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  #32   Report Post  
Old April 6th 05, 08:40 AM
Posts: n/a

bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I don't make anyone anything, Brian. I may hold a mirror

them, but anything they "are" is of thier own doing.

You misunderstand. A mirror is being held up for you.

You're in denial, Brian...No problem...WE see it...

Who? You and you anonymous "attacker?"

(1) I am not a victim

"(1.a.) I REFUSE to be a victim." Hi, hi!

I imagine you hear a lot of laughter, Brian....

That's how hams laugh.

Strange...When I laugh it sounds more like "hahaha".

and not all of it
from kids playing in the yard or the "laugh track" on your favorite

I'm not big on sitcoms. You provide enough comic relief for me.

The sad part, Brian, is that the laugh's on you. You just can't
or won't see it.

There's no lying involved, Brian, other than your attempt to
redirect the specific comments being made.

Nice try. Very transparent.

No dodge, plymouth, nor chrysler. You lied.

Cute. Still doesn't change anything. And no, I did not lie.

Now you say that other than me, Len, and that mystery e-mailer...

But I don't see Len posting on this subject. So are you making

another lie?


Show it.

It's in this thread chain, Brian. Help yourself.

You try to redirect, and I refuse to allow you. No problem.

Big problem(s). You lied. You lied four times. You lied about your

There was no "innuendo". There was YOU trying to make something
out of something else said.

(UNSNIP) lied when you characterized the anon e-mailer as and

I didn't say he made an attack, Brian. I said he made a threat to
forward my other comments to the family of the young lady whose picture
we were discussing. The word "attack" was the other correspondants,
not mine.

(UNSNIP) lied about all of it not being a problem for anyone
except your anonymous "attacker," and then you lied about Len's
involvement in this thread.

I didn't say Lennie was involved in the thread. Re-read what was
written originally, Brian!

Seems you and the anonymous lying coward have the same reading and
comprehension deficits, Brian.

I wonder how many lies you'll tell tomorrow?

None...So far, you've not shown where I lied at all, Brian.

You would have to matter for that to happen,and you just


Obviously not true, since responding to posts I make

over 85% of YOUR posts.

What's your track record?

Oh, I make no "warranty" about what and how I post.

You couldn't honor the warranty when it comes due.

There being none, there is none to honor.

I quite
readily acknowledge that I am quite ready to stand toe-to-toe with
those who are obviously lying, misrepresenting Amateur Radio, or
inisist on acting foolishly in public.

Toe to toe?


Welp, you got called on your inuendo, you got called on

the anon e-mailer as an "attacker," you got called on your lying, and
now the mirror is being help up for you to see yourself as the liar
that you are.

I didn't make any innuendo. You injected your own opinion.

I didn't call the e mailer an "attacker".

Here are all of my comments from March 31st, the date of my
original post. For brevity, I have snipped everyone else's comments,
however you can easily cross-check the other thread to see that I have
not "edited" my own words, even for typos:


Hello Everyone,

In the thread about " Selling 52 Simplex Radios", the following
comments were made by Mike Coslo, "Rabbi Phil" and myself:

Michael Coslo wrote:
Rabbi Phil wrote:
K4YZ wrote:


Hey Mike...It's not THAT far fetched...Burghardt in NY has had that

young lady in the tight fitting sweater for years...Musta beem selling


So...later this morning I received a private e-mail from one of
RRAP'S regular posters.

I have snipped the person's name, call sign and e mail headers
since the letter was sent in private e-mail. However the e-mail made
some very damning comments and a not-so-subtle threat.


In rrap Steve Robeson wrote:

Burghardt in NY has had that
young lady in the tight fitting sweater
for years...Musta beem selling SOMEthing!
Steve, K4YZ

Burghardt Amateur Center is not in NY. It's a family business which
was established by Stan Burghardt, W0IT (SK) 68 years ago in a small
South Dakota town.

A few years ago one of Stan's long-time employees, Jim Smith W0MJY,
purchased the business from Stan and became the second owner. It
remains a family owned business, and the lady you mention is Jim's
daughter, Michele, KC0MYV, a wholesome midwesterner who is very active
in running the "business side" of the store. Often she is pictured
standing alongside her dad in their QST ads, never in my knowledge in a

provocative sweater.

The sleazy nudge-nudge insinuation in your "Musta beem seeling
SOMEthing!" comment is one of the lowest forms of attack I've ever seen

on rrap. I'll expect to see a sincere unconditional apology on rrap by

the end of today, or I'll consider forwarding your trashy comments to
Michele and Jim.


Here's my response to this "letter", made in a very public forum so

that the correspondant can't make any other assinine insinuations or
out-of-context editorializing:

(1) I stand corrected on the South Dakota -vs- New York. My

(2) I am sure the young lady is very good at what she does, and
is every bit the "wholesome" person you report. I NEVER said anything
to the contrary. You are welcome to cite the part of the post wherein
I said differently, but you and I both know it's not there.

(3) The young lady's character and wholesomeness notwithstanding,

THEY obviously had NO PROBLEM in posing her in a tight sweater,
profile, in order to attract some male attention to thier ads. "Rabbi
Phil" commented about someone else "selling radios" with pictures of
pretty women. I pointed out that another Amateur dealer had been doing

the same thing, and obviously it worked. Pictures of pretty women sell

everything from soft drinks to firearms to high speed automobiles.
Amateur Radio is no different. No problem.

Now, Dear Anonymous Writer (anonymous HERE...since you and I both
know who you are)...You can go RIGHT AHEAD and forward ANYthing you
like to ANY one you like. Tell them about "how trashy" the item was,
if you want, but it IS archived right ehre in Google.

You took offense...Too bad for you. You know as well as I do that

people can "take offense" at the most innocent of comments
all-the-while letting morbid profanity and bold threats roll off thier
backs. This is one of those moments.

Have a nice day.

Steve, K4YZ


OK, Brain...YOU show US wherein I called the anonymous
correspondant an "attacker".

Matter of fact, go back to the original thread and go through any
of the posts I made and find one where I called the correspondant an

Thankfully that sub-group of ner-do-wells is fairly narrow.

Lennie. Todd. Mark Morgan. The fairly few number of anonymous
cowards who haven't got the guts or strength of conviction to stand
behind thier already lame game.

"Thier" lame game?

Look, you're the one playing off-duty COP on rrap.

