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  #41   Report Post  
Old April 12th 05, 12:44 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "bb" on Wed, Apr 6 2005 8:38 pm

K4YZ wrote:

The original intent of this newsgroup was to discuss
amateur radio policy.

Whoooooooa! There's a major rhetoric change on the part of
Lennie the Lame!

How much more uninformed could a "person" be? Len has been saying

for years.

Quite true. However, Robeson is in the constant
aggravated antagonistic mode and therefore makes
up lies about what other people have written.

The idiot actually claimed that I was the antagonist for NOT giving
Mike grief over his postponing the balloon shot.

Up until recently this forum been solely about the "Morse Code
Test Debate"...Or so he's claimed...

He's said its been about bad celestial calculations and seven
completely undocumentated hostile actions.

It's supposed to be about Morse Code.

This newsgroup was originally opened to take the morse
code test discussion/argument out of
to revlieve the crowding there. According to Paul's
often-stated welcome message text, it is concerned with
all topics of amateur radio POLICY.

Unfortunately, that's not the de facto situation with
message topics...which have ranged widely from the
(usual) bragging and self-glorification of individuals
to U.S. national politics and political figures to
choo-choo trains and other items in-between.

Where's Paul when you need him? He and his group did some fine rescue
work getting the K0AIR call out of the hands of micreants like K4CAP.

Finally get tired of getting your head bashed in over and

with FACTS to the contrary, Oh Spiteful One...?!?!

You're the one with the bloody scalp. Nurse, heal thyself.

In order to bandage himself, he has to look into a
mirror. That's difficult if he can't see his
reflection. :-)

I recall a guy in the movies who couldn't see his reflection in the
mirror. He was the living dead.


Penis envy or just penis inuendo and infatuation?

It's just ENVY on Robeson's part because he's never
been IN electronics engineering in any way (a short-
term job as a purchasing agent doesn't qualify for
electronics engineering). He never got into military
communications handling despite having that vaunted
amateur radio license before first joining. He never
got to be any kind of military pilot despite having
a private pilot's ticket before joining. [we still
don't know the When and Where of those claimed "seven
hostile actions"...]

No doubt that inadequacy is at the root of his hatred for you.

He bitterly resents ANYONE talking against him, as
witness this latest barrage of antagonistic postings
against others. He holds a terrible grudge on others
from a long time ago (Heil suffers from the same
malady) and doesn't mind venting in here, courtesy
be damned (on his part).

That famous DXer that works out of band Frenchmen on 6 meters? I guess
it takes all kinds.

Not being Jewish or even claimed closeness with any
Yiddisher, he picks up what he thinks is a cutesy
"cuss word" (putz)


and tries to use it as a semi-
perjorative. So few know the meaning of that Yiddish
expression (including himself), that he thinks he can
get away with it.

Welp, The Amateur Formerly Known As Reverend Jim doesn't seem to mind.

What is curious is that Robeson cries/whines/bitches

and moans

about "civility" and use of "nasty" words, yet uses
them himself and is most uncivil in his remarks. See
the "complaint" he alleges he made to Google about
Todd (who has received far too many nastygrams for a
non-amateur-policy subject).

Steve has single handedly given thes rra.misc idiots a home on rrap.
Thank you Steve.

Robeson "shoots from the lip" about other things far
too often.

Shoots his mouth off, too. And you know what happens to people who
shoot their mouth off.

The old "MARS IS ham radio" subject was
(perhaps) the prime one. Now we have the total confusion
between "Peter Jennings" the ABC TV news anchor and another
of the same name who is an amateur radio licensee...all
couched in some sort of emotional "message of support"
for a cancer victim.

Bleeding heart?

Robeson often (far too often) DEMANDS "cites" for someone
stating anything against him which was patently obvious
to other readers of this newsgroup.

I just learned from him that unless an opinion is fully documented with
facts, that it is a lie.

He fakes "outrage"
that others would do such a thing to HIM! :-) On the
other hand, as the compleat hypocrite, he tells rather
bad, unreferencible LIES about others.

