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More of our r.r.a.p. Tom Swift, gleaned from the archives:
from alt.sci.time-travel Todd Daugherty Jun 26 2003, 7:24 pm I've have this Idea for a "simple" Time Machine. A operator would set up a computer up to a high power wireless system. They would then set the computer to transmit a message say in 30 years and hope that in thirty years someone would reply back. comments? Todd Daugherty N9OGL Amateur Radio Operator (and) Todd Daugherty Jun 26 2003, 10:44 pm The Answer to your first question is yes. A computer hooked to a TNC (which is a wireless modem) is set up with a timing system. Most "Packet" software for wireless communication has a timer system in it. It's part of the software. Why wait so long for the signal to transmit? because you want to be able to send the signal to a time period where high speed communication systems are in general uses. Scientist are now just experimenting with high speed communication devices. For a person to send a signal back in time they would have to uses a high speed communication devices. Just remember it is a lot easier to sent a particle or a signal through time then it is human or an object. On your second comment about time travel via the human brain. I believe not only "time-travel" is possible via the human brain but I also believe while a person is a sleep the electro-magnetic emissions of say your brain is connected to the multi-you in every parallel universe. The only time your able to view those other universes is while your Brainwaves are at the lowest point of the spectrum (around 1 to 14 hz) This also might explain NDE. Todd N9OGL (and) Todd Daugherty Jun 26 2003, 10:57 pm The idea is basic....A person hooks a TNC (wireless modem) to VHF or UHF transmitter and setting the parameters to transmit a signal thirty years in the future. With Bandplans changing often the sinal will be heard by someone. The person on the recieving end would have to respond via a high speed communication system (scientist are just now experimenting with it) The transmitter would have to be placed in a place somewhere where no one will distrub it and it would have to be connected to a continous power source. As I stated in a another post it easier to send a signal or a particle through time then it is to send a human or a machine. Todd N9OGL (and) Todd Daugherty Jun 27 2003, 9:10 am "Malcolm McMahon" wrote in message ... - Show quoted text - Not if your licensed for that band......it's not my fault some thirty years in the future they change the band. And another thing is the fine in the future will probably be higher then what it is today. Todd -------------------------------------------------------------------------- this from alt.radio.pirate, in which Todd assists a new "pirate" in breaking the law. Note that Todd's media empire has expanded to cover three towns: n9ogl Jan 2 2001, 6:12 pm There are many places on the internet where you can find kits for shorwave transmitter kits. If you can't find it under shortwave kits try under amateur radio. The hams have a number ofshortwave bands. You can all sorts of Ham kits for the shortwave band. As for what's the best band I would say somewhere in the 6MHz range. 7Mhz is too crowded with hams and high power shortwave broadcast. Todd Daugherty N9OGL President LANGLEY PARK TELECOMMUNICATION 107.9 F.M. LPFM Taylorville, Langleyville, Hewittville http://www.geocities.com/langleypark...ion/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- from alt.radio.pirate, Todd explains that being a TV "pirate" isn't all it is cracked up to be: n9ogl Jul 27 2000, 12:00 am I agree with that.....I ran a ten watt pirate TV station there for a while. After 3 blocks there was no signal at all.I gave up trying to get it to go farther, so i'm going to try my luck with LPFM which the window is suppose to open at the end of august.maybe I'll have better luck with it. Todd O'Dochartaigh N9OGL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- another from alt.radio.pirate. In this one, Todd's plans to up his "pirate" TV power to 100w. He uses an ATV transmitter converted to channel 14 and has issues over the use of three "fowl words": n9ogl Apr 7 2000, 12:00 am show options Hello John, I had to respond to your letter. You do have to run a lot of depending on your range it can run from 10 watts to 100 watts. The reason is because you are pushing a six MHz wide signal instead of a 10 KHz wide signal. My pirate TV station running at ten watts but we aren't getting the distance we really want so we are raising the power output to 100 watts. Television is also a little more expensive then radio because not only do you have a transmitter you also have cameras, props, amd other things to get a program going; unlike radio where you talk behind a mic. I like television because i've always wanted to get into it, and i had the transmitter so it made it simply for me to get into it. I'm using a ham ATV transmitter which i've converted to operate on channel 14. Public Access - I've dealt with public access for a long time as well as running my pirate TV station. Public Access is ok but, it depends on the area your in. For example, Taylorville where the Pirate TV