What "cop"...?!?! The only thing I have "arrested" is the
promulgation of further lies, mistruths and assinine assertions by you,
Lennie and Todd. So far, while not 100% effective, it's worked.

You've shot off
your mouth once too often and someone is now trying to get back at

with vile comments about your daughter.

They are vile and speak to the character of the "author". He'll
get his eventually.

And you never acknowledge my thanks to you.

You shot off your mouth again
about a young woman in an amateur radio advertisement, and some
anonymous rrapper called you on it.

There was no "shooting" off of anyone's mouth. There was a
comment about how effective the presence of a pretty woman in an
Amateur Radio advertisment helps to sell Amateur Radio equipment.

Unless you know something I don't know about it, "sex" is a
multi-billion dollar selling tool. I can't drive the few minutes to
work without passing a half dozen biilborads that have beautiful women
and handsome men hawking some goods on it...

You stand alone. No one supports your latest gaffe.

So far, Mike Coslo made a statement that very celarly said that
the statement could be read as such. He was correct.

And so far, neither you, any of the anonymous lying cowards, the
original correspondant or Lennie have disproven otherwise.

You simply have an emotional defect and you cannot help


What emotional defect, Brian?

The one you exhibit daily on rrap.

You've not yet defined or identified any "emotional defect",
Brian. That comes from a lack of understanding of the words you're
using and from a lack of training/education in any healthcare

discipline from which to draw the requisite knowledge from.

Try again.

Nope. I don't have to be a psychiatrist to recognize a nutcase.

But it would help. So far you've made countless accusations of
mental defect, but have yet to prove a one.

On the OTHER hand, YOU have made COUNTLESS assertions and
misrepresentations that you can't or won't substantiate, your LATEST
being the one that ARES can't/won't respond to any "major" emergency
due to alleged age, infirmity or previous obligations of the members.

Someone here HAS some issues to deal with Brian...But it's not me.

Now...THIS post asks you to explain several of YOUR "gaffes", and
provides SPECIFIC quotes that DISPROVE your silly allegations.

So how are you going to climb out from under THIS one, Brian?
Disappear for another couple weeks and hope we forget about YOUR lying?

Steve, K4YZ

  #33   Report Post  
Old April 7th 05, 05:23 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I don't make anyone anything, Brian. I may hold a

them, but anything they "are" is of thier own doing.

You misunderstand. A mirror is being held up for you.

You're in denial, Brian...No problem...WE see it...

Who? You and you anonymous "attacker?"

(1) I am not a victim

"(1.a.) I REFUSE to be a victim." Hi, hi!

I imagine you hear a lot of laughter, Brian....

That's how hams laugh.

Strange...When I laugh it sounds more like "hahaha".

So why do you type, "Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah !!!"

and not all of it
from kids playing in the yard or the "laugh track" on your


I'm not big on sitcoms. You provide enough comic relief for me.

The sad part, Brian, is that the laugh's on you. You just can't
or won't see it.

You're only partly correct. I don't see it because it isn't there.

You're the lone lost patrol on rrap. You're an Army of one.

There's no lying involved, Brian, other than your attempt to
redirect the specific comments being made.

Nice try. Very transparent.

No dodge, plymouth, nor chrysler. You lied.

Cute. Still doesn't change anything. And no, I did not lie.

That makes lie #5.

Now you say that other than me, Len, and that mystery


But I don't see Len posting on this subject. So are you making

another lie?


Show it.

It's in this thread chain, Brian. Help yourself.

So you're taking the fifth?

You try to redirect, and I refuse to allow you. No problem.

Big problem(s). You lied. You lied four times. You lied about


There was no "innuendo". There was YOU trying to make something
out of something else said.

Sorry Steve, anyone with more than half their brain tied behind their
back would see your inuendo. How's Jim?

(UNSNIP) lied when you characterized the anon e-mailer as and

I didn't say he made an attack, Brian.

You characterized him/her as an "attacker."

I'm curious how you define an "attacker?"

Perhaps an attacker is a person who makes attacks???

Seven hostile attacks???

I said he made a threat to
forward my other comments to the family of the young lady whose

we were discussing. The word "attack" was the other correspondants,
not mine.

So you define as a threat someone who passes your comment on to the
person you made the comments about?

You're pretty weak in the knees on this one.

(UNSNIP) lied about all of it not being a problem for anyone
except your anonymous "attacker," and then you lied about Len's
involvement in this thread.

I didn't say Lennie was involved in the thread. Re-read what

written originally, Brian!


Seems you and the anonymous lying coward have the same reading

comprehension deficits, Brian.

So how is Jim?

I wonder how many lies you'll tell tomorrow?

None...So far, you've not shown where I lied at all, Brian.

One so far. See above.

You would have to matter for that to happen,and you just


Obviously not true, since responding to posts I make

over 85% of YOUR posts.

What's your track record?

Oh, I make no "warranty" about what and how I post.

You couldn't honor the warranty when it comes due.

There being none, there is none to honor.

Then you are honorless. But we knew that already.

I quite
readily acknowledge that I am quite ready to stand toe-to-toe

those who are obviously lying, misrepresenting Amateur Radio, or
inisist on acting foolishly in public.

Toe to toe?


Sounds like a fight.

Welp, you got called on your inuendo, you got called on

the anon e-mailer as an "attacker," you got called on your lying,

now the mirror is being help up for you to see yourself as the liar
that you are.

I didn't make any innuendo.

You did.

You injected your own opinion.

Opinions are not allowed, Oh Master Gunny?

I didn't call the e mailer an "attacker".

You repeated it often enough.

Here are all of my comments from March 31st, the date of my
original post. For brevity, I have snipped everyone else's comments,
however you can easily cross-check the other thread to see that I

not "edited" my own words, even for typos:


Hello Everyone,

In the thread about " Selling 52 Simplex Radios", the following
comments were made by Mike Coslo, "Rabbi Phil" and myself:

Michael Coslo wrote:
Rabbi Phil wrote:
K4YZ wrote:


Hey Mike...It's not THAT far fetched...Burghardt in NY has had


young lady in the tight fitting sweater for years...Musta beem



So...later this morning I received a private e-mail from one of
RRAP'S regular posters.

I have snipped the person's name, call sign and e mail headers
since the letter was sent in private e-mail. However the e-mail made
some very damning comments and a not-so-subtle threat.