I started counting his new lies last week. He absolutely hates it.

Not a problem to
Robeson, but a problem to others since they don't care
that much about Robeson's "outrage." That "outrage" is
NOT a part of amateur radio policy and, as a result,
has helped (greatly) to turn this newsgroup into a petty
internecine personalily warfare blog.

Only Robeson maters.

There's NO real impetus for anyone to discuss amateur
radio policy in here...EXCEPT that everything should be
concerned with an absolute adherence to the Status Quo.

Perhaps "thier" pensions should go status quo as well as the ARS. No
annual cost of living raises.

Anyone expressing any other viewpoint is ganged-up on,
shouted down, and denigrated...for the simple reason of
disagreeing with the cherished Status Quo. Ergo, there's
no possible room in here to discuss issues. There's no
hope of discussing any pros or cons of the morse code
test since the Status Quo maintains an absolute "necessity"
to forever keep the code test. All the Status Quists took
that test, therefore all others MUST do so. :-)

retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

Oooh! You gonna get Steve all worked up over that last comment.

  #43   Report Post  
Old April 12th 05, 12:51 AM
Posts: n/a

KC8GXW wrote:

Where's the career Air Force sergeant when you need him? You still

Larry? I hope none of Toads toucans got him!

Larry the "Human Resources" student probably single-handedly killed a
career in HR due to the comments he made and archived on RRAP.

  #44   Report Post  
Old April 12th 05, 02:24 AM
Posts: n/a

bb wrote:

Unfortunately, that's not the de facto situation with
message topics...which have ranged widely from the
(usual) bragging and self-glorification of individuals
to U.S. national politics and political figures to
choo-choo trains and other items in-between.

Where's Paul when you need him? He and his group did some fine

work getting the K0AIR call out of the hands of micreants like K4CAP.

The most recent holder of K4CAP never held K0AIR. So one has to
wonder what your point is, Brian...Not that there's ever any
meaningingful point to ANY of it...

It's just ENVY on Robeson's part because he's never
been IN electronics engineering in any way (a short-
term job as a purchasing agent doesn't qualify for
electronics engineering). He never got into military
communications handling despite having that vaunted
amateur radio license before first joining. He never
got to be any kind of military pilot despite having
a private pilot's ticket before joining. [we still
don't know the When and Where of those claimed "seven
hostile actions"...]

No doubt that inadequacy is at the root of his hatred for you.

You continue to insist that I ahte Lennie. I don't. I
understand him better than he accepts tht I do, and therefore make sure
that OTHERS understand him too.

Just like I do you, Brian.

and tries to use it as a semi-
perjorative. So few know the meaning of that Yiddish
expression (including himself), that he thinks he can
get away with it.

Welp, The Amateur Formerly Known As Reverend Jim doesn't seem to


Wondering who THAT is becasue there's never been an Amateur KNOWN
as "Reverend Jim" That I am aware of, other than in Lennie's

What is curious is that Robeson cries/whines/bitches

and moans

about "civility" and use of "nasty" words, yet uses
them himself and is most uncivil in his remarks. See
the "complaint" he alleges he made to Google about
Todd (who has received far too many nastygrams for a
non-amateur-policy subject).

Steve has single handedly given thes rra.misc idiots a home on rrap.
Thank you Steve.

They'll soon move on and you and Lennie will have it all back to
yourselves...And it wasn't my doings, Brian...It was Toiddie's
cross-posted rantings, not me, that brought them here.

Please try to keep your "facts" (snickersnicker)straight.

He fakes "outrage"
that others would do such a thing to HIM! :-) On the
other hand, as the compleat hypocrite, he tells rather
bad, unreferencible LIES about others.

I started counting his new lies last week. He absolutely hates it.

I "absolutely hate" that you further humilate yourself counting
nothing, Brian. You have never substantiated the first alleged lie.

Sooooooo.....Zero is still zero....

retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

Oooh! You gonna get Steve all worked up over that last comment.

