd make good spells!

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