"not-so-subtle threat???"

And you said "I didn't call the e mailer an "attacker"."

I guess people who make threats aren't attackers.


In rrap Steve Robeson wrote:

Burghardt in NY has had that
young lady in the tight fitting sweater
for years...Musta beem selling SOMEthing!
Steve, K4YZ

Burghardt Amateur Center is not in NY. It's a family business which
was established by Stan Burghardt, W0IT (SK) 68 years ago in a small
South Dakota town.

A few years ago one of Stan's long-time employees, Jim Smith W0MJY,
purchased the business from Stan and became the second owner. It
remains a family owned business, and the lady you mention is Jim's
daughter, Michele, KC0MYV, a wholesome midwesterner who is very

in running the "business side" of the store. Often she is pictured
standing alongside her dad in their QST ads, never in my knowledge in


provocative sweater.

The sleazy nudge-nudge insinuation in your "Musta beem seeling
SOMEthing!" comment is one of the lowest forms of attack I've ever


on rrap. I'll expect to see a sincere unconditional apology on rrap


the end of today, or I'll consider forwarding your trashy comments to
Michele and Jim.


He's wrong. I've seen you make substantially greater threats on rrap.

Here's my response to this "letter", made in a very public forum


that the correspondant can't make any other assinine insinuations or
out-of-context editorializing:

(1) I stand corrected on the South Dakota -vs- New York. My

I chalked that up to an honest mistake, not one of your four (4) lies.

(2) I am sure the young lady is very good at what she does, and
is every bit the "wholesome" person you report. I NEVER said

to the contrary. You are welcome to cite the part of the post

I said differently, but you and I both know it's not there.

That's what makes it inuendo. If you had meant that she was actually
selling radios rather than "SOMEthing" else in a tight sweater, you
would have typed a five letter word (radio) without capitalization
rather than a 9-letter codeword implying "SOMEthing" else in that tight

(3) The young lady's character and wholesomeness


"character and wholesomeness notwithstanding???"

Is there any question about her character and wholesomeness???"

Your an idiot.

THEY obviously had NO PROBLEM in posing her in a tight sweater,
profile, in order to attract some male attention to thier ads.

Phil" commented about someone else "selling radios" with pictures of
pretty women. I pointed out that another Amateur dealer had been

the same thing, and obviously it worked. Pictures of pretty women

everything from soft drinks to firearms to high speed automobiles.
Amateur Radio is no different. No problem.

Idiot. Why don't you put up a picture of your "wholesome" spouse
instead of that guy in a tight Air Force flight suit to register more

Now, Dear Anonymous Writer (anonymous HERE...since you and I

know who you are)...You can go RIGHT AHEAD and forward ANYthing you
like to ANY one you like. Tell them about "how trashy" the item was,
if you want, but it IS archived right ehre in Google.

You took offense...Too bad for you. You know as well as I do

people can "take offense" at the most innocent of comments
all-the-while letting morbid profanity and bold threats roll off

backs. This is one of those moments.

Have a nice day.

Steve, K4YZ


OK, Brain...YOU show US wherein I called the anonymous
correspondant an "attacker".

Matter of fact, go back to the original thread and go through

of the posts I made and find one where I called the correspondant an

Thankfully that sub-group of ner-do-wells is fairly narrow.

Lennie. Todd. Mark Morgan. The fairly few number of anonymous
cowards who haven't got the guts or strength of conviction to

behind thier already lame game.

"Thier" lame game?

Look, you're the one playing off-duty COP on rrap.

What "cop"...?!?! The only thing I have "arrested" is the
promulgation of further lies, mistruths and assinine assertions by

Lennie and Todd. So far, while not 100% effective, it's worked.

You've created more lies in the past few days than the opinions that
you try to "correct."

Nurse, heal thyself.

You've shot off
your mouth once too often and someone is now trying to get back at

with vile comments about your daughter.

They are vile and speak to the character of the "author". He'll
get his eventually.

And you never acknowledge my thanks to you.

I didn't make my comment for you. I made them for your daughter.

You shot off your mouth again
about a young woman in an amateur radio advertisement, and some
anonymous rrapper called you on it.

There was no "shooting" off of anyone's mouth. There was a
comment about how effective the presence of a pretty woman in an
Amateur Radio advertisment helps to sell Amateur Radio equipment.


Unless you know something I don't know about it, "sex" is a
multi-billion dollar selling tool. I can't drive the few minutes to
work without passing a half dozen biilborads that have beautiful

and handsome men hawking some goods on it...


You stand alone. No one supports your latest gaffe.

So far, Mike Coslo made a statement that very celarly said that
the statement could be read as such. He was correct.

"could be..."

And so far, neither you, any of the anonymous lying cowards, the
original correspondant or Lennie have disproven otherwise.

I know the difference between a "radio" and "SOMEthing in a tight
sweater." And so do you.

You simply have an emotional defect and you cannot help


What emotional defect, Brian?

The one you exhibit daily on rrap.

You've not yet defined or identified any "emotional defect",
Brian. That comes from a lack of understanding of the words

using and from a lack of training/education in any healthcare

discipline from which to draw the requisite knowledge from.

Try again.

Nope. I don't have to be a psychiatrist to recognize a nutcase.

But it would help. So far you've made countless accusations of
mental defect, but have yet to prove a one.

One day you'll be picked up and everyone will nod "we suspected, but
what's a person to do?"

On the OTHER hand, YOU have made COUNTLESS assertions and
misrepresentations that you can't or won't substantiate, your LATEST
being the one that ARES can't/won't respond to any "major" emergency
due to alleged age, infirmity or previous obligations of the members.

We're focusing on your problems here. Don't try the old dodge,
plymouth, and chrysler routine.

Someone here HAS some issues to deal with Brian...But it's not


Of course you don't. You're unable to take that very first step
because you're in denial.

Now...THIS post asks you to explain several of YOUR "gaffes",

provides SPECIFIC quotes that DISPROVE your silly allegations.

Oh, geez, some old man having to pull two shifts and complaining that
he has to pull two shifts?

Hang me high because a tired old man complains about two shifts!

So how are you going to climb out from under THIS one, Brian?
Disappear for another couple weeks and hope we forget about YOUR


Steve, K4YZ

Me climb out??? Hi, hi!

This must be the place where you would type, "BWHA ha ha ha ha ha
ha................................................ .................................................. ..............................................!"