Why? He (Lennie) still has yet to provide us with so much as one
professional paper with his name on it. So Lennie's claim to having
been a "professional engineer" is vaporware.

Steve, K4YZ

  #45   Report Post  
Old April 12th 05, 05:09 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:

Unfortunately, that's not the de facto situation with
message topics...which have ranged widely from the
(usual) bragging and self-glorification of individuals
to U.S. national politics and political figures to
choo-choo trains and other items in-between.

Where's Paul when you need him? He and his group did some fine

work getting the K0AIR call out of the hands of micreants like


The most recent holder of K4CAP never held K0AIR. So one has to
wonder what your point is, Brian...Not that there's ever any
meaningingful point to ANY of it...

Callsign collectors.

It's just ENVY on Robeson's part because he's never
been IN electronics engineering in any way (a short-
term job as a purchasing agent doesn't qualify for
electronics engineering). He never got into military
communications handling despite having that vaunted
amateur radio license before first joining. He never
got to be any kind of military pilot despite having
a private pilot's ticket before joining. [we still
don't know the When and Where of those claimed "seven
hostile actions"...]

No doubt that inadequacy is at the root of his hatred for you.

You continue to insist that I ahte Lennie. I don't. I
understand him better than he accepts tht I do, and therefore make

that OTHERS understand him too.

Just like I do you, Brian.

You hate me too? OK, Mr Obvious.

and tries to use it as a semi-
perjorative. So few know the meaning of that Yiddish
expression (including himself), that he thinks he can
get away with it.

Welp, The Amateur Formerly Known As Reverend Jim doesn't seem to


Wondering who THAT is becasue there's never been an Amateur

as "Reverend Jim" That I am aware of, other than in Lennie's

You know, the guy that trims out "W5TIT" but leaves in "Putz."

What is curious is that Robeson cries/whines/bitches

and moans

about "civility" and use of "nasty" words, yet uses
them himself and is most uncivil in his remarks. See
the "complaint" he alleges he made to Google about
Todd (who has received far too many nastygrams for a
non-amateur-policy subject).

Steve has single handedly given thes rra.misc idiots a home on

Thank you Steve.

They'll soon move on and you and Lennie will have it all back to
yourselves...And it wasn't my doings, Brian...It was Toiddie's
cross-posted rantings, not me, that brought them here.

Please try to keep your "facts" (snickersnicker)straight.

Without you bringing him back for more with your incessant "demanding
of facts" etc, Todd would have dried up and blown away a long time ago.

He fakes "outrage"
that others would do such a thing to HIM! :-) On the
other hand, as the compleat hypocrite, he tells rather
bad, unreferencible LIES about others.

I started counting his new lies last week. He absolutely hates it.

I "absolutely hate" that you further humilate yourself counting
nothing, Brian. You have never substantiated the first alleged lie.

Sooooooo.....Zero is still zero....

Lie #12?

retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

Oooh! You gonna get Steve all worked up over that last comment.

Why? He (Lennie) still has yet to provide us with so much as one
professional paper with his name on it. So Lennie's claim to having
been a "professional engineer" is vaporware.

Steve, K4YZ

Is that more of your "facts," Steve? An electronic engineer must have
published papers. Hi! Be sure to tell that to Congress before they
let hundreds of thousands more of them immigrate to the USA.

Welp, we always did know that you don't know what you're talking about.
And them's the facts.

  #46   Report Post  
Old April 12th 05, 07:41 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "bb" on Mon,Apr 11 2005 3:44 pm

From: "bb" on Wed, Apr 6 2005 8:38 pm

K4YZ wrote:

The original intent of this newsgroup was to discuss
amateur radio policy.

Whoooooooa! There's a major rhetoric change on the part of
Lennie the Lame!

How much more uninformed could a "person" be? Len has been saying
this for years.

Quite true. However, Robeson is in the constant
aggravated antagonistic mode and therefore makes
up lies about what other people have written.