station is operating also has a Public Access Channel but no one uses it for one simple reason. They allow anyone to uses the channel but if they don't like anything you say they will not air it. Simple put the Local government and the cable company has a tight control on the public access channel. This was another reason my station was put on the air. Don't get wrong it not just here that they local government have a tight control there are number of cities here in the united states that have the same problem and no one, not even the FCC will do nothing about it. Public access again is great if you are allowed to have creative control over your program and is not forced to be censored. One of the problems I've notice with public Access is the cable companies right to censor "indecent material" Obscene material according the Federal Courts is legal on public access. In other words you can have two people have sexual intercourse and it legal. But, if one is screaming Obscene language in the process they can't air it. The problem is this, What is really defined as obscene language. Here On of the programs I was trying to air on public access wasn't allowed to air because of three fowl words (two hell's and one dam) The cable company refused to air it; unless I did a "complete editing" of the content. (in other words they wanted the program to be edited in half because it contained "obscenity" anyway...there my two cents. I run a Low power pirate TV station and I'm not under anyones control execpt my own. (sorry for any grammar or spelling) Todd O'Dochartaigh WLPS-TV channel 14 Taylorville, Illinois (and this, where Todd gives us an inkling into his feelings about his town) n9ogl Apr 12 2000, 12:00 am Hi John, Yes, this town has a lot of dirty little secrets like it other towns around here (Springfield, Home of Human Rights and Decatur, Home of Black Liberation Radio). All have there little secrets. Here in Taylorville they like to suppress any information which needs to get out. That is why I will continue to fight for a right to be one tv. As i told the Chairman Bliley of the House Telecommunication Subcommittee. "I tried it your's and the NAB way (applied for a license) and found that they system is not on a level playing field" "So do want you want I will broadcast with or a license." I also gave Mr. Bliley my opinion on H.R. 3439 and some of the comment he and his colleague's suggested instead of LPFM and one of them was public access. I have gotten no reply so He probably threw it away. Todd O'Dochartaigh WLPS-TV Channel 14 Taylorville, Illinois ------------------------------------------------------------------------- another alt.radio.pirate posting in which Todd solicits programming on VHS tape: n9ogl Jan 22 2000, 12:00 am Hello, WLPS-TV pirate televsion channel 14 will remain on the air after the FCC due date in Febuary. WLPS is also looking for programming to fill up empty time slots. If you have a program send you VHS tape to the following address below send VHS video's to: Todd O'Dochartaigh 624 East Maincross St. Taylorville, Illinois 62568 all video's after being aired will be returned. A creator of video maintain's copyrights. There is no fee or anything just the cost to send it. Todd O'Dochartaigh Langley Park Studio /WLPS-TV (One responder asks if Todd accepts Beta or 3/4" U-matic tapes. Todd replies with the following) n9ogl Jan 24 2000, 12:00 am Hello, No just VHS but sometime in the near future we will be upgrading to S-VHS. Todd O'Dochartaigh WLPS-TV Chanel 14 Taylorville, Illinois (and) n9ogl Jan 7 2000, 12:00 am In article , wrote: wrote: Gawd. You rock man. Just watch you, FCC nigguhs read this newsgroup. How far does your signal travel? Height of the antenna? Hi, Not very far were covering most of the community with are signal and plan to get better coax and a little more power. the antenna is a cushcraft 440 beam antenna which has been tuned to the 470 MHz. band with a 13.0 db gain. The antenna height around 35 feet with the antenna pointing west. Up to five to six blocks you can pick it up with a set of "rabbit ears" while beyond that you need a outside antenna. We plan soon to buy a 100 watt amplifier to improve the signal. Todd O'Docharaigh WLPS-TV Channel 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This priceless gem comes from alt.sci.physics.new-theories: n9ogl Aug 29 1999, 12:00 am Hello To start, I would like to excused for the poor typing of this text. I'm not very good with grammar nor am I with spelling. 1. Objects and Time In the small community of Taylorville; where I live there once was a house known as Vanderveer House. It was once of course owned by the Vanderveer family. in the 1980's the house was totally destroyed and a Wal-Mart was put in it place. The question is this Is the Vanderveer house still there after being destroyed back in the 1980's The Answer is But it isn't in this "Time Frames". Basic physics dicatates "that no two object can occupy the same space at the same point in time" however the second part should go something like this "but, two object can occupy the same space at different points in time" What most people see as ghost or shadows from the past might be where the time frames are close enough that they can see both way. Time is a mesurement, which we measure by either clock or by "cause and effect" By cause and effect I'm of course refering to events with history. for example many people can remember events from their tenth birthday. So when you think of time or a object like a building or a love one perhaps you should look at it fourth dimensional. 