You made the inuendo, you made another four lies to cover it, and today
you produce yet another lie -as- predicted. Too bad for you.

  #34   Report Post  
Old April 7th 05, 05:32 AM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
bb wrote:

From: "bb" on Mon, Apr 4 2005 4:25 pm:

K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

etc., etc., etc....

I don't make anyone anything, Brian. I may hold a mirror

them, but anything they "are" is of thier own doing.

You misunderstand. A mirror is being held up for you.

Heh. He can't see his own reflection... :-)

[...sort of a supernatural thing there...]

American Wereham in London.

(1) I am not a victim

"(1.a.) I REFUSE to be a victim." Hi, hi!

Nursie is NEVER at fault...ALWAYS someone else's fault!


He'll say I "made" him do (whatever).

(2) It seems there are only three people here who have a
with what I say, and that would be you, Lennie, and the person

e-mail. I'm not impressed that any "explanation" needs to



In another post you said that no one other than the mystery

saw any impropriety in your comments. So which time were you

Then or now?

Now you say that other than me, Len, and that mystery


But I don't see Len posting on this subject. So are you making

another lie?

Nursie NEVER lie! :-)

I haven't posted in this newsgroup for (about) 2 weeks.

It's making him crazy. He has no access to you. He's cold turkey

using me as methadone.

Stevie da wonder ham is still angry, resentful, and
otherwise unglued about no one respecting his Dill
Instructor attitude for the past six years or so...:-)

"Temper fry?" Whoeee...temper be roasted to a crisp!

Newly recruited marines are sometimes discharged for

to military life. Steve should be put back in the Corps for
non-adaptability to civilian life. Let them deal with his lies,
assinine assertions, impossible delusions, and generally


Don't you ever feel silly playing Len's game after his numerous posts

which he inevitably claims that he is here only to engage in civil
debate over the removal of morse code testing, accuses others of
engaging in personal attacks and denigration and then proceeds to do
that of which he accuses others?

Dave K8MN

Len isn't involved!!!

Len is not engaged in K4YZs attack on the YL in South Dakota (or New
York or wherever she may happen to be). Len is not engaged in K4YZs
attack on the supposed anon e-mailer. Len is not involved in my
comments to, and my opinions about Steve.

Now don't you feel silly backing up K4YZ on his latest gaffe, just so
you can comment on someone who isn't involved???

Go monitor the cluster or something that you have some very small
amount of expertise in.

  #36   Report Post  
Old April 7th 05, 06:07 AM
Posts: n/a

bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I don't make anyone anything, Brian. I may hold a

them, but anything they "are" is of thier own doing.

You misunderstand. A mirror is being held up for you.

You're in denial, Brian...No problem...WE see it...

Who? You and you anonymous "attacker?"

(1) I am not a victim

"(1.a.) I REFUSE to be a victim." Hi, hi!

I imagine you hear a lot of laughter, Brian....

That's how hams laugh.

Strange...When I laugh it sounds more like "hahaha".

So why do you type,

"Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah !!!"

and not all of it
from kids playing in the yard or the "laugh track" on your


I'm not big on sitcoms. You provide enough comic relief for me.

The sad part, Brian, is that the laugh's on you. You just

or won't see it.

You're only partly correct. I don't see it because it isn't there.

Sure it is.

You're the lone lost patrol on rrap. You're an Army of one.

Perhaps...but then the number of real idiots is only a few. It
doesn't take that much to
rein them in.

There's no lying involved, Brian, other than your attempt

redirect the specific comments being made.

Nice try. Very transparent.

No dodge, plymouth, nor chrysler. You lied.

Cute. Still doesn't change anything. And no, I did not lie.

That makes lie #5.

You've not provided 1 through 4 yet, Brain.

Now you say that other than me, Len, and that mystery


But I don't see Len posting on this subject. So are you

another lie?


Show it.

It's in this thread chain, Brian. Help yourself.

So you're taking the fifth?



Apr 5, 12:16 pm hide options

From: - Find messages by this author
Date: 5 Apr 2005 12:16:41 -0700
Local: Tues, Apr 5 2005 12:16 pm
Subject: A Special Reply to a Private E-Mail Threat
Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show
original | Report Abuse

From: "bb" on Mon, Apr 4 2005 4:25 pm:


You try to redirect, and I refuse to allow you. No


Big problem(s). You lied. You lied four times. You lied about


There was no "innuendo". There was YOU trying to make

out of something else said.

Sorry Steve, anyone with more than half their brain tied behind their
back would see your inuendo. How's Jim?

What inuendo, and which Jim? There's at least four that post in
here on a semi-regular basis.
Also, I kow at least two "Jim's" at work and a couple each in CAP and
the local Amateur Radio club.

(UNSNIP) lied when you characterized the anon e-mailer as


I didn't say he made an attack, Brian.

You characterized him/her as an "attacker."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...Now I CHARACTERIZED them as an "attacker"....Nice
way to try and get around yet
another comprehension/attetnion gaffe, eh, Brian?

I'm curious how you define an "attacker?"

Why? The issue here is not what I consider an
"attacker"...It's about you substantiating
claims you've made.

Perhaps an attacker is a person who makes attacks???

Seven hostile attacks???

I guess you were trying to say something there, Brian...but it got
lost in the silliness.

I said he made a threat to
forward my other comments to the family of the young lady whose

we were discussing. The word "attack" was the other

not mine.

So you define as a threat someone who passes your comment on to the
person you made the comments about?

In to context in which the respondant was making such claims, yes.

You're pretty weak in the knees on this one.


(UNSNIP) lied about all of it not being a problem for

except your anonymous "attacker," and then you lied about Len's
involvement in this thread.

I didn't say Lennie was involved in the thread. Re-read what

written originally, Brian!


Lennie. And you STILL haven't acknowledged the original
statements, Brian.

Seems you and the anonymous lying coward have the same reading

comprehension deficits, Brian.

So how is Jim?

Which Jim? Why should I know? What does "Jim" have to do with
your refusal to substantiate an
obvioulsy flawed assertion?

I wonder how many lies you'll tell tomorrow?

None...So far, you've not shown where I lied at all, Brian.

One so far. See above.

Still zero, Brian.

You would have to matter for that to happen,and you just


Obviously not true, since responding to posts I make
over 85% of YOUR posts.