The idiot actually claimed that I was the antagonist for NOT giving
Mike grief over his postponing the balloon shot.

Stebie just can't take ANY negative response to his
shouts and hollerings... :-)

to revlieve the crowding there. According to Paul's
often-stated welcome message text, it is concerned with
all topics of amateur radio POLICY.

Unfortunately, that's not the de facto situation with
message topics...which have ranged widely from the
(usual) bragging and self-glorification of individuals
to U.S. national politics and political figures to
choo-choo trains and other items in-between.

Where's Paul when you need him? He and his group did some fine rescue
work getting the K0AIR call out of the hands of micreants like K4CAP.

Paul Schleck (the extra who "signs" those welcome
e-mails to new names in the newsgroup) is apparently
long gone on some sabbatical or whatever. He doesn't
answer any least to the web address on
those "canned" welcome messages. ???

It would seem prudent for Paul to convene his jolly
troika and have this newsgroup nulled and voided for
a while. That's happened before when certain others
"took over" the place...just like it is now with
Stebie and the Anonymouses battling back and forth.


Penis envy or just penis inuendo and infatuation?

It's just ENVY on Robeson's part because he's never
been IN electronics engineering in any way (a short-
term job as a purchasing agent doesn't qualify for
electronics engineering). He never got into military
communications handling despite having that vaunted
amateur radio license before first joining. He never
got to be any kind of military pilot despite having
a private pilot's ticket before joining. [we still
don't know the When and Where of those claimed "seven
hostile actions"...]

No doubt that inadequacy is at the root of his hatred for you.

It seems to me that Stebie just CANNOT take any
negativisms on anything he says. That's been the
pattern for years. Oppose him enough and he grows
his hatred in his own little steaming pot and keeps
stirring it. That makes him worse. Tsk.

When Stebie just can't take it anymore, he gets out
the mirror and tells everyone else they are just like
that mirror image...which isn't true...but it's Stebie's
"argument device" and its all he's got. Tsk.

Stebie tries to "insult" me by calling the me of half
a century ago a "military radio mechanic." :-)

I can't find any evidence that the U.S. Army EVER
called radio communication operators and supervisors
as "mechanics." At one large Army depot involved
with electronics overhaul, the CIVILIAN technicians
are referred to as "mechanics" as a job title. That's
an exception as far as titles go. Most everyplace
else, a "mechanic" is someone who works on vehicles.

w3rv wanted to pull my chain some years back in a
long and unnecessary give-and-take about "engineer"
as a title. Kellie insisted one HAD to attend a
college or university and "earn" that degree in only
four years. With Stebie it got worse with him
equating college-accredited night classes as some
kind of "night school" on the level of teaching
citizenship to immigrants wanting to become
citizens. :-)

Stebie is all about CREDENTIALISM, of having all
those pretty (suitable for framing) certificates
on the wall to "show how smart he is" and etc.
Somehow he got the idea that being a purchasing
agent at a mid-size electronics company was
"equivalent to working in electronics engineering."
Tsk...I've been 45 years IN electronics design
engineering just in southern California, by job,
title, responsibility, and (eventually) by

Stebie is now working a schtick that "I don't
know anything about raising children" (which is
untrue, by example)" again. Tsk, tsk. Stebie
should talk...after fathering at least one
poor deformed child who eventually died. Of
course NONE of that is Stebie's fault. By just
SAYING so, he is an expert, knowledgeable about
everything in pediatrics (his LPN credential is
about that?). :-)

Welp, The Amateur Formerly Known As Reverend Jim doesn't seem to mind.

Jimmie has been FORCED into a back seat position
on the basis of Stebie's avalanche of postings
plus all those Anyonmouses, all shouting hatred
and e-ganging up like vultures on a few in here.

Jimmie (Who?) is starting to emerge about now,
possibly taking some testosterone supplements
so he can show others what a "man" he is in here.

I just learned from him that unless an opinion is fully documented

facts, that it is a lie.