2. Radio Waves Since the complete comercialization of radio the study of what radio is and how they travel remain somewhat a complexing mystery. Some say that radio waves travel through "aether" But what radio waves are is a fourth dimensional and interdimensional wave. Radio waves are fourth dimensional because they can transcend time. radio waves which travel at a speed of 3.00 X 10/8 ms-1 or 186,000 mps for a radio wave everything around it is going slow time has in fact slow down for it. radio I believe are also interdimensional because a radio wave is "wormhole" it way through not only time but space as well. radio wave could also punching through "parallel universes". if that the case you might ask why can't we hear messages from other Parallel worlds? because their Qunta is different to are universe. just because some is one way in one universe doesn't by no mean make it work in another universe. So we can't them nor can they hear us. 3. life on other planets i have heard from both sides about life on "other planets" and i've deiced to write on it. there is some theory about what is need for life on other planets. well throw that away. it don't mean squat. humans try to embelish this idea on how life is formed and how it is to operated on other planets. all the theorist on this little planet can come up with all the little theories about that they want. the bottom line is that human are basing other life on other planet on are own worthless existance Don't; life through evoultion can adapt it self to a enviroment without the need of air, water, food or sunlight. well that's it for now....some of theses idea i've been working on for a long time i have more stranger ideas that maybe sometime in the future I will post. What do you think??? Again sorry for any spelling or poor grammar. Todd O'Dochartaigh N9OGL "JUST BECAUSE YOU SEE SOMETHING AS REALITY DOESN'T MAKE IT REALITY. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T FIND SOMETHING THAT ISN'T REAL DOSEN'T MEAN IT'S NOT REAL IT SIMPLY MEANS THAT YOU ARE LOOKING TO HARD" Todd O'Dochartaigh (1983) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- this from alt.radio.broadcasting: n9ogl Mar 5 1999, 12:00 am HELLO, I just recieved word that Senator Billy Tauzin of Louisana wrote Billy Kennard saying no to micropower radio....according to report Billy is worryabout interference from Microbroadcasters with exisiting station...find the whole report at http://www.arnewsline.com/ to me billy should get the N.A.B. mouth off of his body organ and serve the People not some Monopolistic power hungry organization....And the FCC should do the same. Todd N9OGL AMATEUR/COMMERCIAL OPERATOR SUPPORTER OF MICROPOWER BROADCAST /ANTI-N.A.B. /ANTI BILLY TAUZIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's some sparkling interplay between Todd, the movie pirate and someone who calls himself "Just Allan" in alt.kazaa: Just Allan Jul 15 2003, 1:55 am Has anyone downloaded the latest matrix movie - and got it to play? I converted the *.dat file to mpg, and it won't work... Any help appreciated! Todd Daugherty Aug 5 2003, 4:52 pm I have and it works great...go download VLC it will pay it Todd ------------------------------------------------------------------------- from alt.radio.pirate: daughert Apr 29 2001, 11:44 am GG wrote: "Johnny Neutron" What does the fact that it's illegal to discuss "political and patriotic" topics on Ham radio tell you? Please site the section of Part 97, the FCC rules that govern amateur radio, that supports this claim. I have been a ham for forty years and have heard and participated in many such discussion and I have never heard of anyone being cited for such. I would like to see this rule. There was at one time a "gentleman's agreement" not to discuss controversial subjects, but if you listen on the ham bands I think you will hear plenty of political and patriotic discussion going on. It isn't a rule but you got nazi's in the FCC like Hollingsworth that thinks that type of discussion is best served either through the internet or LPFM Todd N9OGL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This series, from alt.radio.pirate is classic Todd: daughert Apr 2 2001, 6:10 pm Beretta wrote: On Mon, 02 Apr 2001 19:49:18 -0500, daughert wrote: WHERE'S THAT HOMEPAGE THAT YOU CAN FAX JOHN MCCAIN TODD Your caps lock key seems to be broken. I suggest you replace your keyboard PGP Key: 0x194DF369 Fingerprint: B777 DB2A FB11 55FA 509D CE63 F3DE D665 194D F369 NO I'M F--KING ****ED OFF AND RIGHT NOW YOU DON'T REALLY WANT TO F--K WITH ME. I'M GOING TO EMAIL OR FAX THAT SON OF A BITCH MCCAIN AND TELL THAT DUMB F--K OFF ALONG WITH THOSE BUTTF--KERS FCC....NO ONE F--K'S ME OUT OF A LICENSE FOR THE SEVENTH TIME TODD (and) daughert Apr 2 2001, 7:24 pm here the letter I sent to McCain..... Subject: LPFM Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 