What's your track record?

Oh, I make no "warranty" about what and how I post.

You couldn't honor the warranty when it comes due.

There being none, there is none to honor.

Then you are honorless. But we knew that already.

Again...How can one "honor" something that is not in place?

I quite
readily acknowledge that I am quite ready to stand toe-to-toe

those who are obviously lying, misrepresenting Amateur Radio,

inisist on acting foolishly in public.

Toe to toe?


Sounds like a fight.

It would be if there was a capable "opponent". You do not

Welp, you got called on your inuendo, you got called on

the anon e-mailer as an "attacker," you got called on your lying,

now the mirror is being help up for you to see yourself as the

that you are.

I didn't make any innuendo.

You did.

Your opinion. YOU editorialized on my comments. The context you
took it in was not what was
stated or intended.

You injected your own opinion.

Opinions are not allowed, Oh Master Gunny?

I wasn't a Master Gunny...And sure, opinon is long as
you remember what is opinion and
what is fact. And the FACTS are that my comments were neitehr stated
with the intent or objective that
you and the respondant were implying.

I didn't call the e mailer an "attacker".

You repeated it often enough.

I didn't repeat ANYthing, Brian.

I have YET to call the other party an "attcaker".

Everyone reading this KNOWS that YOU are lying, Brian...Becasue
they can go back and read the thread and
see that you are yourself lying.

Here are all of my comments from March 31st, the date of my
original post. For brevity, I have snipped everyone else's

however you can easily cross-check the other thread to see that I

not "edited" my own words, even for typos:


Hello Everyone,

In the thread about " Selling 52 Simplex Radios", the following
comments were made by Mike Coslo, "Rabbi Phil" and myself:

Michael Coslo wrote:
Rabbi Phil wrote:
K4YZ wrote:


Hey Mike...It's not THAT far fetched...Burghardt in NY has had


young lady in the tight fitting sweater for years...Musta beem



So...later this morning I received a private e-mail from one

RRAP'S regular posters.

I have snipped the person's name, call sign and e mail headers
since the letter was sent in private e-mail. However the e-mail

some very damning comments and a not-so-subtle threat.

"not-so-subtle threat???"


And you said "I didn't call the e mailer an "attacker"."

I didn't.

Please find ONE sentence under my screen name wherein I have
called the third party an

I guess people who make threats aren't attackers.

No attack occured.


In rrap Steve Robeson wrote:

Burghardt in NY has had that
young lady in the tight fitting sweater
for years...Musta beem selling SOMEthing!
Steve, K4YZ

Burghardt Amateur Center is not in NY. It's a family business

was established by Stan Burghardt, W0IT (SK) 68 years ago in a

South Dakota town.

A few years ago one of Stan's long-time employees, Jim Smith W0MJY,
purchased the business from Stan and became the second owner. It
remains a family owned business, and the lady you mention is Jim's
daughter, Michele, KC0MYV, a wholesome midwesterner who is very

in running the "business side" of the store. Often she is pictured
standing alongside her dad in their QST ads, never in my knowledge


provocative sweater.

The sleazy nudge-nudge insinuation in your "Musta beem seeling
SOMEthing!" comment is one of the lowest forms of attack I've ever


on rrap. I'll expect to see a sincere unconditional apology on


the end of today, or I'll consider forwarding your trashy comments

Michele and Jim.


He's wrong. I've seen you make substantially greater threats on


Such as...?!?!

Here's my response to this "letter", made in a very public


that the correspondant can't make any other assinine insinuations

out-of-context editorializing:

(1) I stand corrected on the South Dakota -vs- New York. My

I chalked that up to an honest mistake, not one of your four (4)


You've still not provided a SINGLE lie, let alone four, Brian.

(2) I am sure the young lady is very good at what she does,

is every bit the "wholesome" person you report. I NEVER said

to the contrary. You are welcome to cite the part of the post

I said differently, but you and I both know it's not there.

That's what makes it inuendo. If you had meant that she was actually
selling radios rather than "SOMEthing" else in a tight sweater, you
would have typed a five letter word (radio) without capitalization
rather than a 9-letter codeword implying "SOMEthing" else in that


That's your interpretation, Brian, but one already disporven.

(3) The young lady's character and wholesomeness


"character and wholesomeness notwithstanding???"

Is there any question about her character and wholesomeness???"

Your an idiot.


You are out-of-context, Brian...Nice try.

THEY obviously had NO PROBLEM in posing her in a tight sweater,
profile, in order to attract some male attention to thier ads.

Phil" commented about someone else "selling radios" with pictures

pretty women. I pointed out that another Amateur dealer had been

the same thing, and obviously it worked. Pictures of pretty women

everything from soft drinks to firearms to high speed automobiles.
Amateur Radio is no different. No problem.

Idiot. Why don't you put up a picture of your "wholesome" spouse
instead of that guy in a tight Air Force flight suit to register more

Register more hits on what? I am not selling anything. And if
you're refering to me about the flight
suit, it's not tight. Matter of fact, it's a bit too baggy.

Now, Dear Anonymous Writer (anonymous HERE...since you and I

know who you are)...You can go RIGHT AHEAD and forward ANYthing you
like to ANY one you like. Tell them about "how trashy" the item

if you want, but it IS archived right ehre in Google.

You took offense...Too bad for you. You know as well as I do

people can "take offense" at the most innocent of comments
all-the-while letting morbid profanity and bold threats roll off

backs. This is one of those moments.

Have a nice day.

Steve, K4YZ


OK, Brain...YOU show US wherein I called the anonymous
correspondant an "attacker".

Matter of fact, go back to the original thread and go through

of the posts I made and find one where I called the correspondant


Thankfully that sub-group of ner-do-wells is fairly

Lennie. Todd. Mark Morgan. The fairly few number of

cowards who haven't got the guts or strength of conviction to

behind thier already lame game.

"Thier" lame game?

Look, you're the one playing off-duty COP on rrap.

What "cop"...?!?! The only thing I have "arrested" is the
promulgation of further lies, mistruths and assinine assertions by

Lennie and Todd. So far, while not 100% effective, it's worked.

You've created more lies in the past few days than the opinions that
you try to "correct."

Nurse, heal thyself.

Heal myself of what?

You've shot off
your mouth once too often and someone is now trying to get back

with vile comments about your daughter.

They are vile and speak to the character of the "author".

get his eventually.