Irrelevant. Stebie determines what is a "lie" and
what is "truth." :-)

If someone else has an opinion contrary to his, it
is (according to Stebie) a "LIE!" complete with an
exclamation mark. :-)

Stebie just CANNOT accept that anyone is contrary
to his glorious being/mind/ego. Can't be! Ergo,
it is a "LIE!" Eventually, EVERYTHING in this
newsgroup has to become Capt. Stebie's own
"battleground" where he can hold forth like some
self-styled feudal warlord. :-)

Robeson, but a problem to others since they don't care
that much about Robeson's "outrage." That "outrage" is
NOT a part of amateur radio policy and, as a result,
has helped (greatly) to turn this newsgroup into a petty
internecine personalily warfare blog.

Only Robeson maters.

Agreed...he can be a "mother" all right. :-)

retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

Oooh! You gonna get Steve all worked up over that last comment.

TS. :-)

Tsk. I EARNED that IEEE membership the hard way...I
worked for it. Now, as a Life Member, I don't have to
pay dues and remain a full member in a professional
worldwide organization. Joined in '73 and had to have
three members' affidavits to accompany that
application. About the same time Stebie joined the
murines and had to have three DIs shout in his face.
Now he's getting even for all that abuse he took
back then. :-)

Stebie has LIED about my "lackluster career" and "doing
nothing" etc., but the poor guy has NEVER had anything
remotely as good, nor with the income. Tsk. There
was, in his case, not a "lack" but a VOID of "luster"
and one can't polish up something that isn't there.
[Stebie tries very had, but everyone can see he isn't
doing anything but jabbering generalities in his
bragging :-) ]

Sooner is later there MIGHT be a recursive move to
talk about "policy" concerning amateur radio in here.
I will remain optimistic. :-)

  #47   Report Post  
Old April 12th 05, 07:41 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "bb" on Mon,Apr 11 2005 3:44 pm

From: "bb" on Wed, Apr 6 2005 8:38 pm

K4YZ wrote:

The original intent of this newsgroup was to discuss
amateur radio policy.

Whoooooooa! There's a major rhetoric change on the part of
Lennie the Lame!

How much more uninformed could a "person" be? Len has been saying
this for years.

Quite true. However, Robeson is in the constant
aggravated antagonistic mode and therefore makes
up lies about what other people have written.

The idiot actually claimed that I was the antagonist for NOT giving
Mike grief over his postponing the balloon shot.

Stebie just can't take ANY negative response to his
shouts and hollerings... :-)

to revlieve the crowding there. According to Paul's
often-stated welcome message text, it is concerned with
all topics of amateur radio POLICY.

Unfortunately, that's not the de facto situation with
message topics...which have ranged widely from the
(usual) bragging and self-glorification of individuals
to U.S. national politics and political figures to
choo-choo trains and other items in-between.

Where's Paul when you need him? He and his group did some fine rescue
work getting the K0AIR call out of the hands of micreants like K4CAP.

Paul Schleck (the extra who "signs" those welcome
e-mails to new names in the newsgroup) is apparently
long gone on some sabbatical or whatever. He doesn't
answer any least to the web address on
those "canned" welcome messages. ???

It would seem prudent for Paul to convene his jolly
troika and have this newsgroup nulled and voided for
a while. That's happened before when certain others
"took over" the place...just like it is now with
Stebie and the Anonymouses battling back and forth.


Penis envy or just penis inuendo and infatuation?

It's just ENVY on Robeson's part because he's never
been IN electronics engineering in any way (a short-
term job as a purchasing agent doesn't qualify for
electronics engineering). He never got into military
communications handling despite having that vaunted
amateur radio license before first joining. He never
got to be any kind of military pilot despite having
a private pilot's ticket before joining. [we still
don't know the When and Where of those claimed "seven
hostile actions"...]

No doubt that inadequacy is at the root of his hatred for you.

It seems to me that Stebie just CANNOT take any
negativisms on anything he says. That's been the
pattern for years. Oppose him enough and he grows
his hatred in his own little steaming pot and keeps
stirring it. That makes him worse. Tsk.