21:15:17 -0500 From: daughert To: Senator McCain, I am writing you in regards to the FCC New Report and Order dealing with LPFM (FCC O1-100) in it my groups application was dismissed because on form 318 was said yes to a question dealing with unlicensed broadcast; which I will talk about in a minute. The reason we did this by saying yes was simply put to tell the truth and not perform purgery which is a Federal offence. The reason we said yes is a looong story. It started in the late ninties. I had appplied for a Low Power Television license. I applied for this license six times and each time I applied my application was returned sometimes for the dumbest things like they sent one back because They said I would have to have FAA approval for my tower. The tower was only 60 ft up....under FAA and FCC anything below 200ft doesn't require FAA approval. the next was I had to pay the licensing FEE although my group is a Non-profit orginization and it was stated on the application that it was. Then there was the main thing.....that I didn't file it through a "filling windows" yet when I asked when it was they wouldn't tell me and to top it off they were granting construction permits for Low Power Television. bottom line they didn't want a small orginization like us to have a license. So after applying six times for a licenses for Low power TV and said the hell with it and began running a low power TV station without a license. My signal although was putting out 10 watts only went one to two street blocks. I did it simply because the FCC wouldn't license me and because some people and congress don't care. I broadcast for two months december and january after that my transmitter went out. I was never caught nor fined by the FCC yet these new ruling states simply that it dosen't matter. well Senator I come to the conclusion that the FCC once again has screwed me and my group out of a license and like always I type these letters to a group of congress that don't seem to care. So my group and I are going to go on the air without a license because were sick of being screwed by the FCC, were sick of doing the hard work to fill out thoses applications and we might even sue the FCC and you all for all trouble and trama they've caused me and my group Todd E Daugherty N9OGL CEO/PRESIDENT Langley Park Telecommunication (and, after some commented on his lack of language skills, our state-tested-high-IQ pirate broadcaster wrote) daughert Apr 3 2001, 3:58 pm hey f--k you all I have a Learning disability so F--K YOU ASSHOLES!!!! 624 East Maincross Taylorville, Illinois 62568 AMATEUR OPERATOR, RESTRICED PERMIT OPERATOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this from alt.radio.broadcasting: n9ogl Dec 18 2000, 9:12 am ....At any rate I know I got F--K out of a license, again for the seventh time. So I'm done messing with the FCC and going back to do what I do best Pirating....So much for the so called "Legal way" The Congress and this hell hole we call a country can kiss my Ass and to that dumbass Eddie Fritts I hope someday you choke on you own jucies and die! As for the FCC well boys I done being F--ked by you so S--K IT!!!! LATER Todd O'Dohartaigh CEO/PRESIDENT Langley Park Telecommunication ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's another from alt.sci.physics.new-theories n9ogl May 28 2000, 12:00 am Hello, There has in the past about time travel and the possiblity of going back and forth in time. Some scientist (and in my humble opinion i uses that term lossly) believe that traveling down a black hole or through a black hole could lead to the past, the future or perhaps parallel universes. that's if you can get pass the gravational field of a black hole not to mention the huge amounts of radiation a black hole omittes. Some suggest going faster then the speed of light (FTL) after all a takon particle can go faster the speed of light. but, alast, this idea is not thing but that a idea. I myself have come up with many ideas on the possiblity of Time Travel. One of these ideas is so possible that with the techonolgy today makes it very possible. I believe we will never be able to time travel areselves but, i beleive it is possible to send a message to the future by means of the combination of computer techonolgy and radio communication. the idea is simple take a computer hook it to a wireless modem and have it sit on a given radio frequency.wireless modems called Terminal Node Controls can be set to a certian time frame to beacon.so you set it to beacon 30 years into the future this instance tiem travel to the future. it will be however up tothe future how to respond back. Todd ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I guess Todd never thought of writing a letter in the present time and leaving it lying around for thirty years. Perhaps he'd even be around to open it and to be able to read the words of a Todd thirty years in the past. He'd still have the problem of how to respond to the Todd thirty years in the past. That's Part II of the report from fantasy land. Is there anyone still wondering why Todd wasn't issued a license for a broadcast station? Dave Heil |
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