And you never acknowledge my thanks to you.

I didn't make my comment for you. I made them for your daughter.

My daughter doesn't need your help, Brian. But it WAS me that
uttered the gratuity. Guess that it was
too much to expect you to acknowledge it.

You shot off your mouth again
about a young woman in an amateur radio advertisement, and some
anonymous rrapper called you on it.

There was no "shooting" off of anyone's mouth. There was a
comment about how effective the presence of a pretty woman in an
Amateur Radio advertisment helps to sell Amateur Radio equipment.


Absolutely indeed.

Unless you know something I don't know about it, "sex" is a
multi-billion dollar selling tool. I can't drive the few minutes

work without passing a half dozen biilborads that have beautiful

and handsome men hawking some goods on it...


Lot's of things. Deodorant. Cars. Trips to Aruba. Tupperware.

You stand alone. No one supports your latest gaffe.

So far, Mike Coslo made a statement that very celarly said

the statement could be read as such. He was correct.

"could be..."

Yep. YOUR statement was that I "stand alone".

You were AGAIN proven wrong.

Sucks to be you.

And so far, neither you, any of the anonymous lying cowards,

original correspondant or Lennie have disproven otherwise.

I know the difference between a "radio" and "SOMEthing in a tight
sweater." And so do you.

I know that full figured women in tight fitting sweaters get my
attention and draw it to billboards,
TV ads, and even print ads in QST...Just like I said before.

But it would help. So far you've made countless accusations

mental defect, but have yet to prove a one.

One day you'll be picked up and everyone will nod "we suspected, but
what's a person to do?"

And you still have not told us what YOUR professional credentials
are to make such an assessment.

I, on the otherhand, have two decades of experience from which to
make an informed opinion.

On the OTHER hand, YOU have made COUNTLESS assertions and
misrepresentations that you can't or won't substantiate, your

being the one that ARES can't/won't respond to any "major"

due to alleged age, infirmity or previous obligations of the


We're focusing on your problems here. Don't try the old dodge,
plymouth, and chrysler routine.

The issue here was YOUR opinion of what YOU thought I said...Not
what was ACTUALLY said or the

Someone here HAS some issues to deal with Brian...But it's not


Of course you don't. You're unable to take that very first step
because you're in denial.

There's nothing to deny other than it's great fun rubbing your
nose in your own mistruths and aborted efforts
to redirect attention away from your other on-going efforts to "dodge"
the questions posed to you
vis-a-vis ARES and it's supposed inability to respond to emergencies.

Now...THIS post asks you to explain several of YOUR "gaffes",

provides SPECIFIC quotes that DISPROVE your silly allegations.

Oh, geez, some old man having to pull two shifts and complaining that
he has to pull two shifts?

I didn't see him complaining...That was yet another BillyBeeper
insertion of opinion.

Hang me high because a tired old man complains about two shifts!

I would if I could, but I still don't see where a "tired old man"
was complainng of
ANYthing...I do, however, see YOU trying to avoid the questions put to

So how are you going to climb out from under THIS one, Brian?
Disappear for another couple weeks and hope we forget about YOUR


Steve, K4YZ

Me climb out??? Hi, hi!

Yes. You.

This must be the place where you would type, "BWHA ha ha ha ha ha

ha................................................ .................................................. ..............................................!"

You made the inuendo, you made another four lies to cover it, and

you produce yet another lie -as- predicted. Too bad for you.

You claim I've lied five times.

You've not provided a single one of them.

Now...what were they?

Steve, K4YZ

  #37   Report Post  
Old April 7th 05, 06:24 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

bb wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:
bb wrote:

From: "bb" on Mon, Apr 4 2005 4:25 pm:

K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

etc., etc., etc....

I don't make anyone anything, Brian. I may hold a mirror

them, but anything they "are" is of thier own doing.

You misunderstand. A mirror is being held up for you.

Heh. He can't see his own reflection... :-)

[...sort of a supernatural thing there...]

American Wereham in London.

(1) I am not a victim

"(1.a.) I REFUSE to be a victim." Hi, hi!

Nursie is NEVER at fault...ALWAYS someone else's fault!


He'll say I "made" him do (whatever).

(2) It seems there are only three people here who have a
with what I say, and that would be you, Lennie, and the person

e-mail. I'm not impressed that any "explanation" needs to



In another post you said that no one other than the mystery

saw any impropriety in your comments. So which time were you

Then or now?

Now you say that other than me, Len, and that mystery


But I don't see Len posting on this subject. So are you making

another lie?

Nursie NEVER lie! :-)

I haven't posted in this newsgroup for (about) 2 weeks.

It's making him crazy. He has no access to you. He's cold turkey

using me as methadone.

Stevie da wonder ham is still angry, resentful, and
otherwise unglued about no one respecting his Dill
Instructor attitude for the past six years or so...:-)

"Temper fry?" Whoeee...temper be roasted to a crisp!

Newly recruited marines are sometimes discharged for

to military life. Steve should be put back in the Corps for
non-adaptability to civilian life. Let them deal with his lies,
assinine assertions, impossible delusions, and generally


Don't you ever feel silly playing Len's game after his numerous posts

which he inevitably claims that he is here only to engage in civil
debate over the removal of morse code testing, accuses others of
engaging in personal attacks and denigration and then proceeds to do
that of which he accuses others?

Dave K8MN

Len isn't involved!!!

Who wrote what was attributed to him?

Len is not engaged in K4YZs attack on the YL in South Dakota (or New
York or wherever she may happen to be).

Attack? I've seen no attack by Steve on any YL.

Len is not engaged in K4YZs
attack on the supposed anon e-mailer.

He isn't?

Len is not involved in my
comments to, and my opinions about Steve.

You're right. You're involved in Len's comments about Steve. You know
that what Len is doing is not part of any civil debate over the morse
code issue. You know that Len's comments are personal attacks and
denigration of Steve--the kind he likes to squawk about in others.

Now don't you feel silly backing up K4YZ on his latest gaffe, just so
you can comment on someone who isn't involved???

You become more strange with each newsgroup post.

Go monitor the cluster or something that you have some very small
amount of expertise in.

I have some very small expertise in automotive repair.

Dave K8MN
  #38   Report Post  
Old April 8th 05, 05:06 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "bb" on Wed, Apr 6 2005 8:38 pm

K4YZ wrote:

The original intent of this newsgroup was to discuss
amateur radio policy.