When Stebie just can't take it anymore, he gets out
the mirror and tells everyone else they are just like
that mirror image...which isn't true...but it's Stebie's
"argument device" and its all he's got. Tsk.

Stebie tries to "insult" me by calling the me of half
a century ago a "military radio mechanic." :-)

I can't find any evidence that the U.S. Army EVER
called radio communication operators and supervisors
as "mechanics." At one large Army depot involved
with electronics overhaul, the CIVILIAN technicians
are referred to as "mechanics" as a job title. That's
an exception as far as titles go. Most everyplace
else, a "mechanic" is someone who works on vehicles.

w3rv wanted to pull my chain some years back in a
long and unnecessary give-and-take about "engineer"
as a title. Kellie insisted one HAD to attend a
college or university and "earn" that degree in only
four years. With Stebie it got worse with him
equating college-accredited night classes as some
kind of "night school" on the level of teaching
citizenship to immigrants wanting to become
citizens. :-)

Stebie is all about CREDENTIALISM, of having all
those pretty (suitable for framing) certificates
on the wall to "show how smart he is" and etc.
Somehow he got the idea that being a purchasing
agent at a mid-size electronics company was
"equivalent to working in electronics engineering."
Tsk...I've been 45 years IN electronics design
engineering just in southern California, by job,
title, responsibility, and (eventually) by

Stebie is now working a schtick that "I don't
know anything about raising children" (which is
untrue, by example)" again. Tsk, tsk. Stebie
should talk...after fathering at least one
poor deformed child who eventually died. Of
course NONE of that is Stebie's fault. By just
SAYING so, he is an expert, knowledgeable about
everything in pediatrics (his LPN credential is
about that?). :-)

Welp, The Amateur Formerly Known As Reverend Jim doesn't seem to mind.

Jimmie has been FORCED into a back seat position
on the basis of Stebie's avalanche of postings
plus all those Anyonmouses, all shouting hatred
and e-ganging up like vultures on a few in here.

Jimmie (Who?) is starting to emerge about now,
possibly taking some testosterone supplements
so he can show others what a "man" he is in here.

I just learned from him that unless an opinion is fully documented

facts, that it is a lie.

Irrelevant. Stebie determines what is a "lie" and
what is "truth." :-)

If someone else has an opinion contrary to his, it
is (according to Stebie) a "LIE!" complete with an
exclamation mark. :-)

Stebie just CANNOT accept that anyone is contrary
to his glorious being/mind/ego. Can't be! Ergo,
it is a "LIE!" Eventually, EVERYTHING in this
newsgroup has to become Capt. Stebie's own
"battleground" where he can hold forth like some
self-styled feudal warlord. :-)

Robeson, but a problem to others since they don't care
that much about Robeson's "outrage." That "outrage" is
NOT a part of amateur radio policy and, as a result,
has helped (greatly) to turn this newsgroup into a petty
internecine personalily warfare blog.

Only Robeson maters.

Agreed...he can be a "mother" all right. :-)

retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

Oooh! You gonna get Steve all worked up over that last comment.

TS. :-)

Tsk. I EARNED that IEEE membership the hard way...I
worked for it. Now, as a Life Member, I don't have to
pay dues and remain a full member in a professional
worldwide organization. Joined in '73 and had to have
three members' affidavits to accompany that
application. About the same time Stebie joined the
murines and had to have three DIs shout in his face.
Now he's getting even for all that abuse he took
back then. :-)

Stebie has LIED about my "lackluster career" and "doing
nothing" etc., but the poor guy has NEVER had anything
remotely as good, nor with the income. Tsk. There
was, in his case, not a "lack" but a VOID of "luster"
and one can't polish up something that isn't there.
[Stebie tries very had, but everyone can see he isn't
doing anything but jabbering generalities in his
bragging :-) ]

Sooner is later there MIGHT be a recursive move to
talk about "policy" concerning amateur radio in here.
I will remain optimistic. :-)

  #48   Report Post  
Old April 12th 05, 08:24 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "bb" on Mon,Apr 11 2005 8:09 pm

K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:

No doubt that inadequacy is at the root of his hatred for you.