Whoooooooa! There's a major rhetoric change on the part of
Lennie the Lame!

How much more uninformed could a "person" be? Len has been saying

for years.

Quite true. However, Robeson is in the constant
aggravated antagonistic mode and therefore makes
up lies about what other people have written.

Up until recently this forum been solely about the "Morse Code
Test Debate"...Or so he's claimed...

He's said its been about bad celestial calculations and seven
completely undocumentated hostile actions.

It's supposed to be about Morse Code.

This newsgroup was originally opened to take the morse
code test discussion/argument out of
to revlieve the crowding there. According to Paul's
often-stated welcome message text, it is concerned with
all topics of amateur radio POLICY.

Unfortunately, that's not the de facto situation with
message topics...which have ranged widely from the
(usual) bragging and self-glorification of individuals
to U.S. national politics and political figures to
choo-choo trains and other items in-between.

Finally get tired of getting your head bashed in over and over
with FACTS to the contrary, Oh Spiteful One...?!?!

You're the one with the bloody scalp. Nurse, heal thyself.

In order to bandage himself, he has to look into a
mirror. That's difficult if he can't see his
reflection. :-)


Penis envy or just penis inuendo and infatuation?

It's just ENVY on Robeson's part because he's never
been IN electronics engineering in any way (a short-
term job as a purchasing agent doesn't qualify for
electronics engineering). He never got into military
communications handling despite having that vaunted
amateur radio license before first joining. He never
got to be any kind of military pilot despite having
a private pilot's ticket before joining. [we still
don't know the When and Where of those claimed "seven
hostile actions"...]

He bitterly resents ANYONE talking against him, as
witness this latest barrage of antagonistic postings
against others. He holds a terrible grudge on others
from a long time ago (Heil suffers from the same
malady) and doesn't mind venting in here, courtesy
be damned (on his part).

Not being Jewish or even claimed closeness with any
Yiddisher, he picks up what he thinks is a cutesy
"cuss word" (putz) and tries to use it as a semi-
perjorative. So few know the meaning of that Yiddish
expression (including himself), that he thinks he can
get away with it.

What is curious is that Robeson cries/whines/bitches
about "civility" and use of "nasty" words, yet uses
them himself and is most uncivil in his remarks. See
the "complaint" he alleges he made to Google about
Todd (who has received far too many nastygrams for a
non-amateur-policy subject).

Robeson "shoots from the lip" about other things far
too often. The old "MARS IS ham radio" subject was
(perhaps) the prime one. Now we have the total confusion
between "Peter Jennings" the ABC TV news anchor and another
of the same name who is an amateur radio licensee...all
couched in some sort of emotional "message of support"
for a cancer victim.

Robeson often (far too often) DEMANDS "cites" for someone
stating anything against him which was patently obvious
to other readers of this newsgroup. He fakes "outrage"
that others would do such a thing to HIM! :-) On the
other hand, as the compleat hypocrite, he tells rather
bad, unreferencible LIES about others. Not a problem to
Robeson, but a problem to others since they don't care
that much about Robeson's "outrage." That "outrage" is
NOT a part of amateur radio policy and, as a result,
has helped (greatly) to turn this newsgroup into a petty
internecine personalily warfare blog.

There's NO real impetus for anyone to discuss amateur
radio policy in here...EXCEPT that everything should be
concerned with an absolute adherence to the Status Quo.
Anyone expressing any other viewpoint is ganged-up on,
shouted down, and denigrated...for the simple reason of
disagreeing with the cherished Status Quo. Ergo, there's
no possible room in here to discuss issues. There's no
hope of discussing any pros or cons of the morse code
test since the Status Quo maintains an absolute "necessity"
to forever keep the code test. All the Status Quists took
that test, therefore all others MUST do so. :-)

retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

  #39   Report Post  
Old April 8th 05, 05:27 AM
Posts: n/a


From: "bb" on Wed, Apr 6 2005 8:38 pm

K4YZ wrote:


The original intent of this newsgroup was to discuss
amateur radio policy.

Whoooooooa! There's a major rhetoric change on the part of
Lennie the Lame!

How much more uninformed could a "person" be? Len has been saying


for years.

Quite true. However, Robeson is in the constant
aggravated antagonistic mode and therefore makes
up lies about what other people have written.

Up until recently this forum been solely about the "Morse Code
Test Debate"...Or so he's claimed...

He's said its been about bad celestial calculations and seven
completely undocumentated hostile actions.

It's supposed to be about Morse Code.

This newsgroup was originally opened to take the morse
code test discussion/argument out of
to revlieve the crowding there. According to Paul's
often-stated welcome message text, it is concerned with
all topics of amateur radio POLICY.

Unfortunately, that's not the de facto situation with
message topics...which have ranged widely from the
(usual) bragging and self-glorification of individuals
to U.S. national politics and political figures to
choo-choo trains and other items in-between.

Finally get tired of getting your head bashed in over and over
with FACTS to the contrary, Oh Spiteful One...?!?!

You're the one with the bloody scalp. Nurse, heal thyself.

In order to bandage himself, he has to look into a
mirror. That's difficult if he can't see his
reflection. :-)


Penis envy or just penis inuendo and infatuation?

It's just ENVY on Robeson's part because he's never
been IN electronics engineering in any way (a short-
term job as a purchasing agent doesn't qualify for
electronics engineering). He never got into military
communications handling despite having that vaunted
amateur radio license before first joining. He never
got to be any kind of military pilot despite having
a private pilot's ticket before joining. [we still
don't know the When and Where of those claimed "seven
hostile actions"...]

He bitterly resents ANYONE talking against him, as
witness this latest barrage of antagonistic postings
against others. He holds a terrible grudge on others
from a long time ago (Heil suffers from the same
malady) and doesn't mind venting in here, courtesy
be damned (on his part).

Not being Jewish or even claimed closeness with any
Yiddisher, he picks up what he thinks is a cutesy
"cuss word" (putz) and tries to use it as a semi-
perjorative. So few know the meaning of that Yiddish
expression (including himself), that he thinks he can
get away with it.

What is curious is that Robeson cries/whines/bitches
about "civility" and use of "nasty" words, yet uses
them himself and is most uncivil in his remarks. See
the "complaint" he alleges he made to Google about
Todd (who has received far too many nastygrams for a
non-amateur-policy subject).