You continue to insist that I ahte Lennie. I don't. I
understand him better than he accepts tht I do, and therefore make
sure that OTHERS understand him too.

Just like I do you, Brian.

You hate me too? OK, Mr Obvious.

:-) Stebie HATES everyone who stands up to him. :-)

Tsk. He probably calls Amelia "putz" as a term
of affection? :-)

Welp, The Amateur Formerly Known As Reverend Jim doesn't seem to


Wondering who THAT is becasue there's never been an Amateur
KNOWN as "Reverend Jim" That I am aware of, other than in Lennie's

You know, the guy that trims out "W5TIT" but leaves in "Putz."

:-) Poor Stebie...still can't see others making
fun of him. The same thing is true for Jimmie, but
then he might be taking those testosterone

Steve has single handedly given thes rra.misc idiots a home on
rrap. Thank you Steve.

They'll soon move on and you and Lennie will have it all back

yourselves...And it wasn't my doings, Brian...It was Toiddie's
cross-posted rantings, not me, that brought them here.

Please try to keep your "facts" (snickersnicker)straight.

Without you bringing him back for more with your incessant "demanding
of facts" etc, Todd would have dried up and blown away a long time


Quite true again. Stebie has to antagonizingly PRESS on
"everyone ELSE is always wrong" in the famous "big lie"
technique he learned from "Mein Kampf."

I started counting his new lies last week. He absolutely hates


I "absolutely hate" that you further humilate yourself counting
nothing, Brian. You have never substantiated the first alleged lie.

Sooooooo.....Zero is still zero....

Lie #12? a thousand more before it... :-)

retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

Oooh! You gonna get Steve all worked up over that last comment.

Why? He (Lennie) still has yet to provide us with so much as

professional paper with his name on it. So Lennie's claim to having
been a "professional engineer" is vaporware.

Steve, K4YZ

Is that more of your "facts," Steve? An electronic engineer must have
published papers. Hi! Be sure to tell that to Congress before they
let hundreds of thousands more of them immigrate to the USA.

Stebie KNOWS ALL ABOUT ENGINEERING, Brian. After all, he
did work as a purchasing agent for less than half a year.
"real close" to those who were actually doing engineering.

Poor Stebie hasn't bothered to check the references I posted
in here, hasn't even checked with the hams I've named in here,
hasn't done a literature search other than ham publications.
I could digitize some of those papers and send them out in
private mail attachments...but Stebie would REJECT that just
as he did with my commercial first 'phone license scan. :-)
That's a waste of time. Tsk...I put up some memorabilia on
communications and radio relay on another's website, put
the web address in here, and NO ONE bothered to look.
Dave said it was a waste of time and couldn't be bothered.

Just so's w3rv doesn't chime in with that false argument
again, I am NOT a state-registered Professional Engineer.
I AM an electronics design engineer who works for money
and that makes me a professional person. I am a Life Member
of the IEEE, a professional association. I don't HAVE to
get up and go to work every working day...that's called
"retirement." :-) [sometimes that really ****es off
those who still have a mortgage and loans to pay off, etc.,
but we are NOT all in the same working situation]

Stebie is really working overtime on manufacturing LIES
about me and you and Todd and anyone else who crosses
him in here. Not surprising to me.

Welp, we always did know that you don't know what you're talking

And them's the facts.

That's stating the obvious. :-)

  #50   Report Post  
Old April 13th 05, 01:27 AM
Posts: n/a

From: K4YZ on Apr 12, 6:04 am

From: "bb" on Mon,Apr 11 2005 8:09 pm
K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:

No doubt that inadequacy is at the root of his hatred for you.

You continue to insist that I ahte Lennie. I don't. I
understand him better than he accepts tht I do, and therefore

sure that OTHERS understand him too.

Just like I do you, Brian.