Robeson "shoots from the lip" about other things far
too often. The old "MARS IS ham radio" subject was
(perhaps) the prime one. Now we have the total confusion
between "Peter Jennings" the ABC TV news anchor and another
of the same name who is an amateur radio licensee...all
couched in some sort of emotional "message of support"
for a cancer victim.

Robeson often (far too often) DEMANDS "cites" for someone
stating anything against him which was patently obvious
to other readers of this newsgroup. He fakes "outrage"
that others would do such a thing to HIM! :-) On the
other hand, as the compleat hypocrite, he tells rather
bad, unreferencible LIES about others. Not a problem to
Robeson, but a problem to others since they don't care
that much about Robeson's "outrage." That "outrage" is
NOT a part of amateur radio policy and, as a result,
has helped (greatly) to turn this newsgroup into a petty
internecine personalily warfare blog.

There's NO real impetus for anyone to discuss amateur
radio policy in here...EXCEPT that everything should be
concerned with an absolute adherence to the Status Quo.
Anyone expressing any other viewpoint is ganged-up on,
shouted down, and denigrated...for the simple reason of
disagreeing with the cherished Status Quo. Ergo, there's
no possible room in here to discuss issues. There's no
hope of discussing any pros or cons of the morse code
test since the Status Quo maintains an absolute "necessity"
to forever keep the code test. All the Status Quists took
that test, therefore all others MUST do so. :-)

retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

Where's the career Air Force sergeant when you need him? You still alive
Larry? I hope none of Toads toucans got him!

  #40   Report Post  
Old April 8th 05, 08:49 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "bb" on Wed, Apr 6 2005 8:38 pm

K4YZ wrote:

The original intent of this newsgroup was to discuss
amateur radio policy.

Whoooooooa! There's a major rhetoric change on the part of
Lennie the Lame!

How much more uninformed could a "person" be? Len has been saying

for years.

No, Brian..."Lennie" has been saying that this forum was solely
for the discussion of the Morse Code Test exam issue only. On numerous
occassions. Archived in Google.

Quite true. However, Robeson is in the constant
aggravated antagonistic mode and therefore makes
up lies about what other people have written.

What "lies", Lennie...?!?!

You don't tell the truth.

Up until recently this forum been solely about the "Morse Code
Test Debate"...Or so he's claimed...

He's said its been about bad celestial calculations and seven
completely undocumentated hostile actions.

It's supposed to be about Morse Code.

This newsgroup was originally opened to take the morse
code test discussion/argument out of
to revlieve the crowding there. According to Paul's
often-stated welcome message text, it is concerned with
all topics of amateur radio POLICY.

Yep. But that's not been YOUR contention.

Unfortunately, that's not the de facto situation with
message topics...which have ranged widely from the
(usual) bragging and self-glorification of individuals
to U.S. national politics and political figures to
choo-choo trains and other items in-between.

Finally get tired of getting your head bashed in over and

with FACTS to the contrary, Oh Spiteful One...?!?!

You're the one with the bloody scalp. Nurse, heal thyself.

In order to bandage himself, he has to look into a
mirror. That's difficult if he can't see his

My reflection is fine, and I can even look myself in the eyes and
not have any misgivings about the true nature of my character.

You and Brian, on the otherhand, are chronic liars.

Documented. Proven.


Penis envy or just penis inuendo and infatuation?

It's just ENVY on Robeson's part because he's never
been IN electronics engineering in any way (a short-
term job as a purchasing agent doesn't qualify for
electronics engineering).

And like any choice in was just that. You, on the
otherhand, seem to think that "electronic engineering" was the do-all
and end-all of life. Maybe for YOU, but many of us found more things
to do in our lives.

Furthermore, there's no evidence, empirical or otherwise, that you
were ever of any impact on "electronics engineering" yourself. You've
been asked repeatedly to show us SOME project that came to fruition
under your supervision, but so far all we've been treated to is your
litany of jobs and a few long-forgotten articles in a long-defunct
magazine. Never once has any of THOSE "papers" been cited as part and
parcel of any other project.

Your name does not appear on ANY "professional" papers as author
or co-author that I've been able to find. You've been asked to provide
them. You haven't.

He never got into military
communications handling despite having that vaunted
amateur radio license before first joining.


He never
got to be any kind of military pilot despite having
a private pilot's ticket before joining.

I'm curious as to how having an PPSEL ticket (48 hours in a Cessna
150 at that point) had to do with being a military aviator, Lennie.

You've made that statement before and I've asked you before as to
what it "means". Still no answer.

[we still
don't know the When and Where of those claimed "seven
hostile actions"...]

Only because I know it chaps your hide that you can't swish your
swagger stick around demanding to know and not get what you want.

He bitterly resents ANYONE talking against him, as
witness this latest barrage of antagonistic postings
against others. He holds a terrible grudge on others
from a long time ago (Heil suffers from the same
malady) and doesn't mind venting in here, courtesy
be damned (on his part).

There's no "grudge", Lennie.

You lie, you deceive and you misrepresent Amateur Radio. It takes
precious little effort to undermine your efforts to do so, so I do.

Make's ya mad, but that's YOUR issue to deal with!

Not being Jewish or even claimed closeness with any
Yiddisher, he picks up what he thinks is a cutesy
"cuss word" (putz) and tries to use it as a semi-
perjorative. So few know the meaning of that Yiddish
expression (including himself), that he thinks he can
get away with it.

It's not about "getting away" with anything, Lennie.

You really ARE a putz. It really is THAT simple.

Big snip of usual Lennesque diversion to...

There's NO real impetus for anyone to discuss amateur
radio policy in here...EXCEPT that everything should be
concerned with an absolute adherence to the Status Quo.

Nope. No "absolute adherence to status quo".

Again, you make misrepresentations that anyone who cares to
research from this forum will know is not true.

MOST of the lack of "impetus" is the presence of foul mouth idiots
like Todd, his anonymous lying friends, and persons such as yourself
who are NOT licensed Amateurs and who DON'T have any experience from
which to make informed opinions yet insist they have some greater
knowing of what Amateur Radio is and how it should "run".

retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

And prime time putz.

Steve, K4YZ

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OPDX Special Bulletin #660.1 Tedd Mirgliotta Dx 0 May 10th 04 01:24 AM

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