You hate me too? OK, Mr Obvious.

:-) Stebie HATES everyone who stands up to him. :-)

Snip of usual regurgitated LennieStuff to:

Poor baby...lil Stebie just CAN'T handle it...tsk, tsk.

Stebie is really working overtime on manufacturing LIES
about me and you and Todd and anyone else who crosses
him in here. Not surprising to me.

There's nothing "manufactured" about you, Lennie....Everything
that's been said here has been a direct result of information YOU

Tsk, tsk. You're going to say it is "all LIES" again,
aren't you? :-)

Is that all you "ahve?" :-)

Sorry if that's a problem, but you did provide it.

Provide WHAT? :-)

Poor couldn't STAND a short-form resume',
you thought it all some kind of "brag" exercise.
Tsk, it wasn't. It made you resentful and that
prompted your anger, hatred, and in-group attacks.

I've provided names and callsigns of those who know
me, but you have NOT contacted them. Instead, you
MANUFACTURE some person at NADC that claims to know
me...a decade after I'd been there and a PhD to boot
but NOBODY (but you) knows the name. :-)

I sent you a scan of my first 'phone license (the
very first one) and you would NOT look at it! :-)
Instead you manufactured a clear-libel "personal
page" on AOL damning me in no uncertain terms.
Fortunately for all concerned (except yourself), AOL
took it down as soon as they were informed. :-)

You do lie, both about Amateur Radio in general and many of us

are practitioners of that art. You've told us of things you'd do and
of things you've done, yet NO PROOF.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Here's the way things go down in
the rational world:

"Proof" is provided in the form of unalterable
third-party sources...things like employers, friends
(preferrably those that aren't within easy driving
distance to avoid collusion), publications, local
and national governmental records archives, some
place that is relatively easy to get at such as
Internet sites. [I've given you ALL those "links"
in here] The next step is for YOU to check out those
third-party references...or anyone else to do it, as
they want. That "proof" remains unalterable except
when a personal reference passes on (none of mine
have yet).

NO ONE MUST give YOU any "proof" of what they WILL
do. NO ONE can predict the future. :-)

In any event, you are NOT some kind of "judge" to
hand out any "ruling" on anyone, certainly not your
e-opponents. :-) You keep crowing that you ARE
one, but that is YOUR OWN LIE that you tell the
world. A LIE anywhichway it goes.

Now you MUST tell all about this former NADC
employee who claims to know me a decade after I
was there. You have NOT done so. You LIE.

You haven't told the Where or When of those famous
"seven hostile actions" you claim but won't reveal.
Tsk. You LIE and then give yourself a pat on the
back for imagining that to be "truth!" :-)

You have NOT acknowledged that the DoD directs and
supervises MARS, even when informed of the website
and full link details of the directive by DoD (as I
did in here).

In short, sweetums, like the infamous Colonel
Jessup of the film "A Few Good Men," you just can't
handle the truth! You LIE with impunity and then
accuse others of "lying" when they give details
and references. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

You taught Brian well...Just keep pouring the lies in to try and
further dilute the already muddled pool...Except that some of us can
stay ahead of your silliness and THAT is what YOU hate.

You poor psychoed-to-the-max thing. Brian is a
rational human being who can think for himself.
I didn't "teach" him anything in regards to being
rational. We've both observed you in detail and
came to the same're some kind of
sick psycho who CAN'T STAND being opposed in

Leonard H. Anderson is a known chronic liar.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not at all. You are SICK,
sweetums, and all you can do is make all those
personal attacks on everyone who disagrees with
you. You NEED some personal mental counseling
but you've obviously not gotten any. That's a
danger to yourself and your immediate family, not
to mention cutting down on all the hate and anger
your actions ignite in this newsgroup.

Try to keep focussed on the FACT that this
newsgroup is SUPPOSED to be about amateur radio
policy. It is NOT some kind of kiddie sandbox
that was created for Stebie to show his courage
in personal attacks on everyone who disagrees
with him.

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